#ahhh... first son came on shuffle is what happened
ratnukegenius · 2 years
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[ ID: a head-and-shoulders drawing of a humanoid character on a dark blue background. he has short, light brown hair that covers his eyes, striped orange horns that form a 'Y' shape, light skin with a round brown nose, pointed ears with brown interiors, and a brown tongue. he's wearing golden shoulder pads with tassels, a button-up light blue shirt, and a silvery cravat. the rest of his body blends into the dark blue background, with his arms and shoulders only outlined in a darker blue. end ID. ]
you are NOT immune to thinking about ttrpg characters from games that ended half a decade ago!!!
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sweetchup · 3 years
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an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.
The Most Common Seashell in the Ocean
Vol. 1: Just Keep Swimming // Ch. 5
Type: Poseidon x reader
Word Count: 1,600
“Triton! Triton!”
As you run through the festival, Your echoing cries make people stop and turn but you could hardly care. You had already made it around most of the campus by then and had grown used to their stares.
“Triton! Where are you?” You call out again, leaning over the barrier of another art major's tent to look at the children in there. Hoping, Praying, that Triton was one of them.
“(Y/n)!” At the sudden call, you are suddenly pulled backwards. Spinning around you see it was none other than Bryce, with Yuri and Paul following close by.
“Bryce. T-Triton was—“ You stutter out, pawing at the male’s shirt as you try to get a simple sentence out in your jumble of thoughts.
You wanted to scream out. To cry. You wanted to tell him how you didn’t mean to leave Triton alone. How you thought he would be safe with Paul and Jeremy. How you didn’t think that someone would sneak into the tent while the kitchen staff were busy. How a stranger was able to lead Triton away and you didn’t even notice until someone came running to tell you later that he was missing.
You felt yourself internally sob in as you continued to recount what happened a mere half an hour ago. The feeling left you queasy and you felt as if your knees were about to collapse.
“Shh. I know. I heard what happened to your son.” Bryce says as he attempts to console you. All of a sudden the wind picks up and Bryce instantly pulls you closer to him. “Woah!”
Bryce watches in surprise as some of the tents and decorations are knocked down by the wind. As if they were as light as leaves. Easily snapped and drifted up as the wind pleased.
“We have to get out of here.” Yuri tells your group as she stares up to the sky. A dangerous mixture of dark stormy clouds were beginning to roll in. A telltale sign it wasn’t a bright idea to stay outside for much longer.
“I-I Can’t!” You stutter out as Bryce begins to pull and lead you back into the direction of the school buildings. “I need to find Triton!”
“(Y/n). You have to—“
“No!” You yell out, cutting Bryce off as you struggle against his grip. You didn’t want to listen to what they had to say. For—to you—it meant another second, or minute, waisted when you could be finding Triton.
Finally, after a bit more of struggling, you free yourself from Bryce’s grip. You planned to only give a bit of space between you and the others but then Bryce lunges at you to grab you again and you end up taking off in a sprint.
As you run through the crowd, your vision is a mix of colors. A blurry and unfocused Sea that you attempt to escape from. The only thing you ever think to focus on are the hints of colors of blondes that you pass by. Pausing for a second to check to see if it was Triton only to run off again.
It, in a way, reminded you of the first time you met Triton. How you saved the strange blonde boy that was sucked out in the stormy seas. Except this time it was from a sea of strangers, Humans. You just hoped this time you would find him.
Save him.
Wherever he was and from whoever he was with.
You feel yourself freeze as you hear your name being called. At first you thought perhaps Bryce and the others had caught up to you but you then realized that wasn’t the case. The voice you heard did sound familiar but it wasn’t normal. It echoed as if it was from a far off place. Nowhere near where you were.
“Yes, Hello?” You call out, steering your head to look around the sea of people. Hoping to catch whoever was calling you.
…Go to the….Triton…
“I can’t hear—“ You are cut off as someone in the crowd bumps into you, nearly knocking you off your feet. You needed to get out of this crowd if you wanted to fully hear the voice. Especially with the sharp winds that were blowing in.
Helplessly, you maneuver and squeeze your way through the crowd. Thankfully finding a way out only a few minutes later near the edge of campus. Though eventually you realize that it wasn’t that great as it was an edge of campus you rarely traveled to. The only thing you knew about it was that it held a path through the woods to a rocky beach that only spelled trouble. If you didn’t get injured from the crashing harsh waves then you would likely get caught and in trouble by Campus Police for trespassing. Perhaps even both.
…Through the…Go…
“Through the path?” You question out loud, confused at how the voice was cutting in and out. Leaving you unable to get an accurate answer.
You wait for the voice to answer but it never comes, leaving you with you to make the final choice. In hindsight it wasn’t that hard as there were only two options. Either turn around to safety or go into danger.
You knew what you would do. You would do what you always did. You would turn—
It was then when you step forward into the path, with no fear or thoughts whatsoever, that you surprise yourself. You can’t help but wonder if you changed. How you changed.
Was it when you first saved Triton at the beach that caused it?
That caused the girl that hated crowds to run through them. The girl that hated confrontation to argue against her friends. The girl that ran away from danger to run into it.
You couldn’t help but wonder. But at the same time you didn’t. You couldn’t.
You couldn’t as you stumble and sprint down the path to the beach. As you hear the voice chanting, ordering you to go faster. To get to the beach quicker.
…Faster… Faster, (y/n)….
Even as your lungs are sucked out of oxygen. Even as your legs burn in agony. Even as your knees and palm sting from tripping and falling only to get up again.
You don’t stop. You can’t. You know you can’t.
Especially as you see the small beach through the brush and catch the sight of…
And Red. Scarlet red that scattered and dripped from his pale skin.
“Triton!” You scream out without thinking, running through the sand to the boy. Lifting his limp body from the sand as you carefully shake him. “Triton…Triton.”
The young boy opens his eyes and looks over at you. Though it is only for a second as he shuts them again as he groans.
“Triton. Where. Where does it—“
A loud defining bang cuts you off. Surprised you spin around to look behind you. Looking at the crater in the sand that laid a few feet away from you, you connect eyes with someone.
As you call the name of your classmate in front of you, they begin to walk out of the crater towards you. Shuffling in sand, you cradle Triton in your arms and begin backing up.
No, you know that isn’t your classmate, that ‘thing’ in front of you isn’t even human. Wild pink hair, slit like green eyes, pointy teeth and claws. Nothing, nothing, about her was human.
“B-Back up.” You order out to the thing in front of you. Could you even run away from her? No, it created a crater in the ground, you couldn’t run away. You couldn’t even fight it. “You… better back up.”
Fight or flight. Both were useless in this situation.
Your body knew it as well as it seemed to freeze up as the thing gets ready to lunge at you. As if your bones had turned to ice and your organs had shut down. You felt like you couldn’t even breathe. Like if you dare to do, you would perish.
Fight or Flight. Your main instincts. Your survival instincts.
As the thing finally lunges at you, you finally breathe again. The fresh intake of air seemed to restart your body and then you realized Fight or Flight wasn’t your main instinct. It wasn’t why you came down here.
You had to protect Triton. He was your son. He was more important than yourself.
Even as you shake in fear, your motherly instincts take over your body and you are able to cover Triton. Spinning yourself away so that thing can only pierce you.
So that only your warm blood will flood out, leaving a harsh smell of iron in the air. So that Triton will be able to escape in time. So that Triton will be safe.
And when you finally feel the warm crimson liquid drip down your body and into your clothes, you find yourself gasping.
You went to grab the clawed hand that pierced through your torso. Hoping to grab onto it to stop Marissa from grabbing Triton, giving the boy enough time to run. But found yourself unable to. For it was never there in the first place.
A loud thud brings you back to reality and you find yourself looking up from the sand. Staring at the top half of Marissa’s—that thing’s—Body. It’s guts and blood pooling and mixing into the grainy sand.
You find your voice die down in your throat as you turn your head to look behind you.
Blonde Curly hair, Icy piercing blue eyes,…
…Pale marble skin, Covered head to toe in blue, white and gold,…
…A Trident by his side…
There was no doubt in your mind who was behind you.
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Author Note: Ahhh Poseidon finally appears! The romance portion of this story finally starts hahaha. Thank you for being patient and waiting until Poseidon appears. I wanted to give a nice character development before he appears. Can’t wait for the next update on Thursday!
Taglist: @angeli-fucking-cat @marixxhq @sproutcorner @orophaea @anime-lover-forever-1127
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Astor just sighed to himself as he walked down the castle’s long hallways.
The windows on this level of the castle spanned from the floor to ceiling, with natural sunlight dripping in through the gold trim. His eyes squinted at the light, and he let his hair fall closer to his face. I should get a hood one of these days.
His footsteps were mostly quiet and unnoticable, which unfortunately for him, led to a less than ideal collision with someone as he turned the corner.
The man ran straight into Astor, his papers scattering across the floor. He shook a fist at the prophet, angrily—he was some old soul with blond hair with bits of grey, and a weathered round face with a set of furious blue eyes. 
“Watch where you’re going, you clod!” Ligero yelled. “I have half a mind to report you for interfering with sensitive documents!”
