#aika kittie
cagg1969 · 5 months
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serpentinespider · 7 months
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my crew
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littlefreya · 2 years
This is SY, when you get your own baby doggo, who he says he doesn't like because it's not a real dog, like Aika. But he still begrudgingly watches the little dog, while you're at work.
But after taking the pup out to the bathroom, he notices the little thing would make a good target for larger pray, and he can't have the dog getting snatched up, (Because, if Mama ain't happy that means Sy can't play with Mama's kitty.) So, he puts the mini flak jacket on her, so she'll be safe, and it even makes her look a bit cooler.
Sy even takes Akia and Little Doggo to a Veteran group event, where the guys from his squad playfully rib the Captain for having the little pup tucked under one arm, like some sort of "Growling Hand Grenade." But Syverson doesn't care anymore, he's grown attached to her.
(lol that developed into more than I intended it too.)
(You completely destroyed me with the video and the headcanon and then they even play CCR which is one of my fave bands 🥹)
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I can totally see dog!dad Sy cuddling with a tiny doggo and protecting him with everything he has.
He makes fun of him when you get him. He says he ain’t a real dog like Aika but one look into those puppy eyes and the bond has already been established. The little doggo follows after him everywhere and Sy always snuggles him and gives him extra treats when no one is looking.
He sleep in his arms and when Sy and you have an argument the little doggo takes Sy’s side by barking at you with rebuke.
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linpunny · 9 months
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Merry Christmas beautiful!! How are you and Taiju spending the holidays? Hope you get to have lots of fun and enjoy lots of yummy food!!😋
AIKA 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺 that’s so sweet of you! Double reverse uno!!!
I’ve gotten sick again 🥲 but Taiju and I are cuddling on the couch with our kitty Pitou and watching movies this weekend. Then on Christmas morning it’s off to Yuzu’s for Christmas breakfast and presents with Hakkai 🥺🥺 family tradition, plus Taiju said Yuzu’s wraith would be unmatched if we missed her breakfast 🤭🤭
What about you and gojo? What are you and the pretty man doing this holiday?
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digital-playhouse · 9 months
Kitty 😻
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enkeliseepra · 7 months
Apokalyptinen angstini näyttää siirtyneen uniini. Näin edellisenä yönä unta Hazbin Hotel- piirretystä ja Chucky- nukesta. Näin myös unta jossa keinoäly syrjäytti ihmiskunnan. Nousin, ja sain tekstiviestin jossa luki että tämänpäiväinen omahoitajan tapaaminen on peruttu sillä omahoitajani on sairastunut. Toivottavasti hän paranee pian. Nousin, otin aamulääkkeeni aamiaisen kanssa, menin hetkeksi vielä pitkäkseni, ja nousin. Harjasin kieleni ja hampaani, hoidin kasvojenhoitorutiinin, rasvasin ihoni, ja pukeuduin. Jynssäsin vessanpöntön puhtaaksi, vaihdoin minipyyhkeet, ja vein roskat. Kävin ruokakaupassa, sitten matkustin junalla Janille ja Elisalle. Elisa oli huonolla tuulella, yritin piristää häntä. Söimme herkkuja ja joimme kahvia. Anton saapui myöhemmin päivällä. Vietimme mukavan illan. Kun kello tuli kuusi, tuli aika lähteä sillä Janilla oli aikainen herätys. Matkustin bussilla keskustaan ja menin Hennes & Mauritziin ostamaan, jep jep, huultenkuorintatyynyä. Kävin samalla Mäkkärissä ostamassa uutta herkkuani, kinuski- strösseli- sundaen. Ostin myös viinirypäleitä ja banaaneja. Menin bussilla kotiini ja olin hyvällä tuulella. Onneksi apokalyptinen angsti ei seurannut unista todellisuuteen. Perillä kotona olin saanut postissa Etsy- nettikaupasta tilaamani Spiderman- kukkaron. Laitoin sen samantien pesukoneeseen, jossa pesin myös alusvaatepyykkiä sillä minulla ei ollut puhtaita legginsejä eikä rintaliivejä. Otin iltalääkkeeni iltapalan kanssa. Huomenna käyn suihkussa, tällä kertaa vartalonkuorinnan ja hiusnaamion kanssa. Äiti tulee käymään puolenpäivän aikaan. Menen Tyttikselle, siellä on naisten päivän etkot. Perjantaina menen kampaajalle vahauttamaan kulmakarvani. Illalla Elise tulee luokseni, menemme yhdessä samaan lukioon mitä kävimme v. 2005, siellä on naisten päivän juhla. Lauantaina siivoan. Vien 20 euroa Miretelle säästöön, hän säilyttää asunnossaan Antonilta saamaani Hello Kitty- säästöpossua. Sunnuntaina menen vanhemmilleni, vien äidilleni varmaan kimpun kukkia.
