#aint no fucking man safe from my beams
tilescel · 1 year
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i am so ill
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atombombbagel · 5 years
Sole goes AWOL and no one seems to know where they went. How would the companions (+ Maxson?) react to accidentally finding out that they have become the fierce Overboss of Nuka World? The angstier, the better!
(ANGST AHEAD) Hey. Thought I’d post because why not… Enjoy. Also I only did romanced companions because It’s been forever and I need some time to get back into things because I have the motivation of a dead fish :) 
(I’ll try and add the other companions later)  
Hours? Days? Months? Who knows. Nobody does apparently, they checked, double checked, triple checked. They had asked everybody who is anybody and nope, they hadn’t the foggiest idea, not the slightest clue. Sole was gone, and they couldn’t help but think the worst… 
 Cait: “I’m not using anymore ye asshole.” Cait snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. She’d been wandering about, walking off last nights hangover (the hangover she’d acquired by trying to drown out her negative thoughts about Sole’s whereabouts) when she’d been approached by an old friend. No. Not a friend, an old dealer she knew.
 "Well… you see, Cait, I told the boss I had the perfect person to do deals out here in the good old commonwealth and you wouldn’t want to let an old buddy down now would you?“ The man in worn slacks snickered. "I know you, Cait, you can’t refuse a good deal… a good high.” The raider twirled a psycho in his hand. 
 "Did ye even hear me? I said I aint usin’ and I definitely aint dealin’ for a waste a space like you. Now ye better piss off before I knock yer feckin’ teeth out.“ Cait seethed, the arrogance of her former dealer making her blood boil. 
 "Is this her?” A voice from the distance said. Cait’s eyes flicked to the person making their way out from behind a decrepit shack. She raised her eyebrows as she focused on the face in front of her. A face she knew all too well. 
 "Sole?“ She said in surprise, "What the hell are ye doin’ messing around with this eejit?” She raised her voice. Sole stepped forward, knocking the dealer in the chest with their fist. 
 "This is who you have for me? You numbskull, get out of my sight.“ Sole shoved the man aside. "Cait.” Sole turned to their former companion. “Long time no see.” They smiled at the red head. 
 “You. Yer the Overboss? Tha one terrorising the Commonwealth with yer gang of thugs?“ Cait pulled a psycho from her pocket. "Ye left me this. Do ye have any idea what ye could of undone?” Cait threw the drug to Sole’s feet. “I can’t believe ye’d do this. I thought… Nevermind what I thought.” Cait sighed. “Stay away from me." 
 "I got pulled into it. I didn’t know you were the person-”
 "Save yer bullshit for someone who cares. After what ye saw me going through? Ye’d what? Inflict that hell on someone else by selling the damn stuff? Yer an ass. I want nothing to do with ye.“
 "It’s only business, I never meant…” Sole tried to convince her but Cait had already turned away. The feeling in her heart worse than any withdrawal she’d ever felt.
Curie: Curie followed the beeping on her radio to the location she was pretty sure was being transmitted. The distress call. The person who needed medical assistance should be right here. But… they weren’t. 
“Fresh meat!" 
All of a sudden, Curie’s vision went black, she tried to scream but she couldn’t, her voice was trapped in the back of her throat. She was terrified. She passed out she was sure of it, only her vision came back to her as a burlap sack was lifted from her head. 
"Looky here Boss. It works.” A raider said (referring to the trap he had set up and planned despite everyone being sceptical about it). Curie’s eyes met her long lost Companions. Soles. She sighed with relief. 
“You’re alive!” She beamed, “I heard a distress call, coming right from here.” Curie explained. “I’ve been trying to help people all over in your absence until I found you of course. Where is the person who needs help?” Curie asked, observing the area carefully. She’d seen similar camps back in the Commonwealth but nothing of this capacity. There must have been hundreds of raiders. She grimaced at the sight of a pile of stacked dead bodies, naked, left there to rot, while a group of raiders rummaged through their clothes and belongings. It didn’t seem like Sole to like this sort of brutality, but maybe she didn’t know Sole as well as she thought she did.  
“There is no distress call.” Sole said plainly, crossing their arms over their chest. She nodded for one of the raiders to come over to them. “You don’t harm her. You and whats-his face,” Sole paused, “You know… Mason’s right hand. You both, take her home and make sure she gets there safe. Not a single hair on her head gets touched, understand?” Sole’s eyes pierced into the raiders. He was clearly scared of them. He nodded. 
“No distress call? But I heard-" 
"It was a trap Curie. You need to go home. It isn’t safe here. I care about you too much to let this corrupt you,” Sole interrupted. “I know you don’t understand but trust me. They need you back home, you need to forget about me." 
Danse: "BOSS!” A Disciple, that was clearly out of the breath from the vigorous running she’d been doing called to Sole. The Overboss of Nuka-World turned to the raider. “We have someone you’d definitely want to see. The bounty on this one’s head. We’ve caught the best of the best!” She was giddy, excited. Sole creased their eyebrows as they followed her. 
“Who is it?” Sole asked, observing the person in front of them, their eyes covered by an old rag. Sole didn’t see the point in covering their eyes if they were to die when handed to their pursuer anyway. 
“Its the Paladin. The one the Brotherhood have been looking for. The one that got away. We’ll be rich!” Sole’s mouth dropped into a frown. It couldn’t be him… could it? 
“Why did you bring him here?” The paladin’s ears perked up when he caught the sound of his capturers voice. That voice that he loved so much, that had pulled him back from the brink at the darkest of times. The voice of the person he never thought he’d see again. 
“Sole?” He said in to blind darkness. He couldn’t see anything, but he knew, he knew deep down it was them. Where they finally back to hand him over to Maxson? Finally seeing him as what he truly was. 
“Remove the blindfold you fool.” Sole said, their eyes meeting Danse’s when the cloth was finally removed. 
“I thought you were dead.” He said after a brief moment of silence. He took a minute to look around at his surroundings. Of all places, he never expected Sole to be here, in this mess. “What are you doing? You’re smarter than this.
"Watch your mouth,” A raider snarled, holding a knife to Danse’s neck. 
“Let him go.” Sole demanded, their eyes still fixed on Danse’s. “I had to get away from the Brotherhood, I found myself here. Its the same, only here I can make my own rules." 
"These people are murderers Sole.” Danse met the other raiders eyes, he watched their scowling faces. They were ready to pounce but they couldn’t, Sole would never let them. 
“So are the Brotherhood.”
“It’s different. They are doing the best for humanity, you’re killing mankind for financial gain. It’s despicable.” Sole smiled briefly. He always was honest. The most honest man they’d ever met. 
“We won’t be turning him in, or killing him.” Sole announced. “Danse, find Preston. He’s in Sanctuary, he’ll let you stay there, for as long as you want." 
"Come with me?” Danse asked, “You don'y belond here.” He wanted Sole to jump into his arms, wrap their arms around his neck and say yes but they stood there expressionless. 
“I can’t. I’m sorry. Find Preston, he’ll help.” Sole swallowed the lump in their throat as they turned. They couldn’t face him as they left, it was too painful. 
Hancock: The red coat wearing devil took a small step backwards, making sure that there was distance between him and the raider, who stood a few meters in front of him. 
“You stick those nails in your armour to make you appear tuff huh big guy?” Hancock mocked, a smirk etched across his disfigured face. 
“You’d better pay up Mister Mayor, or we’ll have to call the boss down here and well, they don’t appreciate it when someone don’t pay for the goods. You understand me?” A raider with bright green hair, stood next to her nail-armour friend. She snarled, making sure the light from the sun reflected on her recently sharpened blade. “Or perhaps we’ll get the pack on you.” She laughed before howling, causing the raider next to her to follow suit. Hancock raised a hairless brow. 
“Aw come on now, we can handle this like men… or women… wait…” Nevertheless, Hancock stepped forward, his concealed knife dug deep into the green-haired woman’s gut. He pulled his knife out and thrust it back in, making sure to twist it. The woman groaned in pain. “Don’t even think about it,” Hancock hissed to the other one, making his threat quite clear to him.
“I think that is quite enough.” Hancock was approached by another raider in Brahmin road leathers, only it wasn’t a raider. It was Sole. The same Sole that had been missing for months, the same one he’d sent search parties out for, the same Sole he thought was dead. 
“Well well… aint this a surprise.” Hancock cleaned his knife using a handkerchief he kept in the inside pocked of his red jacket. “Hanging with the big boys now huh? Or are you the big old bad boss of Nuka World?” He spat. “I didn’t think you were the muderin’ type.”
“I am the boss here Hancock and there is no murdering, but if I get double crossed well that is different.” Sole’s statement made him chuckle with disgust. 
“You.” Hancock pointed his knife at Sole, “Are not who I thought you were.” He put his hand inside his pocket again, this time pulling out a bag of caps. “Here’s your fucking money.” He threw it to the ground, right at Sole’s feet. “Now we are square." 
"It doesn’t have to be like this. You could join us, join me." 
"You really think I want to become a petty murdering thug? You think I was to kill innocent people after stealing their shit? All that they have so you can what? Sit on your throne and boss ME around?” He chuckled. “I’ve got a town to run and you aint fucking welcome.” He shook his head. “I really thought you were different Sunshine.”
MacCready: “There must be some here somewhere.” MacCready muttered to himself as he rummaged around in various chests and bags of an old locker room he’d stumbled across. It was only till he heard a click of a gun he stood still. 
 "What do you think you’re doing in this part of town?“ A rough voice said, making MacCready turn around to face him. His eyes studied the man in front of him. Tall, lanky, not very built, hair was slicked back and around his waste was a belt made of… was that bullets? He looked back up, catching the man’s steady gaze. 
 "The boss aint gonna like this, but if you empty your pockets, they don’t have to know you was trespassing on their property.” The man flashed his teeth with a menacing smile. 
 "I don’t think so.“ MacCready replied standing his ground, ready to aim his rifle. He knew he’d be quicker, but the image of his infant son flashed in his mind. Duncan. He couldn’t do anything rash. "Take me to your boss.” He decided, gripping the leather strap across his shoulder. The raider shrugged before motioning MacCready to follow him.
 The room was dark-ish, lit up by a single lamp, shaped like a cola bottle. Only it had a face, which MacCready thought was weird and a little creepy. 
 "This is the guy that was snooping around in the locker room boss. A thief if you ask me. We should throw him to the dogs.“ He snickered, shoving MacCready forward. It was only then did MacCready catch a glimpse of the person sitting in the chair besides the cola shaped lamp. A smile stretched across their lips.
 "If it isn’t the greatest sniper in all the Commonwealth.” MacCready recognised their voice instantly. 
 "Sole?“ He questioned, making out their features dimly lit by the shit lamp. "So this is what you’ve decided to do while you’ve been gone?” MacCready looked around, heads on spikes jutted out of the ground like some barbaric warning. Junk littered the ground, and in the distance he could discern two of Sole’s raiders roughing each other up. “I’m not one to judge, I’ve made numerous questionable choices too. To each his own.” He shrugged, clutching the leather strap holding his prized sniper, closer to his chest. He knew Sole, he knew they would never hurt him, yet he couldn’t help but feel unsettled by what they had become. He chuckled. “I ran with the gunners, they aint much different. Just be careful." 
