#agriculture jobs Sri Lanka
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hi, i hope i am not crossing a line, please ignore if this is bad question. i am just curious
in one of your posts u said your caste is karava. this is the first time i am hearing a sinhalese talk about caste (i speak tamil and never really felt confident in my sinhala to make sinhalese friends)
can you explain about the castes or tell me where find information about it
Caste is a fucked up concept across the board, obviously, but Sinhalese castes are different from Tamil Hindu in that they involve the cultural and socio-political organisation of the Sinhalese community, and has no connection to religious scripture.
There are thirteen castes that still exist today. We used to be a chiefly agrarian society, so the majority of Sinhalese are Govigama ("Govi" means farming) and they're the kind of "bourgeoisie" of the social order in that few are above them and anyone else is below them. Those that rank below them are castes like Bathgama and Kinnara (who are meant to be agricultural labourers) Vahampura (something to do with making cinnamon or treacle) Navadanna (artisans, especially makers of jewelry) and Rada (launderers). Radala is the caste of the nobility, and afaik the only one above Govigama. They're all from highlands of Kandy, the last Sinhalese holdout against the Europeans for about 200 years. There's no nobility among the lowlanders (between the Portuguese, Dutch and British, they were either killed, assimilated or fled to Kandy) so the Govigama caste is the highest one everywhere else. This means Govigama used to be the only one that was qualified to join the Theravada Buddhist priesthood* and also receive education and job opportunities as government servants—right up until the mid-20th century, when the karava gentry turned into robber barons under the British Empire's demand for cash crops.
Karava people are the majority inhabitants in the Southern coastal lands, which are predominantly Sinhalese Buddhist, as opposed to the Tamil lands of the Northern coast (Eelam really) and the proliferation of sparsely-populated Muslim communities in the rest of the coastal belt. Karava is called the fisherfolk caste by the rest of country, despite their own strong objections. Caste is reckoned patrilineally. I'm Karava through my Dad and I married into a Karava family. Nearly every Karava person I know insists that we're actually the warrior caste and were given the coastal lands as reward for our service to the king. I'm sure there's a legitimate case to be made for this, (this site keeps being referred to me) but I don't care enough to find out because the Karava insistence that being called fisherfolk is a Govigama conspiracy is incredibly funny. I mean, it could be true, what do I know, but so much of the cope and seethe stem from our lingering inferiority complex and resentment at having been treated as inferior until a few decades ago. After being ground under the Radala and Govigama feet along with the rest for ages beyond record, suddenly us lowlanders were rolling in money from our toddy, coconut and rubber plantations, matching or surpassing the wealth of the nobility. We were chasing off Tamil and Muslim minorities to establish our own lost cultural capitals in Anuradhapura and Pollonnaruwa that predated the Kandyan kingdom and making our own sect of the Buddhist priesthood (Amarapura Nikaya) that would ordain Karava people. The robber baron types also got very chummy with the British colonial administration and were awarded cushy jobs in government over the Govigama, who still disdained industrialization and commerce. (To this day my mother's family looks down on business people no matter how rich. Merchants are considered grasping and untrustworthy.) By the time of Sri Lanka's independence from the British in 1948, we had two varieties of equally rich, snooty, virulently ethnonationalist Sinhalese elites who had gotten ahead by selling us out to the British, but with the highland Radala still believing they were too pure-blooded to mix with the hoi polloi and the lowland Karava resentful at being considered the polloi no matter how hoi they'd become. Post-independence, Sri Lanka's adoption of free education and free state universities saw masses of lowlanders, Karava, Durava and Salagama all, sending their kids to university to attain upwardly mobile careers in engineering, medicine and teaching. "If the boy is Karava he's probably in engineering" is a common joke. It's a clear shift away from our rural agrarian roots into urban sprawl and high socio-economic competition in place of social stratification.
We also have a caste of Untouchables called the Rodiya. In ancient times, you and all your family being stripped of their lands and titles and banished into the Rodi Rahaya was one of the punishments reserved for the noble houses that ran afoul of the monarchy. It condemned your entire lineage forever. This was such a dire fate that some would have favoured execution.
Rodiyas were not permitted to cross a ferry, to draw water at a well, to enter a village, to till land, or learn a trade, as no recognised caste could deal or hold intercourse with a Rodiya [...] They were forced to subsist on alms or such gifts as they might receive for protecting the fields from wild beasts or burying the carcasses of dead cattle; but they were not allowed to come within a fenced field even to beg [...] They were prohibited from wearing a cloth on their heads, and neither men nor women were allowed to cover their bodies above the waist or below the knee. If benighted they dare not lie down in a shed appropriated to other travellers, but hid themselves in caves or deserted watch-huts. Though nominally Buddhists, they were not allowed to go into a temple, and could only pray "standing afar off"
Allegations of witchcraft and cannibalism aside, the Rodiyas themselves were known to be a proud folk that considered themselves the pure-blooded descendants of the royalty that were punished this way. Here's a Reddit post that expounds on them more, along with photographs. It seems that the strictures against covering up had fallen away between the turn of the 20th century and the '70s. Not much is known about their current living conditions, but I believe that, like India's own Untouchables and the low caste of Eelam's Tamil Hindus, they must have converted to Christianity to escape the stigma.
Casteism is still somewhat of a problem in the Sinhalese community, but it's lessening every generation. My maternal grandparents weren't entirely happy about my mother marrying my Karava father but conceded because he was an engineer with a stable career. My older cousin had to fight his Karava family to marry his school sweetheart because she was both poor and Bathgama caste (I think "Padu" might be a derogatory name for it). The fact that he succeeded is noteworthy because it would have been a huge scandal in my parents' time. The Radalas are still a bunch of insular dipshits who try to keel over and die if one of them tries to marry out. But many of them are also migrating abroad so Idk if it's too much to hope that they leave the caste shit behind when they assimilate into Western society. It certainly hasn't worked for the Brahmin Indians. But the outlook is better for the rest of us.
*There is no caste system in Buddhism. The Buddha in fact was an egalitarian social reformer who advocated against the Vedic caste system and ordained Untouchables as well as women. So obviously the Theravadin priesthood of Sri Lanka, that bastion of the Buddha's Word, would make sure that only high caste men could ever be ordained. Love the fact that the Karava social revolution just made sure they had their own sect instead of, y'know, pushing for anything more equitable. I always say that if we really want to protect Buddhism we have to abolish the Sinhalese.
#sri lankan culture#casteism#castes#anthropology#south asia#desi tag#sri lanka#sinhalese#govigama#karava#sinhalese culture#society and culture#knee of huss#asks#anon
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Last December, Mahesh Odedara signed a contract to live and work for five years in a foreign country thousands of miles away from home and mired in a state of war. Odedara, a 30-year-old farmer from Porbandar, a city in western India, was aware of the risks of working on an Israeli farm. But Odedara’s contract promised him a steady, eight-hour workday, robust workers’ rights under Israeli law, and a 5,571 shekel ($1,500) monthly salary—many times more than what Odedara earned in Porbandar. It was too good to turn down.
Israeli farms are in dire need of agricultural workers like Odedara. Following Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack, the Israeli government barred tens of thousands of Palestinian laborers, a critical component of Israel’s agricultural workforce, from entering the country. By early winter, farms were facing a “manpower crisis.” With no sign of government policy changing, farmers have since turned to importing thousands of foreign laborers from countries such as India, Malawi, and Sri Lanka to stay afloat.
At first, Odedara’s expectations were high. With his newfound salary, he would be able to send home hundreds of dollars each month to support his parents; the money could also go toward purchasing equipment for the family farm. One day, Odedara hoped, he might even be able to buy a home for himself in Porbandar.
But soon after arriving in Israel, Odedara realized that his employers had little intention of honoring his contract. In Ahituv, a farming community in northern Israel, Odedara worked grueling, 11- to 12-hour shifts picking produce; he was forced to work on weekends and was told he would be paid far below the legal hourly minimum wage. Then, at the end of the month, he was not paid at all—Odedara’s boss informed him that his wages had been sent, inexplicably, to his employment agency instead.
(When reached for comment, Odedara’s former employer denied that Odedara had ever worked for him; however, another migrant worker who independently mentioned working for the same employer corroborated Odedara’s claims about labor conditions and missing wages. The employment agency did not respond to a request for comment.)
Odedara’s housing, which farms provide for their workers, also bordered on the uninhabitable. In Khatsav, where Odedara worked for eight days, he slept in a makeshift room erected out of wooden planks and panes of sheet metal; his bathroom was a toilet in an outdoor shack with a dirt floor, and the shower had no hot water. In the first few months, Odedara lost nearly 25 pounds.
Odedara now “really regrets” coming to Israel, he said, even though he counts as one of the lucky ones: Odedara’s brother, Bharat, had already worked in Israel as a caregiver for four years and was eventually able to find him a job at a farm with far better labor conditions.
Yet Odedara’s experiences in Ahituv and Khatsav are far from unique. According to Bharat, abuse and illegal labor practices are widespread. ��I used to meet all the new people coming in for agriculture. I was talking to them, and everyone has the same problem,” Bharat said. “They have to fight for their salary, for their rights, for their basic requirements. Nobody is helping them. They are helpless.”
