#ah i wish i was able to put that more consicely
kimbureh · 2 years
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it's very revealing about TERF rhetoric that jkr takes these two pictures as equal attacks.
on the left: backlash against Suffragettes who campaign for the rights of a marginalized group
on the right: backlash against terfs who campaign for the right to *oppress* a marginalized group
but all jkr can see is an attack, because terf rhetoric doesn't distinguish between oppression and the defense against oppression.
This is because the TERF dogma is designed to be a (self-)dehumanizing identity cult which defines cis women through victimhood, their inherent purity as women, and the martyrdom of their suffering.
What does that mean?
Terfism is dehumanizing to women, because it doesn't grant them the full human range of moral decisions: in terfism, a woman can only ever be a victim, a target of oppression and harm, but she can never be the *source* of oppression and harm by virtue of her being a woman. Women are seen as pure. And those who do *bad* things? They're are outliers, poor lost sheep who are corrupted by trans people etc.
This belief attracts a lot of women who have been hurt by patriarchy, who are searching for a meaning in their pain. Terfism not only recognizes their pain as valid, it *elevates* it as something moral, as proof that women are pure because of their victimhood.
So, with that idea in mind, the two images above *of course* have to be exactly the same to jkr: since women inherently possess victimhood & purity, the backlash against the oppression *committed by them* has to be the true oppression, otherwise terfs would have to admit that they are indeed capable of doing "bad things", and are not sacred martyrs who find salvation in their suffering.
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look at this. This is a tragedy. This is a woman who feels so deeply, so painfully that the backlash against her own campaign of taking away trans people's rights was the same as the backlash against Suffragettes fighting for women's rights.
jkr here campaigns for her freedom to take away the rights of an oppressed group-- and feels herself to be on the right side of history because she feels the pain inflicted by patriarchy just so vividly. Her pain is valid, no question, but as I've explained above, the conflation of pain with victimhood and martyrdom in terfism prevents jkr from noticing the harm *she* commits.
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