#ahs: apocalypse fluff
redroses07 · 4 months
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bluerthanvelvet444 · 6 months
ᯓ★⋆˚🅰🅿🆁🅸🅲🅸🆃🆈⋆。˚ ⁀➷
(Peter Maximoff x fem!reader)
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tags: smut with plot and a bit of fluff in the end.
warnings: subby!Peter, restraints, handjob, fingering, riding, p in v, denied orgasm, praise, mentions of abuse, mentions of alcohol, mentions of fight, swearing.
summary: Peter gets captured by the villains. This fic takes place after x-men apocalypse and before x-men dark phoenix.
character count: 19k.
full fic under the cut ↓
Memoir. What’s its provenance? What is it?
According to scientists, memories are “formed as a result of connections between neurons in the brain”. The poet Sylvia Plath, instead, “sardonically embraced the most horrific and vulgar fragments from the storehouse of collective memory”. The great philosopher Aristotle believed that “memory is like a writing that remains etched in wax, and whose inscriptions remain more or less durable”.
Although you continually researched and seeked in books for the perfect depiction, you weren’t able to find anything that could comply with your personal belief. You were staunch that memories are, in fact, the mirror of our being. Disgraceful memories, glorious ones…they’re both needed to construct the way we act, the way we think, and the way we are. You had always been involved in memoir personally, because of your quirk. You had the marvelous capacity of intruding into one’s memories. You couldn’t directly change or interact with them, instead, you could see, reproduce, assimilate and mimic them. Phenomenal, isn’t it? You may think it is but, your biggest gift to you was, in fact, your biggest ruin. Your life started its downgrade the exact moment you found out about it. You remembered it all.
You were standing small in front of your mother, who had either fallen asleep or passed out. The bottle of cheap tequila in her hands made both answers valid. You were just a kid but you knew it wasn’t easy. Your father had left when you were just a fetus in your mother’s womb. Since then, she had never been the same. All the bills, the rent, expenses were on her. Her job exhausted her and the little time she had left, she spent drowning her worries in alcohol. She didn’t need any more problems, so you never told her about that awkward energy growing inside of you. That particular day you felt it bigger than ever, the need to find out what it led to even stronger. So you put your tiny fingers on her temples, as the little voice in your head told you to, and you started seeing. All of your mother's life was flashing in front of your eyes quickly. You stopped at one particular memory, you inspected it. Your mother stood pregnant in front of a man that kept yelling at her. You put the pieces of the puzzles together. It was clear, and the new knowledge of the situation triggered something inside of you, inside of your power. You kept replaying and replaying the scene, tears in your eyes, as the man’s words dissolved from the memory and came directly out of your mouth. That woke your mother up, she was holding her head as the same image kept banging in her mind, and as the man’s voice spit those known words harshly from your little mouth. She yelled for you to stop, and you lowkey wish you never did. As soon as you stopped, she grabbed you and threw you inside of-what you playfully called-the dark room, your basement.
“I-I’m sorry…I can’t-you’re him…I-I see him-” Her words came out broken from her mouth, her sobs stopping her mid-sentence as she locked you inside.
That became a habit since then. You grew up in the “dark room”, hardly ever going outside if not to eat and respond to natural calls. Your main activity was watching TV and day-dreaming about the outside world. You knew it was better than what you were living, it had to be. Especially because you found out that you weren’t crazy or evil but that you simply belonged to a different species. They called them mutants.And apparently, there was a school for kids just like you, the interviews of the famous Charles Xavier were the ones you liked watching the most on TV. As the years went by, your urge to run away grew more and more, and so you did. One day in the early 70s, you grabbed all of your things and left, taking advantage of your mom’s blackout. You took different taxis and avoided the questions about your young age, and you were finally standing in front of Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. Although, it seemed different from what you saw on TV: it looked abandoned, the plate with the name on it rusty and absentmindedly resting on the ground, and the gates closed. You tried peeking inside, before being startled by an unfamiliar voice behind you.
“Don’t waste your time. They can’t help you anymore, but we can.”
This is how you found yourself with a group of mutants who had the exact same hopes you had, before they were broken by the closure of the school. You were guided by The Captain-that is how he wanted to be called-that was trying to create a new safe place for young mutants. And his plan seemed to work, kid mutants were actually starting to come…before Xavier’s school opened again. At this point, your group desperately found itself in front of the school’s gate again. You were dismissed,though, by a blue beast mutant.
“We’re sorry, the school only accepts young kids between 5 and 17-” He told you before turning his back.
“You can try and talk to Charles though, I’m sure he will find some space for y-'' He stopped seeing you had all left.
This is why The Captain’s plan was ever created in the first place. He believed that Charles Xavier was a man only drawn by his personal needs, and that he only used the young mutants to gain popularity and be idolized by the US government.
“This is why we were rejected. Our powers aren’t conventionally pleasing. No human kid would ever desire our powers. So if he believes our gifts can’t be used for good, we won’t use them for good.” He spoke firmly to you all.
Your flow of memories was interrupted by The Captain.
“We’ve captured one. You will watch him while we take care of the others. Do your thing on him and find out his weakness.” He spoke with a deep voice.
You nodded and began making your way downstairs before he gripped your wrist.
“Don’t disappoint me, Y/N.” You felt his piercing gaze in your eyes.
“I won’t.” You gulped and quickly left the room.
When you opened the door you scanned your surroundings. The room was all white, with petty furniture. No windows, a table, a chair, a small closet, and a bed which had a figure laying down on it. You inched closer and scanned the boy. His eyes closed, he was probably knocked out, a few bruises on his skin, his hands and legs restrained by the strong collars around them… he looked your age, his hair was silver with some goggles resting on them. He had a pleasant face to look at, if the circumstances had been different you could’ve even admitted that he was pretty attractive. He was wearing a black protective suit, probably X-men’s equipment, you guessed. The more you observed him, the more you were confused. You expected them to capture the great Mystique, the glorious Magneto…not a newbie. You sighed and started walking towards the desk, ramaging in your bag for a sleeping pill so that you could do your magic without being interrupted.
Peter slowly opened his eyes, he could feel his body sore from the previous fight. He started to panic as he didn’t recognize his surroundings. He tilted his head forwards, noticing the person standing in front of the desk.
“H-hey…! Ppsttttt…Lady! Yes! You! Lady!” You heard his desperate calls.
You walked towards him and stopped at the side of the bed.
“Hi! So there’s a bunch of bad people who captured me and probably want to beat my ass-” You stopped him mid-sentence.
“I know.” You replied with a monotone voice.
“You-you know?! Don’t tell me you’re one of ‘em- oh shit! You’re one of ‘em! C’mon you have to be kiddin’ me…you’re too pretty to be mean! Hey! C’mon help me!” He rushed, his hands and legs squirming at high speeds against the restraints. You didn’t budge at his compliment, instead, you were focused on his movements.
“A speedster, huh.” You mumbled.
“A speed…A speedster?! Babe I'm not a speedster- I’m the speedster! Quicksilver! Peter Maximoff! The one and only!” He replied cockily, almost as if he was offended by your lack of knowledge. You raised your eyebrow, clearly having no clue of who he was.
“Aah babe you’ve got to be kiddin’ me! I’m Quicksilver! The one who beated Apocalypse’s ass! I did it all myself heh- I’m basically a hero, everyone loves me. Don’t ya watch TV or what?” Even though you had no idea who this guy was and what he did to be part of the X-men, you could sense the exaggeration in his words.
“I prefer books.” You shrugged before turning your back and making your way to the desk again.
“Hey! Hey! Where ya goin’?! Are ya a mutant too? Hey, yer not gonna hurt me aren’t ya?! What’s your power? C’mon tell me…What’s your power? Whaddaya do?!”
You rolled your eyes as his continuous questions started to annoy you.
“Will you shut up and let me do what I need to do?!” You snapped while holding between your thumb and index the sleeping pill. His pupils dilated.
“Whoa-whoa…let’s chill down a bit, yea? No need to use that, babe. Ya just gotta ask and I'll do whatever you want me to do.” He said with a smirk forming on his face. You sighed.
“Close your eyes and stay still.” You began pressing your fingers against his temples.
“...Will it hurt?” He said with a nervous smile, big brown eyes looking up at you.
“It doesn’t have to.”
Just like that you were thrown into Peter’s memories. You saw his child self, his mom, his sister…his first time using his powers…Magneto…many memories about Magneto, weird. You decided to dig a little deeper. You replayed the memory where he found out that…
“Magneto is your father?!” You exclaimed, visibly surprised.
“Hehe, I guess…so that’s your power?” He said with a tiny chuckle.
You kept thinking about what you just saw. You never saw a direct contact between Peter and Magneto, so you supposed he didn’t know about his son. That could’ve easily been used against him, you had to tell The Captain. You walked towards the table and gathered your bag.
“That’s a cool power…I’ve never heard ‘bout it. Actually, I’ve never heard ‘bout ya either…do ya have a supervillain name? Why didn’t ya fight with the others?” The words fell rapidly out of his lips. You gulped.
“Just Y/N. I don’t fight with the others. My powers weren’t made for physical combat.” That’s true, they hardly ever let you come with them on missions. You were useless for superheroes as much as you were for supervillains.
“Pffffttt…that’s bullshit! Ya can do those cool things with yer mind! Ya totally have to meet Charles, he’s gott-”
“Charles? Charles’s a selfish man who puts his needs first. I don’t want anything from him.” You scoffed.
“Wha-what? Are ya out of yer mind? Have ya ever even met Charles? He’s the coolest. I was literally a loser who lived in his mom’s basement before meeting him. Always been cool though.” His words made your blood boil, hearing that he didn’t hesitate to help him but discarded you immediately. You told Peter your story, how you truly believed Charles was gonna save you but ended up breaking your inner child’s heart. Your eyes started to water as memories flooded in front of your eyes.
“Hey-I-I’m sorry that happened to ya but- hey- if I get outta here alive, I promise I will take you to the school. The professor will help ya, he always does.” You looked at him, a tiny glimmer of hope appearing in your eyes even though you knew that you couldn’t leave.
You spent all your day talking to him. He was funny, you had to admit. The nicest company you had ever had. He told you about his family, how he joined the X-men, everything. And before you knew it, the night came.
“Oh uhm. You should get some sleep, you’re probably exhausted.” You said while getting up, ready to leave.
“Wait- uhhh…I can’t really sleep with this armor thingy on. It’s uncomfy.” He complained.
