#ahahaha *starts uncontrollably sobbing*
herbarimoon · 4 months
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Childish dreams
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shadfanfic · 1 year
You shouldn’t have done it papa! 
 Daddy! stucky x little! Reader
Summary: you trusted them but they betrayed you
Warnings:fluff!! At first and the end, mention of needless, mention of reader have to get some stitches, crying, yelling, cursing, reader has Trypanophobia but no one knew, didn’t edit it
Sorry! It got short but I really like it! Hope u like it too! 🤍
“that was a good meal huh?” Steve smiled down at you making you nod with big smile,  he start wiping your mouth and cheeks with a wet cloth making you throw your head back
 “Mm p-..papa nu more!" You tried to wiggle away 
“Okay here I’m done” steve said and pick you up and rub your back lovingly 
“Mm where’s daddy?” You put your head over steve shoulder and whisper steve lean so close to your ears and whisper knowing it tickles you when he whisper way too close to your ears
“in his morning run” steve whispered and start nibbling your ears and neck making you laugh super loudly “P-..PAPA!  AH
AHAHAHA-..” you closed your eyes shut and start squirming allot trying so hard to get out of his grip 
“woah woah why you screaming ?” Bucky came to the kitchen panting a bit with a smile on his face, he grabbed a cup start fulling it with water 
“i think winter is arriving and someone is not allowed to walk barefoot anymore” bucky said and you immediately put your head up 
“hey-.. no socks” you said with flushed cheeks cause you laughed allot 
“no talking back trouble” bucky raised eyebrows and squished both of y/n cheeks with one hand and kisses her nose 
“Mm please?” You gave bucky the biggest puppy eyes and he just smiled “then no walking if there’s no socks on these two feets” he smiled bigger when you nod excited that you well not walk!! Only be so close to your daddies in their lap all the time!.. 
After some hours you really regret making a deal with your daddy, it was too much .. the three of you couldn’t play hide and seek It was so boring, 
“stay here y/n! I’m getting us something to drink” bucky said and kissed your cheek hard too annoy u then got up
“Don’t wipe my kisses away” bucky warned playfully and walked away 
“daddy..” you said quietly and giggle when he looked at you “y/n?” He giggled too at your adorable giggles then you wipe his kiss and immediately got up and start running away giggling hard 
“OH YOUR IN A BIG TROUBLE! RUN FASTER” bucky acted angry and start chasing you making you giggle more “oh noho!!” you run faster for the backyard door 
“no! Sweetie!!-.. NOT THE-…!! “ steve wanted to yell but it was too late cause ur yelling took over his
“AHH!!-.. PAPA !!” You start yelling loudly and crying in pain you stepped into something sharp.
“Oh fuck!” Bucky picked you up in bridal style and hold you tightly while walking inside completely ignoring the fact that your bleeding foot is messing the floor 
“it’s inside!? How big it is?” Bucky panicked and steve just sighed shakingly and open his phone too call bruce
“Let’s go buck!” Steve said opening the door for bucky and immediately follow 
“i-..it hurts!! P-..please make it stop!” You were yelling uncontrollably making bucky hold your tighter 
“I know baby i know” bucky said with tears in his eyes cause of your crys 
since they started to be your caregivers they have never see like this, crying with so much panic and pain steve opened Bruce door without even knocking it only to find Bruce more than ready walking towards you three 
“What happened?” Bruce gently picked you up from bucky even tho you tried to fight but couldn’t cause you got dizzy all of the sudden 
“n-..no!” You hit Bruce weakly then
“Shh you gonna be okay” Bruce answered and walked with you in his arms to a bed and that’s when you start to panic
“m-..papa?…papa please i.. i wanna go” you put your hands up too your daddy and he just sighed feeling sad and worried why you were reacting like that?
“We have to wait here sweet girl” he rubbed your stomach trying to calm your sobs “d-..daddy?” You call and bucky immediately showed up “hey there beautiful” bucky smiled sadly at you “daddy p-..pick me up please I promise I’m not gonna walk but please! I wanna go! No needless please” you begged noticing Bruce get close to your feet “don’t touch me!” You looked at Bruce in his eyes really scared 
“Bruce is trying to help you” bucky rub your shoulder and you only looked up at them with teary eyes “J-..just no needles please” you said quietly and tear up more when you feel them hold you down, bucky and steve held you tightly back in the bed “sweetheart i need you to relax okay? I well give you a big reward if you lis-…” Bruce was talking but you immediately cut him off with your loud screams making everyone in shock 
“Bruce! Hurry the fuck up!” Bucky yelled so Bruce can hear him “okay okay..” Bruce started and you felt every single thing while you couldn’t move only screaming scared 
“Please!! LISTEN!-..*sob* I DONT WANNA!” You panicked and start yelling more as loud as you can 
“Trypanophobia?…” bucky asked shocked and bruce sighed 
“how didn’t we notice?” Steve facepalmed himself and walk too the room you were in but you immediately sat up 
“No!!” You yelled at him and throw a pillow but it barely touched steve and he leaned down to pick it up 
“Leave..nu papa is mean.”you said before another sob came out since you couldn’t control it long time ago
“Let’s talk please?” Steve walked trying to get closer but you just crawled back hitting the wall behind you and it immediately made you tear up 
“sweetie you hurted your head?” He talked quietly and walk closer and open his arms you just stayed where you are crying silently flustered with how your day is going 
“shh it’s all good” steve picked you up from under your arms and hug u tightly, you immediately warp your legs around his waist and hugged him tightly 
“W-..why p..papa why d..did you m-..make him d..do it w-..why” you talked really upset and looked at him 
He rubbed your back feeling so bad and hold you tight “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean too upset you okay? But if we didn’t help you know it might have been wayyy worse puppa, i know you were scared and i know you hate needles but we had to do something about it as fast as possible” steve wiped your tears and removed your hair from your face and you listened quietly 
“how about we go get ice cream? While i give you a back ride all the time? Huh? How does that sounds?” Steve smiled at your little shy smile and you just shock your head no “I’m sorry did she just refuse an ice cream?” Bucky came out from nowhere, his eyes were red and nose too he was clearly not liking the fact that you had to face your phobia like that “daddy?” You asked and tilted your head confused why he looks so sad “I’m sorry baby i really am” he rubbed your cheek with a sad smile “daddy i not mad” you bottom lip start shaking when you realise he was crying because of you “oh doll face no more crying everything is okay” bucky took you from steve and hugged you tightly rocking you side to side gently while hushing you 
“Shh relax baby it’s all good now, you cried allot today you must be tired” daddy said and hugged you tightly making your whole body relax and you closed your eyes relaxing more as he continues to rock you until you slept deeply with comfort in your daddy’s arms 
“she slept?” Steve said and smiled down at you “we are so lucky to have such a perfect baby” bucky smiled and kisses your forehead long 
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optimismxmagicism · 6 months
Vibe Staff Frenzy?!
(April Fools day!)
(OOC: Happy April Fools! For today, any asks sent with a 🎭 emoji will be answered with my muses having these big exaggerated emotions! Byleth will be happily laughing and smiling the whole time, while Ewan will be crying and sobbing! Feel free to embarrass them or ask weird questions, maybe these emotional surges will cause them to divulge more~)
As for why they’re like this….
“Hmm hm hmmm~” Ewan wandered into the dining hall, a subtle yet mischievous smile on his face. The place was full of its usual hustle and bustle, maybe even more than usual, the seats filled with students and faculty alike.
A little while ago the boy came across a merchant selling rare and banned magical items, which is how he ended up with a new staff. She called it a “Vibe Staff”, which had the power of messing with people’s emotions. Very rare and potentially dangerous, it seemed to be a scrapped prototype of an upgraded berserk staff. Seeing all the wonderfully naughty opportunities this presented, Ewan had immediately purchased the strange staff.
Just waving the staff around supposedly would be enough to affect every person in the immediate vicinity, though Ewan wasn’t sure what kind of emotions he’d be inflicting on others. Maybe if he thought of a specific emotion that’s what everyone would feel? Oh well, only one way to find out!
Seated in the hall as well was Professor Byleth, a Blue Lions teacher who had already caught Ewan attempting to cause trouble multiple times. Recognizing that glint in his eyes, he quietly approached the redheaded boy.