 "Thanks Mac.” Sole said with a brief smile. “You don’t want to stay for a while?” They asked, cocking their head to the side. MacCready shook his head, rather quickly. 
 "I should get back to my son. Stay safe out here Sole.“ And with that MacCready left, not wanting to be around Sole when they lead a bloodthirsty pack of savage raiders. It wasn’t safe for him or his son. 
Piper: The story was going to be so good! She was finally hot on the trail of this mysterious boss, the one who was ordering the takeover of the Commonwealth. Once this was all around Diamond City she’d be sold out of newspapers for sure. She’d finally be able to buy her sister that premium box of snack cakes, the ones only Deacon could get on his way back from Washington. A hefty price but her sister deserved it. 
Piper hid against the side of a dilapidated building, crouching down as she tried to keep to the shadows. He held her pen tightly in her grip. 
"Where’s the money you stole from me?” A voice snarled, the person behind it kicking a man in the stomach, before holding their gun up and cocking back the trigger. “I won’t hesitate, you know that, don’t you? And after you’re dead we know where your family lives.” The voice threatened. The man stumbled over his own words. 
“Please don’t hurt them! I swear I don’t know where the money is! I didn’t take it!" 
"Wrong answer.” The loud echo of the gunshot rang through Pipers ears, causing her to gasp without her even knowing it came from her mouth. The person she’d been spying on, the ‘Boss’, saw her. She gulped trying to hurry to her feet but she was grabbed by the bosses minions. They made their way over to where Piper was standing, stopping when they saw the familiar cap and coat of their old reporter friend. 
“What are you doing here?” The Boss asked, their voice softer than it had been when shouting at the now dead s.o.b. 
“Blue? Is that you?” Piper couldn’t believe her eyes. It couldn’t be them. She’d been assured that they were dead. She’d been told they’d been a victim of the Boss. The other reason she was chasing the story. “I thought you were dead.” She choked out, nearly sobbing at this point. Sole shook their head. Piper snapped back to her senses. “Please tell me you’re not the Overboss. Please tell me what I saw wasn’t what I saw.” Sole’s eyes met the ground. “What did you get yourself into?" 
"Its me, I’m the Overboss and what you saw… You can’t tell anyone about it. Do you understand me, Piper?” Sole noticed the notepad in Piper’s hand. “Give it to me.” Piper shook her head. 
“You don’t scare me, Blue." 
"No? I know where Nat is. I know what she looks like. She’s make a great protege. Or maybe I’ll just kill her.” Sole shrugged. “Your choice.” Piper’s face scrunched up in disgust. 
“You wouldn’t. She’s a kid." 
"Do you really want to find out?” Sole threatened and Piper looked down at the ground. She tossed her notepad to the ground. 
“I can’t believe I ever trusted you. You’re a monster." 
"No. I’m just the Overboss. And you better remember that." 
Preston: Preston had been guarding the parameter to Sanctuary when he was grabbed, by heavily armed and armoured Raiders. He fought so hard to get them off but he couldn’t call for help. When he had managed to bite one of the raiders hands he had been knocked out with the butt of their pipe rifle. 
Preston slowly opened his eyes, blinking as he let his eyes adjust to the light shining in them. He tried to lift his arm only to find that he had been tied to a chair by tightly wrapped leather belts. He groaned as the pain in his head finally hit him. Where was he?
"This is the guy we got. The one who’s in charge of that big place we were telling you about.” A smug raider, clearly proud of himself, said with a beaming smile, nudging their bosses arm. He winced as he was slapped across the face. 
“Are you stupid?” Preston’s head snapped up as he heard that all familiar voice. He could not believe his eyes. What was Sole doing here? What was Sole doing surrounded by a bunch of disgusting vile people. “I said stay away from Sanctuary hills you idiot. Untie him. NOW.” Sole snapped, making the guy scurry forwards and quickly untie Preston’s bonds. “I’m so sorry about this.” Sole apologised as Preston stood up.
“How could you side with them?” Preston spat. Sole noticed the look of revulsion on his face. “You know what they are like. You know what they do to people and you’re here siding with them? After all we have built you’d throw it all away to be their ruler?” He looked down, shaking his head. 
“Preston. I told them to stay away from the Minutemen. I would never hurt our people.”
“MY people. You turned your back on us the minute you joined forces with these… things.” He sighed, “I’ll never forgive you for this." 
"Preston…” He pushed past Sole, tugging his arm away when Sole tried to reach for him. “Preston!” Sole called after him, but he was gone and he wouldn’t be turning back.
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acrobaticcatfeline · 4 years
Of Books, Brothers, and Broadway (Creativitwins College AU) Chapter One!!!
Word Count: 1771
TW: So Remus, obviously, swearing, ocean mentions, sea creatures and reptiles, and I think that’s it!
Pairings: None yet. This chapter is just a ton of platonic creativitwins!
Notes: This is three pages that I wrote last night. I’m now at ten pages of this. I don’t know what I was possessed by but I’m not about to complain. Its a college AU, I mention it I think, but Roman is a theatre major and Remus is a marine biology major with a minor in creative writing. I’m excited for you guys to see more of this!
Summary: “Bro!!! Bro I found a giant ass lizard in the yard look at it bro!!!” Roman and Remus Reyes live together. They figured it would be cost effective to do so while in college. Roman deals with Remus’ reptiles and fish tank, Remus deals with Romans singing at 3 in the morning. They’ve had an interesting relationship, and when Remus reminds Roman of a deal they made years ago, hes ready to start crying. Can a couple of kids from Florida make a Broadway musical?
“Bro!!! Bro I found a giant ass lizard in the yard look at it bro!!!”
Roman was done with his brothers bullshit. He doesn't know where he got the bright idea that the two of them should cohabitate in an apartment during college, but as he panickedly climbs onto the kitchen counters to escape him he knows he must've been on some sort of drug. He released a scream as he backed into the corner of the room as his brother held out a lizard that was definitely going to jump and attack him.
“This little guy malicious? Nah bro, that's a you problem. He's so cuteeee look at his scales they’re almost a holographic!”
That caught Roman's attention. He stopped panicking to actually look at the critter in his brother's hands. Remus was right, he was almost holographic. Roman gave it a weak smile and Remus beamed.
“See? It's not that scary! I'm gonna keep him! He's gonna be named fred!”
Roman chuckled softly as his brother finally left and brought the lizard to his room. He slipped off the counter and followed at a safe distance.
“Don't you think you have enough reptiles? If you keep getting more you'll need more heat lamps and i'm giving you more of the electric bill”
“Ok fair point but hear me out, have you ever seen a collared lizard quite as colorful as this one? I mean he's such a pretty one aint he?”
Roman took more steps forward, relaxing once the lizard was placed in the terrarium. The lizard was quite colorful, and Roman couldn't deny, it was one of the prettiest ones Remus had captured. It immediately scurried around and dived into the water bowl. Roman laughed at it.
“Besides, he was just begging to be brought in! Like really this time! He kept bumping into my feet, he started climbing my pants leg, it was so cute you should've seen it!”
“I'm sure I would have cried.”
Remus chuckled as he moved to the other wall of his room covered in a giant aquarium that Roman was still amazed fit through the doors. Remus grinned at all the fish swimming around, tipping a good portion of fish food into the tank after turning off the filter. He then made his way to his bed and sat on the twin sized mattress covered with octopus blankets. He grinned at his brother and Roman rolled his eyes.
“When are you finally kidnapping an octopus huh?”
“I'm glad you asked! You know my internship right?”
“Of course, the only time you don't talk about the marine institute is when youre talking about your reptiles”
Remus popped up and grabbed Roman's wrist and dragged him to the whiteboard calendar that hung on the outside of his door, pointing excitedly at tomorrow's date while bouncing on his toes.
“Well they just got an octopus buddy in that needs constant care that they don't have the time for! She's real fucked up, she needs meds twice a day, she needs to be hand fed, its a real fucked up case, they were rescued from a seaworld copycat, the poor thing hasn't been healthy since it hatched we think. There's a chance that she won't even be able to be released cuz she's been so dependent on humans for her whole life. But they opened up for applicants, and I was the only one willing to take her in. they're coming and checking my tank tomorrow and if it is good enough, which i'm certain it will be, and then they'll hand her over and i’ll be her caretaker!”
Roman grinned at the excitement his brother had. He ruffled his hair quickly.
“That's cool rem. I'm happy for you. She got a name?”
“Mhmm! Her name is Cephanie! But I've been calling her Cephy. She's so pretty ro, i can't wait for you to meet her! And she's so friendly!”
“You know every day I get less confused at your choice in major. And more confused about your minor”
Remus grinned at Roman and released his wrist, skipping over to their kitchen, relishing in the fact that Roman followed still. He poured himself a cup of coffee and jumped onto the counter with a grin still plastered to his face. He took a sip from his mug, the one with a tentacle handle, and kicked his feet.
“I don't know why! It's totally sensical to have a minor in creative writing ro! It's not like you can expect me to be your playwright if i don't know what i'm doing! Besides, i can write epic lovecraftian horrors that aren't incredibly racist and who doesn't want that?”
Roman blinked. He had to process what Remus had said and he was still confused. His head tilted like a dogs.
“My playwright?”
Remus giggled, it was funny when Remus giggled, it wasn't a sound that you would expect to come out of him. And yet he did it often.
“Did you forget? Aw ro, you can't back out on it now, you asked me when we were still in middle school to write you a book for a musical, and you were gonna write the music and you kept saying you were gonna get it on broadway. I've held up my end of the deal! In fact, I actually have a story started, I think you're gonna love it! Course, i haven't written it all out yet, it's gonna be my final”
“Wait, you remembered that? Rem we were like 10!”
“And now we’re 21, what's your point?”
“We, we can't get on broadway! We’re a couple of idiots from florida! I’m, i'm not a musician, I'm barely even a dancer, what are you talking about? That was a fever dream from a couple of kids, it's not like we can actually do it!”
Remus frowned. He set his mug of coffee down and hopped off of the counter. He crossed his arms over his chest and gave Roman a serious look.
“Do you know when lin manuel miranda wrote his first broadway musical?”
“No i-”
“His sophomore year of college. Who says we can't do the same? Roman you under sell your talents. You're a theatre major, you may not be amazing at any instruments other than your voice but damn bro, your voice is good enough on its own. I've seen you dance, you're one of the best dancers i've ever seen and you're in your fourth year of college. We have potential. I know we can do this if we try, but i can't make it happen alone. I need your help”
Roman looked lost. He wanted, oh so desperately he wanted, to make it happen. It had always been a dream of his to make it to broadway, but he wasn't wrong, they weren't lin manuel miranda, they were some twins from florida, they had no idea what they were doing. And yet. And yet he held out his hand to his brother.
