#aidan mustang
deathandthesoul · 2 months
Jesse: 5, 7, 15, 22
5. What's their relationship like with their parents?
Vaulderie 👍
7. Do they believe in soulmates?
Absolutely not. He's been betrayed and broken way too often to even consider entertaining the notion. When it comes to relationships, he's a pessimist to the core
15. What are their communication skills like?
Imagine someone who doesn't give a fuck about others who never bothered learning social skills because he didn't understand them and never cared to. He's blunt, direct, and mean and says whatever he wants without shame because he doesn't have a shame gland. He has that 1 Charisma rizz
22. What belonging do they hold dearest to them?
He's cheating on his bonded knife with his 1980 Lamborghini Countach and Aidan's 1970 Mustang Shelby convertible
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gosoccerdawgs · 4 months
Dawgs Tame Mustangs
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Bearden 4 Walker Valley 0
Richard Siegel Soccer Complex-Murfreesboro
Tuesday, May 21, 2024 4:30pm CT
MURFREESBORO--Dillon Sims scored two goals and assisted another to lead Bearden over an outmatched Walker Valley 4-0 Tuesday, and earn a rematch with Hendersonville in the State Semi-finals on Wednesday. 
The Bulldogs took control from the outset as they relentlessly mounted attacks against the Mustangs with Nic Prins’ lethal crossing passes, Jack Raulston’s midfield attacks, and constant pressure on the flank from Sims, who scored the opening and closing goals to run his season total to a team-leading sixteen dingers.
Sophomore Omar Ardahji settled fellow soph Aidan Ainsworth’s rebound and scored in close to give Bearden a 2-0 cushion they would take to the break, then the streaking Ainsworth scored his fifth playoff goal in the second half to give Bearden a comfortable 3-0 lead with 26:22 remaining. Omar Hewezi assisted Sims’ second goal late in the game for the final 4-0 margin.
Shepard McMurray had another solid performance protecting down low, Preston Ford was solid in the midfield, highlighted by a nifty steal and reversal, and immaculate GK Logan Nelson was business as usual in securing the Bulldogs’ eleventh shutout. Go Dawgs! Win State! Woof!
Goals: DILLON SIMS (9’ assist-Jack Raulston); OMAR ARDAHJI (28’ Aidan Ainsworth); AIDAN AINSWORTH (54’ Dillon Sims); DILLON SIMS (71’ Omar Ardahji).
Shots/Shots-on-goal: BHS 20/13 WV 8/4.Corners: BHS 5 WV 1. Fouls: BHS 5 WV 4. Offsides: BHS 0 WV 0. Cards: BHS (‘72). Conditions: artificial turf soccer pitch, hot & sunny, 85 degrees.
Outside the box.........Bearden lost to Hendersonville 2-1 back on March 15 in their season opener.........other State results Tuesday: #2 Ravenwood upset #1 Houston 3-2, Howard over Science Hill 1-0, and Hendersonville over Rossview 3-2.........the oversized cicadas and the heat were formidable opponents on the pitch Tuesday.........Woof!
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ohmytheon · 7 years
title: A Secret’s Worth, part 2
summary: Riza confronts her son about studying alchemy in secret and tells him a few secrets of her own about the past.
notes: This got way out of hand. I really wanted to delve deep into Riza’s point of view on how alchemy has affected her life. I’m not sure if I achieved quite what I wanted, but this is very massive. I kind of think this is heavy-handed with talking (especially since it’s stuff we already know), but writing Riza’s feelings on alchemy when it comes to her son was really important to me. I feel like we think a lot about how alchemy affects Roy, Edward, and Alphonse, but really, Riza’s entire life has been shaped by it. ANYWHOOOO – this is the second part to A Secret’s Worth and also brings up how Aidan saw Riza’s tattoo when he was little in fire leaves a confession, although I don’t think it’s necessary to read. Hell, I think this could actually stand on its own.
It took three days before Riza worked up the courage to speak to her son about his secret. She couldn’t remember a time when she had been so hesitant. Afraid, yes, but hesitant, no. That had never stopped her before. She had always gone full steam ahead with everything that was thrown her way. She fought until the very end. She did not worry about the consequences concerning herself when she had ignored them before.
But when it came to her son? My god, she was terrified.
Aidan had not only hid his interest in alchemy from her and Roy, but he had hid his studying of it as well. Not just for a few weeks, but for years. Her sweet boy, her good boy, her loving, kind, wonderful boy.
He’d lied to her.
How many times had she asked him what he was doing that night or after school or on break and he had told her something else that had nothing to do with alchemy? She knew her son. He hadn’t exactly lied to her. Whatever he had told her was the truth – he had been doing whatever he’d said – but it wasn’t the entire truth. He’d omitted bits and pieces of his life without her even knowing. He had kept parts of his life out of his mouth.
Riza could almost laugh. Part of why she had had such difficulty was that she had done the same thing so much of his life. Did he even know it? Could he possibly know? There was so much between her and Roy that no one else knew but them. There was so much that neither one of them had told him. God, she had forced Aidan to pretend like Roy wasn’t even his father for the first four years of his life.
How could she be upset with him for simply hiding a part of himself from her when she had hid him from the world?
When push came to shove though, Riza knew that she needed to speak with him, not for her own piece of mind, but because it was time. She didn’t want him to feel like he had to hide a piece of himself from her. Aidan was her son. She wanted to know all of him. She wanted him to know that she loved and accepted all of him. She never wanted him to feel afraid, especially of her.
The only way she could face this was to do it outright and so, after knocking on his bedroom door and waiting for him to respond, Riza walked in and set the piece of paper with the transmutation array on his desk where he was sitting.
Aidan’s face, once bright and cheerful, dropped instantly as his eyes locked onto the paper with recognition. Every inch of happiness, his sweetness, his adoration, drained from his face as he realized what was happening. It broke her heart more than she expected.
“Oh,” was the first thing that slipped out of his mouth.
“I found this the other day when I was looking for your paper.” Upfront, honest. If she wanted him to be truthful with her, she needed to be the same with him. Riza sat down on the edge of his loosely made bed, keeping her eyes on him while his was locked on the array. “Why didn’t you tell me you were interested in alchemy?”
“I…” Aidan bit his lip as he lifted a hand to touch the paper gently. He looked exactly like Roy had when she had handed it over to him the other day. Careful, knowing, guarded even. This was him, just as it was Roy, and for a moment, Riza didn’t recognize him. Alchemy, for however much it had shaped her life, was not her world. This was a side of him that she’d never seen before or even thought to consider. “I guess I was scared.”
“Why?” It panged Riza’s heart to think that her son was afraid to tell her something or afraid of her. Suddenly, she knew how Roy felt – how he had been afraid of how Aidan would react to his flame alchemy. Neither one of them had realized just how much it had affected him. “I’m not mad, you know. Did you think I would be upset?”
Aidan nodded his head. “And disappointed.”
“Why would you think that?”
Finally, Aidan raised his eyes to her. Ever since he was little, he had always been so open with her. She thought it came with the fact that for his first few years it was just him and her. It had always hurt Roy when his own son’s expression was closed off to him when Aidan was younger, even after she and Roy had married. Now she was faced with those same eyes and she felt lost.
“I know… I know you and Dad haven’t told me everything about your history,” Aidan told her. “There’s a lot I don’t know – a lot that I’ve never asked about – and I know you did it to protect me.” He reached to run his fingers through his hair, but seemed to catch himself and dropped his hand. “Alchemy has always felt like this…tangible force in the house – like it’s so present and important and yet… We don’t talk about it.”
“No, we don’t,” Riza agreed.
“Growing up, I thought Dad’s flame alchemy was so cool, but it was like you kept your distance from it,” Aidan continued. “When he’d tell me a story and use his alchemy, you would look away. If I commented on his ignition gloves, you’d smile, but you never seemed happy about it, like you wanted to pretend it didn’t exist..” He fiddled with his fingers in his lap, pulling at them until they popped. “And I didn’t want to make you unhappy and I thought alchemy did.”
Riza felt like her breath was taken right out of her lungs. To hear these things, to know that he had seen them and understood them even if he didn’t know the context, truly wounded her. He should never had had to deal with these things, but somehow, by not telling him, she and Roy had heaped more onto his mind.
