#ahmednagar news
mhlivenews · 8 months
चुकीला माफी असते पण गुन्ह्याला नसते, लोखंडेंकडून शिवसेना चोरण्याचा गुन्हा : उद्धव ठाकरे
अहमदनगर : शिवसेना उद्धव बाळासाहेब ठाकरे पक्षाचे प्रमुख आणि माजी मुख्यमंत्री उद्धव ठाकरे यांची कोपरगावमध्ये सुरु आहे. कोपरगावातील सभास्थळी उद्धव ठाकरे यांचं जोरदार स्वागत करण्यात आलं आहे. एकनाथ शिंदे यांच्यासोबत गेलेले शिर्डीचे लोकसभा खासदार सदाशिव लोखंडे यांच्या मतदारसंघात ठाकरे यांनी जोरदार हल्लाबोल केला. उद्धव ठाकरे यांनी हा कुटुंबसंवाद सोहळा असल्याचं म्हटलं आहे. भाजपला हे कळत नाही की एवढे…
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rika-news · 1 year
खळबळजनक! पाथर्डीतील माळीबाभुळगाव येथील विहिरीत आढळले चार मृतदेह
Ahmednagar Crime News:  पाथर्डी तालुक्यातील माळीबाभुळगाव हद्दीतील दिपक गोळक यांच्या पोल्ट्रीफार्म शेजारील विहरीत चार मृतदेह आढळल्याने तालुक्यात एकच खळबळ उडाली आहे. घटनेची माहिती मिळताच जिल्हा पोलीस अधीक्षक राकेश ओला यांनी पाथर्डी येथे भेट देऊन घटनेची माहिती घेतली. नांदेडच्या करोडी येथील धम्मपाल सांगडे हा पत्नी कांचन, एक मुलगा, दोन मुली यांच्यासह दिपक गोळक यांच्या पोल्ट्रीफार्मवर मजुरीचे काम करीत…
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newshawkers · 1 month
कीचड़ से क्यों नहाने लगे सीपीआई नेता|
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daily-quiz-join · 3 months
NCB ने महाराष्ट्र के अहमदनगर में 111 किलोग्राम गांजा जब्त किया, चार गिरफ्तार
प्रतिरूप फोटो ANI एनसीबी की मुंबई स्थित क्षेत्रीय इकाई के एक अधिकारी के अनुसार पुणे का यह गिरोह ओडिशा से तस्करी करके लाए गए गांजा एवं अन्य मादक पदार्थों को मुंबई तथा पुणे के लोगों तक पहुंचाने के अवैध धंधे में शामिल था। मुबई। स्वापक नियंत्रण ब्यूरो (एनसीबी) ने महाराष्ट्र के अहमदनगर जिले से करीब दो करोड़ रुपये मूल्य का 111 किलोग्राम गांजा जब्त करने के साथ चार लोगों को गिरफ्तार करके एक अंतरराज्यीय…
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nashikfast · 10 months
नाशिकमधून जायकवाडी धरणात पाणी सोडण्यास सुरूवात
नाशिक : बऱ्याच वाद आणि गोंधळानंतर अखेर नाशिकमधील धरणांमधून जायकवाडीत पाणी सोडण्यास जिल्हा प्रशासनाने सुरुवात केली आहे. शुक्रवारी (दि. २४) रात्री ११ वाजेच्या सुमारास दारणा धरणातून १०० क्यूसेकने विसर्ग करण्यात आला. मराठवाडा पाटबंधारे विकास महामंडळाच्या पथकाच्या उपस्थितीत पाणी सोडण्यात आले. लवकरच नाशिक व अहमदनगर जिल्ह्यांतील धरणांमधून हळूहळू विसर्ग करण्यात येणार असल्याचे प्रशासनाकडून सांगण्यात आले…
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rahulmarathiblog · 2 years
पीएसआय होण्यास जातो म्हणून ' तो ' गायब , तोफखान्यात गुन्हा दाखल
पीएसआय होण्यास जातो म्हणून ‘ तो ‘ गायब , तोफखान्यात गुन्हा दाखल