“Ok. ok, we can try this. I can, I can make a score. We can do this”
Remus grinned again and took Roman's hand. He tugged him into the living room. He sat on the couch, pulling out his notebook and flipping to a bookmarked page. Roman sat next to him and looked over at it. There were a few doodles around a plotline that was both gorey and Romantic a la sweeney todd but also quite similar to ella enchanted. Remus grinned at the book and then started explaining.
“Ok so the main character, played by you presumably, is an author”
“Did you just write out your personal fantasy Remus?”
“No, shut up! Ok so he's written several books, like neil gaiman or terry pratchet level several, but those aren't all the stories he's made, he has several stories that have never seen the light of day. He writes his stories in notebooks and journals ordinarily, waiting until they’re fully developed to make them digital. In one of these notebooks there lies a bit of magic. So he writes in this unknowingly, writes of a powerful magician, and as he sleeps it awakes. The magician escapes and brings each of his hundreds of creations to life just the same as him. The characters run amok and the author awakes to see the most beautiful man he's ever met at the foot of his bed. It takes him seeing the magician running through his home to realize that these are his characters. And the man is the protagonist from his most famous novel, one he wrote as a guilty pleasure, writing of a man he had met in his dreams. And he finds that these characters were pulled from different points in their books. The character had been pulled from the early pages, after he had suffered a major trauma and had no clue of the powers he possessed. So now, with his dream man in his living room, in pain from an event he had written, and gifted with emotionally driven powers, he has to fix this mess with the added hurdle of the character creating villains and fiends ready to destroy humanity as a whole with no way to stop. Along the way, some of his characters suffer mortal wounds at the hands of heinous and violent creatures, and all the author has is one magic notebook to fight them off. Romantic plot between the author and dream MC, with angst from the reality of once everything is dealt with, he will have to go back to the book. Thats what ive got so far, what do you think?”
Roman is starry eyed. It's far less violent than Remus’ normal brand of writing, it doesn't inherently include any sea monsters or snake men, and it's something Roman can really appreciate. He loves it, he can already feel the gears turning for songs and dances. Now that he heard the actual story instead of just going on the drawings, he saw far more nutcracker vibes from it. 
“Oh, and there's a happy ending or whatever that the author gets to like, marry the other MC, and everyone lives happily ever after. I know you like the cutesy shit”
“Remus this is amazing! I can't believe I hesitated, I already have some ideas for the score! Remus you're a genius. I love you!”
Roman launched into a hug with Remus, which had the other laughing. Remus hugged him back.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
It was Roman's turn to turn into a giggling mess.
Taglist: @fivebyfive-finebyfive @tacohippy56900 @analogical-mess @crookedlyoptimisticdestiny @angels-and-dreams @fandomloverangel
Let me know if you want to be tagged in my writing!!!
Thank you for reading I will see you later ladies lords and nonbinary royalty!!!
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summerrrluvvv · 3 years
Chapter 11:
The next day : Day 13 in Miami
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 I woke up with huge hang over which is normal since this has been how I felt every other couple of days. The sun was beaming bright as hell. I could hear snoring, I turned over to see Julian, and instantly last night hit me. We had sex, I slowly got up and seen it was condom wrappers on the floor “Thank God” I mouthed to myself, but damn how many rounds did we go, then I see his mini trashcan full of used condoms and made a face, nasty ass nigga. I quickly grabbed my stuff and left his room. I see it was some niggas sleeping on the couch and trash everywhere it was nasty as hell in here. I hoped nobody would think I was a prostitute in this one piece with my ass out. I was happy they had a bench on the porch, I sat down and grabbed my phone out my purse and called Melody. The phone kept dialing until it went to voice mail. “Damn it! Mel”. She was the only one with a car last night. I sighed and swallowed my pride and called Samar. “Hello?” He answered. “Samar can you come get me?” I asked. He sighed “Where you at?” He asked. “I’m going to send my location” I said. We hung up and I sent him my location. I guess he wasn’t that far because it only took him 20 minutes. I felt like I was doing the walk of shame on my way to his car. I got in the passenger seat and he suck his teeth at me. “What?” I asked annoyed. I didn’t want to hear his mouth. “Nothing” He peeled out of Julian’s driveway and we rode in silence for the first 10minutes. “You fucked that nigga yo?” He finally said breaking the silence. I sighed. “Why does it matter to you Samar you got a whole bitch” I said. “Because you don’t ever learn shit like that makes you look like a hoe, you think you proving something to me that just makes me want you less” He snapped. I almost killed us both, I wanted to grab the wheel I was so mad. “Well, I don’t want you Samar or give a fuck about your opinion you fucking want to live in L.A with a bitch who still fucks industry niggas and got pregnant with another man’s baby while she was with you, and that make you want her more, ha ha okay sir! Good luck to you and your thot ass wife and your kids that aren’t really going to be yours living your best life because you think you can’t get promo on your own, and Ima be happy with my very rich man who loves all of me and doesn’t play games with me! Why would you even settle for her and not me?!” I yelled trying not to cry. He pulled into my driveway and turned off the car. “Shut the fuck up Tye the only reason I’m with Diamond is because she is safe, I’m safe with her I know how we roll I know how it’s supposed to go, I know she will fuck up and I know the pain and I can deal with her leaving my life but you it would kill me, Tye if we were to be together how do I know you won’t hurt me, or I won’t hurt you and you won’t leave me?” He said looking at me sadly. Is he for real? I thought. “Samar, you don’t even want to try to be with me over thinking you would hurt me? And I would hurt you? So, you already believe we wouldn’t work? So you rather us be friends who have feelings for each other where you constantly dictate my life like your my man, Samar regardless it seems to me I would leave your life because this friendship can’t work anymore it’s too much going on and I’m at the point where I rather risk losing you as a friend than being stuck in a toxic never going to happen love cycle, so after Lit and Wild we just need to go our separate ways” I said. He looked at me sadly laughing “Tye you don’t mean that” I just ignored him and got out the car, he grabbed my arm “Tye you serious you going to let Diamond come between us?” He asked. I snatched my hand back. “Nah Samar you did that. You knew how I felt and stepped on my feelings as if it didn’t matter and showed me how much I meant to you” I said before slamming the door. “Tye!” He yelled as I walked off to go in the house with tears running down my face. I had to do what was best for me, I been in love with this man for years and finally when I get the opportunity he spits in my face. I noticed that the other jeep still wasn’t at the house, which means once again I have time to be by myself.
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 I was pissed driving home. I couldn’t believe Tye really wanted me out of her life like that! What the fuck, she going to go fuck this nigga probably have this nigga in her ear and shit man! I pulled into my Airbnb and sat in the car for a minute. But could I blame her, choosing Diamond over Tye was the most fucked up decision I probably made, but hopefully Diamond changed man, hopefully she wouldn’t make a fool out of me. I turned off my car and went into the house. I heard Diamond giggling. I closed the door quietly. She was in the guest bedroom, which was weird because out of the rooms she was sleeping in of course the bed with me. “Oh really, and what if he was there watching?” I heard her say seductively. “What are you doing?” I asked. She jumped. “Girl Ima call you right back” She quickly said. “What if who was watching?” I asked. She came over to me being flirtatious “You know how I told you I got to a surprise for you, so I was thinking about a threesome, me you and my friend Kimberly” She said nervously. “Kimberly sounded kind of like a nigga on the phone she a stud or something?” I asked. She laughed and shook her head “Baby now you are hearing things, I feel like we still have trust issues Sami. I told you I have changed” She said kissing me all over my face and unbuckling my pants. I moved her off me. “Move man, you in this room talking all low and shit, this the same sneaky shit you used to do Diamond. If I found out, you are cheating on me. I’m bust your shit” I said to her. She rolled her eyes. “Nigga I wish you would, and I’m not doing anything now can I have the keys please” She said holding her hand out. I looked at her crazy. “Why?” I asked. She sucked her teeth at me. “To go shopping remember I need a fit for lit and wild duh Samar” She snapped. I looked at her outfit she had on. “You are going shopping in the little ass dress?” I asked. She nodded. I threw her the keys. I grabbed her back and grabbed her face and started kissing her, I slapped her ass. “Hurry back” I said, she smirked. As She was heading out the door, I heard a familiar voice. It was Malachi “What up Di” He said to her. She smiled at him as she left. Shit like that I didn’t like. “What’s up?” He said dapping me up. He had a black eye, and his cheek was swollen. “Man, what happened to you?” I asked. He laughed. “Some cat tried to rob me man” He said.  He nodded. “Yeah, but we got my homies looking for him” He said. “I actually came over here to ask about Melody” He asked. “What about her?” I spoke. “I want to know how to win her over” He asked. “Ummm man just let shorty go. She been in love with my homie Isaac since they were young ins and I think they broke up at one point but now they seemed to be back on or idk he been hitting me up on how to get her back and stuff and so I think you just need to forget her” I told him. He smirked at me. “I like a challenge though” He said. I just looked at Malachi crazy cause word on the street was homie was obsessive and into some shit, but he knew everybody. He was cool as fuck no lie but mysterious as hell. “I mean best of luck homie” I told him. We talked about some other gigs he had for me and then he left, a couple hours had gone by and Diamond still wasn’t back. I was trying to call Tye, but she had me blocked. I started drinking some Henny and rolling me a blunt cause what the fuck man. I had Bryson Tiller blasting throughout the house. Another couple of hours went by and Diamond finally came into the house. She jumped by me being by the door when she came in. “It took you 6 hours to go shopping Diamond?” I asked. She nodded. “Yes, I needed a bomb ass fit” She stressed. I took another shot. I analyzed her for a minute. “Come here” I said pulling her close to me kissing her. I smelt cologne on her. I was testing her, if she gave in okay, we would fuck but if she didn’t, she had fucked another nigga. “Samar wait, let me take a shower. I been out all day” She moaned as I was kissing on her I could literally smell another nigga on her. I backed up off her. “Whatever” I said. I grabbed my keys and she snatched them back, “Your drunk” She said. Bryson Tiller “No Longer Friends” was playing “Oh you care?” I asked. “Samar where are you even trying to go?” She asked. “To see Tye” I said. She nodded. “Yeah Of course” She put her hand on her hip. “I see the way you look at her Samar, things have changed, haven’t they? You guys fucked or something? You have feelings for her?” She asked. “Man, Tye like my sister” I lied. “Yeah, but yall aint blood” She said rolling her eyes. “So, you guys never crossed that line?” She asks looking at me. “If we did so what” I said trying to snatch my keys. She still wasn’t giving me the keys. “So yall fucked?” She asked mad. I grabbed my bottle and went upstairs “Samar!” She yelled. I ignored her and went into my room and slammed the door. I played Music Soulchild “Half-crazy”. “Never thought that we would ever be more than friends, Now I'm all confused cuz for you, I have deeper feelings, we both thought it was cool to cross the line, And I was convinced it would be alright. Now things are strange, nothings the same, and really I just want my friend back”.
