#aiden x dice
fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
✨ for whatever pairing is in ur brain:3c maybe Langley osyron or Aiden n his idiots are the first to come to mind if u want other inspo
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Osyron was annoyed. He never got how human would force themselves into a celebration where there is no real objective. Proms were for him uninteresting but he knew if he wouldn’t go without a date Lydia would laugh at him cause she cares about this much more.. and he does want to keep his status... and so he went over to the school of Hourglass station academy to ask the only person he did know would head his call. Langley was busy hunting at the dorm when Osyron stopped him in his tracks and just pushed the invitation in his hand... Langley opened it keeping his face he always had but still seeming confused.
“You are joking right?”
Osyrons glare grew cold. “Call it more an order than an invitation... you are coming with me and keep me entertained during this borish event.”
Langley fumbled with his fingers. “You know I hate people.”
“That is why I want to stay with you in a corner where we can be alone... so I at least won’t be fully dragged around by anyone and have a excuse.”
He gripped Langley by his collar and pushed a kiss on him...  which was passionate yet a bit forcefull. “You do know that I can do worse if you won’t come...”
And so the god left back to his school with a light smirk on his face.
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Aiden had a bit discussion with some of the staff cause he only got one invitation for the prom... in the end he did manage to get another one to fufill his plan... and so he waited for both of his targets to show up in his dorm as usual... which he was lucky they did. Dice and Shiio chatted a little untill he arrived. He hand them both one of the invitations.
“I pulled some strings for these so you both could accompany to prom... if that is alright with you.”
While Dice was happy and hugged him, Shiio smirked playfully.
“Hmm you have to convince me more...”
Aidens brows furrowed and he sighed as he walked up to them and pinned him to the wall only breaths away... his eyes near puppy eyes.
“Would you come with me... please?”
Shiio had wide grin and tugged his ears.
“If you are that cute of course....” And so they both dragged Aiden away to plan the way to prom.
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The Ghost (Part 2)
Pairing :Wrench x Reader
AO3 Link
“So. You a big fan of hackers?”
“I guess you can say that. ” You may not be able to make a coherent string of codes but you know that vague code speak means: He’s in the group.
Here's the look reader has in this chapter!
(The helmet and biker suit is the main canonical look reader has cuz it's important to the fic, underneath you can insert your own look)
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Chapter 2: Fresh Air and Graffiti
You woke up to the smell of your grandmother’s cooking, checking your phone revealed it was 8 in the damn morning. God you weren’t ready for the strong smells so early in the morning. Looks like Ripley wasn’t either considering she was already away and giving you her big ole puppy eyes that just scream “Walk time? Walk time!”.
Such a sweetie.
“Let’s get you some breakfast first before we can think of any w-a-l-k-i-e-s, alrighty?” Oh gosh, she gave you a little nod and a gentle ruff, you’re gonna get killed by the cuteness of a pup. Not by any of those burly men with guns that you’re so used to on the job, and obviously, you welcome this kind of death with open arms.
Getting up, you cleaned yourself up from the rest of your grogginess and went to the kitchen to fill up Ripley’s food bowl but not before taking a puff of your daily asthma medicine.
Gah… The smell of dried fish was getting more and more prominent now. The dried fish your grandma makes for the conge tastes so good but god it smells like the ocean flooded the house and dried up.
“Mom! Did you really have to make that fish so early in the morning?” Looks like your aunt was up and at ‘em too now. Strong smells always did make her grumpier.
“ It takes so long to fully seep and cook this fish so I should just cook it now! ” Your aunt looked as if she was going to pop a blood vessel already.
“Mom. Now the whole house smells like fish. You could have made it tomorrow or even later today!” You just sighed as your aunt and grandma argued, you really didn’t want a headache so early in the morning…
Ripley was done eating her breakfast so it was time to go for some walkies. Maybe Ripley will make some friends in this neighborhood? You brought out some body spray for yourself to put on once you’re out of the house, your emergency inhaler, then finally you put the pit-bull on her leash. Hopefully a walk around will ease your headache a bit.
So far so good.
