#ahh can't go wrong with memes
lynxgriffin · 3 months
Can we see Kris struggling to find Berdly, but he's frozen in there and they're out here and he's the sheriff and they're frozen out here and they're in there and
Tumblr media
I can't be the first artist with this reference. I'm just kind of boggled that I can't recall seeing it before.
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virusinfected-memes · 2 years
115 starters. CW: alcohol mention, sexual themes. Coffee Talk is a visual novel game developed by Toge Productions. Feel free to change words and pronouns as needed! 
"Welco—Oh, it's you."
"Man, that's a bummer!"
"Don't worry, take your time."
"Heh, writer's block again?"
"What are you writing now?"
"I really need that triple shot espresso."
"Hmm, that aroma... Ahh... That's exactly what I need."
"It sounded so simple when I was making the plan."
"Uh, did I say something wrong?"
"Drown your troubles in coffee."
"Yeah, yeah, I know, it was such a stupid thing to do."
"Umm... Well... It was so bad that, well, after reading it... I decided to just delete everything immediately."
"You don't need to be so cynical about it."
"How about something chocolatey? It's perfect for this weather."
"I thought this place would be more crowded."
"I don't really have anywhere else to go."
"I'm a writer who works best at night and in a coffee shop."
"No matter how deep you go, there's always another layer of Hell."
"How do you usually deal with bad customers here?"
"I could go on forever complaining about her, but that won't help me."
"You should make a meme about her."
"It wouldn't be wise to talk about customers with other customers."
"They won't give us a chance at all?"
"I got into a fight with my old man. That's why I'm staying at _____'s now."
"You don't have to do this, you know?"
"I can't stand even one more second being a part of them."
"You don't know what they said about you last night!"
"So this it, then... The end of out relationship."
"Do you want to be hiding our relationship for the rest of eternity?"
"You're making this hard for both of us."
"Do you feel happy when you're with me?"
"I can't think about this clearly right now."
"I'm sorry you had to listen to our problems."
"This coffee shop has seen all kinds of stories. I do hope yours will have a happy ending."
"Do you have someone you love?"
"Out of all the people in the world, why did I fall for her?"
"You can't choose who you fall in love with."
"Anyway, I need to go now, and probably drink myself under until the sun rises."
"Hey, don't be rude! I'm being serious here!"
"What if I say you can't do that?"
"Seems like you're in high spirits this evening, _____."
"You still remember my favorite, right?"
"I'm not even sure whether that's a compliment or not..."
"You got balls, I can tell you that."
"How's the leap of faith going so far?"
"Wait... Is stealing time a crime?"
"You're making me feel worse by saying that."
"You should feel bad."
"Hey, what do you have against me tonight?!"
"This was the place, wasn't it? Where we first met..."
"They should have given you a promotion for your loyalty and long service."
"That only happens in porn."
"You don't have to feel ashamed if you like watching that kind of thing, you know..."
"I would prefer if you didn't start fantasizing."
"It's nice to see friendships that grow in unlikely circumstances."
"Please don't do jokes. You're really bad at it."
"Hey, _____, seems like there's a cat—OH MY GOD, SHE GOT IN WITH ME."
"You look like you've just seen a ghost."
"Seriously, you've never seen me on TV or social media?"
"Why does this coffee shop attract so many weird people?"
"Actually... I witnessed something scary on my shift today."
"This is the safest place around here."
"Hey, that endorsement comes with a discount, right?"
"You know I can hear you, right?"
"Unresolved problems are dangerous."
"As much as I hate to admit it... Conflict is always the best way to know someone. Even your own blood."
"You don't need to rush to a decision."
I could never imagine myself doing something so... Hmm, what's the word? Something as honorable... as that."
"Are you dealing with something I shouldn't ask about?"
"I'm not a criminal. In case that's what you had in mind."
"Isn't that false advertising?"
"Don't be naive. Truth is a matter of circumstance and perspective."
"Act like a civilized person... If you can."
"I imagine, even in a world where only one race exists, problems will still appear, anyway."
"Perhaps it's diversity that can teach us to look past the differences."
"The bottom line is, we'll always find a way to hate each other."
"Call me pretentious, but I think drinks have the power to connect people's hearts."
"I want our relationship to move forward. I want a family."
"Why do you have to care so much about what his or your family think?"
"I don't want to be held responsible if he regrets his decision one day."
"Abandoning one's family is NOT a solution!"
"What if marrying me is a mistake?"
"From what I can see, you're the problem here."
"That 'blood is thicker than water' mentality won't work here."
"Not every family is worth fighting for, you know."
"You can't have it all, _____. This is not a fairy tale."
"You didn't have to say it so harshly, you know."
"You never change, do you?"
"Dude, honesty is good and all, but... You know, try not to be a dick."
"Why are you staring at me like that?"
"What did you want to talk about when you told me to meet you here?"
"Do you ever wonder what we'd be like if we hadn't met?"
"Earthlings really need to work on their communication."
"Are you urukhigh69?"
"If you're that desperate for a date, why don't you ask your friends or go to a club or something?"
"If she didn't reply, I'm a hundred percent sure she bailed. She's not coming."
"Life is never boring here."
"I always wanted to be a fiction writer, but... conjuring words is hard."
"Hahaha! Come on, you don't have to worry so much about everything."
"To be honest, I hated the idea of turning the game into a movie."
"They have the budget for the flashy visuals, but I doubt they'll do the series justice."
"You're not the first to say I'm weird."
"Usually people that play artsy games are gamers that got bored of the current state of video games."
"Whoa, that's a highly specific fun fact to know."
"My extended family is probably as big as Seattle's population."
"Ahhh, that smell... It brings back so many memories."
"You're being creepy, _____... Go back to your chair and keep your distance!"
"There's a creepy old man trying to flirt with us..."
"I apologize for earlier. I wasn't trying anything funny."
"I don't know how to talk to her anymore. Or even what to talk about."
"Give them time and space... but be there when they need you."
"Well, nothing's happened... Yet. I just feel it in my guts."
"Is it possible you're just being paranoid?"
"You'll drive her away if you keep on acting like this."
"Is it okay if I stay a bit longer, _____?"
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anniesfarce · 2 years
so co-mod and i have played this game a few times with the cpds characters, "guess who but with vibes." (insp by this video) each of us will pick one character and ask the other yes/no questions about their "vibes" to determine via process of elimination which cpds character the other has picked!
we've played this a few times, but i thought i would share the first round we ever played, and maybe you can play along? (we played by having a full list of the characters up and striking them out as questions eliminated them.)
we originally played this going back and forth with questions, but for readability's sake, i've separated his character and mine, so you'll only see questions and responses about one character at a time. i've also edited this to fix typos as well as condensing and eliminating some of the chatty bits.
first character
L: would this person post minion memes unironically?
