#agi really has come a long way with how she views her body and has learned to love herself
Because of your fantasia escapades I had to ask this. How did Agni's kids and Estinien react to Elezen Agni?
"MUMMY'S GOT BIG EARS LIKE BAPA!" Hami shouted running towards his mother, who just returned home after a few days in the First. Going undercover on the First means becoming an elezen...erm, elf because being a lalafell...FUCK DWARF...makes one stand out more. "LOOK AT MUMMY!"
Agnes giggled and picked up her first son to give him a kiss. "Yes, yes Mummy's got big ears like Bapa! Were you all very good for Bapa while I was gone?"
Esme nodded. "Yes Mummy! I was Bapa's special helper with Celestine and Sylvaine."
Marcelin shook his head as he barreled into Agnes's legs. "I helped too, Esme! We all helped with the Sylv and Celestine!"
Oh dear! "Now, now my little loves, I'm just so happy you all helped Bapa with the littlest ones." She put Hami down and hugged each of the older children before going into the nursery to find Estinien changing Sylvaine with Celestine hugging his leg. "Never fear---the Warrior of Darkness is here!" She joked, crossing her arms over her chest. I'm essentially flat chested like this. Whoever made the temporary fantasia should be fucking shot. I don't feel like me at all. I'm rail thin with no tits like an awkward gazelle.
Estinien chuckled and then his eyes widened as he saw his wife. "O-oh, you're back."
Agnes's heart sank. Not "Hello my love" or anything. Just...that. Fuck. I need this to get out of my system. NOW. "I am indeed." She tried to sound cheerful but I'm failing miserably. "I heard you had quite a bit of help."
"Aye, all our little ones worked together and helped with some things. Hami is very good at getting Sylvaine to settle down for naps. Not like this one." He gestured with his head to Celestine. "You're a little menace, little miss."
Celestine giggled and then looked up at her mother. "Mummy?"
Shit. Agnes forced a smile and tousled her hair. "Yes, it's Mummy. I had to take a fantasia for work on the First, but I'll be looking like myself tomorrow."
The youngest Varlineau daughter's eyes narrowed. "Where's your tummy, Mummy?"
Estinien, now finished with changing Sylvaine, shook his head. "Mummy took a special potion to change her appearance for a little while, but she'll have a tummy again soon." I'll be back to myself soon. Just keep telling myself that. "I bet Mummy could use a hug, Celestine."
Grinning, Celestine finally get go of her father's leg and toddled to Agnes, who lifted her. Gods, I missed you so much. My little grumpy girl. I love you. "Love you Mummy."
"I love you too, my little love. Do you think Mummy looks silly?" I feel ugly. So ugly. I'm don't feel like me at all.
Celestine thought for a moment and then grinned like her father. "Pretty Mummy!"
And that's a pinch on my ass! I NEED MORE BOOTY! "Heh, Mummy is always very pretty, no matter what." When his gaze met hers, Agnes blinked back tears.
I may feel ugly, but at least he loves me. Our children love me. And soon...I WILL BE MY USUAL THICK WIFE SELF AGAIN!
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nuka-nuke · 5 years
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| Edsel Euler |
Name: Edsel Jack Lincoln Euler
Nickname:  Red
Age: 20
Birthday: December 13th, 2082
Height: 5’10
Weight: 173lbs
Specials: Str  3 - Per 10 - End 8  - Cha 1  - Int  8 - Agi  12 - Luck - 3
Eyes: Hazel gray
Hair: Vibrant ginger, always kept a little long (like his father), and sometimes pulled up into a ponytail.
Body type: He likes to run and climb a lot, so he has toned legs and arms. Over all not particularly strong, kind of scrawny compared to his brother. Still says he is stronger than Elijah. Actually isn’t.
References: Here
Status Pre-War: Not born yet.
Status Currently: Causing chaos and explosions in Appalachia and giving his brother a life long headache.
Relationship Status: Taken
Spouse(s)/Partners: Lena Riggs
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Greek/American
Family: Red’s father is Ford Euler, who is the brother of Jack Euler. Ford is mostly ghoulified,  quiet, mild tempered and has severe anxiety. He barely ever leaves their home and if he does, Red’s Aunt Jolene has to come with him. Ford used to be slightly more adventurous before the war, but after the “loss" of his best friend and brother, Jack, and the death of his wife Alyce, his disability became crippling and he can’t do much without falling into a panic.
Red’s mother, Alcyoneus, was a psychiatrist before the war who became a Responder afterwards. She came upon the Euler homestead while searching for survivors and for some reason was immediately smitten with Ford (who was so shy he could barely formulate a sentence when around her). She ended up staying and eventually married him, but died from complications of child birth shortly after having the twins.
His Aunt Jolene and her wife Emma also live with them, along with her daughter Lorna May. Lorna May is Red’s best friend and partner in crime since he was born. They both get into a lot of reckless mischief together and Red has been trying to beat her in a fight for as long as he was able to swing a punch. Lorna May has always won (and broken his nose a couple times), but he still tries.
His twin brother is Elijah Euler. Elijah is Red’s complete opposite. Where Red is full of emotions that are all on the surface, Elijah keeps his locked up deep inside and very rarely shows them. He comes off harsh and aggressive, but Red loves him excessively and smothers him in affection (much to Eli’s chagrin). Despite that, Eli is extremely protective of both Red and Lorna May and even knocked out Lorna May’s vaultie boyfriend for enthusiastically telling Red that he was named after the ugliest car ever manufactured. He also completely destroys anyone who dares to mess with Ford, but he is the only one in their family who doesn’t baby him for his disabilities.
