#ah! i just realized i can post this here bc the only dnd group member who follows me here is the dm
honey, loving to play Lilly bc she talks constantly; also honey, having to play Lilly after Trauma, and deciding that she'll be silent for several days at least:
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potatoesandsunshine · 4 years
 ok so the game tonight was so much fun here’s an extremely long post about the current arc of our dnd campaign that none of you asked for. 
haven’t made a post about the campaign in a while: bee, roswell, and jacquey (the sparrow of the sea) are all level four now! this wasn’t a huge change as far as spells and attacks go, but my hp max is 39 now which is officially the Most Health i’ve ever had in a level four character. very exciting. later in this story i go unconscious.
bee is starting to open up and make friends! roswell has gone from traveling partner to battle buddy, jacquey has gone from liability to only-we-can-make-fun-of-jacquey. very fun to see how this character who is very angry at the world still very much cares about the people in it
between this adventure and our first one in the caves, we robbed a crime syndicate and had to immediately flee the city! so that was fun! there was some really great stuff in there (the most absurd stakeout scene, trying to explain to roswell what going undercover was, faking our way past the door and realizing we never asked the name of the person we were interrogating which tipped the guys off, crit on a smite, etc.) and our wizard... patron? the lady who gives us jobs was like “hey here’s my apprentice, escort her to a nearby mage’s crypt and make sure she survives”
cue us in the entryway with this level 2 wizard darcia getting ready to go on her first solo trip as a wizard. bee said And I Am Serving You Adoption Papers. roswell said You Need To Pack More Rations. jacquey said Have We Thought About Stealing From Our Wizard Patron
note from our first watch is just “Darcia Deeptow - young wizard woman, glasses. a little nervous. has never left leafhaven and doesn’t know what she wants to do forever, but doesn’t want to never learn what she could become. she’s baby” she also goes unconscious later in this story.
on our journey to the crypt we fought four swarms of crows (ah!) and two owlbears (ah!!!) but bee got both killing blows on the owlbears and it was amazing, she had like 2 hp for the last one. it was so fucking cool.
visited a town called brimdale that’s so incredibly About Hats i cannot even explain. everywhere there is a hat shop. a complimentary hat came with a health potion i bought (my money :((( not much how am i ever gonna get a magic sword).
anyway so in brimdale we met a guy who built a hat that is also a gun and he wanted 600 gold for it (for context we all have like. 70 gold max. i had 20 after buying my potion) but the entire time we were in there he was like “this is my dream hat... the hat guild won’t accept it... i’ve been waiting for someone to want this hat” and bee was like 👀 so you should be paying jacquey to test this prototype for you. and it was like !! and i got to use persuasion for the first time and got a 22 so he gave it to her for free to test and make notes on. eventually we will report back to brimdale with our results and give testimony to the leader of the hat guild about this design
then today we finally reached the crypt (to be fair we spent the entire last session in brimdale bc like. we weren’t just gonna leave the hat town) and it’s wild here. the floor fell out from under us and we landed in some kind of demiplane? i don’t really know the mechanics but we landed in this pile of pillows and from their feathers a dragon made of feathers swirled into being!!!
major props to my dm always but this was like. inspired. it was so fucking cinematic i could visualize it all. so he’s like “i’m the dream dragon, offer me a dream to pass” and we all offered different dreams. bee’s was to not need a sword to make the world better anymore which was very vague but poetic and highkey could play into her backstory stuff but. then her second dream at the end was for a magic sword. these things flow into each other
so then we went into a stone chamber where the ceiling was this forest? like looking up we saw the tops of the trees this was also incredibly cinematic it looks amazing in my head. anyway a guy fell out of the forest and it was our new party member!!!! his name is orinn he’s a human(? ish?) from the feywild who apparently shifts planes against his will sometimes. darcia theorized that this demiplane might suck in random people from the feywild sometimes which. damn, design flaw. anyway in the narrative he’s coming with us bc you get a boon from the mage’s spirit at the end of the crypt and it might send him home but irl he’s joining our group which is super fun!!
roswell hit a tripwire in the next room and the floors and walls and ceilings were covered in spinning blades we had to get through. i regretted asking my dm “oh so it’s kinda like Cube?” at the beginning of the adventure. it was very exciting
then we got to this room that was full of stuff and we had to find puzzle pieces to go in the floor while flameskulls tried to kill us and it was wild it got so tense bee got hit with so much fire and so did darcia!!! my kid!!! and at the end the last flameskull like exploded??? and it knocked both bee and darcia to zero (if the damage had been 3 higher darcia would’ve been fully dead) and it was like aaaaah!!! but orinn can do cure wounds? i truly can’t wait to learn more about this character he has ranger vibes but idk. so he got bee up and bee got darcia up and now we are resting in the chamber :) probably gonna start next week with some rp!!
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