R: yes i think so
L: for reference, i took out 3. would your character, after walking into a door, deny it ever happened?
R: no
L: they wouldn't deny it?
R: yeah they wouldn't deny it, i don't think
L: ooh tricky. i took down two. i just feel like i'm making the wrong decisions here. would this person talk during a movie?
R: ahh i'm conflicted about this. i think yes.
L: two down
R: oh no that's seven down for you??
L: wait but if you were conflicted...
R: you're almost there??
L: i'm doubting my final two ngl but we'll see. we'll just have to see if i'll have to start over from scratch or something. in the video once both have guessed wrong, they reveal who and figure out where they went wrong. if you've picked jonathan i'm rebelling. would your character pick flowers from a neighbour's garden?
R: i think so. yes.
[L was ready to make a guess, but we decided that you can't ask a question and guess on the same turn.]
L: can i tell u my guess now
R: okay submit your guess :)
L: is it max
R: no :(
L: aw man. who was it?
R: mine was annie
L: aw MAN. i'm pretty sure it was the movie bit that did her in
R: oh yeah i was conflicted on that. but i felt like on balance she probably would talk during a movie. not in theatres though just like at home lol
L: oooh good point. i actually did start thinking jonathan might. i was like hm well i didn't think jonathan would but also he might...
R: hold on i want to know who did you eliminate for the minion memes one
L: ha ha um trevor robert and chris
R: you were very right ha ha
second character
L: ur turn
R: would they break into a petting zoo to pet the animals?
L: no i don't think so
R: conflicted because there are some people i'm borderline on if i should cross them off for that lol i'm just like i could see them doing this but i don't think they would just do it spontaneously on their own. unlike Certain Others. you're still ahead of me, i knocked off two. would this person ride a bike to work? regularly, i mean.
L: no. i think literally the only person this would eliminate is jonathan (jokes)
R: lol well i've eliminated two so i guess our feelings differ. i hope the person i eliminated was not the person you are thinking of! maybe this is a bad question but it's all i could think of: would this person smoke?
L: hmm no
R: was sort of hoping you'd say yes :/
L: sorry
R: i still have a whole three people left in the mix ha ha would your person enjoy a jane austen novel?
L: yes
R: i have it like 75/25 rn
L: okay u can ask me another question or just guess, whatever's fine with u ha ha
R: okay... is it sandra
L: yes
L: gg
R: gg!!!! that was hard!
L: was it jane austen that tipped ya off?
R: of course it was, i was trying to eliminate robert tbh
L: ha ha i'm surprised robert stayed in for so long
R: and annie has not struck me as a jane austen enjoyer, but i thought Maybe
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chaoxfix · 2 years
🕯️🪄🌻 for the meme!
ty for the ask!! <3
🕯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
ahh... hmm. i like putting out the energy i want back. if i read something i try to comment, and if i dont like something or am not interested in the concept, i just dont react because it's so much worse to upset someone over something they worked hard on.
i really don't think kudos are a very good expression of appreciation, as it has almost no room for real connection. fics are free, you know? when something is free but gives you joy, you should probably meet it with love, and love in a way that really shows why you like it. thats why i think comments are much better. i get why it can cause anxiety, but there's really no wrong way to comment unless youre 1) being an honest to god jerk, 2) pointing out something you dislike / something that you think the author was "incorrect" about (especially if the commenter is the one whos wrong lmao. either way i really dont think free fanfiction is like. lol. the place to do public criticism. just saying.)
im a rather anxious person irl, so im not really sure exactly what every single other anxious person's obstacles are or how to bridge them. because of that, i won't try to give universal advice since it's something i cant be an expert on if my experience is so different.
but i will say, for myself -- i mitigate my anxiety by practicing gratitude. i weaponize my people-pleasing for good by trying to be someone who makes other people feel genuinely good. and there's nothing better than feeling appreciated and praised for things that have value. and that kind of thing usually comes back around.
🪄what is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you've finished a fic?
ahh... hmmm...
if it's late at night (after midnight) when i post it, i go to sleep so i wont stay up refreshing the page to see what people say, or worse stay up editing all the typos that "suddenly appear" in ao3 formatting lol. that way even if no one reads it overnight or there are errors, it's okay because at least i can face the day with some sleep.
if it's not late at night when i post it, i try to go for a walk to again avoid constantly refreshing the page for feedback or immediately editing it. bc its not super healthy to spend even more time on it after whats probably been hours and hours, and i dont want my entire day fixated on something i should be done with.
i dont really celebrate much though, probably because i just kind of expect myself to make things of a quality i can stand behind. i didnt really grow up getting praised despite being an overachiever bc it made others around me feel bad when i got a lot . . . so i. have to really try and make something worthy of praise to feel like i deserve it. idk. haha. so anyways overall i try to lean more and more into 'i dont need validation' because id hate to put all my eggs in that basket -- not just because i dont want to be motivated by others' praise, but also because, i dont want to stop writing for the opposite reason, if someday i no longer feel like the quality of work i produced actually deserved the amount of feedback it got.
🌻what makes you want to give up on writing? what makes you keep going?
low motivation for long stretches, and losing interest in the things others like best, make me want to stop writing. both with fandom and original. low motivation usually coincides with depressive stints for me, and it makes me feel awful. like i cant do the one thing i like best, because i just can't motivate myself. when i finally manage it, it's crap for the first thousand words, then it gets better.
for me though, what makes me keep going is getting others to see my vision. getting them to feel what i aim to make them feel; crafting stories that, maybe theyre not perfect, but the emotions they generate are enough. it really is hard without an audience. even though i'm not motivated as much by getting a ton of validation, i do need at least a little lol, even just someone to say "yes. i see you. i understand what you needed me to feel from this, and i felt it." which is why i have original writing friends as well, for original stuff.
buuut also, i also keep going because i like being able to jot down what im thinking/imagining so that i can revisit it later and go back to that feeling, that moment in time where i was absolutely positive of that scene
thank you again for asking!! ^^
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gunsli-01 · 2 years
Alright, let's get this set up in a somewhat digestible format. While also testing the waters. For people looking for more Mikoto info in particular this has some stuff on him within it but mostly gives a clearer idea on my experience with Milgram so far. Along with me being slightly unhinged. Soooo...woohoo...
Here's the set up. The next post will be the beginning of an in depth analysis of the two Celtic spreads found in MeMe. We will not only be analyzing them but delving into visual spin Mikoto put on the classic tarot cards with some insights his changes to them give us on his character.
There are two sets of ten cards. The first post on this will go over the first five cards in the first spread the second will finish off the first and give an overall interpretation of the reading. Then the same will be done with spread two. After we finish that then I’ll be attempting to break down the series of murders shown throughout MeMe.