“Ewan.. what are you holding there?” He raised an eyebrow at the fact that Ewan quickly held something behind his back. “What, little old me? Nothing! Nothing at all~!” The mage replied with a singsong voice. Immediately suspicious, Byleth immediately reached for whatever Ewan was hiding, but the boy was faster, he quickly moved out of the way, and started to run in circles around the table with Byleth chasing after him.
“Ewan this isn’t funny. Whatever you’re doing, stop it.” The professor said with a stern voice, but Ewan would have none of it. “Oh come on teach, I’m just having a bit of fun! That’s all, promise!”
Ewan then quickly jumped onto a table in the middle of the hall, causing various eyes to turn to him. No better chance than now! He held up the strange staff and started to wave it around, just like the merchant instructed.
The staff started to emit a strange purple glow, temporarily blinding everyone. When the light dimmed, the results could only be described as total chaos.
Some people were sobbing uncontrollably, some were laughing up a storm and others were shouting in red-hot rage. Ewan himself could feel a deep, profound sadness well up inside him to the point he couldn’t stop crying. “I-I didn’t know I’d be.. I’d be affected too…! Waaaaahhhhhh!!!” He began to sob.
Byleth meanwhile, felt the most bizarre joy bubble within him. “Pfffw… ahaha… ahahahahaha….!!” He started to laugh, an expression on his face completely unrecognizable from how he usually was. “Ahahaha…! You… Ewan you’re in so..pfffw… so much trouble! Ahahahaha…!!” It was like his soul was being tickled against his will, the way he couldn’t stop smiling and laughing. He felt like singing and dancing all his joy out to the world! It was frankly, mortifying. “You should really turn this back! Ahahaha, this is awful! I’m so impressed though it makes me so happy!”
“Uuuuh….” Between sobs and sopping wet eyes, Ewan could barely form a sentence. “I’m soooorry!!! I don’t know.. h-how to stop thiiiiiisss!! Waaaaaahhhh! B-But the shop lady… *sniffle*… said it’s t-temporary….”
Oh dear. It seems like they need to wait it out to return back to normal…
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cringemesstickles · 5 years
What’s wrong?
Aye! I have returned UwU
I got a saimota request awhile ago. And I never did it.. so here we are. Lol
And I went a little over board and it got kinda long.. 😂
Summary- Shuichi is sad and kaito tickles him.
——————————————————————— “Shuichi..” Kaito said, voice filled with worry and concern as he looked for his upset boyfriend. Shuichi was acting strange. And when kaito approached him about it and tried to comfort him, he ran off in tears.. Suddenly he heard the sound of sobbing.
Shuichi locked himself in his room, crying his eyes out. Kaito frowned and knocked on the door. “Shuichi. Can you let me in?” His request made shuichi’s sobbing intensify. Kaito sighed. Shuichi’s sobs were ripping his heart to shreds, he hated seeing him like this.. he went to grab a pin to pick the lock.
As soon as he came in shuichi jumped and started wiping his tears away with his sleeve. Kaito sat down next to him. He hugged shuichi and let him cry in his shoulder. He didn’t mind being a tissue.. he just wanted shuichi to stop crying. Shuichi’s intense sobbing slowly turned into quiet sniffles. Kaito started rubbing his back as a soothing gesture. But instead of relaxing shuichi flinched at the touch.
“Whoa! Shu you okay?” Kaito asked concerned. “Y-yeah! You startled me..” Shuichi said. Kaito raised an eyebrow. He already knew shuichi was ticklish so shuichi might as well not even try to lie. A sudden burst of inspiration hit kaito. “Shuichi...” shuichi pulled back and looked at Kaito who was grinning mischievously.
“K-Kaito?” Shuichi grew more and more nervous. “Who’s kaito?” He said, trying to hold back his snickering. Shuichi tilted his head in curiosity, and GOD was it adorable. “I’m...” he paused for suspense..
“THE TICKLE MONSTER!!” Kaito growled and shuichi squealed. Kaito grabbed shuichi’s sides and scratched at the sensitive flesh “kahahaito noooo..” shuichi giggled and hid his blushing face in his hands. It was absolutely adorable. “Kaito yes~” He teased. Kaito decided to switch spots and scratched at shuichi’s underarms. “EEP- Nohohohho!!” Shuichi’s bubbly giggles intensified.
It was a pretty well known fact, that shuichi was ticklish. It wasn’t a secret! He’s just too sensitive for his own good. Secretly he kinda liked it. Sorry to ruin this moment but let’s get back on topic. Shuichi was giggling like crazy and his face was a cute shade of pink. Kaito decided to take a gamble and switch spots again. “Hmm.. Where else is shu ticklish?” He cooed.
*like the teasy piece of shit he is... lmao*
He fluttered his fingers over shuichi’s neck, blushing a little when it elicited squeaky happy laughter. “Kahahahaito!” Shuichi giggled. Kaito smiled a little. “Shuichi. I am not Kaito! I am the tickle monster!” Kaito tried to sound as serious as possible, but he couldn’t help the small smile, shuichi was just too damn precious! “EEP!! KAHAHA!! NOHOHO!!” Shuichi squealed when Kaito scratched at his pale belly. His laughter got so loud it startled kaito at first. But then he couldn’t help but laugh along with him. “Sweet spot?” He grinned as the teasing seemed to make shuichi squeal louder.
“You know you love it shu~” Kaito said in a teasy voice and shuichi’s face went redder then maki’s eyes. “N-NOHOHO!!” Shuichi sputtered covering his growing blush. “Are you lying to the tickle monster?” Kaito said trying to act offended. Kaito noticed every time he said tickle shuichi squirmed more. “Aww. Does it bother you when I say tickle?” Shuichi not knowing what to do frantically nodded his head yes. Kaito laughed at his hilariously cute behavior.
“You know what shu? Your so cute I think I could just eat you up!” Kaito teased, he leaned down and started to nibble shuichi’s neck. The smaller boy howled in laughter, shooting his hands up to protect his sensitive neck. “K-KAHAHAHAITO!!” He screamed as if he were about to get murdered. “Yes shu?” Kaito asked innocently, as he stopped nibbling shuichi’s neck. “Some- somewhere ehehelse!”
There it is.
“But shu shu, I thought you didn’t like being tickled?” Shuichi went wide eyed. “I-I dont..” shuichi said nervously. Kaito raised an eyebrow. “Shuichi It doesn’t take a genius to tell. You haven’t told me to stop once.” Kaito smirked, watching shuichi go scarlet red. Shuichi groaned, pretty much admitting defeat. “Shuichi you know I won’t judge you. I think it’s adorable.” He said as he gave shuichi a poke to the tummy, making shuichi squeak and protect himself. “N-nohohoho..” he let out some giggles and covered his bright red face.
“Well lucky for you shuichi, I’m not stopping until you tell me what’s wrong. You don’t seem to wanna tell me, so we might be here awhile.” He dug his fingers into shuichi’s pale belly, causing laughter to bubble out of shuichi’s mouth uncontrollably. “AH! KAHAHAITO!! NOT THERE!!” Shuichi was in hysterics at this point. “Somewhere else?” Kaito teased, knowing he would get a flustered response. “Mahahaybe..” “Well shuichi.. There is another spot I still need to tickle~” shuichi was curled up in kaito’s lap, so Kaito had easy access to his feet. He just had to reach down aaand..
There it is!
“Wahahahait! K-Kahahaito!” Shuichi giggled and curled his toes. “Yeeees?” Kaito asked innocently as he gently scratched the sole of shuichi’s foot. “It tihihickles..” Did shuichi really think it was necessary to say that? Cause it was extremely obvious. “No way! I bet you I can make it tickle even more~”
Uh oh..
Kaito harshly clawed at shuichi’s sensitive feet, earning a loud squeal followed by hiccups and giggles. It was way to cute! “KAITO NOHOHO!!” Ok. Shuichi has had enough. “N-NO MOHOHORE!” He pleaded finally. “You know how to make it stop shu.” That he did..
“FIHIHINE I’LL TELL YOHOHOU!!” Shuichi screamed. Kaito immediately halted his assault. The smaller boy let out some residual giggles as Kaito waited patiently for an explanation. “So shuichi. What has you so upset?” Kaito said giving shuichi a.
