narcissawilted · 3 years
where; FIGHT NIGHT with; open
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narcissa stood in the most quiet corner of the room that she could find to observe the mindless brutality that took place inside the cages. “and were the fight outcomes as you predicted?”
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antigoneawake · 3 years
where; FIGHT NIGHT with; open
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“I told you earlier...” tig sighed. “even if I could tell you,” she could. “you don’t really want to know. besides, I’m pretty sure that’s immoral when there is gambling involved anyway.”
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adhonoremrp · 3 years
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as the next round of fighters gather and prepare for this next bout, CORDELIA GREENGRASS again holds the ROUND THREE sign in the middle of the cage. JACKSON FLINT once more shakes his head and locks the cage door. RITA SKEETER, & EZRAEL HYUN remain at the commentator table with their mics place in front of them. it is time to begin. WENDY FLETCHER returns and takes the microphone that had been previously abandoned.
b a b y                     vs       d a r e
dare sprints at baby immediately with surprising quickness. dare launches themself at baby. baby catches dare around the collar and by a leg and arches back to hurl dare spine first into the cage fencing behind them. dare crashes into the fence and drops to the mat. dare scrambles back to their feet as baby turns around to face them. dare uses the flat of their foot to kick baby in the stomach. baby catches dare’s ankle and holds on tightly. dare strikes baby in the eye. baby arches back and hurls dare over their head to the other side of the mat by the leg. dare hits the ground and rolls into the cage wall and stumbles back to their feet. baby sprints at dare now, but does not launch themself directly. baby plants both palms on the mat between them and handsprings forward to wrap both legs around dare’s neck. baby uses the momentum to frankensteiner dare back down to the ground, and baby pins down dare. baby strikes dare in the face repeatedly. dare frees an arm and returns a blow across baby’s face. dare grabs the injured shoulder of baby and forces baby to roll. dare scrambles to their feet. dare knees baby in the head and retreats with a limp to the edge of the cage. baby rolls back on the mat. baby rocks back and jumps with effort to their feet. baby sprints forward. dare lands another hook on baby’s face, but baby tackles dare at the knee. baby forces dare down to the mat. dare struggles in vain. baby manages to get dare into a leg lock using their own legs as leverage. dare strikes baby repeatedly on the head and chest. baby contorts backward until they are in a backbend and locked into the hold. dare taps out.
injuries sustained:
baby has a concussion. dare has a minor concussion and a torn acl.
BABY will move on to the next round.
“truly. one of a kind.”
t h e  c a r v e r      vs       b l a c k  w i d o w
the match begins. the carver stays near the cage fencing. black widow does not move. the carver side steps and lifts both fists in preparation. black widow does not move. the carver drops the fists to their sides. the carver cautiously steps forward. black widow lashes out and grabs the carver’s forearm. black widow attempts to pull the carver forward to the ground. the carver pulls their arm free and pushes black widow back a step with the other hand’s palm. black widow nearly falls back to the mat but regains balance in a step or two. the carver brings both fists back up on the defensive. black widow grabs the carver’s arm again and sinks nails into the flesh. the carver tries to pull away, but black widow grips harder. black widow attempts to swing around to his back. the carver rips his arm free. the carver grabs black widow and lifts them with force. the carver drops black widow to the mat. black widow does not move. there is not response to the call for consciousness.
injuries sustained:
the carver has scratches on his arm. black widow has exacerbated all injuries and exhaustion.
THE CARVER will move on to the next round.
“hard to watch, but wow, I am happy to see it.”
o d i n s o n           vs       m a r s
odinson marches forward and attempts to grapple with mars. mars jabs odinson’s chest with a left, a right, and catches them with a knee to the hip. odinson returns with a right hook and a left cross. mars uppercuts odinson’s jaw and hooks a left swing against his cheek. odinson works jabs until he is close enough to wrap his arm around mars’ head. mars socks odinson in the nose over their shoulder and elbows odinson in the rib. odinson shoves mars in the back. mars twists on his heel and puts all their force into a strike to the side of odinson’s face. odinson grabs mars by the back of the head and shoves mars’ face into the cage fence. mars recoils and donkey kicks odinson in the thigh. odinson steps back. mars rounds to face odinson. mars pulls back a right fist to strike odinson in the face with a direct jab. odinson winds his left fist to sneak in an uppercut to mars’ jaw. both blows land. both competitors have been knocked unconscious and fall to the mat. there is no response to the referee’s calls.
injuries sustained:
odinson has exacerbated the concussion and lacerated skin on the cheek. mars has a severe concussion and chipped tooth.
NEITHER will move on to the next round.
“leading into the finals with a real knockout performance.”
DORIS PURKISS will now take the stage. the fighters will have half an hour to rest, see to their injuries, and get ready for THE FINAL MATCH. all final bets must be placed now.
round three is also finally complete. feel free to post self-paras of your character’s perspective of any fight and any events that may have happened during these matches, but please remember what is posted above is the shared canon. please place your threads any time during ROUND TWO, the prep break, ROUND THREE, the performances, and up to the beginning of the FINAL MATCH, but do not make any posts of the FINAL or anything following that time yet.