Farming is fundamental to Israel’s national identity, yet the country’s agricultural sector has been reliant on non-Israeli labor for decades. In 1967, after Israel captured the West Bank and Gaza, the government decided to integrate the territories’ residents into the Israeli economy. Since then, “Palestinians have been integral to the Israeli labor force,” said Adriana Kemp, a sociologist at Tel Aviv University who studies Israeli labor. “You could not talk about whole sectors like agriculture or construction without talking about this large number of Palestinians.”
By the 1990s—following spates of violence from Palestinian militants—Israel began “talking about the possibility of opening the gate for overseas labor migrants,” Kemp said. “That’s when they started actually bringing [in workers] from different countries.” But even so, Palestinians stayed in large numbers; in 2021, tens of thousands of Palestinian laborers made up a quarter of Israel’s total agricultural workforce.
Then came Oct. 7. Claiming that agricultural workers from Gaza had provided intelligence to Hamas fighters, the Israeli government barred some 20,000 Palestinian agricultural laborers from reentering the country. (Israel’s internal security service has since partially disputed this finding.) Around the same time, some 7,800 Thai workers, previously the largest population of overseas workers in Israel due to a 2012 Israeli-Thai bilateral agreement, fled after at least 39 of them were killed in the Hamas attack.
Almost overnight, the agricultural sector lost over a third of its entire foreign workforce. In the early weeks of the war, even though Israeli volunteers stepped in to help struggling farmers, farms hemorrhaged profits. By November, to replenish the labor force, the Israeli government announced that it would allow up to 5,000 overseas workers into the country via a new immigration scheme.
When Orit Ronen heard about the scheme, her immediate thought was that it would lead to “one big balagan”—Hebrew for a “chaotic mess.” Ronen, who works at Kav LaOved, a Tel Aviv-based labor rights nonprofit, was acutely aware of how vulnerable the new arrivals would be, given existing exploitation. Ronen also knew that many farms lacked sufficient infrastructure to house workers, since the farms’ previous Palestinian laborers had simply commuted in from the West Bank or Gaza.
Ronen was right to worry. Since early December, when thousands of new laborers began arriving in Israel, Kav LaOved has received more than 300 requests for information and assistance from workers reporting a litany of abuse. The conditions Odedara and others have experienced are blatantly illegal under Israeli labor law. But ever since the Oct. 7 attack, labor law enforcement has been “less than before,” Ronen said. “And even before, it was low.”
The Population and Immigration Authority (PIBA), the Israeli government agency tasked with labor law enforcement, did not respond to requests for interview. “We have the call center for foreign workers, where they can explain exactly the problem, and they will be checked,” PIBA spokesperson Sabine Haddad wrote in an email.
Migrant workers also often hesitate to contact PIBA’s call center for fear of retaliation; employers “are telling [workers] that we will send you back to India if you will not work as we say,” Bharat said. Employers “can’t do that. I know that, but [the workers] don’t. They are new.” (Israeli law allows workers to stay in the country for 90 days to find a new employer if they have been fired.)
The threat of deportation is especially potent because most workers are effectively stranded in Israel for the duration of their five-year contracts, thanks to the outsized fees they paid before departing for Israel. In Odedara’s case, an agent in India asked him for $6,300 in an under-the-table payment, which he paid for with his family’s savings.
These fees are not a new phenomenon, but labor advocacy organizations scored a major victory in 2012, when Israel and Thailand established a bilateral agreement that eliminated predatory fees for Thai migrant workers. The post-Oct. 7 immigration scheme, which has no such provision, threatens to undo this progress. “The [workers] that come, especially from India, paid thousands of dollars” to brokers, Ronen said. “For them, that’s a very big deal, and that makes them very vulnerable.”
And then there is the war. Melbin Paul, a 29-year-old from the southern Indian state of Kerala, was assigned to work at a poultry farm close to the Israel-Lebanon border, which the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah has fired rockets across nearly every day since Oct. 7.
On the morning of March 4, Paul looked up from trimming an almond tree and saw a missile heading straight toward him and his fellow workers. “There was no time to run,” he said. The projectile, a Hezbollah anti-tank missile, made impact “in the blink of an eye.” Paul’s friend, 31-year-old Kerala native Pat Nibin Maxwell, was instantly killed. Paul, who had stood a few yards away from Maxwell, was left with dime-sized shrapnel wounds scoring the right side of his body.
“Even before the war, it was very common for agricultural workers that work near the Gaza Strip to be injured or killed,” said Michal Tadjer, a lawyer who runs a workers’ rights clinic at Tel Aviv University. Maxwell is one of at least a half-dozen agricultural workers who have been killed by rocket fire in the past decade.
Following the April 13 Iranian strikes on Israel, the Indian foreign ministry urged its citizens in Israel to register themselves at the Indian Embassy and “restrict their movements to the minimum.” The warning belies the reality that the new workers have far less understanding of the security situation than longtime Palestinian laborers or Thai migrants, who have been in Israel for decades.
Paul and his friends had never even been told that their farm was located in a closed military zone that Margaliot residents had evacuated in mid-October. “This is my first time in Israel,” Paul said. “I [didn’t] know where the firing and war” was.
Yet the scale of migrant worker exploitation could soon grow even worse. Fewer than 3,000 new agricultural workers have arrived since November; an additional 8,000 to 12,000 workers are needed to bring farms back to full labor capacity, according to Ronen. A separate deal is already in place to bring 10,000 Sri Lankan laborers to Israel over the coming months. More balagan is likely to follow.
There will also be profound security consequences to shifting away from Palestinian labor. Before Oct. 7, the income of Palestinian laborers in Israel made up about 20 percent of the Palestinian Authority’s GDP. For months now, Israel’s internal security service has called for Palestinian workers from the West Bank to be let back into Israel, warning that increasingly dire economic conditions in the West Bank will lead to further destabilization and violence. But right-wing ministers in the Israeli government have refused to lift the ban, citing the need to move away from Palestinian labor at all costs.
For the workers, their salaries are far beyond the meager sums they could earn back home. For Odedara, there’s much left to do: His current job, while a significant improvement over his previous stints, still pays below what his contract stipulates, and then there is the matter of getting his missing wages back. Odedara is “going to find a solution,” Bharat said. “He wants to stay here but in a good condition—not like this.”
Regardless, the post-Oct. 7 wave of new arrivals will remain in Israel until 2029—meaning that, for at least the next five years, many Palestinian farm workers will not have a job to return to even if the ban on Palestinian labor is lifted.
The only certainty, it seems, is that Israel will have to continue to look beyond its own population for labor. “Israel has relied on noncitizen labor in agriculture for a long time, whether Palestinian or non-Palestinian,” Kemp said. “This structural dependence will not go away.”
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Sri Lankan MBA Graduates Poised to Boost Nation's Economic Recovery
Colombo, Sri Lanka - In a promising sign for Sri Lanka's economic recovery, a new cohort of MBA graduates is set to enter the workforce, armed with advanced business knowledge and eager to contribute to the nation's revitalisation. Universities and business schools across the island have recently celebrated graduations, marking a significant milestone for these aspiring business leaders.
These graduates, having completed rigorous programs covering a broad range of subjects from finance and marketing to operations and strategy, are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of the current economic climate. Many have tailored their studies to focus on relevant and pressing issues facing Sri Lanka, such as sustainable development, digital transformation, and export diversification.
"We are incredibly proud of our MBA graduates who have shown resilience and determination in pursuing their higher education despite the challenging economic conditions," said Professor Amara Silva, Dean of the Business School at the University of Colombo. "They are entering the workforce with a strong sense of purpose and a commitment to contribute to a more prosperous future for Sri Lanka."
The graduates themselves express optimism and a strong desire to play a role in the country's recovery. Many are focusing their job searches within Sri Lanka, signaling a commitment to investing their skills and knowledge in local businesses and organizations.
"I believe that we, as MBA graduates, have a responsibility to utilize our education to create positive change," stated Dilshan Perera, a recent graduate from the Postgraduate Institute of Management (PIM). "I am passionate about leveraging digital technologies to enhance efficiency and productivity in the agricultural sector, ultimately contributing to food security and economic growth."
Several initiatives are underway to support these graduates in their career pursuits. Networking events, mentorship programs, and collaborations between universities and businesses are being organized to facilitate their transition into the workforce. Furthermore, the government is actively promoting entrepreneurship and innovation, encouraging graduates to explore opportunities for starting their own ventures.
Experts believe that the influx of well-trained MBA graduates will provide a much-needed boost to Sri Lankan businesses, particularly in sectors requiring strategic planning, efficient management, and innovative solutions. Their expertise is expected to be particularly valuable in navigating the current economic challenges and positioning Sri Lankan businesses for future growth.As Sri Lanka continues on its path towards economic recovery, the contributions of these MBA graduates will undoubtedly be crucial in shaping a more resilient and prosperous future for the nation. The graduates represent a beacon of hope and a testament to the enduring spirit of innovation and determination that defines Sri Lanka's future leaders.
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Job Immigration Challenges in Romania
Romania’s growing economy, particularly in sectors like construction, agriculture, IT, and manufacturing, has made the country an attractive destination for migrant workers. However, the immigration process in Romania is not without its challenges. From complex regulations to vulnerabilities faced by foreign workers, these obstacles require innovative solutions. Joblio, a global leader in ethical recruitment, is paving the way for a more transparent, efficient and worker-centric migration process in Romania.

