fortunetrash · 5 years
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You strut around like you’ll never get caught.
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fortunetrash · 5 years
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If blood is thicker than water Then let the river in
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fortunetrash · 6 years
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fortunetrash · 6 years
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top 10 anime betrayals
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fortunetrash · 6 years
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I’m sorry that I’m not the kind of person you want me to be.
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fortunetrash · 5 years
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fortunetrash · 5 years
✎: Growing up, did your muse have a teacher or mentor figure? What was their relationship like?
As a youngster, Ahtzarael had a large number of mentors andparental figures, almost all of which were a horrible influence on her! But oneof them stands out as being not so bad, and that was the navigator on the shipwhere she worked as a smuggler for many years. While he wasn’t really in aposition to be a moral guidepost or anything, he taught her the importance of self-reflection,and of being at peace with yourself, flaws and all. He is mostlywhy she’s got such a high self esteem present day! Thx for askin ♥
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fortunetrash · 6 years
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You’re a long way from home.
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fortunetrash · 6 years
☩: Your muse is doing some intense spring cleaning. What is easy for them to throw out, and what is difficult for them to part with?
Ahtzarael begins this project with a lot of optimism. She’s going to trim her wardrobe! Throw away useless trinkets! Become a goddess of minimalism!She then proceeds to spend the entire day attempting to sort her belongings into piles. The “keep” pile grows larger and larger by the hour. The “throw away” pile fails to gain any traction.By the end of the day she declares spring cleaning a bunch of stupid garbage and stuffs all of her useless crap back into the drawers and boxes and shelves where they belong.Thanks for asking !
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