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serashapes · 3 years
where; FIGHT NIGHT with; open
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seraphina sat on the bench waiting for a healer and morphed into their second most familiar face; gabriel. jackson introduced them to his parents as gabe, though. it had sort of stuck for the more masculine sera. “yeah, the tooth is still missing like this too. fuck!”
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adhonoremrp · 3 years
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as the remaining fighters gather and prepare for their next bout, HAYDEN HUXLEY holds the ROUND TWO sign in the middle of the cage. JACKSON FLINT locks the cage door promptly behind her as she exits. RITA SKEETER, & EZRAEL HYUN remain at the commentator table with their mics place in front of them. it is time to begin.
d a r e                     vs       j u l y
dare moves first. they lash out with a right jab to july’s face. july takes the blow and steps back. july comes back with two strong steps and a shoulder into dare’s chest, forcing dare back a step. dare knees july in the abdomen. july punches dare in the side. once, twice, three times before dare shoves july back. july falls onto their back and quickly rolls over their shoulder. july is back on their feet. july runs forward and tackles dare at the knee. both collapse to the ground. july pins down dare by the shoulders with an aggressive shove. july lifts a fist to punch dare. dare moves their head. july punches the ground next to dare’s head. dare wraps their legs around july’s waist and torques their body forcefully. they roll. dare keeps july in a scissor lock. july wrenches their body free. dare jumps to their feet. july stumbles. dare kicks july in the head. july does not respond to the call for consciousness.
injuries sustained:
july has a major concussion. dare has an over extended knee, bruising on the neck, and a black eye.
DARE will move on to the next round.
“frankly, that looked exhausting. do you think they still have energy for the next round?”
m a r s                        vs       h a t t e r
the match begins. hatter flourishes his hand over his head for the crowd. mars jabs him in the face with a right followed by a left. mars uppercuts hatter’s chin with another right. hatter tries to sweep the leg. mars vaults the attack. mars attempts a hammerfist blow, but hatter ducks. hatter tackles mars by the waist and forces him back into the cage wall. mars knees hatter in the side. hatter uses both fists to repeatedly work blows into mars’ torso. mars catches a left hook to hatter’s temple. hatter is forced back. hatter headbutts mars. mars hits hatter with a series of consecutive blows on the torso. hatter attempts to sweep the leg again. hatter makes contact with the side of mars’ leg, but mars takes the blow. mars brings an elbow across hatter’s face. hatter uppercuts mars. mars headbutts hatter. hatter does not respond to the call for consciousness.
injuries sustained:
hatter has a second broken rib, a major concussion, and a fractured knuckle. mars has a broken rib, a busted lip, and major bruising on the arms, leg, and torso.
MARS will move on to the next round.
“I don’t think he is coming back to the mic anytime soon.”
b a b y                        vs       s p a r r o w
the match begins. sparrow jumps into a sprint immediately and attempts to swing at baby’s head. baby ducks under sparrows arm and steps around them. baby lifts a foot and kicks sparrow in the small of the back. sparrow hits the cage fence face first. baby jumps and drills both feet into the center of sparrow’s back again with the extra force of a dropkick. instead of hitting the ground, baby arched and planted both palms on the mat. baby flipped over and back to their feet. sparrow spun around. sparrow launched forward. baby meets her with open arms. they grapple. baby hip tosses sparrow to the mat. sparrow rolls. baby attempts to come down with an elbow. sparrow snatches baby’s arm and twists it into a forceful lock behind baby’s back. baby screams and jumps with both feet, using sparrow as leverage for a minute before bringing both feet firmly down on the mat and flipping sparrow into the cage fence. sparrow sinks to the ground. baby walks over and brings their heel down on sparrow’s face and neck. sparrow throws up arms to shield. baby drops down to the mat next to them and levels four sharp and brutal blows to sparrow. two to the stomach and two to the head. the referee calls the match.
injuries sustained:
sparrow has a broken nose, broken collar bone, internal damage, and severe bruising on the torso. baby has a dislocated shoulder.
BABY will move on to the next round.