Astor leaned down, picking up the papers—seemingly just full of various recorded tax benefits—and rolled his eyes, mumbling. “Yes...and we wouldn’t want you to stress yourself working on only half a brain…”
“What was that?”
“You youths...I hate mumbling…” 
Astor fitted the papers into a neat stack before handing them back to Ligero, which he snatched up, flipping through them carefully. The prophet gave a shallow, shallow bow. 
“My deepest apologies...Lord Ligero.”  
Ligero suddenly stopped reading, raising an eyebrow and looking him up and down for a moment. “Do I...know you?”
He narrowed his eyes. “If the stars had aligned correctly, this would be our first and last meeting.”
The Lord wagged a finger at him as his eyes lit up. “Ahhh...you’re that crazy star seer. The one aways snuggled up in the queen’s shadow…”
“Gh…...I’m not—”
“Yeah…” Ligero rubbed his chin. “You’re that sickly twig that’s been whining about our deaths and such...always making a fuss since Elane died.” He chuckled to himself, while Astor scowled.
“Her Majesty’s...passing, puts the future of Hyrule on a path of certain doom. I believe I’ve made my predictions of past clear, that the princess will not awaken her power in—”
 “Ayap-yap-yap-yap-yap-yap…” Ligero opened and closed his hand like a mouth in mockery. “Listen boy, you won’t win any favours by spewing your miserable thoughts at every meeting.”
“Maybe I don’t desire your favour.”
“Well then who are you looking to please? Cause I’m afraid it’s a little late to cuck His Majesty any further.”
“Excuse me?” Astor took a step forward, but the Lord stood his ground with a smile, cocking his head to the side. 
“I mean, that’s the only reason some nobody like you is here in the first place, isn’t it? Royal connections? Lovely pity on a scrawny useless orph—”
“I’m here to do my job.”
“Aw, don’t live in denial, boy. I have an eye for this sort of thing. And I’m always partial to helping a lad in need…”
Astor was already turning to move past Ligero, but suddenly stopped. He smirked to himself in amusement. “Is that so…?”
“Oh sure. My own son I’ve raised to be the peak of perfection. Striking young man, dashing blond—like me—and skilled. Rising up the knight’s ranks faster than an octo balloon! That’s all me, all my parenting right th—”
“And which son is that?”
“My oldest, my…...one, son.” He glared at him with a frown. 
“Hmm…” Astor could barely hold back from snickering. “And what do you think of this oldest son then?”
“Oh, too much of his mother’s child, if you ask me. But much better than I in some regards, though of course, not all of them. Ohoho…”
“Yes…” Astor smiled to himself. “You’re a funny man, Ligero Hartell…”
Ligero finally stopped laughing to himself. “But you see, perfection like that isn’t born. It’s made and nurtured, you have to coax it out of them.” He poked Astor’s chest, and he flinched away in disgust. “Quit your mumbling, your babbling, your little grief stricken dreams, it’s all useless. No one cares for it.”
The Lord went to pat his head, like a puppy, but Astor dodged out of the movement with a verbal “nope” as he whipped behind him. Ligero just shrugged. “If you can’t churn yourself to be a better man, then you’ll have to settle for the next best thing. You want to be something more? Something of actual merit? Taken more seriously than some child that was dragged up these polished steps out of a late woman’s mercy?” He flicked his wrist, adjusting the cuff of his pristine white sleeve. “Stop chasing the dead. Don’t be blinded by replaceable things like compassion and the sort. Find a wealthy friend or something, get rich, get power.” 
Ligero turned to continue walking down the hall. “Besides, even if it is like you say—then all the more to ride the sayings of, ‘You only live once.’”
Astor glowered, watching Ligero walk away. He scoffed, and started to turn back towards his own destination, before the Lord called out once more—  
“And cut your hair or something! You’re no Rito, quit with the braids. It’ll get all greasy and frizzy...Trust me, I knew someone with hair like that, once.”
Astor’s expression softened just a bit—nearly undetectable—before immediately being replaced with a darker scowl.
He kept walking, his deep purple robes dancing just a finger-widths above the stone polished steps. He opened and closed his hand to himself, miming Ligero’s speaking.
“Always partial to helping a lad in need...gods, seems childhood memory has still captured him to perfection.” Astor came up on the wooden door, and walked inside. 
The ceiling was a stone dome, littered with old parchment maps, and Sheikah charts, along with chalk that outlined ancient constellations and designs. There was an old chalkboard—stolen, from the Sheikah department—with further sketches and notes, torn out pages from old journals and texts pinned to the board and walls. Even the window was covered by hanging gyrospheres and astrolabes, twirling in infinite suspension. Since they blocked the window’s hinges, they were probably the reason why the room smelled so musty.
Astor closed the door, and flopped down on an old velvet bench, staring at the ceiling in silence.
“GAAaaAAAh!” Astor shot up, whipping his head at the dangerous intruder, only to find a giggling, blonde girl.
She was doing her best to muffle her laughter by holding her hands to her mouth. “Gotchu again, Mr. Astor!” 
He sighed. “What are you doing here?”
The princess shuffled towards his desk, hands already bored and ready to play with the nearest pointy object. “You took so long to get heeeeree….why was that old guy even talking to you?”
He fixed his hair behind his ears, not really paying attention. “Oh? You heard all that, then?”
“Yeaaah, the halls are—” she cupped her hands over her mouth, “—ECHOEY, Echoey, echoey...echoey….” Her voice grew fainter at each repetition. 
“Stop shouting in my study. You’ll attract the rats…”
“I like rats!” She ran back up to Astor, sitting on the other end of the bench. “They’re like dogs! But small!”
“They’re rodents. Think more possums and mice.”
“Like that old guy, right?” She played with a loose thread on her dress. “Last week you called him a gross...virgin? Vermin… Velvet…? I forgot the word—”
Astor suddenly scooped the young Zelda up under her arms, holding her out in front of him like she was a disease. “Don’t tell anyone I said that, alright? That’s our secret.”
“Put me doooooooown!!”
“No. Get out. I’m working.”
The princess struggled in his grip so much that by the time he reached the door with her, she was nearly upside down. He opened the door and she craned her neck up, pleading at him with an upside down frown.
“Pleeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase let me stay??? Dad never bothers to look for me here….and your room is so cool! Even mom hung out here a lot…” Astor physically flinched, and Zelda took that as an opportunity to let loose some puppy eyes. “Pweaaaaaaase????”
Astor was so ready, so ready to shake her off his arm and let her possibly break a bone tumbling down the steps. “Oh! It was an accident, Your Majesty. She was so busy talking and talking and bouncing off the walls she forgot how stairs worked! I tried to stop her but she used her superglue prank again! Oh what a shame!” It would have been so easy…
Instead, the prophet just sighed, turned around, and let her topple onto the room’s floor. She yelled a “Yay!” before scuttling towards the windowsill, adorned with sparkly objects. Astor made his way to his desk, muttering.
“You can stay for five minutes. But don’t touch anything.”
Zelda immediately started touching and spinning the gyrospheres around in her hand.
The princess pranced and sat and played and pondered around the room—five minutes, ten, fifteen, and twenty. Finally she hobbled up to Astor, her arms full of shiny orbs and trinkets. She peered at his desk.
“So whatcha working on?” Zelda asked, looking at the weird sketches. “You seeing the future and stuff?”
“Something like that,” he replied stiffly. Silence resumed in the room.
Zelda set down her arm full of collectables, before standing on her toes to catch a better glimpse. “So what’s gonna happen? What’s gonna happen in the future?”
The prophet rolled his eyes, still trying to focus on his work. “Oh, you know. Death, doom, destruction. You’ll fail to awaken your powers, everyone perishes...the usual sort.”
Zelda crossed her arms and sat on the ground with a huff. “You don’t know that.”
“I do know that.”
“Oh yeah? Well if you can see the future, then WHAT am I gonna do next? Betcha can’t tell!”
“You’re going to attempt a backflip.”
“I’m going to do a b—” Zelda had jumped up, her arms already in the air, before she let them drop and sputtered angrily. “H-Hey! How’d you know that?!”
“Because that’s what you always do to try and disprove me.” He nodded towards the broken chair beside the door, along with a broken shelf, and a broken footstool.
“But that’s not how telling the future works anyways.”
“Oh yeah, well how am I supposed to know if you never TELL ME!” She suddenly scrambled into Astor’s lap, trying to steal his papers. 
“H-Hey! Get off you insolent—”
“Tell me what your jooooooob issssss you never doooooooooo anything despite having the coolest room…” Zelda palmed her face on his papers, refusing to move.” 
Astor was just about pulling his hair out, before taking a deep breath. “If I tell you, will you get off me?”
“Ugh. You’re insufferable…” Astor leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling. 
“Well it’s like this. Every choice and possibility exists. Every universe and timeline with every outcome and conclusion you could imagine exists in the grand unknown. There’s a universe where you’re a boy, there’s a universe where you don’t exist, there’s a universe where you’re quiet and don’t bother me all the time—”
“Is there one where my mom’s alive?” Zelda leaned her head back and looked up at him.
He was silent for a moment, pondering his words. “...Yes. There is.” 
