#ahit evil eye au
doodleimprovement · 3 years
Chapter 21: One More Chorus
Seasons End, Seasons Begin
Ah, Emotional Climaxes :)
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adoodleintime · 3 years
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Low-quality morning doodle of Evil Eye Jose going total dad mode on Hailey
Evil Eye AU and characters belong to @doodleimprovement
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bittybattybunny · 4 years
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maid eclipse from the “Beast of a Beauty” AU (aka the beauty and the beast but Ru is the beast)
and a painful snippet:
Snatcher flew up the stairs and paused in front of the attic door. He knocked.
No response. He felt dread in his stomach. He turned the knob slowly.
She laid half on her bed, half kneeling on the floor. Her silver hair a mess as she panted with labored breaths. He flew over and saw her entire face was a deep red, and not the red he preferred to make her. He whined and picked her up, brushing her hair back. She was burning up. He gulped and tapped her cheek.
“Eclipse? Hey. Eclipse?” he asked softly. Her blue eyes opened slowly, fogged as she stared at him.
“S-Sena?” she asked in an almost child like whisper, “Brother?” she reached up. 
He scowled and let her pet his cheek, “N-no it’s Snatcher, your boss. Hey… what’s--”
She started to cough violently. She gripped his fur as she panted, trying to breathe. He held her and grabbed a blanket. He wrapped her in it despite her protests and flew downstairs holding her.
tbh i wanted to draw maid eclipse
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s0ckh3adstudios · 3 years
Ghost McDonalds MASTERPOST
Ghost McDonalds is a joke crossover series some AHIT AU’s, specifically mine, Haunted Hats, @children-of-subcon ‘s Unnamed Swap AU, and @twipsai and @theskindragon​ ‘s A Spell in Time AU
We’ve made quite a bit of content for it, SO. Let’s make it easier to read. :D
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Traumatizing Captor
Captor and Collector meet
“Let’s not stick around for this.”
….Hero and Muriel meet.
JoJo Fights, Ghost McDonalds, and Denial
“Whatcha got there?”
Ghost McDonalds Shenanigans
Beta almost succumbs to the colorful balls of evil
Aftermath of the ballpit
Not a warm welcome
Another JoJo fight commences. And now there’s a search party.
Captor and Collector plot, Hero and Muriel recite JoJo
Oh FRICKLES, FrostWhistler did a kidnapping
Realizing there’s been a disappearance
The tiny search party makes some friends
Ghosts flashback, and protagonists wish to GO back
A new adventure begins!
The part in which Milly comes in and she’s adorable. Crown destroys Princess’s ears.
Stress in the Horizon.
FrostWhistler is Bowser. A mystery begins...
Miscellaneous Doodles While We Wait
Trailer for what’s to come
“Haha. We’re so doomed.”
Golly, gang. Something isn’t right about this ballpit...
Snaldi’s Basics in Education and Learning (Moon Boy Gets Pissed Edition)
Hat in a Hat
They know a lot about issues
Guys chill it’s not that big a deal right
Duke puts his art degree to good use
A sadness runs through him
Don’t look at me with those eyes
Literally how did you get here!!!!
Snaldi’s Schoolhouse of Horrors
Proto is on the case!
Duke and the stairway to hell
Who you are is not who you were
He tried to warn you
Stitch hacks up a ball, 2022 colorized
Caught In 4K
The Sans of AHIT AU’s
Bug in the system
You need to retire again
That cancelled Dreamworks movie
Time to lol
I kind of wish he died when Duke pushed him off the stairs
does he know?
Is this even real? Is he? Am I?
Let’s fall, and let’s fall, and let’s fall.
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habijob · 3 years
What's an unpopular opinion you have about whatever fandom you're into at the moment?
I don't think I have to elaborate how my unpopular opinion in the AHIT fandom is that "Vanessa can be written as a non-abusive person in AUs" and "shipping Vanessa and the Prince/Snatcher is acceptable".
I think I am pretty much known for that through my own AU, lol.
But I have a certain problem with Mustache Girl. I like her as a character and I dislike how the game has done dirty for her entire character arc. A few more significent scenes or mentions (in speechbubbles for example, compared to her mediocre easter eggs in the chapters) would have helped her be more prominent and more remembered. And also it wouldn't have been so out of nowhere when she became the final boss. But the game had a troublesome development, so I give it a pass.
