#aghhhh my post sobb
hiko-the-teacup · 2 years
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heheehehe tommeeeyyyy
he's so goofy, i tried to make him look interesting cuz i saw a lot of designs that were really simple and i wanted to add more silly details
so tommy is a human, but he is in fact an Aries, he is a Prospit dreamer and i believe he is a Heir of Blood (im too sleepy to explain just trust me on this one) so, hypothetically, if he were to be a troll he would be in the (canon extended zodiac's) sign of Arcer (sign of the officer)
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i love the idea that tubbo had kind of a jade situation and had to fuse with his sprite which happened to have a ram and is actually god tier but uses normal clothes :)))
so tubbo is a human as well but he is a Capricorn, and i believe he is a Derse dreamer and a Bard of Breath
mostly because of the way he developed as a character, starting in a way, very attached to Tommy, looking for connections and trying to be the leader of a country, but in the end not being able to bare with it all and pushing people away
so hypothetically if he were a troll he'd fall on the sign of Capriun (sign of the cartographer)
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fundy is a human which also had a jade situation and became part fox!!
hes a Mage of Breath i believe, mostly because of the way he felt isolated from everyone
he is also a libra and a Prospit dreamer which would land him on the sign Libus (sign of the vibrant)
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ok more like my second fave but still hehe
Wilbur, unlike many designs would lead you to believe, is actually a Virgo!!
i believe he is a Prince of Mind, and i will elaborate in another post (maybe) because i have a lot to say about him bc i LOVE THIS CHARACTER SO MUCH AGHHH
so anyways, he therefore is a Derse dreamer Jadeblood, Prince of Mind, which would fall into Virza (sign of the puzzle) ((fun fact that's also my extended zodiac sign)) (((i swear it wasn't or purpose i prome plz-----)))
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he is also a virgo actually, that surprised me lmao
i believe he is a Witch of Rage, a Derse dreamer and being a Jadeblood that would give him the sign of viriborn (sign of the stringent)
i don't have much to say, this design was kinda lazy, i might remake it actually
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they would also be an ancestor design, i just couldn't render him cuz,, i got lazy---
but yeah he is a Capricorn and he is a Sylph of Heart♡♡♡, he is also a Derse dreamer and that would give him the sign Caprio (sign of the opaque)
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so first of all quackity is a Capricorn, HOWEVER i couldn't think of a very good design with purple for him specifically and so i was talking with a friend and came to this thought:
Quackity, like Jack Noir, was kinda pushed around and undermined,(more things i wrote but were deleted,ill do a deeper analysis when im more awake i swear)
essentially hes a derse Capricorn page of space, that would fall on Capriga sign of the surveyor
((edit;; oh my god it deleted like half of my post im going to die))
((ill post the rest tomorrow maybe))
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