“absolutely devastating.”
t h e   c o y o t e                   vs       t h e   c a r v e r
the coyote is up on their toes. the carver brings both fist up in preparation. the coyote keeps to the edge of the cage and begins to circle near the fencing. the carver counter steps with equal measure. the carver approaches and swings first with a right cross. the coyote deflects the fist with their left forearm and slaps the carver upside the head with a flat right palm. the carver steps back. the coyote keeps circling. the carver swings again with a left cross. the coyote deflects with their right forearm and attempts to slap the carver with their left palm, but the carver catches the coyote’s wrist. the carver holds the wrist and brings a knee up into the coyote’s ribcage. the coyote punches the carver in the eye socket with their free fist. the carver keeps his grasp and punches the coyote in the nose with their own free fist. the coyote grabs the forearm of the carver’s arm that is gripping them. the carver hooks his leg behind the coyote’s leg and pulls it forward sharply. the coyote falls back onto their leg and pulls the carver firmly down too. there is a brief scuffle on the mat. the carver comes out on top and lands a sharp jab down on the coyote’s face. the coyote headbutts the carver and swings both elbows deep into his sides. the carver punches the coyote in the face again. the coyote attempts to roll out of the way, but the punch connects. the coyote punches the carver’s elbow. the carver drops down. the coyote rolls away. the carver reaches out to grab the coyote by the heel. the coyote trips, but grabs the fence to stay up. the coyote stomps the carver’s hand. the carver rolls to their feet. the coyote dips their shoulder and charges the carver. the carver steps out of the way and grabs the coyote by the shoulders as they pass. the carver uses the momentum to pin the coyote to the mat. the coyote is down for the count.
injuries sustained:
the coyote has a fracture in the leg, a broken nose, and a black eye. the carver has a black eye, bruising on the torso, and burns on the arm.
THE CARVER will move on to the next round.
“what a way to go down.”
s t a r                   vs       b l a c k   w i d o w
the match begins and black widow steps back to circle around the edge of the cage. star attacks first and chops at black widow’s collar with their right arm. black widow takes the blow and hooks their arm around star’s neck. black widow tightens their hold. star strikes at black widow’s arm which is choking their neck. star grabs black widow around the arm and flips black widow over their head to the ground. black widow hits hard. star runs to kick black widow. black widow rolls to evade and gets back to their feet. star kicks their foot up high and brings their heels down sharply at black widow’s head. black widow blocks it with their forearm. black widow grabs star’s foot with their other hand and pulls. star loses balances, but remains on their feet. black widow takes advantage and hooks their arm around star’s neck again. black widow then wraps their legs around star’s torso and tightens every hold. star attempts to throw black widow again and fails. star attempts to punch the weakened arm of black widow, but black widow keeps the pressure tight. star fades. star does not respond to the call for consciousness.
injuries sustained:
star has bruising around the shoulders, neck, and waist. black widow has a broken arm.
BLACK WIDOW will move on to the next round.
“to make that tactic work again, it would take a miracle or an idiot.”
h u n t s m a n         vs       o d i n s o n
the match begins as huntsman and odinson move directly toward each other. both grapple the other’s hands. huntsman has the advantage first. he forces odinson back a step and then two. odinson shifts his grasp and locks huntsman into a technical hold. huntsman tries to brute force odinson back another step. odinson plants his feet and tightens his hold. huntsman attempts to break the grasp. odinson tightens his hold. huntsman lifts his foot and kicks odinson in the stomach twice. odinson releases his hold. odinson attempts a right cross. huntsman blocks it. huntsman attempts to kick odinson in the chest again. odinson blocks it. huntsman wraps both arms around odinson and suplexes him over his head. odinson hits the mat hard. huntsman attempts to capitalize, and brings his fist down at odinson’s head. odinson narrowly moves their head so huntsman punches the ground next to it. odinson grabs huntsman arm and rolls. huntsman is forced down to the mat with their arm pinned behind them. huntsman attempts to break the hold, but odinson presses a knee to the center of huntsman’s back and forces the pressure. huntsman is down for the count.
injuries sustained:
huntsman has a broken hand, a dislocated shoulder, and severe bruising on the back and chest. odinson has a broken collarbone, a minor concussion, and moderate to severe bruising on the torso and arms.
ODINSON will move on to the next round.
“if this is what round two had, I can’t imagine what we’ll see in round three.”
DUE TO TIME CONSTRAINTS, no one will be taking the stage between these rounds. the new bout list will be posted soon. you will have almost no time to rest and get ready for ROUND THREE.
round two is finally complete. feel free to post self-paras of your character’s perspective of any fight and any events that may have happened during these matches, but please remember what is posted above is the shared canon. the next round is coming out immediately. please see that post for any further notes on how to address the event.
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adhonoremrp · 3 years
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as the last two fighters approach the cage and prepare for this final bout, CORDELIA GREENGRASS and HAYDEN HUXLEY hold the FINAL MATCH signs in the middle of the cage and slowly circle the edge of fencing for the crowd before both are seen to the door. JACKSON FLINT locks the cage door closed behind them.
b a b y                     vs          t h e   c a r v e r
the match begins. the carver braces themself. baby rolls her head back and forth to stretch the neck muscles out. the carver lifts both fists defensively. baby pulls one arm in front of their chest followed methodically by the other. the carver steps forward with intimidating purpose. baby’s head snaps up and eyes focus on the carver. the carver pauses. baby hitch kicks him square in the cleft of his chin and lands both feet down one after the other on the mat. the carver’s head whips back at an angle. baby grabs the carver by the injured forearm and twists. in a forceful, hefted step, baby propels the carver around them and back first into the fence wall. the carver recovers quickly and swings a solid right hook into baby’s cheek followed by a left jab and a right cross then combined with a left elbow across the thick of baby’s skull. baby stumbles back. the carver sticks his foot out and hooks around baby’s ankle in an attempt to trip. baby falls back on their ass. baby rolls back onto their shoulders and leaps up to their feet again. baby steps a running step forward and-
every light in the basement of acid nightclub goes dark.
