#ahoba josai
crispychann · 4 months
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Unspoken :
A Tooru Oikawa fic!
Word Count : 3206
Genre: Slight fluff, angst
Humans, the one thing we love to do the most is to regret things. Of course, this is ironically speaking. Overthinking and letting an opportunity pass, wanting to never leave the comfort zone, thinking about the consequences, and more reasons lead to regrets.
What was the one thing you regretted not doing in the last semester of your school life? Was it procrastinating too much and having heaps to study before the exam? Or was it not spending enough time with other people outside your close friends, whom you would never see again? You’d like to be optimistic, but let’s be honest. It would be difficult to keep in touch with others, even your best friends. It’s not going to be the same as school. Or do you regret the several missed opportunities where you could have talked to Oikawa but backed away because you were scared?
You mostly regretted the last thing—not talking to Oikawa Tooru when you had the chance to. Nay, plenty of chances. You’ve always thought Oikawa was amazing. You attended all his matches mainly to support your school. The matches were always very intense, and you admired every player. They were all talented and deserved to win.
At first, you visited because you had heard about the intensity of these matches. The way everyone at school, including your best friends, spoke about it made it even more intriguing. They were not wrong. These volleyball matches were very intense, often against powerhouses, always keeping you on the edge of your seat.
During these matches, it was impossible not to notice the captain of Seijō, Oikawa Tooru. Oikawa is the kind of setter who knows his team inside out. He is fiercely competitive, always aiming to be the best, yet he balances this with genuine care for his teammates, understanding their strengths and weaknesses, and bringing out the best in each of them. He is an even better captain who always tries to keep the team spirit high, especially during tough situations. He knows his play, and he knows he’s good at it. What’s even more amazing than all this is his serve. His serve sends shivers down his opponents' spines. Even experienced players wish they never had to receive it. His serve streak is almost impossible to cut off.
Despite his massive talent, he continues to work hard and move forward. He practices till late every day and is never satisfied until he sees the results. Iwa, his best friend, basically drags him off the court every evening; otherwise, Oikawa wouldn’t leave.
Phew, that doesn’t even cover half of it. Okay, maybe you know a little more than necessary as just a mere spectator of the game. Only because you found Oikawa charming. Honestly, who wouldn’t? His presence is magnetic; you can't help but be captivated by the way he carries himself, brimming with confidence and playful charm. His smile always tinged with a mischievous glint, is infectious, lighting up any room he enters.
You admired him.
You wish you were as passionate as Oikawa about something but you just hadn't found that out yet.
It was not that long ago since you came across an empty volleyball court. Impossible you thought to yourself. You wanted to take a little peek inside to see if there was actually no one there. You opened the door carefully as you didn't want to make any noise and draw attention to you. Technically speaking it was your gym as much as it was the team’s. But everyone knows who needs the gym the most. The volleyball team obviously.
To your surprise, you were quite right. The gym was empty but the nets were still up and trolleys of balls were left outside the court instead of the store room. That was the perfect opportunity to address your curiosity. You have always wondered how it feels to hold the ball. You’ve never held a volleyball in your lifetime. You did not know if it was heavy or light. Are the balls so light that the spikers smash them to the ground effortlessly? The way it is served and the way that it is received? You were curious about everything. You were nearing the end of school. You wanted to try this out as volleyball was your school’s spirit after academics of course. You slowly approached to trolley and picked up a ball.
It was not as light as you expected it to be but it was not too heavy either. ‘Mmm not too bad’. You first tried to play with yourself. You just tried to hit the ball with your forearms, trying so hard to not drop it. ‘That wasn't that difficult, maybe I'm a natural’ you whisper to yourself. Now that you had boosted your ego, you wanted to serve from one side of the net to the other side. How hard could that be? You quickly threw the ball up in the air and slapped it real hard with your palm. BAD CHOICE. VERY HARD AND PAINFUL.
‘Son of a-’ you started to swear but you had to stop halfway because you heard someone laughing from behind where the storeroom was. Was it someone from the team? The coach perhaps? It was too embarrassing for you to turn around now.
‘You want to serve the ball to the other side of the court, not hurt your palm during the process’ a voice added. You had to turn around to avoid being rude. You were going to graduate soon and it is not like the whole team saw you anyway. ‘Can’t be that embarrassing’ you said to make yourself feel better.