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wild-love-heart · 10 months
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Aika Kittie
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yawningpolarbear · 5 years
So I went out. Played ranked games with my lil bro who was by the way very rabid. Tho kailangan ko rin naman matrashtalk para umayos laro. Pero mejo nahurt parin feelings ko, slight hahaha. He needed to go home, kasi hanap na sya ng motherlu namin. Lalaro pa sana ako kaya lang di ko naman keri mag solo hahaha. So I went home and found this cute little kitty which I’m keeping at arm’s length. Super cute pero super takot din ako.
Huhu send help. Should I just go back to tnc and continue playing or should I stay up so I can keep an eye on this little creature right here? Btw I named her Aika. Doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or girl lol hahaha
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quietmyfearswith · 4 years
cartoons ; preferences
warnings — fluff (?) 
characters — andy barber, steve rogers, ransom drysdale, bucky barnes, lance tucker, syverson, august walker
a/n — THIS IS A DDLG FIC,, i understand that for some their litlte age or little space activities varies for some but for this sake lets imagine that the reader loves to watch cartoons,, feedback is appreciated :)
their love language | with their little | when you’re insecure | slipping into little space | fussy | happy hoelidays
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As a reward for her good behavior, Andy allowed Y/N an extra half hour to watch television and she chose to watch her favorite cartoon — Higglytown Heroes. “Poor kitty!” She gasped out as the kitten was stuck on a tree. The lawyer was seated on the couch beside her with his hand rubbing her back as he quietly read a case file, “Kip is stuck now too!” Silently chuckling at her blow by blow report of the events of the cartoon he proceeded to read until he was summoned, “Dada, what will happen now?” Her eyes displayed worry and curiosity so he set the folder on the side table before making a guess, “Maybe they’ll ask someone from help? Let’s watch it, little missy.”
A few moments later, the characters were singing a song to reveal that they would be asking help from the firefighters. “You see that, missy? Who rides a big red vehicle with sirens?” His question got her racking her brain for a bit before answering, “Is it from the firefighters, dada?” Smiling widely as he pecked her cheek, he praised her, “Such a smart girl!” Her giggles indicated she loved the praise he was giving her, “The firefighters are the heroes because they help others.” Pondering on what he said, she stared at his bearded face with her lips pursed with a deep stare. “What are you thinking about, missy?” It was unusual for her to be this silent and serious when she was deep in little space, so it was slightly concerning. “Heroes help people; right, dada?” Andy nodded as he revisited the cartoon, “Mhm, just how the firefighters helped Kip and the kittens.” Holding his hand, she played with it as she concluded, “So does that make dada a hero too?” With a mouth hung agape, no words left the lawyer’s mouth as he was dumbfounded as his girl continued her explanation, “You help people and protect them right?” Planting a kiss on his bearded cheek, he smiled as her words of, “You’re my favorite hero, dada,” Melted his heart in the best way possible.
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“Little one, what do you want to do today?” Hearing August’s deep voice tore her attentive eyes away from the television screen as she smiled sweetly at him, “Can we bake that cake, daddy?” Following where her finger pointed to where Mr. Bean was currently slicing a piece of the chocolate cake. Sitting down adjacent to where his beloved was sitting on the floor, he tried to convince her from doing something else, “Perhaps you’d rather go to the park? Or even color?” Crossing her arms as she let out a huff — an indication that her mind was set on imitating the animation meal, “But daddy I want to try the cake! It looks so yummy and I want to taste it!” Comparing her attitude to the previous times she whined about wanting something, she was relatively tame — so it ultimately convinced him that there was no harm in complying with what she wanted. “Okay, we’ll bake the cake,” She clapped her hands, excited at the thought of getting to taste the pastry; but her glee was halted as the CIA agent raised a brow at her, “But you have to wait a little while okay? Daddy still needs to find a recipe for the cake and see if we have the right ingredients; can you be a good girl in the meantime?” Nodding her head up and down, she proceeded to clasp her hands together on her lap as she returned to silently watching the cartoon. Draping an arm over her shoulders, his other hand fished out for the phone on his pocket and searched for the recipe; and he did find one after a few minutes.
