#aiko tobita
Successor Au Headcanons:
1. Ever since he could remember, Seiji always had these weird dreams.
2. One time he felt like he was being coddled by his mother, another being suffocated by a man that looked like him, and one where a man with no face held his head with just one hand.
3. At UA, the dreams only seem to get worse but luckily he has his friends to talk to about them.
4. Due to his quirk and many others in his class, a sort of group formed between the teenagers bonding over their parent’s supposed ‘villain’ past.
5. Seiji looks up to Deku so much yet freezes up the second the pro-hero is close to him.
6. They do form a bond over a series of events despite the circumstances making it seem comical by this point.
7. Seiji and Isamu have a close-knit bond over video games, the same can be said with Aiko and Kayo with dolls.
8. Setsuko seems to be the only one who can make Shin slightly okay with trouble being made.
9. Tadao has to be pushed away from eating actual people apart from the raw meat they eat.
10. Once Seiji discovers he has more than one quirk, he slowly starts to realize that his body can handle so much.
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Made a list of my ocs because I'm too lazy to draw them
The son of Tomura Shigaraki
Seiji Nakayama
First name means: "Refined son."
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 16
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hero Name:???
Quirk: Hereditary
He can access quirks down his family line from both his father's and mother’s sides of their families.
The son of Twice
Setsuko Katayama
First name means: "Of temperate nature."
Pronouns: He/Him They/Them
Age: 18
Sexuality: Pansexual
Hero Name: Duplex
Quirk: Twice
They can duplicate themselves and others as long as they get measurements right.
The child of Toga
Aiko Tobita
First name means: "Love child."
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 14
Sexuality: Pansexual
Hero Name: Nurse Repress
Quirk: Repressed
They can drink their opponent’s blood and once they press their fingertips together the opponent falls as if they are affected by gravity. More pressure is made onto their fingertips and the gravity gets heavier for the opponent.
The son of Mr. Compress
Shin Yamane
First name means: "Advancing gentleman."
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 18
Sexuality: Aromatic Asexual
Hero Name: Mr. Compress
Quirk: Compress
He can compress objects and people into small marble balls.
The daughter of Muscular
Akane Asai
First name means: "Brilliant red."
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 17
Sexuality: Abrosexual
Hero Name: Brawn
Quirk: Immerse Strength
She has the same quirk as her father but lacks the whole ‘serial killer’ vibe.
The daughter of Dabi
Kayo Okubo
First name means: "Beautiful generation."
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 15
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hero Name: Prye
Quirk: Cremation
She has the same quirk as her father but her skin can handle the heat.
The daughter of Magne
Yukiko Hironaka
First name means: "Rare child."
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hero Name: Allure
Quirk: Magnetism
She can magnetize people towards her or other people but cannot magnetize herself.
The son of Spinner
Isamu Ose
First name means: "Courage."
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 16
Sexuality: Polysexual
Hero Name: Saurian
Quirk: Gecko
He can cling onto places with the suction plates in his fingertips.
The child of Moonfish
Tadao Mukai
First name means: "Loyal man."
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 18
Sexuality: Asexual
Hero Name: Piranha
Quirk: Blade-Tooth
Can sprout their teeth as blades out of their mouth.
The daughter of Giran
Shinju Tao
First name means: "Pearl."
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 27
Sexuality: Lesbian
Hero Name: Lethe
Quirk: Muddiness
She can make a person forget five minutes before and after with the touch of her finger on their head.
The daughter of Mustard
Chika Soma
First name means: "Scattered flowers."
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 1
Sexuality: Demisexual
Hero Name: Arsine
Quirk: Gas
She can be able to control gas like her father.
The son (?) of Kurogiri
Makoto Sando
First name means: "Sincerity, truth."
Pronouns: He/Him They/Them
Age: 18
Sexuality: Asexual
Hero Name: Specter
Quirk: Warp Gate
Can warp himself and others to specific locations he knows or is given information to, or if he knows a specific person to get to.
The sons of Overhaul
Yoshiaki and Yoshio Miyata
First names mean: ‘To be happy or righteous’ and ‘Righteous boy’
Pronouns: He/Him and He/Him
Age(s): 18
Sexuality(es): Omnisexual and Polysexual
Hero names: The Plague Brothers/ Ravage and Infest
Quirks: Take apart and Put back together
One can break matter apart while the other can put the matter back together.
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