#agere rappa kendo
paper--moons · 2 years
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🌙 Character Paci 22/?: Rappa Kendo 🌙
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paper--moons · 3 years
CG!Rappa Headcanons
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Now, Rappa is a really rough and tumble kind of guy, there's no denying that—however, it's also worth noting that he doesn't choose to be rowdy for the sake of rowdiness and troublemaking. There's a method to his madness and that method is simply a I did it because it was fun mentality. And while fighting is fun and enjoyable for him, it's not the only that he finds rewarding. He might not be the most obvious cg, but he's got layers, and one of those layers tells him Why be strong if not to protect the small? when it comes to those he cares for.
Rappa as a cg is just a big teddy bear. He provides a lot of solid support for them, both emotionally and physically. Sure, he might not be the most well-versed in dealing with more complex emotions, but he does understand the importance of listening—along with the importance of what physical affection like a hug can do. The amount of reassurance they feel as he holds them tightly and croons a simple, yet heartfelt "I got you" is unparalleled.
Not only is he metaphorically a big teddy bear, but Rappa is a just a big guy in general. Which definitely helps keep regressors that struggle with feeling small due to body image issues in their regressed headspace. It's harder for them to feel like they're physically too big or tall to be as small as they need when he can pick them up like it's no problem at all. It's also something he does every chance he gets, and will in fact carry them propped up on his hip while he does around. Other things like piggyback rides are totally on the table too. And of course, he absolutely loves to toss the baby. Though he's sure to give them plenty of warning before he does so, and then lightly tosses them with grin and a "upsie-daisy!".
Speaking of upsie-daisies, Rappa is the type of cg that absolutely uses babytalk. And this isn't just limited to the type of things that some cgs typically sprinkle into their vocabulary when talking to their little one; he does not shy away from picking up and implementing whatever it is they have decided to call something either. They call naps "zee-zees"? Cool, he's calling naps that now too. Rappa doesn't care if it makes him look silly to adopt these words because one: it's really stinking cute of them and he wants to encourage them and two: if it makes it easier for them to communicate and feel comfortable while regressed, then he's going to do it.
He's also very much down to get on their level. They want him to play dress up with them and have a tea party? Sure thing bubba, you wanna pick me out something pretty to wear? Basically lets them run the show and enjoys the ride (as is his typical caregiving style; as long as they're having fun and not hurting themselves he's cool with whatever they want to do). So he's more than happy to have them pick things out of their dress-up trunk for them both while he gets some snacks and tea ready—he's also more than happy to listen to them babble on excitedly about things they like or any special interests they have.
Which it's also worth noting that he is genuinely amazed at hearing them go on and on about their special interest(s). Like they know so much! He asks them questions about it, loving how much they light up at the opportunity to share what they know. Offhand comments that he makes while listening to them, such as my baby's so smart, huh? hit different when they've had people in the past say otherwise about their (allegedly nonsensical) rambling. Rappa picks up on the way they falter after hearing that sort of praise, the quiet "are you sure?"s making him decide that they are going hear it more often if he has any say about it. He's so proud that they know so much and are so passionate, and believe they should be too.
Overall very protective of his little one! Nobody better say anything that hurts their feelings, or they'll have him to answer to. He's literally the perfect cg to have if they happen to start slipping in public too, or even just around someone else who might not know about regression. Because who is going to say anything negative to them about acting like a baby when they've got Rappa right there holding their hand? It wouldn't be a wise decision, to put it lightly. He's there to fight back against both their own negative thoughts and negative people for them.
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paper--moons · 3 years
A director's cut from the Rappa hcs post because it got nixed for the sake of flow, but another (silly) idea that amuses me:
Rappa is the type of cg that really gets into kid's movies and cartoons with his little one. I'm talking like he will sing the songs along with them and everything. Gets just as emotionally invested as they do. Like he cannot watch The Lion King without crying. His favorite movie is Boss Baby.
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