Lastly, and my favorite part. We’ll finally be going over Mikoto’s character as a whole. Along with me just generally getting to talk about him without putting him beneath a microscope. Which I haven't gotten to do in weeks and still can't cause I'm stuck in tarot hell.
For those who don't read all of this and skip straight to the tarot I at least want to highlight and reiterate one part from here:
The point of Milgram is testing limits at any point these characters can do something that will make even their most devoted fans turn on them and I think the fandom should be open to having their opinions change and develop over the course of this.
So, here's post 1. I will link the beginning of the tarot interpretation here when it's up.
So, when I started writing what has to be the longest character analysis essay, I've ever written... I remember in December when I was like yeah I can crank out a few pages on Mikoto it won't be that difficult I can get this done by new years. I've already gone through the tarot once too what's a second time typed up gonna do? Maybe even before Mu's song.
I was wrong. But back when I was young, hopeful, well rested, and happier. I wrote something of a Preface. Just to explain all of my biases up front and let people form an opinion on if they wanted to take anything I said on this seriously or not. What comes after this part is that Preface.
Okay, so this is going to probably seem insane, but I might as well get it out of the way just to break in the new year putting my best foot forward. Yes, this is my best foot forward. Now Mikoto has a lot of diehard fans and detractors for some reason…How can such a normal guy be so controversial? Really unlucky… Honestly. Because of his popularity I’m a bit nervous to put out anything on him even though he is my favorite. Believe it or not I can get shy when talking about things I genuinely like a lot because I don’t know how it’ll be perceived, and I can get very, very critical when I like something.
It is not a normal like situation. It doesn’t go I like you; you could do anything, and I wouldn’t care. It goes OH, YOU UNLUCKY BASTARD! YOU’VE CAUGHT MY ATTENTION I SHALL NOW EXPOSE YOU TO THE WORLD! IF ANYTHING, BAD HAPPENS TO YOU IT IS LIABLE TO BE BY MY HAND! I well wade through the façade to find the truth I’m seeking knowledge, I’m seeking your identity, I want to dive deeper.
Don’t misunderstand- It’s just natural to want to know everything about the person you like and get all torn up inside because you never can. That’s just love isn’t it~ Ahh it’s an incredibly damning feeling that love, the idea of soulmates all that trite nonsense. Because when people aggrandize others, they usually end up wanting to pull them down to their level. That sort of sadistic thing is just as much a part of love. The adult world is so cruel that way.
As such I’m going to do my very best to tear this man to shreds lovingly, okay?
So, let’s start with some context did I love Mikoto immediately? Was I like innocent he just has to be? He’s just so good looking he can’t fail, lol. Okay, to be honest when I got here, I thought Kazui was so good-looking cause of his broad shoulders that when watching Undercover and seeing the flash throughs with Star I went that’s Kazui I know those shoulders anywhere. Got damn he looks like he gives good hugs those shoulders…
Also, I like sorry cowards my apologies for the disappointment but when I saw Mikoto in MeMe I willfully ignored him. I had a visceral response to his song telling Star I hated it and never wanted to see him or hear it again. While also going he clearly killed three people… in an obviously premeditated way as well. So, yeah guilty. Maybe? I don’t know. I’m just not interested I’ll leave that to the people who are.
I came in around Amane’s first trial… Soooo I very much could’ve voted on Mikoto, but I just did not want to look at him at all. Actually, I still don’t know why that was, but he made me uncomfortable and annoyed. Despite his video involving multiple things I very much love baths, tarot cards, clouds, water, records, baseball bats… Hell even his song was a genre of music I’m partial too. Like jeez in retrospect I really don’t know.
I just did not want to even think about him, so I didn’t. That changed when YouTube recommended me an English cover of his first song, and I was like now hold on… Those Sisters You Know really did a good job on that lyrics wise. Like it just hit different okay. I was listening to that cover every day having first job flashbacks and wondering huh why did I hate this guy again this is a complete mood actually.
After that I fell into an over analyzing loop for several months. Before I had pulled a nothing to see here and once we do that my brain just deletes the information since it’s been deemed irrelevant. Incredibly convenient skill to have. Yet, as it piqued my interest music wise, I was like well hold on…I have to know everything about this specifically now. Something that none of the Milgram characters had managed to achieve at that point.
To an extent I was pretty much like there’s nothing to see here at all when I was dragged into Milgram by Star. She showed me Mahiru’s first trial song like I really just want you to see this one and my immediate response was, “Are you trying to say something about me?!” We’ve been partners for years and this is what you lob at me what are you getting at? To which she had to dryly explain no I just think she’s neat and you love mystery things and putting together stuff so I wanted your opinion on what you think is going on here.
Then I got a rundown of the situation and was like ah okay. Then went through one through six giving all my thoughts on what they did and how I would’ve voted if I was there as she explained the results. I was surprised to hear from Star that none of the things I was saying to her had come up in the fandom as far as she saw.
As Star showed me Milgram my experience was basically
Weakness: Guilty. Committed murder for attention. Next.
Later down the line I asked Star about the reasoning behind Haruka’s trial one Innocent Verdict. It was after we watched Bring It On and she told me about Futa’s verdict. I needed to understand why Haruka was voted Innocent/Forgiven but Futa was not. Weirdly long before Futa asked us that same question in Back Draft. Why did Haruka of all people get a pass when we see him kill directly? That was the first thing that piqued my interest.
However, I was pretty disappointed by the answer Star provided and maybe to some people this will seem like a reduction of the actual reason behind prevailing consensus. Yet, what I gathered from her explanation was that he was voted innocent due to Autism. Particularly, people assuming he had a learning disability the most speculated one being Autism. Now, my response to this information was to go, um…that’s ableist right? Like, just because it’s helpful to him in this circumstance does not mean ableism isn’t present.
That’s just infantilizing and belittling his intelligence. Having a learning disability doesn’t suddenly exempt a person from knowing murder is wrong. It’s the same as using a person’s age as an excuse. Made even funnier that Haruka is treated more like a child than the literal child is. So…it’s not like that interpretation is that far off or difficult to get to. Plus, do people even critically engage with who benefits from these sorts of excuses and when they’re extended? 
 Because they aren’t applied indiscriminately. A perfect example of this in Japanese media in particular comes from something else Star and I were watching when she recommended Milgram. Higurashi Sotsu and the character Satoko a lot of people in that fandom got angry and found the concept that Satoko would become a villain all because she had a difficult time studying insane. Like she should have just studied harder ignoring everything else that occurred in Gou and Sotsu up until that point.
Even some going as far as creating a completely different reason for her actions. Because having trouble focusing, studying, and being ostracized in a new environment after being taken away from the people and things that brought you comfort weren’t good enough reasons. Ryukushi-07 also has a tendency to write about neurodivergent coded characters like Maria in Umineko and Satoko herself can be considered coded that way through sotsu and gou. The excuse extended to Haruka in trial one was definitely not extended to her by the Higurashi fandom.