“Oh. Right, I can bring you some clothes. But I…can’t untie you. It’s the rules.” You shrugged.
“No need to. I usually sleep naked.” He winked at you.
“...” You contorted your face, not really knowing how to respond.
“HA! Gotcha. Just kidding. I sleep in my boxers.” He said with a proud grin on his lips.
“...I’ll bring you clothes.” You said before being interrupted again.
“No! Seriously, I just need to take my clothes off.”
You raised your eyebrow.
“...Not because I’m a creep. Simply because my speed speeds my body’s functions, and by speeding it highs my temperature so I get hot.” He spoke as if it was obvious.
“...Right.” You sighed and sat on the edge of the bed.
“How does this thing open?”
“W-whoa whoa…you-are you gonn- wait-” He stuttered as his cheeks slightly reddened.
“You said you wanted your clothes off, and I’m not gonna risk getting scolded by The Captain by freeing you.” You sighed. He gulped and pointed where his zipper was.
C’mon Peter…ya can do this, buddy. Ya just need to focus, yea? Don’t let a fine chick undressing ya speed yer speedy hormones, mh? Peter thought to himself. Your hands gripped the zipper and started pulling it down. Stay focused soldier. His broad chest was revealed as you slowly undressed him. You stopped at his abs to hop on the bed and take his shoes off. As you leaned to pull his boots, your arm slightly brushed his crotch. Holy fucking mother of all the fucking mutants, fuck. She barely touched ya and yer already growing hard, Peter? Must be tha speedy genes, yea, has to be. Totally not has nothing to do with ya being a virgin in your 20s. Nuh-uh. Goddamn you, Peter!
You threw his shoes on the floor, and started pulling his suit down again. You let your gaze linger as he was half-naked in front of you. He was wearing boxers with lightning bolts on them, a tiny chuckle escaped your mouth at that.
“Someone’s excited.” You said with a playful grin on your lips as you pointed at the prominent bulge in his boxers.
“Hey! Not my fault ya got all handsy- how did ya expect me to react?” He said with a tiny blush on his cheeks, he was so cute.
“...And it’s the speedster genes, by tha way. They call me Quickie for a reason.” He replied, annoyed because of how embarrassed he got.
“Do you need help?” You suggested. It may have been wrong, since you were “enemies” and you barely knew each other but…when are you gonna have another cute speedster all for you again?
“DoIneedawhat-” He blurted out, not believing what he just heard.
Your lips curled up in a smirk, and before he could process anything, your fingers grazed his crotch through his underwear.
“Oh- fuck- yea…yes-” He moaned, you giggled.
“So eager, mh?” You teased him by pulling his waistband up and then leaving it smack against his skin. He groaned and nodded, he was so worked up by nothing. You undressed him of his boxers too, his shaft springing free against his stomach, leaving him naked on the bed. His hips bucked up in search of friction. You grinned and gently took his dick in your hand, slowly pumping it.
“Aaah…f-f-yes…please…faster…” He whined.
You giggled and leaned in to kiss his lips gently, muffling his pleas. You started speeding your movements, and he deepened the kiss as his moans rolled off his tongue. As you made out, you could hear the sound of his hands desperately squirming against the restraints.
“Please…let me touch you…” He whimpered, big puppy eyes gazing up at you.
“Mh…sorry, can’t do, baby. It’s the rules.” You smirked and leaned in to peck his lips again. You stopped and sat up to pull off your shirt. He groaned at the sight. You took him in your hands again and fasted your pace even more.
“O-oh..f-fuck...gonna…gonna cum babe…c-cant hold it in…ahh..” You giggled and sped up even more, your mouth working hungrily against his, eating up his moans. He came with a loud groan, muffled by your lips. He kept whining after that.
“Pleasepleaseplease…wanna please ya too…lemme…I’m good at it- I promise…I’m basically a human vibrator-long lasting rose toy- please…” You giggled and nodded, pecking his lips. You took off your pants, before untying one of his hands. He groaned and immediately pulled you closer, his hand making its way under your panties. He suppressed a moan by biting his lip as he felt your slick with his fingers. He gently started circling your clit, and after he heard a few moans of confirmation from you, he began buzzing his fingers against it.
“Ooh…f-fuck…just like that, baby, don’t stop…” You moaned, he answered with a cute whine. He looked up at you, his middle finger gently pushing at your entrance, not fully sliding in. You nodded and bit your lip to suppress any more unholy sound coming out of you as his fingers started to fuck you slowly.
“F-fuck…” You threw your head back. He was gazing up at you with parted lips, as if he had never seen something so breathtaking. He kept picking up the pace, until you stopped his wrist and tied it up again.
“Wha-Wait-Why..? Y-you didn’t like it?” He said with his silver brows furrowed, he was lost and scared of what your answer could’ve been.
“Oh, it was fucking awesome, baby. But I wanna use something else to come, yea? Will you let me do that?” You said in a cooing voice, clearly driving his mind crazy.
“Mhm…yesplease…” He nodded, his gaze not daring to leave your body.
You undid your bra, his eyes widening, and straddled his hips. Your entrance just above his cock. He groaned at the sight, his shaft fully hardening again. You smiled and slowly sinked in, until your hips met his.
“Aaah…w-warm…so warm n’tight…mppph…” He moaned loudly.
You grinned and started slowly sliding your hips up and down repeatedly, reaching a stable pace. You moaned as you started speeding up, yet it wasn’t enough to satisfy you fully.
“Mhh…baby…mind helping me a little?” You said looking down at him.
He moaned and nodded. He started superspeeding his hips to meet yours as you bounced on his cock. The new sensation making you moan loudly.
“Ohhh! Fuck! Just like that, baby…such a good boy…” You groaned as you felt yourself closer. He let out a tiny whimper as he heard your praise and kept speeding up, his wrists and legs straining against the collars, forming tiny red lines.
“Fuckfuckfuck…can i cum? P-please-ah…?” He whined.
“Mhhh...not yet- baby…let me finish first…” You smirked.
He groaned and sped up even more, trying desperately to bring you to the edge. He hissed as he felt that knot in his stomach urging to snap. It didn’t take much for you to come undone. You cried out as you were still jumping up and down at lightning speed. As soon as he felt you clenching around him, he moaned loudly, as he was just about to cum. You quickly pulled him out of you and allowed him to spatter his fluid on your body. He panted heavily, droplets of sweat sinking from his forehead to the mattress. You waited a few moments before grabbing a towel and cleaning you both. You laid down on the bed with him, moving his head on your chest as you ran your fingers in his silver locks, whispering sweet nothings in his ear.
“You're my apricity.” You said while caressing his hair and pecking his temple. His eyes were closed, and he was clearly drifting off to sleep.
“Mh?” He mumbled, not moving one single part of his body, still restrained.
“Apricity. I read that in a book.” You chuckled.
“In simpler words?” He mumbled.
“The warmth of the sun in winter.”
“In even simpler words?” He muttered, his voice coming muffled by your chest.
“My life is the winter, you are the warmth.” You admitted. He didn't answer to that. You weren't sure if he actually understood the concept or even just your words, but one thing you were a hundred percent sure of.
He fell asleep smiling.
taglist: @cxndiedvi0lets @angeldollw @marchsfreakshow @newwavesylviaplath @happy74827 @evpeters87
a/n: raaaahh!!! I'm honestly so proud of this, the fic came out just like i imagined. Anyways, hope you like it, love you all🤍🤍
join my taglist!!
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evvyyypeters-fics · 26 days
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Freak Like Me
Jimmy Darling x felinehybrid!f!reader
Warnings! Angst, harassment, female violence, abuse/ CA, fluff ending, lil cringe maybe
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Reupload of the request by @jazz-berry
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“Mommy! Look at her!” Chirped the small child observing me like a zoo animal, a pure smile on her face as she pointed.
“Don’t look sweetie!” Hissed her mother, yanking her on the arm as she dragged her past me. Her glaring eyes darted between her enamored child and my face. I could tell the difference in the scorn between me and her child, even if I couldn’t prove it.
It's been 3 years since I’d been accepted into the Freak Show, the glares and scornful looks becoming custom to me over the course of my life. I was born a freak, just like everyone else. Everyday came new insults and reactions, and I never got used to any of them. But I learned to tolerate it. To ignore it and keep a smile, or a straight face. Everyone in the Freak Show was always supportive of me, comforting me and giving me a place that finally feels like home. But no one was a bigger comfort to me than Jimmy Darling.
Like me, he had an obvious malformation that needed to be hidden in public to be seen as ‘normal’ in society. He was one of the few people now in my life who I felt I could lean on the most. I felt he always had my back, and in return I had his. I’d had a crush on Jimmy for ages, his generous behavior and bold, friendly personality struck a chord in my heart. His love and protection for the other freaks, the ones who couldn’t fend for themselves as well, he beat the drum of my heart creating a stead-fast rhythm. As well as that cheeky smirk he dawned.
When I first met Jimmy, I expected him to make fun of me just like the other people in my life. He seemed like just the right asshole with his charms, flirts and overall charisma. Instead, he had this soft look in his eyes, something tender and special. I think we truly saw something in each other, a kinship. I was born genetically altered during an experiment orchestrated by the now asylum doctor, Dr. Arden. His sick experiments trying to create human abominations. And I was no exception.
He believed that with the agility and resilience of a cat, if he mixed feline and human DNA he could create a modified human with extreme agile abilities, hearing, smell and sense. His experiment ‘failed’ when I came out with only the behaviors of a domestic house cat and a set of cat-like ears and a matching tail. He kept me prisoner as a pet until I was 12, I was lucky to live that long with him as he originally planned to kill me, but couldn’t bring himself to do it as I was the only one of his experiments that didn’t turn rabid or died. I eventually escaped when I was 13, becoming homeless. The cups I held for money being spat into instead of just being ignored like the others.
Sometimes people would see me and instantly begin beating me up, leaving me wounded in the bushes. But it seems that cats must really have nine lives, because I lived to meet Elsa, who found me alone and battered in a ditch. Where she invited me to join her Freak Show. Where I met Jimmy, with his clawed hands.
A Lobster and a cat was quite an ironic pairing. Jimmy still liked to tease me from time to time, holding fish out in his hand and swinging it like bait as if I was dying to pounce on it. I’d just glare and cross my arms like I was tired of his foolish endeavors even though I quite enjoyed his little quips.