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 I woke up with a huge head ace. “Uhhh” I moaned. I slowly got up and looked around. I realised the room. I seen Kyrel sit up from the floor. “What am I doing here?” I asked confused. “You don’t remember?” He asked. I shook my head. “I just remember being at the foam party dancing on stage and that’s it. Did I get too fucked up? Why am I here?” I asked again. He sighed. “Man you know that nigga B Hunnid?” He said. I slowly nodded cause I only knew one song. “You don’t remember being in his section?” He asked. I shook my head. “What happened?” I asked still confused. “I fucked him or something, I did something crazy?” I asked. He shook his head. “Nah he drugged you, him and his homies notorious for gang raping girls, he had you on his groupie bus was touching on you and I don’t know what else” He said. I started to panic, I started crying. “They raped me?!” I asked. He shook his head. “I see you with them and I followed the bus and got you off before they could” He said looking at me. I quickly hugged him because I never been in this situation and even though we weren’t speaking he saved me. I started crying harder when he hugged me tighter. “Thank you” I said. He rubbed my back. “I kill a nigga behind you Zion” He said. I then kissed him and hugged him again. “Thank you soo much”. He just let me cry. “You want me to take you home?” I shook my head and wiped my face. “No im a little scared I want to stay here just for one more night” I said. He nodded. “Aight, You go clean up and I’m going to get you some food but we taking you to get checked out first aight?” He spoke. I nodded. “Where is my phone?” I asked. He went over to his book bag and handed me my phone. It was some messages from Tye and Mel but none from Ariana. “You going to let your girls know what’s up?” He asked. I shook my head. No I will see them tomorrow. I’m still shaking up. We got up and he let me wear his sweats to go get checked out. We waited in the waiting room for a minute, and then we were able to go to the back. The doctor gave me a rape kit and confirmed that I wasn’t raped. I sighed in relief, she asked me If I wanted to file a report but them niggas was crazy and I didn’t want no parts, so I lied and told her I didn’t know who the people were. Afterwards we grabbed some food and went back to his place.
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The feeling of nausea woke me up out my sleep. I jumped up and looked around realizing I was not at our Airbnb. I noticed the familiar smell. I was at Anthony’s. I ran into his bathroom and started throwing up. I heard him come into the room then his bathroom. “Damn mami you good?” He said. I moaned. “Fuck no, I’m sick as fuck”. He came over and rubbed my back. I pushed him off. “Why am I even here anyways” I said in pain. I laid on his bathroom floor cause who the fuck cared about that right now. He pulled me off the floor. “Anthony stop it!” I said. He scooped me up and brought me to his bed and turned on the fan. “I’m going to take care of you RiRi” He said. He passed me some water and I drugged the whole bottle and he passed me another. I drank some of it and curled up in bed as he rubbed my back. I fell asleep for an hour or so and felt a little better when I woke up. My breath smelled like ass. “How you feel?’ He asked. I sighed. “Why am I here?” I asked him. “Nina brought you here you was fucked up at the concert” He said. I rolled my eyes remembering the talk we had. “Well I guess all is good I don’t know I need time” I said. “Take all the time you need ma” He said. He got up from the bed. “Where are you going?” I said. He covered his nose. “To get you a guest toothbrush ma, and get you some of my abuelita special hangover soup” He said. I flicked him off putting my hand over my mouth embarrassed. “Shut up!” I softly laughed.
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“Girl they don’t know your worth, telling em your my girl and anything you want is yours mmmmhm yeah” The Internet “Girl” played as I was rolling up. Melody was still sleep in the bed. I was just vibing. She started to turn over and look at me. “What up sleepy head” I said smiling at her she had her hair all over her head. She just looked at me. “Damn nigga say good morning” I said laughing. She smiled as I climbed into the bed to tickle her. “Isaac stop!” She squealed. Trey and Freddie ran into the room. “Aye, my man’s last night was crayyyyyy” Trey said. Freddie nodded. “Chaotic”. I sucked my teeth at them and lit the blunt. “Damn Tye called” Mel said. “Man he did get one hit in, look at your eye” Trey pointed. I pushed his finger down. “That nigga got ONE, thats it” I said passing the blunt after I took a hit. We all chilled and talked for a minute, I promised Mel we could go back to her place so she can get dressed before getting something to eat. When we pulled up to her house, that nigga Malachi was there. My blood starting boiling.
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When we pulled up to my airbnb, I had seen Malachi resting against his car. The jeep we were in was tinted so I know he couldn’t see me. Isaac stopped the car slowly, and I got out quickly to diffuse the situation before things got crazy but I was also mad. “Malachi what are you doing here? You need to leave!” I said. He looked at me, he had bruises all over his face “Look Mel, I’m sorry about yesterday. I brought you flowers” He said showing me the flowers. Isaac hopped out the car. “Yo home boy what the hell you doing? Is you dumb? Are you stupid do I have to beat your ass again?!” Issac yelled. Malachi smirked, “Go ahead big boy, you mad cause I was taking care of your girl?” Malachi said. Isaac got really mad. “You ain’t did none of that, cause that’s all me right there homeboy” Isaac yelled. Tye then came outside. “Yall need to chill with all that before they call the police is this neighbourhood!” Malachi backed up with his hands up in defense. “Just wanted to apologise Melody. I’m truly sorry. I’m going to show you I’m going to be the last man standing” He said coming up to me, i moved back a little as he touched my hair softly. Isaac ofcourse got in front of me. Malachi chuckled lowly and got his car and drove off. “He aint letting up” Tye said. “Well he needs too” I said stressed. “Go get your shit, you staying with me” Isaac snapped. “Um no this is a Girls Trip nigga” Tye snapped. “Not no more” I looked at him crazy. “Isaac chill out” I said he shook his head. “Man hell naw that nigga going to keep pulling up pressed over my girl, you got me bent!” He said mad. “Oh my gosh. This trip is so stressful!” Tye stressed walking off. “Isaac pleaseee let me go get dressed we will eat and just calm down we both need to still chill with our friends this aint no couples trip” I told him. “Man aight, hurry up”. We went in the house and I came upstairs to check on Tye. “You straight?” I asked her. She wiped her face and shook her head. “Fuck no, but I will be we have a couple more days and we go back to our normal lives, you check on Zion and Ari?” She asked. “Shit! No” I checked both they locations “They seem to be at familar places” Tye said checking as well. I nodded. “Let me go get dressed before he have a fit” I said. “You know Malachi aint backing down homie is throwed” Tye said. I palmed my face. “After last night and Isaac I need him to leave me alone or things might get worse” I said. She nodded. I got dressed and went downstairs. Isaac was sitting at the bar scrolling through IG. “You good?” I asked. He nodded. He got up and came over to me and kissed me. “I’m sorry” He said. Before I could say anything back there was a knock at the door. I went to the door and seen it was the police. “Its the police” I said lowly to Isaac. I opened the door. “Hi can I help you?” I asked. “Yes were looking for an Isaac Gains?” The officer said. “I’m him what’s going on?” Isaac said coming to the door. The cops grabbed him. “You are under arrest for assault and battery against a Malachi Davis”. “What?!” I yelled. “Man I aint do nothing wrong that man freaking attacked my girl man” Isaac said. “Get on the ground and put your hands behind your back, anything you say and do will be held against you in the court of law”. Tye came downstairs. “What is going on?”. The officer held his hand out. “Malachi called the cops” I stressed shaking cause I didn’t want him to be no hashtag. They put cuffs on Isaac and walked him out. “Man I ain’t even do shit”. I followed them out with Tye neat me. “Sir be quiet!” The officer yelled. They put him in the backseat. I was still shaking Tye had her phone on her just in case. They pulled off and Isaac was mad as hell in the back seat. I stormed in the house to grab my phone and my keys. “This can’t be happening that nigga has really gon to far!” Tye yelled. I didn’t say anything I was pissed and ready to fight. “Mel where are you going?” She asked. “To that nigga house. Man hit up Freddie and Trey on IG and let them know what the fuck is going on, im going to fuck this nigga up!” Tye tried to block the door. “If you go, Im going with you!” She said. I sighed and looked at her. “Then lets go” I said as we got in the car.
0 notes
camilawalkerr · 4 years
“he aint even that cute." // “ i fucked up.” // "thank you for, you know, taking care of me and everything." // "without evidence, there can be no trial." // "it kind of sucks that i’m super broke and i want to buy you stuff and it’s embarrassing that i can’t."
“He ain’t even that cute."
The room was filled with the sound of their laughter at 3am, “Yes he is! And if you don’t come with me, I’m bringing the dog home alright?” As much as she loved him, as much as she couldn’t imagine herself parted from him, there was something inside her which Camila feared would disappoint him. She’s curled in his arms now, his arm wrapped around her as she smiles warmly, cheek against his bare chest. “Seriously though, I’m buying him first thing in the morning.” She can’t stop the grin that forms as she realizes she’s found what she’s been searching for. This. Being with him. That was what she searched for. She searched for it without knowing it was what she wanted, just as he searched, and never knew Liam was all she would ever want.Like the wings of a butterfly, her eyelids flutter against his chest as she stirs. She sighs contently as her palm makes rhythmic circles around her chest, and she rises to meet his lips. “Your just jealous cause I’ll love someone more then you,” His lips taste of sugar from the deserts they ate before they retreated to her quarters, tea, and home. Her  half naked body is sprawled across him, and they are still in the blissful cloud of euphoria, “kidding. but on a serious note, we should get some sleep alright? I’ve got work and my dads gonna kill me.” She murmurs against his lips now, “come work with me, Margaret called in sick it’ll be a quick hundred bucks.” Liam fell asleep far quicker than she did, for once. She spent those drowsy moments admiring the slope of his cheekbones, long dainty eyelashes, and pale lips, touching each freckle on his face softly. When sleep finally took  her prisoner, she dreamed of him. Camila places one last kiss against his lips as she smiles softly now, “I love you.”
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“ I fucked up.”
She hadn’t slept well that night, and in her tossing and turning, found herself wide awake as dawn was beginning to break over the horizon. The soft blue’s of the rising sun were chasing away the blackness of night, and the light filtered through Thomas’s spare bedroom window in a way that was almost comforting – almost. Usually, dawn brought the girl comfort, knowledge that the night had finally ended and the nightmares could cease, but sometimes it was bittersweet; another day to go without sleep, and another night to suffer through.So she got up, finding it utterly useless to try and roll over and sleep now that her mind was awake and buzzing. Rivulets of sweat beading down her neck, as chocolate strands clung to her. Tired feet dragged around her room as she searched for some kind of shirt to put on, but the search ended up being abandoned when she heard the room door open and close. Curiosity hit her first, and then anxiety. Why was he up at this hour, so she abandoned her search for a shirt in nothing but her bikini as she looked at a panic strickenLiam. A bruise began to blossom across his cheek as she shook her head now. “W-What happened? are you alright?” she mutters frantically now as she cups his face whilst inspecting the bruise. Camila  could feel her chest tighten, and her blood roar in her ears the closer she inspected him. “You need ice, and your nose is bleeding - jesus Liam who the fuck did this to you?” Her heart raced wildly in her chest, her palms grew sweaty, the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and as she turned the corner to rush down the hallway grabbing an icepack as she held her breath. “Sit, now. Tell me what happened okay, and I promise we’ll fix it, alright?” she murmurs quietly as she kneels in front of him now. “I’m here, and you don’t have to worry alright.”