No, but my personal problem with her is her entire design.
I talked with a friends intensively about this and they helped me figure out what exactly I don't like about Mu's design. So buckle up.
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One of the first things I don't like about her are the clothes. I get the idea behind the cape, as Mu tries to be a hero. But what I don't get it her clothes underneath. Why is she wearing something that seems to be more suited for the cut chapter Sand'n'Sails (desert)? Her outfit doesn't look like it fits into the tropical island town she appears in.
And then there is her colors I don't like. Her prominent colors of red (cape and dress) and yellow (hair and eyes) are a nice color combination. But it's how it works with the rest, that makes it awful. Why does she have these bold turquise spheres in her hair? And why are these strings in her side bangs? Her outfit has these little details that I feel like are unnecessary.
The worst thing are the swirls on her cheeks that are covered by her mustache. Either have the mustache or the swirls, not both!
Also a more minor nitpick is the 3D model itself. Why is her cape like it has shoulder blades? Did they forget to bone them down like Hat Kid's cape is? ...(From creating costumes I can understand the work that comes with having a cape to animate too, urgh.)
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I actually sat down and tried to redesign her, so that she works better in the setting and story.
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I got rid of the mustache and made it rather a prop that she uses to be unseen by the Mafia who all have mustaches. I know, I know, I ripped her of her most iconic design detail. But this was just a redesign challenge in the end.
Her outfit resembles more that of a freedom fighter who tries to oppose the evil on her island. So she got a belt with items and also bombs right on her belt to throw them. I also like to headcanon that she cut her hair because long hair can be easier grabbed than short hair. Also it was a small call to her proto(?) design. This is also why the star is back on being on the shirt instead of being this... sheriff star?
Overall, my unpopular opinion is that I don't like Mustache Girl's design.
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Alright, I have a feeling that some people aren’t gonna like this Hot Take™ of mine, but you know what? I’m not active enough on this blog to really care about my “reputation” at this point, sooo...
(In case you don’t care and/or don’t want to see it, fandom discourse under the cut. Keep in mind that everyone’s entitled to their own opinions.)
I haven’t found the courage to speak up about it in the past because I was afraid of how people would see me. But honestly? If anyone full-on hates me for what I’m about to say, then maybe this is for the best. I’m...really getting sick of all the discourse surrounding Vanessa as a character, not going to lie. I get if you want to use her for angst purposes in your AUs and stories; I get if you don’t particularly like her as a character; I even get it if you like to sympathize with Snatcher as far a toxic relationships go. But this whole discourse that “anybody who likes Vanessa as a character is an awful person”? I’m sorry, but I just can’t agree with this type of mindset anymore. Want to know why? Because it sounds exactly like the Snatcher discourse that’s also been going around. “Snatcher can’t be a dad/friend to Hat Kid! He tried to kill her!” sounds just like “You can’t redeem Vanessa! She killed the Prince!” to me. Not to mention that half of the characters in AHiT are problematic in one way or another. Mafia Boss, Conductor, DJ Grooves, Snatcher, Empress, even Mustache Girl! They’ve all done one or more questionable things within canon and have actively tried to kill Hat Kid. Why do these characters get overlooked while Vanessa is “completely irredeemable”? The “canon” we have surrounding Vanessa is already very loose to begin with. The most you can find is the Time Rift storybook and a few letters hidden within the manor level, and even then, not everybody knows about those or even finds them in-game. Also, Shane Frost, one of people who helped create AHiT, doesn’t explicitly depict Vanessa as a completely evil character. If anything, from what I’ve seen, she only acts the way she does because of the way her mother treated her. And while that isn’t canon in the actual game anymore, let’s be honest here. Nobody really goes one hundred percent by canon, and what little “lore” you can dig up from the storybooks is open to interpretation. There could be many reasons as to why Vanessa is the way that she is! But we don’t know for certain, because the lore and canon within AHiT is barely fleshed out. Maybe Vanessa could’ve had abusive parents; maybe her ice magic corrupted her based on her emotions; maybe she had some type of mental disorder. Does that make what she does “in