the entirety of FIGHT NIGHT is cast immediately into pitch blackness. there is a beat of shocked silence. there is a realization that this is not a planned part of the customary theatrics. then there are screams. some echoing in absolute fright, some seeking to reach out and find others in the crowd, some just pure adrenaline seeking a swift exit from the unexpectedly panicked bodies. while the darkness feels like it lasts an eternity, the black out could not possibly be more than three minutes at longest. the lights are thrown again. the over-crowded cement shoe box of a room is illuminated. inside the still-locked cage, there is one obvious flaw to the scene. the referee and the carver are standing precisely where they had been when the lights went out. baby is not. baby is nowhere.
with that, fight night has come to it’s conclusion. feel free from this point on to post any threads from the time the lights went out and forward freely again. in character, everyone will have been detained for a brief search of the premises then filed out to retrieve their belongings and sent home. fighters who needed more extensive healing magic will have been seen to. the department of law enforcement has refused to comment to the situation. the event is over! we hope you enjoyed!
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adhonoremrp · 3 years
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JACKSON FLINT crosses the room and posts the ROUND THREE match list on the bulletin board.
b a b y                        vs        d a r e
m a r s                         vs       o d i n s o n
t h e   c a r v e r        vs       b l a c k   w i d o w
good luck and prepare accordingly.
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adhonoremrp · 3 years
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the drinks are pouring, the crowd has gathered, all wands have been confiscated, and the door is bolted...
on the side of acid, there is a narrow alleyway that is usually blocked by smokers and drunkards loitering around outside the club. the cobble alley boasts a small stairwell down to a padlocked basement door. a bouncer waits with arms crossed in front of the door. he collects the five galleon charge to enter and every wand on sight. they are all marked, listed, safely bagged individually into velvet draw bags and stashed into a magically sealed locker outside the venue.
inside, there is another metal staircase that leads down into a high ceiling basement that spans the length of the nightclub above it. the sound of music consistently thrums overhead shaking the already unstable lighting system. a bar lines the wall to the far left of the room. a stage is at the center back with just enough room for a microphone and maybe a small band setup. on the right are bleacher style metal seats and a door to the restrooms. scattered intermittently in the room are high standing tables and other chairs that range from folding to lounge in stature that are all facing center. in the middle there is a square fighting ring surrounded by fenced cage walls that run floor to ceiling. they appear to have an unnatural glow and are displaced, only visible to the eye when moving.
JACKSON FLINT stomps his cigarette out on the ground and crosses over to the bulletin board next to the stairs to pin up a list. fighters will have time to prepare for their bouts. they can use the time to relax, drink, warm up, talk to friends, or even get into their opponents head, but no blows until the cage doors are closed or you’re out. he nods up to the stage and a band takes up playing for now. can you feel the excitement in the air?
h o n o r                    vs       j u l y
m a r s                       vs       k i n g   t u t
d a r e                        vs       d e s   c h a m p
r o g u e                    vs       b l a c k   w i d o w
h a t t e r                   vs       t h e   d r a g o n
h u n t s m a n        vs       o p a l e y e
s t a r                           vs      t h e   r u n t
w o r m t a i l           vs      s p a r r o w
t h e   c o y o t e     vs       c a i n
b a b y                        vs      m o o d y
p a n                            vs      t h e   c a r v e r
o d i n s o n              vs      b l u e
see you in the ring.
all fighters will have about an hour IN GAME from the time the list is posted to when the first match begins to prepare. during this time all current threads will take place. they can talk to anyone involved in the night, but remember that no one has their wands available. it will last a few days until the next event post which will detail the fights and their outcomes as well as provide a list of the round two bouts. please do not post anything that would take place during or after the fights yet. essentially everyone is in preparation and competition mode as of now. those who aren’t fighting can be preparing to perform, warming up their voices, pouring and serving drinks, dancing, or simply enjoying the evening out!