‘Tell me the truth or I’ll tickle the shit out of you’
Shuichi really.. didn’t wanna tell Kaito, so as a solution he tried something else. “A-Actually.. I don’t really remember? I think I forgot..” bullshit..
“Shuichi...” Kaito’s tone had that stern voice that a parent would use when they caught there child doing something there not supposed to. “You and I both know that’s not true.. just tell me what’s really happening. You can trust me.” Shuichi sighed in defeat. “I-I’ve been having really bad dreams recently...” shuichi started. “A-And they always e-end with you getting hurt..” shuichi sniffled, starting to get teary eyed. Kaito could feel his heart shatter, shuichi didn’t deserve this. He deserved happiness and happiness only. But that’s what Kaito is for. “Shuichi.. It’s ok. Nothing bad is gonna happen to me.” He cuddled shuichi, holding the sniffly boy in his arms. “Now you better stop crying. Or your gonna make someone angry.” Shuichi cocked his head to the side in confusion.
“W-Who?” He wiped his tears away.
“The tickle monster!!” He exclaimed, it hasn’t even been that long and he was already back into his tickle monster character. Shuichi’s feet were in the exact same place as before, so Kaito has to take advantage of that. “EEP- Kahahaitooo!!” He squeaked as sweet bubbly giggles filled the room once again. Kaito was scratching the other boys foot ever so lightly, occasionally fluttering his fingers over his toes. “What’s wrong shuichi? Are you a little bit ticklish?” Aside from tickling, teasing was shuichi’s biggest weakness. And Kaito was pretty damn good at it.
“Nohohohoo!” Shuichi was a giggly mess in kaito’s arms. He looked so fucking cute! His cheeks were dusted a bright shade of red. His blushy nose was all scrunched up. And he kept shoving his face in kaito’s shoulder to muffle his giggles. (Which was barely effective.)
“Ohh!! Your right shuichi! Your not a ‘little’ ticklish. Your VERY ticklish!” Getting bored of his feet, Kaito decided to make up a game. “Okay. I’m gonna close my eyes and put my hands somewhere random, whatever my hands land on well- I won’t spoil the surprise.” Shuichi didn’t like the sound of this.
Kaito closed his eyes and kinda moved his hand’s around to try and lose track of where they went. They ended up poking shuichi’s belly causing shuichi to giggle. “Well shuichi, looks like I’ve got your sensitive tummy~” Kaito cooed, and then dug into the sensitive skin. “Nohohoho t-teasing! Ahahahaha!” Shuichi buried his face into kaito’s shoulder to muffle his giggling. “Why not? It makes you all embarrassed. And you look adorable when your embarrassed~” shuichi swore he was gonna die.. but he never told Kaito to stop. Tickling just made him happy!
Kaito could see shuichi struggling to breathe, so he decided one more thing then it’s over. “Oh my god babe. Your so ticklish. One more thing then I’ll lay off.” Kaito laughed at his lovers cuteness. “Okahahahay.” If being cute was illegal, shuichi would have a life sentence, Cause he is way to cute! Anyway.. back on topic
Kaito lifted shuichi’s shirt up, and blew a raspberry on his pale belly. Shuichi howled. “AHAHAHA! K-K-KAHAHAHAITO! ST- ST- STAHA!” Shuichi couldn’t even form proper sentences. That’s how Kaito knew it was time to stop.
Shuichi panted and hugged his midsection. “Why are you still laughing?” Kaito asked.
“I-It.. *hic* still ti- *hic* tickles..” He hiccuped. “You are so precious. You know that?” Kaito chuckled and gave shuichi a kiss on the nose. Not long after, Kaito had shuichi curled up in his lap, fast asleep.
Another successful cheer up!
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qqueenofhades · 6 years
I was catching up on your (many) new fics & I had the sudden image of the awesome foursome getting back from a mission & Iris is chilling next to Jiya waiting for Garcia. Something they did brought Iris back but not Lorena which makes them all very ?? but also IRIS!! So the team keep fighting Rittenhouse with this small human living with them & I'm just, very emo about it & blame you. Feel free to write a little thing if you're so inclined (or big thing whatever i'm not the boss of you).
Ahahaha. Well. This ended up being 25% cute and 75% pain, which is… probably not what you were looking for, but then again, you did ask me, and we know I can be a cruel mistress. So. Have some feelings on Flynn + his choice to leave his family + his general shock + Garcy angst + etc. Let’s just pretend this is the end of 2x07, even though it won’t be.
Summoning @extasiswings, @prairiepirate, and @lucys-preston to share in the pain, as usual.
Everyone has never been more ready to get out of the Lifeboat in their lives by the time they’re landing back from 1919. It has been, to say the least, extremely tense with Rufus, Wyatt, Flynn, and Lucy navigating their first mission as a foursome, especially with Wyatt and Flynn determined to out-snark the other, Lucy and Flynn both dragging Wyatt, and Rufus clearly wondering if it would be that detrimental to the cause if he accidentally murdered them all. They have managed to make sure that women still get to vote, with a very unexpected assist from Emma, but they’ve all been unable to shake the feeling that that favor is going to come with a pointed sting in the tail. What if they get back and Rittenhouse has changed something else, arranged a nasty surprise, or – who knows, they’re evil, it could be anything? Not that the team needs it. They’re still glaring at each other as they undo their seatbelts and the door cycles open, practically tripping over everyone’s legs in their haste to get out. They start down the stairs. Jiya and Jessica are waiting for them, as usual. And –
What the hell?
Flynn, the first one down the steps, stops dead in his tracks, so that everyone nearly boomerangs off his back. Then they look, and can’t blame him for his confusion. There’s a young girl, about eight or nine years old, sitting next to Jessica and hugging her around the waist, looking cautious but expectant. She has honey-brown hair that is starting to turn darker, held back with a pink headband, and long, skinny legs in striped tights. At a nudge from Jessica, she stands up, examining the frozen time team critically. Then she says, “Hi, Daddy. You’re late.”
Wyatt briefly looks thunderstruck, as if he might have somehow returned to not only just a wife but a child, but then he, and everyone else, realizes that the girl is looking at Flynn. Flynn himself has turned into a total statue, mouth half-open, eyes stunned and anguished and desperately disbelieving all at once. He snaps his mouth shut, opens it again, tries for a word, and can’t. Then he manages, “…Iris?”
The girl frowns.  “Yes?”
Flynn remains where he is for a moment longer. Then he unfreezes, practically runs down the stairs, and straight past Iris, Jiya, and Jessica, barely looking where he’s going as he blunders down the corridor and out of sight. Wyatt, Lucy, and Rufus stare after him, as while yes, it’s shocking to return and have another lost loved one appear, at least it isn’t the first time. “Wait,” Rufus sputters. “Wait, is that his – that’s his daughter?”
“Yes?” Jiya frowns at him. “She’s been here for the last month?”
“No, she definitely hasn’t.” Wyatt, despite his anger at Flynn, is clearly the only one who can guess what might be going through his head. “She was – she was still dead when we – “
Lucy glares at him, as if reminding him to maybe not say that in front of a nine-year-old, and Wyatt shuts his mouth smartly. Then he glances around with a rather hopeful expression. “So, is her mom here too?”
“No,” Jiya says, still frowning. “We only found out she was alive and had been taken in by some orphanage like… six weeks ago, remember? So we went and got her and – I’m guessing by your faces that wasn’t the case when you left.”
“No,” Lucy confirms at last. “When we left, she and Lorena were… not here.”
Wyatt glances around one more time, as if he’s still really hoping that Lorena is somewhere, and he can get to see Flynn struggle with the same situation he was forced into, maybe mess it up just as much. There is a very awkward silence. Flynn still hasn’t returned, it does appear to be just Iris, and – was this Emma’s version of paying them back? A poisoned favor? Maybe trying to get Flynn to quit the team – as they proved almost from the get-go, they were dead in the water without his intelligence on Rittenhouse, and they’re definitely going to hurt if they lose him now? Figured that if all the team really wanted was their loved ones, give them strategically back and kill their motivation? But can it be bad, can it be wrong, if they do?
“Where did Daddy go?” Iris asks at last, shyly. “Is he not happy?”
