#agere hakamada tsunagu
paper--moons · 1 year
Regressor!Hawks Headcanons
(with multiple CGs)
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Although it is perhaps the hero industry's biggest open secret, age regression isn't exactly something the Hero Commission promotes or even knows how to handle. Which is why they aren't exactly pleased when it becomes apparent that Hawks is an age regressor—and one that falls on the smallest side of the spectrum at that. Keigo tried to keep it private, or course, but his entire life has essentially been monitored by the very organization that "saved" him (at the cost of using him, though that's neither here nor there, now is it?). But it's difficult to keep something like this private when big brother is watching you, especially if your little counterpart is entirely too trusting and gets lonely. Really, Keigo didn't want his handlers to know...but who else was he supposed to call when he drops at his agency after another day of nonstop going and going and going until he could go no more? It would be bad if word got out, wouldn't it? Keigo has had it drilled into him that public appearances are everything to a hero, knows he shouldn't be so little where just anyone could find out. And so he does the best he can when the world starts feeling bigger and bigger, holing himself up in an office he barely ever uses and calls the chairwoman. It's the emergency line that only he is supposed to use, and while it isn't exactly an emergency it's easier to press one button than to try to remember a whole string of numbers that will only put him into contact with some secretary until they can "get back to him about his concerns" (they never do). While the situation is handled in the moment, it gets decided very quickly that they can't just have anyone taking care of their former child soldier best agent. And so the Hero Commission sets off playing matchmaker!
Keigo has mixed feelings about the whole "matchmaking" thing, but has come to accept that the Commission does as it pleases—plus maybe they will actually find someone that won't mind taking care of him. It's been incredibly hard to be so small on his own for so long, and he thinks it might be nice to have somebody make his bottles for him or maybe even hold him for a little bit. And while it doesn't surprise him that they set their sights on other top ranked heroes to handle him, he is surprised that their first pick is Miruko. Their reasoning makes some sense when it's explained to him; they are close in age and it won't be questioned too much if they start hanging out more (if anything it'll be good for their careers, or so he's told). Which is what leads to the pair spending their day off together to see what baby Keigo thinks of Rumi—and it is a guarantee that Keigo will regress on his off day, goodness knows he's on such a strict schedule that it's a given. She's excited at the prospect of getting to hang out with the little guy and, while not one for planning, does come at the situation with lots of ideas. Rumi has tons of games and snacks and activities ready to go. And at first Keigo is also excited! Finally, someone that sees that he isn't always a hero! She's prepared to get down on his level and isn't afraid to let him be messy and make mistakes. But Keigo finds himself conking out wayyy before his naptime after their fifth game of hide and seek. At the end of the day, it turns out Rumi is way too high energy for the baby to keep up with and is more suited for older kids or teen regressors.
The Hero Commission's next attempt in finding Keigo a caregiver has them nudging Best Jeanist in his direction. While he's a little over a decade his senior, it wouldn't be too odd for them to hang out since they are both high on the charts and could easily claim they were coordinating on a job. Or at least that's what Keigo figures is the reasoning behind this match-up (because if there's one thing he knows, it's that the Commission is relentlessly calculating in its efforts to create the most ideal public image). Regardless, Tsunagu is a pretty cool guy and they've interacted at plenty of professional functions and whatnot and got along just fine. And unlike Rumi, he's a lot calmer, which is better for when Keigo is small, resulting in a regression day that goes well without wearing the baby out in the process. There's a whole lot more structure than he would have guessed though—it's like Tsunagu had a schedule prepared with him in mind, despite the whole thing being more or less sprung on him. Not to mention how attentive he seems to be. When presented with his snack, he's surprised not to find the handful of trail mix his handlers always gave him after training, but a childish plastic plate covered with apples and cheese clearly diced with a careful precision. It's a small gesture, as are the concerned words when he doesn't dig in right away (Would you prefer something else? You need to eat.). Or at least they would be to most people, but Keigo finds it nearly overwhelming. Even after a few weeks of having him be his cg and adjusting to all the little things like that, something still feels...off. While there wasn't anything wrong with the way Tsunagu took care of him, they didn't exactly click either. But he would appear ungrateful to bring attention to this, and it isn't like he has any other options anyhow.