With a kiss on her shoulder, he then excused himself to the kitchen to check if they have all the required ingredients; and when they did have everything it was then he called for her, “Turn off the television, little one. I found a recipe and we can bake that chocolate cake!” Never in their entire relationship had he seen her comply instantaneously and with a smile on her face. Standing beside him he smirked as he placed the cute apron he got her, “Are you ready to be a good baker, little one?” Jumping on her feet she nodded as she exclaimed, “I am, daddy! Can’t wait to feed you what we baked,” To show her appreciation of him going along with what she wants, she stood on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his scruffy cheek, “Thank you so much, daddy. I love you.”
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“Tătic, what color do you like most — pink, blue, or green?” She asked the former Winter Soldier without diverting her gaze from the piece of paper she was drawing on; the man in question however stopped reading the newspaper he was reading as he peered up. “I like the color blue the most, sweetheart; why’d you ask?” Continuing with her drawing, she just mumbled a soft, “Nothing,” And there was really nothing alarming about her behavior so he shrugged it off and continued to read about current events. After a few silent minutes, Y/N asked him again, “Would you rather be an owl, a cat, or a chameleon?” Bucky was able to connect some of the dots — the three colors and animals she mentioned was reminiscent of her favorite cartoon, “Why are you asking me about PJ Masks, sweetie?” Having been caught, she removed her focus from her drawing to look up from where he was sitting on the couch while she was sitting cross-legged at the floor. “I’m drawing something for you, tătic. Please don’t take a peek yet.”
She so sweetly requested it from him that he had just nodded and answered, “I’d rather be a chameleon, sweetie,” Before reading through the text again. Folding the newspaper and placing it by the side table; deciding that he needed to scratch an itch, he quietly lowered himself to sit on the floor. Once doing so, he inched closer to his left so he could try to sneak a peek at  what Y/N was drawing; but it was as if spending so much time with the super soldier she gained spy skills, she sensed what he was trying to do and was quick to call him out on it, “Tătic, stop peeking!” Wrapping both his arms on her waist as he rubbed his forehead against her arm as he dramatically sighed, “But sweetheart I wanna see what you’re drawing.” Matching his sigh with a dramatic one of her own, she then pushed his face away and grabbed her drawing pad. “Okay here it is, tătic,” She showed him a suit she was sketching for him, it was blue and she tried to replicate Gecko’s scale in the suit but it proved too difficult to do so. “Wanted to design a new suit for you, tătic; you know just like in PJ Masks.” Unable to let out an audible coo, Bucky hugged Y/N in his arms as he planted kisses on the top of her head, “I love it so much, sweetheart. I love you so much.”
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“What are you doing to my hair, doll?” Steve wondered as she was sitting on his lap, with her tongue slightly poking out of her cheeks as her hands were ruffling through his hair in her efforts to style him. “Just fixing your hair, sir.” Her answer just confused the retired Avenger even more as he just brushed his hair earlier; but apparently it wasn’t good enough for her. She was arranging the strands of his hair so they’d stand up instead of his usual look. “Only a little bit more and you’ll look like Ryder.” At the mention of that name, Steve was slightly concerned that he had a rival for his lover’s affection, “Who’s Ryder, baby doll?” Feeling giddy with the nickname she was called, she failed to focus on how he asked the question venomously. “The team leader of PAW Patrol, sir.” He let out a relieved sigh as relaxed visibly as he allowed her to rummage through his golden locks. 
“Why do you want to style me like Ryder?” Halting her movements through his hair, she grinned widely upon seeing that his hair now looked like the cartoon character’s. “Because you’re so much like him, sir. You’re both leaders and love dogs too!” The last part peaked his attention as she seemed extra giddy at the mention of dogs, “Is this your way of telling me you want a dog too?” Placing her head against his chest, she nodded as she shyly mumbled, “Yes, sir.” His fingertips grazed the skin of her shoulders, “Then are you gonna name ‘em after the dogs in PAW Patrol?” The suggestion had her enthusiastically nodding against his chest, “I’d love that so much, sir!” Hugging her frame flush against him, Steve then decided to play along with her, “Maybe someday, when you prove to be responsible enough; if I’m Ryder, who are you then?” Removing her face from his chest she beamed, “The Princess of Barkingburg! Which means you need to comply with my orders of us getting a dog!”
