#aida el sayed || threads
etxrnaleclipse · 9 months
Cont. from @theking-blackheart-muses || Tyler and Aida (x)
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"You have nothing to apologise for, Tyler. Nothing at all." she replied, instantly wanting to shut down any feeling of guilt over what he had done. She might not have been able to understand what he had gone through, nothing close. But she could try to be there for him, provide support, make a difference now. "Do you feel better?" Aida replied, stepping over towards him and wrapping the blanket around his shoulders to ensure that he did not catch a chill. "I won't rush you back inside, take as long as you need, but do you want me to make you a hot drink or something?"
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etxrnaleclipse · 4 months
Cont. from @thefvrious || Aida and Billy (x)
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"Uh, yeah? Who wouldn't trust me, anyway?" Aida replied, teasing just as much in response as she smirked over her shoulder at him. "Good man. I promise it's nothing bad." Tugging him along the path, she finally reached the small clearing where she had already been to set up. There was a picnic basket on the table, a cooler bag besides it, and some little battery operated candles. "Figured you needed a nice little treat."
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etxrnaleclipse · 5 months
Closed starter for @berylcluster || Aida and Hank
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It didn't take much for Aida to become buried in her thoughts when it came to her work. She was stood at her station, carefully handling the samples as she moved them between stands. As her fingers reached for a pipette, she heard movement behind her and turned, spotting Pym across the room. "Everything ok over there?"
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etxrnaleclipse · 5 months
Closed starter for @doctorveranair || Aida and Vera
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"I swear, you'd think he had never learned how to talk to another human being." Aida sighed, shaking her head as she brought her water bottle to her lips. "Just comes barging up the stairs and bangs on my door complaining, doesn't even care that I'm not even the apartment above him." She paused for a moment. "Sorry, you probably don't want to hear me bitching about my stupid neighbours. How was your weekend?"
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etxrnaleclipse · 1 year
Cont. from @fablewoven || Aida and Steve (x)
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"I'd be inclined to agree with you there. Who doesn't like ice cream?" she asked. "Psychopaths, that's who." A smile crossed her gaze and she nodded as they stood, beginning to walk alongside her friend. "Oh, you don't have to thank me Steve. I enjoy spending time with you." Over the years, she had grown to consider Steve one of her closest friends and she cared deeply for his happiness and wellbeing. "Besides, as much as I love my job, being cooped up in the lab all the time isn't actually what I consider a fun way to spent my free time. Contrary to what some might tell you."
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etxrnaleclipse · 1 year
Cont. from @lostintra || Aida and Law (x)
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A single eyebrow raised as she looked towards him, phone now discarded back into her bag as she found her attention drawn to his rather unique approach to talking with a stranger.
"I can appreciate that. better than being too shy or closed off." Aida gave a small nod of her head. "I've heard the same, so surely it must be true, right?" Reaching over, she took his hand and gave it a small shake with a smile on her lips. "Producer? Well, colour me impressed. I was never a particularly creative person at any point in my life, but I wished I was. So that's cool. I'm Aida. I'm a doctor, but more science based than, you know, people based?"
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etxrnaleclipse · 7 months
Cont. from @dualitytransformation (x)
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"You're absolutely right." Aida nodded her head in agreement with his view. She felt the same, wanting to remain entirely good until the end. "I've seen so much evil in my work, I think these days it's harder to fight against it than to just give yourself to it. People like us... we just have to keep fighting the good fight."
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etxrnaleclipse · 1 year
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Aida El Sayed
Fandom: N/A (can fit Marvel, DC etc)
Occupation: Doctor / Scientist
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