The Migration Landscape in Romania:
Romania has seen a steady rise in the demand for foreign labor due to an aging population, labor shortages, and increased industrial output. Workers from countries like Vietnam, Nepal, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka have been filling the gaps in Romania’s labor market. However, this growth has highlighted several issues:
1. Administrative Delays and Complexity:
Romania’s immigration framework involves detailed procedures for obtaining work permits and residency approvals. Recent changes to immigration laws, including amendments introduced by Law No. 28/2024, have added further requirements, such as electronic submissions for certain permits and stricter employer eligibility criteria. These regulations aim to improve oversight but can also lead to processing delays and complications.
2. Vulnerabilities to Exploitation:
Migrant workers often face issues such as misleading contracts, non-payment of wages, and substandard living conditions. These problems arise due to limited oversight and reliance on unregulated intermediaries.
3. Cultural and Social Integration:
Language barriers and a lack of support networks make it difficult for workers to integrate into Romanian society, which can lead to feelings of isolation and dissatisfaction.
4. Labor Market Gaps:
Despite an influx of foreign workers, mismatches between available skills and industry needs persist. This can lead to inefficiencies in workforce allocation.
Joblio’s Innovative Approach to Solving Immigration Challenges
Joblio is revolutionizing how migrant workers are recruited and supported in Romania. By focusing on transparency, fairness, and technology, the platform bridges the gap between workers and employers while addressing systemic issues in the immigration process.
Regulatory Expertise and Streamlining
Joblio assists employers in navigating Romania’s intricate immigration requirements, ensuring that all applications meet the latest legal standards. This reduces administrative errors and accelerates processing times. For workers, Joblio provides clear, step-by-step guidance on obtaining visas, work permits, and residency.
Eliminating Exploitation
Jon Purizhansky, CEO of Joblio, highlights the platform’s commitment to ethical recruitment: “Joblio removes unethical intermediaries from the process, ensuring that workers and employers interact directly, fostering trust and transparency.” Workers are safeguarded through verified contracts, transparent wage structures, and pre-arranged accommodations.
Comprehensive Worker Support
Joblio goes beyond recruitment by offering pre-departure orientation programs. These include language training, cultural awareness sessions, and information on workers’ legal rights and workplace expectations. Once in Romania, workers receive continued support, from housing assistance to help accessing healthcare services.
Data-Driven Workforce Matching
Through advanced analytics, Joblio identifies labor market trends and skill shortages in Romania, allowing employers to recruit workers whose skills align with industry needs. This approach enhances productivity and reduces turnover.
Benefits for Employers and the Romanian Economy
Romanian businesses benefit significantly from Joblio’s services. Employers gain access to a vetted pool of skilled workers while ensuring full compliance with legal requirements. Additionally, the ethical treatment of workers improves retention rates and fosters a more motivated workforce.
For Romania, platforms like Joblio help stabilize the labor market by addressing shortages and contributing to the country’s economic growth. Transparent and ethical recruitment practices also enhance Romania’s reputation as a fair and welcoming destination for migrants.
A Vision for the Future
As Romania continues to adapt its immigration policies to align with EU directives and address labor market demands, the role of technology-driven solutions like Joblio becomes increasingly important. By prioritizing fairness, efficiency, and worker well-being, Joblio is setting a new standard for ethical migration.
Jon Purizhansky envisions a future where job immigration is no longer a source of stress or exploitation, but a mutually beneficial process for workers and employers. “Our mission is to create a system where everyone wins—workers find dignity and opportunity, while employers gain reliable and skilled team members,” Jon Purizhansky explains.
Romania’s journey toward a more efficient and equitable immigration system is supported by platforms like Joblio, which address the core challenges of administrative complexity, worker vulnerability, and integration. As the country’s labor needs grow, Joblio’s innovative model provides a scalable and sustainable solution, ensuring that migration becomes a pathway to shared prosperity for all involved.
Originally Posted: https://jonpurizhanskybuffalo.com/job-immigration-challenges-in-romania-the-role-of-joblio/
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जानिए क्या है सचाई Adani Case की - Adani Bribery & Fraud Allegations | Adani Companies to Fall More?
The Adani Group, one of India’s largest conglomerates, has become synonymous with rapid growth and diversification. Founded in 1988 by Gautam Adani, the group has established a formidable presence in infrastructure, energy, logistics, and more. While admired for its entrepreneurial spirit and contributions to India's economic development, the Adani Group has also been at the center of controversies, including allegations of monopolistic practices, environmental concerns, and financial irregularities. This case study examines the group’s meteoric rise, its business model, challenges, and its future outlook.
Origins and Expansion Gautam Adani started as a commodities trader and laid the foundation for the Adani Group in Ahmedabad. Over the years, the company diversified into critical sectors, aligning its growth with India's economic priorities:
Ports and Logistics:
Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone (APSEZ) is India’s largest port operator, managing major ports like Mundra, India's largest commercial port.
The group's integrated logistics solutions, including rail and road networks, strengthened its position in global trade.
Energy and Power:
Adani Power became India's largest private thermal power producer.
The group has heavily invested in renewable energy, with Adani Green Energy becoming one of the world’s largest solar energy companies.
Agriculture and Food Processing:
With ventures in agri-infrastructure, edible oils, and food processing, the group contributes to India's agrarian economy.
New Ventures:
The group has entered airports, data centers, and defense manufacturing, showcasing its ambition to dominate multiple industries.
Business Model and Strategy The Adani Group’s growth has been characterized by:
Infrastructure-Driven Expansion: Strategic investments in infrastructure aligned with government priorities, such as ports, airports, and renewable energy projects.
Leveraging Debt: The group has consistently relied on significant debt to finance its expansion, raising questions about financial sustainability.
Vertical Integration: Ownership across the value chain, such as coal mining, transportation, and power generation, enhances efficiency and profitability.
Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration with government projects, such as the Udan initiative for regional air connectivity, has boosted its portfolio.
Global Leadership in Renewables: Adani Green Energy has positioned India as a leader in clean energy by undertaking massive solar and wind projects.
Economic Impact: The group's investments have created jobs, supported local communities, and contributed to India's GDP.
International Footprint: Acquisitions like Australia's Carmichael coal mines and collaborations in Sri Lanka and Israel have made the group a global player.
Controversies and Criticism
Environmental Concerns:
The Carmichael coal project in Australia faced global backlash for its environmental impact and proximity to the Great Barrier Reef.
Allegations of Favoritism:
Critics allege that the Adani Group has benefited disproportionately from its close ties with the Indian government, especially under the Narendra Modi administration.
Debt and Financial Transparency:
As of recent years, the group's debt levels have raised concerns among investors, with allegations of opaque financial practices.
Hindenburg Report:
In January 2023, Hindenburg Research accused the Adani Group of stock manipulation and accounting fraud. While the group denied these allegations, its market valuation saw a sharp decline, affecting investor confidence.
Response to Challenges
Legal Actions: The group has taken steps to address allegations, including independent audits and legal challenges.
Debt Reduction Plans: Adani announced plans to prioritize deleveraging its balance sheet and focus on cash-flow-positive projects.
Commitment to Sustainability: Increasing investments in renewable energy aim to counter criticisms of its fossil fuel ventures.
Future Prospects The Adani Group’s focus on renewable energy, digital infrastructure, and global expansion aligns with global trends. Its ambitious projects, such as hydrogen production and smart cities, reflect its vision for long-term sustainability and innovation.
However, the group must address concerns about governance, financial transparency, and environmental stewardship to maintain investor confidence and public trust.
Conclusion The Adani Group embodies the duality of modern corporate giants: remarkable growth and innovation tempered by controversies and challenges. Its journey offers valuable lessons in ambition, risk-taking, and the importance of sustainable practices in achieving global leadership.
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The Effects of Potential Land Development on Agriculture

The global landscape of agriculture is undergoing a dramatic transformation as urban expansion and commercial development reshape rural areas. With increasing frequency, signs advertising "Land For Sale" dot formerly productive farmlands, symbolising a growing tension between agricultural preservation and development pressures. This shift raises critical questions about food security, environmental sustainability, and the future of farming communities worldwide.
The Current State of Agricultural Land Conversion
The conversion of agricultural land to non-farming uses has accelerated in recent decades, particularly in rapidly developing regions. For instance, in South Asia, traditional agricultural properties like coconut land for sale in Sri Lanka have become increasingly attractive to developers seeking to capitalise on tourism and residential expansion. This trend reflects a broader global pattern where prime farmland faces mounting pressure from urbanisation and commercial development. The pace of this conversion has reached unprecedented levels in many regions, with some countries losing thousands of hectares of productive farmland annually to development projects.
Economic Implications
The transformation of farmland into developed properties creates complex economic ripple effects that extend far beyond the immediate transaction. When "Agriculture Land For Sale" signs become commonplace in farming communities, it often signals a fundamental shift in local economic priorities. While development can bring immediate financial benefits through increased property values and tax revenue, these gains must be weighed against the long-term implications for agricultural sustainability.
The immediate economic benefits of land conversion are often compelling for individual landowners. Property values typically increase substantially when agricultural land is rezoned for development, offering farmers an opportunity to capitalise on their assets. Local governments also benefit from increased tax revenue, as developed properties generally generate higher tax assessments than agricultural land. Additionally, construction and development activities create temporary employment opportunities and can stimulate local economies in the short term.