It was sunny and surprisingly nice out, your little pup was letting out some energy and you got some fresh air. You finally arrived at a small dog park, certainly not the park Clara told you about. That hideout is about 20 more minutes away from where you’re currently at.
You sat at one of the benches to give your feet some rest, your little pit-bull laid down next to you on the bench, her head on your lap and wanting you to pet her as you two relaxed. You smiled before slowly starting to go into a daze, your eyelids drooped a bit from the nice temperature and your little friend snored away on your lap before your mind finally started to dream away as you stared into space.
You needed to run.
You have to get out of here.
Opaque silhouettes slithered after you, their limbs contorting as they ran on all fours, letting out whaling cries as if trying to coax you into stopping. Its grotesque body leaving mucus in its wake.
But it didn’t work.
It only made you run faster.
Faster and faster until--
You choked.
The air was knocked out of you as one of the silhouette’s slimy, long arms grabbed one of your legs causing you to fall forward. You tried to crawl away, your nails scratching the concrete below to no avail. You looked behind you to see the mass of disgusting limbs catching up to you, still holding onto your captive leg.
As you continue to try to get away from the creature, you see another silhouette step in front of you and kneel down, and outstretched as if saying “Here. Let me help you up”. This one was different from the ones trying to chase you, they weren’t contorted or slimy nor did they have any extra limbs on their body.
You were so close to reaching for that gentle hand when--
“Excuse me?” You woke up from your daydream by that new voice trying to get your attention. Looking up, you see a man (probably just a couple years older than you) wearing dark lensed glasses and had a light moustache and a soul patch. You also noted the shirt he wore.
You wanted to snort. The Chicago branch would instantly kick that person out for wearing something so blatant. They’d hate seeing their name with a face.
“Hey, uh, sorry for intruding, I just wanted to pet your dog. Don’t really see many Pitbulls in this neighborhood.” You raised an eyebrow, most people would be terrified of Ripley and cross the street from you two (Granted, she is a big dog with large scars and cropped ears, you can’t fully blame them for being intimidated.) But you gave the man a little nod, he seemed nice enough.
“Sure, she’d love the attention.” The man immediately went to work, giving Ripley little scratches behind her ears, cooing as she gave him some kisses.
“What’s her name?”
“As in Ellen Louise Ripley ?”
“Yep. They’re both super tough, so, I just named her accordingly.” You mumbled, god it’s been so long since you had social interaction with a new human. The man just chuckled.
“I can tell, she definitely looks like she been through some stuff.”
You let out a little hum, “She was rescued from one of those dog fighting rings.” He nodded.
“Poor girl. Looks like she’s in better hands now though.” You chuckled as you scratched behind Ripley’s cropped ears, your eyes wandered back to the man’s Dedsec shirt. Honestly you can’t tell if he’s just a big fan or actually part of the group.
“So. You a big fan of hackers?”
“I guess you can say that. You into what Dedsec has to say?” You may not be able to make a coherent string of codes but you know that vague code speak means: He’s in the group.
“They have some good points. Highlighting vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the CTOS systems, showcasing how Blume truly acts. It’s like embarrassing the prom king on stage, I’m all for that.” The man raised his eyebrows and chuckled.
“You seem to have your share of Dedsec knowledge.”
“I’m from Chicago, they’re a pretty big deal there too. Dunno about here.”
“That explains it. Heard they released some pretty big blackmail over there.” You gave the man a nonchalant hum. Dedsec’s blackmail, huh? Aiden did most of the work though…
“I heard that too.”
Checking the time it was already almost 12 pm, that fuckin online college got you on a damn leash. Plus, you were getting pretty hungry, you did skip out on breakfast in favor of feeding Ripley.
“Well, I need to be on my way now. Hope you have a nice day.”
“Oh, you too. I’m Marcus by the way. I have a feeling I might see you again.” Well that sounds only mildly ominous, but, certainly not the worst you’ve heard. The taller man reached out his hand for a handshake, to which you reluctantly shook and gave Marcus your name.
“It was nice meeting you, Marcus.”