He finally raised an arm, gesturing to the decorated ceiling. “See now, predicting the future is all a matter of trying to identify exactly what kind of universe you’re in. You look to the stars—gifts from the spirits, who roam as a constant in all timelines. You look to dreams, and magic, and visions...your surroundings, the people...there’s a pattern and predictability that I can use to identify what universe we’re in, and how the future will play out.”
“So you think we’re in the one where the Calamity wins?” Zelda raised an eyebrow.
“From what I’ve seen, I’m almost certain. Yes.”
“That sucks.”
“It does...suck.”
Zelda jumped up and went back to playing with the gold and silver trinkets. “Why don’t we just go to a universe where we don’t lose?”
Astor turned back to his work. “Because that’s not possible.”
“Really? You sure?”
Astor stopped, pondering for just a moment, before shrugging and continuing to work. 
“Probably anyways. I imagine millions of people have tried before, millenia ago. And from the looks of things, nothing’s worked.”
Zelda fiddled with an Ancient Core. 
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
"Vampire landlord" Do with that what you will :)
Ahhh! I love this and I love you for sending it! I think I have an answer for you now, actually!! Remember way back when you actually sent me Seeds Of Unrest and I did that whole Edge x OFC x Christian thing? Well, hello to Yvette, Edge and Christian again.. This is kind of a newer / fresher look at it? I think we kinda.. danced around these three and this at some point on Discord and our talks actually inspired me to write this out for your answer. So.. Yeah.
There’s not really anything steamy here, just uh.. Heavy tension. That’s all.
Nothing, really.. Bear in mind that this is a vampire!edge & wolf!omega original character work, so things might... possibly.. get weird. Not in the sexual sense or anything, but like.. yes. Just weird. IE... The brood is portrayed here as an actual family coven of vampires.. And Luna is in a partnership with Gangrel.. And they’ve taken Edge and Christian in as their sons.. So it’s very much also a found family idea that I’ve had in mind for a while but never the guts to truly write..
Oh, wait.. yeah.. There are heavy hints that Orton is involved in this little tale somewhere, sooner or later... And it ends on a bit of a random cliffhanger, sorry!!
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It was a little after 9 pm.
That feeling of unease hadn’t worn off. I kept telling myself that Randy wouldn’t dare cross over to the vampire side of town. But deep down, knowing how insane Randy could be at times… I couldn’t entirely convince myself he wouldn’t if he didn’t want something bad enough.
Three sharp raps at the door of the little house had me jumping at least two feet into the air and scrambling for an old wooden bat that leaned against the door.
Something Luna’s son brought over just when it started to get dark. 
I could almost hear the dry tone to his voice then as he’d told me “If you won’t take a gun or keep a silver blade on you…” when he left it behind earlier.
Tiptoeing towards the window, I found myself peering through cheery red curtains and out into the darkness. In the distance, I could hear a lone howl and that had me tensing all over. The air felt heavy.
I was doing it again, letting my own fears get to me.
“The Alphas of our kind don’t typically come here. He isn’t lurking in the shadows. I need to get a grip.” I muttered it to myself, mostly to break the tension.
The door was being knocked on harder now.
I squeezed my eyes shut, hand shaking so bad I barely kept a hold of the wooden bat as I stepped towards it.
Sniffing the air had my body relaxing only slightly. It wasn’t the pungent and overpowering aroma of Randal or any of his pack mates come to steal me away in the darkness and drag me back to hell kicking and screaming that awaited me on the other side of the door.
Instead, I smelled old leather. Traces of copper that indicated that the surly man with the long blond locks who stood on the stoop must have just returned from either the blood bank or scouring the woods that lined the edge of the town square for deer or any other sort of game he could find.
It’s how they fed, Luna told me once. She never told me why and I never asked.
“Edge?” I questioned, my back pressed as heavily as I could get against the front door to the house until I was absolutely sure it was him and I wasn’t picking up on residual from his visit earlier in the evening.
“Yeah.” he answered.
I turned to face the door and took a few long and deep breaths to pull myself together. The bat fell to the parquet flooring with a quiet thud that seemed to echo all around the room and I rose to tiptoe, peering through the small pane of glass at the top of the door.
I wasn’t taking any chances. 
I knew I was safer here than I was on my side of town, but… I also knew just how calculating and ruthless Randal could be when he set his sights on something and got an idea in his head. I knew that mimicking scents wasn’t below him. Neither was doing something to potentially harm Luna and her family, then using one of them to gain entry to the house I was currently hidden in.
If he really wanted to find me, a silly little thing like unspoken boundaries and code of conduct weren’t going to stop him. Not that he’d ever had a code of conduct to begin with. Or common decency, anything like that.
,,to be fair  it didn’t stop you when you chose to go into hiding here, did it? You’re really only as safe as you choose to believe you are at any given moment. You know you’re putting Luna and her family at risk simply by being here. You know that sooner or later, Randal will find you. He is a monster, after all.” the reminder came just as Edge knocked a few more times, impatient.
“Just a second.” I finally managed to get the words out. I reached for the door knob and unlocked that, then I unlocked all 3 of the chain locks on the door and opened it just a slip, standing in it.
Edge stared down at me, arms folded over his chest. His eyes settled on the fallen bat nearby and he gave a dry chuckle.
“Is there something wrong?” I tilted my head slightly to gaze up at him, shuffling my feet. 
My heart started to pound. I was all too well aware of the tension that radiated off of his body and I knew exactly why. Working with Luna meant I got to hear things now and then. One of those things being Edge’s struggle with going to donor blood or animal blood.
I don’t know why, exactly, but I found myself wondering whether my blood smelled weird to him. I’d been working with Luna for over a year now and I still hadn’t grown accustomed to the scent of her if I were being perfectly honest. And being on this side of town…
The scent of death. Old and new. It mingled heavily in the air.
I wasn’t used to it at all. I’m not sure I’ll ever be used to it.
Edge’s teeth snagged on his lower lip and he cleared his throat, again, a sign of impatience.
“Luna sent me over for tonight.” he explained as he nodded to the room behind me, indicating that he wanted to come inside. I swallowed hard and eyed him, shaking my head.
,, He’s not a threat to you… At least not in the way Randal would be right now.” the thought lingered and while I knew that, there was also this lingering air of danger and mystery that seemed to roll right off the man standing in front of me.
He left me unsettled.
I couldn’t figure out whether that was a good thing or a bad one, either…
After the tension seemed to get thicker to a point where I found myself breathing erratically, I stepped aside and let him into the living room. Edge shut the door behind him and sank down onto the sofa.
I sat down at the other end. Very careful not to invade his space.
The dim glow of the television set filled the room and silence seemed to settle in until he spoke up again.
“Luna had a bad feeling. Thinks you’re in danger.” Edge explained, almost immediately falling silent again. A thoughtful look on his face. I didn’t dare ask what was on his mind. I didn’t dare say what was on mine, either. But the thought was weighing down on me heavily.
,, Oh, I’m in danger alright.. In danger of crawling right out of my damn skin at any second because I can feel my heat beginning. Thank god I have my suppressant patches and I got away from my side of town in time...” just the mere thought had my face burning hot and I didn’t dare meet his gaze. I cleared my throat and spoke up.
I got the distinct feeling that I probably didn’t want to hear his answer, but I knew I had to ask. I had to know if Luna had been feeling off all day too.
“Did she happen to mention why, exactly?” I asked the question in a series of shaky breaths.
My heart pounded harder against my chest. My mind filled and spun with the possibilities. Had Randal and his pack mates found out where I currently hid?
Edge eyed me and shrugged. “All she told me was that she felt like you were in danger tonight.”
I couldn’t help but stare at him out of the corner of my eyes. Studying him intently, searching for any possible hint whether I’d just caused problems for Luna and her family. Edge’s chuckle drew me out of my thoughtful daze.
“You. You do realize if we wanted you dead or if we wanted to turn you, you’d be one of us or  dead already, right?” Edge shrugged as he mentioned it.
I nodded. Dragging my hands through my hair, I spoke up quietly. 
“It’s not so much you guys as it is… The threat me being here poses to you all.” I fell silent, grumbling to myself and pouting a little when Edge nearly doubled over, laughter so hard that he shook a little.
He stopped and the laughter died away. His eyes roamed over me slowly. Carefully.
I tensed and gulped under his gaze. If I thought my cheeks burned hot before, they burned so much hotter now under the gaze. He was moving closer to me.
“You really think we can’t handle a pack of mangy animals?” Edge asked the question as he shook his head in amused disbelief.
“I didn’t mean it like that, I…” I stammered, nervous. Getting more nervous with each second that passed. Because he seemed to get closer.
Sitting taller.
My eyes left his and settled on his mouth. The faintest hint of blood at the corners of his mouth a very real warning of the danger he was to me.
But the animal within didn’t seem to care.
She felt amused. Satisfied. Curious. And oh so dangerously attracted to the vampire sitting to my left. ,, almost as equally attracted as she was to his brother, who’d come by earlier, right after he left the first time..”  the knowledge of this had me curious. Wondering what was up with that. Telling myself that it was probably just purely physical.. But knowing that was wrong because for whatever reason... I felt this.. Pull... to both men.
I realized that Edge wasn’t the only one moving closer around the same time that the side of my leg brushed against his and the door was being knocked on, yet again. Edge raised a finger to his lips and muttered quietly, “Shhh. Don’t move. Stay put.” as he got up and strode over towards the door.