However, the long-term economic consequences of agricultural land conversion are more complex and potentially problematic. The reduction in agricultural production capacity can lead to increased food costs for local communities and greater dependence on imported produce. Furthermore, the loss of farming-related employment extends beyond direct agricultural jobs to impact supporting industries such as equipment suppliers, processors, and transportation services. This erosion of the agricultural economic base can fundamentally alter the character and sustainability of rural communities.
Environmental Consequences
The environmental impact of converting agricultural land to developed properties is profound and often irreversible. The most immediate and visible effect is the permanent loss of prime topsoil, which can take centuries to develop naturally. Development typically involves soil compaction, removal of vegetation, and the addition of impervious surfaces, all of which significantly alter the land's natural water absorption and filtration capabilities.
These changes have far-reaching consequences for local watersheds. When agricultural land is developed, the natural water cycle is disrupted, leading to reduced groundwater recharge and increased surface runoff. This alteration can contribute to flooding in developed areas and water scarcity in surrounding agricultural regions. The impact on local ecosystems extends to wildlife populations, particularly affecting species that depend on agricultural landscapes for habitat or migration corridors.
Social and Cultural Impact
The conversion of farmland to developed properties profoundly affects the social fabric of rural communities. Traditional farming communities often have deep historical roots and strong social bonds built around agricultural activities. When agricultural land is sold for development, these communities can experience rapid demographic shifts as new residents move in and farming families relocate. This transformation can lead to the loss of generational farming knowledge and cultural practices tied to agricultural heritage.
The relationship between consumers and their food sources also changes significantly when local agricultural land is developed. Communities that once had direct access to locally grown produce may find themselves increasingly dependent on distant food sources. This shift not only affects food security but also disconnects people from the agricultural processes that sustain them, potentially leading to reduced awareness and support for agricultural preservation efforts.
Urban Expansion and Commercial Development
The proliferation of commercial property for sale listings in agricultural areas often heralds significant changes in land use patterns. This transformation typically begins along major transportation corridors, where commercial development can capitalise on accessibility and visibility. As infrastructure expands to support these initial developments, surrounding agricultural lands become increasingly attractive for further development, creating a cascade effect of land conversion.
The pattern of development often follows a predictable sequence, but its pace and intensity can vary significantly based on local economic conditions and regulatory frameworks. In rapidly growing regions, the pressure to convert agricultural land can be particularly intense, leading to accelerated loss of farming capacity if not properly managed through careful planning and zoning regulations.
Planning for the Future
The future of agricultural land depends on how effectively communities can balance development pressures with farming preservation. This balance requires comprehensive planning approaches that consider both immediate economic needs and long-term sustainability goals. Successful strategies often involve a combination of regulatory measures, economic incentives, and community engagement initiatives.
Innovative approaches to land use are emerging that seek to integrate agricultural preservation with development needs. These include the adoption of vertical farming technologies in urban areas, the development of agricultural buffer zones around cities, and the implementation of mixed-use developments that incorporate farming elements. Such approaches demonstrate that development and agricultural preservation need not be mutually exclusive.
The effects of land development on agriculture represent a critical challenge for contemporary society. While development pressures continue to mount, growing awareness of food security and environmental sustainability has sparked innovative approaches to land use planning. Success in preserving agricultural resources while accommodating necessary development will require careful balance, strong policy frameworks, and community commitment to sustainable land use practices.
The future of agriculture depends on how effectively we can manage these competing pressures while ensuring both economic growth and food security for future generations. Through thoughtful planning, policy implementation, and innovative solutions, communities can work to preserve their agricultural heritage while adapting to changing development needs. The decisions made today regarding land use and development will shape the agricultural landscape and food security of tomorrow, making it crucial to approach these choices with careful consideration and foresight.
#Land For Sale#Coconut Land For Sale In Sri Lanka#Agriculture Land For Sale#Commercial Property for Sale
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The future of agriculture in the shrinking suburbs

Agriculture land for sale is land designated specifically for the cultivation of crops and the raising of animals for food, fibre, and other products. This type of land is used for a variety of purposes, including:
· Crop Production: Growing crops like grains (wheat, corn, rice), vegetables, fruits, and legumes. For example, coconut land for sale in Sri Lanka.
· Livestock Farming: Raising animals such as cows, pigs, sheep, and chickens for meat, milk, eggs, and other products. For example, Farms or farming land for sale.
· Dairy Farming: Specialising in the production of milk and dairy products.
· Poultry Farming: Focusing on the production of eggs and meat from chickens, turkeys, and other birds.
· Horticulture: Cultivating plants for fruits, vegetables, and ornamental purposes.
· Aquaculture: Farming fish and other aquatic organisms.
· Forestry: Managing forests for timber, paper, and other products.
· Agricultural land is crucial for food security, economic stability, and maintaining rural communities. It often requires careful management to ensure sustainability and productivity.
The shrinking suburbs and the future of agricultural land in these areas
The future of agricultural land and the shrinking of suburbs are influenced by several factors:
Shrinking Suburbs:
· Economic Factors: Economic downturns can lead to reduced demand for housing and less investment in suburban areas. High costs of maintaining infrastructure can also contribute to shrinkage. For example, maintaining commercial property for sale in these areas can be quite expensive, and businesses would not be able to invest in such properties due to this.
· Population Trends: In some regions, younger generations are gravitating toward urban centres for better job opportunities, amenities, and lifestyles, reducing the demand for suburban living.
· Changing Preferences: Preferences for more walkable neighbourhoods, public transit, and proximity to cultural and social hubs can drive people away from the suburbs.
· Housing Market Shifts: Overbuilding in suburban areas can lead to an oversupply of homes, which can cause property values to decline and make these areas less attractive.
Future of Agricultural Land:
· Urban Expansion: As cities grow and spread outward, agricultural land is often converted into residential or commercial developments. This can reduce the amount of land available for farming.
· Zoning Changes: Local governments may change zoning laws to allow for more residential or commercial development, which can encroach on agricultural areas.
· Sustainability Practices: There is a growing trend towards sustainable agriculture, which may encourage better use of available land and promote agricultural activities even in more developed areas.
· Smart Growth: Some regions are adopting smart growth principles to balance development with the preservation of agricultural land. This includes planning and zoning strategies that aim to limit urban sprawl and protect farmland.
· Technological Advancements: Advances in farming technology and methods can make agricultural practices more efficient and potentially allow for farming in less traditional areas.
The future of agricultural land in shrinking suburban areas will depend on a complex interplay of economic, social, and political factors, as well as efforts to balance development with the need for food production and environmental sustainability.
How can countries mitigate the risks of shrinking suburbs to make room for agricultural development?
Countries can take several measures to mitigate the risks associated with shrinking suburbs and make room for agricultural development:
1. Smart Land Use Planning
· Zoning Regulations: Implement and enforce zoning laws that prioritise the protection of agricultural land. This can involve creating agricultural zones that are shielded from urban development.
· Urban Growth Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries to limit the expansion of urban areas and focus development within existing urbanised zones.
2. Revitalising Suburban Areas
· Redevelopment Projects: Invest in the redevelopment of underutilised or abandoned suburban properties. This can help repurpose existing infrastructure for new uses without encroaching on agricultural land.
· Infill Development: Encourage higher-density development within existing urban areas to reduce the need for outward expansion.
3. Agricultural Incentives
· Subsidies and Support: Provide financial incentives and support programs for farmers to maintain and improve agricultural productivity.
· Tax Benefits: Offer tax benefits or deductions for landowners who preserve their land for agricultural use rather than selling it for development.
4. Sustainable Practices
· Conservation Easements: Implement conservation easements that protect agricultural land from being developed while allowing landowners to retain ownership and benefit financially.
· Sustainable Agriculture: Promote practices that enhance the efficiency and productivity of agricultural land, reducing the need to expand into new areas.
5. Community Engagement and Education
· Public Awareness: Educate the public and policymakers about the importance of preserving agricultural land and the benefits of sustainable land use.
· Community Involvement: Engage communities in planning processes to ensure that local needs and priorities are balanced with agricultural preservation.
6. Integrated Land Use Strategies
· Mixed-Use Development: Encourage mixed-use developments that integrate residential, commercial, and agricultural spaces to create vibrant, multi-functional areas.
· Agrihoods: Promote the development of "agrihoods" where agricultural activities are integrated into residential communities, offering both housing and fresh food production.
7. Policy and Legislation
· Land Conservation Policies: Implement and enforce policies that prioritise land conservation and agriculture in regional and national planning frameworks.
· Regional Planning: Develop regional plans that coordinate land use across municipalities to protect agricultural areas and manage urban growth effectively.
By taking a comprehensive and coordinated approach, countries can balance the needs of urban development with the preservation of valuable agricultural land, ensuring long-term sustainability and food security.
How to find good agricultural land in the shrinking suburbs
Finding good agricultural land in shrinking suburbs involves several strategic steps to ensure you select land that is suitable for farming and likely to remain viable for agricultural use. Here is a guide on how to identify and assess such land:
1. Research and Data Collection
· Local Zoning Laws: Check zoning regulations to identify areas where agriculture is still permitted or encouraged. Look for areas with agricultural zoning or policies protecting farmland.
· Land Use Trends: Analyse local land use trends and planning documents to understand how the area is evolving and what future developments are planned.
2. Consult Local Experts
· Real Estate Agents: Work with real estate agents who specialise in agricultural properties. They can provide insights into available land and market conditions.
