#aight i'm just babbling at this point
galaxy-fleur · 20 days
Replaying RE4R, and I am once again thinking of how Leon just straight up murders a guy the moment he attacks. Like yeah, sure, he lunged at him with a weapon, there is a bloody badge of an officer, things are sketchy to say the least, but still. It all happens so fast, I doubt he actually had the time to fully put two and two together quite yet.
And you can't tell me that Leon, a trained agent, just overestimated the power of his kick on accident. That ↓
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Was a pretty much deliberate kick. What's interesting is that in the OG RE4, he at least tells the ganado to freeze a good couple of times (or maybe once, I don't remember the specifics, but my point still stands) before actually proceeding to harm him. Remake Leon, meanwhile... just breaks his neck without a second thought.
And his reaction right after makes it... pretty obvious, honestly.
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There is no strong reaction there to offing an old man in his home. Now, granted, he hears a scream right after, so it's not like he has much time to stand and ponder over what happened! But the only thing he says right after is: 'This is not good.' And, yeah, true, but we do know Leon is capable of expressing some level of distress over something he finds disturbing, and he proceeds to do that literally a few minutes later once you start exploring the village. So really, it's an interesting scene and a very intriguing way of introducing this hardened version of Leon we'll be playing as.
I wouldn't be thinking about this as much if not for the circumstances surrounding it. Not like Leon is aware that this man is infected with anything. Up until the moment he gets back up, he could be just some disturbed, paranoid old man or something. And he did just walk into someone's house. He's an intruder here, really. But the moment danger presents itself, he eliminates the threat without a second thought.
I think it speaks volumes of the past 6 years that passed for him, and how they shaped him. We don't know much of Leon's job: what it entails exactly, what kind of work he does on the daily, how the entire structure operates. And before the events of RE4, it's not like he was a well-known agent, if I remember correctly. It's his successful rescue of Ashley that got him high in the ranks. His status as a Racoon City survivor didn't do that. Throughout RE4R, we see him regain his humanity through the connections with other characters, going from the cold, robotic way he caries himself at the start of the game, to the determined, emotionally-invested man we later see carrying Ashley to Luis' laboratory.
It's very neat to think about! And while we all love Leon for his kind heart and his drive to save innocent lives, he is more than capable of violence, and that's an aspect of him I wish was talked about more. That neck break was definitely not the first one for him, just saying.
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gothic-thoughts · 3 months
King Of Almost Everything
Ryomen Sukuna x Black Fem Reader Fluff
Drabble, Curse user!Reader, Jujitsu Uni
CW: Feat. aged up Yuuji, jealous Sukuna, tormenting Yuuji (as usual🙄)
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The brat finally wakes up in my pool of blood, choking out the small amount that made it into his lungs.
"You are unbearably infuriating, you know that?"
"The hell are you talking about?!" Itadori yelled, standing up, "What did I even do?!"
"Watch your tone with me, brat. I can and will take your heart again."
"I'll just be stuck in your domain longer if you do."
"Hm." Kid's got a point.
"Now what do you want?"
"I've grown tired of watching you tirelessly follow that female friend of yours. Your attachment to her is so obvious it annoys me."
"That's what this is about? You brought me here to tell me to stop talking to my friend?"
"Talking?" I chuckled darkly, my domain rumbling at the sound, "Itadori, you gawk at that woman. Vying for her attention like some sort of lost infant wanting milk. You're pathetic and it makes me look pathetic."
"So what if I like her a little bit!? You want me to stop?"
"Too bad."
Between his blinks, I was now off my throne and in front of him, grabbing him by the neck and effortlessly lifting him off the ground, fully extending my arm.
"Fine, let's do this the hard way." I say as I look up at him, "You're going to stop staring at (Y/n) or I will make you suffer for the rest of your agonizingly pitiful life. Now do we have an understanding?"
He choked out, "Why... do you even care so much?"
"I... I don't. That's why I'm threatening to kill you if you do not--"
"W-wait." He struggled, "H-how do you know (Y/n)'s name?"
"You s-said '(Y/n)'. How did you know her name?"
"I know all of your friends names, you spend so much fucking time around them how could I not?"
"No, you don't. You said you hate us all so much that learning names isn't worth your time yet you..."
He paused before he squinted at me, a little smirk drawing across his face despite me choking him.
"What? The hell is the matter with you? What are you smiling for? I am not in the mood for your senseless babbling unless it includes--"
"Do you like (Y/n) too, Sukuna?"
I scoff before throwing him across my domain, watching him slam into the mound of bones and skeletons, falling with pained grunts and groans before I zoom to the area to kick him in his stomach, flipping him onto his back so I can pin him to the ground with my foot.