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“thank you for, you know, taking care of me and everything.”
Camila had been working as often as possible at her parent’s restaurant. Liam and Lux would sometimes hang around while she worked. Liam had stayed a couple days with Camila and her family after the storm but never one to overstay his welcome, he had left and returned to the only place he had ever really called home, The Chateau. He had crashed there so often that sometime in the last few months even Thomas had referred to his Dad’s bedroom as Liam’s. He had also been driving the Pogue-Mobile, Thomas’s beat up old van. He insisted on picking up Camila on the nights she had to close The Wreck because even though the cops didn’t think they were completely insane they still hadn’t arrested anyone after the string of dead bodies appearing on shore. She moved into the kitchen after clearing the last table and set out some of the leftover food into takeaway containers. She had been routinely giving the assortment to Liam and Thomas to cover all their meals before she had another closing shift and was able to once again restock the freezer at the Chateau. Cami heard the main door open and assumed Liam had showed up early for his dinner. “Hey, I’m in the kitchen. We have a couple of options for your dining pleasure tonight.” She joked. She was organizing a stack of take-home containers when the door from the dining area swung open. “Liam, what are you in the mood for I’ve even got some dessert,” she muses now as her palms rest on her waist running a hand through his hair now. “You look like a mess,” she teased. Her hand brushed against his own, a maddeningly alluring taste of his skin that she had missed on those lonely nights. “You don’t have to thank me, I’ll always take care of you.” Her fingers run  through his hair, offering in her own small way, some sort of grounding comfort. “Don’t go all mushy on me, okay?” she breathes now as her forehead leans against his “come on, the foods getting cold. I love you, so much. Never forget it, alright?”
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"Without evidence, there can be no trial."
Camila turned to the sink to wash her hands and saw her face for the first time that evening. The cut that must have come from her face hitting the handle of the cabinet was not currently bleeding but was still bright red. The surrounding cheek was covered in a large purple bruise. She lifted her hand to touch the wound and winced at the pain. She stared at her reflection so long it had started to feel like she was looking at a stranger. But it wasn’t a stranger, it was her own face covered in that deep purple mark. She lifted her head to look at her neck and was able to see a thin red line where  the older man had held the knife. She had felt pain when he pressed the knife in but hadn’t realized it had broken the skin. She moved her hand to her throat to inspect the cut and found it to be more of a scratch then anything, but it still hurt. She let out a shaky breath and looked into her own eyes, she didn’t know when she had started crying but tears now ran down both sides of her face. Another shaky breath turned into an even shakier breath. She couldn’t breathe. For the second time in a few weeks they had been running from the men after Thomas’s compass.She could almost still feel him there, surrounding her. Her breathing had now become panicked rapid breaths and she didn’t know how to stop them. “I don’t fucking care Liam, these people are fucking crazy. They’re not gonna believe a group of stupid kids, don’t you see that? money buys power.” She shouts now, as balled fists curl at her side. “These people can make a case out of nothing, and if you haven’t fucking noticed that by now then your fucked.” She started to mumble something, running her fingers through her hair frantically.  “L-Liam, I’m scared. And they can easily make us look like were insane. I don’t know if i can do this anymore .”
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"it kind of sucks that i’m super broke and i want to buy you stuff and it’s embarrassing that i can’t.”
Pogue life is a lot of things; it’s shitty and dirty and oftentimes will knock one so deep into the mud that one can’t get back up (at least not without a stain to show for it) but it is, irrevocably, communal. If one suffers then they all do. The sun is just starting to peek out in the distance, Camila can see its reflection clearly against the water, a golden beam fanning across the Cut, and she knows the island will soon be sizzling under its rays. Besides, the cold is refreshing after her uncomfortable sleep, and for a moment she just stands there, letting the air circulate around her in waves.Liam was the first boy she kissed, too. It was a dare, and it was a horrible, awkward, flimsy and clumsy first kiss, but it was the one Camila had never forgotten. They both got a lot better at kissing since then, but that was the only time she’d ever kissed him.Liam was always there. He was someone she could always like at a safe distance, where lines between flirting and being overly friendly were blurred just enough. She half leans against his back, arms wrapping around his neck from behind, “Shut up, I don’t care about that kinda stuff. As long as I can get moments like these with you,” she trails off before pressing a soft kiss against his neck, “we’re already rich, and don’t shoot me for saying this but we’ve got so much more than those Kooks do. You’re my home, and I love you. And as long as we get to keep doing stupid shit like this, I’ll always feel like the richest girl in the world when I’m with you. Don’t ever sell me that shit, alright?”
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0 notes
5hfanfiction · 7 years
Galaxies (Chapter 1 The future)
Lauren is a successful Lawyer who had everything at the age of 28, but she had no one to share her success with. Until sudden turn of events led her to choose between the past and the present.
(I’m bad at summaries)
A deep sigh escaped Lauren’s plump lips as she hurriedly escaped the confines of the exuberant room she had called her battleground. Pushing through the double oak doors, a blinding bright light greeted her causing her to flinch.
“Ms. Jauregui, how does it feel to win the biggest case of the year?” a man from the crowd asked, shoving a device near her mouth. Four security guards rushed towards Lauren and her team, helping them as they pushed through the crowded corridor of the courthouse.
Winning a $1.5 Billion lawsuit was exhilarating, after hearing the 5-4 decision from Judge Morrison, Lauren had to stop her inner childish self from running towards the misogynistic defense attorney and shoving her womanly victory in his worn out throat; but instead she sent him a snarky smirk causing a disheveled look on his face-Lauren’s Internal organs celebrated, that asshole saw it coming.
It took 3 years to close the intellectual property case, representing the plaintiff; Lauren’s client filed a lawsuit against their competing company which was causing them to lose millions of dollars. Her client claimed their Interface and API’s were deliberately copied and the competing tech company patterned their products from them.
It was brain wrecking; representing a tech company was a repeat of high school calculus, hearing technical jargons gave Lauren continuous migraines. Lauren was a product of Harvard law, it should be a walk in a park for her, and to no one’s surprise; it was —after a few weeks of thorough research. If she hadn’t passed Harvard law, she could have considered becoming a hacker, after all Mr. Robot got her hooked.
Exiting the courthouse, Lauren turned to her assistant who was walking alongside of her and instructed the petite girl to give a brief statement to the press. Lauren hurriedly brushed passed the crowd of reporters scattered outside the courthouse, leaving her team behind to handle the press; she walked down the wide and long staircase instantly seeing her driver waiting for her at the end with her black armored Lexus. Her driver held the door open waiting for her to get in.
Hearing the door shut, she released, yet gain, a deep sigh, it was a mix of exhaustion and relief; damn those reporters were persistent she thought to herself. “Take me back to my loft, Matt”, she instructed her driver as they pulled out of the courthouse.
The drive towards Lauren’s loft was silent, but after the legal banters and closing statements in the courtroom, not to mention the deafening chatters and shouts of the reporters, silence was the form of celebration she had needed. 
The car came to a complete stop in front of an old luxurious Italianate building situated in Tribeca. The ambiance reminded her of London; it was a quiet neighborhood, an ingredient to her sanity.
“Congratulations on winning your case, Ms. Jauregui”, the doorman greeted, as she entered the confines of the luxurious building. The old man, probably in his mid-50’s, had been holding the door for her since she’d moved in. He could have been doing the same job for years, but his genuine smile never faltered. Despite the simplicity of his work, Lauren could see the contentment on his eyes every single day he had greeted her, and it amazed her how people like him, who were living the simplest lives, can genuinely be happy. She might not know what his life was behind closed doors, but for what mask he was putting up, it was something she had always admired and envied.
“Thanks, Brent. Always a gentleman” Lauren nodded politely, as she quickly rushed towards the elevator at the end of the Venetian styled lobby.
The high security keyed elevator opened into her outstanding foyer area leading to the grand proportions of the main living space of her loft. Her eyes were met with the dramatic and light filled brick ceiling, a large skylight with steel beams beneath it and extra-tall bulletproof windows providing open views of Manhattan. It was her dream to live in a fancy penthouse, or every ones dream. But it wasn’t a home.
Being a high profile lawyer equates to having higher risk of getting herself killed. She horridly ate death treats for breakfast; but she was used to it. She made sure her family was secure, and having a police officer as a best friend, she was safe as she’ll ever be.
She had moved in three years ago, it came with the job at the biggest law firm in the country. It was a sure shot, having passed Harvard Law with flying colors and not to mention outstanding recommendations from her professors; she had the job before even getting her diploma.
She had everything becoming a partner at 26, a year after Harvard, and now the case which was considered one of the biggest cases in the corporate world. It gave her not just a free pass on her career, but given the state of her bank account, she can quit her job and still live through 300 years. At 28 she had it all—well, that’s what people thought. Unfortunately, she had no one to share it with, romantically, that is.
Plopping down her couch, her ears were invaded by a familiar tone; she fiddled through her purse to find the source playing a 1985 pop song. She held the device and a smile immediately crept in her face after seeing the name on the screen. “Don’t you Forget about me, Don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t you Forget about me" She sang the chorus along with her phone, as she’d always done, before swiping to the right.
"Hey, Mani” She said with a hint of excitement in her voice. She removed her blazer causing her to press the phone between her ear and shoulder blade. “What’s up?”
“First off, you look stunning on TV, you are all over the news girl” Normani, Lauren’s older best friend, said excitedly, causing her to release a soft chuckle. It was times like this, Lauren was grateful that she had someone to check up on her from time to time.
“Oh shut up!” Lauren held the device with her right hand after freeing herself from the tight clothing. She positioned herself comfortably lifting both her feet off the ground, stretching it on her expensive couch. “Why’d you call?”
“I have great news” her best friend said playfully.
“What is it, oh my god! Is it what I think it is?!” Lauren asked squealing causing her best friend to chuckle on the other line.
“Yes, I finally got a Brazilian wax” Lauren’s jaw dropped and she choked on her saliva.
“What the fuck Normani?! You called me just to parade your hairless mush. You hot, Babe. But we talked about this, I aint into incest.” Both girls laughed. It was their usual playful banter, having been friends for years they’re practically sister’s from different wombs. “Seriously, what’s up?”
“You will not believe this, I found the girl!” Lauren’s face tightened from the wide grin that immediately crept on to her face, her bright mood was suddenly elated. She swung her legs off the couch, causing her to sit upright.