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gif by @henry-cavlll​ i really wanted this gif but it wouldnt appear on the gif finder
“Aika, come here, doggy!” Upon hearing her name called, the German Shepherd plopped  herself down beside the girl who was currently watching cartoons as she was watching her favorite cartoon as she waited for Sy. Stroking her brown fur she looked at the dog who was staring at her with curious eyes, “Do you like the color red, Aika?” As the dog laid her head down on her thigh, the little girl took it as a no. “Why not? Clifford likes the cower red,” She pointed to the huge dog who was licking Emily as she was brushing his fur. “Maybe Captain will let me put red color on you,” She then began to brush her own nimble fingers against the brown and black fur of the dog as she imagined what it would look like with the color red instead.
“I’m home, baby girl!” Sy announced as he closed the front door behind him. Her head turned to his appearing figure with a wide smile as she waved enthusiastically, “Captain! I had a bright idea.” Having his curiosity piqued, he told her to remain seated on the couch as he placed some of the groceries he bought on the kitchen island and sat beside her. Not even more than a second after he sat down, she immediately perched herself on his lap, calling for Aika as well to scooch closer to the both of them. “What are you up to, baby?” Bopping her nose with his finger and she playfully chased his finger to bite it; pointing to the television where Clifford the Big Red Dog was still playing, “Clifford is red, right?” Not knowing where she was going with this, he just nodded and looked at her with curious eyes as she pointed to their dog who was laying on her crossed paws, “Can we please color Aika red? Please?” Chuckling at her suggestion, the former soldier could only shake his head, “No we can’t color her red, babygirl.” At the sound of the rejection of her idea, Y/N pouted in hopes to persuade him to change his mind, “But you colored her green!” Sighing, he held her hands as he explained, “Captain only colored her green so she wouldn’t be taken away.” With a huff she crossed her arms as she continued to whine, “I want a red dog.” Coming up with a bright idea, Sy then offered, “How about I buy you a Clifford stuffie? That way you’ll have your own red dog.” Almost immediately her pout left her mouth as her eyes shined at the thought of having one and she wrapped her arms around his neck as she excitedly squealed, “Yes please, Captain! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
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“What’s going on, papa?” Y/N wondered as she found Lance perched down on the floor as he was tinkling with his laptop; she awoke from her nap and instead of having the gold medalist wake her up it was the faint groans and curses he let out that woke her up. Looking up from where he was trying to get the device to work, he put on a smile upon seeing his girl, “I can’t get the laptop to turn on, angel.” He was only slightly alarmed when she jumped and down, “Oh let me help, papa! Hold on, let me get my tools!” He could barely process anything she said as she was quick to leave him on the floor.
Dismissing her behavior, he turned his attention back to his laptop and stared at it as if his gaze would get it back to work. “Handy Y/N at your service! You break it, I fix it!” She said the cartoon character’s famous catchphrase, she held onto her own version of the toolbox he got her as a surprise. Smiling, Lance patted the spot beside him as he called her for help, “Hello handy Y/N! Can you please help me fix my laptop?” With a slight pout, she pretended to inspect the device for a little bit before grabbing Felipe, the yellow screwdriver that seemed to be her favorite character, and pretended to screw around the device. As she turned to place the tool box on its container and was rummaging through her tools, the gymnast sneakily pushed the power button and by some miracle it did turn on, “Look at that, angel! You fixed my laptop!” She jumped a bit at the sound of his voice but smiled widely upon seeing the screen light up, “I guess Handy Manny really teaches you how to fix things huh, angel?” Nodding her head she smiled brightly as she grabbed her toolbox and struck a pose, “It did, papa! And now I can always fix something up for you; you only have to pay me with kissies and cuddles!”
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“King, can I pick what we’re both going to wear?” Ransom looked up at the girl who laid beside him, they both woke up a few minutes ago and they were just cuddling in bed as they traced shapes into each other’s skin; usually she would ask if she could dress herself, never him as well. Seeing how she hasn’t had the chance to slip into her comfort space usually — thanks to her demanding priorities — he didn’t see any harm in letting her do so; after all, he wanted her to enjoy her Christmas break. With a sweet kiss to her forehead he allowed it, “Okay princess, you can choose what we both wear. But why stop there? Choose what you want us to do this morning too.” Her eyes lit up with excitement at what he said as she stood up from the bed, leaving the former playboy to whine about missing her warmth, and search through their shared walk-in closet about the clothing articles she was looking for. Returning with their matching cable knit sweaters and a pair of plaid pajamas that had a king and queen symbol sewn on it. With a raised brow, Ransom silently wondered if she was planning this for a while and her excited squeal of, “Wear this one please, king — this way we’re like B1 and B2!”