It was Saturday, a perfect night for the Freak Show. Elsa had managed to save the show for now with a few more acts added to the set, and a few new freaks added to the cast. I was included at the time. Our best show had 50 people show up, and our usual crowd is almost 20. Which is enough to get us all by for a while. Our balance usually runs out by the end of the month, but with consistent show times, it was a stable income.
Today I was asked to do fortune telling in place of Maggie, who (not so) unfortunately died in a freak accident. She was a fraud and ex-lover of Jimmy Darling, so a part of me didn’t feel much sympathy for her. I hadn’t known Maggie during either of our times at the Freak Show together, but I don’t miss her presence regardless. I just hated having been put with her job, feeling like a fraud myself. But Elsa insisted that fortune telling was quite popular, and with my cat-like features it was even easier to market.
I spent the whole night giving vague fortunes to anyone of any age. I mainly had children who were curiously fascinated by the flick of my tail and twitch of my ears. I spent more time answering their questions than telling their fortunes, which was sort of a win for me. I let some of the, granted less-greasy, children brush my tail for a moment before they shrieked and scurried back to their mothers like a flock of chicks.
In the corner of my eye I notice a dark figure standing in the distance through the open tent curtains, it’s tall and dons what I could only make out as a bowler hat and a long trench coat. When I squint my eyes to take a closer look, the figure is gone seemingly, as if I had just imagined it. It was getting late, and I felt sleep washing over me, but I hadn’t realized how tired I must have been until now. Imagining dark figures in the distance was quite unusual behavior for me.
I had begun to pack up the tent when I heard the soft swish of the curtains dropping, seeing the hazy moonlight disappearing in the enclosed makeshift room, illuminating only with the small candles and oil lamps dawning around the furniture to make it more moody. I quickly whip my head around behind me to gauge who just came in.
“Sorry, I’m closing up.” I said calmly, trying not to sound frightened, but I knew it must have been obvious anyways, my tail and ears always gave away my true emotions. Not to mention the bug-eyed look most likely plastered over my face.
I didn’t relax any further though when I saw a tall man standing there, he donned a brown bowler hat and a matching long trench coat. His hands tucked leisurely in his pockets. I noticed a small scruffy pre-shave beard on his chin, despite the tilt of his head under his hat hiding his gaze from me.
“Can I help you?” I ask, eventually turning my body to face him, getting in a stance ready to fight or run if I had to.
He raised his head and I could see the glimmer of his brown eyes, a deep droop in his lids and a small mustache upon his lip. He smirks amusedly at me.
“Yes, you can.” He says in a low, smooth voice. He was quite an attractive man, I had to admit. But there was something wrong about him, and I couldn’t place my finger on it yet.
That was until he took some steps forward and began to entice me with his words.
“What’s such a pretty feline like you doing here? When you could do so much more…you’re beautiful. You could be a model.” He smiles at me, like it was meant to be pleasant, but it only sent shivers down my spine.
I went into a defensive stance as I began to back away from him, but he only got closer, easily cornering me. I felt like an idiot for doing that, but I had no other choice. My breath began to shorten in my chest, coming out as sharp inhales, my heart fluttering like a hummingbird in my chest and pounding through my ears. I was getting dizzy with panic.
“Don’t be afraid, darling.” The man coos menacingly as my ears begin to flatten to my head. My words choked in my throat as I scream and thrash in my head, only coming out as burning tears in my eyes.
“Say….” He trails, glancing at my tail with a smirk. I freeze in place from his gaze and yelp painfully when he pulls at my tail.
“So, it is real.” He scoffs delightfully as if he almost didn’t believe it despite the clear movement.
“My…what a beautiful specimen you are, indeed…” He says slowly, taking his time with each syllable like a long breath. He reaches out for my hair and squishes it between his fingers, a new sort of mischievous grin on his face. One that is dark and disturbing and makes my hair stand up.
He starts to move his fingers to tuck my hair back behind my ear, but suddenly the curtains of the tent fly open and I see a familiar figure standing in the doorway with a look of sheer shock and surprise on his face that quickly turns into rage as he drops everything in his hands and storms over to the man. They’re almost the same height, so Jimmy easily grabs his shoulder to turn him and knocks a fair punch in his face. His deformed hand created what I assumed was probably a harsher blow than average.
The man instantly dropped to the ground, holding his now surely broken nose in his hand as blood seeped through his fingers like a river. He lifts his head to Jimmy and they just stare at each other for a split second before the man silently gets up and sprints away. Jimmy watches him run, practically huffing with anger before turning to me, his demeanor shifts and his breathing calms as he gives me a soft gaze.
“Are you ok?” He asks in a concerned, gentle tone. He doesn’t even let me answer before he swings his arm protectively over me and begins to lead me out of the tent and to his caravan.
“C’mon sweetheart.” He beckons, as if I wouldn’t follow him to the ends of the Earth no matter where we were.
As soon as he closes the door to the caravan behind us, the welled up sobs begin to climb out of my throat, thick and hot tears rolling down my cheeks. Jimmy instantly looks concerned and wraps me in a tight hug, resting his chin on the top of my head as his large hands rub my back soothingly.
“There, there.” He says comfortingly as he lets all the emotions built up inside of me through the day wash over and spill. Holding me tight to his chest so I could hear the calm, melodic drum of his heart, beating lovingly for me.
The sound itself begins to soothe me, along with his tender massages of my back and eventually the storm of tears subsides. He removes his chin from the top of my head and loosens his hold a bit as he points his face towards me and gauges my expression.
“Feeling better?” He asks with a soft chuckle, a gentle smile painted on his face that swelled in my heart.
I nodded silently and threw myself into another tight hug where he began to pat my head.
“Jimmy…” I said, my words muffled by the clothes on his chest.
“Yes, Darlin’” He replied, our cheeky little inside joke.
“Can we cuddle?” I ask, my cheeks becoming a soft pink when asking, slightly embarrassed at the request. I didn’t know how he would answer, we didn’t have the cuddly kind of relationship. At least, not in my eyes.
To my surprise I feel him shift, a soft nod. “Of course.” He rings out in a soft voice and I felt as if my heart could have almost exploded from how hard it started pounding in my chest. A feverish pattering that rushed through my whole body with a light weight feeling.
Without another word we both stood in silence, unsure of what to do, before Jimmy started slowly leading us both to his bed in a slow walk. He sat down gently on the mattress first before scooting back and letting me crawl forwards over him, nuzzling snuggly into the crevice of his arm and resting my head on his chest. I was soothed again by the subtle rise and fall of his breaths, hearing again the rhythm drumming of his heart in my ear.
He strokes my hair gently with his fused fingers, petting the top of my head like a true house cat. A strange hum began to pull from my throat as he continued to stroke my head and ears, his other hand wrapping around my back and rubbing it in slow motions up and down my spine.
“Are you purring?” He chuckled sweetly when he noticed the low sound.
“N-No!” I blurt out, shy and confused.
“I didn’t even know you could do that.” He says, smiling and resting his head back down on the pillow.
“Me neither…” I mumbled, and he lifted a curious brow, dropping it and letting it go.
Despite the strange reaction he pulled from me with the massages, he continued petting me, each rub and stroke becoming stronger and more deliberate. I felt the urge to continue the favor, my fists kneading into his chest with hesitant nudges. He smiled silently to himself when he felt the soft press of my knuckles rolling against his shirt. My eyes gently closed, eyelashes splayed over my pink cheeks.
Lulled to sleep in his arms, we both fell asleep together that night, waking up in each other’s arms and sharing a comforting smile together. Things were surely going to be different around here now.
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@fear-is-truth @xkaisxjazzxsingerx @lemoniiiiiii @jazz-berry @marchsfreakshow @colinzabelswife @dearlizzies @am3ricanh0rrorwh0re @xrag-dollx @lacucarachapisser @alittleobsessedbitch
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multific · 9 months
Hail Us
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Michael Langdon x Reader
Summary: A short Christmas tale.
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You moved to your knees in front of the cross.
You prayed.
You prayed for good fortune, for health and peace.
Hail Satan.
You prayed for your husband's plans to go smoothly. You prayed for your soul to be damned along with his. 
And in return, you will continue to praise your only and true Lord, Satan.
Hail Satan.
You already gave yourself and your entire life to his son, Michael.
You did so because of love.
As simple as that was. Love.
You stood up and took another look at the upside-down cross.
With a smile on your face, you turn around only to see Michael standing behind you.
"My father must truly like you. You pray and he gives. I feel as if he likes you more than me, his son."
"He sure has a soft spot for me. But I believe it is fair. I am his daughter-in-law and I help you achieve your dreams. No need to be jealous."
"I'm more jealous that you spend time on your knees praying to my father instead of me." you smiled as you moved over to him, running your fingers down his defined cheekbones.
"I'm rather hungry, can we eat?" your distraction always worked.
Every time you were hungry, tired or thirsty, Michael was immediately on his feet, ready to help you.
Michael made sure you had the best meals.
"What did you pray for this time?" he asked during dinner.
"For him to grand my wishes. For us to be together forever. For our future to be filled with death and pain. Just like I always do." 
"You are so perfect. I still can't believe they thought you wanted to be on their side."
"My future is by your side. They were only a stepping stone for me to find you."
Michael smiled, recalling his youth and how much pain it caused him, but ever since he found you, he was more than okay.
"Merry Christmas, My Love." he raised his glass and you did the same.
"Hail Michael Langdon," you replied with a smirk.
"Hail Y/N Langdon, the bride of the Anti-Christ. The witch who's name brings fear into everyone's soul. The woman who made me into a real man, to live to my potential and be who I was always meant to be. Hail us."
"I love you so much, Michael."
"And I love you, Y/N."
The snow was falling outside as you continued your dinner.
And indeed, what a Christmas it was.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak  @manduse @jacalineiscomingforyou @mandoloriancookie @noname2246
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violet-harmon2011 · 4 months
going to a party with frat!kyle
kyle the type of guy to never let you go out alone at night
you need to be with your friends, or he's coming with you
WILL beat up anyone who even looks at you wrong
hates going to parties without you
and if you get intoxicated, he's super protective
obvi he isn't overbearing, so when you slip away from him, he doesn't notice how drunk you are...