“Seriously, What, Where, When, How?!! Oh fuck, Normani! What’s her Name?! What should I wear?! She shouted losing all the maturity she had, she sounded like a teenage girl gushing towards her best friend over a boy crush, but well for her, it was a girl crush.
"Woah, Lo! We are not in a courthouse, now I know why they call you a shark” Her best friend joked, causing her to chuckle. Well her best friend was right, she was an outstanding lawyer, grilling people was her forte, and to be in the current state she was in was really something no one would actually believe. But it was her best friend, she was comfortable with the ebony skinned girl she had new all her life.
“Oh stop it, Mani! Just answer the question!” She said with a hint of urgency.
“Questionssss, that was too many. But I’d answer the where part, she’ll be at The Stream Tonight at 11. I’ll be at your house at 8, we’ll be there at 10, and you’re welcome”. Lauren jumped up off the couch from what she had heard out of excitement.
“You are the best,I fucking love you” She squealed.
“Yeah. Yeah, I know. I have to go, I have a meeting in a few minutes”
“Okay, see you at 8 don’t be fucking late”
“And Lauren, her name is Lucy. Love you too. Bye!” Normani said hanging up the phone before the younger girl could respond. Lauren tossed the device on the couch and did a celebratory dance. She had never felt giddy for a long time.
“Lucy.” She mumbled to herself. Hearing the mystery girl’s name for the first time, she felt every hair on her body rise from the electric current driven by her pounding heart. It was a foreign feeling, after being single for 7 years; she had honestly given up hope on the dating department, until the specific night she laid eyes on the brown eyed girl. Lucy.
Lauren had never been thankful for her Friday night routines with her best friend. Since both of them were away from their families —and well, they were hella single; they both made sure to see each other every Friday to keep them both sane, it was tradition for both of them.
When Normani was transferred to work for the NYPD, the police officer had lived at Lauren’s penthouse for two years. Due to Normani’s promotion, causing her to work late hours, she decided to get her own apartment a few blocks from her precinct. After then, every Friday was a choice between going to the movies, staying in at Lauren’s penthouse for a classic Netflix and literally just chill, or a night out at Clark’s; and with all luck in the world, that specific Friday night three weeks ago, they’d chosen the latter.
It was open mic at Clark’s, when they encountered Lucy. Both girls sat on their usual corner booth; Lauren had taken the seat facing the stage.
Taking a sip of her scotch, Lauren listened intently on Normani’s ranting about a case the older girl was working on, when suddenly the most amazing sound blessed Lauren’s ear. Her eyes immediately searched for the source of the heavenly voice, landing one of the most beautiful creatures she had ever laid eyes on and when she thought the sight couldn’t be more beautiful, a set of brown eyes met her green ones.
She swore her heart stopped that instant, she was sure she was taken into a bright and cloudy atmosphere -heaven. Everything around her disappeared, except the girl with the angelic voice. The girl was art; her long wavy brown her perfectly dangling on her shoulders, the perfect lighting illuminated her brown dreamy eyes, and her perfect full lips were inviting, Lauren swore she wanted a taste of it.
Lauren’s heart pounded ferociously in her chest, causing her breath to hitch; damn the brown eyed girl was breath taking. But it ended soon as it started. A sudden vibration surged from Lauren’s pocket causing her body to undergo shock, as if someone used a defibrillator on her and set it up to the highest voltage; she was brought back to life.
It was her work phone, she had never felt so irritated in her life, seeing the name of the caller on the bright screen, she knew she had to take it; it was a call from her boss. Cursing all the heavens, Lauren’s boss demanded her to go back to the firm for an emergency meeting. She hurriedly grabbed her things and apologized to Normani.
They walked out the pub together since the older girl was also exhausted, and decided to call it a night. But before stepping out, Lauren took one last glance at the heavenly creature still on stage finishing the song, and to Lauren’s surprise, the girl’s majestic brown eyes were still intently on her -and in that moment, Lauren knew she had to see the mystery girl again.
The next day, Lauren returned to Clark’s hoping to get the name of the girl, but to her dismay, no one knew the brown eyed girl. She only had the girl’s initials, L.V, which was what was indicated on the list of performers the night before. Lauren dragged Normani, spending three consecutive Fridays at Clark’s hoping to get a glimpse of her dream girl, she felt her heart shatter every time she walked out of the pub with no sign of the girl. It was a lost cause -until a few seconds ago.
After hearing the exciting news from her best friend, Lauren ran towards her kitchen and fixed herself the usual vegan dinner. She settled in on a Aglio El Olio, without the parmesan cheese of course, pairing it with a bottle of white wine. She nestled down on her large dining table and she slowly devoured her masterpiece. The overpowering garlic blended with a kick of red pepper harmonized well with the aromatic fruity alcoholic drink. It was how she spent most of her nights in her big loft, alone.
Lauren stormed towards her room to prepare for the awaited event after cleaning up the kitchen. The excitement can’t seem to die down, her pulse rate equated to running 20 miles, but the dread was equally overwhelming. The strong desire of seeing the magical creature mixed with the pessimistic thoughts were consuming her mind, causing a head- banging confusion.
She wanted to see her, but she was beyond frightened of all the possibilities. “What if she’s straight? Or she’s in a relationship? Or even worse, married? Is it even possible to be afraid of losing her before even having her? These strong thoughts were consuming Lauren’s being. She had to take a quick cold shower before she goes completely crazy.
Headed toward her walk-in closet, Lauren saw a text message from her best friend informing her that the older girl was on her way. It was already 15 minutes past 7, signalling Lauren that she only had 45 minutes to prepare, causing her to panic.
After tossing clothes all over her closet, she opted on wearing a black motorcycle jacket covering her grey tank top, black skinny ripped jeans, black laced boots and a pair of sunglasses to finish off her bad ass look. She wore light make up that still extenuated her most powerful asset, her piercing green orbs.
She stood in front of her huge full body mirror, situated inside of her walk in cabinet, checking herself out before the buzz from the intercom startled her. She checked the tablet hanging on the side where she was standing, projecting the camera from the elevator. The sight of her best friend on the small screen made her rush towards the security panel situated in her bedroom just above the night stand and pressed a key with the security codes letting the elevator open.
"Bitch, let’s go” Lauren heard her best friend shout from her living room causing her to scramble down the spiral staircase.
“Woah, someone’s getting laid tonight” Normani said, causing Lauren to blush as the older girl gave her a once over “I’d tots tap that ass tonight, if Miss Lucy Loo wouldn’t”
“Oh shut up, big ass, you don’t look bad yourself” eyeing her best friend who was wearing a tight black dress that hugged the older girl’s intoxicating body.
The girls decided to take Lauren’s black armored Lexus LX 570. Matt drove both of them to a small pub situated in one of the quietest streets in Manhattan. Walking inside, both girls were met by a chilling vibe; the aesthetics of the place was food for the eyes — the blue dim lighting; candid black and white framed photographs hanged on the patterned bricks. Their nostrils were met by a less intoxicating smell compared to other places that sold alcoholic beverages mostly because smoking was not allowed inside the confines of the pub, and secondly there are less drunk people. It was the kind of place Lauren and Normani preferred.
With her heart almost bursting from her chest, Lauren sat with Normani on a table just in front of the stage, getting a better view of the reason they chose to drive halfway across the city. Lauren rubbed her sweaty palms continuously on her jeans, anxiously waiting for the brown eyed girl to appear on the stage.
In an instant her wild pumping heart stopped, skipping a beat, when her green eyes was met with a gaze, a gaze she had waited for what felt like eternity. There she is, the girl Lauren searched thoroughly for the past 3 weeks sitting in front of her with a guitar on the brown eyed girl’s lap.
As Lucy started to strum the guitar, Lauren recognized the tune and when she thought the feeling on her chest wouldn’t get anymore wilder; Lucy started singing while looking intently at her green eyes.
There are no words to paint a picture of you girl
Your eyes and those curves
“Did she just say girl?! Omg she’s gay” Normani said leaning in to Lauren across the table her eyes widened on what she had heard. “And girl she’s starring at you!”
“Shut up! I can’t hear her with your loud mouth!” Lauren said glaring at her best friend. She can feel the warmth instantly spreading across her face. Thankfully, the lights were too dim to see her face turn into tomato.
Lauren listened intently, taking all the of the song— the raspiness of the brown eyed girl’s voice, the way the brown eyed girl never left Lauren’s gaze, even giving the her girl a wink; if Lauren wasn’t too oblivious, she would have thought that Lucy was singing the song for her. But then Lauren was single for too long, she had forgotten how to flirt.
Sure she had gone on dates, but all of which ended up rather weirdly; no one had called her back after the first date. After the last girl she’d gone on a date with, which was 4 years ago when she was still finishing Law school, she promised herself to never go on a date again.
Lauren’s self-esteem went downhill, on the dating department, that is. She never figured out why all the girls she’d spend time with just plain talking and opening up, never had the audacity to reach out to her. Well she tried to ask some of them out again, but to no avail, she had never received a text back.
So after all the worthless efforts, Lauren promised herself that she’d never open up to people again; she became emotionally distant. But she never really became alone, she had become the queen on the sack, she’d hook up with random girls she’d pick up in a bar or from a cafe, but never had any emotional connection with them.
She’d never taken anyone home-it was there place or a cheap hotel and she never gave them her name; that was Lauren’s rule. After all she opened up her heart again when it was completely shattered by her first love; only to be rejected by those girls she had opened up to.
Lauren’s past was something she held on to; she had become more protected, but seeing the brown eyed girl might have melted her steel heart. On that very night Lauren wanted to give her heart another opportunity, and she had chosen the girl who was singing in front of her.
After playing five songs, Lucy had walked off the stage towards the back disappearing from Lauren’s sight. Lauren waited for Lucy to appear again as her best friend was constantly teasing her and forcing her to go backstage to see the girl.
Lauren was too scared, and she wasn’t ready. She hated herself for being too afraid; a completely opposite side of her from what she was on court —a shark that could put anyone on their knees. But tonight she was acting like a thirteen year old girl who was too shy to talk to her crush; she was hopeless.
The night went on without any trace of Lucy; Lauren internally cursed herself for being too weak to do the first move. Unfortunately Normani needed to go to the precinct because a lead from her big murder case had shown up. Deciding to also call it a night, Lauren dragged herself out with a heavy heart trailing behind Normani. Stepping outside the pub, Lauren was met with the cold wind of New York causing her to shiver—she forgot her jacket inside. She cursed herself internally for her stupidity, but when she was about to turn around, she felt a warm hand on her shoulder causing her to stiffen from the voice that came after.
“Hey, uhh I think you forgot this” it came from a voice that Lauren immediately recognized, if her singing voice was angelic, damn her speaking voice was sexy causing Lauren’s spine to shiver. Taking all the strength she can muster, Lauren turned around meeting Lucy’s gaze. Lauren was awestricken; Lucy was more beautiful up close. Lucy stretched out her arm with the hand that was holding Lauren’s jacket, offering the piece of material to the green eyed brunette.
