#ahaha some more of cole's fall from grace
razzle-zazzle · 3 years
Whumptober Day 05: I've got red in my ledger
Alt Prompt 14 - Battlefield
960 Words; Adventures
TW for blood & mention of disembowelment
Cole surveyed the terrain below him with a bird’s eye view, keeping an eye on the action down below.
It was a relatively small squirmish; a moderate squadron of ice warriors he’d been checking in on had been ambushed by a small group of formlings. Usually not a problem, but the enemy had used the element of surprise and some traps to take out two of the warriors already.
So now Cole, who had been flying in to check on the squadron, was flying above unnoticed, surveying the fight.
The oni in him itched to get involved. To show off his skill on the battlefield, and prove himself in glorious combat. To revel in the chaos.
What little humanity remained told him to stay out of it.
He wasn’t as keen on listening to that part of himself anymore.
Circling above the skirmish wouldn’t keep him safe forever, so it only made sense to join the fight at some point. But Cole had the luxury of choosing that point, so he continued to soar above everyone, keeping an eye on all the players.
As he watched, one of the formlings—an ox, it looked like—charged an ice warrior who was busy fending off a reindeer.
Cole dove down, swooping in front of the ox with a shriek to alert the frozen soldier. Surprised, the formling in question skidded on the snow, balance suddenly shot by a moment of hesitation.
Oh yeah, Cole was about to have some fun.
Dodging and swerving, Cole sped around the field, swooping under and over anyone he could. His form only added to the confusion—was this bird a formling?
He swooped down on a hare, talons clawing and forcing them to transform back. He ducked between the legs of another formling, briefly shifting into a hare himself to avoid serious injury before darting away from his now-stumbling opponent and taking to the air again, shifting back into a crow.
Someone threw a rock his way, forcing Cole to swerve. He gained altitude as fast as he could, wings pumping to make up for the lack of updrafts, but now that his presence was known it was time to change.
A small part of him said he should just fly away.
Cole didn’t care for that part of him. That part was weak. That part allowed Vex to manipulate Zane. That part allowed him to be blindsided and left to bleed out.
That part felt bad about the blood he’d spilled up to this point.
And Cole didn’t have time for that. He had no time for remorse. No tolerance for the weaker part of him, because that part of him kept him from getting closer to the emperor.
Kept him from getting closer to Zane.
And Cole had to get closer, closer than Vex. Had to rise in the ranks so he could better protect his empe—Zane.
And if that meant sacrificing a few measly lives along the way?
The oni in him wasn’t bothered by that.
Cole wasn’t bothered by that.
Cole came in to land on a small bluff overlooking the field, wings folding in.
He started to grow, muscles shifting—
He would not fail his emperor.
His talons shifted into paws, wicked claws gleaming—
It was time to join the fight for real.
Wings shifted into forelegs as he transitioned to all fours—
His true form was strong, yes—
Beak changing into a muzzle, fangs glinting—
But he had a better form for this—
Whip-like tail lashing out into existence—
Something stronger—
Black feathers became black fur, smooth as ink—
A second pair of eyes emerged above his normal pair—
He growled, horns finishing the look—
A form he hadn’t used in more than a decade.
Transformation complete, Cole took a moment to readjust to his new senses. His beastly form hadn’t changed since he last used it, but it had been a while.
He wondered if his hammer was still on that hill…
Shaking his head, Cole refocused. He padded over to the cliff edge, a snarl building up in his throat.
With what might have been a bark, Cole charged down the slope, body checking the first formling he reached. The next he swiped at, paw knocking them to the ground.
To his side an ice warrior disemboweled an unlucky formling, before turning to engage someone else.
A fox bit at Cole’s ankle. He grabbed it in his jaws and crunched down, the feeling of bones shattering in his mouth utterly satisfying.
The whole group wasn’t formlings, it looked like, based on the number of them using weapons in place of claws.
Cole didn’t care though, thick hide and quick movements keeping him unscathed as he dashed about the battlefield, roaring and laughing as he took down anyone lacking the prudence to get out of his way.
There were ice warriors lying unmoving on the ground. The formlings and humans still alive had been gathered up to be taken prisoner, for the emperor to convert or execute later.
Cole shifted back to human form, adjusting the badge on his shoulder as he approached the captured formlings.
“That was stupid.” He chuckled. “What were you even trying to do?”
One of them spat at him. “You’re a monster.”
Cole paused, that ugly feeling welling up again. Monster.
He snarled, shoving the feeling down. So what if he was a monster? Everything he did served his purpose. Every victory, every step climbed—it all brought him closer to Zane.
Every action was necessary. Even the messy ones.
So what if he was a monster?
Cole smiled at the formling in question, making sure to bare his teeth. “Yeah,” he sneered, “I am a monster.”
He didn’t like the uncertainty in his voice.
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