नगरमध्ये एक खळबळजनक अशी घटना उघडकीला आलेली असून तोफखाना पोलीस ठाण्यात एका आरोपीच्या विरोधात गुन्हा दाखल करण्यात आलेला आहे. पीएसआयची ट्रेनिंग सुरु होणार असून लवकरच मी आता पीएसआय होणार आहे असे सांगत या तरुणाने एका तरुणीशी लग्न केले आणि त्यानंतर तो पुण्याला निघून गेला. तो पुन्हा आला नाही आणि आपल्याला भेटणे देखील तो टाळत असल्याने पीडित तरुणीने त्याच्या विरोधात तोफखाना पोलिसात फिर्याद दिली…
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sakshimarathiblog · 2 years
पीएसआय होण्यास जातो म्हणून ' तो ' गायब , तोफखान्यात गुन्हा दाखल
पीएसआय होण्यास जातो म्हणून ‘ तो ‘ गायब , तोफखान्यात गुन्हा दाखल
नगरमध्ये एक खळबळजनक अशी घटना उघडकीला आलेली असून तोफखाना पोलीस ठाण्यात एका आरोपीच्या विरोधात गुन्हा दाखल करण्यात आलेला आहे. पीएसआयची ट्रेनिंग सुरु होणार असून लवकरच मी आता पीएसआय होणार आहे असे सांगत या तरुणाने एका तरुणीशी लग्न केले आणि त्यानंतर तो पुण्याला निघून गेला. तो पुन्हा आला नाही आणि आपल्याला भेटणे देखील तो टाळत असल्याने पीडित तरुणीने त्याच्या विरोधात तोफखाना पोलिसात फिर्याद दिली…
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harishmarathiblog · 2 years
पीएसआय होण्यास जातो म्हणून ' तो ' गायब , तोफखान्यात गुन्हा दाखल
पीएसआय होण्यास जातो म्हणून ‘ तो ‘ गायब , तोफखान्यात गुन्हा दाखल
नगरमध्ये एक खळबळजनक अशी घटना उघडकीला आलेली असून तोफखाना पोलीस ठाण्यात एका आरोपीच्या विरोधात गुन्हा दाखल करण्यात आलेला आहे. पीएसआयची ट्रेनिंग सुरु होणार असून लवकरच मी आता पीएसआय होणार आहे असे सांगत या तरुणाने एका तरुणीशी लग्न केले आणि त्यानंतर तो पुण्याला निघून गेला. तो पुन्हा आला नाही आणि आपल्याला भेटणे देखील तो टाळत असल्याने पीडित तरुणीने त्याच्या विरोधात तोफखाना पोलिसात फिर्याद दिली…
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chimnayjoshiblogs · 2 years
पीएसआय होण्यास जातो म्हणून ' तो ' गायब , तोफखान्यात गुन्हा दाखल
पीएसआय होण्यास जातो म्हणून ‘ तो ‘ गायब , तोफखान्यात गुन्हा दाखल
नगरमध्ये एक खळबळजनक अशी घटना उघडकीला आलेली असून तोफखाना पोलीस ठाण्यात एका आरोपीच्या विरोधात गुन्हा दाखल करण्यात आलेला आहे. पीएसआयची ट्रेनिंग सुरु होणार असून लवकरच मी आता पीएसआय होणार आहे असे सांगत या तरुणाने एका तरुणीशी लग्न केले आणि त्यानंतर तो पुण्याला निघून गेला. तो पुन्हा आला नाही आणि आपल्याला भेटणे देखील तो टाळत असल्याने पीडित तरुणीने त्याच्या विरोधात तोफखाना पोलिसात फिर्याद दिली…
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rajendrasomani · 2 years
पीएसआय होण्यास जातो म्हणून ' तो ' गायब , तोफखान्यात गुन्हा दाखल
पीएसआय होण्यास जातो म्हणून ‘ तो ‘ गायब , तोफखान्यात गुन्हा दाखल
नगरमध्ये एक खळबळजनक अशी घटना उघडकीला आलेली असून तोफखाना पोलीस ठाण्यात एका आरोपीच्या विरोधात गुन्हा दाखल करण्यात आलेला आहे. पीएसआयची ट्रेनिंग सुरु होणार असून लवकरच मी आता पीएसआय होणार आहे असे सांगत या तरुणाने एका तरुणीशी लग्न केले आणि त्यानंतर तो पुण्याला निघून गेला. तो पुन्हा आला नाही आणि आपल्याला भेटणे देखील तो टाळत असल्याने पीडित तरुणीने त्याच्या विरोधात तोफखाना पोलिसात फिर्याद दिली…