· Agricultural Extension Services: Reach out to local agricultural extension services or organisations for advice on suitable land and best practices for farming in the area.
3. Evaluate Soil Quality
· Soil Testing: Conduct soil tests to assess the quality of the land for farming. Look for good soil fertility, proper drainage, and minimal contamination.
· Topography: Consider the land’s topography and drainage patterns, as flat, well-drained land is generally more suitable for agriculture.
4. Assess Infrastructure and Access
· Water Resources: Ensure the land has access to adequate water resources for irrigation, either through natural sources or established irrigation systems.
· Accessibility: Check the accessibility of the land, including proximity to roads, markets, and supply centres. Good access can enhance the efficiency of farming operations and distribution.
5. Consider Future Development
· Development Pressure: Evaluate the likelihood of future urban development in the area. Look for signs of upcoming infrastructure projects or urban expansion that could impact agricultural viability.
· Preservation Measures: Identify areas with strong land preservation measures or policies to mitigate the risk of future development encroaching on agricultural land.
6. Review Historical Land Use
· Previous Use: Investigate the history of the land to understand its previous use. Land previously used for agriculture may be better suited for farming.
· Environmental History: Check for any environmental issues, such as contamination or land degradation, that could affect agricultural productivity.
7. Engage with Local Communities
· Community Input: Engage with local communities to understand their perspectives on land use and potential development. Community input can provide valuable insights into the long-term viability of agricultural land.
· Local Agricultural Networks: Join local agricultural networks or associations to gain insights from other farmers and landowners in the area.
8. Legal and Financial Considerations
· Ownership and Title: Verify the ownership and legal title of the land to avoid potential disputes or issues.
· Financial Viability: Assess the financial aspects, including land cost, potential return on investment, and any subsidies or grants available for agricultural operations.
Careful consideration of these factors and conducting thorough research, you can find agricultural land in shrinking suburbs that is both suitable for farming and resilient to future urban pressures.
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Sri Lanka Export Data: A Comprehensive Insight

Sri Lanka, an island nation in South Asia, has a diverse and growing economy. Exporting plays a significant role in its economic landscape, driving growth and development. This blog post delves into the intricacies of Sri Lanka export data, offering valuable insights into the country's trade activities, key export commodities, and the impact of exports on the national economy.
Overview of Sri Lanka's Export Sector
Sri Lanka's export sector has evolved significantly over the past few decades. Traditionally reliant on agricultural products, the country has diversified its export portfolio to include industrial goods, textiles, and technology. This diversification has enabled Sri Lanka to enhance its economic resilience and adapt to global market trends.
Key Export Commodities
Tea: Sri Lanka is renowned for its tea, commonly known as Ceylon tea. The country is one of the world's largest tea exporters, with significant markets in Russia, the Middle East, and Europe.
Textiles and Garments: The textile and garment industry is a cornerstone of Sri Lanka's export sector. The country exports high-quality apparel to major markets such as the United States and the European Union.
Rubber and Rubber Products: Sri Lanka is a leading exporter of natural rubber and rubber-based products, including tires and industrial goods.
Spices: Known for its rich spices, Sri Lanka exports cinnamon, pepper, and cloves to markets worldwide.
Coconut Products: The country exports a range of coconut-based products, including coconut oil, desiccated coconut, and coir products.
Export Data Analysis
Analyzing Sri Lanka exporter data provides a clear picture of Sri Lanka's trade performance. By examining shipment data, export volumes, and market destinations, stakeholders can gain valuable insights into trends and opportunities.
Export Shipment Data
Sri Lanka export shipment data reveals the movement of goods from Sri Lanka to various global destinations. This data includes details such as shipment dates, quantities, values, and destination countries. By analyzing shipment data, businesses can identify key markets, understand demand patterns, and optimize their export strategies.
Export Volumes and Values
Export volumes and values are crucial indicators of trade performance. Tracking these metrics helps in understanding the growth trajectory of specific commodities and the overall export sector. For instance, an increase in the export volume of garments indicates rising global demand for Sri Lankan apparel.
Market Destinations
Sri Lanka exports to a diverse range of countries, with major markets including the United States, the European Union, India, and China. Understanding market destinations helps businesses tailor their products and marketing strategies to meet the preferences and regulations of different regions.
Impact of Exports on the Economy
Export data of Sri Lanka have a profound impact on Sri Lanka's economy. They contribute to GDP growth, create employment opportunities, and generate foreign exchange earnings. The export sector also stimulates industrial development and innovation, fostering economic resilience.
Economic Growth
The contribution of exports to GDP is significant. By expanding into new markets and increasing export volumes, Sri Lanka can achieve sustainable economic growth. Diversifying export commodities further enhances economic stability.
Employment Generation
The export sector is a major employer in Sri Lanka. Industries such as textiles, agriculture, and manufacturing provide jobs to millions of people. By boosting exports, the country can create more employment opportunities and improve living standards.
Foreign Exchange Earnings
Exports are a vital source of foreign exchange for Sri Lanka. Earnings from exports help stabilize the national currency, manage inflation, and support essential imports such as fuel and machinery.
Sri Lanka's export sector is a dynamic and vital component of its economy. By analyzing Sri Lanka exports data, businesses and policymakers can make informed decisions to drive growth and development. Understanding key export commodities, shipment data, and market destinations provides valuable insights into trade performance and opportunities.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are the major export commodities of Sri Lanka?
Sri Lanka's major export commodities include tea, textiles and garments, rubber and rubber products, spices, and coconut products.
How does export shipment data benefit businesses?
Export shipment data helps businesses identify key markets, understand demand patterns, and optimize their export strategies.
Which countries are the main destinations for Sri Lankan exports?
The main destinations for Sri Lankan exports include the United States, the European Union, India, and China.
What is the impact of exports on Sri Lanka's economy?
Exports contribute to GDP growth, create employment opportunities, and generate foreign exchange earnings, driving economic development.
How can Sri Lanka enhance its export performance?
Sri Lanka can enhance its export performance by diversifying export commodities, expanding into new markets, and improving product quality and competitiveness.
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“Creativity is your ability to produce something that comes from within”
Meet Nina LaFlamme, a remarkable photographer from the picturesque landscapes of Squamish, BC. She is a visionary who passionately believes in the profound significance of human connection within her artistry.
Nina’s childhood was spent amidst the great outdoors, camping with her family, and indulging in sports like soccer and competitive rock climbing. Her fascination with the world’s wonders was nurtured by National Geographic magazines and looking through her mom’s old film photos.
Nina’s mom always brought her to art galleries which taught her the value of art at a young age. Nina was gifted a camera as a teen and from there, her photography journey truly began. Now, Nina shoots full-time and wishes she had taken that leap sooner.
Can you tell us about your approach to photography?
“There is a lot of communication and empathy that happens. I try hard to make people feel comfortable and like this is not transactional. I recently had feedback from a muralist I photographed that it was really nice that I first chatted to connect, and that it was a lovely experience that didn’t feel like the camera was around. I’m not using my camera as a barrier and hiding behind it, and that makes people feel more comfortable.”
What is your definition of creativity?
“Creativity is your ability to produce something that comes from within. If you’re imagining or feeling something, it is your ability to translate that into whatever medium you choose. Someone who is creative is bringing something out of themselves and putting it into whatever they are doing”
Tell us a story about how creativity has helped you overcome adversity in your life.
“I have gone through chronic depression, and a huge escape is going out hiking in the mountains and tuning everything out. My camera drives me to go out to those places of peace. Photography is my tool for processing it. Battling cynicism and climate anxiety is my major drive for everything that I photograph. How can my photos strategically help people that are doing great things or how can my photos capture a landscape that needs to be protected and appreciated? How can my photos highlight the great work an organization is doing so they can continue and get more funding? This work helps me feel like what I am doing is making a difference."
Can you dive deeper into how you use your photography to have a positive impact?
“The whole thought process started right before the pandemic when I got to photograph for a project with a nonprofit that sent me to Ghana and Sri Lanka. Taking those photos, connecting with those people, and seeing how my photos were utilized, I realized the impact I could have, and I realized that I could do this with so many different subjects. For example, local agriculture and food systems are industries that I am really passionate about. Not to get too into the weeds but we know that our food consumption habits and where the food comes from affect our carbon footprint and local economy. I choose to work with restaurants, farms, and NGOs that work tightly within that local space, and I want to support those amazing businesses. Finding out that I can help a movement of localization by highlighting it and making it look great encourages people to support and follow the movement.”
How has your creativity shifted and evolved?
“I’ve become a lot more critical of my work to push myself to improve. I spend a lot more time agonizing over all the little details. That in a sense pushes my creativity forward. Instead of taking the safe shots, I question myself and ask “How can I do this better? How can I make this more interesting?”. I've also found that when I face challenging jobs, I push myself way harder to get creative. So the lesson I've been learning lately is that I need to be doing hard things if I want to push my creative boundary forward".
What advice would you have for someone who is afraid to express their creative voice or lacks the belief that they are even creative?
"The thing that you're creative about is FOR YOU. Eliminate the fear that someone is not going to like it. Just do the thing. It doesn't matter if people like it or not, it's for you, and it's worth doing because you enjoy doing it.”
Anything else you’d like to share?
“Creative mornings and the speakers that I have had the pleasure of seeing, have made a big difference in how I work and process the different aspects of my business. There is just so much value in the talks, and I am so glad it exists”.