“That’s not…” But was it? Was this not how she felt? It had been a long time since she had stopped to consider her own feelings on alchemy. Roy was who he was and his alchemy, her father’s alchemy, would always be a part of him. She loved him despite it, because of it, without it.
At the end of the day though, alchemy had burned a horrible mark on her life, hadn’t it? And now it was coming to take her son. Panic settled in her gut, though she refused to allow it to show. Her boy – her sweet, charming boy. He was too gentle. He was too caring. He was too good.
(He was bright and inquisitive and always striving for more, just as Roy had been at his age. Just as Edward had been. Hadn’t alchemy hurt them enough?)
“It’s…complicated,”  Riza finally settled on, knowing just how lame of a response it was.
Aidan’s shoulders dropped. “You are disappointed.”
Riza’s heart jumped into her throat as she hastily leaned forward to grab one of his hands. “No, no, Aidan, I’m not disappointed.” He let her take his hand and a feeling of relief swept through her. She had been afraid that he might pull away from her. Being physical had never been her thing, but it was different with her son. He kept to himself just as much as she did, but she always seemed to know when he needed more. “I could never be disappointed with you.”
“But you don’t like alchemy,” Aidan pointed out, guilt lacing his voice.
“It’s not that I don’t like it,” Riza told him, as best as she could. “It’s just…” She took a deep breath. “It scares me.”
“Scares you?” Aidan straightened up in his seat and stared at her. “Nothing scares you.”
Riza smiled gently. “If only that were so. Anything happening to you scares me.”
“I’m just studying it,” Aidan said, rolling his eyes.
“And one day, if you keep going, you won’t be ‘just studying’,” Riza sighed, looking down at their hands. He was growing so fast. It wouldn’t be much longer before he was taller than her. Soon, he’d hit another growth spurt and he wouldn’t be her little boy anymore. Already his hands were bigger than hers. Smooth, innocent, unmarked.
How long? The questioned burned in her heart. How long before they wouldn’t be? Alchemy did not seem to leave anyone innocent. Or was she still mixed up in the past? Could it be different now that things had changed and their country wasn’t steeped in lies?
Aidan looked at her steadily and Riza knew what she had to do. How long would they keep these things from him? She had heard from Edward that he was having the same issues. His kids were older now. They were asking questions, ones that he’d been avoiding. Some answers weren’t neat and some opened up doors long since closed, some secrets that had been buried. She knew that many of the things she and Roy had kept from him would hurt him and also change their view of them. Was she wrong in not wanting that to happen? Selfish?
“You know, your father was just like you at his age,” Riza started.
“You knew Dad then?”
Nodding her head, Riza told a secret long since buried: “He was my father’s apprentice.”
Aidan’s eyes widened. “I didn’t know that.”
“No one does.” This secret was hers and Roy’s and now it was Aidan’s. She knew that by telling him this he would not to tell anyone else, not even his closest friends. He was good at keeping secrets. She’d raised him that way, hadn’t she? His whole life was riddled with secrets, some that he didn’t even realize. It hurt her, thinking of that and how honest he usually was with her.
“But…why?” Aidan furrowed his brow. “Because you worked under him in the military?”
Would that it were so simple. Riza didn’t want to tell him the truth. She knew that this would irrevocably change things for him. But he deserved to know as well. At the end of the day, it was alchemy that had brought her and his father together – and it was also what had torn and kept them apart. He had come to be because of alchemy and in spite of it.
Riza shook her head. “My father figured out flame alchemy, not yours.”
Aidan immediately sat up straight. “Seriously? So my dad learned his flame alchemy from your dad?”
The problem was that as simple as the truth was, it wasn’t simple at all. So much had been done to them and they had done so much to each other. She did not want to unload this burden on him. And yet… A part of her wondered if the truth about alchemy would turn him away from it. The thought made her feel guilty all over again. She just wanted him to be happy and if alchemy did that…
“Yes,” Riza replied, “and no.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Aidan questioned. He was still intrigued, but she saw the confusion on his face – and the wariness in his eyes, like he knew that something was wrong. He’d always been such an intuitive child, too much for his own good sometimes.
Riza pulled her hand away from him so that she could settle them in her lap. After years of working with a sniper rifle, her hands no longer trembled over anything, but for some reason, talking to her son about something that even she and Roy didn’t bring up anymore, she found herself feeling fidgety. She’d fought monsters and had been nearly killed so many times and yet confronting the truth about alchemy – perhaps one that she had hid from even herself – with her own flesh and blood was rattling.
“Do you remember when you were three and you saw the tattoo on my back?” Riza asked.
Aidan’s eyes drifted to the side as he thought back to that small moment so many years ago. He had been young enough where he might’ve forgotten it, but Riza never could. It had haunted her for so long, always coming back to her when she least suspected it, refusing to be let go. She had known that one day this day would happen and that memory had reminded her of it every time it came up. He’d been her baby boy then. So innocent and fragile. She could still remember his curiosity and how it had turned to confusion and then almost fear.
That was what alchemy was to her – that very moment – and she was frightened. It was a hard thing to admit
“Kind of,” Aidan finally said, still looking thoughtful and frowning. “It’s fuzzy.” He closed his eyes, as if he could somehow transport himself back to that moment. She wished he couldn’t. “Um, it was red. I thought someone colored on you.”
He quirked his lips, his face screwing up in concentration. “Part of it, um… Part of it was messed up. Scratches.” His eyes whipped open and she could see it plain as day on his face. He knew. He didn’t understand, but he knew. Her boy was not the type to cry and he didn’t get angry very often, but he didn’t seem to know what to feel. “They aren’t scratches. They’re burn marks.”
“Yes, they are.” Her heart ached for him, but she didn’t know what else to say.
When she and Roy had talked about who would speak with Aidan first, they had decided on Riza. It was Roy’s alchemy, but in a way, her involvement was even more important. She knew that Roy was delighted over Aidan wanting to study alchemy like him, but also wary of it as well considering they both knew the consequences. And the fact was that no one understood those very same consequences quite like Riza, an outsider who had been drawn into alchemy and changed by it forever.
Roy also knew that when it came to explaining their history, Aidan would need to hear it from his mother first. When push came to shove, Aidan still went to Riza. It had always been like that. They worried that he might feel cornered if both of them sat down to speak with him. The matter shouldn’t have been so problematic. What other families out there, perhaps besides the Elrics’, were having this issue over something so small?
“Who…?” Aidan took a shaky breath. He knew, he knew. “Who would do that? Why?”
She didn’t want to talk about it. She didn’t want to tell him. She was afraid that he would never truly understand. She was afraid that he would hold it against Roy forever. Aidan was sweet and kind – but he was very unforgiving at times and he was so protective of her. He’d been like that as a little boy. It should never have fallen on him to protect her and she had tried to tell him that, but he hadn’t listened.
“Do you remember what it looked like?” Riza asked. She didn’t want to show it to him again. If no one ever saw it outside of herself and Roy, she would be at peace.
“I think…” Aidan swiveled around in his chair to grab a piece of paper and a pen. Closing his eyes once more, he concentrated and then opened his eyes and drew something. She could tell that he wasn’t pleased with the outcome from the way his lips twisted and he chewed on the pencap. He added one more thing and stopped with his pen mid-air. “It made me think of Dad’s ignition gloves.” He slowly turned to face her, a look mixed with comprehension and horror. “It’s not just a tattoo. It’s a transmutation array – for flame alchemy – isn’t it?”
Riza nodded her head. “My father’s notes on his life’s work.”
“He…” Aidan gripped the pen tight in his hand, like a weapon. “He did that to you? Your own father?”
“I agreed to it; I thought it would make him proud and pleased with me,” Riza told him as evenly as she could. There was more to it, of course, but it was hard for her to talk about. She didn’t want to bring up her father’s distance after her mother’s death or how his alchemy was the only thing that seemed to matter. Aidan was smart though. He’d probably get it from just knowing that his father had used her as a notebook for his work. “I wasn’t much older than you.”
Aidan looked back to whatever he’d drawn of her tattoo from his memory and then at the transmutation array that she had found. “That’s terrible.”