So, it’s not surprising that same courtesy was retracted in trial 2. Sorry, to rain on your parade but disabled people of color from any minority group are not extended those same benefits of the doubt and rarely have their impairments or age taken into consideration if they even reach a trial. So, this is when I went oh well people are gonna people glad to see some things still haven’t changed. This is what Milgram’s bias looks like. It’s almost a perfect reflection of the performatively politically correct space we live under today and highlights the pervasive biases that continue to disenfranchise many that go overlooked.
All we’re missing is overt ableism, racism, and sexism disguised as feminism and we’d have everything that’s wrong with performative morality. (Star just informed me one of these things is just Yuno.) So, my interest was piqued around here but mostly from a sociological standpoint.
Yet, I was mostly ticked off. Media is supposed to be a form of escapism for many people and I found a lot of the issues that people usually use media to escape from pulled to the forefront in Milgram through its voting system. I came in and was like this series probably isn’t saying a damn thing special. Reluctantly after telling Star I wouldn’t watch it multiple times because well I was a mad at her and she kept asking. I had every reason to hate this series given what was going on around our relationship at the time she presented it to me and didn’t really think taking something lightly could end up saying a great deal about society as whole.
Umblical: Guilty. It was clear to me from the very first video that she attempted to entrap someone in a relationship through the use of a pregnancy then committed murder when that failed. Possibly multiple times.
Later, Star told me people assumed she got an abortion. Because the woman that was clearly in a sector of sex work knew nothing about contraception. That and she may have had family issues. I said oh so they thought she was stupid. That’s insulting and then people continued to think she was stupid. So, some things never change but my opinion of her did. She’s the only person here with a consistent character and seems to be incredibly considerate but not hesitant to go after the things she wants by any means necessary. I find that endearing and respectable and really wish she’d get a 50/50 since regardless of what she did I respect her want for us not to give our opinion on it.
It’s only polite to shut up and say nothing when no one asked you to speak. Yuno not only never asked us to speak but openly asked us not to. Her character description even states she dislikes being psychoanalyzed. She sort of reminds me of Kotono Kashiwaba from Caligula Effect but I can’t really figure out why yet. I haven’t finished the game at this point and right now we’re only up to Ike-P but I just get that feeling.
 Bring It On: Innocent due to lack of information. I haven’t seen a murder. I don’t know what happened here. Having a flop Twitter account and making callouts is not murder or a crime at all. So, innocent. Then Star tells me the actual outcome and the reasoning behind it and this is when I start to get a bit heated.
Basically, went what do you mean guilty on the grounds of his actions allegedly leading to someone taking their own life??? Because they were just involved in someone’s death. It doesn’t say they directly caused them to die which means indirect involvement is on the table. Ha, ha, oh my fucking god that’s rich considering the dude that clearly killed a dog and a child was given a pass. Did that with his whole chest but he’s good. Alright, alright… I literally went back and pointed out all the kills Haruka was directly responsible for in his first mv going but this was passable. At that point don’t even try to justify it just say you don’t like Futa that’s less insulting.
Like I discussed in the part on Weakness I found this way of thinking inherently unfair. The benefit of the doubt and consideration extended to Haruka was completely absent for Futa. A lot of people want to say this is because he didn’t appear sorry. But, what gives others the right to decide when someone is really sorry or not. Futa’s entire voice drama goes into how you can’t tell how someone is feeling or what they’re thinking based on how they behave outwardly alone and that’s all anyone did when it came to him.
Not many people extended that same courtesy or empathy. They didn’t attempt to look deeper because no one cared to and that’s sad. Start didn’t see anyone go hey that’s clearly a kid with anxiety who’s attempting to garner validation through social media possibly due to a lack of external validation in his actual life. Something tackled in the writer’s previous game Caligula Effect Overdose with the character Naruko Morita. Who does the same sort of things Futa does if not worse. Because she literally outs a trans person on social media, takes pictures of people without their knowledge, and looks up someone work application to then go oh they’re not as good looking in real life let’s tell their fans so they no longer like this musician.
Like these are things she does repeatedly throughout the game. She is a terrible person and in the game she’s your teammate. She has a social link and reasons for the way she behaves. She’s obnoxious, annoying, egotistic, inconsiderate, a snoop, has an aversion to criticism, low self-esteem, and is easily dissuaded from doing things she enjoys if it’s not immediately praised or faced with scrutiny.
She goes out to eat popular limited time items at shops just to post food reviews about it after one bite. She doesn’t even post her own opinion on it at times but instead goes by reviews others have left already while giving a little bit of a different perspective but not really. Then if you say no to her being on the team because she basically airs out your entire organization on social media for likes, so everyone now knows who you are, what you look like, your name and all of your teammates information you’re treated like the heartless asshole.
Hm, it’s like she doxed you and it has real life repercussions and makes your life harder. It continues to make the lives of everyone she does this to harder and in instances is retraumatizing for many of them. All I’m saying is if you play this game and end up liking her but still hate Futa then you don’t dislike doxing you just hate men. Point blank. At which point I hope you enjoy Ayana.
After Pain: Guilty, I didn’t and still do not believe she’s sorry. Plus, the person she killed was uninvolved. When Star told me she was voted Innocent. Well, I couldn’t really say I was surprised given certain universal truths but- When she explained it was because people were saying it’s because she’s clearly a lesbian and that person she stabbed told everyone she was which led to her bullying.
I kind of went well isn’t that sort of justifying someone getting murdered or in blunter terms just victim blaming. Even if the victim did do that which I’m doubtful of that does not justify murder. Like people really immediately went we trust Mu she’s a victim now what did this clearly evil girl do to deserve to get stabbed, huh?! I found that kind of odd, I wouldn’t want anyone thinking that about me or anyone I love if they were murdered. Plus, given the circumstances I grew up under it’s very common to see that sort of mindset pushed on specific types of victims of brutal crimes. Just saying; it’s really not interrogated often enough who the whole what did they do to deserve it mentality benefits and hurts.
Ultimately, I found the whole concept kind of cruel. However, I guess as we’ve learned Es is the sort of Guard that abhors a person doing something that may have inadvertently led to someone taking their own life more than very purposefully taking someone else’s life with your own two hands. Taking into consideration the response seen in the English speaking part of the fandom this mindset is showcased twice throughout the first trial with the only noticeable outlier being Kazui.
Throw Down: Guilty he asked to be voted that and I respected it. Also, he was organ harvesting from his patients. Like what? Innocent is this some reverse psychology nonsense well okay at least he already feels bad.
This is how to be in love with you: Innocent due to lack of information. I can’t punish someone for something I do not understand I genuinely don’t know what she did. I assume she poisoned someone since she works as a florist, cooks, and mentioned herbal remedies. However, I just knew too little at the time.