Lauren stood there frozen; staring at Lucy with her jaw dropped. All her built in confidence was taken from her, she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her. She was speechless and embarrassed, how can her body betray her now. Move damn it. Say something. And as if on cue, her best friend cleared her throat to awaken Lauren from her trance. She quickly averted her eyes from the brown eyed girls gaze and settled it on the pavement.
“Uh, I got it” Normani said, grabbing the jacket from Lucy’s grasp “Thank you for this; my friend seems to have a speech problem tonight, probably because of the alcohol she had taken in”
“No problem, I’d never seen you here before but you two look familiar” Lucy said chuckling, switching her gaze between Normani and Lauren.
“It’s our first time here, we actually saw you three weeks ago at Clark’s. We heard you had a gig here tonight so we figured we go, check it out. She’s actually a fan of yours.” Normani said as she tapped Lauren on the shoulder as a sign of gesture, causing the green eyed girl to blush at embarrassment. “Right, Lauren?”
Lauren stood in her place, still frozen on what she heard from her best friend’s mouth. She felt even more embarrassed, more heat settled on her face, and she just wanted to curse her best friend for putting her on the spot. But from the small ounce of alcohol in her system, she mustered all her courage and uttered the first few words since she had been in the presence of the girl in front of her. It was now or never; she had waited 7 years for this opportunity. Damn it Lauren, go for it.
“Uhh, yeah, quite a voice you have there..” removing gaze from the pavement and slowly meeting the brown eyes she was longing to see again. A small smile crept on her face “And thank you for returning my jacket, this is actually my favorite one”
“You’re welcome….” Lucy held out her hand in front of Lauren, still keeping and intense gaze on the green eyed girl
“Lauren” Lifting up her arm to shake the brown eyed girl’s hand, Lauren felt a bolt of electricity once the palm of her hand met Lucy’s. It was a soft handshake, Lauren’s pulse quicken from the innocent contact.
She started imagining how it felt to have Lucy’s soft hand intertwined into hers, she imagined the brown eyed girls long and slender fingers touch her places that could send her to another universe. With all her thoughts in her mind —she had zoned out; not realizing that she was still holding the brown eyed girls hand. Until she heard her name being called out awakening her from her (day)nightdream.
“ehem.. hello earth to Lauren” Normani said waving her hand in front of her best friend. The green eyed girl finally realized that she held Lucy’s hand longer than a hand shake, making her remove her hand frantically. Lucy chuckled in amusement on Lauren’s silly reaction. Wait is Lucy finding her adorable?
“I uhhhh, sorry I just got lost in your eyes ­—” Normani’s jaw dropped at what she had heard, Lauren froze again realizing what she had just said. But upon scanning the brown eyed girl’s face, she saw Lucy’s face redden and a sweet smile crept on the brown eyed girl’s face. “Did I just say that out loud?”
“You have pretty eyes too, Lauren.” Lucy said softly with a smile, causing the green eyed girl to shiver on the sweetness of the brown eyed girl’s voice. Damn, she was cute and sexy at the same time. “Too bad you’re already leaving; I guess I’ll see you guys around.”
Lucy gave Lauren a wink and nodded at Normani before turning on her heels to return the pub. The green eyed girl was speechless, she was in a state of shock, did Lucy just flirt with her and she even sent a wink. Was she dreaming? But before she zoned out again, Normani slapped her arm causing her to wince in pain.
“Oww! What the hell, Mani!” Lauren rubbed the affected area and sent a deathful glare at her best friend “What was that for? Have you forgotten how strong you are?! Fuck that hurt!”
“You are fucking stupid, go after her dumbass! This is your chance, I don’t’ want to see you moping around and doing googly eyes again. Now you can do something about it! You’ve waited 3 weeks to see her again, and you’re just standing there like a fucking mute! If you don’t go after her I swear I'll—”
“Fine! Fuck you don’t have to hit me, you go ahead. I’ll run after her, wish me luck.” Lauren sighed in defeat.
“I just want you to be happy again Lo. It’s been 7 years. You deserve to fall in love again. I have a good feeling about her Lo.” Normani said softly, grabbing Lauren’s hand, causing the green eyed girl to look at her best friend loving eyes. “Go get your girl”
Lauren nodded squeezing her best friend for assurance. She said her goodbye to her best friend and promised to give the older girl a call afterwards, but before leaving, her best friend threatened to give her a smack in the face if she chickened out. She turned on her heels after Normani’s cab sped up and slowly drifted from her line of sight. She released a deep sigh and swallowed deeply before walking inside the small pub.
Once she was inside, she instantly scanned the dim lit pub and her eyes landed on the familiar figure’s sexy side view. She saw the girl leaning at the bar counter across from her while intently watching the performer on stage. Lauren mustered all her remaining courage and sauntered towards the girl, lucky for her the brown eyed girl was pre-occupied, not noticing the green eyed girl was already behind her.
“Come here often?” Lauren said with a husky tone. Apparently the brown eyed girl did not budge and continued listening to the performance, ignoring the green eyed girl. She slowly leaned towards the girl, causing her lips to be inches away from Lucy’s ear. “I said, do you come here often?”
Lauren saw the Lucy’s body stiffened from the proximity, as if she was about to rip the flirt’s head off “Look pal, no answer means I’m not -” Lucy was cut off after turning around, her tense state suddenly softened after meeting the green eyed girls gaze. “Oh! I’m sorry. You scared me! I thought you were someone else. I thought you’d left already?” Lucy said with her hands on her chest.
“Yeah, I was about to. But I wanted to thank you for returning my Jacket, did I mention this was my favorite?” gesturing at her faux leather motorcycle jacket. “I want to treat you for Lunch of dinner sometime, you know as a thank you gift.” Lauren said with her famous smirk. Damn she’s smooth.
“Are you asking me on a date??” Lucy chuckled, causing the Lauren to blush and stiffen.
“I uh, no.. As I said, it’s for returning my Jacket, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Lauren mumbled.
“Oh, too bad. I was hoping it would be one.” Lucy said with a wink.
Lauren felt heat enveloped her body as she had just realized their close proximity; their faces were just inches apart. Her nostrils were invaded by a mix of cherry scent and what appears to be a hint of vodka. Her eyes landed on the brown eyed girl’s plumped lips, causing her to unconsciously bite her own. Her heart was pounding ferociously on her chest; she immediately took a step back before she could pounce on the girl in front of her.
“I uh, sorry” Lauren said shoving both her fidgeting hands on her back jean pocket. She took a deep breath and swallowed the remaining saliva on her mouth causing it to dry up. She repeated a chant on her head Lauren you can do this. This is it. She might be it, Lauren. “Yeah, uh, I want to take you out on a date if that’s okay with you.”
Lauren clenched the cloth on her back Jean pocket, preparing for the worst. She had all the possible scenarios played on her mind; all of which were heartbreaking. She was afraid of being rejected again. But in that moment, Lauren knew it was her only chance, so she just had to suck it up.
Both of them stood there, never leaving each other’s gaze. The eye contact was intense, Lucy had yet to respond, but Lauren’s heart was already anticipating another ache. But before Lauren could remove her gaze and run away from embarrassment, the brown eyed girl sent her a warm smile.
“I really want to go on a date with you but…” Lauren’s heart sank after hearing the “but” her eyes immediately left the brown eyed girl’s gaze landing on the floor, but before she was about to go on self-loathing she felt a warm hand on her shoulder and immediately lifted her eyes to meet the piercing brown orbs. “Hey, no. It’s not like that I swear. I just have to go somewhere for a month, I actually got signed last week and I’ll be recording my first EP in LA. I’ll be leaving tomorrow morning.”
“Oh. That’s great! Congratulations, I guess I won’t see you around here after you become a big pop star” Lauren said feigning a smile, her heart broke on what she heard, but she was genuinely happy for the girl.
“Hey! No, you’ll see more of me after I get back from L.A” Lucy said playfully. “That is if you want to, but the night is still early. I’m free until tomorrow morning.” She said hinting on the green eyed girl.
As if on cue, Lauren stood up straight, an Idea popped up in her head. She cleared her throat playfully, and ran a hand through her hair “So uh, I know we just met but can I take you on a date tonight? Well, I can’t take you on a fancy date since it’s almost midnight but I know a diner just a few blocks from here. I’m uh.. vegan so most of their specialties are vegan foods but I think their fries are good and they have milkshakes even it’s kinda a vegan milk shake but uh we can go to a non vegan diner but I don’t think I can eat anything there but—”
Lauren was cut off when she felt a moist warmth feeling on her cheeks, Lucy’s lips. She felt her face heat up from the abrupt gesture. “You’re cute when you rumble, the vegan milk shake sounds good to me, and I need to cut down my carbs and fat intake anyway”
“Am I rambling? Sorry about that” Lauren chuckled, she slowly grabbed Lucy’s wrist “Let’s get out of here”
The night went as magical as Lauren had imagined. Both of them ended up talking for hours. Lucy opened up about her adventures as a struggling runaway teen artist who ended up in New York. Lauren learned that the older girl was 18 when she left home, immediately after graduating high school. Apparently Lucy’s parents weren’t fond of the idea of their only daughter going to Juilliard for a Music scholarship; she was given an ultimatum, either she accepts her Business scholarship at Yale or her parent’s would cut her off, apparently she had chosen the latter. Lucy had managed to pull off working 2 jobs to support her daily needs and due to her immense musical talent—advance piano, guitar and singing skill; she managed to get a full ride at Julliard. Lucy’s life story just made Lauren fall for her, faster than younger girl anticipated.
They decided to stay at the diner for hours, since Lauren was a regular, the owner really did not mind her staying for longer. It was past 3 in the morning when they decided to call it a night since Lucy had an early flight and the older girl still needed to pack a few things before heading to LA. Lauren insisted to drop Lucy off at her apartment in Queens, which across the city, but the green eyed girl every single available second they both have to spend in each other’s presence.
Matt picked them up from the diner. The ride to Lucy’s apartment was silent, but it was far from uncomfortable. Both girls were cuddled together at the back of Lauren’s car, Lucy’s head rested on Lauren’s shoulder, while the younger girl’s hand rested on Lucy’s thigh; it wasn’t sexual. It was the kind of state you’d share with someone you knew for a long time, someone you trust with all your deep secrets, someone you’d probably call at 3 in the morning- It was comfortable. Though both of them knew each other for a few hours, 3 hours was enough for them to realize, their bond was something special.
The car stopped at an old building, it was a typical New York bricked building, not as fancy as Lauren’s, but it was simple. Lauren decided to walk Lucy at her apartment door, to give her a proper end of the date gesture.
“I had fun” Lucy said stopping in front of a blue wooden door, which appears to be the door to her apartment. “Thank you for tonight, so this is me.” Gesturing the door behind her.