Languages: English
Disabilities/Illnesses/Injuries: Red has scars on his face which are the beginnings of ghoulification. He has panic attacks about it which are completely paralyzing, similar to his father’s brand of anxiety.
Allergies: None.
Scars: Losing the skin across his right cheek up to his ear. Other much smaller spots showing the signs of ghoulification along his chest, right leg, and hips. Tons of scars on his legs and elbows from being extremely clumsy and hurting himself all the time. Burn scar on the front and side of his left shoulder… from playing with explosives.
Physical traits: Red has very large eyes with long dark eyelashes. He has freckles which are somewhat hidden because of the rosacea on his cheeks, his beard, and the scars, and otherwise looks almost exactly like his mother; with a huge mouth and overbite that always looks vaguely like he’s grinning, a very long pointed nose, an unpronounced forehead, and big ears. His twin, looking more like Ford, looks almost nothing like him.
Voice: He always sounds very upbeat and happy, his voice is not very deep and sometimes he talks so fast that his words blend together. He does not have the country accent that Lorna May has, and likes to poke fun at her when she accidentally lets it slip too much (and you better believe he gets punched).
Clothing: More often than anything, Red wears dresses. Eli questions his fashion choices all the time, and there is really no reason, he just likes them. He usually wears a cowboy hat and either the scarf his mother made for Ford covering the lower half of his face, a surgical mask, or an old faded red bandana Lena gave him because he is self conscious about his scars. When it is too cold to wear a dress, he has black military boots he wears with jeans and either just a sweater as a shirt or a ragged fur-lined vest with any variety of shirt under.
Fashion Style/Lifestye: Cowboy in a pretty dress…
Weapon of Choice:  Bolt action hunting rifle (with a silencer) and a clunky old pump action shotgun.
Skills: Red is very good with a rifle and always enjoys hunting. He is extremely stealthy (when he wants to be, otherwise he can be just as reckless as his cousin), even choosing to mostly wear soft-soled sneakers to assist in his preferred combat method. He’s also able to run for pretty much forever and rarely gets tired, much like Lorna May. Very good with explosives, after many failed and painful trials. And he’s a fantastic cook, as long as what you’re hoping to eat is mostly meat.
Weaknesses: Way too emotional a lot of the time, easily gets his feelings hurt, relies on his brother too much. Also has bouts of anxiety like his dad.
Poor skills: Poor depth perception, super clumsy, easily distracted: he falls off of cliffs a lot. Good thing there are stimpaks, otherwise he’d pretty much have broken bones all the time. He’s also not very strong and therefore isn’t too great at hand to hand combat (though he would tell you otherwise). For some reason always thinks leaping off a tall building/mountain is the best way down instead of, y'know… stairs?
Affiliations: Vault 76 dwellers
Former Affiliations: None.
Enemies: None.
Neutral Affiliations: Responders.
Religion: Agnostic
Likes: His family, his brother especially, hunting, cooking, cars (for exploding), setting things on fire, playing banjo (though he isn’t that great), battling Lorna May,  climbing up the tallest things he can find and just admiring the view. And then jumping off.
Dislikes: Jolene and Ford have had their orchard since before the war, and Red’s very least favorite chore is always going out and picking the peaches. He would much rather go out with a pistol and shoot mole rats while Eli does the picking. He also isn’t a fan of snow. He was born in a nuclear winter, he’d be happy to never see snow again (it’s slightly better when Lena is around to enjoy it with).
Hates: His scars.
Friends: Lorna May Euler, Elijah Euler, Jimmy, Lena Riggs, Gilroy O’Niell, Ava (who he also used to have a crush on but… don’t tell Lena, she’s scary when she’s jealous), Daisy Wilson
Acquaintances: Other Vault dwellers he has come upon in his travels
Former friends: After the death of Alyce, Jolene became even more fiercely protective of her family. Elijah and Red were very rarely allowed to associate with outsiders until they were much older, unlike Lorna May,  so they didn’t meet many other humans before the Vault opened.
Enemies: Eli’s pet squirrel. He hates that thing. Plus Eli gives it more affection than he gives him…
Also Chester Sullivan, because he is terrifying.
Pets: None.
Personality: Red is energetic and mostly always happy, but he definitely wears his heart on his sleeve. Despite his very low charisma, he is not really that shy and has a hard time containing his feelings, and he will blurt things out without actually meaning to. He also is definitely an instigator and can pester people about things if he thinks it’s funny to. Despite growing up in complete solitude from other humans, he is very empathetic and always tries to help people even if it is definitely not a good idea to do so.
He is very expressive, loving and completely loyal to those he cares for. Because of his lack of previous socialization, however, he has absolutely no idea how to handle it when he has a crush on someone, and also becomes smitten nearly immediately after meeting them. Where ordinarily he is extremely affectionate to everyone, if he likes someone romantically he’s more of the awkward high-five/thumbs up instead of kiss kind of guy and would take a very long time before getting to anything more than that.
Favorite color: Though everyone assumes it is red because of his nickname, it’s actually pink and purple.
Favorite foods:  He makes some excellent opossum bacon. Also his Aunt Jolene’s pumpkin pie.
Favorite drinks: Mutfruit juice, Nuka Cola Quantum, coffee (not that he needs it), moonshine (which he makes himself).
Favorite Sweets: Blackberry cobbler, peach cobbler, pumpkin pie, just about any baked sweets and pastries.
Other info: He later has three kids with Lena; their son, Landon Gabriel Adam Euler, and twin daughters, Lindsay Lee Alyce Euler and Winnebago “Winnie” Edsel Angela Euler.
By the time of Fallout 4, Red is still alive and completely ghoulified along with Ford.
Thanks as always @madddraws for the profile layout!
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