What do you mean they thought she was so clingy her partner committed suicide, so she was voted guilty? I’m sorry so what I’m understanding is stabbing a woman in cold blood is okay but indirectly causing someone to end their life through social error is a irredeemable sin? That last girl stabbed another one purposely and that first guy killed a dog and kid-
Half: Guilty but also- That dudes incredibly good looking and has nice broad shoulders that is certainly an impressive physical build look at him in that uniform- Hears the song oh my god he’s an emotionally unavailable and dishonest coward too just my type! Guilty I know in my heart what he did was fucked up but got damn I’m hoping it’s fucked up at this point- not me literally getting chills at the let’s make it victim and assailant line in Cat like boy howdy don’t say such things oh no. Is this how people feel when Yuno says Come Marco I’ll Polo?
It certainly doesn’t help that Kazui’s demeanor and communication habits remind me a lot of Star and I end up feeling a little bad for him but slightly want to watch him squirm as well. Truly, it’s the emotionally unavailable quiet ones you gotta be careful with. They have such intense emotions but they hold them back to the point they can’t express them and then the right person pushes and boom it’s like a pistol accidentally discharging. People who bottle up their emotions like that for as long as it seems he has well when they blow a gasket it’s like a volcano and I want to be in lava range.
Innocent I- well I’m fine with this you saw that up there you know why I'm fine with it we don't have to talk about it but like why??? Because they believe he’s gay and was in a very loveless and performative marriage while also assuming his actions just led to his partner committing suicide or an accidental death. Wait why is that okay here but with the other two it’s not… It’s cause he’s hot and seemingly pathetic ain’t it? Lol, that dude is not as weak as he presents but have fun with that when it comes up I suppose. Good liar my ass...
Magic: Guilty even asked Star to vote on it. So, I was made aware of how to vote at this time. This was not because I want her to be punished but I didn’t believe anything could be solved through agreeing with her and I honestly don’t think agreeing with her will solve anything now either, but it will maybe stop her from getting jumped. Maybe? Though I’m unsure about that because Kotoko has jumped people who were pardoned before sooo... That and Amane told us not to treat her like a child.
I believe it’s a bit unfair or shortsighted of her to ask us to respect her agency in her own life, that she chose to make these decisions, and yet at the same time ask to not be held accountable for them if we feel her behavior was wrong because she answers to a higher power. Her mindset on her killing and being considered a murderer highlight her immaturity to me. Those aren’t two separate things but childishly and stubbornly she attests that they are. Being an adult is recognizing that regardless of if you had a good reason, or a higher law you abide by other adults don’t need to care about those things when judging you they can just objectively judge the actions you took. It truly is that simple. To me it just seems like she didn’t really know what she was asking for when she said that. Like she equates being an adult with gaining respect but it's more than just that.
Amane’s situation really reminds me of that song by Maaya Sakamoto More than Words, particularly these lines, “Isn’t freedom painful? I’ve become an adult, haven’t I?” “Isn’t freedom painful? I’m now alone, aren’t I?” “Isn’t freedom painful? Endlessly so…” Because a lot about being an adult is being able to stand on your own by the decisions you choose. The respect you get from others is fickle at best and never really equates to understanding or empathy. In a way as we age, we become more and more emotionally isolated when it comes to social communication and consideration. Because the patience and consideration that is frequently extended to children is not given to adults since they’re meant to know better by then and not need that sort of care.
Adults have the freedom to make their own choices and have that agency recognized. However, many times that agency we yearned for so badly is weaponized against us in small and insidious ways. Causing adults to become more emotionally closed off, socially defensive, or calculating. An adult would never ask to have their choices looked at while taking into account that they chose to do those things they’d simply tell the person accusing them to figure out why they did it or take into consideration their circumstances. Not pull a don’t judge me and I won’t judge you. They would know that their main focus should be endearing themselves by any means necessary like Mu attempts to do or lean on their legal rights.
So, I really feel like Amane was her own worse advocate during trial one and it ended up biting her in the butt. Also, another song that I feel properly exemplifies that feeling of emotional isolation one faces with age but isn’t as somber I think is “Love I need” by The Living Tombstone.
MeMe: Abstained due to a vague sense of hatred. I literally told Star to never show this to me again and not to bring him up I don’t have an opinion, I don’t care, I’m glad that’s over was my immediate reaction to MeMe. [Star: She said that she didn’t like the song, him as a character, and it was obvious that he committed several murders. So, there was nothing left to look into.] Afterwards I promptly deleted the information from memory until finding that cover song.
Harrow: Guilty she literally did the same thing Futa did just in a more direct way. She also seemed to jump people who had already been put on trial and had a decision on their actions handed down. Even openly said apologizing meant nothing. I’d rather give a pass to the person who says just say sorry then the one who goes lol it doesn’t matter if you try to make amends now no second chances ever once a bad guy always a bad guy.
I put all this to show that even before I was actively posting Milgram stuff on here. I did have opinions on all this that have only developed over time. As much as I came out swinging in the oh I really like Mikoto camp. I really did not want to see this dudes face when I first saw him. Like I feel as though I’m being a bit of a broken record. I said the same with Haruka. Yet, with Mikoto there was a bit of hatred there. Like a knee-jerk reaction that I couldn’t even pinpoint and didn’t want to interact with. Something, I still don’t really have an explanation for.
Even still before this I was spending months talking to Star over the phone sifting through the music videos reading the conversations and literally burning out all my investigative skills on it. Something I believe she knew I’d do when she brought it to my attention and asked, “What do you think happened here?”
Now here I am trying to churn out an entire essay on the guy. Certain characters can grow on you. However, with Milgram there’s this feeling that such a fondness like that can be broken. The point is testing limits at any point these characters can do something that will make even their most devoted fans turn on them and I think the fandom should be open to have their opinions change and develop over the course of this.
I feel like being shut off, isolated or just stubborn about one’s own opinion is unfair to the social experiment aspect Milgram is trying to pursue. That’s just me personally. I really hope that by the end of this there is interesting data collected. We can vote any way we want at the end of the day. Not everyone has to take into consideration what the characters did or how bad it is objectively.
Yet, for people to trick themselves into believing the vote doesn’t matter, this is all in good fun, and no one will be held accountable for the outcome in any way is negligent and blatant denial. The verdicts have a direct impact on the sort of place Milgram is currently and could become. It's a direct reflection of the will of the fanbase. If we vote a certain way the creators take that into consideration. They seem to not just take the winning verdict into consideration but pay attention to responses from both sides overall. They’re paying attention. So, it’s incredibly short sighted to assume our collective judgement regardless of how you vote or if you chose not to doesn’t reflect on the entire fanbase in some way.