“I’m sure he’s very happy,” Lucy says automatically. “It was – a tense mission, that’s all, he was probably just a little… a little startled. I’ll go find him, all right? I’ll be right back.”
Wyatt makes a move as if to grab her arm, or otherwise prevent her, and Lucy glares at him until he backs off. Then, still in her 1919 clothes, she hurries down the corridor after Flynn, wondering what on earth she is going to say. She hates herself for the brief spark of relief in her stomach that Lorena isn’t here – if it was awkward with one dead wife returning, two would be more than anyone could handle. But how could she think that? She knows how much Flynn wants them alive again, how he hasn’t given up hope of saving them. But that’s different than thinking that he could go back to them, or that he wants to. Yet they can’t just put Iris back out on the street, especially if Lorena is still dead and Flynn is her only living parent. He never counted on saving only one of them. It was always both.
“Flynn?” Lucy reaches his room and knocks tentatively on the door. “Flynn? Are you in there?”
No response, but she can hear choked breathing. It’s his right to be alone now if he wants to be, but after a pause, she pushes the door open anyway.
Flynn is sitting on the bed in his black suit, head in his hands, shoulders heaving in a silent, breathless, uncontrollable way that worries Lucy, until she realizes that he’s crying. She feels as if she’s walked in on him doing something far worse, because she’s never seen him look half this undone and vulnerable and shaken to his very core. She could shut the door and pretend she hasn’t seen it, but instead she hesitates, then walks over to perch gingerly on the bed next to him. “Flynn?”
He tries to answer, can’t get words out, and rubs both hands over his face. He stands up, then sits down, then stands up again, pacing back and forth. Finally he says croakily, “Is it – actually her?”
“I don’t know,” Lucy says carefully. “We don’t know her. You’d have to see. It… seems like it is.”
“She’s nine.” Flynn stares at the wall. “She was five. When she was killed. She’s lived four years somehow, lived four years – what, in an orphanage, is that what they said? Thinking that both her parents were dead, the way I thought – the way I knew! – she and Lorena were? We found her and brought her here? Who brought her? She – she can’t stay. She has to go.”
“Flynn.” Lucy reaches for his hand, trying to pull him back to sit next to her, but he doesn’t let her take it. “I know you said you’d walk away if you got your family back, but if Lorena isn’t here – you’d – what, send her back to the orphanage? She must have just been trying to get to know you again after that separation. You can’t – you can’t just – let her go.”
Flynn looks at her bleakly. Both of them must hear the echoes of her hanging on his arm in 1780, sobbing that he could still be a father, he still could – but only if he didn’t do this final, unforgivable thing, and kill John Rittenhouse, an unarmed, terrified child. At last he says, “It’s Wyatt who thinks he can bring his family to the bunker, and everyone else just has to live with it. Not me.”
“Everyone here thinks she’s already been here for a month. I’m sure Rufus won’t mind. I don’t. And Wyatt – he – he can’t really object to you having your daughter here if he brought his wife, he – “
Flynn snorts, as if to say that the one thing that is decidedly not constraining or influencing his decision in this matter is what Wyatt Goddamn Logan thinks. Then he says, “Denise’s family is still living on the outside, aren’t they? They have some sort of protection. We can send Iris there. She’ll be happier than she is living in this – here. Or we can just – ”
“Garcia.” Lucy reaches out again and manages to grab his hand this time. “Garcia, don’t send her away. Don’t. Don’t send her away. Rittenhouse could change their minds, they could come after her again, they – I know, I know you don’t feel like you could be her father, but at least ask her, at least – “
Flynn rubs his eyes. Another pause. Both of them can sense that at least part of Lucy’s desperation comes from the fact that it’s now been two rounds of miraculously restored loved ones, and still no Amy. That she can’t (and wouldn’t) counsel Wyatt to leave Jessica, and even less can she stand to see Flynn walk away from Iris. That if it was her, if it was Amy there to greet her when she walked off the Lifeboat, there would be no question of her not staying. That she knows how Flynn has come to think otherwise, but she still can’t stand it.
“I can’t,” Flynn says at last. “I – she needs to go. She needs to go to Denise’s family. That’s what’s best.”
“Don’t you want to look at her first?” Lucy’s voice, despite her best efforts, cracks a little. “Not even once?”
From the expression on Flynn’s face, he would give his entire world to do that, but he doesn’t know if he has the strength. Just as he’s trying to muster himself up for a response, there’s another timid-sounding tap at the door. “Daddy?”
Flynn turns into a statue once more, head turned away, as Lucy glances at him, glances at the door, sees that he’s not going to get it, and gets to her feet. She opens it instead. “Hey, honey. Hi. You – do you know who I am?”
“You’re Lucy,” Iris says. “You and Daddy are friends.”
This is true, though there’s a certain tilt to her head as she says it that makes Lucy suspect that at nine, this clearly whip-smart girl already wonders if there’s something else to it. She’s not the very young child that Flynn remembers; if she’s been living in an orphanage for several years, thinking her parents are dead, she’s probably had to grow up fast, and there might not be the same sweet softness in her as before. There’s a pause as they continue to look at each other. Then Iris peers past Lucy into the room and says, “Daddy?”
Another shudder runs down Flynn, but he doesn’t quite turn his head.
“Daddy?” Iris sounds frustrated. “Daddy, why are you being so stupid?”
Lucy thinks that, God love him, this is often a merited question when it comes to Garcia Flynn. Iris walks past her and over to Flynn, then taps insistently on his shoulder until he glances up, eyes almost drowned in tears. Even sitting on the bed, he’s still taller than her, and he obediently tilts his head down to look her in the face. He closes his eyes and almost can’t seem to stand it.
“Daddy,” Iris says. “Are you mad at me for eating those cookies before you left?”
Flynn opens his mouth, then shuts it. He heaves a strangled gasp of a sigh that cracks at the very end. “No, draga. No. I am not mad about that. No.”
Iris glances at him shyly, biting her lip, still half expecting to be punished, shuffling her feet. “Where did you go?” she says, looking at his suit. “Was it fun?”
“F…” Flynn could probably think of many words for their adventures, but that would not be one. He blinks, clearly boggled. “Do you know about – what I do?”
“You’re a time traveler.” A proud little smile crosses Iris’ face, as if other kids have fathers who are insurance adjusters or car salesmen or middle managers or burger flippers, but she has one who outdoes them all. “You fight bad guys in the past. That’s what you were doing for me and Mommy.”
Flynn lets out an unsteady chuckle, which cracks again. “I suppose. Yes.”
“So?” Iris persists. “Where’d you go?”
“We… went to 1919,” Flynn says. “We were making sure women got the right to vote. Which we did, yes, so that’s good. Now, I – I think you need to maybe get your things, and we’ll get you ready to go to – “
“Go?” Iris frowns. “Go where?”
“We decided that you were going to live with Mrs. Christopher’s wife and their kids, remember? Before – before I left.”
Iris cocks her head and gives him the patented A Flynn Smells Bullshit look. “No, we didn’t.”
“Yes, we did,” Flynn persists doggedly. “We definitely discussed it.”
Iris’s chin begins to quiver. “No, we didn’t.”
Lucy clears her throat. “Garcia.”
Flynn glances up at her, even as his hand has hovered over Iris’s shoulder without quite touching her, as if the instant he knows she’s real, he’s going to crumble. He said to Lucy that he’d let Iris jump into his arms one time, if he ever saw her again, but it appears he can’t even stand to do that. “Iris,” he says. “Iris, you – you’ve been apart from me for four years. I thought you were – never mind. I’ve never stopped looking for you, but I’ve done – I’ve done very bad things. I – many of them. I’m – I don’t think I can – I think it’s best that we don’t live together anymore. Okay?”
Iris reaches out and grabs his face in both her hands. “Daddy,” she says decisively. “You’re saying a lot of really stupid things right now.”
Despite herself, Lucy chokes on a painful giggle – yes, this child is a Flynn, all right. Brutally honest in all situations, no time for nonsense or other people’s feelings, and refusing to sway from what she’s made her mind up on. For his part, Flynn’s heart seems to have given out a little when Iris touched him. He raises one hand to cover hers, then the other. Gently peels her small hands free, swamped in his larger ones, as he’s clearly about an inch from a total breakdown. “Ir – Iris – ”
“I’m not going,” Iris says, half a sob. Fat tears start to roll down her cheek, and she stamps her foot. “I’m not going, I won’t go, I won’t go. Please. Please, please, please. Daddy, don’t, don’t make me go. I want to stay, I want to stay here, I don’t – please! I don’t want to go!”