Turns out it was just Oikawa who saw you and had a good time laughing from behind.
You knew a lot about him. How he plays, how he handles his team and how he reacts when he wins and loses his matches but you’ve never heard him speak. You had been in the same school for years yet neither of you had made a single conversation with the other till now. Surprising because you both are in the same year level but yet your worlds seem miles apart.
You turned around, cheeks burning with embarrassment, to find Oikawa leaning casually against the doorframe, a playful smirk on his face. “Need some help?” he offered, his voice friendly and inviting. “Uh, yeah, that would be great,” you stammered, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Here he was, Oikawa Tooru, offering to teach you how to play volleyball.
He walked over, taking the ball from your hands. “First, you need to hold the ball like this,” he said, demonstrating the proper grip. “And when you serve, you want to hit it with the base of your palm, like this.” He tossed the ball up and effortlessly served it over the net.
You watched in awe as the ball sailed perfectly to the other side. “Wow,” you breathed. “That was amazing.”
Oikawa chuckled, handing the ball back to you. “Your turn. Don’t worry, I’ll guide you.”
You took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart. Following his instructions, you tossed the ball up and hit it with the base of your palm. The ball made it over the net, barely not as gracefully as Oikawa’s serve.
“Not bad for a first try,” he said encouragingly. “With a bit more practice, you’ll get the hang of it.”
“I think I'm just seven years too late for that” you chuckle.
“Who says you can’t catch up? Arent you a natural y/n?” he retorted.
He had clearly heard you talking to yourself before.
“Can’t argue there Tooru. You better watch your back” you continued the banter. He couldn't contain his smile.
“I’m truly scared now” he replied. Before you could say anything else you heard another voice at the entrance of the gym ���You better be scared Tooru because you were supposed to leave 30 minutes ago like you promised” Iwa deadpanned.
Before you could comprehend what was going on Tooru dashed to the bleachers to grab his kit. You did not blame him. Iwaizumi is a scary man. scary only because he cares for Oikawa and his teammates so dearly. Unlike Oikawa, you have spoken to Iwaizumi several times. You used to share a table with him a few years back. The good old days. If it wasn't for all the intense practices and matches the school went to, you and Iwaizumi could have been good friends. He’d miss some of the classes due to the matches and the other times he’d leave the next minute after the bell goes off to his practice. However, you still had fun with him when you sat together. You could almost call him a friend.
“Y/n, oh gosh how long has it been?” Iwa yelled out from the door walking towards the both of you. You could hear the excitement in his voice”
“Iwa!” you waved at him. Oikawa was surprised by this interaction. He didn't know that you both already knew each other. “Just when I was about to introduce to each other haha. Did not see this coming” he said to Iwaizumi.
“Neither did I Tooru, because y/n never used to set foot in the gym back when we used to be classmates. I practically used to beg her to.”
He was right. It was a few years ago but Iwa always tried to get you to come see the practice match and spend some time with him. You’d always come up with an excuse to avoid going to the gym. Mainly because you were lazy. Secondly, at the start of high school, you had to muster enough self-esteem to enter a gym teeming with boys, where the overwhelming presence and energy could be felt from a distance. The thought of all their eyes turning toward you as you entered was something you couldn’t bear then, and still can't now.
You couldn't help but feel guilty. That could have been the beginning of a beautiful friendship. A beautiful friendship that you never gave a chance to.
Your eyes gave it away. Iwa had to fill in the silence.
“I’m obviously kidding Y/N. please do not feel guilty. Besides you come to most of our matches now. I am very happy that you support us so please do not feel guilty” he said sweetly.
“I’m glad I started coming to the matches Iwa, honestly they are so worth it” you finally responded politely.
Iwaizumi grinned and gave you a nod before finally turning to Oikawa. “Home. Now” he ordered to Oikawa and slowly made his way back to the door and decided to wait for Oikawa.
“I’m sorry our practise sesh was cut short by Iwa Chan y/n. It was nice meeting you today,” he said hurriedly but you could also sense the genuineness from his tone.
“It’s alright, Tooru. I really appreciate the help. It was nice finally talking to you,” you replied with a smile.
He nodded, glancing at Iwaizumi who was waiting impatiently at the door. “We should do this again sometime. Maybe when Iwa isn’t around to drag me away,” he joked, winking at you.