“He trusted me with his life’s work on alchemy and died shortly after.” That was that. Once he had unlocked the key to flame alchemy, it was as if living didn’t matter anymore.  She didn’t matter. The moment she had found out that she was pregnant, she had sworn to never act in such a way towards her child. Aidan would always know that he was loved and wanted. “And then, even though my father had disowned your father for joining the military, I entrusted him with flame alchemy.”
“That’s how he became the Flame Alchemist,” Aidan finished for her. “You.”
“Me. I gave him the code and he figured it out. He had such high aspirations and dreams of helping people and I knew he was a good person. How could I not?”
“And the burns… Did Dad…?” Aidan clenched his fists in his lap. “Were they an accident? Like when he was trying to learn it?”
He sounded so hopeful, but she could tell by the tremor in his voice that even he didn’t believe it.
“No, I asked him to do it,” Riza said, without any remorse, any shame, any sugarcoating. True horror swept over Aidan’s sweet face, his mouth parted like he couldn’t breath, his dark eyes watery, his face paler than ever before. It was the same exact look that Roy had given her when she’d asked him to burn her back, minus the weariness that war had heaped upon him.
“I don’t…” Aidan stared at her. “I don’t understand..”
Riza looked down at her hands, that old guilt seeping into her bones. It had been so long ago, a lifetime away, and yet she still felt the pain. “After what happened during the Ishval War…” She wondered if he had learned about the war in school or if it was too recent in history. “Do you know how it ended?”
“The Fuhrer issued an executive order that sent State Alchemists to the frontline,” Aidan answered, sounding as if he’d pulled it straight out of a book. God, he didn’t even know about King Bradley. He had no idea that the man had been more of a monster. When would they have to tell him about that? How could they? “Dad was one of them.” He fidgeted with the pen in his hands. “They don’t really talk about the Ishval War much in school, but there’s an Ishvalan kid in my class and he– He said that Dad had a lot to make up for after what he did there.”
“And you couldn’t just let that go,” Riza added.
“Well, no, I mean– I knew you were both in the military during that time, but I didn’t know…” Aidan sighed. “I asked some questions, but none of the teacher seemed eager to talk with me about it, probably worried I might talk with Dad about it. No one wants to openly talk bad about the Fuhrer to his son. So I had to look it up on my own. There still isn’t much on it, but I did find an old news article. The Hero of Ishval?”
Such a proud name, a strong title, something to make people look at Roy in awe – and fear. He’d hated it, but had worn it on his shoulders nonetheless. He refused to turn away from it. A hero to some, a nightmare to others. He had known the double meaning to it and accepted it. Every reason they had given him that title was true. He had done all this things. Incredible, awful, brilliant, and horrifying. He and his flame alchemy were all of it and more. She knew that firsthand. Aidan had never seen its dark side. They’d shielded him from it as best as they could.
“They gave your father that title for ending the war,” Riza told her son. “He was a good soldier. He did as he was ordered. He helped bring peace to our country after seven long years. But the cost…” She waited until Aidan looked back up at her. “After what happened, after what he did, after we learned what my father’s alchemy was capable of, I decided: there can be no more flame alchemists. No more. Not even you. Do you understand? It was too much, too powerful, too great. Even in the right hands, it devastated a country. In the wrong ones…”
“So you asked him to burn the transmutation array,” Aidan finished for her miserably, “so no one would know.”
Riza nodded. “Flame Alchemy will die with us.”
“Mom–” But his lips were trembling and his eyes were watering. Confusion, fear, understanding. He reached out for her and she leaned forward to pull him into her arms in an instant. She could feel tears soaking her collar from where he’d buried his face in her neck.
“Please,” she begged him, closing her eyes and holding him tight, “please don’t blame your father. He has done it enough for over two decades. Everything we did, everything we’ve fought for, was to make up for what we did. The transmutation notes were a burden on me that he lifted.”
“It wasn’t your alchemy,” Aidan mumbled against her.
“No, but–” She opened her eyes and slowly pulled away from him so that she could look him in the face again. There was still a film of tears over his eyes, but they weren’t falling. “Do you see now? Why I’m afraid?” She lifted a hand so that could swipe it across his wet cheek, looking him directly in the eyes. “It’s more than I don’t want you to make the same mistakes as us. I just… Alchemy is a thing unto itself. Your father learned alchemy to do good and with the best intentions, but alchemy has a life of its own. That kind of power – I’m just afraid of it hurting you, of it taking you away from me, turning you into someone you’re not.”
“Like Dad.” He gulped and turned his head away.
With her hand back on his cheek, she gently moved him to look back at her. “You’re not your father though – and you aren’t me. You are so much better and the world is different now. I have to acknowledge that. Alchemy is even different now. With the State Alchemist Program no longer attached to the military, it’s better. I have to believe that you won’t have the same pitfalls as we did.”
Aidan bit his lip. “Do you want me to stop studying alchemy?”
“Do you?” Riza asked in return. He knew the truth for the most part. If he had more questions – and she did not doubt that he would with time – she and Roy would have to answer them. The burns on her back did not hurt her any longer, but some wounds would never fully heal.
The look on his face was almost shameful as he admitted, “No, I don’t.” He pulled away to sit up straight. “I should stop – I should want to stop – after knowing what alchemy did to you. It hurt you so much. How can I want to learn about something that did so much bad?” He looked down at his hands again, turning them palm up. It was like he could see everything that he was and would be capable of. Good – he was capable of so much good. “But it makes me want to learn it more. I want you to be proud and to know I did better. I want to make things right.”
“That’s our responsibility,” Riza said, “not yours.”
“But it is,” Aidan told her, his voice firm. “You and Dad are doing what you can to right your wrongs. You’ve rebuilt this world for us.” He smiled at her. “And then it’ll be our turn to work with what you gave us to make it even better. I want to make sure that no one abuses alchemy like that again. I don’t want it to hurt anyone like it did you.”
Of course he would think like that. Of course Aidan would see it that way. Even though, he wanted to protect her. She could see the same fire in Aidan now that she saw in Roy back then. It was dangerous. Fire could be used to help or hurt. But she had to believe that Aidan would know better than they had – that he would see the signs that they had ignored and take a different path, a better one, a good one.
“Even if I can’t carry on the knowledge of flame alchemy like Dad – and I wouldn’t want to – I think… I think alchemy is kind of a part of our legacy, isn’t it?” Aidan turned and set the pen back on his desk. “None of us would be here without it. And I love it.  I’m good at it too – like really good, even without a teacher.” His cheeks turned pink a little. He was never one for bragging, not like Roy, but just hearing that confidence in Aidan’s voice made her smile again. “I can’t turn away from it now.”
“Then don’t,” Riza said. “Just be careful.”
“If I ever have any doubts about what I’m doing, I promise I’ll come to you or Dad,” Aidan replied. He sunk back in his chair and glanced outside his window. “I should probably talk to Dad when he gets home. Is he mad at me for hiding it?”
“I don’t think he’s ever been mad at you in his life.” Riza stood up and kissed Aidan on top of the forehead. He was too old for such things now, but in the privacy of their own home and after such an emotional talk, he let her do it without complaint. She was more grateful than he would know.
Aidan looked up at her. “Mom?”
“I know you’re scared, but I’ll never let alchemy hurt you again. I’ll quit before I let that happen.”
She thought of Roy’s bashful explanation of his dream to help people while standing in front of her father’s grave. His eagerness to learn alchemy when they were kids. His triumphant laughs when he did something good for the first time and pleased grins when he presented her with something he had made. Of Edward’s and Alphonse’s desperation to see their mother again, to be held in her arms and see her smile and hear her voice. Edward’s promise to return his brother to his body.
She pictured Alphonse’s sacrifice on the Promised Day to save Edward. Of the little boy with golden hair and eyes who sat silently in a wheelchair missing a leg and arm. Roy’s cold eyes on the battlefield as flames exploded around him and people screamed. Of his promise to make up for his sins and the pain in them when he’d agreed to do what she asked of him. The shame and sorrow in his soul that he would never be able to fully shake.
And she saw her son, sitting at his desk, gazing up at her with such a determined and earnest expression. He had promised not to hurt her when he had seen the transmutation array on her back on those years ago. She could still hear it, but he sounded so much older now. When had he grown so much?
