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ithinkididitright · 10 months ago
tfw you realize that Saito didn't have his lack of oxytocin in other bodies, as proven by the fact that Date gets it when he's in Saito's body, meaning that Saito was genuinely so done with Date that he still went ahead and planned a whole scheme to single-handedly kill everyone Date loves just to mess with him
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lakshayqwrt · 4 days ago
what is ai ?
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the simulation of human intelligence in machines. It enables computers to think, learn, and make decisions like humans.
🔹 Types of AI
Narrow AI (Weak AI) – Designed for specific tasks (e.g., ChatGPT, Siri, Google Search).
General AI (Strong AI) – Aims to think and learn like a human (not yet fully developed).
Super AI – Hypothetical AI that surpasses human
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luxraydyne · 5 months ago
idk it's such a very small thing but "maybe you killed her with renju." "don't be ridiculous!" is very cool very epic i think. credit to both voice actors bc i believe that, their whole past and future entanglements aside, hitomi just fucking despised date for a second there to be honest
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goingjeonghan · 3 months ago
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바다 (do not edit) 🪽 170624 | YMMD fansign
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sowhat17live · 11 months ago
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S. Coups SVT is right here reward pics💕
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valentinejaes · 1 year ago
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tagged by maddie @jeonwon-wonwoo 🫶🏻 to follow the template in this thread for seventeen (I didn't want to bother with editing it together bc it took me so long to make my choices 😅)
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tagging (no pressure ofc & feel free to do this as a list instead <3): @sunminshine @xiaodejunz @dokyeomis @taedongz @kimsmingyu @donghyuckkies @shanbini @goblinvern @seokmingming @nunuboo @xiaojuun +anyone who sees this and wants to do it!
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its-coda · 1 year ago
could you do one of those ship chart thingies for falco and moma i want to see your vision
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Not sure if you were referring to something specific but anyways i cannot see these two as anything more than Exes. They were kinda just like fwb’s (acquaintances with benefits??? i’m not sure they would consider each other Friends back then), that in my head Moma accidentally started. This was before Falco met Hitomi so he was still at that depressed as hell phase, and Moma started talking to him to try and get him to loosen up.
Falco was like ‘sure’ and he liked that there’s actually someone who isn’t shitty in the kumakura office. They were never in an actual relationship, but they still had a Thing going on, which they both knew wouldn’t end well, but neither really cared.
Eventually Falco started ghosting and avoiding Moma, and they just drifted off until the swap incident. (I imagine Falco would make sure nobody knows about Hitomi)
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fnaffersblog · 2 years ago
Spoilers Below for ‘Moon RETURNS!? in VRCHAT’
The third one. From June 27th 2023. 
Trigger Warnings Below for: Cursing
I was wondering earlier today how Moon was doing dealing with Lord Monty and Nice Eclipse for a month. I wonder if he’s done any bonding w Nice Eclipse. I’m sure he’s ready to get home. I’m sure Sun’s missin him a lot, but I wonder how receptive he'll be to Sun jumping all about him in excitement.
I love that Lord Monty, despite wielding one of if not the most powerful object in his universe, is seen as like an annoying nuisance at most by the people who are in his universe.
On one hand I see where Eclipse is coming from here in regards to the speed the satellite was built. It's good to be cautious, especially with something so important and I imagine they spent the last month meticulously building this thing.
On the other hand, they're genius super computer animatronics being supported by actual genius super computer AI's. Lol.
"Not to mention I still gotta deal with the amalgam." Uh. Oh. Hm. Moon. Buddy. I got some news for you.
I KNEW that was gonna be a fuckin problem lololololol
Like, I KNOW Jigsaw was never gonna STAY in the arcade room but come on, you know? They really just left him there and went *dusting off hands* 'Job completed! That's a problem for future SaMs!' I'm laughing about it.
The satellite was the easy part. I'm super interested to see how they solve the infinitely more difficult issue of getting Eclipse into this dimension.
I'm... actually a little afraid they're gonna actually kill Eclipse again. Turns out I'm still not ready for it.
The utter look of betrayal on Eclipses's fuckin face as Moon fingergunned his way backwards into the portal. I'm wheezing.
By God he really was losing his mind with out Moon.
He's so excited! He's so excited! I'm so excited!
Sun told Moon he was gonna be pissed and Moon's immediate assumption was Sun thought he'd be mad because he wasn't taking care of himself.