I tensed even more.
Not that I’d ever fully felt the tension leave my body. Just changing… From one form of tension to another.
I watched that front door like my life depended on it, only letting out a few long and ragged breaths when Luna’s other son Cristian stepped into the room.
And while I may have relaxed slightly, I was still in control of myself enough to know that either way I sliced things currently, I was still in danger.
,, but you’re safer here in this little house on this side of town than you are on your own. Here, you have freedom. You’re not just some little breeder who is frowned upon because she stubbornly refuses to breed with the first Alpha to pay her a passing glance… ”  
If that Alpha had been anyone other than Randal Orton, I may well have caved in.
Cristian cleared his throat and flashed me that megawatt grin, immediately flopping down on the right end of the couch after walking into the living room. He sprawled out, an arm going around the back of the couch lazily.
“Looks like you’re stuck with two stiffs tonight, princess.” Cristian teased, giving me a playful little wink as he held my gaze for more than a few seconds. I couldn’t help but stare right back at the man.
Edge grumbled to himself but flopped down onto the other side of the couch. I tried to focus on the television, on anything but the… sheer magnets pull I felt to both brothers.
I could feel the two glaring daggers at each other over my head and on more than one occasion, I almost spoke up about it. 
“Blondie here thinks we’re afraid of a few little mangy mutt assholes, Cris.” Edge chuckled, a teasing look when those almost golden brown eyes locked on me. I shifted around in my spot between the two of them.
“I never said that.”
“You did. I mean, kind of.” Edge explained, chuckling in amusement.
I needed to catch my breath. Pull myself together. Cristian’s hand brushed against my shoulder and the touch felt like an icy jolt. His arm remained around me, pulling me into his side just a little more, brazenly.
Edge’s leg was pressed against the side of mine and that jolt only doubled. And if I thought Christian were being more brazen and the bigger flirt, I was mistaken, because Edge’s hand settled on my leg, giving a squeeze almost playfully.
 I pulled myself off the sofa and spoke up.
“Popcorn. I think I’m going to go get myself some from the kitchen… Yeah… that’s what I’m gonna do.”
And as soon as I said it, I hurried out of the room as fast as my feet would carry me. I needed to pull myself together. Catch my breath. I couldn’t even think straight between the two handsome men... And that in itself was a very, very dangerous thing right now.
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riofann · 5 years
A Different Path Part 1
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This is based post Beth Boland. 
Things with Beth were becoming too disorderly and dangerous for Rio.  So he made a deal with the feds knowing that Beth would in turn shoot him instead of Turner because her desire to be King was more compelling. So he knew she would do what she could to make sure she held onto it.  He found himself waking up in the hospital sore from the wounds earlier. He was allowed to recover before finishing the deal. Beth Boland was a problem for the Feds and no longer his. 
“Okay well everything is set” Turner said gathering the documents  “where are you going to move?” he asked Rio
“I’m sure you’ll be watching its a surprise” 
Turner sighs circling back to his desk to sit “Don’t forget our deal. We find you engaging in this shit again next time there will be no deal”
Rio’s jaw clenches before he speaks “I heard you” 
“Well see you around” Turner says dismissing him 
He nods walking away. His next stop is to meet Gretchen at her office 
“Wow look at you! Doing okay?”  she says hugging him. This whole ordeal had been just as stressful for her if not more. She initially refused to agree calling him crazy  for coming up with the idea. But seeing him standing, let alone alive, was a huge relief 
“See you worry too much” he remarks
“I had a reason” 
He smiles taking a sip of his coffee 
“So like discussed with the feds you live a simple life and all is good”
“Right” he says sarcastically 
“Seriously Rio let this go” 
He smacks his teeth “I can’t i have many people depending on me, you can’t just walk away from this shit you know that”
“Well is there anything else i need to know you deliberately refused to tell me about the whole Beth Boland situation”
He shakes his head “Nah”
“You know our confidentiality agreement whatever it is we” she points between them “can figure it out”
He nods quickly “I know”
“Well where are you going?” 
“Don’t know yet but ill keep you posted”
She sighs “okay well whatever you decide to do, decide to go please strongly consider who you get in bed with.”
He scoffs and chuckles 
“All jokes aside you have a son I’m sure it wasn’t fun for him to hear that his dad got shot and that he has to leave his friends here and move somewhere else. I don't want to tell you how to live your life but maybe the next woman in your life shouldn't be so willing to pick up the gun and go gun toting around town with you.”  
He nods nibbling on his bottom lip
“This Bonnie and Clyde thing that you’re trying to do creates a lot of issues as we have seen.” She pauses to see if he’s even listening to what shes saying “Don’t you want to walk down the street and not worry that someones gonna be pulling up to do a drive by? or not need a crew around you at all times? or constantly look over your shoulder?” he remains silent with a straight face  she throws her hands up “Anyway i’m getting side tracked just reconsider your life and Marcus’s”
He places the cup down and stands up “Good lookin out”
“Yea take care of yourself”
“Do the same” he retorts 
“Im here you know that”
He turns to face her as he reaches for the door knob “I got your number” 
He watches as his things are packed in a truck. He could go anywhere but where? He ultimately decides to go to Chicago. Why?  It was much bigger city easier to move about without being spotted a mile away. It was definitely different from small town dealings. He already had property in Chicago so there was no need to search for places to stay. His kingdom was much bigger than the feds or anyone knew. But Chicago would be a good change for him and Marcus. 
“Coming!” He hears her voice from the other side of the door. “RIO! OMG!” 
“Carol!”  He greets as he walks into her home
“Hey darling how are you?”
“Good good” 
“Hows your shoulder?” she asks touching it lightly 
“Eh” he shrugs as he sits by the island
“So what can i do for you? what do i owe this visit” she asks grabbing cups out of the cabinet
“Came to visit see how things were going?” 
Carolann and William were a older couple in their 50s. Rio’s business partners both successful at cleaning the money that they never showed up on anyone's radar. 
“I need the name of good schools here and babysitters”
“Are you moving here?” she inquires 
He nods 
“FINALLY! i told you Chicago was the place”
He smiled looking at her “sometimes you gotta learn the hard way”
“I know I know anyway my kids went to private schools here, the public schools are just, they need help, how old is Marcus? How’s he doing” He and the Greene’s had been in business for so long they were basically like family. He had watched their kids grow and they were there when Marcus was born.
“Growing he’s good though. Hes 6”  
“Okay i can get you a list of schools, i can also reach out to my old baby sitter or ask around”
“Yea thanks”
“Its really good to see you doing well”
“Yea how are things going?”
“Great you know that though or you wouldn’t be smiling” 
He smirks remembering past encounters where guns were drawn “Where’s William?” he asks looking around 
“Oh hes in Colorado for a conference” she says taking a sip of her coffee
“Cool” he stands up “Thanks for the coffee ill see you around yea”
“Okay!” she says as she walks him to the door
He left her house and saw the oh too familiar black town car sitting parked at the end of the street. Whatever he’s next move were, they had to be more tactful than before. 
Months pass and Rio and Marcus finally settle into Chicago.  They enjoy exploring the city. He liked not having to drive but sometimes driving was better than taking the CTA (L train) so his car was parked under the building. One by one his crew moves to surrounding cities in Illinois. He’s taking his time there’s no rush to get the money and he’s doing his best to not sweat the small stuff. 
“So whats going on with your love life?” Carol asks as she makes his drink 
“Non you know how it goes” He found himself missing Beth and having a lot of one night flings to get her out of his system
“Yea yea lonely at the top” she repeats what he’s said many times before 
He smirks “what’chu got a friend for me?” he would appreciate a distraction 
“No... well (she looks up).... no, no forget it just asking. Wondering if your looking for a queen”  
He was a frequent person at Carol’s place it was easier to talk business and since there was barely any hiccups there really wasn’t much said. 
He shakes his head in response he wasn’t going to be as open this time 
The door opens and you walk in “Ahhh Y/N you finally made it”  he hears her say 
“Hey sorry” you say as you take off your coat  
You look around the room and greet everyone. 
She gives you a longing hug “mmmm it’s good to finally see you”
Rio looks at you. You looked familiar but he can’t place you exactly. 
“Come sit sit” she says pulling you to sit next to her
“Oh sorry what do you want to drink dear?”
“Umm hard cider” you answer as you settle into the sofa
“Yup one hard cider coming up”  
“Remember Rio?” she asks as she returns with drink in her hand 
You look at him “Oh yea hi how are you?” you remember him and how he made you nervous he held this scowl 
“Rio you remember Y/N” she asks him 
He looks confused he was trying to recall but he couldn’t “nah i can’t really” 
Carol cuts in “She’s Preston’s wife remember him?”
Preston your late husband, was one of Rio’s customers “Oohh”  Rio remembers the first time he saw you a run down housewife he remembers Preston telling you to cook and thinking to himself he would never eat your food if you looked like that, only God knew how your food would taste. 
You don’t say much during your time there and nothing really happens but empty conversations. 
Throughout the months you frequently stop by but not much happens when you’re there Carol was the life of the party so you don’t mind giving all the spotlight to her. 