canon” necessarily good? No, but if you’re going to portray her as a villian character, you have to have an actual reason as for why she’s motivated to do these things other than “she’s just evil”. I’d like to clarify, Vanessa’s not one of my favorite characters. The ships “Snatchnessa”, “Moonessa”, and “Princenessa” aren’t even any of my main ships. But coming from someone who’s been bullied, even if indirectly, for the characters and ships they like? This is not okay. It’s gotten to the point where fanon has overlapped with canon so much, that people are starting all this unnecessary discourse just so we’ll fight with one another. And it’s become tiring. It is not the end of the world if people like Vanessa or see her as a comfort character. You do not have the right to bully someone for having a “Vanessa turned good AU” when stuff like “Dadtcher” and “AHiT found family” are completely acceptable in your eyes. That’s hypocritical and, not to mention, it’s a cutesy 3D platformer game for pity’s sake. It’s not that fricking deep. Unless someone is outright justifying abusive behavior and using Vanessa to do so, there’s no need to attack anyone just for merely mentioning or making content of Vanessa. I know not many people will agree with me, or even care for that matter. But if you’ve managed to read this far, please take at least some of what I’ve said into consideration, or at least with the smallest grain of salt. I don’t expect to change your opinion, and you can’t change mine; I just hope that some of you can see where I’m coming from with all of this. And if you can’t? I’m not here to argue. The block button is right there, so feel free to use it. Thank you for your time.
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children-of-subcon · 3 years
1, 20, 28, 49, 63, 94, 96, 98, 99 for Hat Kid in any AU of your choice!
Hoooo boy-- I don't think I can answer all of these for any one AU, so I'll do a mix of Hat Kids!
1. What's a unique skill they have? Is there any reason why they can do it?
Harriet (OMORI x AHiT) - She tends to be pretty good at whatever she tries, but she's especially good at needlework (sewing, knitting, etc.). In HEADSPACE, she uses her skill during and after fights to prevent any party members from BURSTING AT THE SEAMS. In the REAL WORLD, it was always her dream to become a clothes designer, and she spent a lot of time making things for her friends! Although she quickly surpassed him, it was LUKE who first taught her basic needlework.
20. Are they easy to wake up in the morning, or grouchy and sleepy?
Lilly (USAU) - She hated waking up early, and if she had to was really grouchy for the rest of the day unless she deemed the reason good enough (or got to see her friends). It usually took her at least an hour to fully wake up :)
28. Describe their morning routine.
Nessa (BGDC) - Wake up to the horrible alarm, fall out of bed, find boots, hat, and cape and put them on, go to the bathroom to brush teeth and hair, go downstairs, greet mom, eat breakfast (optional), and you're ready!
49. Do they put a lot of effort into their appearance, or do they just make themselves presentable and go?
Evil!Hat Kid - She cares more about her actual outfit, always making sure it's spotless, especially her hat. The one aspect of her appearance that she does care about is making sure the Time Sickness and her third eye are relatively hidden, as they can be rather off-putting to potential new "friends".
63. Do they wear makeup?
Lilly (USAU) - Sometimes she had to wear makeup for paintings or when guests were coming over. Blegh.
94. What does their room look like?
Nessa (BGDC) - Her room is what used to be the manor's nursery. She has a bed in the spot where the crib is in-game, probably colored a similar shade of pink. Vanessa at some point made a poor attempt at covering/repairing the tears in the wallpaper ":D All the other toys and furniture are still there, plus some drawings and books!
96. What's their sense of humour like?
Harriet (OMORI x AHiT) - She really likes puns, and makes them at every opportunity much to the dismay of her friends. She and Maddie also like to spam each other with memes on occasion. Hat hates jokes that involve someone getting hurt... they just make her sad/worried :(
98. How competitive are they?
Captor (USAU) - Do not challenge her, I repeat DO NOT CHALLENGE HER. She will agree to almost anything because she's already dead, and always ends up destroying something in the process-- WAIT NO PRINCE WHAT ARE YOU DOING
99. What would they wear to a formal event?
Evil!Hat Kid - Probably a blue and gold dress with a wide skirt, to imitate a Time Piece? Lots of hourglass/time-related designs on it as well, like gears and clock hands and stuff. She'd also wear a fancy hat, like with a clock on it or something :D
These were a lot of fun! Thank you ^^
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ahatintimestorybook · 4 years
AHIT Twin AU- Luka’s Trauma
Hey guys quick warning before you read.