...until one of his frat bros points out that you're dancing on top of a table
and then it's like that scene from 10 things i hate about you (!!) and you bonk your head on the chandelier and kyle being the chivalrous hero he is catches you when you fall and takes care of you when you have a concussion even after you vomit on his shoes
deals with all your drunken antics
"get away, mister! i have a boyfriend, you know"
"is he blonde and about a foot taller and do you call him ky?" he would chuckle at the way your eyes light up
"he's only like...(counts on fingers) eight inches taller. hey! how do you know what my boyfriend looks like, stalker?!"
five minutes later, you would pass out in his arms and he would carry you home
lays you in bed and kisses your forehead, "love you, sunshine"
dotes on you even though you aren't awake just bc you look so peaceful and gorgeous asleep
takes your makeup off for you
"ahh cold" you try to push his caring hands away
"sorry, baby, it'll feel better in the morning, promise"
will only ever have eyes for you
and oh, those gorgeous chocolate brown puppy eyes
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jaydedstories24 · 5 months
For who YOU are– Michael Langdon AHS apocalypse
Summary: after Cordelia kills Ms mead Michael Langdon kills the other witches but takes the reader hostage when he sees that the others have escaped. For the first time in Michael’s life, someone wants to know what he wants.
Warnings: kidnapping, being held hostage, Burning someone at the stake, swearing, talk of abuse.
Word count: 1.6+
Tags: @ajokeformur-ray
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“where did you guys go?” I say to everyone that's just walked in the door.
“To take care of a problem, dear” Myrtle says.
“and is there a reason why you went without me but everyone else” I asked.
I take a look at Zoe, Madison, queenie, Mallory and Cordelia they're all dressed in black.
“ You burnt someone at the stake didn't you” I accuse.
“Yes y/n if you must know we burnt someone at the stake” Cordelia walked passed me.
“Who” I asked.
Cordelia hasn't really spoken to me or has been really arrogant since Michael came into our lives apparently I'm the only one here that doesn't see him what everyone else says he is.
“Who” I yelled.
“the old lady with the black hairstyle” Madison answers.
“Ms. Mead you killed Ms. why on earth would you do that” I freak out.
“To show Michael that I’m done messing around with him” Cordelia says
Taking her by surprise I put both of my hands on the side of her head and forced myself into her memories.
Flashes, the burning, the smell of charred flesh.
“I will kill you all” Michael promised.
I take my hands off of Cordelia.
“I am your supreme you may have gifts that the others don’t but you will not use them on me” she orders.
“Some supreme you are you’ve practically signed our death certificates with that you do understand right? At least Fiona would’ve made a truce with him” I yell.
“Do not use my mother against me y/n” Cordelia scolds.
“I have gifts you don’t that is correct it’s also why I told you not to attack Michael everything I saw everything I warned you about” I told Cordelia.
“What you saw maybe true but that side of Michael is long gone I gave him a chance today and he turned it down” Cordelia replied.
“Of course he did you killed the one person he thought who loved him what did you think that you were going to walk off arm in arm, embrace the coven that killed the closest thing to he ever had to a mother. I don’t think he would want to bake cookies with you Cordelia” I spat
“I’m strong enough to take him y/n” Cordelia says.
“That’s a laugh” I smiled.
I turned around to walk back up the stairs.
“Where do you think you’re going Missy?” Cordelia questioned.
“To paint my nails so that they’re fresh for my inevitable death, are you coming Madi? I invite her.
“No, this shits crazy I’m out for what it’s worth y/n I hope you live you’re the only one I like around here.” She walks out the front door.
“When Michael comes here and trust me he will. I won’t fight him and I won’t protect you” I warn
I walked upstairs.
Red I think is a fantastic colour to paint your nails before you die. I think painting them black is just a little on the nose.
It has started my blood runs cold I can hear the witches downstairs especially the younger ones calling out for me. But if I have any chance of being able to really meet Michael for who he is I can’t do anything. So I put my headphones on and paint my last nail.
I look up when I smell the metallic scent that blood gives off.
Michael stands at my door my breath hitches. It’s different looking into Michael’s eyes they’re look hardened much unlike the sweet past version I saw him as in murder house. However they still have the Same jaded look on his face
He stands there for a moment before racing towards me I only flinch when he blows black dust into my face.
Floating? I feel I’m floating I don’t open my eyes I’m too tired and strangely I’m at peace.
I feel someone put me on what feels like a wooden chair and put something on my wrist.
My head rolls forward and I wake up.
“Thank Satan I thought you were going to sleep forever then you wouldn’t have been very helpful to me” Michael says.
“Yeah well that stuff smells like goats ass” I say half smart.
“No that would be me actually” he tells me.
Now that he says that it gives me a moment to take in his appearance disheveled, dirty but mostly he looks broken.
“Listen Michael I know you’re going through a hard time–“ I start.
“A hard time your witches killed my Ms mead and now you’re going to help me” he yells.
“I’m not going to be much help to you” I say quietly.
“You will help me whether you like it or not” he towers over me.
To my surprise I don’t quiver when he stands over me.
“You see when the witches when they notice you’re gone they will have to come out of hiding and look for you” he tells me.
“No they won’t we got into a disagreement. I’ve been arguing with the coven for months now” I disagree with him.
There’s a look in his eyes that proves he wants to believe me but some part that thinks he can’t after everything he’s been through.
I struggle with the rope’s around my wrists. They start burning.
“They’re cursed ropes they won’t hurt you unless you try to escape” he says.
In this moment I found that interesting he doesn’t intend to hurt me. I stop resisting and relax.
“You say that the coven has had a disagreement with you. What could possibly cause that much of a rift that they wouldn’t protect their own” he asks me.
Michael sits down on a wooden box waiting for my answer.
“You, we had a disagreement about you” I answered hesitantly.
He leans forward slightly, “what about me?”
“They think you’re evil” I answered.
Michael seems suspicious for a moment, “you don’t”
I shake my head.
“Why” he scoffs.
“Because after you performed the seven wonders and the extra challenges Cordelia made us look into you. She sent Madison and I to the house you grew up in”
“What did you find there?. Did you find whatever proof you were looking for?” He seems intrigued.
“The others found what they needed to crucify you but I don’t agree with them” I answered honestly.
“If you went looking then you would have also found that I am the Antichrist” he says.
“But that doesn’t make you evil Michael it makes you powerful. I know about your upbringing, about Constance’s abuse, trying to get to know Tate as your dad and your interesting relationship with Ben. Michael I know a lot about you and I understand it but everyone your entire life has done nothing but force their opinions on you” I say softly.
He takes a moment to comprehend everything I just said to him.
“So you know full well everything I am so you understand why I’m so upset about Ms. Mead she is the one person who didn’t force anything on to me” he says softly.
I sighed. He hasn’t realised it yet but she was using him too.
“Don’t suggest otherwise to me don’t lie to me” he orders.
“Michael I’m not I promise to you I’m not” I tell him.
He seems to be waiting for an explanation.
“I have a particular gift that allows me to adsorb a memory and share it with other people would it be okay if I could share it with you” I asked him.
“That’s a trick I know better than that do not take me for a fool. You just want me to untie your hands” he says.
“No, Michael I use touch to transfer the memory using touch. I don’t want you to untie my hands until you’re ready, until you trust me and only then. I’m asking for permission to touch you” I explain.
He walks over to me and kneels down to my level, “do whatever you have to do, show me”
I lean forward the smell doesn’t really bother me anymore. I lean forward far enough that I’m barely touching him. I just need confirmation that he’s okay with this.
He stares at me with his blue eyes that seem to be staring into my soul. “Y/n it’s okay, kiss me.” This is the first time he’s said my name.
My lips touch his and lock my touch is as light as feather. I whisper the spell I need to to show him the memory.
He stays there absolutely shocked for a moment tearing and shaking.
He quickly undoes the ropes.
“I don’t even know what to say as shocking as it is I am thankful for the truth how can I thank you,what can I do for you ” he tells me.
Tears slide down his face.
I hug him. “Michael I want to get to know you for who you are.
The end
Author’s note this is my first post on my new account hope you like it. Anyway this is inspired by a conversation I had with a friend sorry I didn’t get to it sooner I’ve been busy
Requests are open
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gibson-g1rl · 2 years
Only One Bed
Peter Maximoff x Fem Reader 
Warnings: smut, dry humping, Peter being obsessed with readers boobs, sort of sub-Peter?? I think that's all :) 
Also, we’re all just going to pretend that morning breath is not a thing, okay? Kool.
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You and Peter were both X-men and at the moment the X-men had to lay low. There had always been a sort of tension between the normal humans and mutants despite Charles saying things were getting better. 
The government was certainly not happy with the X-men right now, Washington was completely trashed as the X-men were fighting an extraterrestrial threat and instead of thanking them for saving the world, the Government blamed them. 
So, there they were, standing in front of some dingy motel to lay low for a couple of days till Charles could get the government back on the mutant's side.
Peter’s arm was draped around your shoulder, leaning onto you for support. He had a nasty gash right in his abdomen that needed to be attended to immediately. 
“Hey Jean, could you get a room for Peter and I, I really needed to look at his cut and bandage it up.” She smiled towards the two of you as you waited for her to give the rooms key. She handed the key over to you as you mustered up your strength to carry him to the elevator. 
“Peter, I know you’re not feeling too good right now but I’m going to need you to help me a bit. Can you try and walk maybe?” He just shook his head and pushed it further into the crook of your neck. You looked at Kurt and asked him if he could help the two of you to your room. He happily said yes and in the blink of an eye you were in your room. You quickly thanked Kurt and then turned to set Peter down onto the bed. That was when you realized, there was only one bed in the room. 
You looked back at Peter and lightly tapped his cheeks, his eyes steadied themselves onto you and you smiled. 
“Pete, could you take your suit off please.”
He sat up as he took off the top part of his suit, revealing his toned chest and torso. You looked at the cut and luckily it wasn’t that deep. 
“Okay, I’m going to clean it and bandage it; how are you feeling?”
“I’m good how about you? You feeling okay?”
“Peter I’m perfectly fine now let me just get some rubbing alcohol and some bandages.”
You went to grab the first aid kit you carried around and grabbed a cloth, you quickly went to the bathroom and wet the cloth. 
You made your way towards the side of the bed and knelt down, dabbing the wet cloth along the cut, not too close to it but just to clean the area. 
“Okay, Peter this next part is going to hurt like hell so yea sorry bout it.”
He nodded his head and grabbed one of the pillows on the bed.
You quickly got to wiping the cut with a cloth that had some rubbing alcohol on it, you could hear Peter groaning in pain as you continued to disinfect the cut. You quickly wrapped a bandage around the cut, and you were done.
Peter sighed in relief as you sat at the end of the bed.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick then go down to the vending machine and get myself something, you want anything?” You asked already knowing what his answer was going to be. 