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adhonoremrp · 3 years
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FIGHT NIGHT will begin on OCTOBER 10th at 10pm EST
the fighters have been confirmed, the entertainment has been arranged, and now you just have to pay the cover charge at the door. we are on the way! once the bouncer has confirmed that everyone is in for the night, all wands are confiscated, and the fighters are ready to go, the event will begin! a list will be posted then informing you of the matches and in what order they will take place. for now, there is listed below all FIGHTERS and their ALIAS which they will be using for ‘legal’ purposes. additionally, all STAFFED positions for the evening. if for any reason something has been missed, please send a message to the main so that it can be updated as soon as possible.
we can’t wait for you to join us!
their name: marlene mckinnon fighting alias: sparrow
their name: keanu flores fighting alias: king tut
their name: wren carver fighting alias: the carver
their name: cristine abbott fighting alias: black widow
their name: peter pettigrew fighting alias: wormtail
their name: alecto carrow fighting alias: july
their name: nimue mackenna fighting alias: honor
their name: estrella norwood  fighting alias: star
their name: petra ulvehud
  fighting alias: dare
their name: victoria moreau  fighting alias: rogue
their name: aeros  fighting alias: hatter
their name: mundungus fletcher   fighting alias: pan
their name: stanley fulmer    fighting alias: opaleye
their name: penny lane     fighting alias: blue
their name: savio reyes     fighting alias: mars
their name: walden macnair      fighting alias: huntsman 
their name: laure deschamps     fighting alias: des champ
their name: seraphina parkinson    fighting alias: baby
their name: dorcas meadowes     fighting alias: the coyote
their name: winnie montague    fighting alias: the dragon
their name: emma vanity fighting alias: the runt  
their name: frank longbottom fighting alias: moody
their name: adan savage fighting alias: cain
their name: thorfinn rowle fighting alias: odinson 
ANNOUNCERS & COMMENTARY: wendy fletcher, rita skeeter, ezrael hyun
REFEREE: jackson flint
BARTENDERS: reggie cattermole, alexander zabini
SERVERS: charity burbage, charlie wood
BOOKMAKER: rosalyn greyback
MEDICS: benjy fenwick, declan whitlock, mason mcelreath
ROUND CARD BIMBOS: cordelia greengrass, hayden huxley
PERFORMERS: doris purkiss, olivia ollivander
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adhonoremrp · 3 years
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the bell is ringing and it is finally time to start gearing up for
F I G H T   N I G H T
(october 10)
what is fight night?
jackson flint and seraphina parkinson regularly host an underground fight club. fight night is one of their big tournament bouts.
how is fight club different from duelling?
the first rule of fight club is don’t talk about fight club. the second rule is no magic allowed. it is a hand to hand combat only tournament. wands are taken at the door.
is this legal?
why is no one getting arrested?
seraphina’s brother is the head of the magical law enforcement department of the ministry.
who is invited?
anyone who wants to participate in fight night simply has to pay the bouncer a cover charge to enter. you could dare to sneak in at the risk of a few fists, though.
are there things to do if you aren’t fighting?
hell yes. there will be music, drinking, betting, and even more to come.
how do I sign up?
in character, they will be signing up and paying a fee with either jackson or seraphina. out of character, if you would like your character to be a FIGHTING participant in fight night, please send in to the main by OCTOBER 9th:
we can’t wait for you to join us!
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adhonoremrp · 3 years
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it is time to gather round the cage and let the fighting begin. the first match is lined up to enter the cage followed by the referee. CORDELIA GREENGRASS holds the ROUND ONE sign and walks it across the ring and promptly out the door with a wink to the crowd. JACKSON FLINT rolls his eyes and locks the cage behind her. WENDY FLETCHER, RITA SKEETER, & EZRAEL HYUN have taken a seat behind a table pushed against the side of the ring cage each with a microphone of their own. it is time to begin. AEROS ROSIER has taken the mic from the stage, he walks with purpose around the corner of the cage and crawls atop a table, knocking a glass to the floor. with a flourish of his arm, he proceeds with the introductions for the evening.
h o n o r                     vs       j u l y
the match starts out strong. both competitors leap into the fray with reckless abandon. july lashes out with the first clean blow, but recoils with a pained expression. a previous wrist injury on display. honor catches the weakness and goes to strike the wrist again with her elbow. july avoids the wrist blow with swift movement, but is unexpectedly caught with a kick to her stomach. july falls back a step, but does not lose her footing. honor turns to face july. they face off again. as honor attempts to reach for the injured wrist again, july ducks, digs her shoulder into honor’s chest, and bucks her back. honor loses her footing. july takes advantage, pinning her to the ground, and delivering two clean punches to the face. honor does not respond to the referee’s call for consciousness.
injuries sustained:
honor has a black eye, bloody nose, and busted lip. july has aggravated her previous wrist injury. she has a dark bruise on her torso.
J U L Y will move on to the next round.
"those injuries could be absolutely devastating in the next round...”
m a r s                        vs       k i n g   t u t
the match begins with whispers. both competitors remain planted on their feet. mars moves first. he’s up on the balls of his feet, knuckles prepped defensively. he steps forward. king tut, retreats. his own fists up now in defense. the two exchange blows. it appears they have both silently agreed to keep this a boxing match. king tut lands a right jab into mar’s chest. mars lifts his arm and wraps it over king tut’s arm. mars uses the momentum to pull king tut off his feet. king tut lands chest first on the mat. mars presses a knee into the base of his spine, pinning him firmly down. king tut taps.
injuries sustained:
king tut has bruising on the back of his neck. mars has sustained no injuries.