“I know,” Riza said, smoothing down his hair.
Perhaps, just as Edward had learned on the Promised Day, he would finally be the one to figure out how to control alchemy instead of letting it control him. Riza had to hope. That was all she could do as a mother.
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sinale · 3 years
〔 Cargando Blog.... Personajes Canon 〕
─────────────«ᵇʸ ˢⁱⁿᵃˡᵉ»
Todos son semicanon (combinando lores de comic, películas, etc) pero si gustas uno en específico se puede al igual que adaptarlo a diferentes temáticas, what if, AU, etc.
La mayoría los manejo como bisexuales pero si tienes duda en alguno no temas preguntar.
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🐍🗡️Loki Laufeyson + Tom Hiddleston
🔮⚕️ Dr. Stephen Strange + Benedict Cumberbatch
❇️🗡️ Sylvie Laufeydottir + Sophia di Martino
♦️♣️ Gambito/Remy LeBau + Gaspard Ulliel
⚪🐯White Tiger/Ava Ayala + Maite Perroni (No para Ship)
🌌🚀 Nova/Richard Rider+ Liam Hemsworth
🔮❇️ Misterio/Quentin Beck + Jake Gyllenhaall
🐜⚛️ AntMan/Scott Lang + Paul Rudd
⚙️💠 IronMan/Tony Stark + Robert Downey Jr (Semi-exclusive)
🌪️💨 Makkari + Lauren Ridloff (No para Ship)
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「 ░╎DC
🔥🥃 Lucifer Morningstar + Tom Ellis
🐈‍⬛💎 Catwoman/Selina Kyle + N/A (Semi-exclusive)
🗡️⚜️ WonderWoman/Diana Prince + Gal Gadot
🌪️⚡ Flash/Barry Allen + Grant Gustin
🦇🌑 Batman/Bruce Wayne + Ben Affleck
🪶⚔️ Shayera Hol/Hawkgirl + Sophie Turner
❔🟢 The Riddler (Nygma) + Zachary Quinto [Vrs. Batman desenterrado]
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「 ░╎Boku no Hero
Bakugo Katsuki - BNHA
Takami Keigo (Hawks) - BNHA
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「 ░╎The Witcher
🎙️🎵 Julian Alfred Pankratz (Jaskier) + Joey Beatey
⚔️🐺 Vesemir + Colin O'Donoghue
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「 ░╎Star Trek
🖖🏻 S'chn T'gai Spock + Zachary Quinto
🌑🩸 Khan Noonien Singh + Benedict Cumberbatch
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「 ░╎Good Omens
🐍🍎 Anthony J. Crowley + David Tennant
🕊️🗡️ (Aziraphale) A. Zira Fell + Michael Sheen
🕊️🎺 Archangel Gabriel + John Hamm
🪰👑 Beelzebub +. Anna Maxwell Martin
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「 ░╎ Full Metal Alchemist
🔥🪶 Riza Hawkeye + N/A
🦾🛡️ Edward Elric + N/A
🔥💥 Roy Mustang+ N/A
「 ░╎Otros
🔥🐍 Loki Laufeyson (Record of Ragnarok) + 2D/ Harry Lloyd
🔥⚔️ Loki Laufeyson (Mythological V) + Tom Hiddleston
🪶🏺 Icaro (mitología) + Chris Pine
🎼💔 Orfeo (Mitología) + Tom Hiddleston
🏺🐍 Medusa (Mitología) + May Calamawy
🦁🛡️ Bastet + May Calamawy
🪶🌓 Sergey Razumovsky (MG) + Sergey Goroshko
⚙️🛡️ Número 17 (DBZ/S)
🐾⚫ Sirius Black (HP) + Ben Barnes
🗡️🧝‍♂️ Thranduil (TH) + Lee Pace
💀⚙️ Percy (Vox Machina)
🕔🪓 Number Five (TUA) + Aidan Gallagher
⭕🔵 Connor RK800 (DBH) + Bryant Dechart 
⌛🌐 Dr Who + David Tennant
👑💀 Prince Hal (HC) + Tom Hiddleston 
💀⚜️ Sir Thomas Sharpe (CP) + Tom Hiddleston (No para Ship)
🌑🇬🇧 Jonathan Pine (TNM) + Tom Hiddleston
🔎💀 W. Sherlock S. Holmes + Benedict Cumberbatch 
🌑🏴 Anakin Skywalker + Hayden Christensen
🔥🏹 Atreus (GoWR) + N/A
👑🌑 Prince Richard III (HC) + Benedict Cumberbatch
💀👓 Ronald Knox + N/A
💀♟️ Ciel Phantomhive + N/A
🌀🔥 Sypha Belnades (Castelvania) + N/A
🐲🗡️ Daemon Targaryen + Matt Smith
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100%
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zacpics · 3 years
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Zachary David Alexander Efron was born October 18, 1987 in San Luis Obispo, California, to Starla Baskett, a secretary, and David Efron, an electrical engineer. He has a younger brother, Dylan. The surname "Efron", which is Hebrew and a Biblical place name, comes from Zac's Polish Jewish paternal grandfather.
Zac was raised in Arroyo Grande, CA. He took his first step toward acting at the age of eleven, after his parents noticed his singing ability. Singing and acting lessons soon led to an appearance in a production of "Gypsy" that ran 90 performances, and he was hooked. After appearing on-stage in "Peter Pan", "Auntie Mame", "Little Shop of Horrors" and "The Music Man", guest parts quickly followed on television series, including Firefly (2002), ER (1994), CSI: Miami (2002), NCIS (2003), and The Guardian (2001). After guest-starring in several episodes of Summerland (2004), Zac joined the regular cast as girl-crazy Cameron Bale. He also starred in several pilots, such as The Big Wide World of Carl Laemke (2003) and Triple Play (2004), and played an autistic child in the television film Miracle Run (2004), alongside Mary-Louise Parker and Aidan Quinn. He graduated from Arroyo Grande High School in June 2006.
Efron came to fame for starring in the Disney Channel original film High School Musical (2006), for which he won the Teen Choice Award for Breakout Star. He returned to the role of Troy Bolton in High School Musical 2 (2007), which broke cable TV records with 17.5 million viewers.
He had the lead roles in the fantasy romance Charlie St. Cloud (2010) and the comedy 17 Again (2009), both from director Burr Steers, and as the lovable Link Larkin in 2007's smash hit musical Hairspray (2007), directed by Adam Shankman. As part of the all-star cast, he shared a Critics Choice Award for Best Acting Ensemble and the 2007 Hollywood Film Festival Award for Ensemble of the Year, and was honored with a Screen Actors Guild Award® nomination for Outstanding Motion Picture Cast. In addition, he won an MTV Movie Award for Breakthrough Performance.
Efron then starred in Richard Linklater's Me and Orson Welles (2008), an adaptation of the novel by Robert Kaplow, which premiered to rave reviews at the 2008 Toronto Film Festival. That same year, he led Kenny Ortega's High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008), which set a box office record for the highest grossing opening weekend for a musical. In 2012, Efron took the lead in The Lucky One (2012), a film adaptation of the Nicholas Sparks novel, playing a marine who returns to North Carolina after serving in Iraq in search for the unknown woman he believes was his good luck charm during the war. He also lent his voice to the animated feature Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (2012), and co-starred in Lee Daniels' thriller The Paperboy (2012), alongside Nicole Kidman, John Cusack, Matthew McConaughey and Scott Glenn, as well as Josh Radnor's Liberal Arts (2012), which premiered to rave reviews at the Sundance Film Festival. Another indie film he co-starred in, At Any Price (2012), was released in 2013.
Most recently, Zac starred with Seth Rogen in the hit comedy film Neighbors (2014), headlined the 2015 drama We Are Your Friends (2015), carried three 2016 comedies, Dirty Grandpa (2016), Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising (2016), and Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016), and starred opposite Hugh Jackman and Zendaya in the musical drama The Greatest Showman (2017), about showman P. T. Barnum. The latter title was a sleeper hit in the winter of 2017, becoming Zac's highest-grossing live action film in the U.S.