“Could I get a twinkie pleaseee.” You gave him a smile before walking towards the door. 
Once you were at the vending machine you got what you needed and was about to go back to your room when Scott stopped you.
“How’s he doing?”
“The cut wasn’t that deep, and I bandaged it up pretty fast so he’s good.”
“That’s good well hope you guys have a good night.”
“You as well Scott.” You said as you were making your way to the elevator with a twinkie and a bag of chips.
You came back to your room and upon entering Peter was no longer on the bed but on the couch.
“Why are you on the couch?”
“Since there’s only one bed, I figured I’d take the couch.”
“Nope, I’m taking the couch Peter.”
“Jesus, okay how about we both take the bed, it’s big enough for two and we’ll be fine, nothing wrong with sharing a bed with your best friend right.”
“Right.” You said, offering him a smile. You threw the twinkie towards him before going into the bathroom. You changed into something to sleep in which coincidentally was one of Peter’s shirts. 
You walked out of the bathroom, the shirt barely covering your thighs. You quickly made your way to what would be your side of the bed for the night. 
You got under the covers and Peter offered you a warm smile. You could feel your cheeks heating up at the action and you had no clue why. You and Peter had spent plenty of time together before this, sure you two had never shared a bed for an entire night but that’s not something to get flustered about.
Your thoughts were interrupted when Peter spoke up.
“Goodnight, Y/n thanks for taking care of me.”
“Goodnight Peter.”
You both turned your lights off and turned on your sides so your backs were facing each other.
You had no idea how long you were just lying there staring into nothingness. You could hear Peter’s steady breathing and thought he was fast asleep already, till he spoke up.
“Hey Y/n.”
Before he gave you another answer you felt him move around in the bed and you realized he had turned around. You did the same and soon the two of you were facing each other. Your faces were so close you could practically place a kiss onto his lips. 
“I’m having trouble sleeping and uhm I just wanted to ask if you, uhm if you maybe-”
You heard him clear his throat before finally muttering out what he had been trying to stay.
“Do you maybe wanna like cuddle? if ya don't wanna it’s cool I just figured maybe that’ll help us fall asleep.”
“Sure Peter.” 
Next thing you know, you were both laying on your sides, Peter’s head buried into the crook of your neck, his arms wrapped around your waist and your hands intertwined with his.
Your cheeks were burning, and you were one hundred percent sure you were red all over. 
Peter mumbled a quiet ‘goodnight’ into your neck, and you said the same and in no time the two of you were asleep. 
Morning came quickly and to your surprise you had slept well. The morning sun was peeking through the curtains of your and Peter’s shared motel room. As your eyes were opening you began to feel something poking at your ass. Your cheeks immediately became flushed. You tried to move and get out of his grasp, but immediately froze when he thrusted his hips into your behind and tightened his arms around your waist.
You frantically started tapping his face trying to get him to wake up and after what seemed like the hundredth tap, he finally started to wake up. He removed his arms from your waist and rubbed at his eyes.
“Jesus Y/n it’s too early to be awake why aren’t we still sleeping.” said Peter as he let out a yawn. 
“Trust me I would love to be asleep right now too, but your friend woke me up.” you said as you motioned towards the blanket. The boy was confused out of his mind, scrunching his face up trying to figure out what you meant by ‘friend’.
“Did Scott knock on the door or something?” 
“No Peter I me-”
“Or did Kurt poof in here or something, he’s always doing that to scare m-” 
“Oh my God! Peter your dicks hard and you were shoving it up against my ass!”
As soon as the words left your mouth, Peter felt it and his face dropped.
“Y/n I am so so sorry I didn’t even realize I was doing it, I- just I’m so sorry-”
“Peter calm down it’s fine it’s normal I guess, and plus you were asleep so how could you have known right?”
He just nodded his head and soon the room felt silent. You suddenly became very aware of how beautiful Peter was and all the feelings you told yourself you’d bury came rushing back in that moment.
On the other hand, Peter was trying so hard to make his boner go away but with the way you looked in his shirt and the very vivid dream he had of you that caused this problem in the first place his dick just felt like it was getting harder.
 Peter immediately got up to try and go to the bathroom but before he could even try and use his mutation to get to the bathroom and try and get this all over and done with you stepped in front of him. 
His pants grew even more tight with the way you looked down at him as he was still seated on the bed, and you were between his legs.
“I could help you with that.” You said, motioning to his very obvious boner. You had no clue where this confidence was coming from but you kinda liked it.
Peter had no clue what to say, he’d been dreaming of this moment for so long and it was finally happening.
“Uh are you sure- I mean yea if-if you wanna-”
Before he could even process what was happening you pressed your lips to his. He immediately kissed back and brought you down onto his lap. The kiss was messy, teeth and tongues clashing and soon you moved your lips towards his neck, sucking bruises along the way.
Peter threw his head back in ecstasy, his cock feeling like it would explode any second now.
“Y/n please, it hurts so much.” 
You moved your lips back up to his, silencing his begging. You swallowed his groans as you grinded your hips into his; you pulled away from the kiss and was met with Peter’s face twisting in pleasure. 
You quickly moved to pull your shirt from over your head and threw it somewhere around the room. Once Peter realized your shirt was off his jaw dropped at the sight of your chest. 
“You’re so beautiful, can I touch them?”
You nodded your head, and his hands immediately went to groping your tits. He played with both of them, taking your right nipple into his mouth while flicking the other and showing it just as much love. You continued rolling your hips onto his bulge and a few moans escaped as he suckled on your nipples.
“Peter don’t-don’t stop, it feels so good.” You said while gripping a few strands of his silver hair. He looked up at your praise through hooded eyes, your nipple still in his mouth; once you caught the sight you felt your release nearing. Desperate to release, both you and Peter started humping each other faster, you grinding into his crotch faster than ever and him thrusting up, meeting your thrusts. 
“Y/n I’m coming please, please don’t stop.”
You quickly placed your lips back onto his, slipping your tongue into his mouth. The pleasure became all too much for Peter and when you started pulling on his hair, he lost it.
As you were moving on top of him you felt the wet patch from Peter coming, wetting his underwear and yours as well; this in turn triggered your release and you rode out your high, slowly grinding down onto Peter.
Your body collapsed down on top of his and once your chests were touching his arms wrapped around your waist, bringing you in even closer. 
The two of you just lied there in perfect silence, the only sound being the sound of your heavy breathing from your previous activities. 
You felt Peter place a kiss onto your head and you looked up at him and smiled. 
You nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck and let out a content sigh before slowly lulling back to sleep; you and Peter feeling safe in each other's arms. 
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emmalandry · 11 months
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𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕥𝕠𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝟛𝟘 ~ 𝕄𝕦𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕝 𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕓𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟
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Sitting down in your shared bed, across from eachother. Kyle is palming himself through his pants, as you begin to tease your clit.
You’re completely naked, with Kyle still in his pajama pants. His bulge is eminent. “Please Ky. Take them off. Can’t take this. ‘s not fair.” You pout your lip and give him puppy dog eyes.
“Awe what’s the matter, baby? Can’t control yourself?” He asks tauntingly as he grips himself through his pajamas. He’s not wearing anything underneath, you can tell.
“Cmon Ky. Don’t be like this. Please.” His teasing is only making you wetter but you don’t know how much longer you can go without seeing him bare infront of you.
Your fingers run up and down your dripping slit. “Don’t you wanna touch yourself for me? Hm?” You’re biting your bottom lip now, anything to convince him.
He rolls his eyes and gives you a cheesy smile, before taking his cock out of his pants. It’s standing tall and proud, slapping against his muscular tummy.
The precum is oozing down his cock and onto his happy trail. “ ‘s pretty Ky. Just like you.” Your head rolls back as you enter your fingers inside your cunt.
He picks up his stroke pace, but he’s still gently squeezing the tip to make his precum drip out more. “You’re so beautiful baby, such a pretty pussy. Know your little fingers can’t reach as deep as mine can. ‘sn’t that right, princess?”
“Needa Cum. Please have to cum!” You beg and plead with him and who is he to resist your cute little whimpers as you finger fuck yourself imagining it’s him.
“Go ahead baby, im right there with you. Go ahead. Be a good girl, cum for me.” That’s all it takes for your juices to gush all down your fingers as his sticky cum shoots onto his tummy.
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redroses07 · 2 months
Date Night // Kit Walker
Kit Walker x Fem!Reader
Summary: Kit and reader haven’t had much time to themselves recently, so he decides to give her the perfect date night.
WC: 1.1k
Warnings: Smut 18+, Fingering, Swearing, Kissing, Making out, Fluffy af (maybe a little cringe).
A/N: Hey lovelies, I really like this fic and Kit is my favorite Evan character and I totally need to write about him more. Hope you guys like this! And as always comments and reblogs are appreciated. Love you guys sm, and thank you for all the support! - Claire ♡
You stood in front of your mirror, inspecting your chosen outfit. You had hoped it would match the occasion, considering your husband hadn't given you much information other than "put on something nice." It had been a while since the two of you were able to go out. Both of your schedules had become so busy, to the point where you barely had any time to see each other.
So finally, when both of you had a free evening, Kit made it his mission to organize the perfect date. Which apparently meant it being a complete surprise. You didn't know how you felt about that since always having a plan was calming to you, but you were willing to leave it to Kit just this once.
You made your way into the living room, heels clicking behind you.
"I'm ready, love." You called.
Kit, who was sitting on the couch, stuck his head up to look at you.
"Aww, baby you look so beautiful." Kit jumped up from the couch and walked towards you. He placed his hands on either of your arms and gave you a soft yet passionate kiss.
"So can I know where we're going yet?" You interrogated.
"Nope." Kit said.
You rolled your eyes, and he responded by kissing you on the cheek and leading you out to the car. He opened your door for you, as he always did, before getting in the driver's seat.
You drove for several minutes, passing from the suburbs into the busy town. Kit turned on the radio, and you listened to the music mixed with static as you rode along.
Kit kept one hand on the steering wheel, and the other glued to your thigh. He occasionally glanced over at you, only to give you the sweetest smile. You loved his smile, it was by far your favorite feature of his. The way his lips turned up, and his eyes crinkled in admiration.
Kit finally stopped and parked the car in front of your favorite restaurant. You smiled, happy that he had remembered your favorite place.
“Awww! This is such a sweet surprise, thank you honey.” You smiled, leaning over into the drivers seat to give him a hug.