You nudged Ripley a bit to let her know you two were heading home now only for her to whine a bit but obliging. Yeah, you don’t wanna smell like fish again but… You really needed to at least finish the week’s assignments. You gave Marcus a final goodbye wave as you walked home with your dog by your side.
You flopped onto your bed in defeat.
Why the fuck did this online school have to give you so much work every week? Well, you managed to do a few weeks worth of work and should be free earlier for Dedsec work.
Speaking of, it’s almost time to meet your new “coworkers”. It's time to suit up.
Donning your binder, biker’s helmet and suit, you made sure to test out the helmet’s voice modulator and check for any kinks. Afterwards, it was time for some real clothes! The skin tight biker suit feels pretty breezy despite you not being actually naked. At least the binder makes you look like a super buff guy, not to mention the boots give you some extra height. You really need those 3 extra inches…
Let’s see…
Pastel week? Or maybe something vintage? Or perhaps some fall colors would be nice! Sweaters always feel nice. But, it has been a while since you’ve done a punk week…
Well! It’s been decided!
Finally, you were ready for work. Giving Ripley a final forehead kiss and head pat, you headed for your destination.
Weird that a notorious hacker group put one of their hideouts in a nerdy tabletop shop. Then again, it doesn’t raise a lot of suspicion on the outside. Looking around, you see a bunch of people rolling their 20 sided dice on the tables. You always did want to play Dungeons and Dragons, never had the time to read up on it though. You walked towards the back, ignoring any wandering eyes. But no one really spoke up against you being there, they looked too scared to even try if they actually wanted to.
Aha. There was the entrance. You pushed in the pass-code Clara gave you and viola! You’re in. You took in the appearance of the entrance down the hackerspace. The graffiti is quite a look. Most of the Dedsec graffiti back home were mostly on CTOS ads or other signposts, this is a stark contrast from those dark hacker rooms in Chicago. But, you certainly didn’t mind it. Actually heading into the space itself revealed it looked more like a hacker’s man cave or hangout spot than a big name hacker group meet up room. Dedsec’s name was graffitied around every inch of the room, the table in the middle was filled with snacks, beers, and some computer equipment, and there were some really old rage comics memes near the 3d printer area.
Looks like you’re the first person here though. You sat at the sofa area, crossing your legs. God, the spaces back home needs a sofa like this instead of those rackety pull out chairs. Just as you were getting used to the appearance of… Everything. The sound of the sliding door and footsteps catches your ears. Guess it was introduction time.
Turning around and facing the first person you got to the space first, you were greeted with a familiar face.
“You guys should have seen Mr. Weak Chin’s face in perso--” The man locked eyes with you as you gave him a little wave.
Marcus. Your instincts had always been pretty on point.
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” His hand was hidden behind him, probably reaching for a weapon to prepare himself from any surprise attacks. You only raise your hands to tell him you don’t mean any harm. Just as you were going to let him know why you’re here, the rest of the crew came down. Marcus wasn’t the only familiar face around here.
Your hidden eyes gazed into familiar digital Xs.
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nottobecrossed · 5 years
*throws dice and kid meme* CREATE I SAY!
If they had a kid meme (Eden x Elijah) @damagedbyfate
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
Name: Aiden Cross Mikaelson
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Dark hair, his mother’s blue eyes & impressive cheekbones, build similar to his father, vampire features from both his parents.
Personality: Like his parents, Aiden is very serious and stoic. This seems to work out for him, as many people find him standoffish-ness alluring or like a ‘bad boy’ sort of thing, so he is very popular with the ladies (and men).
Special Talents: Being born of two Originals, an unheard of concept, Aiden lacks many of the weaknesses of a typical vampire and has superior strength. His personal special talent is that he is very good with cars. He learned from ‘Uncle’ Marcus. Also violin from his mother.
Who they like better: Elijah
Who they take after more: Elijah
Personal Head canon: Aiden & Hope are very close. Being the only children for the future Mikaelson generation, they bond over the sometimes crippling weight that leaves on their shoulders. They do clash, however, on occasions as Hope’s ‘loyalties’ are split between the vampires, witches, and wolves. Which leads Aiden to argue that she doesn’t have their (aka: the vampires) best interest at heart.