I’m not saying this to be a Debby Downer or go really interrogate why you’re voting this way. I’m saying all this to get one point across if you’re going to vote seeped in bias the least you can do is express what those biases are in your own unique way. That’s what will make this all the more fun for everyone. I don’t care if you choose to vote guilty, innocent, or abstain, but at least vocalize why that is. Especially for people choosing to abstain since that’s more difficult to gauge since it is just not an option and the closest thing to abstaining would be attempting to get a fifty/fifty.
I know not everyone is willing to be that out there with their feelings and that sort of thing isn’t fun for everyone. Though even just discussing it privately with friends, people you trust and feel comfortable around is enough. All I want personally is for people regardless of how or why they vote to look at these characters for what they are and give them the opportunity to surprise you outside of your personal opinions like with actual people. All these characters will probably disappoint someone at a point but I feel like if you keep a healthy sense of realism and treat them in an unidealized way that will help in not causing resentments towards the series or the people who work on it down the line.
Some of these resentments are already present in the fandom and being used to create a reflection of the writer that could be wholly inaccurate. Personally, I don’t find that sort of approach to be fun or fair. However, it very well could be to some. Yet, at times I find it incredibly disheartening to see. My hopes in writing all of this and thoroughly attempting to analyze my fluctuating feelings on Mikoto may tackle why that is in some way. Even if the problem isn’t firmly rooted within the interpretations around his character but extends to the entire cast.
Though it’s like Jackalope said he certainly did cause a bit of trouble.
I hope this has been a good prelude of what’s to come and helped whoever may have read this far better understand my personal perspective on Milgram. This post didn’t focus on Mikoto as heavily as I would have wished but served to properly build an understanding of what one may be getting into when it comes to my analysis of his character.
I hope by displaying my biases and feelings on all the characters that one can decide whether reading what comes after this is for them or not. Regardless of if you continue to read or go back to this post from the ones that precede it, I appreciate you reading my ramblings.
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mad-hunts · 18 days
for the 'how well do you know barton' quiz, @deathl1es (adam) scored 1 point.
❝ hmm, you know what? i still don't know a lot about you either as we had just met each other not too long ago. so eh, i guess scoring something is better than nothing, ❞ barton shrugged his shoulders at the one point the results that showed before him on his laptop for adam. he can't really recall telling the other anything other than his name and that he had a daughter, so in this instance, he couldn't really be 'cross' about it.
however, that didn't necessarily mean that barton was going to let adam off the hook either. for, this meant that they'd just have to spend more time around each other if he ever hoped to learn everything about the doctor that was on the quiz. a devilish smile spread across his lips as he intertwined his own fingers in front of each other (this picture... i'm sorry, y'all, but the meme edits of him with the hair are back JSJSJ LMAO).
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❝ but ahh, i have to say that this has really opened my eyes to how much information there is now to cover with you about my background, adam. so what do you say we set a date and time for when i can talk your ear off about one of my favorite subjects — myself — until you know about everything that my past therapist told me is wrong with me? ❞ barton announced this to the other with a straight face but soon couldn't hold it as he burst out laughing.
❝ no, i'm honestly just messing around with you. we'd be at wherever we're planning to meet for a long time if i told you all of that. and it's not one of my favorites because everyone tends to give me this look when i talk about my father, ❞ he looked down at the table and absentmindedly sniffed before looking back up at the other. ❝ he got killed when i was eight, so i bet you can imagine why. but anyways... how do you feel about indian food? ❞
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meili-sheep · 2 years
Kaveh: Al-Haitham?
Al-Haitham: What did you do?
Kaveh: What do you mean by that?
Al-Haitham: You never call me by my name unless you need something or something is wrong. What is it?
Kaveh: Well, I was just going to tell you that Klee and I made you breakfast.
Al-Haitham: . . . so that smoke wasn't from your workshop?
Kaveh: (nods quickly) Mhm. (whisper-screeches) Help me.
Al-Haitham: (sighs deeply) I'm on my way . . .
Al-Haitham: (head in his hands) Children make no sense.
Kaveh: What happened?
Al-Haitham: (muffled) Klee was playing pretend and Dodoco said something to her, so now she's crying and won't speak to me. I tried telling her it was a game, but that seemed to make it worse.
Kaveh: (blinks once) Ahh, I see. (pats him on the shoulder) I'll take care of this.
Al-Haitham: (to himself) It's literally a game of pretend . . . how immersive does it have to be?
Klee: Mr. Al, what's a 'taxman' and why does Mr. Kaveh hate them so much?
Al-Haitham: (without missing a beat) Because he's actively committing tax evasion and the only reason that he hasn't gotten taken by them yet is that I've signed him as my dependent in the tax papers.
Kaveh: (yells from the other side of the room) He lies like he breathes!
Al-Haitham: (yells back) I don't lie, unlike some people on their tax returns.
Kaveh: Robot!
Al-Haitham: Deadbeat.
Kaveh: Stick in the mud!
Al-Haitham: Bum.
Kaveh: Square!
Al-Haitham: Free-loader.
Klee: (giggling loudly)
Kaveh: Huh? What's that all about?
Klee: You two are so funny!
Al-Haitham: I do not see what is so entertaining about me calling Mr. Kaveh out, but I suppose your amusement is optimal in this situation.
Kaveh: I- calling me out? Why you-
Diluc: Did you have a good time?
Klee: Yes! Klee had so much fun with Mr. Al and Mr. Kaveh! We went to the market, tried some drinks at a cafe, and got to try out some new toys!
Diluc: (nods appreciatively) Very good.
Klee: (pauses for a second) What's a 'dolt'?
Diluc: (blinks) What? Where did you hear that one?
Klee: It's Mr. Kaveh's nickname for Mr. Al!
Diluc: (tries not to laugh) Is that so?
I've tried, but I can't stop. The brainrot floweth regardless of what is done.
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God It's so cute.
Imagine thought they accidentally taught Klee a bad word. And Diluc burst into their house, obviously upsettie spaghetti. And it' just becomes that one meme of like the mom scolding the son and the dad comes to defend but ends up getting scolded too.
That's Diluc scolding Kaveh and Al Haitham.
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rosesastrology · 3 years
hi, hope you have a nice day🧡i have random question. i have my chiron and pluto both in 4th house. everytime i try to find something more about these placements, all i can find is stuff about "traumatic childhood", "emotionaly distant parents" etc. My childhood was actually very nice and i have wonderful relationship with my parents and i can't think of any serious incident.
so my question is - are they any other meanings of these placements? some non-family meaning maybe? i find my birth chart really accurate, and this is the only thing that doesn't sit right with me.