“Yeah, me too.” Lauren turned to face the girl that was alongside of her, now both their bodies facing each other. “It wasn’t the famous Jauregui date, but I promise to take you on one once you get back”
“Oh, famous Jauregui date huh” Lucy slowly placed both her hands on Lauren’s shoulder, causing the green eyed girl to move closer. “I’d like the sound of that”
Green and brown eyes lost in each other’s gaze. Lauren’s heart was close to bursting out of her chest, heat was radiating from her body, and her eyes flickered from the intensity of the moment. She unconsciously wet her chapped lips, when her eyes landed on the older girl’s lips. In that instant, Lauren slowly leaned in closing the gap between them. Lauren’s heart stopped at the initial contact, it was a delicate brush that made Lauren’s heart even more frantic.
She pulled back after what feels like a lifetime, but in reality it was a 2 second peck, but before she could lean back, Lucy’s hands found its way to Lauren’s neck, pulling her closer, this time it was for a fiery and passionate kiss. Lauren’s hand steadied on the older girl’s waist as both of them where lost in the each other’s mouth.
It was a hungry kiss, full of passion but it was not intended to be sexual. It was innocent yet passionate, and it made Lauren’s stomach feel happy churns. The kiss flooded Lauren’s mind and it reminded her of her first kiss with the girl who broke her heart 7 years ago. “This can’t be happening” Lauren thought to herself, she was kissing a wonderful girl and her thoughts were again flooded by her ex fiancé.
Lauren can’t seem to brush the thought out of her head, she pulled back to break the kiss as both of them gasped for air. Lauren felt a pang in her chest, every time she tried to be happy she would be reminded of the person who broke her. She needed to clear her head.
“I should go” Lauren mumbled taking a step back from the girl in front of her “Call me?”
“Yeah, I will” Lucy replied, looking intently on the green eyed girl’s eyes as if re-assuring her that she will indeed call her. “I’ll see you soon, thanks for tonight” Lucy planted a sweet kiss on Lauren’s cheek before entering her apartment.
“It started as a magical night, but ended yet again with the thought of her” Lauren thought to herself
The weekend had gone by and Lauren’s was back on her oversized office-It was the third largest in the firm, considering the Largest was the CEO’s followed by the VP’s. She was engrossed on tons of paper work from small corporate cases to big ones, which the easier cases can be handled by junior lawyers, but she wanted to scan every case they had just to make sure the firm was on the right track. She was meticulous, a trait that made her sling her way to the top. No one questioned her ability.
“Come in”. Lauren heard a knock on the glass door; she still had not averted her eyes from the paper in front of her indicating Wartmart case. She heard the door open.
“Ms. Jauregui, I know you don’t want to be disturbed but Mr. Carlson wants you in his office at 11” Rosie, her assistant, said nervously as the petite girl popped her head on Lauren’s glass door.
“What does he want?” She said with a hint of irritation.
“I don’t know Ms. Jauregui, I was just informed by his assistant”
“Damn it. I have a meeting with the Farson’s, tell Jim to handle them” Laren scoffed dropping the paper she was holding, sending a deathly glare at her assistant.
Her assistant nodded and frantically shut the door behind her. Lauren was intimidating when it comes to professional aspects of her career. She had to be, if she wanted to be taken seriously that is.
After 45 pages, Lauren prepared for the anticipated meeting with the CEO. Brent Carlson was a middle aged man who took over the firm after the previous CEO unexpectedly died from a heart attack. Brent was like a father to Lauren, but the green eyed girl was still nervous in the presence of the old man; if Lauren was scary, the man was terrifying.
The CEO’s office was located at the top floor of the building. Lauren’s pulse was rapid as she sauntered her way towards the receptionist after getting off the elevator. She was quickly met by a smiley woman who was probably on her mid-30’s’; Lauren knew immediately that the CEO had yet again replaced his old assistant. No one really can stand the old man’s ruthless attitude.
“Ms. Jauregui?” The woman greeted with a genuine smile. Lauren gave the blonde woman a nod in response. “He’s expecting you, you can go in” The woman said as she pointed towards the door behind them. The woman assisted the younger girl knocking on the wooden door before opening it “Ms. Jauregui is here to see you, sir”
“Let her in” Lauren heard the man’s voice causing her shiver from the familiar tone. The woman stepped aside still holding the door open gesturing the green eyed girl to go in.
Entering the familiar office, her sight was greeted by a man perched on his desk. When the man felt Lauren’s presence, he immediately laid the paper he was holding on his desk. He stood up to greet Lauren with a nod.
“Lauren, please take a sit” the old man said gesturing the one person leather couch on his office’s living space. He then went around his desk towards his minibar where his decanter set sat. “You want anything to drink, a scotch perhaps?” The old man offered, lifting a glass and pouring what appears to be an expensive scotch.
“No, I’m good, thank you” Lauren politely declined.
“So, first I want to congratulate you on your big win yesterday. The board is quite happy on the win. We are getting bigger cases because of that”. The man said, taking a seat on the leather couch across Lauren.
“Well, I’d learned from the best” Lauren complimented, smiling at the old man,
“You are very polite” So, I presume you are wondering why I had summoned you here on a short notice?“ Lauren nodded gesturing the man to continue "Well, I will just cut to the chase then. We want you to represent the firm for a tour Lauren.”
Lauren’s eyebrow furrowed in curiosity “A tour for what?”
“It’s actually a tour for a charity event, and it’s for 3 months” Lauren’s body stiffened after what she had heard “Before you decline and argue about the offer, the board wants you on this tour Lauren, they emphasized the benefit it has for the firm” he added, taking a sip of his scotch.
“So I guess I don’t have any say on this, do I?” Lauren sighed in defeat. “You can just say it, Mr. Carlson, I pretty much don’t have a choice” Lauren said standing up as she walked towards the old man’s mini bar to fix herself a glass, she needed one. “Can I at least know what this tour is about, and 3 months? I still have active cases on my table”
“We got that covered, Jerry would take your place while you’re gone” The man countered with apprehension, he knew Lauren was not fond of Jerry. He was an ass, but he was a decent Lawyer.
“What? Jerry’s just a junior attorney! He can’t handle the Watmart case.” Lauren’s knuckles turned pale from gripping the bottle of scotch, before she could break it, she lifted a glass and fixed herself a caramel colored drink.
“Well, the board decided we needed a new partner.” The man said, pausing for a few minutes befor continuing “And they also want a senior one.” He added, turning to the green eyed girl who was still standing near the minibar. “Once you get back from the trip, they want to promote you to senior partner.” Lauren’s jaw dropped in disbelief, almost dropping the glass she was holding.
“And about the trip, you’ll be doing talks in universities around the world; the board said you’d be perfect for it. You’ll represent all the lawyer’s in the U.S and will be joined by other young successful professionals. I asked my assistant to send it to Rosie. Just ask your assistant for the other details.” He said giving a small smile to the green eyed girl who was still in shock after hearing her new promotion.
“I’m sorry” Lauren downed the drink on her hand. “That was a lot to take in, Mr. Carlson” she confessed, causing the old man to chuckle.
“Please, Lauren. How many times have I asked you to call me Brent?” He reassured.
“Sorry Brent, I’ll go ahead then.” Lauren said before setting the empty glass down on the table near the minibar.
“And Lauren, you can take the day off. You’ll be flying to London tomorrow to start the tour” Lauren’s jaw dropped yet again, stopping halfway from her trip towards the door, meeting the old man’s amused gaze.
“What?!” She shouted. “I’m sorry” She immediately regretted after remembering he was still her boss.
“Yes, sorry did I forget to mention that?” Lauren nodded frantically “Then you should probably start packing” he chuckled.
Lauren walked towards the receptionist in the middle of the classy hotel lobby, it wasn’t as fancy as her building but it was good enough considering she was in for a charity event. She had her purse on hand and a backpack, her other luggage was taken care off by the bell hop who greeted her at the front of the hotel. After the long flight and not to mention the sudden events that transpired in the past few days, her body was beyond exhausted.
Normani dropped Lauren off at the airport, and Lauren had called Lucy to inform her situation. Lauren and Lucy kept in touch over the weekend, as Lucy had promised to call Lauren after the intimate night. They had been all over each other’s inbox’s, voice mails, and call logs over the past 3 day. It would be harder now considering Lauren was out of the country, but they promised to keep in touch.
Lauren checked in and got her room card. On her way to her room, she rode the elevator which was the across the Lobby, she passed by a group of people probably also in the process of checking in, they might be in the same charity event as her.
Pressing the lit up number 8 on the elevator panel, Lauren can’t stop thinking about her room partner. She was informed by the coordinator that they would be given a tour partner, who would also be staying in the same room with them for the rest of the tour. She wondered what profession her partner had, or if she was messy. She might be staying with a serial killer and she wouldn’t know until her body is thrown in the middle of an ocean somewhere across the globe.
Her grueling thoughts stopped when the elevator doors opened. She easily found her way towards room number “805”. Closing the door behind her, she saw a pair of sneakers already at the door. She slipped her shoes off before entering, she heard the shower running as she passed by the bathroom.
She was met by a small area with two queen sized beds. She wasn’t expecting anything fancy, due to the fact that it was for a charity event, but she wasn’t really that comfortable in sharing the same room with a complete stranger, they should have gotten a room with two separate bedrooms.
Lauren sighed in defeat; she saw her luggage neatly placed on her side, the side near the balcony. She internally cringed when she saw her roommate’s side of the room, she saw clothes thrown on the bed and luggage remain opened and scattered on the floor. It was like tornado hit the room, but only the side of the stranger’s bed. “This is going to be harder than I thought”. Lauren mumbled.
As if on cue, Lauren heard the bathroom door open, she put in the fakest smile she can muster, anticipating to see the disorganized inconsiderate person she’d be spending three months with. Might as well accept it, she hated conflict anyway.
But boy she was in for the ride of her life. Lauren froze with her jaw dropped along with her purse after seeing the familiar figure across from her. She knew that body from inside and out, she wasn’t mistaken.
The woman, who recently got out of the bathroom, was startled on the loud tump caused by Lauren’s fallen purse. Her brown eyes immediately landed on the green eyes staring at her in complete shock. She was also taken by surprise covering her mouth with both hands; it was like seeing a ghost, a ghost from the past. Lauren’s eyes grew wider; the woman dropped the towel after covering her mouth, exposing her naked body.
The person Lauren never thought she would see again, after destroying her seven years ago, was right in front of her, naked. What a perfect reunion.
Hi, this is actually my first fic and the first shit I’ve ever written in my life. Someone suggested that I should start with fan-fiction to enhance my writing skills. I’m actually preparing for law school and English is only my second language.
I’m not a camren shipper IRL, but I’m a lowkey fan of 5h and I’m hella gay so I chose to write an AU of them.
I’m too lazy to proof read so sorry for the errors and incorrect grammars. 
I’m an annon writer and you can reach me @ my anon tumblr account -https://subatomicgalaxy.tumblr.com/ and I also posted this on whattpad: subatomicgalaxy thank you :D
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