#ahn yujin x readef
jihyoruri · 4 days
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 HYPNOSIS ahn yujin x reader
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↳ warnings idol!au, fluff, oc group, yn is an awkward loser and yujin is obsessed with the voice
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ECLIPSE had become the name on everyone’s lips lately, and for good reason. when was the last time yg entertainment launched a punk girl group? never. it was fresh, bold, and something so out of the ordinary for an entertainment like yg, exactly what the industry didn’t know it was missing.
yujin vividly recalls the first time she heard a track from the group. the song was called "amnesia." sure, the other members had incredible voices, but there was one in particular that caught her ear.
the girl didn’t get many lines, but when that voice emerged, it was mesmerizing, almost haunting. yujin couldn’t get it out of her head, if she could, she would have that voice on repeat forever.
it made yujin want to find out who the girl was and immediately ask her how did she acquire such a voice and not be the main vocalist?
rei called her a solo stan for that comment.
and sure, yujin could’ve easily found out who that voice belonged to, but there was something thrilling about the mystery.
she knew their faces but had no idea who sang which parts.
there was something fascinating about not knowing, just hearing that voice without attaching it to a name. the mystery made it even more captivating.
then yujin found out ive would be appearing on a variety show with none other than eclipse. as much as she was a little disappointed that her game of mystery was coming to an end, she couldn’t help but feel a spark of excitement.
she wondered what the girl was really like. with a voice like that, she had to be flirty and fun, the kind of person who could charm anyone without even trying.
“eclipse, introduce your names,” one of the mcs said, gesturing toward the four girls. yujin, seated with her group, who had already introduced themselves, scanned the faces of eclipse, hoping to figure out who possessed that voice that had her hypnotized.
“I’m arang the amazing leader of eclipse!”
too high pitched.
“I’m irene, the main vocalist of eclipse!”
“I’m yn.”
everyone chuckled at the quiet girl’s simple introduction. arang playfully smacked yn’s arm, and yn winced, looking up at the leader. “ouch, you know i have tender arms,” she said, earning another round of laughter from the room, including yujin.
“introduce yourself properly!” arang scolded, while yn adjusted the glasses perched on her face, the sides adorned with sparkly skulls. “I don’t know what I am…”
“she’s our secret weapon.” Irene says saving yn from another slap on her arm, “our secret talent.”
“yeah… I’m that,” yn said a little louder, causing another wave of laughter.
as much as yujin felt a certain pulling towards the girl, her voice was too low.
“I’m celestial! the charm of eclipse!”
that could be her…
“alright you guys can have a seat!”
“so,” the mc starts, “before we go into the haunted house, eclipse prepared a surprise performance for us!”
the girls of ive clapped their hands while yujin mind started racing, this is gonna be it, she’s gonna find out who that voice belonged to.
as eclipse began to sing, yujin kept her eyes fixed on celestia. she had to admit, when celestia introduced herself, she didn’t feel that pull, not like with yn, but still, she fit the image yujin had in her mind of the voice she’d been searching for.
but as the song progressed, yujin quickly realized: celestia wasn’t the one. the song was already a minute in, and she hadn’t heard the voice that had been haunting her thoughts.
celestia had sung a few lines, but it was definitely not her. irene and arang had also had their parts, and still, nothing.
which only left one possibility…
when the bridge of the song came, yujin’s eyes widened. yn was singing. her voice washed over the room, higher and mesmerizing, and yujin felt the same way she had when she first heard it through her phone completely hypnotized.
as they finished yujin was left speechless, not even clapping along with her other members.
“ah, so amazing!” the mc praised the girls, “so this is how it’s gonna go, you guys will be split into groups and a camera will follow you on your journey throughout the haunted house.”
“arang, wonyoung, rei and irene!”
“celestia, liz, gaeul and leeseo!”
“yn and yujin! you two will be in a pair.”
yujin looked at yn who seemed like she was in internal distress that she was separated from her members, she couldn’t help but find the slight pout on the girls face cute.
