#age regression fics are good too but it usually feels too awkward to write one myself
abyssal-whump · 6 months
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The tougher a character is, the more I want to see them bleeding and sobbing on the floor
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tinycatstars · 1 year
omg if it isnt too much trouble do you think you could write some agere gamzee + cg karkat? they r my faves theyre so cuuuuuute :D
yess!! i really like the concept of karkat + gamzee using age regression to help gamzee heal and get better after sburb :D so this fic kinda revolves around that! i hope you like it !! <3 <3
also ill be posting this to ao3 too so the pesterchats will look 100 times better with the actual homestuck skin btw !! i had to improvise with tumblr lololol
(also also there is a lil cursing and mention of weed in this btw 0: just a warning!)
Gamzee woke up groggily, turning over to face his clock that sat next to his recuperacoon. It read 11 AM, which was earlier than he’s woken up in a while. The troll lets out a sigh before sitting up, cracking his joints as he stretches. 
He feels different this morning. Not a bad different, but a good one instead. He felt hazy, but not the usual haze he felt after smoking a bowl the night before. He feels… small.
Oh. Oh! He had regressed while he was sleeping.
He takes a few deep breaths before getting out of bed to find his phone. He needed to text Karkat to let him know he was regressed. He really wanted to see his moirail, but he wasn’t sure how busy Karkat would be today, and he really didn’t want to be a bother.
The troll hums, deciding that he would message the other anyways. Anxiety be damned, he wanted to see his best friend!
terminallyCapricious [TC] began trolling carcinoGeneticist [CG] at 11:12 AM
TC: GoOd MoRnInG :0)
TC: :0(
TC: CaN yOu CoMe OvEr? I tHiNk I’m FeElInG tInY
TC: HoNk :0)
terminallyCapricious [TC] ceased trolling carcinoGeneticist [CG] at 11:19 AM
Gamzee smiles at the exchange. As he waits for Karkat to get to his hive, he starts to get ready for the day. The troll quickly showers, or, really, just runs water and stands underneath it. He feels so much better afterwards, relaxing further into his headspace. He rubs moisturizer into his dreads after his rinse, brushing his teeth and finishing up his normal routine. He smiles at himself in the mirror - he’s come so far from where he used to be, mostly thanks to Karkat. He’s helped him feel like himself again, and now the troll finds himself doing things he never would have before, like this “self care” stuff Karkat had been pushing onto him.
He spots the scar from Nepeta’s claw that spanned across his face, it has since faded since he… yeah, best not to think about that right now.
Karkat arrives soon after Gamzee finishes getting ready.  He knocks on the door to his hive, and Gamzee excitedly goes to open it. He smiles as he’s faced with his caregiver. Karkat smiles back, seeing that Gamzee was dressed in one of his own old sweatshirts, large pajama pants, and some purple fuzzy socks. He looked extremely comfortable, not to mention adorable.
“Hey, little grub. I came over as fast as I could”, Karkat says. Gamzee smiles lazily, going in for a hug. Karkat held the other as best as he could, but it was a little difficult with the height difference. Gamzee towered over Karkat, but his head was bent so his forehead was touching the other’s, his dangling arms wrapped around the shorter troll’s body.
Karkat smiled despite the awkward position, leaning into the touch. Gamzee’s hair smelled like the loc oil the other had gifted him a while ago. The scents of passionfruit and pineapple filled the troll’s nostrils as his hair was pressed against his head.
They stay like that for a while, until Gamzee pulls away from the hug, quietly saying “Thanks for coming over”.
“Yeah, of course, I love hanging with my best pal! What did you have planned for today?” Karkat asked the little.
Gamzee shrugs, fiddling with his shirt a bit. He moves from the entryway so Karkat can properly come in. His hive was a bit of a mess, but nothing compared to what it was a few months ago. Only a few dishes were piled in the sink, a couple of pieces of clothing littered the floor, and a few pieces of paper covering the kitchen counter. It was a huge improvement from how it looked before Karkat had intervened; he couldn’t even see the floor of the hive. The other troll was so proud of Gamzee, as silly as it sounded.
“Can we play video games?” Gamzee shyly asks, eyeing his T.V. and gaming set up in the corner of the living room. 
“Sure, do you want anything to drink?” KK asked. Gamzee shook his head and plopped onto his couch, moving some of the blankets out of the way so Karkat could sit next to him. Karkat walks over and grabs the controllers that sat on the T.V. mantle, handing Gamzee one as he sits on the couch next to him.
“What did you wanna play?” Karkat asks, booting up the other’s gaming system to the home screen. Gamzee shrugs, saying something that sounded like “You pick”. Karkat noticed he mumbled a lot more while he was regressed, the other troll couldn’t understand him most days if he wasn’t reading his lips. 
He selects Mario Party, hoping it was a good choice. It was a simple enough game, something Gamzee could play and actually have fun with while regressed. He guesses it was the perfect choice, considering how Gamzee wiggles in excitement as the title screen plays. 