Zac's 2019 roles include a supporting part in Harmony Korine's The Beach Bum (2019), and playing serial killer Ted Bundy in Joe Berlinger's biographical drama Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (2019).
Efron's favorite sports include golf, skiing, rock climbing, and snowboarding. He added surfing after spending days on the beach for "Summerland." He played the piano at home. He has also fixed up two cars in his spare time, a Delorean and '65 Mustang convertible, both treasured hand-me-downs from his even-more-treasured grandfather.
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Chapters: 10/24 Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Poe Dameron/Rey, Finn & Rose Tico, Karé Kun/Temmin "Snap" Wexley Characters: Poe Dameron, Rey (Star Wars), Finn (Star Wars), Rose Tico, Zay Versio, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux, Jessika Pava, Temmin "Snap" Wexley, Karé Kun, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Eliana (OC), Aidan (OC), Iden Versio (mentioned), Del Meeko (mentioned), Shriv Suurgav, Kes Dameron, Shara Bey (mentioned) Additional Tags: Corgi BB-8, Police Officer! Rey, Auto Mechanic! Poe, Modern AU, the first order is a gang, Mentions of Sex, Family Fluff, you may have to go to the dentist after this one, and possibly cleanse yourself idk, Organized Crime, Titles are hard, screw canon Snap doesn't die Summary:
Rey is on her everyday patrol on Takodana Highway. She eventually pulls over an orange and black Mustang to find a very handsome man behind the wheel, a corgi poking its head out the window.
I’m not begging for reads or attention, but this took too long to write. It’d make me feel better if it got attention. :”(
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deathandthesoul · 7 days
Giving Aidan's Mustang a bumper sticker that says "MY OTHER RIDE IS A HEARSE"
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gosoccerdawgs · 4 months
Dawgs Punch Ticket to State
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Bearden 1 at Dobyns-Bennett 0
Saturday, May 18, 2024 12 Noon
KINGSPORT--Aidan Ainsworth scored just before halftime, and Bearden held undefeated Dobyns-Bennett scoreless, to secure a spirited and bruising 1-0 road win at Indian Highland Park, sending the Bulldogs to their sixth consecutive State Tournament appearance in Murfreesboro.
 After an intense first half with both sides challenging each and every play, Bearden finally connected when Lucas Ford found Jack Raulstondown the right side on a quick throw-in, who slipped it to Ainsworth in close for a score with 3:26 left in the period. The blonde-headed sophomore now has four clutch goals in the last five playoff games.
                Shepard McMurray was rock-solid at middle back, Nic Prins and Noah Price were disrupters on both sides of the midstripe, and Dillon Sims continuously and fiercely pushed the ball deep into Bearden’s offensive zone. Sophomore Ahmed Dkhiri had a crucial clearing save in front of the goal during the last frenetic minutes of the game. Logan Nelson again met the challenge in goal with fearless smothers, punches, and interceptions, getting the shutout with six tough saves and several bruises.
Bearden now plays Walker Valley (14-9-0) out of Cleveland, TN on Tuesday. The Mustangs beat Rockvale 2-1 (2OT) Saturday to qualify for State, and had earlier playoff wins over East Hamilton 2-1 and Cleveland 2-2 (2OT). They lost to Howard Tech 0-1 (OT) in the Region Final. No matter the records, when you get to Murfreesboro, the pressure and intensity ramps up considerably, so tighten those seat belts! Go Dawgs! Win State! Woof!
Goals: AIDAN AINSWORTH (37’ assist-Jack Raulston, Lucas Ford).
Shots/Shots-on-goal: BHS 22/9 DB 12/6.Corners: BHS 5 D-B 2. Fouls: BHS 13 D-B 11. Offsides: BHS 3 D-B 0. Yellow Cards: BHS 1 D-B 1. Conditions: grass pitch, wet, clearing skies, 77 degrees. Attendance: 458. Records: BHS 18-3-1 D-B 15-1-2.
Outside the box.........on the Men’s side, Coach Ryan Radcliffe has now reached the State Tournament 7 of the last 8 years, compiling an 11-4 record with two Championships (and counting), and in case you didn’t know, Coach Rad won a State Championship ring himself back in 2006 as an All-State midfielder for the Bulldogs.........the referee stopped play early in the second half and called the D-B Athletic Director over to settle down the home crowd.........other State quarterfinals are Hendersonville/Rossview, Science Hill/Howard, and Ravenwood/Houston.........conspicuously absent from the field are Brentwood, who was eliminated by Hendersonville 6-5 in overtime and earlier in the season had been touting their consecutive undefeated streak, and heavily-favored Hardin Valley, who was sent packing by Science Hill at home 4-2.........Woof!
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ohmytheon · 7 years
Hi I was wondering if you'd consider writing about Roy and Riza finding out that Aidan is studying alchemy in secret.
HIYO I’ve been thinking about this for about 10 years. I started writing it while I was on vacation and it spiraled out of control. There will be more of this. It’s on my mind BIG TIME. And you know me: one post is reaction + one post is confrontation = a full fic. lmao
A Secret’s Worthpart 1
Privacy was an important thing in the Fuhrer’s household. They didn’t get it very often, so it was a big deal whenever they got it. Riza in particular had not been used to the spotlight, so now that she felt like she was always in it, she really cherished those moments when it was just them. She knew that a lack of privacy was a part of the package, but it was still frustrating to deal with. Sometimes, it felt like being with Roy meant no privacy, but she wouldn’t trade that for anything.
Of course, there were some things that had to be kept secret.
The flame alchemy tattoo on her back, for example, was one thing that was never brought up. It was destroyed beyond repair and the key to the alchemy with it, but they could not take any chances. Alchemists were getting more clever with each passing day. Both she and Roy knew that it was more than likely a reality that someone out there was trying to figure out the secrets to flame alchemy just as her father had. No one but Roy knew them. An alchemy like his though was too powerful to pass by. However damaged it was, the tattoo would still help.
Besides, it was just one more twisted part of their history and Riza didn’t want that in the open. She knew that people would take that information and turn it into something to use against Roy. The fact was, their history was complicated and impossible and it was theirs. As far as anyone knew, they had not met until the Ishval War and she wanted to keep it that way. Their past was their own, not the public’s.
Some secrets were good. She wasn’t prone to keeping them, but she knew when they were a necessity. Who had known that Roy keeping his true ties with Madam Christmas would come in handy one day? There were very few secrets inside the Fuhrer’s mansion these days, but there were some.
Riza just hadn’t expected them to come from her own son.
As far as teenagers were concerned, Aidan was not one for lying or keeping secrets. One, he knew that it was almost impossible with him being their son; and two, he’d always had a habit of being very honest. When it came to his emotions, he bit his tongue just as much as anyone, but he didn’t go out of his way to hide things from them. If he was asked about something, generally speaking, he was forthcoming. She knew that when he told her something, he was being truthful. She considered herself very lucky.
Because of this, they never felt the urge to rifle through his things or comb his room. They left his bedroom to himself, giving him the little bit of privacy that they could afford. After all, they didn’t have people rooting around their bedroom. Breda had replaced Havoc for a week after Havoc had rushed in to give important news without knocking, far too humiliated to show his face. Honestly, Riza hadn’t been able to face him either, although Roy had been smug about it.
Riza had been in his room a handful of times, but typically stayed out of it until one morning. Roy had decided to do some work from home, so she stayed there as well. The phone call had been out of the blue, on their personal line, surprising her. Most people would know to call HQ during this time of day.
There was a certain panic in her son’s voice that made Riza’s heart jump a little. “Aidan, what is it? Are you okay?”
“What? Oh, yeah, I’m fine. It’s just–” Aidan sighed on the other side. “You know that huge research paper that I was working on?”
“Of course.”
“I left it on my desk and it’s due today. I know, I know. So dumb.”
Riza smiled. “And you need someone to bring it to you?”
“I’ll bring it to you during your lunch break.”
“Thanks, Mom, you’re the best.”
It was such an innocent request. A simple thing. Riza didn’t think anything of it. Aidan trusted her to go into his room and get his paper. If he did have anything worth hiding in there, it would be awfully dumb to send his mom in there, even more so to be hiding it in the first place with parents like his. There was very little he could get away with even if he tried.