This chapter contains abuse and a bit of violence. If it makes you uncomfortable please read with caution.
Yep this chapter is basically the Endgame to Vanessa and Luka’s relationship, and it is tense!.
Also its my first time writing an abusive situation or Vanessa being evil. Just another minor thing to bring up.
Luka knocked on the door to the Queenzel manor upset. Vanessa hung up on him and he just got into a heated argument with his twin brother. He waited by the door tapping his feet hoping his finance would answer the door. “Vanessa! It's me Luka!” Luka shouted. Luka waited again, but still Vanessa wouldn’t answer.
“Vanessa! Can we talk!” Luka shouted again. This time the door slowly opened. Luka gulped and slowly walked in. “Vanessa?” He called out, a bit quieter this time. Slowly he walked inside the Queenzel manor looking for Vanessa. “Vanessa.” He called out one more time. He smiled seeing Vanessa sitting on the couch looking down. Luka sighed and walked over to his finance. “Look I know you're upset about wanting to delay the wedding, but we both lost our parents.”
Luka was right, just a couple months ago he and MJ’s parents were killed in a tragic car crash, and still nothing from the police about where the ice came from. Just a few months afterwards, while planning the funeral, Vanessa’s mother died in an accident. From what Vanessa told Luka, she tripped and fell down the stairs while she was taking a nap. Because of all this Luka thinks the two should wait on getting married, but that ended up making Vanessa upset.
Vanessa didn’t respond and still kept her head down. Luka sighed, but still put on a smile just for her. “How about this, give me how long you want for the wedding to be delayed. Two months, Three months, a year? I-it won’t be long, I promise. It's not like I’m breaking up with you. I love you Vanessa, and yes things are bad right now, but it will get better. Can we please negotiate?” He asked.
Vanessa gave a small smile and slowly picked her head up at Luka. “Alright we can.” She whispered. Luka smiled and gave Vanessa a huge hug, however, that was a big mistake.
Luka froze and let go of Vanessa. “A-are you okay? You feel cold.” Luka asked. Soon Luka saw Vanessa raise her hand and released ice blocking the exit. Luka ran trying to break free, but soon he was surrounded. He turned and saw Vanessa with glowing red eyes, and her arms black with the tips of her fingers having an icy blue glow.
The younger twin’s eyes widened seeing his fiance had magic. Just like him and MJ. “V-Vanessa? Y-you have magic?” Luka asked, stepping far back as possible.
“Yes, I have Lulu.” Vanessa glared, marching towards her finance.
Luka chuckled nervously as he stepped back, but Vanessa grabbed Luka by the neck. “Gah!” Luka shouted painfully.
The ice burned!
The ice was burning on his skin!
“Vanessa!” Luka yelled. “S-Stop!” He choked. Vanessa didn’t listen; she held on to Luka’s neck just glaring at him. Luka slowly opened his eyes to see ice trailing towards his neck. “Vanessa! P-please s-stop!” He gasped. Soon Vanessa smiled, but she still didn’t let go. She still had her grip on Luka, and held him there as he slowly closed his eyes.
When Luka opened his eyes again, he saw he was in Vanessa’s room sitting in a weird possession. He groaned wondering if everything that happened was a weird dream, or Vanessa thinking he was an intruder and didn’t mean to use her magic on him. Luka tried to move, but heard something kling together, like chains.
Slowly, he turned and was horrified to see his hands chained together on the wall. Luka struggled to escape, but the chains were tight on him. Even just pulling on the chains, just hurt his wrist. “Vanessa!” Luka yelled. “VANESSA!”
Vanessa giggled as she came to her room, her hair now down instead of in a ponytail. “Good morning, my love.” She said with a smile. Luka whimpered, the smile he remembered seeing on Vanessa now felt cold and sinister then filled with warmth.
“V-Vanessa, what’s wrong with you?! L-Let me go!” Luka yelled.
