holographic-mars · 7 months
Cosmos definitely gets hit by asteroids sometimes (my favorite headacanon as a cosmos kin tbh)
Anyway, cosmos probably babysit the cassettes sometimes and has to hide from the autobots while doing it and ironhide found cosmos and the casseticons once cause they needed cosmos for something
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ABSOLUTELY EHE Cosmos is a clumsy bastard and while he bumbles through space he totally gets hit by smaller asteroids and meteoroids on the regular. He’s all dinged up and when he gets hit he just kinda shakes it off afterwords like he didn’t just get mashed by a 40 ton piece of space rock. He walks it off like a champ.
ANYWAYS I love how this sort of reads like G1 so you bet your ass I’m gonna make this G1-esque, no continuity is safe from coswave.
When cosmos ‘babysits’ the cassettes it’s not really cosmos taking care of them it’s more like “hey will you make sure my cassettes don’t set anything on fire? thank you” and then five minutes later the building is on fire and cosmos is sweating hard. Cosmos keeps track of the cassettes in the words lamest hangout sesh when Megatron gets in one of his moods and Soundwave deems the base unsafe for the cassettes.
Cue the cassettes going to find Cosmos to hang out with until Soundwave gives the ok to come back home. They find him, but unfortunately they also find that he is not alone and he’s doing a job with the other autobots, So now they’re all doing a horrible job at trying to subtly get cosmos’ attention while cosmos is desperately trying to get them to shut up and hide before his teammates see them. He can’t risk anyone finding out that he’s canoodling with the enemy!
Eventually cosmos breaks away long enough to grab the cassettes and ask them what the hell their problem is (frenzy calls him a stupid idiot for not noticing them hiding behind the rock sooner and ravage refuses to get down from the tree she’s decided to lounge in), they give a half baked explanation as to what is going on, and now cosmos has to figure out how to keep the cassettes from wandering away from him while also staying focused on his autobot tasks. Ironhide definitely knows something is amiss and has a hunch it might have something to do with Cosmos’ odder than usual behavior and the bush that keeps moving behind him.
AUHF THANK YOU FOR THE ASK this one made me giggle a bit bc the cassettes are absolute hellions and cosmos is over here fighting for his life. He’s got 5 grown mechs half his size trying to topple him over for fun, his ass is NOT winning this battle.
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RP Muse Meme
Post TEN characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as and might bring back, then tag ten people to do the same.  ( If you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can. Feel free to go over ten, too.)
Lingo, and in some circles Beachcomber, and a D&D aarakocra bard if that counts
§ = I’ve played a TF crossover that worked with this fandom.
£ = I’m open to playing another TF crossover in this fandom.
uhhhhhh lessee. Bluestreak, Beachcomber, Hound, Optimus Primal, a variety of OCs. I think TF might be the first rp-fandom I’ve been in that I ever played a canon character.
I once semi-played an Andalite OC.
I once played a star wars alien padawan oc. 
I once played a ninja turtle, also an oc... 
Invader zim irken oc... 
hrm. yeah tf is the first one with canon characters since there’s just SO MANY characters to choose from instead of like. four. Plus I like my characters to be a little detached from the main plot for flexibility reasons and also half of these OCs are from when I was 12. 
Oh gosh. ummmmmm.... Well I’ve always wanted to give Ahrnhide a go, he reminds me of my grandfather so I’ve always liked him. And my natural anxiety kind of lends itself to Red Alert. Which I guess is kind of obvious with the gremlin here.  And I’d love the chance to get some of my other characters out and about, including but not limited to Lingo’s sibs. My lil Divisiun twins. Uhhh idk Princess Tutu? Or I guess a random background ballerina in my case, watching everything happen and just being like ‘the fuck???’ 
Tagged by: @prowls-analysis
Tagging: @koi-dog-bot @medicalmurdersaurus @slenderwave @whoever else wants to do it 
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