Flynn flinches as if he’s been shot. His hands are visibly shaking where they are holding hers, as Lucy wonders if she should step in, but still feels this is something they’re going to hash out on their own. Flynn starts to get up, and Iris throws her arms around his waist, clutching him desperately. “NO!”
At that, Flynn throws half a panicked look at Lucy, as if actually expecting her to step in and drag his hysterical daughter away from him. Both of them are at a loss, until there’s a second knock. From outside, Jessica’s voice says, “I’m sorry if I’m interrupting, but is everything okay in there?”
“Jessie, he’s trying to make me go!” Iris wails. “He’s trying to make me leave!”
There’s a pause. Then the door opens, revealing Jessica Logan with a confused and almost angry look on her face. “Excuse me, he what?”
“Look, this is – “ Flynn is looking even more distraught. “You don’t – “
“I’ve figured out that things were different before you left,” Jessica says firmly. “I get that. But look. I remember that she’s been with us for a month, and I like her. If you don’t think you can do it, for whatever reason, then fine. Obviously, I’ve been in a weird position with all this myself. I know it’s a lot to get your head around. But if I’m living here, so is she. I’ll take care of her. Clear?”
Flynn looks mildly stunned, as does Lucy. Iris, still sniffling, detaches herself from her father’s waist and runs to Jessica instead, and both Flynn and Lucy stare at it for a long moment. Garcia Flynn’s daughter hugging Wyatt Logan’s wife, because somehow they’ve succeeded (or Rittenhouse has) in that. Jessica rests her hands on Iris’s shoulders and glares challengingly at Flynn, who appears to have nothing to say. Finally he manages, “You… don’t mind?”
“No,” Jessica says simply. “Clearly, I don’t. You think about whether you do. Come on, Iris. I bet I can find a few more of those cookies.”
With that, she gently shepherds Iris away, the door shuts behind them, and Flynn and Lucy are left alone, still completely gobsmacked. Finally Flynn turns and says, “I should… get changed.”
This is clearly a hint that he wants Lucy to leave, so after a moment, she nods and does so, stepping back out into the hall. She doesn’t leave, however, waiting until he emerges in sweatshirt and cargo pants and looks surprised to see her. “Lucy – ”
“Just…” Lucy doesn’t know what she’s trying to say. It’s not in any way her fault that Lorena didn’t come back too, she still feels guilty over the brief relief, and she knows he must be struggling. “Leave it. For now. All right?”
Flynn looks as if he isn’t sure, but after a pause, follows her down the hall to the kitchen. Jessica has gotten Iris calmed down, Wyatt is clearly at a bit of a loss for words himself, and everyone’s heads turn at the sight of Flynn, waiting for some sort of continuing meltdown. Iris hunches her shoulders. Rufus and Jiya exchange glances. Finally Rufus says, “So… if you’re going now… that’s cool and all, and I’m actually like 12% sorry to see you leave, but – ”
“I’m not leaving.” Flynn’s voice is rough, and he clears his throat. “The job isn’t done. The fight isn’t over. Rittenhouse is still out there. I’m not going anywhere.”
Rufus blinks. It has clearly not occurred to him that Flynn would feel a shred of loyalty to the team after he’s gotten back at least half of what he was in this war for, and it startles him. “You’re not?”
“No.” Flynn blows out a breath. “I’m staying.”
Wyatt also opens his mouth, then shuts it. There is another long pause. Flynn and Wyatt both glance at Iris and Jessica, then back at each other, and something at last, unspoken, passes between them. Then Wyatt nods stiffly and excuses himself, as Lucy looks back at Flynn. So does Iris.
“Daddy,” Iris says. “Please.”
Flynn rubs both hands over his face. At last he says, “You can stay for tonight. Then we’ll talk about this again tomorrow.”
“But I – “
“I said tomorrow, Iris.” He looks at her as if he still can’t get enough, he can’t stop, he can’t believe every breath she draws, and yet, he is by no means reconciled to any idea that he can do this forever, that he has anything beyond days, or hours. Sand in the glass, running short. Passing, passing, time that cannot be gotten back. Lost, lost, lost.
Garcia Flynn gazes at his daughter for a final moment. The heartbreak, the pride, the love, the devastating grief in that look is so raw that Lucy can feel it in her own chest, coiling around her heart like thorns. He holds it an instant more. Then, quietly, he turns on his heel, and goes.
86 notes · View notes
moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Hey Coon! Idk if you have already gotten a message from me, I was on mobile and the app crashed :°D so I'm writing again just in case. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and ask how you're doing! Soon I'll be free from exams and will catch up with stuff, including your fics. Also, you made me read Corqi for the first time and wtf, I love it. I've been reading Among Ruins and idk if you saw my comment, but I want to say it again: you've done a great job with that angst, ahah (*uncontrollable sobs*)
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*will force self to reboot under the cut hnhgfhg*
YOU’RE KILLING ME WITH ALL YOUR SWEET EXISTENCE. ALL YOUR KINDNESS. I still haven’t properly thank you for the you know what you did in PMs, I just- have taken so long because life has either smacked me with stuff to do or I don’t feel I have the proper words or energy to thank you as I want to do it, it’s really still so beyond me and so mindblowing, I still can’t believe it… OTL
Anyways, buddy, off to answer your message!!
Do you mean Tumblr ate a previous ask??? fUCK, FUCK- LISTEN-
If you sent a previous ask, it never made it in!! But if you mean in PMs, yes, it’s there!! Just as I said, and I’m sorry because of how stupid it sounds, but I’ve been waiting when I have the appropriate energy to reply to you as you deserve. I’ve let my conversations pile up and I thinkt hat answering the short ones one by one is easier so to not let them pile up, but they keep piling OTL 
So that’s why I haven’t replied. Yours is one of my prettiest conversations and one that I value a lot so I’ve been trying to answer as it deserves, not just with a random “lol kay”, it’s just…taken me a while OTL
So yes! No asks from you other than these two, and the PMs are there, and I hope to answer soon!
If you meant the comment on AO3, it was there too!! Just exactly the day that you dropped this ask I was going to (and actually did) answer that AO3 comment!!! It was a TREASURE! 
The reason behind it is, the early morning (some hours before you dropped the comment) got very bad for me. Some silly thing here in Tumblr that brought me down on the dumps. I don’t know if you saw it, but there was a week I was like…grey? Like not answering with my usual bubbliness. It was because of what happened, I was trying to contain myself (long story short, some people out of fandom found me via another post, and started making fun of my bubbly and toddler-like attitude when I reply to some posts OTL So I felt embarrassed and observed, like people were clicking my username just to spy and see what I was doing and what else I said hnngnhg).
So yeah, that and another little but diverse things made (have made) of the past 2 weeks sort of messy and miserable in a funny way, hahaha, you know, like the little things such as you’ve got soap on your hands and water runs out, etc. Nothing serious, but it still didn’t help OTL
So just like your PMs, because your AO3 comment was SO MEANINGFUL to me and an absolute treasure, I was trying to be back to my happy self before I replied. That’s why it took me like 10 days to reply! I’m so, so sorry!!! :(
It’s so so so SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO beautiful to hear from you again!!! I promise to get back to PMs soon so we can talk more often, but yes, it’s so nice and dear to see you around again. It makes me SO HAPPY to see you around, you have no idea. You’re a good friend to me and I value you a lot, so it makes me ECSTATIC to hear from you. Thank you so much for saying hello. ❤
I’m doing okay! I’ve healed really good. As said, just minor struggles like silly one-sided crushes and the soap on the hands, dammit, but that’s okay! I’m healed, there’s food in the fridge, I have my puppo doggo and my family, and life is pretty despite the little bumps in the way :3
What about you, my dear friend? Have you been well? Doing alright and sleeping nice?