“So that’s why you wanted us to match huh?” He concluded out loud as he sat up on the edge of the bed so he could reach for her to tickled her sides; in between her fit of giggles, Y/N managed to confirm it, “Mhm, I wanted to be like them. And this is my way too of making up for not spending so much time with my king.” Displeased with the whiff of sadness at her statement; grabbing for both of her hands, he held it against his as he rubbed soothing circles on it, “Princess, I completely understand that you were buried in your workload, okay? I’m so proud that you got to accomplish everything right away,” He paused his little speech to plant kisses on the back of both her palms before inquiring, “So have you decided what we’re going to do?” Nodding her head yes she shared what her ideal morning would look like, “Maybe you can make my favorite breakfast, king? Then watch ``Bananas in Pyjamas together?” Ransom could feel his heart flutter with how simple she was — which was a stark contrast to how the people that surrounded him for all his life was extremely materialistic — that all she wanted was to be with him for that would make her happy. Grabbing the clothes she had picked out in one hand as the other hand was dragging his princess on the other to guide them to the bathroom to change he jokingly scolded her, “Then what are we waiting for? We can’t let B1 and B2 waiting for us for too long!”
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“I understand we have a holiday break, but I just wanted to go over the contents of the report one more time,” Will tiredly explained as he was having his final video conference before his holiday break. Y/N was currently watching Twirlywoos in the living room. Redirecting her gaze from the television screen to her bubba who was stressed out and she wanted to help him relax — but knew that one way of doing so is by not bothering him right now as he worked. “Okay, see you all again on January 3rd,” Was the last thing Will said before ending the call and groaning out loud as he rubbed his hands on his eyes, “Bubba, are you okay?” Hearing her concerned and small voice snapped him out of his distress; he was then quick to put up a smile on his lips as he left his home office that was adjacent to the living room and sat beside her on the couch. “I am now, munchkin. Bubba doesn’t have to work for two weeks and you have him all to yourself.” With that Y/N smiled brightly as well and kissed all over his face, “Okay calm down, munchkin,” He laughed feeling ticklish with all her kisses, “How about a snack?” Nodding her head, she accepted the help he offered her to stand from the floor, “Yes please, bubba.” 
Grabbing her hand he led her to the sit on one of the chairs on the breakfast bar, and just as Will was about to head to the pantry to grab some snacks he remembered, “Oh hold on, I just need to fix my things before fixing you a snack, okay?” The business consultant expected that his girl would be disappointed but she was the opposite, “Can I help you with that, bubba?” He had to take a double look at her as he wondered out loud, “Are you sure you want to help? And I don’t think you know exactly how to do so, munchkin.” She pouted when he doubted her capabilities, “I do! I learned from the Twirlywoos,” She pointed to the cartoons playing on the background — the family of four were now carelessly shoving all the beach items inside the tent — and since this was her favorite show, she’d watch this particular episode multiple times and picked up quite a few things. Will wrapped an arm around Y/N’s waist to lead her into his home office, “Very well, my Chickadee munchkin, show me what you learned from the show.”
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sunhalf-a · 2 years
@oleandew : "When I say this, I do mean this in a 'bones doesn't love anyone but me ever' way and not a 'you don't deserve her love' way. But like—why does she like you soooo much?" Cass watches as Bones rubs her little boney head against Aika's leg. She's always been the type to show her affection through more... terrorizing methods ( stealing your socks, falling apart in your lap, bringing you bits of her own tail and pieces of soda cans in offering ), rather than being sweet.
Indiana Bones is a little ghoul of a girl first and a well-behaved skeleton cat second. With Aika, you'd never even know of the record she's held as the house' most annoying occupant since Cass rose her over 15 years ago. Bones continues to weave around Aika's feet as if she's known her for ages and not just the mere 5 minutes Aika's actually been in the house.
Aika’s childhood was a blur of suffering - then joy - then agony, and so the details of that childhood are fuzzy.  And childhood means so little to creatures such as she / to some of the older Reapers she’s met, she’s still as much a child as the little girl who watcher her mother die / that there’s rarely a need to think back on it.  But this cat had seemed distantly familiar the moment the girl had wandered into the home, and the moment the sweet kitty cat / collection of bones had seen fit to give Aika so much loving attention.  Despite her arrogance, Aika, too, has melted, none of that coquettish mockery as she bends at the knees, crouching to return Miss Indiana Bones’s affection. Just loving left in her hollow chest.
