#agnes lester
dysaniadisorder · 4 days
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Yaayyyy and now I've finally gotten around to posting my malevolent designs!!! Im so happy with these guys and!! id be remiss to not mention thedoodlebuggo's John design that really really inspired me and has never not once left my head......
here's a version where you can actually see them! ...as well as some post canon design doodles!!
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I'm not immune to. Uhh. Umm. Ill be posting more about Agnes Lester soon im sure
another under cut
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maybe my favorite thing I've ever drawn
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thekapster5 · 1 year
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Hello LGBTQ+ comunity, we got them all here
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sunriseovergotham · 1 year
thinking about this guy emotionally devastates me (thinks about him more) (thinks about him more) (thinks about him more) (thinks about him more) (thinks about him more) (th
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the-zenith-calls · 3 months
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When they haunt the narrative
This is just a doodle of a larger but vague au I have in my head about these three
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saturniidaess · 4 months
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walkiingcandle · 2 years
Based on my conversation with @downtowncannibal
TW: mentions of abuse/past abuse
have nice day ^^
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perfettamentechic · 1 year
12 ottobre … ricordiamo …
12 ottobre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2020: Conchata Ferrell, Conchata Galen Ferrell, attrice statunitense. Dal matrimonio con Arnold Anders Anderson ebbe una figlia, Samantha.  (n. 1943) 2019: Carlo Croccolo, attore, doppiatore e regista italiano. A partire dal 1957 doppiò Totò in alcune scene realizzate in esterno, a causa dei problemi alla vista del principe De Curtis. E’ stato sposato con Daniela Cenciotti. (n. 1927) 2015: Joan…
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kindred-sims · 7 months
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A letter to Winifred Dailey from her grandniece Agnes, 189x
Dearest Aunt,
You’ll be pleased to know that I am not completely isolated here in my new town. I know you worried so, especially with Will moving us out to the middle of seemingly nowhere, but I can assure you that Chestnut Ridge is far from uncivilized. It is a much smaller town than Brindleton, granted, but we are certainly not hurting for pleasant company. Recently, I had the delight of meeting our neighbor – one Mrs. Martha Reed, who lives just a short ways from Will and I.
She’d stopped by one morning while I was occupied with my knitting but do not worry so, I am not without my manners, you raised me far better than that after all! I was happy to invite her in for some tea while we had a nice little chat, where I learned that it is just her and husband, Clarence, on their farm. They have two daughters who are grown and married and live far away from them, so she was quite pleased when she’d discovered Will and I had moved nearby. I am pleased as well, Aunt, she is a very kind woman and I feel fortunate knowing she’s only a mile away should I ever feel the need for company while Will is out working.
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You will also be relieved to know that there is indeed a church here in town, and Will and I are faithful attendees every Sunday morning. The reverend is a good and honest man, not quite as loud as Reverend Powers I daresay, but he can still preach something fierce. Will doesn't care too much for his sermons but then, he's never been much of a church man. I myself find them to be quite riveting though, I'm not sure I've ever heard such eloquently spoken words of truth before in my whole life.
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The congregation, thankfully, has been quite welcoming thus far, Will and I have even met another couple around our age who we’ve taken to conversing with following the conclusion of services. Walter and Minnie Lester, I believe that was their names. They also have a very darling baby girl named Florence, and are expecting their second child any time now.
All in all, I think we’re going to have a good life here, Aunt. The people are nice and the land is aplenty, I feel no worry when I think of our future here.
Yours Truly,
Mrs. Agnes Barclay
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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Arthur Lester (Malevolent) "Arthur destroys everything he touches. Any time he creates a positive relationship or friendship, he inevitably burns the bridge down or the person dies. His parents killed themselves when he was a child, he chose to leave his wife as she was giving birth only for her to die in child birth, he ruined the friendships he built with others due to his own choices, due to his own negligence his daughter drowns as a child, and when he finally finds a stable work partner and friend, his body is used to kill him. Wherever Arthur goes, people die. Sometimes he kills them and sometimes it's just because they're collateral damage. He also commits some arson, but most of his Desolation traits are more with the total destruction of himself and everyone around him. He also always carries a lighter. Malevolent fans regularly joke that Arthur Lester is the ultimate Desolation avatar."