“What’s up wit’cho friend?” Rio asks after you leave 
“Who Y/N?” 
“Yea”  he says remembering you sitting there quietly
She sighs “She’s been through a lot” 
He gave a look that indicated for her to continue
“Lets just say Preston wasn’t what he portrayed to be” He thinks back to his interactions with Preston he was always pleasant 
“What he do cheat?”
“No worse, at least the worst Bill has done to me is have an affair i couldn’t imagine being beaten everyday of my marriage. She’s taking her time adjusting to society and life without him” 
“How long have you two known each other?”
“Oh Bill and Preston were friends first, they introduced us. So like 8 years? To tell you the truth I’m glad Preston is 6 feet under she was too good for him” 
He nods rubbing his chin 
Next time you come around its Carol’s birthday and she’s throwing a huge masquerade party.  Thanks to that lucrative “business”. The venue is full of people and you show up later than everyone else and find yourself walking around until you run into her 
“Hey! I’m glad you came!” she greets you 
“Thanks for inviting me” 
“Come on let me take you to our table” 
When you approach you see Rio in his all black outfit with a mask that covers one side of his face 
“Look who’s here guys Y/N!” 
“Hey!”  you greet as you take a seat
You sit across from Rio and he watches as you interact with Carol and he doesn’t think hes ever seen you smile before. It’s interesting to him to watch you interact with her throughout the night you weren’t as timid nor reserved as your usual self tonight, you even danced with her at some point.
He sees you weeks later at a local dive bar near his loft. He sits towards the back and watches as people come and go by. It was kind of empty early afternoon and curiosity creeps in when he sees you sitting by the bar. He grabs his glass before he approaches you.
“Hey another?” the bartender asks him before taking his cup 
He nods in response  
You don’t look up listening to music playing on your phone it’s only when it sounds like someone calls your name is when you look up
“Oh Hi Rio!” you say removing your head phones  
“Y/N right?” 
“Mind if i sit here?” he asks
“No its okay” you say shuffling to the left a little 
“So whats your poison?” he asks inquiring about the drink in your cup 
You lift it up “Tequila” 
He smiles 
“Uh” he thinks “any really right now rum” 
You nod
“So what’chu doin’ here?” he asks before taking a sip 
“I’m off today and I’m done with my errands so thought why not a drink? this is one of my favorite bars in the city”
He nods “what do you do?”
“I’m a project manager”
“Sounds” he pauses to think of the right word
“Boring i know”  you smile looking down
He chuckles “Yea”  
“What about you?” 
“Oh uh i own a business printing” 
“Oh nice!” 
He smiles “so what happened to Preston?” he asks remembering Carol’s statement about him being 6 feet under
“Oh uh he overdosed on coke, it will be a year next week” 
He makes a face that was not his doing 
“Yea i tried to get him to stop but i couldn’t” 
“Sorry to hear”
You take a sip and say “Shit happens”
You don’t say much to each other and when you finish your drink you leave. 
“So what do you think of Rio Y/N?” Carol asks you paying close attention to your reaction
“Uh he’s cool I guess why?” you now wonder how that question even came about, you were talking about the new buildings downtown 
She smiles before answering “He likes you” 
“Rio duh” 
You roll your eyes “yea okay”
“I’m serious! have you not seen how he looks at you?”
“Like he’s bored?” because you had no idea what she could be even talking about 
“Nooo that man is smitten by you Y/N”  
“We barely talk i haven’t said anything to him for him to like me” pointing out flaws in her theory 
She shrugs “Maybe he sees something in you” 
You roll your eyes once more “Please”
“You know” she sits next to you “any fool with 2 eyes could see that Preston did what he did to you because he was afraid of losing you to the next man, he’s gone don’t let him have that same power over you”
You think for awhile going over the times you have been around him “So you’re saying your business partner likes me?”
It’s not like you were oblivious to Carolann and William’s dealings seeing that Preston was once part of that not to mention one day you walked in on her stuffing money in a duffel bag but chose to not even address it because Preston was still very much alive. 
“Noo not my business partner, but Rio, yes he does just pay attention next time”
“Not every man is a monster” 
“I know that” 
“So what’s the issue?” she wonders 
“Am I not like older than him?”
She shakes her head and looks up  “If I’m not mistaken he’s approaching 30 soon” 
“And im approaching 31”
She shrugs you two are age mates “3 year difference, not a big deal...... Just be open or at least try”
“Fair enough” 
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babybadger · 5 years
Winter time- Marcus Rashford Imagine
Family was the most important thing in the world to Marcus. So when he found out that you were pregnant with your first child, despite him only being 21 and you only 20, he was over the moon. He was even happier again at 23 when you have your second and 25 when you had your third. Nothing brought him more joy than his children.
“Come on boys we are going now” Marcus shouted up the stairs to his two boys who he was still waiting on, to take to the park, with his wife and daughter. “Boys we will leave without-” “We are coming daddy” you’re oldest boy giggles out as he bum shuffles down the stairs.
Your oldest boy Xander was the sweetest 5 year old you had ever met. He had a heart of gold. He loved to help out his mum and dad. He often got quite jealous of his siblings and was a real mummas boy. Xander loved nothing more than when you would send his siblings to nana’s for the night and it was just Marcus, you and him.
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“Ethan no pushing” You told your second eldest off as he shoved Xander out the way of the shoe rack. “Kind hands or no park trips for anyone” It had snowed the night before so the whole family were going for a winter walk. Ethan was particularly excited. It didn’t snow last year so now he was 3, it was his first time properly playing in the snow.
Ethan was quite often a naughty toddler. He was still learning boundaries and the right vs the wrong things to do. Despite being a bit cheeky he was such a big softy. He went from playing rough with his brother to cuddling with his baby sister in seconds. He never failed to make you smile.
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“Daddy! laces!” Ethan demanded. “What do we say when we want something Ethan?” “Pwease” he replied, not entirely mastering pronunciation of the word yet. You pushed the pram with your babygirl Isla in it, out of the front door. She was completely silent despite the circus happening around her.
Isla was now 6 months. Marcus knew how badly you wanted a daughter. He always said that he would have 20 boys with you if it meant you got your girl. Luckily it only took 2, you didn’t think your body could handle 20. Isla was a quiet baby. She loved to just watch what was going on around her. She would happily watch you do washing for hours or the boys colour in all day. A peaceful girl. Its what you deserved after the boys. You still love them all the same though.
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“Hold daddy’s hands when we cross the road okay boys?” You heard mumbles of agreement coming from both boys who were kicking the snow off the ground and laughing hysterically.
Marcus only just grabbed Ethan by his hood and pulled him back as he forgets to stop at the pavement edge. “Ethan you have to stop with your toes on the grey bit or you’ll be flat as a pancake” Xander explains to his. Ethan looks at you and you nod wide eyed in agreement. He shifts his eyes to his dad and stretches his tiny hand to reach his before shuffling his toes to the edge and checking he was the same as his brother.
Once at the park you check the boys still have hats, gloves and scarfs, and let them go play. They desperately wanted to build a snowman so you might aswell let them. You find a bench and place the rug over it so you and Marcus don’t get wet bums. Isla was getting fussy so you decide to get her out.
“What wrong with my babygirl?hmmm whats got you grouchy?” Marcus coos at her. You hold her up sitting her on the bench table as she rests her feet on your knees. Isla lets out an “ahhh” as she holds her arms out for you. You pull her into chest then lean yourself against Marcus’s chest.
Once Isla wasn’t fussy and Marcus had made her laugh again, you put her back in her pram and let her watch the world go by. You cuddled into your husband as you watched your boys run about building a little snowman.
“You not freezing babe, where are your gloves and hat?” Marcus quizzed you. “Gave my gloves to Xander and hat to Ethan. We didn’t have enough winter stuff for them yet.” Marcus tuts and pulls off his beanie, pulling it right down over your face making you laugh. He pulls it up enough so only your mouth is on show and you can only see a tiny bit through the fabric. He places a long kiss on your lips in which you return. “Sorry I saw the boys were coming back and i had to save the last free moment with you” You giggled at how dramatic he was being a turned around to see your boys complaining they were cold and tired.
Quickly they explained about how the snowman was for izzy (isla) as “she can’t play right yet so we made one for her” Xander explained making you want to cry at his thoughtfulness. “I’m sure Isla appreciates that Xan.” You reply grabbing his hand to walk home. Your excited to post the pictures of today as you know you got some beauties.
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With Isla and Ethan down for their nap, it was time for some Mummy and daddy time. Your youngest had passed out in her bassinet beside where you sat with Marcus. Ethan had passed out on the fluffy rug in the middle of the room, both of you too worried if you move him he’ll wake. And Xander had disappeared to his room and not been down in 30 minutes so you assumed he fell asleep too. Playing in the snow is tough work.
You and Marcus snuggled on the couch, a box of chocolate infront of you that you were trying to convince Marcus he was allowed one of despite his strict diet. “hello” a soft call came from the living room door. “hello gorgeous” You reply to your oldest already knowing exactly what he wants. “Can I have a cuddle?” he says rubbing his eyes with his blanket. You smirked up at Marcus who budged up so Xander could lie on you.