They're at some exclusive party for pro heroes disguised as an uppity awards ceremony a few months later when he finally figures out why he felt like they didn't click. It's on what should have been one of Keigo's rare nights off, and so he (unsurprisingly) finds himself slipping whether he wanted to or not. He knows his newly assigned protocol in situations like these now though, and stumbles through the myriad of other pros and waitstaff crowding the floor of the party hall trying to locate Tsunagu. Luckily the man is fairly tall, and Keigo has no issue finding him talking to Present Mic. Keigo is just about to tug on his sleeve when he catches a bit of conversation—a mumbled Jeany, can't find Eraser—that indicates that perhaps the flush on the voice hero's cheeks isn't from too much champagne as he originally thought, and suddenly he's connected the dots. The reason Tsunagu had so much more experience in a carer role is because the Commission defaults to him as a sort of stand-in cg and obviously points other heroes in his direction should they need it. Despite everything being relatively perfect it felt too much like being handled still, regardless of the other hero's genuine care. However this conclusion doesn't ease the hurt his small side is feeling about the situation, which ultimately leads to him running smack into a very broad, very familiar chest as he attempts to leave in a hurry. Keigo is stumbling backwards, about to fall for sure before he can even remember his training about balancing himself with his wings, when a hand grabs his shoulder to steady him and he finally looks up.
And who should Keigo find but his own personal hero, Endeavor? Being around the guy already makes his baby brain go !! though typically he can push that aside, but when he's well on his way to being regressed? There is no hope of recovery, Keigo is fully small and awestruck by the man. They have something akin to a staring contest before Keigo finds himself wanting up, even though he hadn't even fallen. Wanting up, wanting to be held, wanting wanting wanting. Keigo has never really been allowed to want like this, and it takes all he has to even find the simplest of words when Enji asks if he's alright. The "'m 'kay" he manages to peep out must not be too convincing, because Enji leads him out of the main area and into a more private alcove to give him a proper look over. Because while he isn't necessarily the brightest bulb, he is familiar enough with the younger hero to recognize that something is off about him. Usually he would be living up these sorts of functions and (more recently) would drag him along for the ride. But he seemed...uncharacteristically standoffish? Too quiet for sure. That's the best Enji can figure at least, until he gets Keigo talking more and gets a nervous string of baby babble about how first they tried having Rumi take care of him and then Tsunagu, but now he's too busy and he doesn't really know how much he liked him anyways and, and, and—and Enji, surprisingly, listens and nods along with what the boy is saying. More surprising though is the fact that he sits with him for the remainder of the event, keeping a careful eye on him much to the boy's delight.
It doesn't take long before small Keigo has decided that he wants his cg to be Enji, much to his big self's embarrassment. Not a whole lot gets to him, but this is something deeply personal that he may or may not be making a fool of himself over. The fact that Enji doesn't turn him away doesn't help matters either, instead only encourages them. For as much as Hawks is supposed to be just that (i.e., like a hawk), Enji finds it becoming more accurate to think of him as a baby duck. A baby duck who is making frequent visits to his agency to "help out". A few months ago this would have annoyed him and he wouldn't have hesitated to kick him out, but lately Enji has been trying to do better, trying to be better for those in his life; even if he can't make up for his past actions, he's figured out that isn't an excuse to continue in the same manner moving forwards. And so he's been letting go of inconsequential frustrations and unproductive anger, focusing more on practicing the patience and understanding that a hero is supposed to embody. So even if Keigo may childishly tease him about being grumpy, he isn't going to make a big deal about it. In fact he'll continue on with his day, with his unsure, awkward attempts to make the kid happy. A pat to the head, a snack bought from a street vendor on impulse because he saw the kid staring (though it turns out he was staring because he thought it looked yucky, apparently), small things like that that all feel foreign to them both. The little gestures mean the world to Keigo, even when Enji gets something wrong. Perhaps even especially when he gets something wrong, because it means he's going to try again and is actually making an effort to figure things out through trial and error; no one has ever made a continual effort like that for him, nor has anyone been so determined to get it right.
Keigo finally gets his moment, his click, when he approaches Enji about if he'd be down to watch him when he's fully small and not just put up with him middlespacing around him on days when criminal activity is slow. There's a bit of hesitancy, and at first Keigo is scared that he's misread the situation before Enji is asking for details on the practical things—the where and the when seeming to weigh most heavy on his mind, though the hesitancy eases when Keigo suggests his apartment given that all his regression gear is already there. When the day arrives, Keigo is trying to stay big long enough to give Enji the grand tour and show him where everything is before he slips too small to tell him, when he finds that Enji has stopped and picked something up from his pile of stuffies he's come to acquire kept in his nest of blankets. Keigo lifts up a little to peek over his shoulder, curious at which toy has caught his attention. The fabric has faded over the years, and despite being well-loved it's obvious the doll has been well-kept. In any other situation, it might have been funny to see the large man holding a tiny replica of himself, but Keigo's regressed small enough that old fears seem closer than time has made them. There's a need to apologize that he doesn't fully understand, but his words aren't coming out right and he's working himself up to tears because he just knows that somehow he's made Enji mad, that he's not even supposed to have toys let alone a hero doll. By the time the first few tears can bubble out of his eyes, Keigo is being shushed and the doll is being placed in his hold as Enji apologizes to him of all things. It's unexpected but not unwelcome, as is the fact that he's being scooped up and rocked back and forth. This is the click that Keigo did not know he had been waiting for, and it goes both ways. While Enji may not be a ball of energy like Rumi or a perfectionist like Tsunagu, he is the one Keigo chose for himself to be his cg. And perhaps for the first time, Keigo believes everything will be alright in the end after all.