"I assumed that was gonna happen." >:} Oh did you? /j
Bonus: Sun trying to ease Moon into the conversation about how he went off to do some questioning in regards to the whole 'taking care of Eclipse' situation on his own. Making excuses for why he did what he did. Making it sound like it was just a passing silly curiosity tee hee! Awkwardly laughing to try and ease tensions. He assumed Moon would be mad that he did all that.
Okay. So we're getting contrasting information about the star here. I was under the impression the star was a mix between a magical and a technological object which is what made it so powerful. Golden Freddy said it's base was a magical artifact and now Moon is saying it's a piece of technology. Science, not magic. I wouldn't be surprised if the exact nature of the Star was part of the information lost when Old Moon reset.
I do remember there being something said at some point about how there can only be one Star per universe. I swear. There are just SO many lore episodes trying to find one line in several hours worth of footage is nigh impossible. But it sounds like, as of now, they COULD make a new star, it's possible. It's just that THEY, Sun and Moon can't because they don't have the blueprints or whatever because Old Moon deleted them.
It kinda sounds like they're just as confused about Newton Star lore as we are which is very funny. (Moon's shrug. LOL)
Don't misunderstand me! I Fucking Love The Newton Star Shit. They keep making shit up for it and then not giving a fuck. I get very excited every time they mention the NEwton Star.
Newton Star lore boils down to 'do whatever you want forever'. Facts about the Newton Star are concrete all the way up until they aren't. Shrodinger's Newton Star Lore.
On one hand, I think it's very funny that everyone keeps making fun of Eclipse for putting on a very see-through villain persona. Puppet, Sun, Moon, all of them keep pointing out his façade and making fun of him.
On the other hand. Remember that time he trapped Moon in his own body and made any action taken by his possesor cause him terrible pain, dragging Moon clawing back into one of his worst traumas? Remember when he blew up Lunar in cold blood? Like, yes, I agree. Eclipse is kind of pathetic. Eclipse Baby. But I do think they shouldn't be so flippant about him. Eclipse IS capable of doing heinous shit and he's done so before. Like. He's not STUPID.
On the other other hand, the idea that they could just use gun or trick him into getting pushed into the ballpit a la sharptooth from land before time style to defeat Eclipse is terribly funny. Especially if they did so while he was evil dude monologuing.
Sun is really just trying to help here. That doesn't make Moon's silent pantomime of 'bruh' any less funny. That whole silent interaction was great.
On a less funny note, I do appreciate Moon allowing Sun to talk and not straight up calling his ideas stupid. Like, yeah the 'pushin' Eclipse into the pit with a bit of elbow grease' idea was not the best, but it came from a place of sincerity. And when Sun suggested 'Rick Sanchez's portal gun', regardless of Sun's incredulous manner when suggesting it, Moon took that as an ACTUAL idea.
THE AI'S ARE FIGHTING. The SHADE being thrown.
It never occurred to me that they might DISLIKE one another. I always just assumed they were friends, or at the very least they got along since they inhabited the same arcade machine together and both of them 'work' for Moon. AI1 immediately turning on Moon when he got snarky with him. I keep replaying this entire interaction, it's very funny.
Also, Moon refers to the AI's as brothers. I just... thought that was interesting.
"That was the other me. This is the new me." Hmmmmm.
"I don't trust you now."
"WHAT?" Hmmmm??
This right here, Moon allowing Sun to talk about what he was doing instead of just shooting ideas down. Telling him that he recognizes Sun is trying to help, recognizing the effort Sun is putting into this mission. Saying straight out that they'll try and figure things out together. This was so important to me.
Sun ASKED Moon 'Can I say my thing?' and Moon immediately paused, gave the mic to him. And then he LISTENED. ACTIVELY LISTENED.
*Insert Deltarune Explosion mp3*
"Why are we Fallout 4-ing this?"
"He's a God." Lol.
New Moon gettin' reeeeeal stressed out by everything going on right now + Old Moon's shit. He sounded so annoyed when he said 'I can learn'. He's got so much shit on his shoulders. I hope once all this is over, he gets a moment to sit down and sift through all this shit, with Old Moon and his current life and situation.
Sun making a suggestion about Killcode and Moon giving him the floor to speak his part again. It's making my heart hurt. It's so important to me that Sun gets to SPEAK.
"98.5% accur-"
"95%. That's pretty good."
... "98.5%" *Simulates clearing their throat* "This is why you never listen to me."
"I'm sorry. I was talking!"
And then AI2, not one to pass up on an opportunity to both dunk on Sun and show up AI1 pops in to sass Sun. Wonderful.