Hooray for soon being done with exams!!! It hasn’t been THAT long since you dropped this ask, but are you done now? Or not yet? Either way, I wish you the BEST and greatest of success in your exams, buddy!! I know you’re going to do/did phenomenally FANTASTIC. It feels like you work very hard in what you do, so I have no doubts you’ll do great!! Sending you the MOST LUCKIEST AND MOST MAGICAL, HAPPIEST RACCOONIE VIBES FOR SUCCESS AND GOOD RESULTS!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
*mentions Corqi*
“you made me read Croqi for the first time and wtf I love it”
Aah, buddy!!!! I know I said it already over in AO3, but the fact that you decided to give Corqi a chance? With one of MY fics!?!?!?! IT’S SO WONDERFUL, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HYSTERICALLY HAPPY THAT MAKES ME KALSJDKALJF ;A;
Buddy, I have literally NO idea how to thank you enough or properly NO IDEA. Zero clue, I have no way on this earth to thank you enough or to let you know how excited all this makes me feel, aaah. Among Ruins specifically is a long story that can come off as boring to many, usually rarepairs do much better with short little ficlets to catch the attention. So the fact that you decided to give the pair a go with the longest fic there is for it? Holy celestial moogles, buddy, that is- so incredible, I have no way to put it in words.
Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I know I may sound repetitive from what I said over in AO3, but really, the fact that you decided to give both the pairing and that specific fic a go jsut because I’ve been talking about it, thatmeans a lot to me, like you have no idea. I already had enough with not knowing how to thank you for the ko-fi, I’m entirely CLUELESS right now. Your support is really…mindblowing and doesn’t fit in my head. I’m not sure I’ve processed it at all, it’s truly mindblowing and leaves me speechless!!
Thank you. I can’t and won’t say it enough times so you feel it. Just thank you. For all your beautiful support. Thank you for giving Corqi and Among Ruins a chance, it really really means a LOT to me! I was very scared it would have poor reception, but it’s done good enough, and the fact that you started reading it and that you’re enjoying? It feels like one of the most exquisite victories I’ve had. I know it’s just fanfiction, but it’s still writing, it’s MY writing, and it means a lot to me that you gave it a chance…
Buddy, thank you so much. Your support is so huge, it doesn’t fit in my heart. I have no way to give you back all the mountain of love and support you’ve given me, I try but it just feels like every pebble I give you, you return as a mountain aaah!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’m SO happy that you decided to give it a chance!! I have a lot of future plans for that fic, and I’m really excited to write it all, so it means a lot that you’re enjoying of it. :’)
Thank you so much for thinking I did well on the angst, too!! In all honesty I don’t think I made justice to chapter 6 at all, as it’s more a cinematographic in my head and I don’t think the way I put it into words was enough hnhngfnhfg, but it had a good reception so I’m very happy that you people could capture the sadness of the moment!!!
Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m happy I did well on the angst! It was basically the…core of the story? Like the roots. What gives sense tothe rest. So it was important to me that it turned out okay, and I’m happy you think it did. Thank you so much, it gives me so much confidence and makes me so happy
Also, thank you lots for giving Corqi a chance!! I did say as half-a-joke half-a-statement that I was going to drown everyone in Corqi, I just didn’t think I would get to do it ahahaha! I’m happy you’re onto the ship now, though. It’s good to have you here!
I do hope to hear from you soon again, Purrrkwood, buddy!!! You’re a delight to read and a joy to talk with, I could never get tired of your presence. Gods, thank you so much for taking the time and effort of writing to me, you have no idea how happy you’ve made me. :’)
But anyways, that’s it, buddy!! Thanks a lot for everything again, and sorry it took me a while to answer!!
AND OF COURSE I’VE BEEN SENDING YOU THE MAGICAL VIBES!!! Even if I don’t answer straight away, I read my asks as soon as I see them there, and do pay attention. So you can bet all seven rings of my tail that I’ve been sending you SPONGEY SQUISHY MAGIC VIBES. Have they worked?
Even then, I do am gonna send more now because there’s something magical about seeing them written, sO HERE I GO
C H A R G I N G    U P … .… …
A L L 
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Aah…. I’m ded.
bUT THAT’S OKAY! I’ll recharge the magic later so don’t worry about the maccoonie! :D
I just hope the stressful times can ease and calm down, buddy!!! You deserve happy and good times. I hope school treats you nicely, and life even better. Sending you all the magic not just for luck and success, but also they contain all the raccoonie love this maccoonie feels for you, so I hope that if it fixes nothing, you can at least cheer up!
If you need more magic, you tell me, okay, buddy!? (ノ´ヮ`)ノ
Lots of hugs back to you!! All the squishy, fluffy raccoonie snuggles, have them askldjalkfj, ALL OF THEM aaah!
I hope you’re having a BEAUTIFUL day or night, buddy! Thanks a lot for everything, and lots of hugs back to you!! ( ´ ▽ ` )
5 notes · View notes
tagged by @agatharja
first rule: tag 9 people you want to get to know better! You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to! :)
... my anxiety won’t let me tag anyone because i’m afraid i’d be bothering them
second rule: Bold statements that are true
- I am 5'7 or taller (i fucking wiiiiiiiiiiiiiish)
- I wear glasses (i’m meant to but i don’t because they get dirty and that bothers me)
-I have at least one tattoo
- I have at least one piercing (6 distributed around my ears and 1 nose)
- I have blonde hair
- I have brown eyes
- I have short hair (hells yeah boi)
- My abs are at least somewhat defined (bitch i wish, fuck off)
- I have or had braces
- I love meeting new people
- People tell me I am funny (ppl tell me nothing. also i never speak out loud)
- Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine (i mean i’d like to but i have no idea what to say)
- I enjoy physical challenges
- I enjoy mental challenges
- I am playfully rude to people I know (i mean kinda sometimes? idk)
- I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it 
- There is something I would change about my personality (everything i would love to not be a bland robot)
- I can sing well
- I can play an instrument (i can sort of play ukulele and guitar. and ocarina i guess lol. i also took recorder lessons when i was in primary school. now that was a bad time)
- I can do over 30 pushups without stopping (lol no)
- I am a fast runner (actually i can sprint really fast but for only like 10 seconds)
- I can draw well
- I have a good memory (HAHAHAHAHA NO)
- I am good at doing math in my head
- I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute (i used to when i was like a teen but my asthma and stuff has gotten real bad since then)
- I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling (idk probably i mean see aforementioned unbolded good memory i can’t even remember two days ago at all i must have beaten 2 people at arm wrestling. i mean i know i’ve wrestled the arm)
- I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch
- I know how to throw a proper punch (well i mean i can do a karate punch. you start with your fist closed and facing up, held next to like your hip and your elbow’s like pointed back, and then you thrust forward and up a bit and twist your fist down inwards, so you end up with it at chest level. idk)
- I enjoy sports (i feel like eventually i will end up watching something like women’s soccer or women’s basketball, because i am a pathetic virginal gay that can’t talk to and is unattractive to girls)
- I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else (i tried out for soccer twice. since i’m a fatass they didn’t go well)
- I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else (i was in primary school i have no idea why i think it’s cuz my grandma wanted me to be? but it wasn’t all bad i mean one time we went to like a choir competition and the conductor called me a boy so that was neat as fuck. man i got called a boy a lot when i was a kid it was fucking heaven compared to now, assholes calling me ma’am and shit man get fuckt)
- I have learned a new song in the past week (what does this mean? like to play on an instrument? bitch i can’t even concentrate long enough to learn Honeybee by Steam Powered Giraffe i just get discouraged and shit)
- I exercise at least once a week (listen i intend to rectify this and go swimming every day, now that i finally realised like last year that i actually have fucking dysphoria and that’s why i hated wearing swimsuits (aside from because i’m fat as shit and disgusting to witness in a fucking onepiece like what the fuck were my parents fucking thinking making me wear shit like that when i’m obese as sin) i’m gonna get board shorts and a rashguard and wear one of my less liked binders and it’ll be so fucking good)
- I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months (fuck off i’m not leaving my house in fucking summer it’s fucking 40°)
- I have drawn something in the past month
- I enjoy writing (man i haven’t properly written in like 7 years because idk depression but i still write stories in my head when i’m going to sleep at night and showering and whatever)
- Fandoms are my #1 priority
- I do some form of Martial arts (i used to do karate when i was uhhh 14?)