“there are different entrances that you’ll go through,” the mc continued. “keep your partners close, and have fun—or be insanely scared!”
as they began preparing for the haunted house, yujin couldn’t stop sneaking glances at yn. the girl was quieter than she expected, almost shy, which didn’t match the captivating voice yujin had heard.
and yet, there was something else. a slight awkwardness about her, sure, but also a tomboyish charm in the way she moved like she wasn’t trying too hard to be anything other than herself. 
she watched as yn stood awkwardly in front of celestia who harshly pushed yn towards yujin.
“shit,” yn muttered under her breath, and yujin couldn’t help but chuckle at her awkwardness.
“nervous?” yujin asked, her voice teasing.
yn looked up from fiddling with her belt, which had a large skull buckle, clearly using it as a distraction. “huh? oh, no, i’ve been through plenty of haunted houses,” she replied, her voice calm, though her hands betrayed her. “you?”
yujin watched as yn quickly adjusted her shirt after realizing she’d tugged it up while fixing her belt. yn’s slight fidgeting made yujin grin. “i get scared sometimes…” she admitted, her gaze steady on yn.
yn scratched the back of her neck, eyes flicking up to meet yujin’s. “cool…”
the moment they stepped inside, the air grew thick with tension. eerie sounds echoed around them, and yujin, who was walking slightly ahead of yn, jumped at the first scare, a hand that reached out from the wall. she yelped, stumbling back and nearly crashing into yn, who caught her just in time. 
yn quietly laughed keeping one hand on yujin’s shoulder while the other one adjusted the glasses on her face, “scared sometimes?”
the sound sent a shiver down yujin’s spine, her face heating up despite knowing yn wasn’t trying to be flirty. still, that low voice, so close, caused an unexpected flutter in yujin’s stomach that she couldn’t quite ignore.
yujin shook her head, “heavy on sometimes, wanna walk in front of me?
yn shrugged and went in front of yujin, seems like she wasn’t lying when she said she wasn’t scared.
so why was she fidgeting earlier?
even though she didn’t seem scared that didn’t stop the quiet girl kept muttering under her breath, clearly uncomfortable with the whole experience.
throughout the whole haunted house yujin watch yn in front of her.
she watched how yn awkwardly stumbled through the scares, yujin found herself strangely charmed.
yn wasn’t the flirty, party type she’d imagined. she was dorky and awkward, but in a way that yujin found oddly attractive.
every time yn tripped over something, or yelped at a random noise, yujin’s heart softened a little more.
“you’re really not a fan of this, huh?” yujin asked, glancing down at yn, who was still holding onto her arm, “you don’t seem scared though?”
“nope,” yn muttered, glancing around warily. “Inhate it, though”
a girl with a batter school uniform jumped from behind one of the corners causing yujin to loudly gasp immediately gripping onto yn’s arm who didn’t make a sound but had wide eyes behind her glasses.
yn unintentionally hooked her arm with yujin’s and dragged the older girl the other way, “okay that scared me, I almost shat myself.”
yujin couldn’t help but laugh at the girls words, knowing the editors would definitely have to bleep that out.
yn didn’t seem to notice it but yujin did, even when they were now far away from the girl yn didn’t unlink her and yujin’s arms keeping the girl close beside her throughout the rest of their journey through the house.
they eventually made it to the end of the haunted house, both of them visibly relieved as they stepped out into the light.
yujin stole another glance at her, watching as she adjusted her glasses for what had to be the hundredth time that night. yn’s messy hair, her slightly ruffled clothes, and that sheepish expression on her face, it shouldn’t have been attractive, but to yujin, it was.
as the filming wrapped up, yujin felt a nervous energy building in her chest. she’d spent the entire time getting to know yn in this weird, unintentional way, and now, all she wanted was to spend more time with her.
before yn could walk off to join her members, yujin hesitated for a second, then blurted out, “hey, can i, uh, get your number?”
yn blinked at her, looking almost surprised. “my number?”
yujin nodded, suddenly feeling self conscious. “yeah, you know, just to…keep in touch?” she handed yn her phone.
yn fumbled with her phone, clearly caught off guard. “oh, uh, sure. here.”
as yn awkwardly handed yujin back her oh won number, yujin smiled, feeling a strange sense of accomplishment. she had no idea where this was going, but for now, she was content just having this quiet girl with a beautiful voice’s number in her phone.
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