M A R S will move on to the next round.
"now that is a competitor who means business. you can just see the experience coming into play.”
d a r e                        vs       d e s   c h a m p
the match begins. dare strikes out hard and fast with a left hook to des champ’s skull. des champ falls. there is no response to the call for consciousness. dare and the referee share a look of confusion.
injuries sustained:
des champ has a minor concussion. dare has sustained no injuries.
D A R E will move on to the next round.
"what were they even doing in the ring? I think we can all say that was hard to look at.”
r o g u e                   vs       b l a c k   w i d o w
as the match begins, a strange hush falls over the crowd. rogue is tensed and ready to begin. black widow waves to the crowd as the two walk in a circle, facing each other and pacing the ring slowly. rogue runs and spears black widow into the walls of the cage. rogue rears back and rams her shoulder into black widow’s core again and again and again. black widow brings down both elbows onto rogue’s shoulders. rogue pulls back and attempts to tackle black widow again. black widow evades to the side. black widow hooks her arm around rogue’s neck in a choke hold and latches her legs around rogue’s waist tightly. black widow squeezes. rogue attempts to pull the arm from their neck. rogue reaches back and elbows black widow in the ribs. black widow screams but does not release. rogue slams black widow into the walls of the cage. black widow does not release. rogue slams her head back wildly. black widow’s head recoils sharply as the back of rogue’s head collides with her nose. black widow tightens her hold. rogue sinks down to her knees. rogue does not tap. rogue swings back again. they are both on the mat. rogue does not respond to the referee’s call for consciousness.
injuries sustained:
rogue has bruising around the shoulders, neck, and waist. black widow has a concussion, scratches on the arm, broken rib, and bloody nose.
B L A C K   W I D O W will move on to the next round.
“incredible. I could watch that ten times over.”
AEROS tosses his microphone to WENDY as he pulls the robes off his back as he enters the cage himself.
h a t t e r                   vs       t h e   d r a g o n
the crowd is buzzing with energy. the match begins. hatter throws his arms wide to the audience, but his feet remain planted in the center of the ring. the dragon paces a circle around him and drags her fingers against the cage fence. the dragon bolts towards hatter. hatter does not evade. he braces himself. the dragon spears into hatter. hatter catches the dragon by the waist. hatter steps and spin, tossing the dragon into the cage wall. the dragon hits the cage and falls to the mat with a decided thud. the dragon rolls swiftly back to her feet. the dragon launches herself at hatter again. the hatter jabs with his left fist. the dragon uses her forearm to redirect the momentum and knees hatter in the ribs. hatter falls back a step. the two enter an exchange of blows. the dragon is faster and lands more consistently. hatter hits harder, each strike counts. both have drawn blood. the dragon gets an arm hooked around hatter’s thigh and digs in her nails. she uplifts his footing. hatter uses the same leg to knee the dragon in the nose. the dragon whips her head back and retreats to the cage walls again. hatter remains in the center of the ring and waves again to the crowd. the dragon climbs the cage wall and leaps from the top. she lands on the hatter’s back. they both collapse to the ground. there is a tussle for power. the hatter comes out on top. he pins the dragon down and pounds blow after blow into her upper body. the dragon writhes and strikes viciously in an attempt to free herself. knees and shins make repeated contact with the hatter’s back. hatter grabs her arm. there is a twist, a snap. the referee calls the match.
injuries sustained:
the dragon has a broken arm, a broken finger, a black eye, and major bruising. hatter has scratch marks on his thigh, a broken rib, a bite mark on his back, major bruising, and a busted lip.
H A T T E R will move on to the next round.
“they were lethally brutal. impressive.”
h u n t s m a n         vs       o p a l e y e
the match begins. the huntsman moves immediately stepping into a right hook aimed at opaleye’s head. opaleye evades in a quick step and keeps on the move. huntsman swings again. opaleye dodges. huntsman hits the cage wall behind him. opaleye takes advantage of the opportunity and hits two quick jabs to huntsman’s chest. opaleye moves back again quickly. huntsman attempts to grab opaleye. they lock arms in a tussle. opaleye pins huntsman against the cage by the throat. huntsman rears back and headbutts opaleye. opaleye stumbles backward. huntsman connects a left uppercut to opaleye’s jaw. opaleye elbows blindly and strikes the side of huntsman’s skull. opaleye swings again, but huntsman ducks. huntsman grabs opaleye but the waist and suplexes him headfirst over his shoulder into the mat. huntsman puts pressure on the hold until there is no more struggle. opaleye does not respond to the call for consciousness.
injuries sustained:
opaleye has a broken nose, black eyes, and a minor concussion. huntsman has a broken nose, black eyes, and a broken knuckle.
H U N T S M A N will move on to the next round.