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shaharvarta11 · 2 years
पीएसआय होण्यास जातो म्हणून ' तो ' गायब , तोफखान्यात गुन्हा दाखल
पीएसआय होण्यास जातो म्हणून ‘ तो ‘ गायब , तोफखान्यात गुन्हा दाखल
नगरमध्ये एक खळबळजनक अशी घटना उघडकीला आलेली असून तोफखाना पोलीस ठाण्यात एका आरोपीच्या विरोधात गुन्हा दाखल करण्यात आलेला आहे. पीएसआयची ट्रेनिंग सुरु होणार असून लवकरच मी आता पीएसआय होणार आहे असे सांगत या तरुणाने एका तरुणीशी लग्न केले आणि त्यानंतर तो पुण्याला निघून गेला. तो पुन्हा आला नाही आणि आपल्याला भेटणे देखील तो टाळत असल्याने पीडित तरुणीने त्याच्या विरोधात तोफखाना पोलिसात फिर्याद दिली…
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mhlivenews · 9 months
ट्रक आणि पिकअपचा भीषण अपघात, चौघांचा जागीच अंत; मृतांमध्ये बाप-लेकाचा समावेश
बीड : बीडच्या मांजरसुंबा नजीक अहमदपूर -अहमदनगर मार्गावर पिकअप व कंटेनरचा भीषण अपघात झाला. या अपघातात पिकपमधील तिघेजण तर कंटेनरचा चालक जागीच ठार झाला. नितीन घरत, प्रल्हाद घरत, विनोद सानप अशी ठार झालेल्या तिघांची नावे आहेत.अपघातानंतर कंटेनर मधील लोखंडी पाईप रस्त्यावर पसरल्याने वाहतूक खोळंबली होती. घटनेची माहिती मिळताच पोलिसांनी घटनास्थळी दाखल होत मृतदेह बाहेर काढत जखमींना रुग्णालयात दाखल करण्याची…
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propertyparadise · 1 month
Rustomjee Plots Kasara: Best Investment Property In Mumbai
Located within the serene landscapes of Mumbai, Rustomjee Plots Kasara offers an engaging opportunity for the ones in search of a peaceful retreat or a smart investment. Located only some hours from Mumbai, those perfectly planned plots mixture natural peace with modern amenities. It promises a great balance of rural attraction and urban comfort.
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A Prime Location with the Best of Both Worlds
This property is strategically positioned in Kasara, a serene city in the Thane district of Maharashtra, recognized for its scenic beauty and peaceful surroundings. The property is properly related to the foremost cities and cities, making it an excellent choice for those searching for a peaceful retreat without compromising on accessibility.
Connectivity to Major Highways
NH 3 (Mumbai-Nashik Highway): Rustomjee Plots is located close to NH 3, additionally referred to as the Mumbai-Nashik Highway. This main country-wide highway ensures seamless connectivity among Mumbai, Nashik and other essential cities along the course.
NH 61 (Mumbai-Ahmednagar Highway): Another full-size dual carriageway near the project is NH 61, which connects Mumbai to Ahmednagar.