To learn more about Nina and her work, visit her profile and website
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The Faculty of Geomatics at Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
Nestled within the verdant landscapes of Sri Lanka, the Faculty of Geomatics at Sabaragamuwa University stands as a beacon of excellence in South Asian academia. Since its establishment in 2004, the faculty has been dedicated to providing exceptional education in geomatics-related fields, offering a range of degree programs tailored to meet the demands of modern industries.
Degree Programs:
Bachelor of Science Honours in Surveying Sciences in Surveying & Geodesy: This program equips students with the skills and knowledge required for precise measurement and analysis of the Earth's surface, essential for applications in mapping, construction, and land management.
Bachelor of Science Honours in Surveying Sciences in Land Management: Focusing on land administration and land use planning, this program prepares students to address the challenges of sustainable land management and development.
Bachelor of Science Honours in Surveying Sciences in Hydrographic Surveying: Students in this program learn to navigate and survey marine environments, vital for maritime navigation, resource exploration, and environmental conservation.
Bachelor of Science Honours in Surveying Sciences in Remote Sensing: This program delves into the cutting-edge technology of remote sensing, enabling students to analyze Earth's surface from afar and apply data for environmental monitoring, disaster management, and urban planning.
Bachelor of Science Honours in Surveying Sciences in Geographic Information System: Focused on spatial data analysis and management, this program equips students with the skills to harness geographical information systems for various applications, including urban planning, environmental management, and precision agriculture.

Valuable Details:
The Faculty of Geomatics comprises specialized units dedicated to advancing research and education in specific areas:
Surveying & Geodesy: This department focuses on precision measurement techniques and geodetic computations essential for various surveying applications.
Remote Sensing & GIS: Combining remote sensing technology with geographic information systems, this department explores methods for capturing, analyzing, and visualizing spatial data.

Employability and Industry Connections:
The faculty's strong industry connections and partnerships ensure that students are equipped with the skills and knowledge demanded by the job market. This emphasis on practical, job-oriented education is reflected in the remarkable employability rate of over 99% among graduates.
In essence, the Faculty of Geomatics at Sabaragamuwa University not only nurtures academic excellence but also empowers students to become leaders and innovators in the dynamic field of geomatics. As it continues to evolve and expand its offerings, it remains at the forefront of geospatial education in the region.
For more information on degree programs, departments, and opportunities, please visit the Faculty of Geomatics and Sabaragamuwa University websites.
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Useful Tips for Becoming a Successful Agriculture Investor
Agriculture investment refers to the allocation of financial resources, capital, or assets into various aspects of the agricultural sector with the expectation of generating a return on investment (ROI). This could mean investing monies in agriculture land for sale such as coconut land for sale in Sri Lanka, or other types of investments. It involves deploying funds in activities and projects related to agriculture for the purpose of profit, income generation, or long-term wealth creation. Agriculture investment can take many forms, including:
Farmland Acquisition: Purchasing agricultural land for the cultivation of crops or the raising of livestock. This can involve both large-scale and small-scale farming operations.
Infrastructure Development: Investing in the construction and improvement of infrastructure such as irrigation systems, roads, storage facilities, and processing plants to enhance agricultural productivity and efficiency.
Technological Advancements: Funding the development and adoption of agricultural technologies, such as precision agriculture, automation, and biotechnology, to improve crop yields and reduce operational costs.
Agribusiness Ventures: Investing in agribusinesses, such as food processing, distribution, and marketing, that are part of the agricultural value chain.
Research and Development: Supporting research initiatives related to agriculture to develop new crop varieties, pest-resistant strains, and sustainable farming practices.
Input Supply: Investing in the production and distribution of agricultural inputs like seeds, fertilisers, pesticides, and machinery.
Commodity Trading: Speculating on the future prices of agricultural commodities, such as grains, oilseeds, and livestock, through commodity markets or futures contracts.
Sustainable Agriculture: Funding practices and projects aimed at sustainable and environmentally responsible farming methods, which can include organic farming, agroforestry, and conservation efforts.
Rural Development: Supporting initiatives that improve the overall economic and social well-being of rural communities, often through investments in education, healthcare, and infrastructure.
Venture Capital and Start-ups: Investing in start-ups and companies focused on innovations in agriculture, such as vertical farming, aquaculture, or agricultural technology (AgTech).
Agriculture investment is important for food security, economic development, and job creation in many regions. However, it also comes with risks related to weather conditions, commodity price fluctuations, and market dynamics. Investors often conduct thorough research and risk assessments before committing their resources to agricultural ventures. Additionally, they may need to consider factors like government policies, environmental regulations, and social impacts on their investment decisions in the agricultural sector.
How to become a successful agriculture investor
Becoming a successful agriculture investor requires a combination of financial acumen, agricultural knowledge, and a strategic approach to investment. Here are some steps to help you become a successful agriculture investor:
Educate Yourself: Gain a strong understanding of the agricultural sector, including the different sub-sectors (crops, livestock, agribusiness, etc.). Stay updated on industry trends, market conditions, and emerging technologies.
Set Clear Investment Goals: Define your investment objectives, whether it is long-term wealth creation, income generation, or diversification of your investment portfolio.
Risk Assessment: Understand and assess the risks associated with agriculture investments, such as weather-related risks, market volatility, and regulatory changes, whether you are looking at land for sale or any other type of investment.
Develop a Diversified Portfolio: Diversify your investments across different agricultural sectors and geographic regions to spread risk.
Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to identify promising investment opportunities and potential demand for agricultural products.
Build a Network: Establish connections with farmers, agricultural experts, government agencies, and industry stakeholders who can provide insights and opportunities.
Financial Planning: Create a budget and financial plan that outlines your investment capital, expected returns, and cash flow requirements.
Select the Right Investment Type: Choose the type of agriculture investment that aligns with your goals, whether it is farmland, agribusiness ventures, or agricultural technology.
Due Diligence: Conduct comprehensive due diligence on potential investments, including assessing the quality of farmland, the financial health of agribusinesses, and the technology's potential for scalability and profitability.
Sustainable Practices: Consider investments in sustainable and environmentally responsible agriculture practices, as they are gaining importance in the industry.
Risk Management: Implement risk management strategies, such as insurance, to protect your investments from unforeseen events like natural disasters or crop failures.
Continuous Learning: Stay informed about changes in the agricultural industry and adapt your investment strategy accordingly.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Understand and comply with local, national, and international regulations and tax laws that may impact your agriculture investments.
Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review the performance of your investments and be prepared to make adjustments or exit underperforming ones.
Long-Term Perspective: Agriculture investments often require a long-term perspective, so be patient and avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term market fluctuations.
Seek Professional Advice: Consult with financial advisors, agricultural experts, and legal professionals to ensure that your investments are structured and managed effectively.
Successful agriculture investment often involves a mix of financial expertise, industry knowledge, and a willingness to adapt to changing conditions. It is important to approach agriculture investment with a well-thought-out strategy, and to be prepared for both opportunities and challenges in this sector.
#Agriculture investment refers to the allocation of financial resources#capital#or assets into various aspects of the agricultural sector with the expectation of generating a return on investment (ROI). This could mean#or other types of investments. It involves deploying funds in activities and projects related to agriculture for the purpose of profit#income generation#or long-term wealth creation. Agriculture investment can take many forms#including:#●#Farmland Acquisition: Purchasing agricultural land for the cultivation of crops or the raising of livestock. This can involve both large-sc#Infrastructure Development: Investing in the construction and improvement of infrastructure such as irrigation systems#roads#storage facilities#and processing plants to enhance agricultural productivity and efficiency.#Technological Advancements: Funding the development and adoption of agricultural technologies#such as precision agriculture#automation#and biotechnology#to improve crop yields and reduce operational costs.#Agribusiness Ventures: Investing in agribusinesses#such as food processing#distribution#and marketing#that are part of the agricultural value chain.#Research and Development: Supporting research initiatives related to agriculture to develop new crop varieties#pest-resistant strains#and sustainable farming practices.#Input Supply: Investing in the production and distribution of agricultural inputs like seeds#fertilisers#pesticides#and machinery.
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Canada’s immigration minister (Sean Fraser) announced the much-awaited launch of the category-based selection for the Express Entry program – a point-based popular route for Indians to gain permanent residency in Canada. A new process to welcome skilled newcomers with work experience in priority jobs as permanent residents in an attempt to meet its labor needs and strengthen its economy.
Category-based selection invitations will focus on candidates who have a strong French language proficiency, or work experience in fields like healthcare, agriculture and agri-food, STEM professions, and trades, such as carpenters, plumbers, and contractors transport.
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Visit our website: https://giecglobal.com.au/portfolio-details/migrate-canada/
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Overseas Manpower Consultancy in India
Every candidate dreams of getting a job overseas for a better living and better life. Every reputed institute gives out a lot of talented candidates but getting a hand on a job overseas is a tough nut to crack. Everyone understands how difficult it is to find work. In order to attain a solid employment position, people must put up a lot of effort. And there is always high unemployment. This is true on both a national and international level.
But getting a job overseas sounds a bit difficult. A lot of question arises when we hear about overseas jobs it sounds a bit quirky, and sometimes a bit difficult to trust. No issues, AJEETS is here to help you out. AJEETS is one of the most trustable overseas manpower consultancy in India. AJEETS is in the profession of recruiting candidates overseas for the last 16 years.