Kit chuckled slightly.
“Well, sugar, this is only part of the surprise.”
You pulled back, raising your eyebrows in curiosity.
Kit kissed you on the cheek in response, and proceeded to exit the car.
The two of you made your way into the restaurant. Kit kept his arm around your waist, he always had to keep you close to him. But of course you didn’t mind.
Kit confirmed his reservation with the waiter, and he motioned for the two of you to follow him. To your surprise, he led you past the busy main rooms, and through a small door.
The door had a sign with the word “Reserved” on it.
Inside was a single table with two chairs. Rose petals were strewn across the floor and table, and a bottle of far too expensive looking champagne was placed in the center of the table.
You looked at Kit, a giddy expression on your face. Some might think this was cheesy, but not you. God you loved him so much.
“Thank you, ahhh I love you.” You sashayed over to the table and took a seat.
The two of you were quick to order your meal, and it was quicker to arrive than usual. You assumed because you were considered special guests tonight.
As you ate, Kit didn’t fail to remind you how beautiful you looked; and you didn’t fail at becoming a blushing mess every time. No matter how long the two of you were together, you would never get used to his flattery.
His hand reached across the table, softly taking yours. Fingers brushed over your wedding band, leaving goosebumps on your skin. Suddenly, you couldn’t wait for this meal to be over.
Once the check arrived, Kit was fast to pay the bill and the two of you were on your way out.
On your way home, Kit once again had his hand on your thigh, but you didn’t miss how he not so discreetly placed it higher.
“Did you enjoy your dinner, love?”
“Of course, and the private seating was honestly one of the sweetest things ever,”
“But I still can’t help feeling a little unsatisfied.” You flirted, leaning in slightly.
“Is that so?” Kit hummed, his hand sliding slowly under your dress.
“mhm” You squirm, trying your hardest not to squeeze your thighs together.
Kit pulled into the driveway and turned the engine off. No more than five seconds later did he dive over into the passenger seat and kiss you with a burning desire.
He kept his hand pressed against your thigh, squeezing it hard as he kissed you. You let out a sigh, leaning back into the seat.
Kit’s hand snakes further up your dress, and into your panties. The feeling of his cool hands against your dripping core, was enough to make you let out a suppressed moan.
He pushed two fingers in, and you threw your head back in bliss. More moans fell from your lips, and you could feel yourself getting lost in his touch.
“Yeah, that’s my girl, let me hear all those pretty noises.” Kit praised as he jammed his fingers in you.
You could feel yourself pulsing around him, and you could tell that you wouldn’t last long.
You gave Kit a sloppy kiss, a mix of tongue and erotic sounds. You rolled your hips up, grinding against his hand.
“Fuck, someone’s needy.” Kit teased.
You whined softly, feeling yourself about to climax.
“Oh shit-“ You moaned as you shamelessly rode his hand.
“Shhh baby it’s okay.” Kit whispered in your ear, as he placed kisses down your neck.
That was enough to push you over the edge. You cried out as you felt a wave of indescribable pleasure wash over you.
“Oh god, Kit.” You shouted as you rode out your high.
Kit kept his eyes on you, a loving smile on his face.
“My beautiful girl.” Kit murmured.
He slowly removed his fingers from inside of you, and kissed you once more.
“I sure hope you’re satisfied now.” Kit laughed, his lips still mere inches from yours.
“More than satisfied.” You giggled, grabbing him by his shirt and kissing him roughly.
He pulled away after a few moments.
“How about we get in the house first before we continue with anything else?”
“You’re no fun.” You rolled your eyes playfully, before opening the car door and pulling your husband behind you.
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amomentsescape · 1 year
Michael Langdon Masterlist
Cuddling With Outpost! Michael Headcanon
Reader is saved by the Outpost, only to realize that there is more to her and Michael’s fate.
Love Me
A love triangle between Queen! Reader, her servant, and a king.
Parties Are For Dummies
A friends to lovers trope based on the characters of Booksmart.
For You
Michael walks in on reader having a relapse with self-harm (warning).
Michael being too protective over reader.
Marvel AU
A New Life
Michael makes the choice to change his life for the better.
At a Loss
Tony is worried about Michael’s safety with being an Avenger.
A solution comes to Michael five years after the initial snap.
Michael makes the ultimate sacrifice during the events of Endgame.
Michael Stark
Tony offers Michael the choice of a lifetime.
Xavier and Montana join the Avengers and finally become a part of a family.
Xavier loves to flirt and be the center of everyone’s attention.
Staring and Silence
Michael finally gets the courage to talk to his long-time crush.
Staring and Silence Part Two
Date night ensues.
After Peter, Xavier, and Montana are kidnapped, it is up to Michael to save them.
Way Ahead of You
Secretary Ross thinks he can get the Avengers to be under government control.
A Little Late
The witches crash Michael’s party thinking he was still the anti-christ.
Not Yours to Have
Michael finds himself being judged by the council just like Tony had been before.
Michael makes the decision to free trapped souls at the Murder House and Camp Redwood.
The Truth
Michael comes face to face with Apocalypse! Michael.
The Truth Part Two
Michael makes the choice to go back and get answers.
Chocolate Donut
Peter, Michael, and Morgan all spend some time on the rooftop together, eating donuts and being siblings.
Like it Never Happened
With the help of Tony and Michael, Quentin Beck was found before anything disastrous could happen.
What’s Mine
Wanda gets jealous when a few girls try to tempt Michael at a bar.
The Start
Michael reminisces on when he first met his father, Tony Stark.
It’s a Stark Thing
Michael finally gets his very own suit.
Past Wisdom
Stark’s two sons bond over past choices.
The Start
Michael reminisces on how Tony took him into the family.
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michaelangdonsslut · 8 months
𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬 // 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞
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hey pookies! here's the first chapter of tales of the shadows ౨ৎ
please read the introduction post before reading this chapter!
hope u enjoy <3
𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 : 1.5k
no warnings! (yet hehe)
Riley Bennett felt the wind brushing her face faintly as she opened the window to her dad's car. It was a cloudy Wednesday morning when they finally decided to move all the way across the country.
Riley was a 17 year old troubled teenage girl who often struggled with fitting into her new surroundings.
They were a typical wealthy family from LA and had everything, so why did they decide to move to a small town in Massachusetts? This is what Riley has been wondering all the time ever since her dad talked about moving to Chesterfield. "I don't even know why we have to move here It's so cloudy and looks boring. I already miss LA and my friends.", Riley said nonchalantly looking at the window trying to look for anything interesting about this town. "Come on Riley don't be so grumpy, it can't be that bad!" her dad tried to reassure her but it didn't really work. She was going to miss LA and there was nothing they could say about it. 
About 20 minutes later, they finally arrived in front of the house. It was a beautiful Victorian house, a mix of light pink and dark blue, and Riley couldn't help but admire the huge house in front of her. It looked so old and vintage, that house actually reminded her of Coraline, she loved this movie as a child. “ So what do we think ?” Mr Bennett looking smiled at Riley knowing how much she loved old fashioned houses. " This house is beautiful Peter, and look Riley there's a swing!",  said Mrs. Bennett eagerly.  "I'm not a little girl anymore mom I don't really care about that" , Riley said rolling her eyes as the family parked in the driveway.  “And besides, this house looks kinda haunted.”  Mrs. Bennett scoffed taking her sunglasses off. After some time, they finally get out of the car and start grabbing their stuff from the car boot when a lady approaches them.  "Hello, I'm Dina the real estate agent! I'm here to show you around the house"  A huge smile was plastered on her face as if she was happy someone was finally interested in this house. 
" Oh hello! I'm Peter Bennett and this is my wife Marie " they both shake Dina's hand, her smile never leaving her face. " It's really nice to meet you. Oh and I suppose this is your beautiful little sweetheart ", she says as she walks over to Riley; " Uh yeah. I'm Riley. " Dina shakes Riley's hand and Riley can't help but find her a bit...  eccentric .
“ All right, I’ll show you the inside of the house right now !” Mrs. Bennett smiled eagerly looking at her husband with stars in her eyes. 
The family stepped into the foyer, greeted by the grandeur of a bygone era. High ceilings adorned with intricate molding loomed overhead, while a majestic staircase beckoned from the center of the room. Sunlight filtered through stained glass windows, casting a warm, ethereal glow. Dina, with a practiced smile, gestured towards the sprawling rooms adorned with ornate details - antique chandeliers, mahogany wainscoting, and a fireplace steeped in history. A sense of both elegance and mystery enveloped them as they took in the timeless beauty of their potential new home.
"This house is goddamn beautiful. We're taking it!" , said Ms. Bennett eagerly with a huge smile of anticipation.
"Yes, this house sure is beautiful although I must mention, it comes with a bit of a past."  Dina seemed unsure and anxious, but she kept going; " full  disclosure requires that I tell you about what happened to the previews owners.
“Jesus, don’t tell me they died in this house did they?”  Mrs. Bennett turned around to look over at Dina with a concerned look plastered on her face. "Yes actually, both of them died here. Murder-suicide. I sold them the house too. They were the sweetest couple. You never really know what happens behind those walls I guess.
"That explains why this house is half the price of every other house in neighborhood I guess."  Mr Bennett sighted, crossing his arms.
“Where did it happen?”  Riley asked curiously.
 “In the attic.”
Riley pauses for a second, a smirk forming on her face as she decides to speak up; “ We’re taking it.”
After the initial excitement of choosing their new home, the Bennett family embarked on the task of settling into their Victorian mansion. As they unloaded boxes and furniture from the moving truck, Riley couldn't contain her curiosity about the attic. She'd always been drawn to mysteries and the thought of living in a house with a dark past only fueled her intrigue.
Once they finished moving the essentials into the house, Riley dashed up the grand staircase, eager to explore every nook and cranny. She pushed open the attic door, the creaking hinges echoing in the vast space. The attic was dimly lit, dust particles dancing in the sunlight that filtered through the small windows. Old trunks and forgotten relics littered the space, each one holding a piece of history.
Riley's eyes widened with excitement as she imagined all the stories hidden within these walls. She spent hours rummaging through the forgotten treasures, uncovering vintage clothing, dusty books, and antique toys. Despite the tragic events that occurred here, Riley felt a strange sense of belonging, as if the house welcomed her with open arms.
As the days passed, the Bennett family settled into their new life in Chesterfield. Riley's room became her sanctuary, a reflection of her eclectic personality. She adorned the walls with vintage posters and fairy lights, transforming the space into a cozy retreat. She spent hours scouring antique shops and thrift stores, searching for unique pieces to add to her collection.