Vanessa gave a sinister smile and pulled out the key for the chains. However, she wasn’t going to let Luka go. Instead, the key turned to ice in her hand and dropped to the ground, shattering in the process. Luka gasped, as tears started to appear in his eyes.
“V-Vanessa?” Luka asked.
Vanessa smiled walking up to Luka and putting her hand on his face. Luka shivered, Vanessa’s hands still felt cold as ice and she wasn’t using her magic. “Now, now Lulu. Everything will be alright.” She whispered. Soon she pulled Luka close to her and forced him to kiss her, Luka’s eyes widened, tears falling down from his eyes.
The kiss lasted for a while, and Luka felt sick and uncomfortable. Vanessa’s kisses never felt like this before, why now that it felt wrong, dirty, like he wanted to throw up everything he ate. Vanessa let go and smiled at Luka, who just sat there as tears fell from his eyes.
“There, all better Lulu?” Vanessa asked.
Luka couldn’t respond to that. H-he felt sick at what Vanessa just did to him. “Vanessa.” Luka whimpered.
“Yes, my love.” Vanessa replied.
“W-why are you acting like this? W-what did I do? What DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!” Luka cried. He started to break down and cried wondering why Vanessa did what she did to him.
Vanessa put her arm around Luka and snuggled him. “Lulu, you broke a promise.” She said in a “soothing” voice.
“A-a promise?” Luka asked, sniffling.
Vanessa nodded.”Oh yes.” Without warning, Vanessa pulled Luka close to her glaring at her fiance. “You wanted to delay OUR wedding!” She growled.
Luka was appalled. “W-what? Vanessa have you seen what we’ve been through this year?” He asked. “I just wanted to delay it for a few or so months!” He shouted back.
Vanessa glared as ice started to form in her hands once again. “You don’t understand, Lulu! That wedding was our escape! MY escape! All my life my mother treated me horrible, and I desperately wanted to leave this place, but no. I have to stay here LONGER because you want to delay OUR wedding!” She yelled.
“That’s why you're so upset?! That’s why you chained me up?! Me! your finance in your bedroom!” Luka yelled back. He struggled to get out, but nothing. “Vanessa, you better let me go now!”
Vanessa laughed. “Let you go?” She asked. “Oh Lulu, Lulu, if I do that. Someone you love, someone you love more then me would have to take your place.” She explained.
It took Luka a few seconds to realize what Vanessa was talking about. MJ. Vanessa would only let him go if he traded with MJ. The image of his twin brother, chained up like him, played in his mind. Luka glared, all this time his brother was right about Vanessa, and he was blind to see it.
“You will NEVER touch my brother.” Luka growled.
Vanessa laughed. “Oh if you do anything, I would have to.” She replied.
Luka glared, he tried to summon his flames to get free, but he felt so weak he couldn’t. Vanessa chuckled before leaving Luka alone in her room. Luka looked down and started to cry. He should have listened to MJ the day he met Vanessa. Now everything has gone wrong. Luka should be home with his brother, comforting him, relaxing on the couch watching movies or TV shows that would get them laughing, or calling Cookie and having dinner with her.
Instead, he was locked up by his finance, or now ex-finance who would never let him go till she got what she wanted.
It felt childish to him, but he sobbed wanting MJ here for him, to rescue him, just anything for MJ to be there for him. He never should have yelled at MJ, slam the door on him, If he just stayed, none of this would have happened. Luka felt weak from all that crying and hunger that he started to close his eyes and sleep hoping to be rescued or at least let go.
A familiar tune woke Luka up. He looked up and saw his cell phone ringing on top of Vanessa’s dresser away from him. God, if he weren’t tied up he’d reach for the phone and call MJ and explain everything to him. To rescue him.
However, turns out Vanessa heard it too and picked up the phone not batting an eye towards Luka. She answered the phone and left the room. Luka gulped, scared what Vanessa was telling MJ. He hoped she did not invite him over. For one, MJ will die which is obvious,  or two, Luka was scared he’d end up like him or worse MJ’s magic would go out of control and fight Vanessa.
Vanessa came back in and put the phone back on the shelf. “It was your twin, asking where you are.” She answered.
“What did he say?” Luka asked not to look up at his former lover.
“Oh you know, I told him where you are and that he doesn’t want to look for you.” Vanessa lied.