Fucking love the banter by god. Have I
Have I said that yet?
Sometimes I just feel the need to repeat that.
Haven't heard a bald joke in awhile.
Moon threatening to hit Sun as a joke, and Sun holding up his hand. You can't fucking hide that from me. I saw that shit. I SAW that shit.
I always assumed KC went off to explore the wilds for some reason. Like, became a full time hiker. It never occurred to me he might go get a job. I love the idea that he went for volunteer work.
AI1 suggesting, unprompted, that Moon be the one to go and see Killcode. Their reason is sound, yes. But that was weird.
Wow ok.
This is HUGE. This is MASSIVe. I don't
I can't
This show makes my jaw drop sometimes. Irl. Because something'll happen and it'll just take me so by surprise I go fully Looney Tunes jaw-on-the-floor. Like, Moon and Lunars deaths and the fucking trapping episodes did it...
And... Like. There was no fucking
There was no fucking SNARK. Moon didn't groan and go 'I'm gonna regret this aren't I?' which I can
like, I can HEAR him mumbling some shit like that under his breath before.
the annoyed sigh was because AI1 questioned the decision not because of Sun
He paused to consider his options and came to the conclusion that the best solution to this problem was to LET SUN HELP.
I'm having so many thoughts. Oh MY God.
Moon not knowing the code/ caring enough to break a previous set protocol for the gun but knowing the code to grant Sun admin access.
I watched it a second time. I might cry. Jesus Christ.
It really just was a 'Oh this'll help Sun!' decision. Even Sun was dumbfounded. He really did just go 'here's some extra tools for your disposal' he's so casual about it he WANTS Sun to help him im
I'm having a hard time trying to describe why this was so important because I'm getting emotional over it fuck
Moving on. I'll
Get to that in the future
I think this is the second time it's been insinuated that Sun is the best candidate to find Eclipse because of their shared history. Golden Freddy kinda touched on it in his own cryptic way and now Moon's suggesting the same thing. I saw someone else on here point that out.
Moon's excitement as he's running out the door. "We're gonna do a video later! Go ahead and pick a game! :D "
Sweet. Welcome back Moon, u were missed.
Unprompted, recommending a game again. It's a horror game, a Garten fan game.
I'm trying to tell if it's Eclipse pretending to be AI1 again, which would skew my perspective on the previous interactions in the episode. But I'm also wondering if this is AI1... caring about Sun?
We haven't lost the snark towards Sun lol.
I'm gonna have to go back to that one episode where Sun breaks Moon's computer and listen to what AI1 sounded like because there WAS a subtle difference, to hint that it was Eclipse, that I didn't pick up on until I went back and watched the episodes again later, after everything happened with Killcodes resurgence and the truth of that whole situation being revealed.
He's done this before. Did Old Moon ever tell Sun about that? That that happened? Probably not knowing what I know about Old Moon. So most likely, neither of them have any reason to suspect Eclipse can do that even though he's done it before. We still don't know what his 'false hope' plan is, but now that I'm thinking about it this could be exactly what's happening here.
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nobylite · 2 years ago
aitsf + 20, 11, and 9 for the violence ask game
9. worst part of canon: i don't want to say all of aini because that's mean and some parts of it were very good (i would die for ryuki and tama). so i'm gonna go with a toss-up between every time uchikoshi is unnecessarily horny (this includes most characters' treatment of iris and excludes everything tama has ever said) and kaname date's entire character and storyline in aini. making a big deal out of his disappearance only to reveal that he was just in atami and an amnesiac for six years is stupid. having his appearance stay the same because he "had a silicone mask of saito's face" is stupid. everyone had wild pre-release theories on how date could still be in saito's body and nearly every single one of them is more interesting than the truth. this is only the first question and it's already getting so long and i don't care. his entire treatment of aiba and mizuki. he lost aiba in the resolution route, she was the one who made him whole, and you expect us to believe that he'd get into a genuine fight with him and they'd separate? it's like the writers forgot that he's actually a genuinely compassionate person underneath all of his old man bickering. it's why mizuki route works so well- and speaking of mizuki, we were absolutely robbed of a proper reunion in aini. all we got was a poorly timed "welcome home" that was immediately followed up with another porno mag joke. because date's just the porno mag guy, we can't have him show any other emotions for too long or the game will explode. i'm going back to the mask thing real quick- it could've at least been interesting if they went into it as him preferring saito's face to his own. but they didn't. just a "ohhh the ladies like this one more" boy shut UP. i hate you pandering to new fans and defeating the point to a sequel. i love you version of aini that lives only in my head. oh god this is still only the first question. i'm so sorry chey
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered: okay this is easy. i don't need to write an entire essay. only three- 2zuki, dateryu, and ryudate. 2zuki because it's fucking gross, and the ryudate tags because a lot of the fans are annoying and i don't think date would reciprocate. he's bagged the ultimate milf he doesn't have time for some twink