Carrie White (Carrie) "Has some Agnes Montague overtones (fire, religious trauma), uses fire (inadvertently since her powers started an electrical fire) as a means to take revenge on her classmates and the town that wronged her"
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For Halloween, Meg made Apollo dress up like Gru, Will Solace as Agnes (actually Will totally wanted to be Agnes, and he even got a ginormous stuffed unicorn), Kayla as Edith, and Austin as Margo. Nico is Antonio cuz both are gay and emo, and Will begged him to do it.
She herself was Kyle, Gru's bitey dog and all the other campers had to be minions. In his Lester form, he is Gru and in his Apollo form, he is Dru. He is mostly Lester, but will sometimes turn into Apollo. Naomi might come in at some point and she will be Lucy Wilde.
Then all of them swarm New York and it's everyone running away as they take over the city and eat all the candy they want. Apollo even magics in Gru's flying car.
(Also Chiron is Silas Ramsbottom for the irony and Mr. D is Gru's mom)
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bravelyartbooking · 1 year
10 Anni Booklet
So I got the 10th anniversary booklet and it is full of VERY old original concept ideas for Bravely. So old that the characters don't even have names.
Bravely Default seems to have been the project name that they just never changed... as they seem to be doing a lot over in Team Asano. Hahaha.
Copying/pasting from my twitter thread:
The AR movie Agnes IS confirmed to be the Agnes from Ringabel's world.
Airy was originally supposed to have (help) started the Crystal Orthodoxy 3000 years ago. Lester "looks" 20, and Yulyana "looks" 70. Victoria was originally stated to be 10. (Updated/official timeline says she's 17, born the same year as Agnes and Praline.)
Alternis was originally 18, changed to 20. Braev was originally 50, changed to 45. Agnes was made vestal when she was 12 (5 years before the start of the story). In the updated/official timeline Alternis was 7 and Edea was 2 when Braev found him. Also Braev found Victoria 2 years later in Florem, as well.
(There's an official timeline in the book that starts 32 years before the beginning of the game, 2 years before the mountains in Eternia began to move (it starts with Ominas Crow being born). It is so tiny I need to scan the page to be legible.)
(In the confirmation that AR Agnes was from Ringabel's world, it says Tiz was already dead and Edea was being "bludgeoned" to death by Airy while Alternis watched fro the shadows. Also there's a helpful diagram of this event.)
Some country concepts were COMPLETELY different. Ancheim was meant to be a country completely ruled by "time" and "schedules". There was a country of magical/endangered animals. Florem was... pretty bleak. Children were raised in an institution and people lived literally underground. Very few marriages for love. Hard to tell in the google lens translation, but men came to Florem specifically for wives.
Orignal Concept Tiz had a sister, not a brother. Anti-Crystalism was a SECRET. Edea had no idea it was a thing! Eisenberg's conflict was over orichalcum, over swordSMITHS and shieldSMITHS, as in... who wanted the materials.
Official timeline says Einheria, Agnes, Jackal were born in Ancheim. Artemia and Mephilia were born in Eternia though (though we knew about Artemia).
Some bad phone pics as highlights:
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Anyway here's the twitter thread that contains some blurbs in regard to the planning/concept of each game too:
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Seems BS's issues really hurt them.
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dysaniadisorder · 4 days
agnes lester is a very specific headcanon that i had for a faroe au of mine........ but now that i have Completely Changed the ending of that au shes moreso just a headcanon i throw in to my daydreams sometimes................. because ilike her.......................................
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eddysocs · 5 months
🍼 + Henrietta Parsons x Buster Brady please 🙏🏻
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Name: Clara Brady
Personality: Clever, stubborn and competitive
Who they like better: Henrietta
Who they take after more: Henrietta
Personal headcanon: Her role models are Buster and Dermot, and she really wants to start up a business with her best friend just like they did. Oh, and her middle name is Agnes.
Name: Lester Brady
Personality: Friendly, trusting and funny
Who they like better: Henrietta
Who they take after more: Buster
Personal headcanon: He’s always adored sports and wants to be a professional footballer.
Send me 🍼 + an OC x canon ship of mine and I’ll make their child(ren) on faceapp.