You laughed softly, feeling a warmth spread through you. “I’d like that. Maybe I’ll even get better at serving.”
“I have no doubt you will,” Oikawa said, his eyes twinkling. “Just keep practising. And hey, if you ever need a coach, you know where to find me.”
A smile crawled upon your face.
As he started to walk away, he turned back one last time. “Goodnight, Y/N. And don’t be a stranger, alright?”
“Goodnight, Tooru. I will try my best” you chuckled, watching as he jogged over to Iwaizumi.
Iwaizumi gave you a small wave and a smile before they both exited the gym. You stood there for a moment, processing everything that had happened. Your heart was still racing, but this time it wasn’t just from nerves—it was from mere excitement and a possibility of something. Maybe a friendship, maybe an inspiration or maybe something more.
It had been three months since that had happened. Even though Tooru said not to be a stranger, you were one. You went to all of their matches and cheered them on like you usually would. You would want to approach Oikawa in the hallway but you were always scared to do so. What if he was just being friendly? What if he was just trying to be polite? What if he actually has so much on his plate that he forgot about the whole interaction that we had? Why hasn't he approached me? You couldn't get these negative thoughts out of your head.
The school halls became a battleground of stolen glances. You'd catch sight of him laughing with his friends, his smile as radiant as ever, and your heart would skip a beat. Sometimes, you’d notice him looking your way, a fleeting glance that made your pulse race. It happened during class changes, in the cafeteria, and even during matches. You’d be in the stands, cheering along with the rest of the crowd, and sometimes, during a timeout, you’d see him scan the audience. Your eyes would meet for a brief second, a silent exchange that spoke volumes. In those moments, you felt a connection, a pull that urged you to break through your hesitation.
But the doubt remained. What if you were misreading everything? What if his smiles and glances were just friendly, nothing more? The uncertainty kept you frozen, unable to take that step forward.
The final match of the season was the most intense yet. Seijō was neck and neck with their opponent, and every point was fiercely contested. During a timeout, Oikawa looked over to the stands, his eyes searching. When they found yours, he smiled—a small, private smile that seemed meant just for you. Your heart soared, but the insecurity held you back.
After the match, the team celebrated their hard-earned victory. You stood on the sidelines, clapping along with everyone else, your eyes fixed on Oikawa. He was surrounded by his teammates, laughing and talking animatedly. You saw Iwaizumi give him a knowing look and nudge, pointing in your direction. Oikawa’s gaze followed, and for a moment, you thought he might come over. But then he was swept up in the post-match excitement, and the moment passed.
The days turned into weeks, and your silent longing only grew. Each time you saw him, the urge to talk to him intensified, but you never ended up doing it. You imagined conversations in your head, what you would say, how he might respond. But when the moment came, your courage faltered, and you would retreat into the safety of your routines.
Finally, the last day of school arrived. The halls were filled with students saying their goodbyes, reminiscing about the years they had spent together. You felt a pang of regret as you realized this was your last chance. You took a deep breath and decided to take one final look at the gym, hoping to find Oikawa there.
The gym was empty, the nets down, and the lights dimmed. You walked slowly, your footsteps echoing in the quiet space. Memories of the past few months flooded your mind, and you couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of regret for all the missed opportunities.
As you turned to leave, you heard a familiar voice. “Y/N.”
You spun around to see Oikawa standing in the doorway, his expression a mix of surprise and relief. “Tooru,” you whispered, your heart pounding.
He walked over, his gaze never leaving yours. “I was hoping to find you here,” he said softly. “I guess we both had the same idea.”
You nodded, swallowing hard. “I didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye.”
Oikawa hesitated, then asked, “Why didn’t you ever approach me?”
You looked down, feeling the weight of his question. “I… I don’t know,” you admitted. “Why didn’t you?”
He sighed, frustration evident in his voice. “I don’t know either. But I’ve wanted to for so long.”
You looked up, meeting his eyes. “Me too. There were so many times I wanted to talk to you, but something always held me back.”
A moment of silence passed, filled with the weight of all the unspoken words and missed opportunities. “Why did we have to meet this late, huh?” you said, your voice tinged with sadness.
“Timing,” Oikawa said with a bitter smile. “Timing is always a bitch.”