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paper--moons · 3 years
CG!Best Jeanist Headcanons
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Tsunagu has been a cg for years—it's all part of the business, baby. Plenty of other pros find themselves falling somewhere on the regression scale thanks largely in part to all the stress and lasting trauma the job puts on them, so he found himself slotting naturally into a cg role a few years after his debut. For him, it helps to know that he can take care of someone after things have settled after a long day, that both parties get peace of mind and are able to unwind. Though he doesn't particularly have a set regressor he takes care of, more like he has a few and tends to make himself available to those who need him.
As a general rule, he's a pretty structured cg. Tsunagu prefers to keep his little ones on a schedule, has reward charts, the works. Not only does this help them by providing a sense of stability, but more importantly it helps him be able to take care of them. He keeps little baby books for each of his regressors as well—the baby books contain things like their personalized schedules and reward charts, but also hold reminders about their likes and dislikes, any drawings/colorings they've given him, and of course lots pictures of them being adorable. (He's not-so-secretly a scrapbooking dad at heart when it comes to his brood of regressors.)
This structure also spills over into how he manages all of the things his little ones acquire over time. Much like how he keeps a baby book for each, he also keeps a toy chest for each of them that holds all of their regression gear. He even keeps a chest stocked for those times when happens to find himself babysitting—he's not only a cg to his regular regressors after all. If he sees someone in need of some small time, he's more than willing to offer them a safe space. Even if it turns out to be a one time thing, Tsunagu would rather them have a safe and healing experience than a lonely or scary one. (And of course, he lets them keep anything from the guest toy chest if they would like.)
Don't let the super structured thing fool you though! Structure doesn't always equate itself to a firm or strict caring style. As is the case with Tsunagu; in actuality he's a very gentle and attentive cg. Never one to raise his voice, and always willing to talk through any issues or worries his little one might have (whether it's something that's upsetting them when they are feeling small or big, he considers it his job to help). He's the type that empathizes while also providing support. Though he can be a little bit of a pushover at times—have they had a particularly rough day? Then of course his button can have an extra cookie after dinner. They flash the puppy eyes? Okay, they can reschedule things a little to make room for more playtime, but only for tonight.
Seeing as how he's very fashion forward and takes pride in his appearance/aesthetic, it's safe to assume that he carries over this fashion consciousness to his little ones' wardrobes as well. He gets them the cutest outfits that may or may not feature some designer pieces, even though they are often too small to realize it. Tsunagu can't help having several sponsorships with some of the best designers, and who is he to turn down some freebies—especially some overalls that he knows will look absolutely darling on his little one? Doesn't matter if they're going out or staying in, his baby is going to look adorable either way.
Tsunagu also is a lot more affectionate than one might initially guess. Blame it on that calm, cool, and collected hero persona of his. Despite what impression that might give off, he gives out his affection freely and easily with those he cares for. Lots of small touches, like a steadying hand on their shoulder as they bounce excitedly, or a reassuring, gentle squeeze when he takes their hand. And the affection isn't limited to more physical displays, as he tends to use a lot of verbal affection as well. Endearments are common (especially button, which is his go-to), as is the praise he offers. He makes sure they know just how much he cares and how proud of them he truly is.
And while he says he doesn't spoil any of his little ones, he absolutely does spoil all of them. Equally too, because he shows no favoritism. If that little detail is brought to his attention however, his defense is that he spoils them the perfect amount. Meaning he doesn't go over the top with things in most cases. There's such a thing as too much, and he does everything just so. So yes, he gets them the nicest clothes, and yes, he's a big softie that will give them extra treats on bad days. And so what if he buys them another plushie or two (or five, but who's counting? besides, they're a set!)? No two ways about it, he definitely does not overdo it in the slightest...
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