Face Claim:
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wweallresultspage · 2 years
Impact Wrestling Slammiversary PPV Results - June 19, 2022
Pre-show: Rich Swann def. Brian Myers in 7:12 to retain the Impact Digital Media Championship
Pre-show: Shark Boy def. Aiden Prince, Bhupinder Gujjar, Chase Stevens, Chris Bey, Crazzy Steve, David Young, Johnny Swinger, Mike Jackson, Nate Webb, Raj Singh, Shera, Shogun, Slash, Steve Maclin, and Zicky Dice in a Reverse Battle Royal in 9:44
1. Mike Bailey def. Ace Austin, Alex Zayne, Andrew Everett, Kenny King, and Trey Miguel in an Ultimate X Match in 9:52 to win the Impact X Division Championship
2. Rosemary & Taya Valkyrie def. Madison Rayne & Tenille Dashwood in 7:18 to win the Impact Knockouts World Tag Team Championships
3. Sami Callihan def. Moose in a Monster's Ball Match in 14:54
4. Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson def. Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe in 10:05 to win the Impact World Tag Team Championships
5. Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, Davey Richards, Frankie Kazarian, & Nick Aldis def. Eddie Edwards, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, PCO, & Vincent in 18:45
6. Jordynne Grace def. Chelsea Green, Deonna Purrazzo, Mia Yim, and Tasha Steelz in a Queen of the Mountain Match in 18:20 to win the Impact Knockouts World Championship
7. Josh Alexander def. Eric Young in 18:44 to retain the Impact World Championship
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its-negans-lucille · 8 years
The Silent One - Part Twenty-Eight
You can find the other parts of this story and my Masterlist HERE!
Chapter Synopsis: Negan hadn’t returned to your room last night and when you had an unexpected visitor you thought you knew why.
Ships: Negan x Reader Words:  1,138 Warnings: Curses, suggestive language Category: Angst
Negan had yet to return to your shared apartment after your agreement and you couldn’t help the rising panic within you. You hadn’t had a wink of sleep; too busy pacing your small room to even think about the possibility of blissful unconsciousness. You had been thinking about Negan’s question and about what you should’ve answered.
Yes. You realised that you should have said yes, that you wanted him. All of him. But you had been taken aback by his question and his sudden change of tone. You told yourself that when Negan arrived that you would tell him that you were ready.
There were shards of sunlight cutting through your room from the tiny gaps in the curtains, illuminating the scattered pieces of walkie-talkie on the floor that had yet to be cleaned up. The sight of it brought a rush of anger and rage curling through you. Rage and mounting anxiety that Negan would usually goad or calm. It was a dice roll which one he’d choose.
You had checked his rooms earlier and you saw that his neatly folded bed had not been slept in and had scarcely been touched since the night before. You had even attempted to lie down in his soft duvets where his scent was strongest and most comforting to try and sleep but to no avail.
You felt that now you were beginning to admit your feelings to yourself that things would get easier. You wouldn’t have to scold yourself for feeling anything but hatred toward the infamous Negan. You were already feeling better and you hadn’t even told Negan about you accepted feelings for him.
You were brought out of your revelry when you heard a voice call from outside your small apartment. The words were muffled but the voice, you could tell, was female. You moved toward your bedroom door and pressed an ear up against the cold wood.
“Negan, you in there?” The feminine voice called breathlessly, confusion marring your thoughts. Normally only male subordinates called to give reports.  “Come play with me.” The voice continued.
You cringed, realising that this was one of Negan’s wives that Arat had spoken to you about. The thought had always been at the back of your mind, not fully believing it as you hadn’t witnessed any of the women in his harem.  You were about to step back from the door and leave the woman to her horny pleads when she said something that made you stiffen.
“You played with Rachel last night? Why don’t you come play with me now!”
You clenched your fists and shook your head, stepping away from the door. So that was what Negan had been doing when he had left you. Many curses and profanities ran through your brain. You opened the door and crossed the room, your gaze blinded by anger.