“he could throw me around.”
s t a r                           vs      t h e   r u n t
the match begins in the same moment the runt begins to run the ring. star swings quickly at the runt as they sprint past. star misses. the runt does not pause. they charge from wall to wall past star, but do not attack. star throws out a few surprised swings that do not connect. the runt is seemingly moving too fast to hit. star tries to roundhouse kick as the runt knee slides under the leg without pause. in the next passing, star attempts to tackle the runt. the runt leap frogs over star and continues their path. the runt turns sharp and stampedes star. the runt drops kicks star in the center of the chest full speed. star is forced back into the fence. the runt lands hard on their hands and feet. they jump back up and speed back into their run pattern. star steps forward again. instead of pursuing, star holds their arm out firm. the runt clotheslines into it. star takes advantage of the recoil and snakes her legs beneath the runt, tripping them hard into the mat. star puts the runt into a triangle hold. the runt taps.
injuries sustained:
the runt has bruising on the face, chest, and sternum, a busted lip, and a sprained ankle. star has bruising on the chest and sternum, and a hyper-extended elbow.
S T A R will move on to the next round.
“thinking on your feet like that will get you far in a competition like this.”
w o r m t a i l           vs      s p a r r o w
the match begins with wormtail and sparrow squaring off. sparrow jabs. wormtails dodges. wormtail lurches forward to grab sparrow’s shoulders. sparrows ducks and steps to the side. wormtail lines up against the cage. sparrow backs up and faces wormtail. wormtail taunts and gestures sparrow to come forward. sparrow runs forward. wormtail scurries away at the last moment, and sparrow collides face first with the cage. sparrow wheels around. wormtail braces. sparrow heads directly for him and punches him clean in the jaw. wormtail grabs sparrow by the shoulders and wrestles her to the ground. sparrow reverses the hold and pins wormtail into the mat. wormtail taps.
injuries sustained:
wormtail has a busted lip. sparrow has sustained no injuries.
S P A R R O W will move on to the next round.
“I could watch that again.”
t h e   c o y o t e      vs       c a i n
the match begins, and the coyote is up on her toes. cain stays to the edge of the ring. the coyote kicks at cain’s head. cain blocks the blow, but the coyote hitch kicked her other leg and connected her shin to his head. the coyote falls back onto their back and rolls back to their shoulders to springboard back to their feet. cain jabs with his right arm, then his left. both narrowly miss the coyote’s head on either side. the coyote knees cain in the side and brings an elbow down on his collar. cain pushes the coyote firmly back, but does not swing until her feet are planted. he throws a jab, a hook, and another jab. the coyote easily dodges all. the coyote punches with a left jab. cain deflects. the coyote punches with a right jab. cain deflects. the coyote throws a left elbow, a right knee, a right hook, a left uppercut. cain deflects each, but does not return a blow. the coyote spears cain. the coyote uses her knees to pin cain down. cain forces them to roll and pins the coyote down. the coyote plants both feet under his torso and kicks cain off. cain stumbles to his feet and steps back. the coyote sweeps cain’s leg. cain falls back on the mat. the coyote pins him chest down to the mat with his arm wrenched behind him. the coyote leverages her feet into the cage and presses down harder. cain taps.
injuries sustained:
cain has sustained no injuries. the coyote has sustained no injuries.
T H E   C O Y O T E will move on to the next round.
“technically, it was a good fight.”
b a b y                        vs      m o o d y
the crowd is roaring with anticipation. the match begins. baby and moody face each other. baby moves first. baby clocks moody with a solid punch in the mouth. moody steps back. he swings at baby, but it is much too high. it whiffs over baby’s head. baby ducks down and hooks moody in the core. moody punches down at her. baby rolls to evade and wraps their legs around moody’s bicep, grabbing his wrist and forcing him down to the mat. moody strains to lift baby up from the mat and slams her back down. baby does not let go her hold of his arm. moody drives an elbow into baby’s leg, and lifts baby up once more to drop them against the mat even harder. baby releases and rolls over her shoulder back to her feet. baby jumps up, bringing both knees to her chest, and stomps down on his chest with both feet. baby vaults back into a back handspring then immediately into a forward tuck and drove her knees again into moody’s chest. moody grabbed baby by hooking his arm around her legs and twisted. moody leveraged baby to the mat. moody grabbed baby by the shoulders with both hands. moody lifts baby and slams her back into the mat once, twice, three times. baby scissor locks around moody’s waist and squeezes. baby strikes with her elbow against moody’s brow. moody tries to pray baby’s legs off. moody can not pray baby’s legs off. baby jabs moody in the jaw. moody chops baby in the throat. baby releases her hold. moody rolls away. baby hops back to her feet. moody stands. moody charges baby. baby stands her ground and grapples him. both wrestle standing. moody gains the advantage and forces baby down to her knees. baby ducks her head and drives her skull into his gut then her shoulder. baby drives him all the way into the fence. moody strikes baby’s back with the greater part of his arm. baby pulls back and drives him into the fence again. moody pushes baby back by shoving baby’s chest firmly with two flat palms. baby stumbles back. moody cracks a right jab directly to baby’s eye socket. moody pulls back his fist again and cracks baby’s tooth from her mouth. baby spits blood in moody’s face. moody swings again. baby ducks. baby grabs moody’s arm and forces it’s momentum harder into the cage behind him. moody pulls his elbow sharply back and clips baby’s chin. both stumble away to regroup. baby charges moody. baby ducks her head and tackles into his knees, she wraps her arms around them and lifts, flipping him over her. moody collapses to the mat in pain. baby shifts in two quick steps to kick him sharply in the head with her heel. moody does not respond to the call for consciousness.
