thekihyun · 7 years
Obviously I want to read you gush about Monsta X....
Ahhhh hello love 
And I will! It is supposed to be my favorite thing about them, but I can’t say only one thing to be honest.
I am sorry it took a while reply this, but it put me in lot of thinking here… It will be a long post, but i needed to say all of this in a long time tbh
Shownu: the first Monsta X mv I watched it was “Rush” and I must say he was the one that caught my attention in it, because how well he danced and how different he looked. I love how he can use his body to express himself, and how precise and strong is his dancing moves are. At the same time I love his shyness and his gentleness. As Kihyun stated before, his singing voice is so unique, I love it. I love how he protects the other members and how he faces the responsabily of being the leader and how the members never hesitate on saying “shownu is the leader”.
Wonho: visual, dancer, singer, co-leader, writer, producer….HE CAN DO IT ALL AND MORE. Obviously he really is handsome, sexy (ngl) and a true visual. But also, he is A LOT more than that…. I find his singing voice different from most  vocals, and he is a really great dancer, having his own spot on stuck choreo. I love the fact he co-wrote many of mx songs, and co-arranged one of my favorite songs form the code, From Zero. He doesn’t hide his love for the members, he shows how important is this family to him and protects monsta x with all his heart. He loves Monbebe and shows it every opportunity he has. He worries about the others all the time. I worry a lot that he puts himself in danger by trying to work harder than his body can handle (no mercy)….it is all so important to him he can’t fail. His reaction to MX first win summs up pretty well how he feels about his career and how he loves it…so do I.
MInhuyk: where do i even begin with this one. He owns a special spot in my heart…(I am actually a new minhyuk stan to be honest ajkhdaskd) I feel like he is really underrated (the most underrated member in mx), but he is a really talented guy. His voice is soft and perfect for slow songs, althought he does a great job in fast songs as well. I love how spontaneous, how happy and how sunshine he is. He never fails on make me feel happy when i look at a pic of him smilling. His love for the other members (specially Jooheon) is so cute and soft, but he can be pretty wild sometimes and i love savage minhyuk (hehe). There is a more serious side of him that I got me really moved, he is really scared of failing and disappoiting monbebe. He is indeed the face of the group and *fuck it* he is so damn sexy when he wants to… even really rude sometimes (ajhdkhaks) 
Hyungwon: this one is also pretty underrated. I LOVE his vocals on interestellar and hieut. I LOVE HIS VOICE TBH. He is pretty wise actually, he knows what he is saying. I love his counseling video. He is a great dancer, and the fact he is so tall makes his dance moves look pretty awesome. It is really cute how shy he is sometimes, and how he reacts to cringe moments (screams and put his hand on his face). He attacks and protects, don’t get shit from anyone. He is really cool looking, he can really wear whatever he wants cuz he will look dope anyways. DJ H.One, Bam bam bam… I feel it…. a lot, I wish it was played in some clubs here where i live, I’d certainly go out of my body. ALSO MEMES… I know some of his stans might get mad at me, but I really love his memes with all my heart. (Unpopular opinion maybe? but I love blonde HW)
Jooheon: My soft spot alongside Minhyuk. When I saw this boy in Trespass (I love Jooheon trespass era) and and Hero, I combusted. HE IS SO TALENTED IT IS ABSURD, NO WORDS CAN DESCRIBE HOW TALENTED HE IS, but we all know it since No mercy!!!  He co-writes most of mx songs, also co-produced and arranged some of them. His mixtapes are so great and I feel every line he raps, he also has a cute singing voice, which I adore. His passion for what he does is certainly a +++ on my love for him, he always gives 99999% on his performances. Force of nature, soft heart. (JOOOOOHEEEOOOOONNNNN, HONEEEYY) 
Changkyun: I LOVE HIS VOICE WITH ALL MY HEART! I honestly could listen to him speaking for hours and don’t get tired. Such a talented maknae, he works really hard in every record. I adore the  way he sings, it gets everyone’s attention. His passion for his hyung is so cute. He delt really well with how the other members treated him on No mercy, he is indeed mature for his age (I am older than him jhjahdkas) I love how he speaks english and how sometimes he messes it up. He is a nerd for science and ai love it as well because I am a scientist.
(and i left Kihyun for last… but I can’t actually convey into words how much i love him… help)
Kihyun: TALENT PURE TALENT….My singing angel, extremely beautiful voice tone, makes singing look easy. Can high pitch and turn it in a soft tone in seconds. I love his smelly dances, how he developed his dance skills, how he puts such effort on stage and REALLY LOVES MX SONGS, HE FEELS IT IN EVERY PERFORMANCE. His laugh, his nose scrunch, his little hands and his moles (yes I went that far and i don’t regret it), I love it all. He is confident but also cringes easily…. It is so hard to talk about him ***PINK HAIR***… I will just leave it here I LOVE HIM TO THE MOON AND BACK….
now i am emo and I will rewatch No mercy all over again jsahdjkahskda
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