You had one hand on the cold doorknob before stopping. That woman hadn’t done anything to you. She was just a pawn in Negan’s game of pleasures, as were you. You released your hand from the doorknob, stepping back and running your fingers through your hair. No, you thought. You were going to confront the source.
And so you stepped back and took a few deep breaths before you deemed yourself calm. You settled down in a large armchair and waited.
Negan’s POV
After Negan had been with his wife he had gotten up and walked around the Sanctuary, not satisfied with the fuck. He had continued to plan raids and runs so that they had a solid schedule for the next three months, and to give him a reason not to return to his rooms.
Negan couldn’t help the guilt that was coiling and uncoiling in his stomach at what he had done. It almost felt although he had betrayed your trust. He shook his head, as if trying to abandon the thought. No, you had made your choice and he was perfectly in the bounds of being allowed to fuck whomever he pleased.
Negan decided that he could no longer hide and that it was still fairly early in the morning, maybe you were still asleep and he could sneak in without being noticed?
That was the plan anyway.
Negan had now been standing outside the door to your joint rooms for about ten minutes and he was beginning to get odd looks from passing Saviours. Negan gripped the handle of Lucille, silently asking her to give him strength. Negan clenched his fists and then slowly opened the door.
At first glance Negan let out a low sigh, relief flooding his veins. The room was empty and you were evidently not awake. Negan walked into the room and placed Lucille carefully down on the kitchen table. He was half way to the bed when he heard a small cough. Negan froze and turned slowly to face you sitting in an armchair, one leg crossed over the other.
He was a big enough man to admit it turned him on a little.
“Ah. Good morning, darlin’.” Negan said, at a loss for words. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. Negan tried to think of anything but the blood rushing between his legs.
“What were you doing last night?” You replied simply in a commanding tone that really did not help his current predicament.
“Working.” Negan replied swiftly almost without thinking.
“Really?” You asked, raising your eyebrows. You stood up and stepped toward him. “Because someone called and said some interesting stuff.” You continued, tapping your chin thoughtfully. You were less than a foot away now and the proximity did not help his erection.
“Really?” Negan replied shortly, not sure of what to say.
“Yes.” You answered. “What were the words she used?” You asked yourself. Negan felt his stomach drop, knowing that one of his wives must’ve called. “’Come play with me. You played with Rachel last night’.” You continued in a high pitched stereotypically girly voice.
If you hadn’t spied his erection before you’d definitely be able to now.
“I can’t believe I was going to tell you that I thought about your offer and I was actually going to say yes.” You said with a harsh laugh which held no joy. You shook your head in disbelief and stepping away from him. “Such an asshole.” You muttered to yourself as you moved back toward your room and slammed the door behind you.
It took Negan a minute to register what you had said and what it meant for you both. Negan felt happiness and joy at the thought. But then Negan realised that what he had done the night before had dampened those chances quite a bit.
Negan turned to face your room and in that moment he knew that he’d fucked up royally.
Thank you all for reading and have a wonderful day!
Also sorry if the quality of the writing is lower or you find more typo’s than normal, it’s been a rough mental health day! Sorry!
Tag List:
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brokenbloodlinesrp · 8 years
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                      ¡Feliz aniversario, brokenbloodlines!
         “  — the beginning of time : once upon a time — “
                    Tardaron en notarlo. Demoraron en aceptarlo. Pero era muy latente para los seres sobrenaturales: ya no tenían fuerza ni rapidez, tampoco sentidos agudizados. Sus sentimientos no se sentían intensamente. La magia se desvaneció, cualquier maldición también. Los vampiros, híbridos, brujos y lobos se percataron de que ya no tenían nada. Como los seres que veían a diario, de los que se alimentaban, a los que consideraban inferiores, era igual a ellos. Eran humanos.
                           Tres meses habían pasado desde que desaparecieron todos los seres sobrenaturales. El gobierno norteamericano decretó la “cuarentena” para poder calmar al mundo ante la pasada masacre en Nueva Orleans. 