Luka’s heart sank. “W-what?” He asked, looking at her now.
“MJ told me that you made it your choice to be with me. Now, he’s given up on you, he won’t come for you, and if you do come back he’ll push you out.” Vanessa explained, lying to Luka.
Luka started to cry again, he knew MJ would never say anything like that to him. Did Luka piss him off that much MJ just gave up on him? He couldn’t believe it! He just couldn’t!
Vanessa “frowned” at him and went over to her bed to snuggle with him. Luka froze and turned to see Vanessa hugging him with her “sweet innocent” smile. “It's okay, Lulu. I can be MJ for you. I can be caring like him, sweeter than him, it’ll be like he never left you.” She explained her eyes glowing red with every word.
Luka was just crying his eyes out with every word Vanessa said to him. Memories of all the good times he had with MJ played in his mind making the younger twin cry. “N-no. Y-your lying! MJ would never give up on me!” Luka cried. “He wouldn’t!”
“I’m sorry Lulu. It's the truth.” Vanessa whispered before forcing another kiss onto Luka and leaving the room. Once she left the room she snickered and walked away. “Hopefully that will keep him in place.” She whispered to herself.
A week has passed since Luka has been made prisoner, and Luka’s stomach started to hurt. He hadn’t eaten anything since being here. It made him feel weaker then he was when he was captured. Luka looked up at his phone and saw there hadn’t been any calls from MJ in a while, not even text messages. The younger twin started to believe Vanessa was right; maybe MJ did give up on him.
Luka then heard Vanessa’s humming as she came in with a plate of her “to die for” chocolate chip cookies. “Morning Lulu.” Vanessa sang.
Luka glared, “please don’t call me Lulu.” He whispered.
“Aww, why Lulu? I thought you loved it when I called you that.” Vanessa replied, ruffling his hair. Luka shook his head to stop Vanessa from touching him. Vanessa moved her hand from Luka, before petting his hair again. She then stopped and put in front of Luka some cookies. “Look Lulu! I baked you some of my cookies.”
Luka turned away not wanting anything from Vanessa, despite being hungry. Vanessa gave a small glare, and grabbed a cookie from the plate and tried to force it down Luka’s mouth. Luka choked and slowly swallowed what he was able to eat of the cookie. It was dry, and he needed water to wash it down.
“See Lulu, wasn’t it good?” Vanessa asked.
Luka gagged and shook his head. The cookie was so dry he couldn’t speak. Vanessa gave Luka a peck on the cheek and left the room. Once she was gone, Luka let out a sob. He was glad she was gone for now, it was the closest thing to freedom.
More days passed, and it was the same old thing everyday; Vanessa trying to give him some of her cooking to eat, and him either refusing or being forced to eat it, as well as Vanessa telling him more about MJ and what he’s been doing with his life, which has made Luka believe Vanessa was right that MJ didn’t want him anymore.
It started to make a part of Luka decide to give up and just be with Vanessa, but another part of him didn’t want to be seen as a prisoner to her. He got out of his thoughts when Vanessa came back in wearing something that made Luka burst into tears.
Vanessa was wearing an outfit that MJ usually wore, an orange turtleneck shirt, and blue jeans. To represent MJ’s blue hair her hair was tied into a ponytail again, but with a blue ribbon.
“Why did you have to wear that?” Luka asked, his voice horse from lack of water, eating Vanessa’s cooking, and crying.
Vanessa smiled, “I figured it may cheer you up! If MJ doesn’t care for you. I do!” She beamed.
“Well it's not working.” Luka told her honestly. He would have yelled, but he couldn’t.
Vanessa frowned, giving a small glare. She went over to Luka and snuggled close to him holding his hand. “Come on Lulu, I’m trying my best to help you.” She groaned.
Luka struggled to let go of Vanessa, but she held onto him tight. “You're not helping!” He snapped. “You're just making things worse!”
This made Vanessa angry, her eyes glowed again and soon ice appeared in her hands making Luka’s own hands cold. Luka flinched and shivered at the touch of the ice. “I’m doing everything I can to make you feel better, Lulu!” She growled.
“V-Vanessa p-please...s-stop!” He whimpered.