One afternoon, while exploring the local flea market, Riley stumbled upon a mysterious key hidden amongst a pile of trinkets. Intrigued, she purchased it for a few dollars, wondering what secrets it might unlock. When she returned home, Riley headed straight for the attic, her heart pounding with excitement.
She searched every nook and cranny until she found a small locked chest hidden beneath a pile of old newspapers. With trembling hands, she inserted the key into the rusty lock, the mechanism clicking open with a satisfying sound. Inside, she discovered a collection of letters tied with a faded ribbon.
As Riley read through the letters, she uncovered the tragic love story of the previous owners. Their words painted a picture of a forbidden romance torn apart by societal expectations and family obligations. Riley felt a pang of sadness for the couple, their lives cut short by tragedy.
And as she looked out the attic window, watching the sun set over the sleepy town of Chesterfield, Riley saw a shadow lurking behind the trees, It was like someone was staring at her. She rubbed her eyes thinking she probably hallucinated, and just like that, the shadow was gone.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the sleepy town of Chesterfield, Riley found herself drawn to the attic once again. She climbed the stairs with a sense of anticipation, eager to lose herself in the stories of the past. But as she reached the top, she was met with an unexpected sight—a boy standing in the dimly lit space, his silhouette illuminated by the fading light.
"Who are you?" Riley asked, her heart racing with a mixture of fear and curiosity.
The boy turned to face her, his features obscured by the shadows. "I'm Andy," he said, his voice soft and haunting. "I live next door."
Riley took a step closer, her eyes adjusting to the darkness. Andy's appearance was striking, with tousled hair and dark brown eyes that seemed to hold a hint of sadness. He reminded her of a character from one of her favorite movies, mysterious and enigmatic.
"What are you doing up here?" Riley asked, her voice tinged with suspicion.
Andy shrugged, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Just exploring," he said. "I like to come up here and think."
Riley nodded, her curiosity piqued. She had always been drawn to people who were different, who didn't fit into the mold of society. And there was something about Andy that intrigued her, something she couldn't quite put her finger on.
"Are you new here?" Andy asked, breaking the silence that had settled between them.
Riley nodded. "Yeah, my family just moved in a few weeks ago. What about you?"
Andy smiled wistfully. "I've lived here my whole life," he said. "But I've never really felt like I belong."
Riley understood the feeling all too well. She had spent her entire life searching for a place where she truly felt at home, a place where she could be herself without judgment.
"Well, you're not alone," Riley said, her voice soft but determined. "We can be outsiders together."
Andy's eyes sparkled with gratitude, and for the first time in a long time, Riley felt a sense of connection—a bond forged in the darkness of the attic.
"You should probably leave now tho, before my parents see you here and call the cops thinking you're here to rob us or something", she giggled slightly, looking at the boy right in front of her who's been smiling at her. It was like he was admiring her, feeling safe by her presence.
He got up and left the attic without saying a word to her, leaving the house so quietly It was like he was never there.
a/n : idrk what to think of this but i truly hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, lmk if you wanna be in the taglist !!
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marchtomydrums · 1 year
No Place We’d Rather Be.
Cordelia Goode x Billie Dean Howard x Wilhelmina Venable x Reader
It’s Monday morning and you spent the night with your girlfriends but now it’s time for everyone to get up and get ready for work.
Unfortunately, you weren’t feeling that well and there was nothing you wanted more than to stay in bed.
“Baby doll. It’s time to get up.” Billie says softly trying to wake you.
You groaned as you rolled away from Billie’s cold hands.
Billie chuckles “ I know you don’t want to get up sweetie but we have to go.”
“Is she still asleep?” Mina questioned in annoyance.
“I’m working on it,” Billie responds.
“Mina.” You groaned.
“I don’t feel good.” You cried.
The redhead frowns as she walks towards you placing the back of her hand on your forehead.
“Oh y/n honey you’re burning up.”
“She is?” Billie asked feeling your forehead as well.
“Cordelia!” Billie yells for the blonde.
Cordelia walks out of the bathroom with a confused look.
“Y/n is sick,” Billie tells her.
Quickly Cordelia is at your side checking your temperature.
“Oh, honey. You’re on fire. We’ve got to get her temperature down. I’ll call the doctor we use for the academy he owes me a house call. Billie go start some cold water in the bathroom. Mina, can you get my phone and call Doctor Sal and explain the situation?”
Both women nod as they take off in different directions. Cordelia is quick to take off your clothes and gently lift you in her arms and takes you into the bathroom.
“It's about halfway is that alright?” Billie asked.
“Yeah, it's fine. We just have to get her temperature down.” Cordelia says as she puts your body down into the water.
“No,” you whined holding on to her neck once the cold water hits your hot skin.
“I know. I know it's cold baby but you have to.” Cordelia says.
“I'll get in with her,” Billie tells her getting in behind you fully clothed. The two women worked together to detangle your arms from Cordelia's neck and lay you back against Billie.
“Doctor Sal is on the way,” Mina says as she enters the room.
“Is she alright?” Mina asked looking at your shivering body holding tightly to Billie.
“She's not happy but this is the only way to bring down her temperature,” Cordelia tells her.
“I want to get out.” you cried.
“We know babydoll just a few more minutes okay?” Billie says as she kisses your forehead.
“My throat hurts,” you mumbled.
“The doctor is on the way sweet girl,” Billie whispers in your ear.
After a few more minutes Cordelia was helping you and Billie out of the tub. Cordelia decided to use magic to dry you and Billie off and give you some fresh clothes. Just as she got you in bed the doorbell rang.
“I'll get it,” Billie says.
Cordelia was busy tucking you in but you wanted Mina.
“Yes, darling?”
“Will you sit with me please?”
“Of course.”
The redhead sits beside you as you put your head in her lap. Soon the doctor comes into the room behind Billie. The three women quietly waited while he spoke with you and checked you over.
“Well, it would seem that she has Strep. I know you said her temperature was high this morning but it seems to have come down which is good. I'm writing her a prescription for steroids and antibiotics. She needs rest, and keep her hydrated. It should clear up in about a week or so if not don't hesitate to call me.”
“Thank you so much, Doctor Sal,” Cordelia says shaking his hand.
“Of course. I hope you feel better soon y/n. Cordelia, I will call in her medications. They will be ready in about an hour she needs to take them as soon as possible.”
“Of course. I will get them as soon as they are ready. Thank you again. I’ll walk you out.” she says.
Billie sighs as she walks to the other side of the bed and sits beside you.
“Babydoll I’m sorry your sick.”
“It's okay. I'm sorry I caused you all to be late for work.”
“Oh, honey no don't be sorry. In fact, I'm staying home with you.”
“You don't have to.”
“I want to.”
You smiled as she softly kissed your forehead.
“ Mina will you stay too?” you asked looking up at her.
“Is that what you want?”
“If you can't I understand” you whispered.
“Of course, I can. I will stay with you all day if you want me to,” she says as she cuddles in next to you. Billie follows suit and cuddles into your other side.
“Alright. I made some tea for your throat and now we just wait for your medications.” Cordelia says.
“Well you three look comfortable,” she says smiling at you.
“Our girl needs cuddles come join us, Delia,” Billie says waving her over. The blonde smiles as walks over to the bed putting your tea off to the side as she cuddles into Billie.
“Thank y'all for helping me and staying with me,” you whispered.
“Of course babydoll.”
“No reason to thank us.”
Mina smiles as she kisses your forehead “There is no place we’d rather be.”
* As I am currently fighting Strep at the moment I wish I did have someone to cuddle me. *
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kai-anderson-whore · 1 year
New colleague (jeff pfister x fem reader)
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Summary: it's your first day at work and one of your new colleagues are all shy and embarrassed about their project
Warnings: Jeff and mutt being little coke whores, sex bot 😭, mentions of mutt embarrassing Jeff for having a boner, and mentions of sex workers
A/n this was requested on wattpad and I thought the sex bot thing is so funny plus its obviously a Jeff and mutt thing to do
•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚°
It was your first day working at kineros
Robotics after many, many years of studying putting your blood,sweat and tears into your education you were finally here.
You walked up to the secretary who you had met before applying for this job wilhemina venable "Hey wilhemina" you smiled wilhemina looked up at you from her computer screen "ah y/n yes come with me" she smiled taking you to your new office where you will help build robots with your colleagues.
You walked through hallways finally making it to the work station you saw two men with Bob haircuts doing god knows what, wilhemina cleared her throat gaining the attention of the two men, "hey" the brunette one shrugged neither of them noticing you yet, "this is y/n" their heads snapped up hearing a females name that's when you realised they probably don't get any female attention.
"Well what can we do for you" the brunette smirked from his seat, "you'll do nothing for her she works here with you two now so you both better make her feel comfortable and show her around" wilhemina scolded you also made a note that they were the annoying ones to work with great, you noticed the blonde wasn't saying a word he looked shy and timid.
Wilhemina said her goodbyes leaving you with your new colleagues, "I'm mutt by the way and that's jeff" mutt introduced with a polite smile, "nice to meet you" you smiled back giving Jeff a nod, which made him blush, "so where you from originally?" Mutt asked, "Oh I'm from w/y/f I moved here after my breakup with my ex and decided to focus on my career" you shrugged you noticed how Jeff's head peaked up from behind his computer when you mentioned you were single now.
"So how about you two then what's your story" you asked watching mutt snort a line of cocaine, you were shocked you never seen anything like it, before, mutt mostly did the talking for Jeff, "well that's my lunch break Jeff get y/n up to date with our project I'll be back in an hour and a half" mutt said grabbing his jacket leaving the lab.
"So what is it your working on?" You asked trying to start a conversation you knew it was something to do with robots, "erm well a female robot" Jeff mumbled shyly, "Oh cool for any reason" you asked observing the robot, "erm no no just you know doing our job" he chuckled you noticed the robots hand was a weird way so you had to ask why.
"Oh you know holding cups and what not" Jeff stumbled over his words the more you looked at the bot that's when it clicked "it's a sex bot Jeff Oh my god you two are making a sex robot hey I get it sometimes you get lonely" you put your hands up chuckling to yourself, Jeff tried to avoid eye contact with you.
You found it cute how easily shy he got around you no one really ever was like that around you only you around them, "okay so where are you at now with the sex bot" you asked hearing the soft rock playing in the background, "we're pretty much finished just need to test her out" he mumbled shyly you let out a laugh "your seriously not going to fuck the Robot are you what if it like explodes or something" you said in between laughs.