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @gcthvile
Henrietta Parsons: @casserole-from-dads-asserole
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stillwaterca · 11 months
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Residents of Stillwater are invited to participate in a town-wide costume party and murder mystery game hosted by Mayor David Weston. The party will take place at Merrill Branch Manor, a historic estate, just outside of town limits. Once owned by Stillwater's founder, Alfred Wasser, the allegedly haunted Merrill Branch Manor has remained a historic landmark since the early 1900s. As an ode to the era, players are encouraged to dress in 19th century attire to suit the role of their randomly assigned characters.
Lord Reginald Thornton – The wealthy owner of the Manor. He's known for his extravagant parties and lavish lifestyle. This role will be played by Mayor Weston (NPC)
Lady Eleanor Thornton – Lord Reginald's elegant wife with a mysterious past.
Sir Harvey Thornton – The Thornton's only child. Naive but sweet.
Miss Clara Beaumont – The ambitious and cunning secretary who knows everyone's secrets. Dating Harvey.
Sir Charles Fitzroy – A charming but penniless aristocrat, always in need of money.
Lady Victoria Winston – A renowned art collector with a fascination for the mansion's antique treasures.
Mr. Samuel O'Malley – The mansion's enigmatic groundskeeper, who rarely speaks.
Mrs. Agnes Murphy – The dedicated housekeeper, who is fiercely protective of the Thornton family.
Oliver Nielson – The butler. His English isn't very good, so he struggles to explain where he was or what he was doing when the murder took place.
Margaret Wright – The well-meaning neighbour. She's nosy and land hungry. If the family is scared away by the murder, she plans to buy the property right out from under them, and for cheap.
Charlotte Walton – The schoolfriend. She has always been in love with Harvey since she was a little girl, but has never been open about her feelings. Especially now that Clara is in the picture.
Josephine Newton – The family maid, who works alongside their housekeeper, Mrs. Agnes Murphy. She's sweet, young and innocent, saving up for college by working for the family.
Arthur Dawson – A young reporter, eager for his first big break. But would he kill to get his article on the front page?
Lester Bernd – The family's chauffeur and longtime family friend. Reggie trusts him deeply due to how long they've known each other.
After cocktail hour, Lord Reginald Thornton is found dead in the corn maze while all other guests attend a dance in the main hall. As the night unfolds, secrets, motives and alibis are revealed and it's up to guests to uncover the murderer.
Players may only share information within their character's knowledge and may make accusations during designated periods of the game.
8:00 PM: Guests arrive, mingle and enjoy a cocktail hour hosted by the Mayor of Stillwater. 9:00 PM: The dance begins. Soon after, Lord Reginald's murder is discovered. 10:00 PM: The investigation begins, with characters mingling and sharing information. 11:30 PM: Accusations and revelations. 12:00 AM: The murderer is revealed.
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In character, the event will commence on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 and is set to take place at MERRILL BRANCH MANOR. Out of character, writers may start threads as early as FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, but no new threads may be started after 11:59 PM EST on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31.
During the event, we ask that writers pause all non-event threads so that everyone is encouraged to participate.
If you would like to participate in the murder mystery aspect of the event, please LIKE this post so that we can send you your own personal invitation, along with a randomly assigned character for your muse to portray during the event.
Our event tag will be stillwater: murder mystery and all event related posts (starters, graphics, and edits) should be tagged appropriately.
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the-zenith-calls · 3 months
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They make sense to me
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queerinyellow · 2 years
intro / about me: 
☆kay. 17. aotearoa
 ☆fandoms: malevolent, good omens, the magnus archives, poker face, south park, bungou stray dogs, warrior cats, woe.begone
☆music: the amazing devil, mitski, mcr, david bowie, queen, the smiths, the cranberries, the crane wives, lovejoy, system of a down, mother mother
☆interests: rollerblading, ice skating, history, geography, literature, crochet, ceramics,
☆blorbos: jonathan sims, arthur lester, john doe, agnes montague, mike crew, charlie cale, basil hallward, crowley, mike walters
☆southpark side blog @southparkistrans
☆my profile picture is wendy testaburger and hollyleaf, drawn by my best friend who doesnt have tumblr
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