Vanessa ignored Luka’s please. “MJ, doesn’t want you! You don’t want me! What choice do you have, Lulu?” Luka looked up at Vanessa with tears falling from his eyes.
He didn’t want to admit it, but despite not believing Vanessa, he wondered why MJ didn’t come for him. Luka knew MJ didn’t hate him, but why didn’t he rescue him. Luka sighed in relief, making Vanessa slowly let go of him.
“I’m sorry I had to hurt you Lulu, but I’m being honest.” Vanessa said leaving Luka alone in the room. Luka sniffled and tried his best to cover his face with his knees and cry.
It was already a month since Luka was held prisoner, and now Luka felt like death. He already believed MJ wasn’t coming to rescue him, and given up trying to escape. If he started to die, he’d just give up and tell Vanessa he wouldn’t leave her. That’s what it felt like.
Soon, Luka’s eyes started to close and then he passed out. He wasn’t sure how long he was out, but he woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. Thanks to Vanessa’s door being open, Luka then heard the front door open and his eye’s widened hearing who came over.
“Oh! MJ hi!” Luka heard Vanessa say.
“MJ!” He whispered, getting up. He gave a small smile seeing his brother was here, but the smile quickly faded when he wondered why MJ didn’t call him back or look for him. Why now did his brother show up asking for his whereabouts.
Luka wanted to open his mouth and shout to MJ where he was, but held back because he knew if he just made one peep, MJ would be frozen or worse. He just sat there, quietly and waited to hear what MJ and Vanessa we’re talking about.
What Luka heard MJ say, made him realize he was right all along.  “We both like Luka. I just need you to talk to him and tell him to see me.” Luka covered his mouth to hold his sob,  MJ was looking for him all this time and Vanessa was lying to him so he could stay.
This realization caused him to get his power back, and it slowly turned him into his 50% form without him realizing it. The chains that bound Luka started to melt, giving the younger twin some mobility to move his arms again. “A-again?” He gasped. However, Luka didn’t have time to get out. Vanessa was going to be coming back any minute and he needed to leave.
Luka opened Vanessa’s window and took little steps, went off from her roof to the front yard of the manor and ran as fast as he could escaping into the woods. As Luka ran, he made sure not to look back, just keep running till he got as far from the manor as possible.
As he ran, Luka yelped as something in front of him kept from continuing forward. His eyes widened as he saw ice statues of three girls, and a couple. “D-did Vanessa do this to you?” Luka asked. Even though the statues couldn’t speak, Luka knew the answer, but what caused these people to meet this fate was a mystery.
Seeing his reflection through the ice he realized he couldn’t make it back to his house in his 50% state. He had to make it away from the manor, while staying alert if anyone, Vanessa or not was walking around. However, with hunger and thirst he didn’t know how long he could walk, but was relieved he escaped from Vanessa.
For now.
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doodleimprovement · 3 years
Chapter 14: I See Your Soul
The girls give something risky a second try, and it's certainly not what they expected.
Oh look whose back :)
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doodleimprovement · 3 years
🎤 for Evil Eye! Hat and Bow
… 🎤 as a pop star!
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They're called "Psychic Sisters" and star in their own magical-girl TV Show! (Joseph is their Manager/Dad, obviously)
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doodleimprovement · 3 years
Chapter 20: No, No; There’s No Solution    
This chapter is a needed respite before the final “act”, so to speak.
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doodleimprovement · 3 years
Chapter 18: But I can see the Crawling- Crawling Creatures
The house was eerily quiet from the outside.
:3c Next time
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doodleimprovement · 3 years
Chapter 22: Outro
A first of many holidays...
A nice little ending, at last :)
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doodleimprovement · 3 years
Chapter 19: Suspended in Solution
Everything goes up in flames (Explained)
Well... now you know :)
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doodleimprovement · 3 years
Chapter 10: Some People Wanna See What I See   
Joseph has an ... off... day at work...
Soon :)
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doodleimprovement · 3 years
Chapter 13: I Have The Evil Eye...
 His eyes widened at the collection of shattered glass collected next to its original display. It was almost absurdly familiar to what happened the month before. He approached it, staring down as a creeping realization washed over him, causing his chest to tighten.
 Green eyes
An important turning point, if a painful one...
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