Mumbai-Nagpur Expressway (Samruddhi Mahamarg): The upcoming Mumbai-Nagpur Expressway, also called Samruddhi Mahamarg, will further decorate the connectivity of Rustomjee Kasara Plots.
Proximity to Major Cities
Mumbai: Kasara is approximately 100 kilometres from Mumbai, making it a snug force through the Mumbai-Nashik Highway. This proximity lets citizens revel in the peacefullity of Kasara at the same time as being simply a couple of hours faraway from the bustling city of Mumbai.
Nashik: The property is about 80 kilometres from Nashik a first-rate city in Maharashtra recognized for its vineyards, temples and cultural background. The connectivity via NH 3 makes it easy for residents to get a property to Nashik for paintings, enjoyment or pilgrimage.
Build Your Dream Home Your Way
One of the most exciting components of Rustomjee Plots in Mumbai is the opportunity it gives you to build your dream home precisely the way you want it. Unlike shopping for a pre-built condominium or house, here you have the liberty to layout and assemble a home that completely suits your wishes and tastes. Whether you have constantly desired a spacious lawn, a home workplace with a view or a custom kitchen for your culinary projects, the selection is yours!
Investment Potential
Investing in a plot at this property is not always just about constructing a home for nowadays - it is also approximately securing your destiny. As the area develops and becomes extra connected, belongings values are probably to upward push. By investing now, you may be setting yourself up for extensive returns within your destiny. While Rustomjee Plots Kasara gives privateness and comfort, it additionally presents the possibility of being a part of a community. As the development grows, you may have the chance to shape connections with like-minded acquaintances who additionally respect the particular way of life this area gives.
Your Invitation to a Better Life
Rustomjee Plots Kasara Mumbai is greater than just an area to construct a residence - it is an invitation to create the life you have always dreamed of. It is a danger to break out the congestion and noise of the city without sacrificing comfort. It is a possibility to stay in concord with nature even as staying linked to the modern international. If you have been looking for the correct location to build your dream home, it merits your attention. With its high location, terrific connectivity and the freedom to build your own home your manner, it offers a unique possibility in a brand new actual property marketplace.
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neonbyhorizon · 2 days
Finding the Perfect Residential Flat Near Viman Nagar with Horizon Highgroves
Are you looking for a place to call home in Pune near Viman Nagar? It's a challenging journey to find the right residential apartments in this lively area that combines convenience with modern living so well! Horizon NEON elevates living with comfortable residential flats near Viman Nagar. A blend of luxury and convenience that sets a new standard in this neighbourhood. 
What Makes Viman Nagar a Great Neighborhood? 
The prime positioning of Viman Nagar has attracted homebuyers to opt for apartments near this area due to various compelling factors that drive the high demand for housing here. Let’s delve deeper into the specifics of what makes this location so sought after by buyers. 
Living in residential flats near Viman Nagar comes with the benefit of being close to key city centers and convenient transportation options like the Pune International Airport which is just a short distance away making it perfect for those who travel often or require easy access to the airport, for work purposes. Viman Nagar also provides convenient access to the Pune Ahmednagar Highway connecting residents to different areas of the city and nearby regions such as Kalyani Nagar and Koregaon Park or the busy IT centers of Kharadi and Magarpatta – ensuring constant connectivity for its residents. 
One major factor in selecting residential flats near Viman Nagar is the lively social scene it offers. From shopping centers such as Phoenix Marketcity to a variety of dining choices and cozy cafes and leisure spots. Viman Nagar has it all for a fulfilling lifestyle experience. Whether you crave a dining experience or fancy watching a released movie. Living near Viman Nagar puts everything at your fingertips. 
There are schools, like Symbiosis International School Lexicon International School, and several colleges which are great for families with kids in the area. Hospitals like Columbia Asia Hospital and healthcare centers too mean you’ll always have access to medical care when needed. 