"Does that answer your question?"
He coughs up blood, "N-no... No, just makes you seem more shy."
"If you're not then prove it."
I kick him in the chin, enjoying his cry of pain before planting my foot back on his chest, "I have no need to prove anything to a bothersome child like you."
"I'm 23--"
"But the reason for my secrecy is because there's no point in expressing any feeling for a human because of your pitiful lifespans. That is, if she does reciprocate my feelings."
"She probably won't like you back cuz you're a literal demonic pain in my ass but... you never know. I could ask her out for you."
"Do not interfere with my emotions, brat. Either I will tell her myself or I will not. It is not your place, and if you make it so that it is, I will kill you only to revive you once I'm sure they've buried you already."
"Alright, alright! But still, you should at least let her know."
"So she can scream and flee from you? From me? That is most likely the most pointless thing you've ever said. Besides, I'm wearing your face. She'll see me as she sees you; a pathetic shell of--"
"Oi, I get it!"
I roll my eyes and snap, making him instantly disappear from under my foot.
"Hey Itadori!" (Y/n)'s smooth, soft, and worried voice from the outside, "You aight, you was just staring out into the distance before you collapsed."
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gnattyplayssims · 1 year
1935 Pt1 - A Lonely Birth
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Back in Henford the Mizrahi's were catching up, "Things seem to be getting much better for you, Kinley."
"It is. Of couse it's been hard with mom passing and Gabe's arrest, but Lucian's been such a rock" She nodded toward her husband.
"Just doing my job as a husband"
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Little Rosalie started to cry and Lucian excused himself from the conversation. He was grateful for the excuse as he knew his wife was about to get mushy. "Hey little bean, what's going on?"
She babbled an explanation and he just nodded.
"Why don't we go find Ivy, hmm?"
"Ya, ya"
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Rosalie found Ivy playing with Belle in the sitting room. She patted Belle on the head and the cat hugged her. "What're you munchkins up to?" William looked at the two charmers and could barely hold back his smile.
"Daddy, mu mu" Ivy pointed at the the object of her desire
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William crossed to the GrammyFone and Ivy clapped excitedly as the music flooded the room. "Are we having a dance party?" Lizzie peeked into the room
"Come on Mrs. Pigulock let's show them how it's done!" he pulled her against him and the babies laughed as he twirled her around"
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Soon everyone was in the sitting room. Esther was making excuses for why her husband and the twins weren't there. Reuben was trying to connect with Esther's "too cool" son Samuel. And Rachel...was 8-going-on-13 and eventually decided to just go sleep off her emotional meltdown
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Soon all the guests left and despite trying to fight how tired she was, Ivy eventually passed out. Lizzie found her and brought her back to her bed. "Night sweetpea"
Lizzie felt a little dizzy as she straightened. "Aight Mommy?"
"Mommy thinks Ivy might be a big sister soon."
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Lizbeth really hoped it wasn't true. Things were hard enough without another baby. But she needed to know for sure. Her heart dropped, it was true. She took a deep breath. Okay this wasn't the end of the world. She liked being a mom, things would be tight but they would be okay.
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"Will...I'm pregnant"
He paused "Um okay. That's...not part of the plan...I guess we'll figure it out." She worried her lip "Come here." She sat beside him "We had a plan but we can adjust it. It'll be hard but we'll love him just as much"
"Him? We don't know"
"I'm believing!"
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Back in Evergreen, Anabelle was trying to come to terms with her own pregnancy. She had gone home until she started to show too much and then left before they could find out. Now alone at the Harbor Station she was trying her hardest to stay positive.
"Are you homeless?"
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The lady waiting across from her watched with a frown. The baby sleeping next to her calmed Anabelle a little and she nodded "We were homeless when Astrid was born. It's a hard place to be." The woman gave some much needed advice until her husband returned with their tickets.
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The stranger had told her of a midwife that ran an orphanage in Conifer Station. She had just enough money to get a bed at the Station for the night and a train ticket for the next morning. She went to bed that night feeling better than she had since she had left Kye.
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Anabelle took the train to Conifer Station the next morning and met Maci the Midwife at the Canal Corner Orphanage. "Don't worry dear, you're safe here. Whatever the situation and whatever your plans, I'll help you get through it."
Relief flooded Anabelle at the woman's words.
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For the next 5 months Maci helped her through all the stages of her pregnancy. Giving her advice on how to be more comfortable and letting her talk when all the changes and choices became too much. She even had a chance to work on her parenting skill by helping with the children.