“Daddy” “Yes Xander?” “want to cuddle with you not mummy.” Marcus looked at you in shock. Xander had always been a mummas boy who would do anything for a cuddle alone with his mum. “O...okay buddy c’mere.” Marcus shuffled so that Xander could be on one side with you snuggled under his arm on the other.
“Daddy” “Yes Xander?” The conversation repeats. “I’m glad your home, mummy gives good cuddles but I missed your cuddles” He mumbled out as he started to fall asleep snuggling into his dads chest. “I missed being home too buddy, me too” He said in a low voice, kissing his sons head and bringing his blanket up to cover his shoulders.
Marcus turns his head to you, “I promise I’ll spend more days like this, will make sure Ole gives us less meetings on training days or some-” “Marcus babe, it’s okay just enjoy the moment.”
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allthingskiszka · 5 years
Jake Kiszka x reader
it’s kinda long, and maybe sucks. I haven’t posted in a while. I had it sitting in my drafts and wanted to finish it! So here you are.
I stuck my hand out the window as I drove down the road on my way back to Frankenmuth.  I was going to visit my aunt for the summer, I use to do this every summer but I stopped after high school graduation. It was my last summer before my final year of college, I needed to clear my mind and get away. She invited me down she needed some help with her record shop, figured some extra cash wouldn’t hurt. One of the reasons I stayed away for so long was after misreading all the signs thinking Jake Kiszka liked me and confessing said feelings and him doing nothing I stood there embarrassed until running home. The next day I left with no explanation and haven’t been back in 2 years, I was nervous, to say the least. I kept in contact with everyone but talked to Jake the least. It was impossible not to see him because he lived across the street from my aunt, I missed his brothers, sister, and Danny a lot, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss him the most. Passing the Welcome to Frankenmuth sign I couldn't help but smile it brought back so many good memories. I parked in front of the record shop and hopped out. As I walked in I could smell the familiar scent of the vinyl and instantly smiled. The bell caused the girl at the counter to speak while looking up “Welcome in is ther- No fucking way Y/n is that you” Ronnie ran around the counter and engulfed me in a hug “Sue didn’t tell me you worked here Ron, I missed you”
“I missed you too, it’s been too long. The boys are gonna freak when they come back”
“Back? Where are they?”
“Touring the US they get in tomorrow”
“What, no way. I had no clue it was taking off, that’s awesome. Where is Sue?”
“She's home, I work in the evening she works morning. So what have you been up to?”
“summer before my last year of college, so I figured I would blow off some steam before then”
“Still digital arts”
“Yep the whole nine yards, what about you?”
“I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up, ya know”
“Oh how could I forget the free spirit of Ronnie Kiszka”
“I’m texting the group chat that I have a surprise for them, they are gonna freak” I hung out with Ronnie for a couple hours and decided to head to my aunts. When I parked the car I saw Sue, Kelly, and Karen on the porch. While getting out of the car Sue ran to hug me she was so happy, I grabbed my bags and made my way to the porch where Kelly & Karen greeted with big hugs
“Long time no see little one, How have you been?” Karen asked with a warm smile “So good and how are you guys”
“We have been so good, we are so proud of you, by the way, Sue told us your top of your class, and you won a prize for one of your projects. That's so awesome, it seems you and my sons are gonna take over the world, and our free-spirited Ronnie is going to fly by the seat of her pants” Kelly said laughing
“Ahhh Ronnie part of me wishes I was more like her” I smiled brightly “Don’t we all, we plan on having a little get together tomorrow when the boys get in, they will be so stoked to see you” Karen said “Yeah they would come over every summer to see if you were here for the last 2 years, they miss you” Sue spoke
“I miss them too, Sue I love the garden it’s so pretty”
Sue-“Thanks, Jake helped build it last summer, that boy is a blessing”
“That was nice of him”
Sue- “He is always asking about you, I think you may have an admirer” 
“No, I don’t think so” I said rolling my eyes trying to cover the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach 
Karen- “I always thought he liked you too, Oh how cute would that be. He did break up with that girl before the tour, we weren’t fond of her”
“Well as fun as this has been I’m gonna shower and Ronnie and I are gonna have a sleepover and get Chinese food”
“Okay sweetie” Sue gave me another hug
I face planted on the bed fighting the sleep that wanted to take over my body, finally, I got up after 20 minutes and jumped in the shower. When I arrived at the Kiszka home Ron already had the food and was sitting on the couch with Netflix open. we ate and talked, losing track of time next thing I knew it was 2 am Ronnie yawned and spoke
“What are you doing in the morning”
“No plans, Why?”
“You want to pick up the boys with me, they land at 11am”
“Hell yeah I can’t wait to see them”
“Who do you think is going to have the best reaction”
“I have no clue, Sam talks to me the most” she busted out in laughter “I bet you anything Jake will cry”
“Probably not, Ron we barely speak”
“That’s because he is a nervous shit around girls he thinks are pretty, and last time you spoke in person he froze and fucked up”
“He told you” I felt the heat rise to my cheeks
“Of course, he said he didn’t know what to say, he thought it was a dream”
“Yeah, Yeah Ronnie” she rolled her eyes “I’m being dead serious, he mopes around every summer, but we should go to sleep we will head out at like 9:30 so we can get coffee, you can take Jake’s room it’s got fresh bedding. You can probably sleep in one of his shirts”
“Yeah, Okay” I made my way into Jake’s room, it immediately smells him. It warms my heart I missed him a ton. We were the closest before I ruined it. I grabbed a t-shirt out of his closet and threw it over my body, it smelled like him, and in a weird way, it felt like him. Laying in his bed I could tell the bedding wasn’t fresh it suffocated me with the sent of him. I let a few tears fall worried about tomorrow, eventually, dozing off.
~Time skip to the car ride to airport~
I was still wearing jakes shirt because we were running late so I just threw my leggings back on and ran out the door. Ronnie wanted coffee so we're going to be like 15 minutes late to get the boys. Reaching for the music volume I turned it up. We dance and sang the whole way to the airport. When we were 5 minutes away I turned the music down and faced Ronnie
“For some reason, I’m super nervous”
“Don’t be y/n the boys love you and miss you”
“Yeah but it’s been so long”
“you’ll be fine” we were interrupted by a phone call. 
“That was Sam he wants us to park and meet them in front of the airport, the bags are taking a long time” 
“Okay, but why can’t we wait in the car”
“Sammy is a dork he probably wants some kind of epic reunion with me, little does he know it’s going to be the craziest reunion ever when they lay their eyes on you” I smiled at Ronnie as we made our way in the airport. We stood there for about 15 or so minutes looking for the boys when I made eye contact with a very tall Kiszka. His jaw hit the floor, I saw Danny follow his line of sight and his face light up with the biggest smile. Jake and Josh were to busy talking to notice me. As soon as the boys stepped off the escalator Sammy ran with open arms picking me up I heard Ronnie giggle sam whisper/yelled in my ear “Holy shit, this can’t be real. I missed you so much, so much y/n” He sat me down and made his way to Ronnie next Danny engulfing me in a hug “It’s so good to see you, I’m glad you came back” he let go. I finally looked at the twins who were now right in front of me. Josh was first he smiled brightly and came in for a hug when he pulled me in I took a look over his shoulder at Jake. He was in pure shock I couldn’t make out what he was feeling. My thoughts were interrupted by Josh whispering “I’m so glad you here love, we missed you dearly. Some way more than others. He missed you a lot ya’know” I smiled at what Josh he let me go and walked towards Ronnie leaving me in front of Jake. I looked up at him and smiled he walked up and gave me a quick hug and shuffled his way towards Ronnie he said nothing. I was gutted, my heart shattered, What the hell was that I knew it would be a little awkward but that was just embarrassing. “Hey all I’m gonna run to the ladies room really quick” I caught the eyes of Josh, Danny, Sammy and Ronnie and they looked at me with such pitty, I didn’t dare make eye contact with Jake. I walked fast to the ladies room trying not to overthink what just happened. A little part of me hoped he would hold me and not let go. I got in the stall and let a few tears fall down staining my cheeks. I was pulling myself together when there was a light knock on my stall
“You okay?” I could hear the concern in Ronnie’s voice
“Yeah, How do I look” you said opening the stall, Ronnie frowned 
“Like you’ve been crying, Here let me help” Ronnie lead me to the sink she takes concealer out of her purse and rubs it on my cheeks to cover the redness. “I think it looks less like you’ve been crying” she softly smiled
“Yeah okay, are we getting breakfast I’m starving”
“You bet your fine ass” We walk out towards the guys
“Hey loser, we are getting breakfast, you guys hungry?” there was a serious of nods and yeahs. “Good because you had no choice, I drove to pick you guys up and we’re starving”
“You may have driven here, but you aren’t driving back, Ron” Josh spoke, I giggled because Ronnie does drive like a manic 
“Well, in that case, I get shotgun next to my favorite brother” Ronnie said while laughing. We got to the Van and the boys stuck their stuff in the back and jumped in. The only spot left was next to Jake in the back I felt my heart sink climbing back as Josh hit the gas forcefully sending me into Jake.