                            Sin embargo, justo al cumplir el cuarto mes... algo sucedió. La naturaleza misma sabía que los ciudadanos no estaban conformes con su condición, que no pararían hasta matarse u obtener la forma de quebrar lo que tanto le costó. Por lo tanto, puso a prueba la última de sus estratagemas. Después de todo, ¿cómo lograrían luchar contra su condición si ni siquiera recordaban lo que eran?
¿De qué trata esta trama?
Esta trama es la continuación del evento llamado The Beginning of Time ( x ) y los tres meses en cuarentena roleados llamados Feeling Good ( x ).  En resumen, la naturaleza ha quitado de sus memorias todos los recuerdos de sus vidas, otorgándoles una nueva identidad. Una que se siente tan real, que nadie será capaz de dudar de ella. 
¿Cómo será su nueva identidad? 
La administración estará encargada de aportar las ideas, mientras los usuarios podrán elegir la que les agrade más para su personaje.
Entonces, ¿puedo elegir la que quiera?
Hay condiciones, pues la naturaleza no permitiría que un personaje pueda tener recuerdos de su antigua vida. Por lo tanto, serían las siguientes:
No tener la misma ocupación, ni durante su vida como vampiros ni como en el evento Feeling Good. Por ejemplo: Rebekah se dedicó a ser diseñadora de interiores. No podrá elegir algo igual ni similar durante este evento. 
No elegir una trama que involucre a la pareja ni a la amistad/enemistad más cercana a su personaje. Por ejemplo: Cami no podrá elegir la trama donde es mejor amiga de Davina. Ni Davina podrá elegir la trama donde es pareja de Kol. Ni Elijah podrá ser el principal enemigo de Aurora. 
Entonces, ¿en este evento no se respetarán las relaciones establecidas?
Así es. Nada de lo que conocen persiste en esta trama. 
¿Y qué pasa con sus sentimientos y sus personalidades?
Tengan en cuenta que, según los personajes, jamás han establecido alguna relación con su pareja actual, ni con sus hermanos o amistades. Por lo tanto, según la trama que elijan, creerán que los sentimientos positivos o negativos de esta ilusión son los reales. En cuanto a su personalidad, los personajes no cambiarán demasiado, pero sí tendrán que adaptarse a las circunstancias. 
¿Qué sucede con los personajes que son hermanos o hijos de otros?
Recalcamos que en este evento ya no existe ninguna conexión con los otros. Por lo tanto, los Mikaelson, ni los de Martel ni los Salvatore son hermanos. 
¿Cuáles serán sus apellidos entonces si no podrán ser hermanos?
Deberán elegir cualquier otro apellido para diferenciarse. 
¿Cómo elijo la trama?
Checando y viendo que se amoldan a su personaje respetando las condiciones, deben enviar su petición al main de la siguiente manera: “Hola, me gustaría que Genevieve llevará a muse B de la trama 2. 
¿Puedo agregar otros detalles respecto a la trama que elegí?
Por supuesto, nosotros sólo daremos la idea inicial y ustedes podrán pactar detalles más minuciosos con otros usuarios. 
Se darán dos horas para que decidan la trama elegida a partir de la publicación del evento. 
Pueden abrir starters, aunque no haya pasado una semana del anterior.
Para los usuarios con más de un personaje, sólo se puede abrir con uno de ellos.
Consideren contestar starters con más de un personaje. Gracias.
Por favor, contesten todos o la mayoría de los starters.
Si desean continuar algún convo anterior, les pedimos lo transformen en párrafo.
Se hará un pequeño anuncio minutos antes del inicio de la trama para indicar la apertura de starters.
Recuerden colocar en el título del starter: “Once Upon A Time”.
Si tienen alguna duda, pueden comunicarse al ask o chat del main.
                          Trama iniciada del 1 al 9 de febrero.
Tramas bajo read more:
TRAMA N. 1 | ELIJAH MIKAELSON se especializa como médico cirujano en el hospital de Nueva Orleans. KATHERINE PIERCE, una enfermera del lugar ha tenido una gran admiración sobre ELIJAH desde que entró al hospital. Hace todo lo que le dice hasta que su admiración por ELIJAH comienza a tornarse enferma.