The familiar - feeling won’t fade entirely, even as she offers, “dead things tend to like me.”  It’s true, even if this is excessive.  Dead things can sense the dead thing in her.  But — but there’s something else, isn’t there?  She scratches behind Bones’s ear — or, well, you know — and thinks, trying to clear the protective haze around her childhood that keeps her safe from remembering anything that might really hurt.  (  it doesn’t even help, really.  )  “But I — think we might have met before?”
Bones rubs her head against Aika’s knee just so, the sensation somehow familiar / but not on her flesh but the pricks of nerves across whatever passes for a Reaper’s SOUL, and ———
“What if I hurt her?” “You won’t, Aika.” “I don’t want to hurt anyone.  I’m afraid, Otou - sama.” “Overcome it.” “She’s so small...” “So are you.  Feel her soul.  Let it touch yours.” “Oh...!”
“Oh!”  The memory is warm at the edges, however hazy.  She must have been — what, eight?  Nine?  One of the first souls she ever...
“Oh, gosh!  Baby, I’m sorry I forgot!!”  Bones seems pleased, somehow, or at least like she’s forgiven the forgetfulness.  Aika’s eyes raise to Cass, sparking and sincere.  As if it’s an obvious thing to say to a boy to whom she’s never even properly explained that she’s half of a Reaper, she says, cheerful, “I helped my father reap her, when I was little!”
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
"As long as I'm with you, darling, I'll be okay..." - Anamosica OC
Challenged myself to make my own yandere oc for @kitty-is-chilling / @dangerouspeanutstudent 's fandorm. I think it went well 🤣 Also just recently watched a Mirai Nikki review. You know where this leads to.
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Link to picrew
Biographical Information
Name: Aika Tokigiri (時切 愛佳, Tokigiri Aika)
Name Meaning:  "love song that cuts through time" / "time cutter's love song"
Aika (愛佳): "love song."
Tokigiri (時切): "time cutter"
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Date of Birth: 14th February
Twisted from: Gasai Yuno from Mirai Nikki/Future Diary
Professional Status
Dorm: Anamosica
Year: First years
Class: 1-B seat 21
Fun Fact
Dominate Hand: Ambidextrous
Best Subject: History
Favorite Drink: Melon Float
Least Favorite Food: Apple Pie
Hobby: Cooking; Knitting
Dislike: Someone gets too close to her darling; Feeling empty
Talent: Lockpicking; Spying; Lying
Unique Magic:
Lover's Future
Able to see the future of her beloved of any times, but only lasted for ten minutes.
Aika doesn't really socialize with people. She's sweet, talented, and always in the top students of her class, but sometimes it's hard to talk to her. She's very secretive to the point you don't know where she lives of who her parents are.
She believes in soulmate, believe in a perfect someone waiting for her. When she does find them or if you're her destined lover, oh honey, you have a big storm coming.
Like a light switch, she changes. She becomes more talkative, showering you with affections and sweet talks, telling you over and over of how much she loves you. She becomes a perfect housewife and dreams one day both of you will get married and lives happily ever after.
Don't let this sweet dream fool you. She might adore you, but she's also obsessed of you. With her unique magic, see can see your movement and sometimes appears out of nowhere just to be with you. She will pull you away from your friends and becomes very suspicious if you even talk to another girls. She knows where you live for a sudden visit, she knows your schedule so you can't lie when you just want to get away from her. You can't escape from her once she has you in her grasp. But don't worry, darling. She will protect you. Why else she always have a Swiss army knife in her skirt pocket all the time? She will get dirty as long as you can be with her forever...