The ideal location and easy accessibility that apartments near Viman Nagar offer are mere features; what makes Horizon NEON exceptional is the lifestyle it provides. Horizon NEON offers a living environment that combines modern architectural design with hotel-inspired amenities that offer a distinctive living experience. With several units up for grabs, Horizon NEON promises exclusivity and unparalleled luxury. No wonder it is Pune’s very first Home-tel.
Finding the Right Residential Flats Near Viman Nagar
When looking at apartments in Viman Nagar for living or investment the amenities on offer tend to be a major deciding factor. Horizon NEON presents a variety of top-notch amenities that take the quality of living to another level. 
Picture yourself returning to a rooftop infinity pool offering breathtaking city views, meditating on a yoga deck for moments of relaxation and rejuvenation, or working out at a modern gym equipped with state-of-the-art equipment.
Horizon NEON also provides kids with a play area to ensure they can socialise, play, and learn. For professionals, the top-notch co-working spaces and business center at Horizon NEON make it convenient to juggle work and personal life without having to step outside the building. With a variety of amenities to suit every lifestyle, Horizon NEON stands out as one of the most sought-after developments for those seeking residential flats near Viman Nagar. 
The Benefits of Incorporating Hotel-Inspired Elements into Your Lifestyle
Horizon NEON sets itself apart in the vicinity of Viman Nagar with its unique concept inspired by luxury hotels. The team at Horizon Developers has designed Horizon NEON to provide a living experience that emulates the luxury and coziness of a hotel rather than a place to stay. With services like concierge assistance and on-site salons readily available, everything you require is at your disposal. This style of living caters to individuals who appreciate comfort and seek a tranquil lifestyle free of worries. 
When selecting residential flats near Viman Nagar for living purposes safety is of prime importance. Horizon NEON provides round-the-clock security equipped with smart locks, surveillance cameras, and expert facility maintenance services. With these safety precautions in place, inhabitants can relax knowing that their residence is well protected at all hours.
Beyond Living, An Investment for the Ages
Residential flats near Viman Nagar offer more than living spaces; they also present a promising investment opportunity. Thanks to its location and ongoing infrastructure enhancements Viman Nagar has witnessed a rise in property prices over the years. Owning a unit in Horizon NEON is considered a smart move with the potential for substantial returns down the road. This makes it an appealing choice, for both new homeowners and seasoned investors. 
Given Pune’s thriving economy and the rising interest in locations such as Viman Nagar, purchasing a home here guarantees a steady increase in value over time. 
Moreover, you don’t need to wait for your investment to take shape. Horizon NEON’s standout aspect is its availability. Now is the time to secure your dream home, with minimal waiting time involved compared thanks to the ready occupancy status of this project.
Final Thoughts
Looking for apartments near Viman Nagar has become easier with Horizon NEON by Horizon Developers stepping in to meet your needs effortlessly! With its modern amenities and prime location in Pune city Horizon NEON is the choice for urban living enthusiasts of all kinds; be it families seeking a more comfortable life, professionals craving convenience or even investors eyeing future gains!
Hurry, book your home at Horizon NEON now! Visit the site today to discover the features and comfort of living in one of the most upscale residential flats near Viman Nagar. 
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midseo · 10 days
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tbcmachha · 16 days
Om Sai City Dombivli East Shilphata 1 2 3 BHK Kalyan Shil Road Location Address Floor Plan Brochure
Why You Should Invest In Property of Kalyan- Dombivli
Kalyan, a suburb located close to Mumbai has witnessed the development of several real estate projects over the last decade. Kalyan is a residential area that is well-known for its affordable housing projects that appeal to first-time homebuyers. Mostly multi-story residential buildings make up the area, with a few business and industrial buildings. The area's high residential demand is spurred by the accessibility to Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, and Thane as well as the nearby industrial districts. It is flanked by well-known locations like Dombivli, Ulhasnagar, and Ambernath.