(both pluto and chiron are in sagittarius, same as my 4th house sagittarius sun and they don't have any hard aspects from what i know)
thank you for your time and answer🧡✨
Ahh yes, the mysterious 4th house! Long post ahead:
The 4th house is the house of our childhood, which is why planets there are often associated with our childhoods. Even so, they don't always show events, but more like a general sense of energy. The fact you have your 4th house in Sagittarius, which is a benefic (lucky, happy) sign and neither Pluto nor Chiron are harshly aspected actually show us there's no 'horror' to really be found here. In fact, the fact you have your sun in the 4th house in Sagittarius along with all of this shows me more that you very much fit nicely into your family and had a happy childhood.
Pluto in Sagittarius is essentially the generation Z placement. And honestly, it shows a lot in gen Z behaviour. Rigid beliefs about right or wrong, high moral values (cancel culture uprising, ahem), humor, memes, freedom, activism, awareness, curiosity, meaning, meaning, meaning. Purpose. Purpose. Purpose. Gen Z is unbelievably aware, I believe they saw what millennials were doing and decided 'this won't make me happy' after trying it for a bit. A lot of young kids these days have like.. early life crises💀 and I attribute it partially to this exact placement. Sagittarius is the philosopher, but also the joker. It shows lots of room for strength to made amongst family, and power to be found here. The reason it shows up as abuse often, is through badly placed Pluto or having it hashly aspected (usually), so the power dynamics go all wonky. I feel like in your case, you will figure out A LOT about your identity (sun) through your childhood, ancestry, family. Yours is well-balanced, and could show you coming from a powerful family or having a family member in your life (particularly father) who is extremely important and teaches you about the duality of life.
So what are Plutonian influences in the 4th house? What do they look like? In your case, I feel like you were taught from a young age to look for answers, and to be honest with yourself even if it wasn't necessarily a positive thing. As in, don't fool yourself. There is a lot of attention here on a transformative father, in a lot of charts this is negative—but don't forget, Pluto can be positive transformation. I should say that in ancient astrology, the 4th house rules the father and the 10th the mother. I've always seen it manifest the same in natal charts. Although there is some value in lumping them together in the 4th for a more general view of 'the parents', when seperated it should be as I described before. It could be that your father played a big part in your life, or will teach/taught you things that changed your perspective completely. There could be a bit of a wall here that you might've built, as in, this is the deepest part of the heavens—the root of the skies, so to say. So it can cause troubled waters, or high emotional walls. It could, for example, cause you to front your negative emotions with happy emotions (fake smiles, nervous laughter, etc.).
The 4th house also rules our ancestry, as such, it could be your ancestry line has suffered or there is generational trauma. But, because yours is so positive in your life, it could show great genes (physically or health wise) and/or stories of strong ancestors. This can go hand in hand with the previous statement, of course. I've also heard that Pluto in the 4th natives have a lot of issues with feeling unsafe in their homes, particularly the experience of feeling like their house is haunted. This makes sense because the 4th house rules our estate and property. Many issues with plumbing, pipes, sewers, insect infestations (particularly cockroaches), mold, tend to show up with this placement, curiously enough. They all fit Pluto in 4th testimony, though. A good house insurance is a must with this placement for sure. Also beware of sketchy neighborhoods. At best, it also shows a big inheritence of familial wealth (life changes! Loss going to 'profit').
That Chiron there is also highly transformative. Where there is pain, it shows healing. But where there is no pain directly, it shows strength. It could be that your home is your safe haven, even after you leave your childhood home. Being behind closed doors feels safe to you, and you may be able to work best from at home. It brings self-awareness and growth in the closest aspect of our selves. The people outside of our homes or families may not even notice this, even our families may not. But there is much healing here for other people because you are able to comfort them and give them a safe space to come to, you have the safe Harbor of the heavens. And this is gift, a blessing, at times a burden you have to carry. To be fair, this is quite cookbook. I should say that the 4th house, I feel like, is associated with this sense of safety and comfort. At times this may have been compromised outside of your familial home, giving reason to why you're able to offer a space of belonging and openness. While your childhood may have been free of trauma, it can show deficits in the father (as in, flaws). It could show religious issues (Sagittarius), particularly in the household (4h). What it essentially shows is 'inner child issues, and needs'. This does not have to be due to an event, it could be due to something that was not done, never said, or vocalised. Even so, not everyone with this placement has a painful childhood or a pained inner child, per se. But, it's common. It tends to show a father who symbolises Chiron, he is emotionally/physically 'wounded' in some way and this is evident to the child. In a more broad sense, it shows our connection to earth and nature. You may find healing in nature, or were aised on a farm or near a forest, lake, etc.
As Chiron is the healer, this placement is often associated with healing in general (because of its sense of water, buried treasure, earth, home and belonging). I feel like this Chiron also keeps you safe from the regular atrocities that Pluto in the 4th tends to bring, and rather brings forth this huge amount of.. duty to fulfill, of change to be made. This Sagittarius influence gives the bigger picture of religion, of something bigger than oneself. Of bringing the home (4h) into the world (Sagittarius). It's like changing your home with the worldly things you've learned that are bigger than yourself, and changing the world with your values and morals. There is a lot of transformation and karmic energy found here and it's very powerfully placed. Never forget the 4th is an angular house, it's moveable, changeable, it's rooted but it moves—like the depths of the ocean. This is all within you, and it's not stuck (like 12h for example). Through all this change, this movement, all these beliefs, you'll be able to find yourself more and more (sun).
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1000-directions · 3 years
for the fic ask meme, 6 and 10! 😘
ahh thank you! been a long week but finally winding around to these!
6. What’s your favourite piece of dialogue you wrote this year?
hmm i do really enjoy the dialogue i wrote for jessica in the bucky/jessica fic, because it's so different from how i typically have characters talk, and it's fun to try new things. but i keep circling back to this scene in my bucky/sharon fic:
“You know, he never promised me anything,” she says quietly in the dark. “It’s not like he betrayed me. He never promised me a thing, even if I wanted him to. It’s stupid that I’m still so mad at him for something that never even happened.”
“It’s okay,” Bucky says after a minute. “Sometimes I get mad, too.”
“I don’t have the right to feel betrayed about it.”
She does, though. He thinks she does have the right to feel betrayed. Bucky does, too. They did everything right, and they still got left behind.
“It just made me feel special,” she whispers, and he squeezes her hand to let her know he’s listening, and he understands. “Having this secret part of him. And I think it mattered to me more than it mattered to him, and when I look back, I just feel foolish. I made it into something it wasn’t, and it’s embarrassing how long I let myself be hurt by that.”
“It’s not your fault,” he says, to her, to himself, but she shakes her head.
“It’s okay,” she murmurs. “It doesn’t have to be all me or all him. It’s okay that we both handled it wrong. I was mad at him for a long time, and then I was mad at myself, and now it’s just something that happened to me once. I’m fine, really.”
which is just like...so intensely personal and specifically based on a very specific personal thing for me, and putting that into words is just very satisfying, even if i gave the emotions and the journey to a character and not to myself.