- I have had my first kiss (hahahahaha *sob* i fucking wish)
- I have had alcohol (yeah man i love jagerbombs and blue lagoons, defuckinglicious)
- I have scored a winning point in a sport (fuck sports)
- I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting (okay wait does this count for like rewatches? because when i saw my first anime i was obsessed with watching it - martian successor nadesico btw - for the entire day and that’s all i did, i sat in bed and watched it all morning to night)
- I have been at an overnight event (i meannnn when i went to see the last jedi slash meet some of my friends from my guild irl for the first time i stayed over at their house on the sofa and left the next morning does that count)
- I have been in a taxi (yeah it was only recently actually, our car fucking died and we had to take some convoluted fucking public transport out of our place from middle-of-dead-ass-fucking-nowhere-ville (needless to say i hate the suburb i live in. and country) to somewhere where we could get a taxi to a car rental place. or was it a dealership? i can’t fucking remember man do you see this shitty memory in action?? it was only like 2 years ago fuck me)
- I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year (well i was IN a hospital but that’s because i was going to a dental clinic in the building)
- I have beaten a video game in one day (what game can you beat in a day man???)
- I have visited another country (i haven’t got enough fucking money lad)
- I have been to one of my favorite bands’ concerts (listen fuck you i’m totally counting livestreamed concerts, i’ve seen all of Steam Powered Giraffe’s youtube concerts and the one recorded in 2013 and you bet your ass i’m gonna pay $20 for the right to see the film of the anniversary concert)
- I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend (i kinda consider my friend bunny my best friend but i doubt he considers me his bestie)
- My parents are still together
- I have at least one sibling (i mean technically i have 3 but i’ve never met them. at least i don’t think i have. they can get lost far as i’m concerned)
- I live in the United States (i wouldn’t live there if you paid me. maybe if obama were still president you could’ve got me to live there if you gave me like 5 million dollars, but now i would actually rather die)
- There is snow where I live right now (god i would fucking kill for some snow)
- I have hung out with a friend in the past month (yooo i was boutta unbold this because i have no fuckin friends except my online pals but then i remembered going to meet two of my friends from online and seeing star wars with them!! holy shit i feel validated and less lonely)
- I have a smartphone (samsung galaxy s6 BOI i am so fucking angry i was gonna hold out for the s7 cuz 7 is my second favourite fucking number (first is 14 but i wasn’t gonna wait a decade for that or w/e) anyway i finally decided to just get the s6 and the fucker asshole 7 is announced like a month later aaaaaarhghdks)
- I own at least 15 CDs (i have a whole fuck ton of videogames and they’re on CDs get owned HAHA FOILED but i also have probably about 15 CDs of music if i’m gonna count the stuff my family has)
- I share my room with someone (man my room isn’t even big enough for me how you gonna fit a whole nother person in that cupboard)
- I am in a Relationship (*cries uncontrollably*)
- I have a crush on a celebrity (well i mean i wouldn’t say no to like scarlett johansson if she told me she wanted to rail me. or gal gadot. or kate beckinsale. or kristen stewart. or - okay this is probably a massive list of ladies i want to rawdog me)
- I have a crush on someone I know (i’m slightly in love with all of my female friends because they show me kindness)
- I’ve been in at least 3 relationships (alright fucking buckle up kids: i don’t count online relationships because i’m a bitter person but when i was like 10 i was in a ‘relationship’ on runescape with a boy the same age at me and i legitimately think it was actually a kid like me and not a predator because all we did was stand next to each other and talk about cows or something and make the avatars kiss (we both had male avatars because i was obviously subconsciously aware of my gender identity at that stage). when i was like 13/14 i met a girl at a camp during the school holidays (i went to camp almost every holiday) and we chatted over msn after camp ended and tbh i think she forgot who i was because she suddenly said she liked me one day so i decided i liked her too and we started to ‘date’. lasted like 2 weeks? idk but she broke it off cuz i was inattentive (i can’t remember but i guess i could’ve been i’m not a very social person believe it or not *snicker*) anyway i saw her at the next two camps and it was hella fucking awkward the first time because i wanted to be friends with her but her other friends intimidated me so i just hovered around her creepily and she got angry at me and i got sad, but the 2nd time was a lot better i think, i was extremely distressed when i saw her at the bus station for the camp transport and i sulked the entire ride, but when we all got there i accidentally fell into her friend group (i actually think it’s because the other girls were really nice and they’d seen me sulking and wanted to cheer me up, man kinda fucked up huh) i pretty much ignored her the whole time and after camp ended she contacted me on msn for some reason and idk she like asked me how i’d felt when i saw her at camp and i was honest and told her i’d been pretty upset and then she got pissed at me and never spoke to me again. wow such drama huh? oh and my 3rd ‘relationship’ was when i was uhh 16/17-ish with this girl i met on some naruto fansite. i don’t even like naruto, and i actually remember absolutely nothing about my interactions with her. like at all. i don’t remember how we met or who dumped who or whatever bullshit. i’m not sure why this is i mean maybe it’s because this was at the same time i had a massive fucking obsessive infatuation with a girl at my school and well it didn’t turn out so hot and i think i’ve blocked out a lot of shit. anyway i hope you all enjoyed that wall of text haha of course you fucking didn’t. well tough titties me lad)
- I have never been in a relationship (*cries*)
- I have admitted my feelings to a crush (fuck no holy shit)
- I get crushes easily (yeah well if any female is nice to me i’m a goner. also one time during high school i started getting crushes on all the girls in my extended english class like i think it was a new girl each week. it was a tiny class there was only like 8 of us, no stinky boys (even if i’d realised i was trans at the time, i’m not stinky :P))
- I have had a crush for over a year (it was not fun)
- I have been in a relationship for over a year
- I have had feelings for a friend (do semi acquaintances count. or ‘girls that tolerated me enough to let me sit with them at lunch’)
- I have break-danced
- I know a person named Jamie
- I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce (listen i don’t fucking remember. but i’m good at pronunciations and shit anyway)
- I have dyed my hair (it was really short and blonde i kinda looked like a skinhead)
- I’m listening to a song on repeat right now (tongue tied from red dwarf)
- I have punched someone in the past week
- I know someone who has gone to jail
- I have broken a bone (broke my ankle in primary school because i’m fat and dumb and tried to slide along the grass into the safezone during tag or whatever, also i broke my wrist when i was 18 because i’m fat and dumb and i was learning how to drive a scooter but i went around a corner too slow or idk unbalanced or some shit, i think i broke the mirror on it but fuck that infernal machine i had to get fucking surgery and get pins in my wrist. when i got them out it was actually the closest i’ve ever come to fainting like the doctor dude was straining hard to pull these ones on the side out and when they finally popped out and a ton of blood gushed out i like deflated and teetered in my seat a bit it was an experience)
- I have eaten a waffle today (never had a waffle)
- I know what I want to do in life (well idk about an actual career but i want to write a book and get it published and make tons of bank)
- I speak at least two languages (i took japanese for 6 years don’t fucking tell me that doesn’t count just because i can’t carry a conversation in the language. also i took a class on latin for a semester it was dope af)
- I have made a new friend in the past year
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
I think I'm gonna jump in the gladnis stories submissions ^^ So. Reincarnation AU. Gladio is a highschool teacher. He teaches history (many ppl think he teaches phys-ed due to his size but nope he's a history nerd). One day in a new school year one of the students in his class caught his attention. He's blond, wear glasses, has pretty green eyes, and scored the highest on the entrance exam. Maybe they don't remember much about Before, maybe they do. (Continued to part 2)
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*heavy breath*
First off, so GOOD you’ve jumped into the Gladnis story-sharing-with-Raccoon sort of thing. I often see you in my activity, but rarely speaking, so when your entries came in I was like “*insert gif of kermit flailing*, because it’s 1. someone I know, 2. A GODDAMN FANTASTIC SCENARIO, seriously, I don’t know what my favorite part of all this is, I am- *breathes* *fans self* I am so excited pajsdposdjf
Reincarnation. Finally, living peaceful, normal lives where nobody is majorly injured or traumatized. Getting the rest and the happy lives they deserve. Awmanyes :’)
Gladio as a history nerd, YES, PLEASE. I imagine he’s still a bookworm reading every damn second of life, so no wonder he’s a history nerd. I imagine him having lots of historic-novel themed books, aw. Also a teacher? YES PLEASE, UGH.