Because of its rapidly expanding infrastructure, Kalyan- Dombivli have become one of the most profitable places to invest in real estate today. For individuals looking for their dream home, the city also provides a wide selection of high-tech homes to fit in any budget.
Access and Connectivity Due to its strategic location and excellent train access to commercial areas within the MMR, Kalyan has witnessed a consistent boom in the real estate sector. It is easily accessible via Kalyan Shilphata Road and the Kalyan-Ahmednagar Highway (NH 222). Thane/Eastern Express Highway is 20 km from the suburb. For trains traveling to other cities, Kalyan-Dombivli is a crucial railway junction as well as the gateway to Mumbai. It is 40 kilometers to the Mumbai airport. Moreover, a metro rail network is anticipated in the suburb. Thane-Bhiwandi-Kalyan are connected by Metro Line 5, a 24.9-km elevated line that has 17 stations. Travel time for commuters is anticipated to be significantly
reduced by connecting the commercial, industrial, and governmental sectors in Thane, Bhiwandi, and Kalyan via rail.
Trains travel via Thakurli, Kalyan-Dombivli, Shahad, Ambivali, and Titwala from Dombivli to Kopar Railway Station. Along the central railway, the distance between Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus and Dombivli is around 48 kilometers. It has excellent rail and road connections to every region in Maharashtra.
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Mumbai's housing market is at its peak. Particularly, the twin city of Kalyan-Dombivli has seen a ton of new real estate projects. Kalyan, a suburb located close to Mumbai has witnessed the development of several real estate projects over the last decade. Kalyan is a residential area that is well-known for its affordable housing projects that appeal to first-time homebuyers. Mostly multi-story residential buildings make up the area, with a few business and industrial buildings. The area's high residential demand is spurred by the accessibility to Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, and Thane as well as the nearby industrial districts. It is flanked by well-known locations like Dombivli, Ulhasnagar, and Ambernath.
Because of its rapidly expanding infrastructure, Kalyan- Dombivli have become one of the most profitable places to invest in real estate today. For individuals looking for their dream home, the city also provides a wide selection of high-tech homes to fit in any budget.
Compared to properties in other areas, Kalyan offers residences that are reasonably priced. Kalyan has a mix of ongoing and completed construction projects, so both consumers and investors are major market drivers. The region is currently Maharashtra's seventh-largest metropolitan by population, which reflects the rise in Kalyan's demand. Apartments in the Dombivli and Kalyan areas are reasonably priced. Residential properties in Kalyan East typically cost roughly INR 5,230 per square foot, while those in Kalyani West typically cost INR 5,910 per square foot, according to real estate sources. Apartments in Dombivli East are valued at around INR 5,440 per square foot, while those in Dombivli West are valued at about INR 6000 per square foot.
Property trends
Infrastructure, affordability, employability, and connectivity are all factors that have contributed to the city's overall transformation. The real estate market in this area is now showing promising developments. With numerous infrastructure projects in the works, one should anticipate a price increase of roughly 15–20% over the upcoming quarters. The tremendous economic expansion in the region will ensure a good future for the city, so if you are planning to invest in affordable properties, Kalyan- Dombivli region is your best bet.
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Presenting Om Sai City Dombivli - a beautiful project, a well-planned living space which is the hallmark of thoughtfully laid out flats at reasonable prices. Om Sai City brings a lifestyle that befits royalty with its beautiful apartments at Dombivli. Your home will now serve as a perfect get-away after a tiring day at work, as Om Sai City Shilphata Road will make you forget that you are living in the heart of the city. These residential apartments in Dombivli offer luxurious homes that amazingly escape the noise of the city centre. In addition to that, there are a number of benefits of living in apartments with good locality. Om Sai City is conveniently located at Dombivli to provide unmatched connectivity from all the important landmarks and places of everyday utility such as various well-known hospitals, educational institutions, super-marts, parks, entertainment spots, recreational centres and so on.
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