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HI ANSHI!! lemme just let myself in here, i wanted to ask if you had a masterlist or sum for your aika and julius content? i just realised you might have fics for them and i wanna binge right after i binge lyra's children of the future series <333 here, have my fave julius gif as an offering,
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this entire fight was my dilf julius awakening 😭💔
I mean there’s a whole fic abt Julius and Aika that’s still ongoing you can start from here actually yk what imma create a masterlist for them tomorrow AKAJSJDHDH you can also go read it on ao3 and I’d recommend the SFW version here cus you’re still a minor😅
if you peruse through the #julius & aika tag, you’ll find a lot more abt them🙈💕💕
Here’s the link to all the posts in the julius & aika tag it’s a tumblr website that will open on your phone or comp and it’s basically an archive of all the julius & aika posts😎💕💕
Here’s some of my fave Julius and Aika content
Kitty cat - this was written by Lyra and I love it so much🥺🥺
Aika leaving Julius - Lyra also wrote this but AKSJDHDH I was very emotional 🤧🤧🤧
Kitty cat moodboard
My favorite drawing of them as of now
Here’s a small excerpt from my fic I haven’t posted this chapter yet but I wanted to share it cus I love it so much🥺💕💕
And here’s a book cover of my fic made by my best friend🤧💕
And thank you for the Julius gif🥺💕💕 yeah that episode I was like😳😳😳
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lyranova · 3 years
Hi guys! Here’s a small Julius drabble I wrote for @simpingforthisonedeer (this was the surprise I mentioned 👀), I hope you like it wifey 🥺💕!
Word Count: 263
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
“ My aren’t you just adorable.” Julius, well, Chronovala, said as he held the small orange and white kitty in his arms. He always loved animals, they were the best kind of companions. They were smart, loving, and didn’t judge. He scratched the small kitty on the head, there were quite a few cats around him right now and he was trying to show them all attention, but the little one in his arms hadn’t been shown nearly enough attention in his mind. So he scratched and petted it, and made sure to cuddle it for good measure.
“ You’re such a cutie. I wish I could sneak all of you in my office, but Marx would kill me.” Julius sighed sadly, he gave the kitties a little more food before looking up and smiling at the sight before him.
Aika was sitting on a bench, reading a book. Her dark hair pulled back slightly so it wouldn’t be in her face as she read. She was absolutely beautiful. He watched as a small black kitten walked over to her and sat at her feet expectantly, when she did notice she leaned forward, picking it up gently and putting it in her lap. She had closed her book and laid it beside her as the kitten placed its paws on her chest and gently rubbed its head and cheeks against her face, Julius’s smile widened when he saw her smile ever so slightly at the kitten's actions.
Maybe, just maybe, he could convince Aika to let him adopt a couple of these kitties.
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littlefreya · 3 years
Do you think that any of Henry's characters needs a dog? Because, you know, I can bark
Ahahahahaha, I love your hint ;)
But for real... since no one asked for it!
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August will probably have a black cat instead of a dog. I don't think he dislikes dogs, but he doesn't strike me as a dog person. August is a man who needs a good trust and respect build-up, just like cats. People who don't know cats very well think that cats are unpredictable but that's not true. It's all about trust, consent and boundaries for kitties which I think is very much aligned with August's personality.
More under the cut
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Clark will definitely get a Golden Retriever or a Labrador. They are considered as very loyal and friendly family dogs.
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Walter will get a pitbull, big, sturdy and misunderstood doggos who a lot of people fear but Walter will give his doggo all the love and affection.
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(I know canon Sherlock has Tobi but...) Sherlock is also someone I don't see with a dog. I think that the over-affectionate and ecstatic nature of a dog is not for him and that he would rather have a big smart tabby kitty who will help him solve crimes.
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For Mike - For some reason I see him with something tiny and fluffy and completely unpredictable, like a Maltese or a Yorki
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Leon will definitely adopt a mutty stray. I know he worked his way to the top but after all he is the son of a janitor, he didn't come from nothing and his persona was neatly picked but he still has the wisdom of a street dog.
As for Sy...