He paused, then continued, “I’m going to play volleyball in college. What about you?”
You shrugged, feeling a lump in your throat. “I haven’t decided yet. Everything feels so uncertain.”
He nodded, his expression softening. “You’ll figure it out. You’re incredible, Y/N. Don’t ever doubt that.”
“Thank you, Tooru,” you whispered, tears threatening to fall. “Good luck with everything. I know you’ll be amazing.”
There was a long pause, both of you standing there, the air heavy with everything left unsaid. Oikawa broke the silence first, his voice gentle. “Do you mind if we… hug? Just as a friendly goodbye?”
You smiled, feeling a mix of relief and sadness. “I’d like that.”
He stepped closer, his arms wrapping around you in a warm, comforting embrace. You hugged him back, holding on tightly as if trying to make up for all the missed chances in this one moment. The hug was long, lingering, filled with all the unspoken words and what-ifs. You could feel the regret and longing in the way he held you, and you knew he felt it too.
As you stood there, wrapped in his arms, you both understood the significance of this hug. It wasn’t just a friendly gesture—it was a farewell to what could have been, and a tentative promise for what might still come. The regret of missed opportunities weighed heavily, but there was also a sense of closure, of acknowledging what you had shared, however fleeting.
Finally, Oikawa pulled back slightly, looking into your eyes. “You’re going to do great things, Y/N. I know it.”
“Thank you, Tooru. So will you,” you said, your voice thick with emotion.
He released you reluctantly, and you both stepped back, the moment hanging in the air. “It was really nice getting to know you, Oikawa,” you said softly.
“It was really nice getting to know you too, Y/N,” he replied, his eyes reflecting the same mix of emotions.
Just before you turned to leave, he reached into his pocket and handed you a small piece of paper. “Here’s my number. Maybe we can keep in touch.”
You took it, your heart swelling with a mix of hope and sadness. “Thank you, Tooru. I’d like that.”
He smiled, a hint of the mischievous glint you had come to admire. “Take care, Y/N.”
“You too, Oikawa.”
With one last lingering look, you both turned and walked away, parting ways with heavy hearts. As you left the gym, you felt the weight of all the missed chances pressing down on you. But there was also a glimmer of hope—a possibility that maybe, just maybe, you could reconnect and build something new.
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Shuffle songs
Totally based on what’s playing on my spotify queue rn
Karasuno :
Heartbroken - Meaghan Smith -> Ennoshita (he likes the sweet melodies with the sad lyrics)
Birdsong - Cattle & Cane ->  Tanaka (It’s badass, just like him)
Home - Bruno Major -> Hinata (the guitar calms him)
Atlas : Seven - Sleeping At Last -> Asahi (He listens to all of Sleeping At Last, he’s a poetic guy at heart)
Ahoba Josai :
Roses - The Chainsmokers -> Makki (he thinks of Mattsun while listening)
Tell Me I’m A Wreck  -> Every Avenue -> Iwaizumi (That boy had an emo/ punk rock phase and it’s never really gone)
The King Of Rock ‘N’ Roll -  Prefab Sprout -> Kindaichi (That song is a bop and onion head listens to it while putting on his uniform)
She - Ed Sheeran -> Oikawa (He only thinks of slow dancing in the kitchen at 3 : 00 am with Iwa-chan)
Nekoma :
Ghost - Halsey -> Yaku (he stumbled on it and liked the lyrics and the whole aesthetic)
Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Queen -> Fukugana (he’s got humor and good taste, that man is underrated) 
Schengen - Raphael -> Kuroo ( Hear me out, he likes to listen to foreign songs while he’s studying and french has a nice touch, he also listen to jazz and italian songs but not in public)
Now I’m Here - Queen -> Shibayama (I feel like him and Fukugana hang out a lot and they have that in common. They both went to see the movie as soon as it came out)
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novocaine-sea · 7 years
ive been wondering this for a while, but why do u tag some ahoba josai “apple juicy”?
It’s literally so stupid there’s this one text post that was like that handwriting meme thing and it’s like:
“Oh yeah I love the Haikyuu teams. Karasuno, Nekoma, Fukurodani.... *looks at smudged writing on handle* Apple Juicy....”
I thought it was hilarious so now I just tag my seijou things with apple juicy :)
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