“FUCK JOSH” I yelled as I pushed myself off of Jake and sat in the seat 
“Sorry love I thought everyone was seated” he said with a giggle
“I’m so sure, asshole” 
“Come on y/n you’ve been trying to get in Jake’s lap for ages” Sam piped in
“Watch it Sam” Jake snapped, Ronnie chimed in “Yeah Sam shut up” I rested my head against the window watching the passing road signs. I let out a deep sigh and closed my eyes I wanted to be at breakfast so bad. Next thing I knew my body was being jerked forward as Josh came to a stop “Josh I’m beginning to think you can’t drive either, Can anybody in this Van drive?” I spoke I felt a soft chuckle come from beside me I looked at Jake and he was smiling to himself. 
“Y/n are we gonna eat or complain?” Sam spoke
“What is with you Sam you’re super feisty” I questioned
“I’m jetlagged and hungry”
“Well we better get you some food, I can’t deal with a bitchy Sam all day” I rolled my eyes getting out of the van. We were sat at a circle booth we filed in and somehow Jake sat right next to me. The booth was kinda snug so Jake’s knee rubbed against mine through the whole meal every time it connected I got chills. After the meal, we piled back in the van I began to drift off as we made our way back to Frankenmuth. Jake nudged me right before sleep took over I looked at him “You can use me as a pillow if you want, you don’t look very comfortable” he whispered “Yeah, okay”
“Hey y/n, I missed you”
“I missed you too” I felt my heart skip a beat, Laying my head on his lap. 
“No, I really missed you” he said as he ran his fingers through my hair “Oh and love, I really like your shirt” I felt my face heat up “Oh wipe the smug look off your face, Jacob”
“No can do” 
“Whatever, I’m shutting my eyes, so I won’t see your dumb look” 
“Well, at least your in my lap” 
“Awh fuck off, sam is full of shit”
“I’m so sure”
“I'm taking a nap now” I shut my eyes but I can’t help but smile, Jake is still running his fingers through your hair. I missed this feeling more than anything. We got back around 3pm I went home to shower and got ready for the cookout at the Kiszka's. It was around 5 when Sue and I made our way over, we walked towards the back yard when Sue was greeted by a hug from Jake. He let go of her and made his way to you, Sue continued to the back yard leaving us alone. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in. “Sorry for the shit hug I gave you at the airport earlier, I was in shock and I freaked out a little” he whispered while rubbing small circles in my back  “It’s okay Jake I understand” 
“It’s not okay, I really missed you and I panicked”
“It’s okay I’m sure it’s not the last time one of us will fuck up. oh and Jake I missed you the most” he chuckled against my neck “That's impossible, also y/n I’m sorry for two years ago to I also panicked then”
“Jake we don’t have to talk about that”
“No we do” he spoke as he broke the hug and looked in my eyes “I don’t know if the feelings still stand but not a day went by that I didn’t want you. Doll, I’m completely in love with you.” I’m shocked as the words left his mouth, I don’t know what to say I’m speechless. I feel his grip start to loosen as his eye move to the floor. I tighten my grip with one hand and bring the other to his face tracing my thumb down his jaw his eyes catch mine and he gives me a small smile. I wrap my hand around his neck pulling him towards me as our lips meet we smile against each other the kiss deepens. We were interrupted by the clearing of a throat we pulled apart and looked in the direction of the noise Sam and Josh were standing in front of us with the biggest grins on there faces
“Wow Jake, you wasted no time fixing your mistake” Sam giggled
“THIS IS THE GREATEST NEWS EVER” Josh yelled “I’VE NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY” I giggled at Josh and Sam hiding my face in Jake’s chest 
“Oh and food is almost done lovebirds” Sam said in a sing-song voice
“We’ll be out in a minute” Jake spoke the boys went back outside. Jake looked in your eyes “I’ve been longing for you to kiss me ever since the first time I laid my eyes on you y/n” Jake says just above a whisper “Same Jacob” he took my hand in his and lead us to the back yard. Jake Kiszka was finally mine it looked like the wait was over.
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sherrybaby14 · 6 years
Hela Good Time
Drabble request for a female reader x Hela non-con
A/N:  Very first time writing F/F. Also RAPE/NONCON.  Please stay away if this offends you.
Summary:  Hela decides to rule through pleasure rather than pain 
You would die at the hands of Hela. Queen Hela. It was an appropriate name for her. You heard rumors she slaughtered the entirety of Asgard’s army, but you would not believe them.  When everyone left with Heimdall  you chose to stay.  
What a mistake that had been. You and the other commoners were gathered in Odin’s hall.  Blood was everywhere. Bodies were still being dragged out.  
When she entered your blood ran cold.  Even if you weren’t terrified she was so beautiful you cast your eyes to the floor, fearing one glance at her would shatter your being.  
“Kneel.”  Her voice was as gorgeous as her body.  
You heard shuffling, but didn’t move.  It was treason to bow before a false ruler.  You were true to Odin and his sons.  
“Seems some of you are reluctant to accept your new Queen.”  Footsteps echoed off the hall, you imagined long black boots with sharp heels tapping against the floor.  
The sound and vision made you shake.  
“Execute all who remain standing.”  Hela’s voice boomed.  
Your shake continued, but you didn’t cry out.  Death was imminent, but your status on Asgard made it difficult to comprehend what that meant.  
People cried out, but you pinched your eyes shut, ready for the next great journey.  
“Stop.” Hela sounded more powerful with this word. “I am merciful.  Maybe instead of death to all I will give you an example.  Grab her.”  
Even if you were going to look up her soldiers were too fast.  Hands grabbed your arms and dragged you towards the throne.  
You were too frozen to fight.  Your body went limp as the two deadites guided you to Hela, your queen.  
“I don’t only rule through pain.” Her voice was much closer.  “I can also bring you world of pleasure if you join me.”  
You were on the stage before you realized it.  You expected to be tossed to the floor and sacrificed, but the guards didn’t release you, each lifted an arm in the air, pulling upwards until you were on your tiptoes between them.  
A hand gripped your breast and slid up your tunic, squeezing on your neck before lifting you chin.  
“What is your name little one?” Her voice was much softer now. “It’s alright.  Only pleasure.”  
“I…My name is…” The fear returned and you couldn’t look Hela in the eyes, instead you focused on the crowd of Asgardians visible behind her.  
To your surprise all of them were staring at you.  Your eyes glanced the crowd and you swore you was at least two older men licking their lips.  It made you squirm and tug against the guards.  
“Mmmmm.” Hela smiled. “Speechless already.”
She grabbed your tunic and pulled down.  
“AHH!” You screamed as it fell to the floor.  
You tried not to look at her, but focusing on the crowd was almost worst. Even those who were kneeling were staring at your nude body, making you feel over exposed.
You expected them to be as terrified as you were, but instead they looked hungry.  And not for food.  
Hela touched your face and you had no option but to look right at her.  She was beautiful, beautiful enough it made you shiver.  She leaned forward and whisper in your ear.
“Don’t worry love.  You will enjoy this.”  Hela turned to face the crowd and her voice went back to booming.  “Loyal subjects,  the louder you cheer, the louder I will make Y/N cheer!”  
She knew your name?? How?? To your shock some of your fellow citizen’s started whooping and hollering.
Hela turned around and crouched in front of you.  Her mouth attached to you nether region and you immediately cried out as her tongue touched your clit.  
Your toes barely touched the ground and you couldn’t get any leverage to get away or close your legs.  
How was this happening? And so soon?  
The clapping and yelling went louder and Hela responded be teasing your hole with her finger as her mouth suckled your bundle of nerves.  
She pulled and pulsed your clit into her mouth in a way you’d never imagined. It was impossible to fight the moan.  Then her finger slid inside of you and the moan turned into a scream.  
Your noises only made the crowd grow louder.  Stop.  They needed to stop.  But they roared and Hela pulled her finger out of you before sliding it back in with ease.  
Whatever she was doing to your clit was too much and you lifted a leg to give her better access.  
Your fellow Asgardians started to roar.  Hela moved faster and you started to buck against her as you yelled and moaned at the top of your lungs.  
Faster. Louder. You wanted more and hoped that the crowd continued their outburst.  
Her talent was too much and your orgasm made you flex backwards as pleasure pulsed through you.  There was no holding back and your screams were strong enough they made the columns shake.  
What a queen.  
When you came down from your orgasm she lifted her mouth and turned back to the crowd. You hung between the two guards, not sure what was going to happen next.
“Asgard.  Have you gone quiet?  Or should we pleasure her some more?”  
Everyone broke out in a cheer.  
“Nooo.” You started to shake your head. You couldn’t handle anymore.  
“Oh sweet one.” Hela cupped your face. “I anticipate at least a few more hours of this. And then I expect the favor returned.”  
She winked again as she squatted down in front on you.  A few more hours?  Returned?  
“AHHH!” You struggled against the guards as she suckled your clit again.  
The crowd cheered.  
If they kept this up you would be here for days.  Maybe you initial response was right.  You would be dead at the hands of Hela…or maybe the tongue.  