For the most part, Aidan’s room was clean. It could do with a little more tidying, but it was probably better than most teenage boy’s rooms. Rebecca said that she had to constantly harp on Bran, who was a self-proclaimed “organized disaster”. Riza had almost laughed when she heard him say that. Roy said the same thing. She didn’t believe Roy and she didn’t believe Bran either. Aidan’s rooms had a few books lying about, his bed haphazardly done, and a half drank cup of coffee on his desk, which was covered in things.
Shaking her head, Riza went through the papers and books on his desk. This was a mess and reminded her exactly of Roy when he had been studying alchemy under her father. Along with his alchemy lessons, he had to keep up with his regular studies and the two generally crossed each other. The few times she’d been in the room he was staying in, she’d wondered how he knew where anything was. Aidan was a testament to that.
Just when Riza grabbed the paper, something caught her eye. Something very familiar. Something else that reminded her of Roy when he was Aidan’s age. Pushing the paper and a book aside, Riza gently swept her fingertips across a paper with a hand-drawn alchemy transmutation on it. At its side were notes written unmistakably in her son’s neat print.
Riza’s heart almost stopped beating. Alchemy. Her son. She didn’t know what it was, but she knew someone that would. A part of her wanted to drop a book back over it, put it back in hiding, forget it ever existed – but then, she couldn’t do that with the transmutation tattoo on her back no matter how hard she tried. It would always be there, just like this moment in her memories.
Her son was looking into alchemy – and he hadn’t told her.
Upon further examination, she found more notes, hidden away innocuously in books that had nothing to do with alchemy or at least she didn’t think so. She had a feeling that if she did some more searching, she would actually find alchemy books, but she didn’t want to do anymore looking. She already felt as if she’d found enough. The rest she would want to hear from him, but she didn’t know if she should say anything.
If Aidan wanted to study alchemy, he had every right. Alchemy wasn’t evil in itself. Alchemy wasn’t bad.
She just didn’t know why he’d kept his interest in it a secret.
(Bodies burnt beyond recognition half-buried in rubble and sand. Buildings, homes, churches – destroyed beyond repair. Women and children crying, giant walls blocking their escape from bullets. Blood, blood, so much blood. And the smell of burnt flesh, others and her own.)
She should leave it. She should put it back. She should pretend that she never saw it.
Instead Riza found herself heading towards Roy’s office and knocking on the door before entering.
Roy’s head was bent over his desk, busy at work. Without raising his head, he asked, “Yes?” But Riza didn’t know how to answer. She could still hide the paper behind her back. She could still act like this was nothing. However, by the time he lifted his head to look at her, she hadn’t yet decided, so her face was open and he immediately saw the indecision in her eyes. “What’s wrong?”
Riza held up the piece of paper. “I was wondering if you knew what this was.”
Roy cocked his head in confusion, but he held out his hand so that he could take the paper from her. The confusion faded away quickly as soon as his eyes landed on the notes, replaced by recognition, only to jump right back. His brow furrowed deeply and he moved forward as if getting closer might help him understand more. She could see him coming to the same conclusions as her.
“This is…” He didn’t seem to know what to think.
“I know.”
Roy brought his gaze back to her. “This is not a simple array. This is some fairly complex stuff.” He leaned back in his seat, but didn’t take his hand away from the paper. “He didn’t just start working on this.”
“How long, do you think?” Riza asked.
“If I had to guess…” Roy sighed and pushed his glasses up slightly so that he could pinch the bridge of his nose in thought. “Two, maybe a little under three years? He doesn’t have anyone teaching him like I did, so he’s figuring things out at a slower rate on his own.”
“How do we know he doesn’t?”
“We’d know.” Roy stated it with such surety, but now Riza didn’t know.
Aidan was not the type of person to lie, but then he had never brought up an interest in alchemy. He’d kept it from them and not for just a few days or weeks. Years – he’d hidden all of this for years and they’d never even know. This had blindsided her. How could she have not seen this? How could she have not known? How had he managed to keep this to himself for so long? Who else knew? Bran? Ally? Anyone? How? Why? He’d never lied to her like this ever before. Why hadn’t he wanted to tell her?
It wasn’t a bad thing. Alchemy wasn’t a bad thing, she kept telling herself, and he didn’t have to tell them about all of his interests. So why did she feel hurt?
“But I can’t imagine that he’s learned all of this on his own,” Roy continued, his focus back on the array. “Alchemy is best learned when you have someone to…bounce your ideas off of.” He sat upright again and picked up the paper, as if it might tell him all the answers. “He does call Fullmetal’s house fairly often.”
Riza’s heart jumped. “You don’t think…” She bit her lip. “Edward would tell us if Aidan was interested in alchemy, don’t you think?”
“Maybe, but if Aidan specifically asked him not to…” Roy set the paper down and looked up at her. “His oldest girl, on the other hand, Sara – he’s told me that she’s into alchemy and she would keep it a secret if she knew.” He tapped the array with his fingertip and nodded his head shortly. “Two bright kids their age working on alchemy together – both Fullmetal and I did the same damn thing.”
It made sense. Aidan had been close with Sara for many years. He’d even taken her to one of his school dances when she was visiting since she’d never gone to one before. They were good friends. Both of them loved reading and very much into their academic studies. Despite not being able to see each other often, their friendship never seemed to suffer. And because of her distance, she would be an easy source to confide in concerning alchemy, especially since she was the daughter of the famed Fullmetal Alchemist.
“How didn’t I know?” Riza asked herself aloud. “How did I not see this coming?”
Roy’s lips twisted. “Well, Aidan has never expressed an outright interest in alchemy…”
“Did you know?” Riza questioned him.
Her husband, vague as ever, shrugged his shoulders. “I had a hunch that perhaps… The day we made up after that fight, he made a comment about equivalent exchange. At the time, I thought he was just trying to connect with me to apologize, but then…” Roy frowned, almost like he was pouting. “I kind of hoped that he would ask me about alchemy if he was interested.”
“When Aidan was little, he was so fixated on your ignition gloves,” Riza pointed out. Now that she was thinking about it, she could recall so many moments when Aidan brought it up. It was always out of nowhere. They would see Roy one day – back when he was “Not Dad” – and Aidan would mention Roy’s gloves so innocuously. Roy wasn’t wearing them that day or he was and Aidan would be excited. “And when he saw my tattoo when he was little, he made the connection to your gloves. I can’t lie: I’d hoped he’d forgotten that.”
Roy finally lifted his eyes to her. “Do you think he could feel our shame and kept it to himself, thinking we might disapprove of him learning alchemy?”
“I don’t know,” Riza admitted. “Maybe. He’s always seemed…”
“Ambivalent about it,” Roy finished for her, “like he doesn’t care.”
“Exactly,” Riza agreed. It was a like pieces of a puzzle falling into place. “But he loved your flame alchemy when he was little. He still admires it.”
“He’s also smart enough to read about the history of the Ishval War and know what it means,” Roy added. He slumped in his seat, throwing his head back and closing his eyes, and let out a groan. She still thought he didn’t look his age, but in this moment, he seemed incredibly worn down. “How many kids in Amestris had to learn secondhand that their parents committed genocide using something they admired? He probably feels conflicted about his interest in alchemy.”
Being reminded of her time there still stung. Not as much as it used to, but in a different way. She would never be over it – the Ishval War had shaped the second half of her life – but it was hard for her to accept that it had also had a large impact on her son’s life as well despite it happening over a decade before he was born.
“So what do we do?” Riza asked. “Do we talk to him about this? Should we wait for him to bring it up?”
“He kept this us for a reason,” Roy pointed out. “I’d like to know why.”
Riza shook her head. “This is not going to end well and you know it.”
“Why is it when alchemy is involved, it never does?” Roy pondered. She didn’t want to say it out loud, but she had been wondering the same thing. She just wanted her son to be happy. So why did this bother her? One thing was for certain: it was going to be an uncomfortable ride.