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring: hmm. well if we're going for boring i could say date's character in aini BUT i already wrote a whole essay on that so i'll pick a different answer. a lot of mizuki's side in aini was kind of boring/disconnected. i know in hindsight this is because half of the time you're not mizuki, you're bibi, but when you're playing for the first time you don't know that, and it makes mizuki seem watered down and bland compared to ai1. you have to withhold a lot of information from the player to pull off the timeline twist, and while it works, it comes at the cost of mizuki's characterization. she feels a lot flatter in aini because we're locked out of so much of the narration. the same can also be said for bibi, and we're locked out of even more of her true thoughts since the game misleads us into thinking she's mizuki. the result is that mizuki doesn't feel like herself, and we don't truly get to experience bibi's thoughts. i like bibi but her execution left a lot to be desired
wow that's over 500 words. sorry i have an illness
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ashmp3 · 6 months ago
Omg I gotta say THIS “it felt like worse version of super” is so true. I love super I think is really good, all the songs and everything. Then came god of music and I liked I little, at first I only liked monster and it’s probably the one I listen the most from this era (it’s a fun song😭) but gom itself I learned to like only months later, I don’t remember the vocal unit song and the perfomance one I remember liking but I don’t listen much so as the rest of the album it’s pretty forgettable too (sorry). And maestro, I was a little too excited I gotta say and then I listened and I felt like you said too. I was disappointed ngl, because after gom I remember think “ok this one will be a better one” and well. The single I don’t love but somehow last month my head out of nowhere kept playing the chorus lol the unit songs id rank hhu, pu and vu. Yes anyway I just wanted to share what I thought too because yeah well I really like them but🫠I’m not putting much expectations on this next one😭but I will be happy if I like it, we’ll see. It will probably be very emotional so I’m not sure. Also just to add so you don’t think I only like the hhu songs, from fml I’m completely obsessed with dust, it’s one of their best songs in my opinion. The vocal are just so perfect. Anyway again that’s it😭xo
super had such a great album on top of it of being a good comeback she was everything to me… And god of music was like okay bright and cute seventeen but i don’t know i guess we just didn’t click and the only song i also listened to was monster. And yeah after god of music i thought okay we will have a chorus with voices not just noise yk singers will SING but alas… i love spell and i kinda usually like pu songs the best so that checks out. LOVED the lalali music video and it’s a fun song! dust is magical and i am saying that as someone who doesn’t really listen to ballads - i remember one night after the album dropped i went on a run and out of the whole album running to dust felt so euphoric like i was in the coming of age movie 🥹🤍 thank you for sharing your thoughts!
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kids-ai1 · 6 months ago
Dragon Valley
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meowsticmarvels · 10 months ago
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sowhat17live · 11 months ago
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Jeonghan SVT is right here reward pics~
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chippuyon · 1 year ago
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finished some old sketches from when i was going through ai1 !
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gaybd1 · 11 months ago
One thing I love about sociolinguistics and talk about kind of a lot is how a language kind of shows a culture’s values and attitudes? I can’t think of better words to describe that actually lol anyway
I’m not saying East Asia has any LESS empathy than “”the west”” but I AM saying the way it’s expressed is super different
like I had to explain to my students this week why their American textbook had a story about a girl being sad and someone telling her “I’m sorry” because that person did nothing wrong??? and I had to explain it’s a common way to explain express sympathy in English. They thought that was hilarious.
In English, if someone has a death in the family, you’re likely to say “I’m sorry” but in Mandarin you would say “节哀顺变 (jie2 ai1 shun4 bian4)” which is kind of telling someone to accept fate or control their grief? rather than an apology.
In English if someone tells you they’re sick or something you’d say “I’m sorry” but in Mandarin that’s weird and funny, like you’d more likely tell them to drink water or get some rest.
So the level of sympathy is the same, but here you’re like giving more actionable advice as a way to help versus like apologizing for something you didn’t do
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sinlizards · 2 years ago
they way you draw post ai1 date with brown roots sometimes has changed my brain chemistry that is the only date that lives in my head rent free and i keep forgetting thats not how he actually looks in game. truly the best design
thank u sm!!
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