We have successfully come as one of the best overseas manpower consultancy in India. Many Indians aspire to work overseas. As a result, they continue to search for a company that can assist them. Obviously, there is employment in India, and people work there, but many individuals desire to learn more about the chances available abroad. For overseas jobs, only individuals with high skill sets are considered. The need for overseas workers looks to be growing at an alarming rate. Ajeets provides recruitment in the technical and non-technical industries such as IT staffing, Oil and Gas, Steel plant, Road and Highway Construction, Agricultural, Marine and Offshore, Medical and Healthcare, Hospitality, Electrical and Electronics, and many other fields.
We recruit skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled, professionals according to their experience in their respective industries. We help you get the deserving candidates for your industry. The job of the consultant is to serve as a link between the job seeker and the employer. AJEETS is India's most reliable overseas manpower consultancy in India. We find candidates who match your employment requirements. We trade test them technically and maintain them ready for your approval. Our final interviews are planned according to our client's preferences. We provide a medical report for the selected individuals, which includes tests performed in accordance with the medical norms of the relevant nation. We handle government paperwork such as emigration clearance, visa stamping, police clearance certificates, and educational certificate attestation, among other things. We will put the approved candidates within your specified time frame after notifying you. We assist candidates with all aspects of embarkation and airport requirements.
We make every attempt, however, to improve the prospects that are currently bleak. We want people who can think outside the box and perform well. We're also on the lookout for tweaks that will help them better. The prosperity of the organization is aided by the human resource department. Within a specific amount of time, all of the solutions are provided. We hire efficient people from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Kenya, and Uganda as a top overseas manpower consultancy in India. Our services are offered all over the world with an emphasis on countries like Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman in the Middle East; and Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Maldives, South Korea, Indonesia, and China in the Far East Countries and UK, Germany, Poland, Romania, Serbia in the Europe Continent. We also know everything there is to know about visas, work permits, and other country-specific regulations. So, make us your India-based long-term recruitment partner today!
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Business ideas in Sri Lanka
Business Ideas in Sri Lanka may be a tad bit hard to come by and executing them may seem downright discouraging at times but however, nothing good ever comes without risks. Are you tired of being trapped on a systemic job? It doesn't matter what role you hold and how much money you make at your full-time work; if you look into it, in a sustained long run, becoming self-employed is even more helpful than having stable work with a mediocre salary. The majority desires are to be an entrepreneur, and the majority of people have it on their bucket list but many fall short on their own dreams.
To foreigners who are looking to invest in Sri Lanka, it is essentially a prosperous island nation situated in the Indian Oceanic region with a long line of rich history with a booming economy in the South Asia region. In general, the country's economy has grown at a rapid pace in recent years as it works to transform into an upper-middle-income nation, the government is currently concentrating on long-term strategic and operational development issues. Agriculture, plantation, export, food processing, and telecommunications are the most established business sectors.
You can become lost among so many small Business Ideas in Sri Lanka for this modern day that you don't know which ones are worth pursuing. So, when it comes to new businesses, e-commerce has played a significant role in the worldwide sector, while Sri Lanka is currently experimenting with new practices and techniques. To be an entrepreneur, you don't need high-value investments or extensive firm premises with the aid of Internet enabled facilities and in certain cases, you may be able to actually run your own business from home using your laptop or mobile phone, but in others, you will need to rent small company space which could be minimized with the pandemic has made it a practical application of Working from Home which may not only be proven efficient but also slightly more effective to a certain degree.
To lay the first foundation for your Business Ideas in Sri Lanka, you must have a well-thought-out and well-drawn up execution plan. To ensure the best possible outcomes, you should conduct a thorough market study and identify a specialized market. A thorough examination of competition analysis and marketing tactics will also pave the way for you to have a comprehensive understanding of the industry in which you will be involved.
When it comes to initial finances (which may depend on your company structure), you may usually invest your existing cash on hand, get investments from your friends & family and if your business grows, you may seek financial assistance from institutions such as Venture Capitalists, Commercial Banks and even Governmental Banks, which provides loans with lower interest rates and longer repayment periods to entrepreneurs.
An interesting ideology one can take when starting their own businesses is to solve an existing problem that Sri Lankans face in their day to day lives. Consumers will continually look for answers as long as they persist to have the same recurring issues. People will constantly seek better, quicker, and more intelligent ways to complete daily activities. And, thankfully for businesses, as evident by many real world examples, highlights that there is still a lot of space for development no matter the industry you choose to engage with or the issue you hope to tackle. However, for most entrepreneurs, the most difficult part is identifying these underlying issues and pairing them with the best available solutions in the most effective and efficient way possible.
The process of testing and evaluating a product/business concept before launching is known as idea validation. The core purpose behind idea validation is to show your future product to the end consumer and observe how they react when released. Many entrepreneurs struggle to validate their own business ideas because they tend to get fixated on the wrong aspects and nonrelevant perceptions. Rather than asking, whether my business idea is good, they should be asking if their business idea would be beneficial and important to any group of consumers out there.
A different approach to validating your business idea would be that refraining to ask yourself and your closest friends & family, But just let your market decide instead. The difficulty with our first technique is that it only works if your idea is applicable mostly to you or others within your environment. What if your idea only appeals to a certain group of people? Or demographics that are distinct from your own and those in your environment. This occurs more frequently than you may believe. So, what are you to do next? Well market research, as well as trial and error, are all part of the process.
However, if you weren’t able to come up with your own business idea, then it's time to pay a closer look at what the best in the field is doing. Here's the twist. After you've looked at what others are doing, attempt to find out what they aren't doing or figure out how you can do it better than them (more effectively or efficiently).
The process of finalizing your idea and launching a company is merely the start. It is usually a good idea to legalize your business before starting a new enterprise. As a result, it makes it easier to obtain financial and expert assistance without much difficulty. Before you spend your investments hastily, be sure you have all of the necessary skills to make it work well within the firm itself. Entrepreneurs who have tried unsuccessfully several times purely because they didn't have proper procedures and structures in place to improve their business idea along the road without adjusting to the changing market and its needs are the most typical cliché reason for failures commonly seen.
In Sri Lanka, the government law offers a variety of company types for new businesses. A sole proprietorship, partnerships, or limited liability (public or private limited) businesses are the most common among new ventures. In a sole proprietorship, you will be completely accountable for all of the firm's responsibilities. This is the simplest way to start a business in Sri Lanka but probably the most riskiest as you grow along. The business structure of a partnership is quite similar to that of a sole proprietorship with an added difference of having several owners (2-20 partners), which is a huge distinction. Another most common business form among start-ups are the limited liability companies especially Private Limited companies which allows family & friends to be the main shareholders whilst Public Limited companies could be freely traded in the Colombo Stock Market. A minimum of one director and two shareholders are allowed under this structure accompanies by a tedious process of legal procedures, agreements and documentations.
If one is serious about their business idea, their company, they should register it with the Sri Lankan Registrar of Companies and other governmental agencies associated. That would be the only way to acquire access to benefits such as business loans and establish confidence with the government and your customers.
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Tame the Dragon
It was on 9 November 1989, five days after half a million people gathered in East Berlin in a mass protest the Berlin Wall dividing communist East Germany from West Germany crumbled. It culminated in one of the most famous scenes in recent history - the fall of the Berlin Wall. An end to the Cold War was declared at the Malta Summit three weeks later, and the reunification of Germany took place in October the following year. It took US (and west) around 45 years after world war-2 to claim the triumph over mighty Soviet Union when it got dissolved in Dec 1991. The similarities between communist USSR and present day China in their hegemonic, expansionist, tyrannical, authoritarian, Orwellian regimes are not unfathomable.
Rise of China, its Military and Economical Potency
Rise of china started in 1980, due to initiation of economic reforms and trade liberalization with real annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth averaging 9.5% through 2018, a pace described by the World Bank as “the fastest sustained expansion by a major economy in history.” Such growth has enabled China, on average, to double its GDP every eight years and helped raise an estimated 800 million people out of poverty and becoming second highest GDP around 13.41 trillion USD in 2018.
In terms of Military strength, Second only to the U.S. and Russia, the Chinese military continues to grow alongside a local burgeoning Military-Industrial Complex with around 21 lakhs active personnel and around 175 billion USD budget.
Threat of China to India and stability of world at large
Chinese leadership interpreted 2008 financial crisis as decline of US supremacy & inadequacy to maintain stability in economy. First manifestation of China asserting its belligerent policies started in March 2010 with its expansive claim over South China Sea. Chinese claim over South China Sea was projected as their core interest and non-negotiable like Tibet and Taiwan. In November 2012 at 18th Party Congress of CCP ,Hu Jintao who was loathe to be seen as weak in foreign policy, especially in the context of a rapidly growing concern about social stability and regime legitimacy was succeed by Xi Jinping. After that number of steps undertook by PRC to increase their stakes in world stability. In series of that, Launching of Belt and road initiative in 2013 widely seen as agenda to threaten sovereignty, export sub-standard norms and practices, ensnaring developing countries with debt dependence and then translating that dependence into geopolitical influence. China’s actions in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Malaysia are central to the “debt trap diplomacy” debates. This was followed by numerous controversies over dubious cyber activities, maritime and land disputes with its neighbor (such as India, Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, and Philippines), ethnic atrocities on Uighur Muslims in Xinxiang, curbing anti-china protest in Hong Kong and Trade war with US.