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awkwardsha · 7 years
The D.C. Threesome pt. 3
                                        By: Shawnice Renee
           Al held my hand as he slowly led me on a tour of him and Big Camille’s home. I felt like Queen on an official visit the way he courted me to view his home. Five bedrooms, three and a half bathrooms, a jacuzzi along with a pool that is the center of attention in their backyard. Did I mention they have a guesthouse? To be rich…that must be the life. At last I arrive at Al and Camille’s master bedroom. Al invited me to have a seat on their bench by the foot of their bed. Camille sat at her vanity in this amazing lingerie piece. All I could think in my head was ‘wow’.
           Wearing a lace one piece outfit, revealed more then what was said. That sheer robe definitely didn’t cover anything either. I hope to look like her in my forties.
“Hey baby, our guest of the night has arrived.” Al said. Camille stood in her 6 inch black stilettos and walked over to me with a champagne glass. Her walk was so mesmerizing. She handed me a champagne glass and smiled. “Welcome to our home. Now let’s have a good time.”
           I placed my bag on a hanger along with my coat when Big Camille asked, “ Sandy, tell me how long have you been dancing?”
“Not long. Maybe a month or two.” I replied.
“You never worked at a strip club before?” Al asked.
“No.” I laughed, “Stripping wasn’t on my future goals list. But sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do.”
“She’s got a hustler’s mentality Al. What part of DC are you from?” Big Camille continued to interrogate.
            The more questions she asked the more I felt like I was being interviewed for something.
“Actually I’m from New York I just moved here not too long ago.”
           The less info I gave them the better. Next thing you know connections would start being made and who knows, I could get caught up in those connections.
“Ok Miss Sandy from NY, I want a private show. Al, put that chair in the middle of the floor and sit in it. Sandy…?” Camille ordered.
How does Al deal with such a demanding woman I wonder? I’ll admit she has a way of getting what she wants and how she wants.
“Yes?” I quickly hopped up.
“Dance for Al. Imagine he’s one of your tricks at the job. Dance for him the way you would for your little tricks and if it helps pretend I’m not here. I’ve noticed how turned on Al is by you. So…turn him on more.”
           Big Camille went to her music and played “Falsetto” by the Dream and like a master to it’s puppet she ordered me to dance. Stripping down to my bra, panties, and my ankle boot heels. I slowly walked over to Al, same as if he was a customer at the club. Then I bent towards him and whispered in his ear, “Hey Daddy, my name is Sandy. I’m the girl next door. Want some of my sugar?”
           I felt a bit better stepping into my character Sandy. I created her to be the stereotypical ‘girl next door’ fantasy. That’s why I chose the name Sandy. Al loved every minute of it. His constant ass grabbing and dirty talking gave me quite the hint. So, I continued talking nasty during my performance. “…I’ve been watching you out my window since I moved here. Imagine you bending me over your counter top and sliding in from behind.”  Dry humping him, his bulge grew larger and he licked my ear. Which happened to turn me on but I had to stay in character. Camille was damn near ready to finger herself.
“Uh uh! Looky but no touchy.” I said, teasing Al with every part of my body.
The music shuffle played R.Kelly “Seems Like you’re ready” and following Big Camille’s instructions I focused on Al. It was my world and he was just a tourist in it. Something unusual happened though. The moment we locked eyes we recognized each other’s passion. It was quick, innocent, but an intense moment shared. That was until Camille interrupted because she was ready for the next activity.
“Wooooo! Sandy that was amazing. You two, join me on the bed. Camille demanded as she removed her robe, only revealing her lingerie piece and heels. She kissed Al and then grinned when she looked at me. Right after she kisses me and I mean kissed me. Rubbing, touching, and grabbing me I actually feel embarrassed at how hard I was struggling to keep up with her.
           This is my first time engaging in a threesome especially one like this. I found myself in the middle of Al and Big Camille, all of us touching, kissing, rubbing in the center of their bed. I have to admit that I like it. I felt like this rare but loved caterpillar snuggled in a cocoon of eroticism.  I felt warmth, I felt love, I felt protected. Dammit Al and Camille made me feel so damn good. So caught up in the moment I began to lick on Camille’s pussy. Al followed behind and started making love to my ass using his tongue. That drove me crazy and only enhanced my desire to keep going. Ooohs, ahhhs and other sounds of pleasure echoed the room.
           Sometimes Al sat on the side as he watched his wife and I taste each other while he smoked a cigar. Once or twice I was on the side watching them two go at it while I touched myself. We were going at it for three hours before we decided to take a break. Big Camille wanted to show off her cooking skills 2 in the morning by making us chicken fajitas. That left Al and I upstairs to talk until she returned. Laying across the foot of their bed I grabbed a sheet to cover my butt since I was laying on stomach.
           Al proudly naked, sat on the bed and lit himself another cigar. I took a deep breath inhaling the aroma. Ever since I was a kid cigar smoke always smelled good to me. My grandpa used to smoke one on his porch every afternoon, drink his whiskey and tell us old stories. I guess when Al lit the cigar I felt reminiscent.
“After what the three of us shared you still manage to find a way to be shy.” Al commented, referring to the sheet covering my bottom.
“I felt a little draft” I bashfully chuckled. Al was right however, I am feeling shy. The sex was good, I mean really good and now…what do we talk about?
“Would you like another glass of champagne?” Al offered. I shook my head yes while he poured me another glass.
“How long have you and Big- I mean Camille been doing this…you know…threesomes? I asked.
Al blew the smoke out of his mouth and laughed, I guess at my current inability to communicate.
“For a long time, I’ll say that. Camille and I are adventurous people in every way. One night we were having sex and Camille wasn’t feeling it. To be honest neither was I. We both expressed how we were both bored in bed and yearned for something different. It was my wife actually who suggested bringing other women into our bedroom.
“Wow that’s so cool. There hasn’t been any woman who’ve tried to come in-between?” I asked.
“Of course, but Camille don’t play that shit. We cut ties with a female like that.
I nodded my head in agreeance, “Understood.”
“Tell me Sandy, how did a girl like you from New York end up in D.C. working at Red Velvet?”
“Some things happened and uh…one thing led to another I had to move and ended up here in D.C.”
Al gave me an unsure look insinuating there’s more to my story that I’m not revealing. Blowing a cloud of smoke out his mouth he responded, “Ok, it’s cool. You don’t gotta tell me everything. I understand.”
           Al continued his cigar and for those few awkward minutes the room was silent. Starting to feel like I was being anti-social. I started to open up a little. We were having such a great night so far I didn’t want to ruin it by being a mute.
“…I left New York trying to escape my problems.” I confessed to Al.
“What problems were you escaping?” Al asked.
I finished my glass and poured another.
“My fall out with my family…the end of my relationship…so many things.”
Al chuckled, “So you packed your pretty little bags and ran away?”
“I didn’t look at it as running away. Why remain in a situation that wasn’t healthy? I left a situation that wasn’t healthy.”
Al nodded his head almost as if he was impressed by my actions.
“Understood…and your parents?”
I saw in Al’s face he was showing concern.
“My mom died almost two years ago and my dad been gone.”
I don’t want to discuss my father because I don’t know him. My sisters do but I don’t. Bastard didn’t even show up at my mom’s funeral.
“I’m sorry to hear about your mom. I lost mine when I was about 21, fresh out of college too. It was always me and her and then she was murdered by some two-bit wanna-be thieves breaking into the house.”
Hearing Al’s story almost made me shed a tear. He seems like such a good guy but seeing how far along he came if I were his mom I would be proud.
“Oh my gosh! Al, I’m so sorry.”
“That was over 20 years ago I’m ok now. But you! I gotta keep my eye on you sexy. Can’t have you walking around alone here and unprotected.” Al insisted.
“I’m ok so far- “
“No i don’t think so.” He interrupted. “There’s no reason why you should be alone. You have my number call me anytime you want or need me. The world is cruel Sandy, and the people in it are even worse. Hell naw I ain’t letting nobody scoop you up.”
I’m not exactly sure why Al is being so nice. He barely knows me. I appreciate his gesture but I’ve been doing ok taking care of myself.
“Thanks Al but really I’ll be fine and besides, I have enough debt collectors on my back.”
Al looked at me like I was crazy. “Debt collectors? Baby girl no. I ain’t like that. If I want something in return I’ll let you know. Until then, make sure I remain a contact in your phone. Trust me you’ll never know when you’ll need me.” He informed.
           I accepted his advice and moved right along. Al excused himself and went downstairs to check on his wife. Leaving me alone in the master boudoir. Taking advantage of the alone time. I started glancing around admiring different artifacts and pieces of art they’ve purchased. There were also photos of them when they were younger, wedding pictures and such. Then I came across what appeared to be some family photos. Holy shit they have kids! One son and two girls and their oldest seems to be a little younger than me. Eh she’s cute. Seems like one of those All-American goody two-shoes. Captain of the cheer squad, straight A’s, probably has her own car and everything.
           I wonder what it’s like to be her. To have Al as a father. I bet he gives her anything she wants with just a peck on his cheek. He’s probably a loving father just as much as he’s a loving husband. You know I might take him up on his offer and call him whenever I need him. Ugh no! I can’t. I don’t want Big Camille to think I’m being inappropriate towards her husband. She look a little crazy who knows what she’ll do. All of a sudden I heard footsteps, it was Al letting me know I could come downstairs to eat. I put on my sweater and thong to head downstairs for Camille’s chicken fajitas.
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