#ahhh ahhhhhhhhh my brain ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow
illuteridae · 4 months
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the troll slaiyers
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robo-dino-puppies · 1 year
so I managed not to spoil myself and nearly everything was shiny and new for me! which I am so happy about - best watching experience for my brain, 10/10 will definitely do it that way for s3 WHICH WE ARE ABSOLUTELY GETTING RIGHT?!?!?!? for posterity - and possible hilarity - here are my notes (edited for typos bc I was typing in the dark on my phone with my eyes glued to the tv and some of it was quite incomprehensible)
Ep 1: Crowley the star architect! (why not long hair tho? I miss that hair) Aziraphale's Look at the "you're gorgeous" comment! the WING. ahhhhhhhhh! peas for the ducks! he didn't litter?!?! plants in the back of the Bentley! he doesn't have the flat anymore? "I thought we carved it out for ourselves" T_T good old-fashioned lover boy !!! one of my favorites! the "I'm wrong dance" oh nooooo lol
wasn there a fly in Nina's shop? or Aziraphale's shop idk i swear there was a fly. in a shop. seems important, considering
Ep 2: omg that hair. no. shelving books by first sentence lol. turtleneck?!? yowza. FLY. fly in the bookshop! terry pratchett book! omg them being in the pub together. just. i'm. somft. Aziraphale driving the Bentley? surely not... is this a crisis of faith? ooof his face OMG this whole scene I'm crying
Ep 3: the car! LETTING HIM DRIVE THE CAR are you kidding me? David gets to use his real accent lol. the Bentley is yellow oh no. Aziraphale the newspaperman lol - he's having so much fun. is he drunk/high on laudanum? haha loving the way Crowley carries a careful stack of books then just yeets 'em awning of a new age 😂 wait is Shax living in Crowley's flat?
why the turtleneck in ep 2 only? bring it back! wait does he have different sunglasses?
Ep 4: 1941 ❤️ oh no not the magic act. zombie nazis?!? ahhh the magic act thing is horribly awkward. of course Crowley has never shot a gun the moment of trust tho 🥺 "which angel?" "Crowley's pet" liked the music in the credits, the skipping record.
Ep 5: is Furfur using microfiche? my god i love them just walking around soho. fez! ERIC!!! I love him the French is terrible. Crowley's little head shake! that conversation with Nina! bye Eric oh Crowley... oh. oh omg Muriel is so adorable. wait and see OMG omg no they're not going to dance are they? !!! lol what is that coat!!! the hopping! "You're a good lad." "I'm not, actually. Either." "rescuing me makes him so happy" are you kidding me rn
wait is his snake lower on his jaw?
Ep 6: those sandals whut his gold tooth the bump on the shoulder oh poor Eric again ahhhhh the fly! did not predict ineffable bureaucracy being canon!!! haha bigger on the inside. Aziraphale's face. oh Crowley... oh no he's not going to offer him being an angel again is he oh no. oh no Aziraphale NO no no no no no. oh no 😭😭😭 💔 are you kidding me?! well this is terrible.
my god. Aziraphale's face.
what. no. ow. help.
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