"Of course not I'll have mutt test it out" he chuckled back Jeff didn't want to admit but he thought your laugh was the most beautiful sound in the world he felt embarrassed about you knowing that him and mutt made a sex bot "Hey lovers" you heard mutt call entering the  lab, "mutt I need you to test the robot out in your own time" Jeff blushed at the nickname mutt gave you both and so did you.
Yo thought Jeff was cute he wasn't the type of guy you usually go for but he was sweet and kind and you loved when he blushed, "Oh it's time for my break I'll be back shortly" you said grabbing your coat hanging on the pegs leaving the lab.
"So what have you been up to casanova" mutt asked wiggling his eyebrows dishing out lines of the white powder, "Oh nothing just telling y/n about the robot that's all" Jeff shrugged snorting the lines of cocaine, "you gotta admit she is pretty hot" mutt said also snorting more of the drug.
"What no" Jeff scoffed but mutt saw right through his lie, "so you mean to tell me you wouldn't bang her I mean I could sense your boner when I was on my break" mutt laughed Jeff hid his face with embarrassment he instantly caught feelings for you how could he not.
"Just shoot your shot bro I bet she likes you too" mutt shrugged but Jeff knew talking to girls was not his strong point unless he's paying sex workers, he never had a proper girlfriend so he knew he'd be a nervous reck and probably mess everything up, "no I can't she wouldn't go for a dude like me" Jeff mumbled feeling the doubt.
"Just get to know her more then soon she'll be head over heel I'm telling you" mutt insisted Jeff gave it a thought before agreeing with him hopefully as time goes on you'd feel the same
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aecassie · 2 years
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◜ ˚ ˖  ࣪  ̎✧ ⸼ ཀ༼ 𝟳̵𝟳̵𝟳̵ ༽ཫ ⸼ ̎✧ ࣪ ⋆·˚ ༘ * 🔭•°. *࿐⋆.ೃ࿔*:・. ˚◞♡ ⃗ 🎐*ೃ°࿐*ੈ✩‧₊˚
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑔𝑜 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝒯𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝐿𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑜𝑛, 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑡ℎ <3
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓𝑦 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒, 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑘𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠 (𝑠𝑚, 𝑖'𝑚 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑘𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔), ℎ𝑢𝑔𝑠, 𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑙𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑑!
!𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑢𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒈𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒆!
𝒮/𝒩 = 𝑠𝑒𝑢 𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝒮/𝒮 = 𝑠𝑒𝑢 𝑠𝑜𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝒞/𝒞 = 𝑐𝑜𝑟 𝑑𝑜 𝑐𝑎𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑜 <3
𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑜𝑛 𝑥 𝑓𝑒𝑚! 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
༚.° Ꮺ⠀⭒ ࿙࿚୨⋆୧࿙࿚ ⭒ ۫۫⠀⋆ ࣪. ୧ ♡ ୨ ִ ۫ ⁎ .ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ ♡ ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ⠀𓊆ʚ♡⃛ɞ𓊇⠀✄ ₊˚๑⠀✮· 𓈒 🦴.
Você tinha acabado de voltar da escola, grande merda.
Abrindo as portas rangentes da tenebrosa casa intitulada como "The murder house", logo subiu as escadas de tamanho generoso afim de encontrar seu melhor amigo, Tate.
Repentinamente, no décimo segundo degrau (sim, você contou), uma mulher de poucos amigos esbarra em seu ombro, lhe olhando com estranheza. Bom, era Constance Langdon, mãe de Tate. A reconhecendo, deu o que era pra ser um sorriso à mais velha que te observou, centímetro por centímetro.
"Então.. Quem seria você? Acho que tenho o direito de descobrir quem entra ou sai da minha casa, não?" -- Um pouco nervosa, você se ajeitou e respondeu desajeitadamente
"Ah, claro, sinto muito pela indelicadeza, meu nome é S/N S/S, sou uma amiga do Tate!" -- É, você poderia descrever a expressão de desprezo presente na mulher.
"Ei, mãe, deixe ela subir, eu que a chamei!" -- Tate diz descendo as escadas
"Certo, acho que pode entrar. Suba e se quiser qualquer coisa peça ao Tate." -- Constance se vira e sai de perto de vocês dois, aliás, que belo alívio.
"Sinto muito por ela. Bom, vamos ao meu quarto?" -- Tate sorri de lábios cerrados, o que derrete seu coração por dentro.
Você concorda com a cabeça e o segue, os dois entram no quarto, Tate se senta na cama, já você, resolve passar suas delicadas mãos sobre os discos de CD na prateleira do loiro, que te olha sorrindo de um modo... apaixonado?
"Mentira! O lançamento do Nirvana? Onde comprou?" -- Você observa fascinada o CD frio apoiado em seus dedos, rindo de maneira até mesmo estúpida, considerando que era apenas isso, um CD.
Tate te olha e se levanta da cama, indo ao seu lado. Ele estende a mão com o intuito de pegar a embalagem do CD, mas por sorte ou azar, acaba pegando em suas mãos.
Vocês se olham por alguns segundos, e logo se afastam.
"É, na locadora, sabe, aquela da esquina do colégio."
"Ah, entendi. Talvez eu vá lá comprar também."
Você pegou um disco do Elvis Presley e colocou no DVD. "Can't Help falling in love with you" era a fatídica música que tocava ao fundo.
Tate, talvez cansado de tanto guardar o que sentia por você, se aproxima e pega levemente seu braço, te virando para ele.
"Tate, tá tudo.." -- Tate nem te deixa acabar, apenas agarra sua cintura e te beija. Você nem conseguia raciocinar naquele momento, era tudo muito confuso.
Não era nada apressado, era calmo, e doce.
As mãos de Tate eram quentinhas, o beijo dele era macio e bom, era reconfortante.
Vocês se separam.
"Olha, merda, me desculpa, s/n, eu nem sei o porque de eu ter feito isso, eu devia saber que você não-" -- Dessa vez, foi você quem não o deixou terminar a frase. Você colocou suas mãos na nuca do maior, que enroscou os dedos em seus fios c/c.
Vocês ficaram se olhando por um tempo, você estava em choque, mas um choque bom. Tate por sua vez, não conseguia tirar as mãos de sua cintura.
"Eu te amo, S/n S/s."
"Eu também te amo, Tate Langdon."
Vocês fizeram de tudo, conversaram, ouviram músicas, várias e várias coisas.
O tempo voou, e já eram 1 da madrugada. Finalmente vocês resolveram dormir, se deitaram na cama de Tate, na famosa conchinha. Tate era, (obviamente), a conchinha menor. Ele se agarrou a você, fechou os olhos e aproveitou o carinho único que só você sabia fazer. Depois de quase 5 minutos, ele percebeu que o carinho parou.
Você tinha dormido.
Tate só deu um sorrisinho com a cena, tirou uma mecha de cabelo de seu rosto e distribuiu vários selinhos em seus lábios e em seu rosto por completo, depois chegando bem perto, te olhando com apreciação.
"Você fica linda quando dorme."
Tate disfere um último selinho na ponta do seu nariz, se agarrando a sua cintura mais uma vez, sendo ele o adormecido agora.
E vocês dormem assim, unidos um ao outro, ouvindo Nirvana como "canção de ninar".
Não poderia ser mais perfeito.
~ Your lips my lips, Apocalypse. ~
..⃗.🐰•̩̩͙⁺° ‹𝟹 !¡ 𓂃 ִֶָ  ִֶָ ⋮﹕ᵎᵎ₀₀ ♡ ៸៸𓂃⁩⋆ ࣪.⊹.° ᵎᵎ ꞋꞌꞋ ✦ ᴓ˟ ִ ۫𓍯 ִֶָ 🥛 ،،̲ 🜲 ᶻᶻᶻ ⌕ ◡̈💀 𓍢٪ ˖ ⎙
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soaringcloud · 2 years
Tumblr media
he is just so beautiful-
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frankenkyle19 · 2 years
Pets I think the Evan’s characters would have:
•I think take wouldn’t be a big fan of many animals
•maybe a cat, specially a black one because of their ‘reputation’ 
•he’d name the cat Lucifer or Lilith 
•doesn’t like dogs
•I feel like he’d never actually want a pet of his own, but would tolerate others pets
Kit Walker: 
•dog. Probably a golden retriever 
•wants a perfect life with his women and kids, so a dog just adds to that aesthetic 
•he’d name the dog Rover or something generic like that
•Take the dog on long walks in the wood with him
•definitely let’s the dog sleep in his bed
Pre-death Kyle:
•He’s pretty busy with college, so he honestly wouldn’t have much time for an animal
•maybe a bird? Like a parakeet. 
•but he’d end up getting rid of it because he’d be trying to study and the bird wouldn’t be quiet 
•maybe he’d try something like a goldfish
•he’s a college boy so I feel like he’d forget to feed the poor thing and it’d end up dying 
Post-death Kyle:
•I will never forget what he did to that poor dog
•don’t give him any
•jk I love Kyle 
•but seriously, maybe get him something he can’t touch 
•I feel like he’d like an axolotl 
•he’d sit in front of its tank and watch it for hours 
•put it in the bathtub once because he wanted it to go on a ‘vacation’
Jimmy darling:
•don’t find him to be much of an animal person
•maybe a hedgehog or ferret 
•yeah he’d get a ferret
•in fact he’d get two of them and let them roam around 
•always makes sure to spend time with them even after a long day of performing 
James Patrick March:
•No animals
•Too messy for James 
•if he found a single piece of fur in his hotel, he’d flip
•if you ever managed to convince him to get a pet, he’d want something like a tarantula or scorpion
•he’d say he hated it, but would secretly love it
•likes to scare people with it 
•likes to watch it eat bugs 
Kai Anderson: 
•he seems like one to abuse animals 
•idk, he likes to see things suffer
•if he got an animal, he’d want a snake
•probably something exotic like a cobra
•he’d get it illegally imported 
•he’d enjoy feeding it live mice 
•again, because he’d want to see the mouse suffer. Would find it fascinating
•he’d never hold the snake, but would put it in a big cage to show it off
Mr. Gallant:
•Bearded dragon
•he’d just have it chilling on his shoulder 
•would totally make little matching outfits for it
•has a cage for it, but almost always has it out on his shoulder 
•feeds it fancy, expensive greens 
•would protect that lizard with his soul
•claims it’s his ‘emotional support lizard’ 
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