injuries sustained:
moody has a slipped knee, a bruised sternum, a broken rib, and a lacerated eyebrow. baby has a missing tooth, a black eye, and severe body bruising.
B A B Y will move on to the next round.
“that is why they call it a safe bet.”
p a n                            vs     t h e   c a r v e r 
the match begins. pan launches himself at the carver. he lands a left jab and right jab to the carver’s face. the carver swings with a hook. pan ducks. pan strikes a left hook into the carver’s torso, followed by a right hook, and a knee. the carver falls back a step. the carver steps forward again, and jabs pan in the face. pan’s face recoils. a cry from the microphone echoes from outside the cage to the fighter’s ears. pan turns instantly towards the noise. the carver punches again while pan is turning. pan falls to the mat. he does not respond to the referee’s call for consciousness.
injuries sustained:
pan has a black eye, and a concussion. the carver has a broken nose.
T H E   C A R V E R will move on to the next round.
WENDY drops he mic on the table before running to the cage door. her job was forgotten entirely. AEROS returns. he takes his microphone back from where it was abandoned and continues to announce as if he had never left.
o d i n s o n              vs      b l u e
the match begins and odinson walks directly at blue. blue side steps and moves to the edge of the fence. odinson does not hesitate and advances again. blue braces herself. odinson grapples her by the arms. blue kicks odinson in the thigh. they continue to grapple. blue kicks odinson in the knee. they continue to grapple. blue kicks odinson in the shin. odinson lifts blue from the mat. in a great stride and spin, odinson hurls blue into the side of the cage. blue hits the cage and then hits the mat. blue scrambles to her feet. odinson is over her. blue lands an uppercut and a hook to odinson’s jaw and cheek respectively. odinson picks her up by the arms again and steps and spins in the other direction, hurling her into the other cage wall. blue hits the wall and hits the mat. blue pushes back to her feet. odinson starts to punch blue, but blue grabs his hand. she snaps his finger back sharply. odinson hooks his other fist in a blind rage across her temple. knockout.
injuries sustained:
blue has a black eye, bruising on the back, and a dislocated shoulder. odinson has a broken finger and a laceration across the cheek.
O D I N S O N will move on to the next round.
“what a way to finish this round!”
OLIVIA OLLIVANDER will now take the stage. the new bout list will be posted soon. everyone will have another hour to rest and get ready for ROUND TWO.
round one is finally complete. feel free to post self-paras of your character’s perspective of any fight and any events that may have happened during these matches, but please remember what is posted above is the shared canon. please continue interactions leading up to the beginning of ROUND TWO fights, but don’t begin any threads past that point. it will occur in the same fashion as before.
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adhonoremrp · 3 years
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the following jobs have been posted as wanted FIGHT NIGHT positions:
bartenders || will tend bar
servers || will serve drinks and food with trays & bus anything that needs cleaned
catering || will supply the food for the evening
bookmakers || will help keep track of the betting
on site healers (no wands) || will keep the fighters in shape, but no magic is allowed on site
round card bimbo || will count the rounds
musical act & dancers || will perform between rounds
bouncers || will keep the troublemakers in line and all wands out
in character, they will have been hired by seraphina parkinson or jackson flint for the night. they will be paid at the END of the event. all gambling for the night is being facilitated by under the arch and those involved will have therefore been in contact with george calloway. bartenders and wait staff for the event was arranged by malcolm greengrass and will have been staffed by him. if you would like to have your character filling any of these specific roles, send to the main by OCTOBER 9th:
character name: role: experience:
why do that? it’s just a little world-building for the night! when the event drops, we will post a list of who is working where to help set the stage and create some new connections. if you have an idea for something that wasn’t listed here, feel free to reach out so we can work something out!
a prize has been offered for the winner of the tournament and rumor has it, that it is one of a kind. maybe even more valuable than the parkinson’s vault at gringott’s.
we can’t wait for you to join us!
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adhonoremrp · 3 years
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JACKSON FLINT crosses the room and posts the ROUND TWO match list on the bulletin board.
d a r e                         vs       j u l y
m a r s                        vs       h a t t e r
b a b y                        vs       s p a r r o w
s t a r                           vs       b l a c k   w i d o w
t h e   c o y o t e      vs       t h e   c a r v e r
h u n t s m a n          vs      o d i n s o n
good luck and prepare accordingly.
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