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One night Anabelle woke up to her first contractions. "Okay Anabelle," She breathed, "Okay, you've planned for this. Okay okay okay" She tried to breathe but as the contractions became closer together she knew, whether she was ready or not she was in labor. "Maci! It's time!"
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Maci sat with Anabelle until the sun came up. "Wait why are you leaving."
"Don't worry dear, there's still time. I have to feed the babies and give the children some instructions. I'll be checking on you and I'll be here when it's time. Just keep breathing."
Then she was alone.
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Maci checked on Anabelle but for the most part she was left alone with nothing but haunting thoughts. Hezekiah should have been there. It should have been him holding her hand. Him telling her she was doing great. Him waiting outside the door for news that his child was born
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"Anabelle." She wasn't certain when Maci had returned but she was holding her face. "You have to stay focused. Keep breathing"
"I can't do this!"
"You can, come on dear, breathe. It's almost time to push. "I need...I need...him"
"You don't. You can do it without him. Breathe"
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Maci helped her out of her clothes "Okay dear, we're almost there. Just a little longer."
"I can't do this! I can't be a mom. I can't take care of it. I want you-
"Shh. You don't need to make any decisions right now. Let's just focus on a healthy baby first."
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Despite Maci's encouragement Anabelle shook her head. "No, no, it'll be safer here. It'll have food and shelter. I can't. I can't-"
"Okay it's time to push." Anabelle did as she was told. "It's a boy!"
"A boy?!" Tears filled her eyes at the word. She had a son.
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Maci handed her the baby and she held him close. She had never felt so much love. Her son was there in her arms. She ran her fingers over his skin, so dark...like his father's. Pain filled her. Something was wrong. Maci took her son and the world began to fade.
1935 Pt2 - A New Camp
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activelyautistic · 4 years
Have you ever heard/read anything about the biomechanical pathways of autistic burnout? I'm trying to figure out what might be causing my fatigue, and all the lists of burnout symptoms match up pretty well with my symptoms. It'd be interesting if it had a cellular/immuno cause like ME/CFS, or a nervous system cause, etc.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Aight Admin S is finally back from the depths of spoonless hell to try to answer this. I really do apologize for how long this took.
Truth be told, I have yet to see any extensive research done on the correlation between these two things, however, I genuinely would not be surprised if there was a strong correlation between the two.
Having said that, I am not certain that it would be exactly the same, CFS, by definition, is a much more long lasting condition than what burnout could ever inflict upon a person. I do think that they would both show up in similar patterns if we were to take brain scans and compare them side by side, though. Because yes, you can literally see fatigue affecting the brain.
My theory is that if we were to take brain scans of two people (in an ideal environment mind you) that were exactly the same except for where one has CFS, and the other experienced burnout, we would see most parts of the brain responsible for processing external stimuli, short term memory, sensory processing, and fatigue would probably look mostly the same. The difference I would assume we would see, mind you, is that in the short term, or at the peak of stress, the person who experiences burnout may show a sharper increase in activity, or it would look as if things may be more severe initially. 
At this point I would also mention that we would have to take into consideration how people process neurotransmitters and hormones as well. People with both conditions process these differently in comparison to abled people, so regardless of which person you look at, they would be processing serotonin, cortisol, dopamine, and various other essential things differently which also can contribute to the difference in brain activity.
And finally, we “take a look” at the brain scans of the person with CFS. I’m sure you’ve done some research of your own if you’ve decided to ask this question in the first place, so I’m hoping you have a basic grasp on the description of the condition. For the sake of anyone else reading my babbling, I’ll explain it shortly.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is, in short, long term unexplained fatigue that is not remedied with sleep, rest or breaks of any sort. The typical requirement for it to be considered “chronic” is 3 months or more. Other symptoms that can accompany this are as follows: muscle pain and/or fatigue, weakness, headaches, and brain fog.
So this is where things get interesting. So remember how I said initially things might show up as more severe or as more extreme in the brain scans from someone showing the signs of burnout? The reason behind this is because someone with CFS would have a constant. A constant level of activity (or lack thereof in some cases) in different areas of the brain because of how the condition makes the entire body work and function differently. A person with CFS will always have a base level of activity (again or not) in the brain, and in this example, maybe the part of the brain responsible for fatigue is already fried, so it’s just kind of...there. So it’s unable to show more activity because literally the whole body is just that tired.
Okay, I rambled. A lot. I’m going to put a TLDR: I think there would be a very strong correlation in the neuropathways for showing signs of burnout and CFS alike, however I believe they would manifest and last very differently due to the nature of how they work.