TRAMA N. 2 |  ENZO ST. JOHN  es el director general de una gran empresa y LIV PARKER es su asistente personal. Se odian entre sí y discuten todo el tiempo. Sin embargo, LIV se queda porque paga bien, ENZO no lA despide porque LIV es insanamente competente en su trabajo.
TRAMA N. 3 | STEFAN SALVATORE se ha dedicado a un oficio criminal durante años, hasta que a EUNDONG lo descubre en una de sus andadas y lo amenaza con denunciarlo a la policía. STEFAN decide hacer un trato con EUNDONG para hacer todo lo que le pida por el precio de su libertad.
TRAMA N. 4 | REBEKAH MIKAELSON y LUCIEN CASTLE estuvieron una vez en una relación. REBEKAH quedó embarazada y LUCIEN huyó para no hacerse responsable de la situación. Años después, LUCIEN decidió buscar a REBEKAH arrepentido de haberla dejado, cuando llegó se enteró que REBEKAH había sufrió un accidente. REBEKAH estuvo en coma por casi un año, LUCIEN al enterarse quiso poder ayudarle pero descubrió que REBEKAH está actualmente casada y se hizo cargado de su hija HOPE MIKAELSON.
TRAMA N. 5 | CARY WILNER se muda a Nueva Orleans con esperanzas de tener una nueva vida. Durante la mudanza conoce a CAROLINE FORBES, quien se ofrece a ayudarle con la tarea. Una taza de café los convierte en amigos, mientras una copa de alcohol los sumerge en los más placenteros deseos. Principian una relación romántica/sexual hasta que CAROLINE descubre que CARY tiene una relación a  distancia.
TRAMA N. 6 | CAROL QUAINE es la principal negociante de drogas en la ciudad, catalogándola como una persona influyente y peligrosa.  En una de las fiestas anuales conoce al trabajador de su competencia, DANTE CASSANO. Una inocente persona que se involucra en ese mundo sólo para pagar las deudas de su familia. CAROL hace un trato con su competencia para adquirir a DANTE como si de un objeto se tratase, enterándose después que el mismo ya tiene una hija LIZZIE SALTMAN.    
TRAMA N. 7 | AURORA DE MARTEL y TRISTAN DE MARTEL tienen el típico hábito de terminar y volver, una y otra vez. Volviéndose una relación contraproducente y enfermiza. Cuando AURORA decide comenzar una relación formal con alguien más, TRISTAN se aleja del país para seguir con su camino. Luego de tres meses distanciados, Tristan regresa a la ciudad para recuperar aAURORA. Sin embargo, se encuentra con la noticia de que AURORA va a casarse.AURORA y TRISTAN no pueden ignorar la historia de su relación, provocando que A dude de su compromiso.
TRAMA N. 8 | ELIZABETH THOMPSON conoce a KOL MIKAELSON desde la infancia. ELIZABETH siempre ha sido el estudiante modelo, favorito de sus padres. Mientras KOL se ha catalogado como una mala influencia para ELIZABETH. A pesar de las circunstancias, ambos crecen en sintonía. Hasta que un día KOL invita a ELIZABETH a una fiesta clandestina. KOL olvida cuidar de ELIZABETH, dejando que se involucre con JOSH ROSZA, un asesino serial buscado internacionalmente.
TRAMA N. 9 | NOEL LEVESQUE y CAMILLE O’CONNELL trabajan en la misma escuela como profesores. NOEL tiene una pequeña hermana JOSIE SALTZMAN, a la cual da clases CAMILLE. NOEL se hace cargo de JOSIE desde pequeña debido a la muerte accidental de sus padres. CAMILLE se relaciona con NOEL desde el primer día de clases, formando una relación más allá de la amistad. Sin embargo, JOSIE no está de acuerdo con ello y hace todo lo posible por alejarlos.
TRAMA N. 10 | KAI PARKER pasó un largo tiempo en la prisión de la ciudad, conociendo a FREYA MIKAELSON en la misma. FREYA es liberado antes, pero se mantiene en contacto con KAI. FREYA rehace su vida, mintiendo al decir que siempre ha sido una buena persona. No obstante, cuando KAI es liberado, busca a FREYA para cometer un crimen, haciendo flaquear la historia de FREYA en la sociedad.