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thedeacanedous · 3 years
Nomes de gatos macho também não é uma tarefa muito fácil. Te trouxemos algumas ótimas dicas, como:Bartolomeu, Edgar, Vini, Luke, Blue;Norman, Rosita, Ash, Buster, Guy;Simba, Pantera, Ferrugem, Mustang, Will, Alfredo;Bernard, Logan, Gustaf, Josh;Neo, Morpheus, Hans, Fischer, Bruce;Rob, Peter, Lex, Nolan, Monet, Darryl;Phillip, Mordecai, Oliver;Pietro, Samurai, Singer, Cameron;Rambo, Petris, Vicente, Mao;Koda, Caleb, Fluffy, Pirata, Vigarista;Tarantino, Hitchcock, Holt, Larry;Stallone, Marshall, Stuart, Ronald;Blake, Tom, Morgan, Aidan, Spielberg;Bertolucci, Scorsese, Ford, Fred;Bambam, Órbita, Muttley, Hemingway,Asterios, Jeff, Bukowski, Nietzsche, Saramago. BOA SORTE !!!
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0 notes
Chapters: 6/24 Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Poe Dameron/Rey, Finn & Rose Tico, Karé Kun/Temmin "Snap" Wexley Characters: Poe Dameron, Rey (Star Wars), Finn (Star Wars), Rose Tico, Zay Versio, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux, Jessika Pava, Temmin "Snap" Wexley, Karé Kun, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Eliana (OC), Aidan (OC), Iden Versio (mentioned), Del Meeko (mentioned), Shriv Suurgav, Kes Dameron, Shara Bey (mentioned) Additional Tags: Corgi BB-8, Police Officer! Rey, Auto Mechanic! Poe, Modern AU, the first order is a gang, Mentions of Sex, Family Fluff, you may have to go to the dentist after this one, and possibly cleanse yourself idk, Organized Crime, Titles are hard, screw canon Snap doesn't die Summary:
Rey is on her everyday patrol on Takodana Highway. She eventually pulls over an orange and black Mustang to find a very handsome man behind the wheel, a corgi poking its head out the window.
PLEASE TRY THIS OUT it took about 6 months to write it, including the two-month writer’s block. Some quality damerey sexiness is included.
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nature-bro · 7 years
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It’s not that everything is going/coming my way, but if I take a step back to look at what I have, I got it pretty damn nice. @me00wcity newsflash: you give me much to be happy for and I’m excited to know you. To my mum and dad, I can never repay you guys for the years, the patience, and the dollar amount you’ve spent on me… but I’m still going to try ;) To Oliver, I’m always up for skating, day or night. You’re the chillest. @thequinginthenorth If I had things my way, we’d have met and hugged and cried and hugged ages ago. Fear not, we’ll make it happen. To my Shelby mustang, loving you has always done wonders for me. I’ve found you to be true, and I’ve made up my mind to never give you up. I may have gotten caught up with boys, and now girls, but you are woven into my heart and I want only to show you that. @kryoatics Believe it or not, I think you were a leading cause to me putting myself first. You’ve done much for my betterment in the short time I’ve known you. I suppose, just let me know if there’s ever any time I should *not* pop over at your place. @gaygirlsscissor You’ve had comforting words, successfully diverting my pain and confusion. I feel I get what you go through, therefore, I’ll always aim to get you laughing. To @footlooseandfondantfree, David, Lizard, @gayspacejew, Maria, Sarah, @designed-blank-today, Sammi, Ryan, Evan, Lakin, Aidan, the supplements of my days. Your presence and companionship keep me on track, and is always warm. Each person to enter my life and make a mark has added their own flavor, their quirks and mannerisms, their beliefs and speech patterns. I know this because, subconsciously, I’ve evolved by adopting such things from my friends. I’m almost literally who I am today because of them. ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
10.23.19 Life truly is nothing but change. I’m still finding regret hard to discard. This is probably the only surviving photo I have of Reba and I...
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alluringvoices · 7 years
I made a post the other day about how many muses I have and I know none of you asked for a list but here it is.
Below is a comprehensive list of all of the muses I have. Most are usually available to roleplay with in IM, on k.ik, or via texting. Be warned, there’s a fair few. And this isn’t even the whole list. Those that are missing are the ones that I’m not willing to roleplay.
Be warned again, some of these characters are single-ship or not open to romantic relationships. Those that aren’t open to shipping are marked with an asterisk (*). 
Adam Milligan (Supernatural) - FC: Jake Abel
Arthur (Inception) - FC: Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Black Hat (Priest) - FC: Karl Urban
*Bloom (The Brothers Bloom) - FC: Adrien Brody
Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier (MCU) - FC: Sebastian Stan
Cal Lightman (Lie To Me) - FC: Tim Roth
Clint Barton/Hawkeye (MCU) - FC: Jeremy Renner
*Cole (Dragon Age: Inquisition) - FC: None
Cressida Lavellan (Dragon Age: Inquisition - OC) - FC: None
Darren “Mother” Roskow (Sneakers) - FC: Dan Aykroyd
*Dean Winchester (Supernatural) - FC: Jensen Ackles
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) - FC: None
Egon Spengler (Ghostbusters) - FC: Harold Ramis
Elessar Lavellan (Dragon Age: Inquisition - OC) - FC: None
Eliot Spencer (Leverage) - FC: Christian Kane
*Éomer (Lord of the Rings) - FC: Karl Urban
Fenris (Dragon Age 2) - FC: None
Ferra Cousland (Dragon Age: Origins - OC) - FC: None
Garrett Shepard (Fandomless OC) - FC: Richard Armitage
Halima Adaar (Dragon Age: Inquisition - OC) - FC: None
Hera Hawke (Dragon Age 2 - OC) - FC: None
Herc Hanson (Pacific Rim) - FC: Max Martini
Himerope (Greek Mythology) - FC: Emily Blunt
*Howl Pendragon (Howl’s Moving Castle) - FC: None
Jillian Holtzmann (Ghostbusters: Answer The Call) - FC: Kate McKinnon
John Mitchell (Being Human UK) - FC: Aidan Turner
*Karou/Madrigal Kirin (Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy) - FC: None
Kyra Hawke (Dragon Age 2 - OC) - FC: None
Leucosia (Greek Mythology) - FC: Kate Hudson
Ligeia (Greek Mythology) - FC: Famke Janssen
*Loki (MCU) - FC: Tom Hiddleston
*Luke Skywalker (Star Wars) - FC: Mark Hamill
*Maes Hughes (Fullmetal Alchemist) - FC: None
Mako Mori (Pacific Rim) - FC: Rinko Kikuchi
Mark Watney (The Martian) - FC: Matt Damon
Maven Lavellan (Dragon Age: Inquisition - OC) - FC: None
Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them) - FC: Eddie Redmayne
*Nikolai Laska (Fandomless OC) - FC: Noel Fisher
Ophelia Talbot (Supernatural OC) - FC: Zoe Kravitz
The Outsider (Dishonored) - FC: None
Owen Chase (Fandomless OC) - FC: Lee Pace
Pennywise (IT 2017) - FC: Bill Skarsgard
Peter Vincent (Fright Night 2011) - FC: David Tennant
Raleigh Becket (Pacific Rim) - FC: Charlie Hunnam 
Raidne (Greek Mythology) - FC: Zooey Deschanel
*Remus Lupin (Harry Potter) - FC: David Thewlis
Rey Tabris (Dragon Age: Origins - OC) - FC: None
Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist) - FC: None
*Sarah Miller (Supernatural OC) - FC: Blake Lively
*Saoirse Joen (Star Wars OC) - FC: Alona Tal
Sebryne Hawke (Dragon Age 2 - OC) - FC: None
Sulahn Surana (Dragon Age: Origins - OC) - FC: None
Teles (Greek Mythology) - FC: Emmy Rossum
Thomas Sharpe (Crimson Peak) - FC: Tom Hiddleston
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sovrnstate · 8 years
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Half A Century Old Landmark, Refreshed
The World’s Fair was once a big deal to showcase a nation’s accomplishments and innovations across art, architecture, and technology. The 1964-1965 edition in New York City was a particularly good year with presentations from big companies like GE, Pepsi, Ford, IBM, Disney, and more. Technology there included a Picturephone by the Bell Telephone Company that gave people a chance to look at who they were talking to (although it didn’t catch on as it wasn’t advanced or affordable enough at that point, like Skype or FaceTime now does), the debut of what would become the classic Ford Mustang car, replicas of the rocket engines that would launch the Apollo and Moon missions, and a debut of the design model of The World Trade Center. However, the legacy structures created for the Queens-based event have laid mostly dormant since they were initially built for the fair. The Phillip Johnson designed pavilion, in particular, had been calling for a request for proposals to call for a re-imagined purpose. The National Trust and People for the Pavilion put together a competition to ask people for creative ways to transform this landmark. 