By any parameters, one can safely conclude that china has been overtly challenging US and west domination on world affairs in all facets over a decade now and pose severe threat to regional & world stability.
On domestic front, New Delhi has been very skeptical and apprehensive about Beijing and its hawkish polices after trauma of 1962 war. The event of Doklam, raising Kashmir issue in UN, blocking India’s entry into NSG (Nuclear Supplier Group), Supporting jihadi terrorist on international forums, pact with Pakistan for CPEC with an aim to undermine India’s sovereignty and now killing of 20 Indian soldiers in Ladakh by PLA has unsurprisingly conveyed the devious plot of evil Xi-Jinping regime to destabilize India. China is also following the strategy of containing India in maritime region by establishing bases for the forward deployment of their naval assets and to gain relative advantage and leverage Indo-pacific region.
Now, outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic allegedly originated in wet markets of Chinese city of Wuhan and its information suppressed by China has really triggered the conflict between world and China wide open. The world is now badly suffering with devastating effect of Covid-19 at all fronts and wants to hold the Chinese government responsible for hiding the information unscrupulously.
Infiltration of China in Indian Economy
We need to understand few basic facts about infiltration of China in Indian economy before going into the debate of boycott China campaign. India is running biggest single trade deficit with China comparing to any other country. The imbalance has continuously been widening year after year to reach USD 58.04 billion in 2018. Over time, our raw material-based export commodities of largely agricultural and pharmaceutical products have been overshadowed by Chinese exports of machinery, power-related equipment, telecom, organic chemicals, and fertilizers. Many Chinese electronic, IT and hardware manufacturing companies are also having operations in India. These include Huawei Technologies, ZTE, TCL, Haier etc. Chinese mobile handset companies Xiaomi, Vivo and Oppo, Realme occupy nearly 75% of Indian mobile handset market.
Apart from the bilateral trade, Chinese investments in a country come through direct, routed and through corporate penetration in technology and infrastructure sectors. Officially, China's FDI in India stands at over $2.34 billion. Some observers and think tanks report a higher investment including rerouted ones. They put the Chinese investments in India at over $4 billion. Some of our shining brands having massive Chinese investment are Ola, Flipkart, Swiggy, Paytm, Snapdeal, Zomato etc.
Can Boycotting Chinese Product help?
Any people movement of boycotting Chinese Product is not only going to be very futile engagement with very less dividend but shows our approach of banalisation of very complex international matter with united jingoism. Almost every experts are opining to the contrary and also we don’t have any history of such successful attempt or study of consumer boycotting in attaining self-reliance or penalizing the “enemy” nation.
The range of goods that we import from China is immense: consumer durables such as electronic goods, smartphones, industrial goods, vehicles, solar cells, and essential pharmaceutical products including tuberculosis and leprosy drugs and antibiotics, among many others. It needs to be acknowledged that China has increased its export to Africa, Europe, US and its dependence on export to India is not great (2% of its total exports). So even if Indians boycott all the goods imported from China, it will not make as big an impact on China. On the other hand sudden throwing out Chinese firms may impact Indian industries and tech startups due to lack of investment, raw material and low cost capital investment. Another impact could be further worsen of unemployment rate which currently stands at alarming 24% rate.
USP of Chinese goods has been its affordability and availability. With a careful study of global society’s multi-cultural needs – some of the cheapest saris, toys, Diwali firecrackers and god idols in India come from China. In our country where 75% of population only managed to earn Rs. 33 per day, consumer eventually prefer to go for the cheapest available option in the market. So call for boycotting anyways going to diminish sooner or later without achieving its goal.
Ways to counter the bully
To quote great ancient Chinese General and Military Strategist Sun Tzu “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
Conventional warfare cannot be a viable option to counter a nation which is 5 times bigger in GDP and 3 times bigger in terms of military spending. Hence opening remarks of this article about history explains why India needs a long term, stable, prudent multilateral strategy to counter china and can be classified as follows.
a) Economic Reforms, bilateral and multilateral Trade agreement – It’s not intricate to understand that reason China is able to challenge US is because of their sustained economic growth. And this is an undisputed opinion in the world that India has failed to reach its potential after forced Liberalization of 1991 (explanation needs another article).
An efficient government is one that draws down its intervention where it is distortionary and goes big where it needs to—is a better goal. The Indian state has made the wrong call too often. We have already lost a decade for structural economic reforms and cannot be further delayed. The Clarion call of Atmanirbar Bharat should not be misconstrued to the policy of protectionism and disruption. Though it’s impossible to suggest any magic wand to overturn India’s economic woes (going on now from long time) in few paragraphs but let’s discuss some basic concepts.
India is inadequately formalized, financialised, urbanized, industrialized and skilled. There are fundamentally two different part of economy i.e. Rural and Urban economy. Rural economy is mostly based on agriculture and constitute 65% of population. Agricultural reforms should ensure easier access to inputs like seeds, technology, power, finance and insurance. They should effect greater connectivity, both virtual and through logistic networks, of the farmer to warehouses, rural industry and final consumers.
Some bold steps for Land and labor reforms need to be undertaken. Though some states like MP and UP made some labor reforms but union government’s formulation with wider consultation of industry and trade unions required.
India, with its massive domestic consumption, can hunker down and resolve to boost domestic demand in the coming months. Government must put more money in people’s hands by creating more jobs through huge public investment projects that bring about new national assets. The government also needs to go further in reforming the banking sector & financial institute, including stricter regulations over lending and enhanced supervision from regulators. Government must work on issue like Simplification of GST, elimination of red tapism, avoiding crony capitalism, low tariffs to attract foreign investment, encouragement to startups etc.
India’s Spending on R&D is very low. In the process of self-reliance, it becomes paramount that along with improvement in our education systems we must spend on R&D of technological development. Eg. India has quadrupled its imports of lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries. 175 million such batteries were imported in 2016, 313 million in 2017, 712 million in 2018 and 450 million in 2019. About ¾ of this import comes from China causing surge in our import bill. With Robust R&D Infrastructure, increasing import tariffs and assisting our indigenous industry, this can be easily overturned in a span of 3-4 years. Same can be applied to electronics industry, mobile handset industry and some low cost equipment’s which now heavily depending on China.
Trade agreements with like-minded countries in non-sensitive sector will also help in much needed infusion of funds and making our products competitive globally and exportable.
This is long haul process and needs stable, strong vision and may not get us the headlines but surely will help to transform our economy.
(In April, the United Nations’ World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) reported that for the first time in 40 years, China had applied for more patent applications than the U.S. including artificial intelligence, brain science, dark matter, genetic engineering and quantum computing and communications. These are areas at the cutting edge of science. No wonder why China’s firm Huawei is pioneer of 5G technology.)
Most of things mentioned here are very conceptual, subjective and aspirational. The downturn of Business friendly Chief Minister to the Prime Minister governing with heavy centralization, rhetoric, popular slogans, Communal division is tragic and still anew in our mind. But hope some sanity prevails because history won’t be as forgiving as present day electorate.
b) Military & strategic Co-operation with World Powers & Alliance with geo-political Anti-China Forces – Well the good news is that in the post COVID era, threats of rise of hegemonic China are acknowledged by all. Many countries including US like Australia, UK, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan have started aggressive opposition of Chinese polices. Hence analogy of Cold war -2 is not mere catchphrase. And threats posed by Beijing demand a ‘more global approach’.
India should realize that higgledy-piggledy strategy against China and non-alignment wouldn’t give the desired result. Strategic military co-operation without compromising the autonomy would play the most vital part in foreign relations. The expansion of G7 is being deliberated and UK is keen to have India join the D10 alliance. India already participates in the Quad (with Australia, Japan, and the U.S.) and in the Indo-Pacific Strategy, both U.S.-led anti-China platforms. Alliances would help to promote a coordinated response between friendly states to challenges posed by the present conduct and future ambitions of the People’s Republic of China. By developing a common set of principles and frameworks (diplomatically and militarily) that transcend conservatism will be able achieve the goals.
Regional players like Taiwan, Japan and South Korea are challenging Beijing draconian approach in the region. India should join their voices and the first step would be recognizing Taiwan and setting up diplomatic relation with them. India should also raise the concerns of Chinese policy towards Uighurs , Hong Kong and Tibet on international forums more often than not.
c) Peace on Domestic front – In pursuit of competing with a giant china and its proxies like Pakistan, the importance of peace and law & order on domestic front cannot be over emphasized. The prospects of being a democratic country is our biggest strength vis-a-vis China. However our insidious political class across the country has been indulged in sabotaging the democracy and interested in only grabbing the power. Without really going into the narrative of our Indian ethos and ancient culture of accommodating people of all beliefs, I want to underlay that the basic principle of wealth and prosperity is peace. Dangerous religious and Caste trends could destroy the social fabric of the nation in the long run. Alienation of Minorities should be reversed. Instances of communal riots across states, violent agitation of Jats in Haryana, perpetual violence in Bengal demonstrate very grim portrait of our society. The soft power of demography, importance of communal-social harmony and the need of unity against foreign enemy cannot be overlooked. Though it seems very trivial but in my opinion this is very crucial and hardest step of all.
Lastly it’s not a question of belling the cat, its how well world take snipe shots to kill this beast.
(Views expressed here are mine while source of most figures is google search)
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