Aika for life
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loredumptime · 3 years
20s STORY: clarice, [southern man], iola kleeman, petra aveson, cleo aveson
APAMA STORY: apama, iotape, roxane, kleandros
APOCALYPSE STORY: foyoko suzuki, nguyen duong, ramona ahmad, roxanna, maisel, pablo
BAND STORY: electra, andromeda, venus, juno, bijou, milan, kiki, amber, dorian
BASIL LOUISE: basil louise callaway, maxine greer
CIRQUE NOELLE: mellie patch, leo fig, noelle tuleja, quura, areck johansen, mirissa acquati, orion floros, lula marinos, prissy, the lemon girls
COLD WAR STORY: lukas petrauskas, alexei, nadia pavlovsky, annika, sasha petrauskas, natasha petrauskas, tina petrauskas, valentina campos, ximena aguado, ilya bykov, ona petrauskas, lyosha petrauskas, vladimir, svetlana
DYSTOPIAN DELILAH: lemonade blackstone, eun-ha park hakim, jared smith, alexander moore, delilah yoshida, andreaus choi, emil olsen, erzsebet kemeny, zsofia kemeny, liam kishka, cory anderson
EZRA AND THEO: ezra ramirez, theodore rundle, ebony wilson, madeleine drozdov, jade wu, maple wells
HELL STORY: ashari astiela, baphomet, azri diotallevi, lia diotallevi, ark, the devil
HOMEFRONT STORY: henri, tucker, mirabelle
HONEYPOT: eleanor sabina, carlotta fernandes
KING TUT STORY: king tutankhamun, [girl] 
KORE’S UNIVERSE: kore mariangela, gertrude muller, leon ryland, dyani chuchip, hanzou kenta, aurelie babineaux
LESBIAN PIRATES: maeve finch, mariana finch, elena-rose finch, aerynthe milleny
MARY STORY: mary, [killer], [brother], hotaru saito, magnolia lewis
PANDORA STORY: william vasilescu, adam lysander, pandora chung, [pandora’s mom]
PETER PAN RETELLING: pan, wendy, hook, [hook bf], tink
PROFESSOR STORY: [professor], [inspector]
RAVIOLI: aika, augustus, olympias, [augustus sister], [evil prince]
RHIANONH: rhiannon mitchell, micha amos, lark beaumont, micha amos, richard mitchell
SACRILEGIOUS KIDS: lamb, rowan march, belle melangell, finn laurier, shiloh st. james, adam page, marley grey, haniel, gabriel SADIK STORY: ahmed, mihr nush, sadik bin abdullah, roshanak, fatima 
SLASHER KIDS: milo saint, charlie messer, jack colton, eli shaw, oliver shaw
TUTOR FROM CORINTH: philippos, tullia, calidus, berenike, galene
WEREWOLF STORY: alicia hughes, marlene hughes, wolfsbane hughes, alfred hughes
WILD WEST STORY: wes, beau, lottie, eve
WOODSTOCK STORY: annamae sinclair, jolene dixon, [hippie mother], [hippie cult leader], [hippie girl], [hippie boy]
WW2 STORY: wilfried achterburg, pepper porter, felix alberton, kostya vasiliev, luciano vargaz, carla neguirra, gwendolyn achterburg
YOKAI STORY: rio watanabe, sol costa, sumi ito, chiyo ito, hana ito
ARCANA OC: amaris natale, rishva bakhshi, tallulah devorak, maksim devorak, nyneve satrinava, lorelai natale, asanna natale
BREAKING BAD OC: cager myers, elise myers
DC OC: phoebus, constance, ella nashton, duela dent, cyril bloom, elsa king
FICTIF OC: diego perez, beatrix sparks, malou rossi, heidi dunajski
FNAF OC: trixy cat, ollie, hope
GORILLAZ OC: margo green, lemonade blackstone, jackson haywood, anita baker, connor bailey, eun-ha park hakim, marla kekoa, mason kekoa, delilah yoshida, jemima green, etienne green, catalina, francesca, camila, louis miller, juliet
HARRY POTTER OC: freya thrawcliffe, fern marden, circe ellis, yoon hye-in, aiden carter
HETALIA OC: agnes escalona, carla / andorra
JOJO OC: cecilio grande, delia sallow, miguel, jean, consuelo grande, maria grande, leandro 
MARBLE HORNETS OC: nicholas hill
SLENDERVERSE OC: alice burns, beam, [the rest of these guys aren’t my ocs, i just want to reblog stuff with their aesthetics] sally williams, jeffrey woods, tim wright, brian thomas, jane richardson, kate milens, tobias rogers, nina hopkins
SOUTH PARK OC: coral kelley, nia valez
WAKFU OC: hanezil the xelor, amodri the osamodas, nella the cra, rook, isre, fionan, milien, cleora, totio the ouginak
WARRIOR CATS OC: roseleaf, foxtail, frostspeck, snowpaw, [df mentor], sheep, lily, [riverclan guy], violetpelt, goldenfur, hawk, sardine
YURI ON ICE OC: leena makela, wynn virtanen
DEAD OCS: sheena, hina takahashi, jazmin lafleure
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smiles-and-scars · 3 years
*Aika could be seen whispering to the girl with ponytails as everyone hugged each other. She seemed visibly excited, finally speaking over everyone else to ask...*
"So, what's this about a cat?"
- 🎲
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"Mmh... Oh! Anon found a kitty, and she ran away before I could ask her for name suggestions, so I named her Queen, like the chess piece."
No more "Anon-Chan", huh? You must've really hurt him...
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