Imagine the first time Iggy and Gladio looked at each other. 
Class starts, teacher comes in, he greets as chill and positive as always, leaves his bag at his chair, puts the hands on the desk, looks up to his class of this new year’s course and-
-there. In the first row. Sat on the very front, one of the many new kids. Must be fifteen, there were Gladio’s twenty three or twenty four (or were you imagining a larger age gap, friend?). He’s in the school uniform, but he makes it seem a thousand times more elegant than it is. But he added nothing to it; it’s just…the air to himself. The hair in a fringe that feels so familiar. And a pair of glasses, and…a few, subtle dots on the face, birthmarks, and…
Eyes. Green eyes. A special kind of green. Not particularly outstanding in beauty itself, not a strange or odd sort of green, it’s not the color, it’s the…aura in those eyes, something familiar and…
Ignis. This is Ignis.
Maybe it’s the first time Gladio remembers some glimpses of his past life, when he looks at Ignis and the glance triggers in him a couple memories. Glimpses of his past life, his role, his duty, his memories…and most of them, related to these very same green eyes. The same green eyes that he always loved. The same green eyes he saw vanish and die. 
So, fleeting glimpses of his past life flashing before his eyes and recognition of the soul in this student, Gladio is currently in shock. All that he’s doing is stare eye widened and maybe even pale at this boy. 
And this boy is staring back…with the same look of shock.
Eventually and forcing himself to stare away because he’s realizing he shut up mid sentence only to stare with a look that could be easily confused as horror at a student, Gladio continues his introductory speech, and when he reaches for the chalkboard to write his name, he hesitates because…
Gladiolus. That’s my name. But I am not- I’ve never known any Gladiolus…I’m trying to write my name, but I forgot it. All I want to write is Gladiolus, but why? That’s not my name. What is my name, how did I forget? Just write your goddamn name…
Imagine if both know and understand but none talks about it, precisely because they’re afraid of being triggered into romance with the age gap and roles and how inappropiate that would be. Like, both know there is a huge love inside each other, both know that their Person, their One, is this, so they’re scared that as soon as they touch the matter of their past lives they just let it go too far.
So they spend three years of high school in silence about it, and just enjoying to meet the new Them. Their present Them. 
Ignis studying, a bit flustered each time he looks at his teacher and very guilty because he shouldn’t feel like that, Gladio teaching, feeling the same, but not making the situation awkward. Reining back their wants, but not forcing themselves to avoid each other. Just being friendly teacher-student with normality.
And then Ignis has to leave for university.
Aw man noooooo Iggy don’t leave(ಥ﹏ಥ) I mean, yes, it’s going to be very healthy for both to have a time to breathe and it’ll be amazing when Ignis comes back, but it must be a little sad for both to say Bye once school is over paojsdposjdf 
I imagine an eighteen/nineteen y.o. Ignis standing in front of Gladio, and both are acting shy, not sure if this is the appropiate moment to say “Excuse me, I think I know you from my past life, do you remember too or is it just me?” But the moment never comes. Only awkward and sad goodbyes and thank yous. 
Aoajpojsdf when Iggy comes back AWYES
“Sorry I’m old”
“No, you’re perfect. I’m glad I can see you now.”
*raccoon has heart attack*
*raccoon dies*
That bit killed me. Murdered me. And I happily accept this death because YES. Aoja aaaahahahaaa *ugly sobbing*
Poor Gladio, must see Ignis in the freshest of youths, and must feel old in comparison. It’s not like he’s sixty, but compared to young Ignis, so new, skin so clear, body almost new…gods. Gladio must feel rough and not as soft and not as this and not as that.
And then Iggy comes in, to take his hand, to caress his face, to kiss his shoulder, and make him feel gorgeous. As gorgeous as he really is.
Ignis is asking him if THIS is how he used to look like in their previous lives, because
Older!Ignis literally had no idea how Older Gladio looked like, he was blinded much longer before he could see that version of him, so he never saw him, apodjposfjs
I am
I JUST UNDERSTOOD THIS IS IGNIS ASKING IF THIS IS HOW PAST GLADIO LOOKED LIKE (fuckingdammit I coulda have understood sooner was english my first language, sorry!!!) AND FINDING HIM GORGEOUS AND I’M-
this is ending me ;A;   ]]
I love that young Ignis here is taking the first step. That makes it so honest; it’s not the older man lying eyes on a much younger one to take to bed, this is the older man lying eyes on a much younger one with sincere feelings, but a bit scared of his reaction, only to find out the younger one likes him back the same way, feels the same way, and asks him not to the bed, but to a date.
Imagine all their love life afterwards apjsdpodjfdsopfj ;A;
All the dates. The funny pillow fights. Young Ignis in his lap, curled against him to sleep, while Gladio reads. Holding hands. Evrything, ohmygod.
Like, life at the Citadel had it rough on them, and while they did were in a relationship, it eventually died because of Gladio being expected to marry someone that could give him a blood Amicitia, because of Ignis’ decision on just getting away to stop feeling pain because he knows their love is just a passing thing until Gladio has to marry somebody else, then dying during WoR, then while they’re free to get back together after Noct’s sacrifice because the Amicitia’s duty died with the king, but the world was cruel and, by that time, Gladio had already married, so they never told each other “I still love you” in all those years of darkness, nor in all the years afterwards, nor in that life-
-and NOW they…they….they get their chance. Finally, after literally a lifetime, they get to be together. Finally. Fucking finally, after so long. After waiting for a lifetime. After looking at each other from the distance for decades.
But now….in a life free of harm and dangers, they get to finally live the lives they wanted and were previously denied. (ಥ﹏ಥ)
*uncontrollable sobbing*
Aopjdsjfsfp, with how close they were in their previous lives, Noctis and Ignis MUST be school partners.
Imagine it was Noct who helped him study for the entrance exam. Scared bullies off. Showed him around school…and was who convinced him to sign into history class with some certaint eacher.
And imagine if he meets Prompto’s new life at university thanks to some scenario like, he’s going around campus, trying to find his way, and a guy bumps into him because he was walking backwards, and this guy, a little clumsy, starts apologizing and
“I wasn’t seeing, I’m sorry! I was so distracted trying to find the best angle for a photo and- hahaha, sorry, buddy! What is your-…”
And, after some moments of staring, both yelp each other’s name out. They just recognized each other.
THANK YOU FOR SHARING, THIS IS SO PRETTY, asjdspdfjsodpfjsf, if you’ve got more I’d gladly read you!! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
10 fandoms, 10 characters
Rules: List 10 fandoms and a favorite character for each. (I’m gonna put two because how dare you make me choose)
I was tagged by @expectogladiolus​. Thank you, buddy!  ( ´ ▽ ` )
Ohboi...ten fandoms...I don’t think I’ve got ten fandoms, and if I do I don’t think the FFXV squad is familiar with it, but here I go
1. Final Fantasy XV: Ignis Scientia (I love how the three memes of this I’ve seen start with the same fandom and same character lmao) or Ravus.
2. Final Fantasy III: Either Luneth or Arc.
3. Final Fantasy Type-0: (I’m cheating using only FFs ahahaha) Ace or King or Seven (this was a mistake)
4. Tsubasa Chronicles: Fye (Fai) D. Flowright or Syaoran.
5. (running out of ideas asjdspodjfsd) Avatar: Last Airbender: Zuko.
6. Tales of Symphonia: Kratos or Zelos or Sheena (or Raine or Lloyd, DAMMIT)
6.1. I suck at choosing only one
7. The Musketeers: Aramis (book), or Queen Anne or Athos (BBC series).
8. The Maze Runner (book or movies): Newt.
9. Megaman Starfoce: Ace or Subaru (Geo).
10.  Knights of the Zodiac: Lost Canvas: Alone (*UNCONTROLLABLY SOBS INTO HANDS* LEAVE MY BABY ALONE ohmygod that was a pun MY POOR MARTYR) or Dohko (*sobs*)
How DARE you make me have the feels at this hour of the day.
I shall tag @sahara-rose, @yuu-be-good, @jade-bellatricus84 and...YOU. And if anyone wants to do this you tag me as if I tagged you  ( ´ ▽ ` )
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