TRAMA N. 11 | HAYLEY MARSHALL es amiga de KLAUS MIKAELSON desde la adolescencia, en donde han tenido más de un desliz, pero jamás han formalizado nada. La situación se complica cuando DAMON SALVATORE se involucra sexualmente con HAYLEY y forma un lazo romántico con KLAUS. Todo con el objetivo de obtener dinero de parte de ambos.
TRAMA N. 12 | ELENA GILBERT se ha caracterizado por su buena suerte con las relaciones románticas. AIDEN NARDELL detesta a ELENA por la misma razón, enfocando su objetivo en presentarle a otra persona para destruir su vida romántica y laboral.
TRAMA N. 13 | BONNIE BENNETT y DAVINA CLAIRE son compañeras de escuela y deciden formar una empresa de moda. EUNHO es uno de los patrocinadores más ricos de la ciudad, por lo que deciden pedirle ayuda. Sin embargo, EUNHO pronto revela lo que desea a cambio: que tanto BONNIE como DAVINA estafen al alcalde de la ciudad para derrocarlo. Usando cualquier truco que se los permita. Por su empresa, BONNIE y DAVINA acceden.
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
Seduce me for any pairing this is bound to be horrid ♡
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As Belia could snuck away from some of the official meetings and also Bethany was busy hanging with Azreal, Belia snuck into Lord Astras office and quickly pinned him to the ground.... 
“Gotcha... I did practise to overwhelm you the next time.” She chuckles lightly and smiles at him...
“Well may I demonstrate some of the things I practised to catch you off guard.”
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Rubina was never really the one to seduce, for roles sure she could pull it off well but when it was actually someone she likes she was usually more nervous about it... and so her approach was a bit obvious.... She pulled her arms around him and softly whispered into his ear pressing her body against him.
“Chris... if you want to... you could later.. have control over me again...”
She fumbled a little with her words...
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Aiden didn’t really had to do much given how Dice and Shiio usually were with him, usually they tried to get him... however it took his arms to press them both to the nearby tree, While he gave Dice a more soft look and a neck kiss, Shiio whined and got a more harsh look in turn.
“You two... lets leave.” He seemed much more demanding than usual.
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Dragiselle had a soft smile as she approached Lyon and put her fingers under his chin... and placed a small kiss on his cheek... She ruffled his hair a little and pressed his head laying on her shoulder very close to her chest.
“I just want you all to myself sometimes... could you maybe stop by my room later...”
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
👀 what could go wrong here ! ( yeah )
Checking out my muse
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He was just trying to rest before sports began, trying to find a good shade until it's his turn... however as many people stretched and moved to prepare for it his eyes fell on Dice... mainly remembering the whole offer he made to him... his ears moved slightly looking at him... it was easy to see why he was popular and attractive to many.... why he could use his looks to get away with lots of things, even on Aidens stiff heart it had an effect... one that made him long for him... his tail wagged lightly... Dice with time noticed his staring and walked up to him with a cheerful smile and patted him on his head ruffling his hair a little.
"Aiden, you are so cute when you are excited... I can help ya out later if you wanna. Our dormitory is always open."
He looked away red. Dice really got him whipped for him and he couldn't even deny it.
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It was that for once Eikichi found himself resting on the couch as both of his girlfriend's walked around his lab looking around at the new experiments... what mainly fell into his eye was first Minervas new pants... they made her body look much more tight, which He did enjoy a lot from a far but then he looked at Isla where her current pants didn't even fit well, which is why he could take a glance on part of her butt and her slip a little form where he was laying... however as she turned around and caught him staring at her with this face she sighed...
"Kichi. What do you think you are looking at?"
"Can't I enjoy a little look?"
Isla took Minervas hand and both walked up to him...
"Be nice and we will help you out but be a idiot and all you get is to sleep on an uncomfortable bench, got it Idiot.."
Although this was an offer for both of them to help out with his current state... it was also a warning not to overstep his bounds. And knowing Isla, he was not testing his luck today.
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