10. What, if anything, are you going to try to do differently in your writing in the new year?
you know, i think i might try, like...actually writing? i know, a wild concept! it's really hard for me that i can't just like park myself at a coffee shop with a latte and a bagel all weekend and force myself to stay there until i write something, but if i keep waiting for that to come back, i'm going to be stuck forever. i think that getting my apartment cleaned is going to give me some space to feel like i can write again without it being a waste of time that i should be using for something more productive. and i need to do more little stuff. i have so many things in the works that feel like projects, and it's intimidating right now. and i think i need to let myself just write whatever little thing i'm feeling, like i had the notion for a bucky/jessica pairing, wasn't sure i would do anything with it, but sat down and wrote it that night while it was still in my head, and i think i need to stay on that path and just keep pushing.
end of year writer asks
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kannra21 · 5 years
Ch 241 ramblings
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So, reading the newest ch made me realize that Todo probably didn't want to cause any trouble for the obviously confused and uninformed young lady and therefore wanted to maintain a nice courteous atmosphere while Bakugou didn't give a fuck and told the audience the truth about their relationship.
Bakugou made me laugh and tbh I like his perspective better bc he's honest and stands behind his words while Todo wants to maintain a nice image and thus automatically captures everyone's hearts.
Bakugo just doesn't know how to be smart for himself. 😂 As much as a nerd he is he should have known that, by presenting a good example to people, he could've afforded himself more popularity and praise. Now he screwed it up and because of it, he shouldn't be surprised when finding out about being cut out of the interview for using strong language and insulting the interviewer.
Btw if the interviewer had been better informed this wouldn't have happened.
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I love how Todo is acting so innocent to Mt Lady's thirsting over a sixteen-year-old which makes it kinda cringy in front of the students and other teachers but well..
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He's so stupid 🤣💦 just look at his freaking dunce face! Kaminari is a saint for him, just look at how confident he is despite being wrong at the exact same time!
By saying 'half-assed things' he probably meant that they're too embarrassing for him and that he'd rather perform the job of a hero without making up those awkward catchphrases. It's probably bc he doesn't have one. Hell he didn't even bother to come up with his own hero name! He is solely focused on the power itself rather than being a hero.
Sure, he recently got some character development and it rly looked like with his speech that he's probably onto something but.. he haltered yet again. I think Bakugou will pull his trope until something terrible happens to him bc this is obv the only way he can learn..
And also, Aizawa protecting his trouble son from Midnight and saying that Midoriya is doing worse was actually amusing.
No offense guys but our pixelated green bean looks like a creeper during his interview. 😝 Man he was so tense it was a relief to see Mt Lady mentioning All Might and making all his insecurities go away.
It kinda annoys me that Deku can't be a hero for himself but chooses to be an imitation of someone else. I mean, it's nice to have a role model and someone who's inspiring you, but if you can't stand up for yourself and create your own picture people can admire as well, then what's the point?
Ahh the meme is finally back, what a relief!
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There's also something that caught my eye.
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So special ability really does define a person. The only difference is that, in the villain world, it's labeled as more brutal.
What are heroes and what are villains?
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It think Best Jeanist described it all too well.
I know we won't be seeing the villains for a while but at least I'm glad that we can get some parallels so Hori doesn't leave us completely devastated. 😅
Nah just kidding, Hori is doing an awesome job.
Looking forward to the next ch!
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ppgxrrblove · 6 years
Goodbye Tittie NSFW Bloggers
I'm still laughing irl..I'm in tears, I'm laughing cause of the damn funny memes and posts y'all be making x"D I can't take this serious anymore. I just searched up goodbye Tumblr and all I saw was people leaving so freaking quick like damn, lol, some people complaining about Tumblr bots acting dumb on reporting they're posts on being "sensative" or "sexual" when it legit wasn't to be honest they were all funny shit or just art that was cute, and good. But the one thing that got me in tears was the entire Yuri on Ice posts was all taken down by Tumblr bots..😂😂!! Yoo that shit had me in tears LMFAO..freaking poor gay anime. Like dang I thought Tumblr loved LGBT people!! Than I saw bubbline being flagged as well 😂! Ahh I can't..I'm laughing too hard. None of it was breaking the rules!! Funny thing! You guys can ACTUALLY get your posts back, you just have to click the review button and tell Tumblr you reported the wrong post. And it will get back up, it's what happen to me allot of times on some posts that wasn't even anything. So it isn't a big deal rather an old thing that BEEN happens to people but y'all make it seem like it's something new, and it's the end of times. Can y'all calm the heck down?? It's the bots fault, even people who were aware of these bots STATED on a post that y'all should've seen since it got a crap load of attention, that the bots will be flagging posts that AREN'T breaking the rules at all, it's not y'all fault it's what the post has it's in the coding, someone on here was talking about this. Apparently the posts that people make have these specific coding right? Well the bots go for the codings that are actually the correct ones that ARE breaking the Tumblr rules. But! Since there is SO much of fucking posts on here, it's mixed. So from my point of view if a Tumblr bot flags your post, it's not your fault it's the bot that's confused because of the coding. So it's the bots fault on this. Which isn't a great thing, feel bad cause people who aren't doing anything at all are just getting they're posts being taken down
Which I don't like because it's gonna be annoying to review it IF your blog constantly keeps getting flagged by those bots. Meaning if your posts are flagged every second,minute and or day. That can get fucking annoying which I can understand UNLESS you reblogged legit porn or nsfw that must be the reason why it's taking it down BUT like I stated before it's the bots issue. So if you get flagged only once or a few not exaggerating much than your okay. You either make them notice, which is helping the bots know that this isn't a bad post! It's a good one! Just make it review and it I'm 100% sure your posts will come back since its harmless. That IS if you guys do want to help these bots out by telling them 'hey! this post isnt breaking such, and such please review it!' I don't think you gotta type it down so yeah lol.
But yeah..everyone really needs to calm down and just basically think correctly about what they're doing instead of acting out of drama and etc. Relax people. If Tumblr shuts down than like SOME people have been doing, having there other social medias with their Tumblr posts on there or just telling people to follow them on there encase of anything. Which I know for a fact people still do, so if you have to result to that method than do so.
Which I shall NOT be doing. For one thing, Tumblr isn't that important to me, the the one thing that made it important to me was EVERYONE that I've met, seen their art, loved the funny memes, and finally enjoyed they're shitty, awesome, fun to be around with posts and company. So if y'all leave it was nice meeting you all, have a wonderful lifestyle wherever you go, take it easy, stay safe, healthy, and god bless you all. I may or may not save some posts?? Who knows.
Finale note; those who've known about Tumblr being trash, but still staying even though it can get annoying, thanks for putting up with it for this long but that's if you leave now of course. I'm still gonna go.
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