The winning design by Aidan Doyle and Sarah Wan (pictured above) is a futuristic biodome with local native plants inside to give it a new life. The main section rests above the ground, standing on tall straight pillars holding up its circular base. Visitors climb up a spiral staircase at the center of the bottom to get inside, where - once inside - visitors could see the space from a variety of angles and tracks. The actual dome shape itself is filled with sharp curves with three different rounded pointed tops, two around the same height and one almost double the height. You can see right inside the space from miles away and see all the green trees and nature, with a clear transparent surface covering the whole dome with lines that follow the shape and flow of the structure.  Doyle and Wan seem to have taken inspiration for the elevated greenhouse from Sci-Fi film visions of the future. And if something falls through with their designs on this, this structure is so interesting that it could even be built from the ground up.
Originally written about on Dezeen.
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storytimewithjc · 6 years
A Happy New Year (Pt.1)
To mark the end of 2025 Grant decided to throw a party for all his old high school friends. He invited Jamie, Daniel, Sophie, Cameron, Robbie, Aidan, Ewan and Jordan. Everyone accepted the invitation and decided to attend this New Years party. Grant was overjoyed to see that he was able to get all of his old friends back together in one place. They were always so busy with work now that they had all finished school. A lot had changed since they had all seen each other. Daniel had gotten married to an actress named Stephanie, Grant actually got a fiancé (he’s called Tom) and Jamie was actually a pro football commentator (still pumping his friends sister tho), Ewan had spent the last few years in prison for robbing a primary school of its pupils and Sophie had married chloe and they had an adopted son called Jack. Jordan won the lottery a few years back so is now one of the richest people on earth, Aidan had moved to America to be with one of his catfishes,Robbie had bought a sheep farm on the outskirts of Aberdeen. Cameron had died in a fake schoolbus related accident in 2023. So everyone but Cameron accepted the invite and came to Grant and Toms shared house. Jamie was the first to arrive so he and his girlfriend Teresa claimed Grants biggest spare room for themselves (they needed a strong bed). Next Aidan and Robbie arrived on the bus together and they decided to take the couches. Jordan drove his Mustang there and picked up Sophie and Jack along the way (Chloe has to work so couldn’t come). They were given the two remaining guest rooms to stay in. Ewan was escorted to the building by the police as he was still on probation. Grant made him stay in the shed for safety purposes. Daniel was late as usual. This time his excuse was that he got stuck in traffic but his wife told everyone otherwise. So everyone had arrived and were safely located in their respective rooms. Until Tom summoned everyone to the living room. Grant wanted to catch up with everyone after not seeing each other for so long but all Jordan and Daniel wanted to do was get drunk so they did that instead. Jamie had given up on his ideals of never touching alcohol so joined in with the emptying of Grants many many wine bottles. By the time 10pm rolled round everyone that wanted to catch up had caught up and Daniel had drank so much he had passed out. Needless to say Jamie and Jordan took advantage of this and drew a massive hairy cock on Daniels forehead with a sharpie. Stephanie caught the two of them doing this and so much to the Guys suprise she joined in. They all decided to toss Daniel in one of Grants meticulously organised closets next to his pair of dyson vacuums. Suddenly Sophie screamed and everyone rushed to her room. Sophie was on her knees in tears clutching one of Jacks baby grows. He had gotten out of his crib and gone missing. Tom logically decided to check the shed (where the convicted criminal was being stored). They opened the shed doors to see a scene that nobody expected. Ewan was cradling baby Jack in his arms like a responsible parent rather that what everyone else thought he was gonna do. Sophie lunged forwards and snatched the baby from Ewan’s hands. He let out a sigh and then Jordan tossed him a can of beer to cheer him up.
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It is 2am, I am bored, and I cannot sleep.
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify 
is your room messy or clean? Clean
what color are your eyes? Light Brown / Yellow
do you like your name? why? No, it is so basic.
what is your relationship status? It is V complicated.
describe your personality in 3 words or less Desperate, but picky.
what color hair do you have? Dirty Blonde
what kind of car do you drive? color? Black 2005 Acura RSX
where do you shop? Everywhere, often.
how would you describe your style? Awfully all over the place.
favorite social media account Instagram 
what size bed do you have? Full
any siblings? Nah
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Paris, I think the city is beautiful, the language is hot, and the food is sexy.
favorite snapchat filter? #nofilter
favorite makeup brand(s) Don't wear makeup.
how many times a week do you shower? 7
favorite tv show? Shameless, Glee, 13 Reasons Why
shoe size? 10
how tall are you? 5′8″ on a good day
sandals or sneakers? Sneaks
do you go to the gym? Only to play volleyball.
describe your dream date Dylan O’Brien would be there.
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? HA, umm 23 cents.
what color socks are you wearing? I hate wearing socks
how many pillows do you sleep with? 5
do you have a job? what do you do? Yup, I am a barista at Starbs.
how many friends do you have? Too many
whats the worst thing you have ever done? Hooked up with Aidan, twice.
whats your favorite candle scent? Mountain Lodge
3 favorite boy names Keaton, Elijah, and Sebastian
3 favorite girl names Talullah, Tiffany, and Dylyn
favorite actor? Honestly I can't even name one I love so many.
favorite actress? Emma Stone
who is your celebrity crush? Look at the answer to question 33
favorite movie? She’s the Man
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? No. i HATE reading.
money or brains? Money
do you have a nickname? what is it? Yes, Detour
how many times have you been to the hospital? 3 times (I think)
top 10 favorite songs Not even going to try to answer this.
do you take any medications daily? No
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) Oily as hell
what is your biggest fear? Dying
how many kids do you want? At least 2
whats your go to hair style? The basic white boy shaved fixed longer on the top wavy comb over. 
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) Small, but bug enough.
who is your role model? No idea.
what was the last compliment you received? I have a nice ass. 
what was the last text you sent? “I just jazzed”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? 14... I am an only child okay let me Iive.
what is your dream car? Dark Green Mustang Convertible.
opinion on smoking? Don’t care.
do you go to college? Yeee Emerson College
what is your dream job? Trophy Husband
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? In the damn city.
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Duh.
do you have freckles? Yeah
do you smile for pictures? Yup
how many pictures do you have on your phone? WAY to many.
have you ever peed in the woods? Yes
do you still watch cartoons? Yup
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? McDanks
Favorite dipping sauce? Honey Mustard
what do you wear to bed? Nothing ;)
have you ever won a spelling bee? HAHAHAHAHAHA no 
what are your hobbies? Sucking dick seems to be up there on my list of hobbies these days.
can you draw? Not really well, but yes. 
do you play an instrument? No
what was the last concert you saw? Taylor Swift 1989
tea or coffee? Coffee
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? The Bux
do you want to get married? Yeah
what is your crush’s first and last initial? Too many initials to type out.
are you going to change your last name when you get married? No
what color looks best on you? Dark Green
do you miss anyone right now? My dog
do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed
do you believe in ghosts? No
what is your biggest pet peeve? When people talk on the phone in public places like in line at Starbucks.... hang up bitch.
last person you called`Bella
favorite ice cream flavor? Half Baked
regular oreos or golden oreos? Double Stuffed Regular
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Jimmies
what shirt are you wearing? I’m naked in bed.
what is your phone background? My cousin and I at her college graduation.
are you outgoing or shy? Outgoing
do you like it when people play with your hair? YES
do you like your neighbors? Not really tbh
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? At night
have you ever been high? Yeah
have you ever been drunk? YUP
last thing you ate? Mall food court Chinese food.
favorite lyrics right now You’re in the middle of the ride. Everything will be just fine.
summer or winter? Summer
day or night? Night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? Dark
favorite month? July
what is your zodiac sign Cancer
who was the last person you cried in front of? Celena
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