I’m also going to say that I’m not a professional, and I don’t know anything for sure. This is just my theory based on observation.
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supersizemeplz · 6 years
Battle It Out
Erik 'Dadmonger' Stevens
Another #supersizedfic short. Based off this post and requested by @whoramilaje and @purple-apricots. I can't rap so excuse my attempt. Lol. Enjoy!
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The smell of bacon and syrup filled the air. Dancing with the sounds of sizzling. The family of four occupied the kitchen for breakfast before their day of activities. Erik had helped Amari into a chair and buckled Jadaka into his high chair. He'd offered to entertain the kids while you cooked.
And entertaining he was..
"Listen.. You got fo' teeth and dress real neat.. But when it comes to me, I can't be beat.." Erik dramatically wiped both hands over his face, licking his lips as he walked away from the high chair before walking back. Like he just spit the coldest line of 2019. You chuckled at him, shaking your head as he battle rapped with an amused Jadaka.
Amari grinned, her dimples appearing as she watched the show her father put on. Erik rubbed his hands together, standing in front of his opponent. "ABCDEFG..HIJKL-M..N-O..P.." Jadaka squealed a laugh, making Erik break his character. Erik chuckled, his dimples matching Amari's. "Chill out, chill out. Ayo, ma! Ya boy think this a joke."
Erik called out to you, smiling. Jadaka started babbling, holding a finger out at Erik. You laughed at the unintelligible words, knowing that your baby was going in. "Tell him, 'Daka!" You cheered for your baby boy, making Erik fake offense.
He looked to Amari, chuckling as it pointed to you. "You see how he just took my woman from me? Yoo, this boy got skills." Erik pulled up his sweats higher, nodding his head with a lick of his lips. "..But I got him. I got him. Watch this, princess."
But one giggle from both his children had him laughing.
"No wait. I'm tryna be serious.." Erik chuckled as he held a fist to his mouth. Shoulders bouncing gently. Clearing his throat after calming down, he held back his smile for a serious look. "Aight, check it.. You think ya flow hit.. but boy you ain't slick.. Cause when it comes down to it?.. I take care of ya when ya sick."
Jadaka squealed a laugh, clapping as Erik laughed. The ten month old babbled his response, smiling to show the few teeth he had. Erik raised both his thick eyebrows playfully, looking to Amari as she giggled. "Yooo getcha' people Mari. He talkin all that noise."
Jadaka kicked his feet happily in the footed onesie he wore, making Erik chuckle again before he placed a kiss to both children's forehead. "Your mama just save you from these bars, 'Daka."  You playfully rolled your eyes at Erik, bringing over three plates to your awaiting family.
Erik caught your hand after you put the plates down, pulling you back to him. "Aye lil mama, you ever been wit a rapper?" You smiled, sitting on his lap as you replied 'no, I haven't. Do you know one?'. He raised his eyebrows with faux shock, laughing as you stood and send him a wink. Calling a 'that's how we doing it' behind you.
Taglist: @sisterwifeudaku @kumkaniudaku @elaindeereads @wawakanda-btch @theunsweetenedtruth @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @unholyxcumbucket @purple-apricots @marvelpotterlove @chaneajoyyy @disneysdarlingdiva @wakanda-inspired @justanotherloveaffair @cmonkillmonger @princesskillmonger @theblulife @airis-paris14 @fonville-designs @liviy00 @cosmicmelaninflower @whoramilaje @yaachtynoboat711 @yofavcocoa @teheeboo @alexundefined @kaykay0829 @terrablaze514 @iwrite4poc @truglori @muse-of-mbaku @killmongerdispussy @jozigrrl @thedelightfulone @bugngiz @fiercedeception @tinyelfperson @ashleychristina73 @ikeea-world @softnani @tashawar @callme-slime @a1bunni @amethyst1993 @pinkdemolition @raysunshine78 @missmohnique @toniilaney @pinktiger501
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siead · 3 years
Hmmm so me and a couple of friends created a server with a "pub style" theme. Our main goal is to meet new peeps, build friendships and you know just have that warm open space for everyone who is having such a rough time with "life" in general.
But to be honest being an introvert with a knack for saying very awkward jokes and lines ain't making people stay um. So idk if you're interested on joining or being a mod on our server. We'll be so much delighted!
But like I'd warn you that we're all very shy and 😶👉👈, but we'll be there when you need someone to listen. uwu I'd also appreciate it if you will stay hmm because people living always give me 2 shots of strong black depresso.
Aight I'm just babbling at this point! You can share suggestion on how to even make it better! Here's the link:
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