#agere gildarts clive
paper--moons · 2 years
CG!Gildarts Headcanons
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While the guild might all be considered Makarov's children, Gildarts is unofficially the guild's dad. Maybe it's because he's got this larger than life image surrounding him, but the kids have always flocked to him in that trusting way children do when they recognize somebody as a nice grown-up. And this appears to be the case regardless of whether they be literal children or regressors—no matter their age, he doesn't make any difference between how he treats them. Even guild members that have a one-off regression experience after being on the receiving end of some regression magic on a job run awry seem to ask for Gildarts, should he be at the guild. He's got that super comforting aura that little kids just soak up. But he doesn't begrudge the role that has been given to him, far from it in fact! Gildarts loves being able to help out and takes on that nurturing, parental responsibility with surprising ease. Moreover, because of this he leans into his little ones giving him more traditional cg titles (i.e., daddy or papa) should they feel the need to do so. Not because it makes him feel all warm to be honored with such a title or anything, ssh nobody can know he's a big softie (even though he totally is and does not actually try to hide it).
As a general rule, Gildarts is pretty easy-going. This aspect of his personality, naturally, carries over into his caregiving style. He doesn't necessarily get involved until he has to—not in a neglectful way of course, but rather in the sense that he believes kids can and should try to figure things out for themselves first. Kids are a lot smarter than people tend to give them credit for, after all! Also, it's a good way to help them grow emotionally, both when they are occupying their smallspace and potentially when they are big as well. But should his little one ask for his help early into their conundrum, they won't be ignored in the name of teaching them a lesson; that helps absolutely no one and is nothing more than an excuse, in his opinion. Although depending on the problem, Gildarts might be just as stumped. He isn't the type of person to pretend he knows everything, and thinks it's best to be honest with them rather than foster some false sense of infallibility. So to circumnavigate all of this, he is going to teach them the art of pestering their elders (i.e., going to Makarov and asking for help).
This man is incredibly verbally affectionate when it comes to his kiddo. That isn't to say he doesn't show other forms of affection—no one is safe from his bear hugs—but he gives physical affection more freely to everyone in general as it tends to be easier for him. An arm slung around someone's shoulder or a hand ruffling their hair isn't uncommon behavior for him. But when he's taking care of his kiddo? All the endearments and baby talk come rushing out because they're just too adorable! Practically every other sentence is getting peppered with whatever he feels suits his little one at that particular moment in time. And while he will default to classics such as "sweetheart" or "sunshine", Gildarts tends to favor more elaborate (some might say perhaps sillier) ones. Because who is going to call out one of the strongest mages in Fiore when he says things like Where's my bubbly bugaboo run off to, or Oh no, what's got my honeybun baby bear all upset now? (Also, it's pretty important to note that when he does string out some silly endearment, it's always prefaced with "my", because he wants everybody to know that's his kid and he couldn't be prouder!)
Not only is he one of the strongest magic users out there, but Gildarts is a pretty strong guy in general. Which means when his little one wants up? They are going up. Even if they didn't ask, he can always tell when they want uppies; he is going to scoop them up and pop them on his hip before they can so much as blink! Gildarts has also been known to pull his kiddo up by their ankle and dangle them about, which earns him many delighted shrieks; though if they happen to not be feeling it for whatever reason he is quick to actually pull them up in a more favorable position to bounce and rock them, apologizing all the while (Is that too scary today, sweetness? That's okay, Daddy's so sorry for upsetting you). However he doesn't always use this power to pick them up for good, at least in his little one's opinion. Are they about to get into something they have been told not to mess with? Gildarts plucks them up the second they think they're in the clear for baby crimes. They don't want to take a nap? Protest all they like, but Daddy has already got them slung over his shoulder and is hauling them off to bed.
Continuing in a similar vein with the concept of bedtime, Gildarts always has to rework his bedtime stories on the fly. Mostly because he doesn't know too many actual bedtime stories to begin with, and instead he tends to relay the events of the many different quests he has gone on over the years. This wouldn't be a problem since his kiddo practically begs him to tell them stories about what he does, believing that he is the absolute coolest wizard out there. No, the problem lies in that he sort of forgets that not every aspect of his adventures are suitable for tykes, and so he has to dial back certain elements. After all, it might scare them if he goes into too much detail about how he lost his arm, his leg, and some of his insides to Acnologia (and so they get a veerrryyy watered down baby-friendly version of the time he fought a dragon). Though most of his stories he plays up the fact that he's a little bit clumsy and has used his magic when he shouldn't, because that seems to make his little one laugh the most. By far their favorite story (and the one he's had to tell the most times) is the day that Magnolia finally decided they needed to rearrange the entire city every time he comes home.
Gildarts is really, extremely well-suited to minding after regressors with a lot of energy and that typically fall within the three to seven age range. Really, it's quite impressive how well he is able to match their energy level and keep up with them during their playtime, no matter the game being played—earning him the highly coveted "fun dad" label. He will be the big scary monster in their game of chase and does all the legwork that comes with that including the big scary monster voice, thank you. And honestly? He has just as much fun as they do, as he genuinely enjoys being able to play with them. The excited shrieks and giggles as they run away (always stopping to make sure he is indeed following) bring a smile to his face, and so he can't help but pull more out of them by the time he finally catches them. Because the minute he's got them, they are in for a visit from the big scary monster they've been trying to escape: the tickle monster. Gildarts laughs nearly as much as they do after a quick tickle to their side results in another giggle fit bursting out of his kiddo.
However, for as boisterous as he can be when it comes to enjoying playtime with them, he also has an incredibly calm and attentive side as well. No issue is a small issue if it is something that is bothering or upsetting his little one, and those big emotions should never be ignored (even if they might make them feel like they are being too much or too difficult, or that they are acting like a baby over "nothing"). Gildarts knows that to be strong you have to acknowledge your vulnerability and weaknesses, and allow yourself to be gentle. Out of everything he has to offer, all of the life experience he can share, this is the one belief that he wants to be able to teach his little one above all others. Because even when he isn't there to soothe their tears on a particularly rough day, they will know that there's no shame in admitting that they are hurting and that it's more than okay—necessary, he would argue—to treat themself with no small amount of gentleness and kindness like they deserve.
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