The shorter troll chooses to play as Bowser, while Gamzee is still trying to decide who he wants to be. “Need help deciding?” Karkat asks him, and Gamzee shakes his head as he clicks on Princess Peach. He smiled softly, she was just so pretty, he had to play as her!
They play a few rounds of Mario Party before Gamzee is practically falling asleep while sitting up. Karkat looks fondly over to the other, deciding that he needs a nap. He gently takes the controller out of Gamzee’s hand, which the troll barely registered as he moved another hand up to rub at his eyes sleepily. Karkat gently moves the little into a laying down position on the couch, pulling a spare blanket over the other.
Karkat decides he’ll make them something to eat while the little one sleeps peacefully, so he can get some food into Gamzee whenever he wakes up. The shorter troll gets up from the couch gently kissing the top of Gamzee’s forehead. The other troll smiles a little in his sleep. 
“Sweet dreams, little grub”, Karkat whispers.
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cuddlepilefics · 4 years
could you pretty please with a cherry on top🥺🥺🥺 do a fic where felix from skz is a little and none of the others really know because he's really shy about it. While the group is out shopping they pass the baby section of the store and he sees a rattle he really likes. felix tries so hard not to slip in front of the members but when they get back home he like shuts himself in his room and closes off from the members. Bang chan or changbin (your choice cause i cant choose) notices how theyre acting and earlier saw him looking at the rattle so he buys it in secret for felix and then eventually felix has to come clean about being a little
i love your work but try to stay happy and healthy during these hard times in the world😊😊
 Fandom: Stray Kids
Little: Felix
Caregivers: Stray Kids
 No one’s POV.:
Stray Kids had just finished their dance practice for today and wanted to go for lunch together before splitting up for their individual schedules. They went to the food court of a close by mall, chattering while eating. When they were done eating, it turned out that they still had some time left before they’d have to be back at the company, so they decided to just visit some of the shops. Since they were quite many, they decided to split up as to not form a too large crowd. Felix wasn’t really looking for anything in particular, so he just trailed some random aisles to pass the time till the others were done or they had to get back to work. To his misfortune, the Aussie managed to end up in the baby section of the store. This was exactly what he had wanted to avoid. Felix was a little and being around toys and pacifiers often made him feel very young. It wouldn’t have been that much of a deal if his members knew about this. They could help him try to hide his secret from the public and get him home safely but they didn’t know. Not only needed the dancer keep up perfect appearances for the public, he also needed to hide his age regression from his friends, who knew him better than anyone and who would know something was up.
The Aussie turned on his heel, ready to make his escape when something caught his eyes. There on the middle shelf was a sky-blue baby rattle, decorated with a smiling sun. Not able to stop himself, he picked it up to get a better look, immediately smiling back at the sun. He gave the rattle a few light shakes and barely managed to suppress an excited squeal. Things like this always made him feel giddy. His exhaustion had vanished as he felt himself slowly slip into his headspace. He wasn’t fully little when a realization hit him and he quickly pulled himself together. He couldn’t be little now, people would find out, his friends would find out. If they couldn’t find out, that also meant Felix would have to walk out of this store without the pretty rattle he had discovered. Just the thought of it broke his heart but it couldn’t be helped and right when he put the rattle back onto the shelf, there was a loud voice a few steps away, startling him: “Hey, Lix! We’ve been looking everywhere for you. We really need to leave now or we’ll be late.” The Aussie nodded and walked stiffly towards Changbin, who ruffled his hair. Meeting up with their group, they went to the company building together before splitting up again into their units.
With one final smile, Changbin said good bye to Felix and followed Chan and Jisung to their production studio. As soon as the older was gone, the fake smile Felix had plastered on his face vanished. His anxiety was high after almost exposing himself at the store and to make matters worse, he still didn’t feel fully big. He was trapped somewhere in between, not fully big, not fully little. It was confusing and it made his head hurt. It usually wasn’t this bad when he felt like slipping because his little side was just a bouncy, giggly ball of cuteness and excitement, so nobody thought much of it. Today was different though. When he was little, Felix felt all emotions much stronger. That’s fine if he’s happy and excited but right now, his little side still mourned the rattle he couldn’t buy because he was too much of a coward to tell his friends. While Felix big self tried to be as professional as he somehow could, his little self was hurt and upset. Upset at himself for not being braver and getting himself what he wanted and scared that, should he ever find the courage to come out to his friends, the rattle would be sold out and he’d never see it again, never get to smile at the cute sun again and never get to hear the exciting sound it made.
The dance-line maknae felt his eyes burn and bit the inside of his cheeks to get his control back. He managed not to cry but his headache steadily got worse as the battle between little and big became more and more desperate. “Hey, you okay, Felix? You keep missing steps”, Hyunjin frowned. The younger nodded but the tears in his eyes betrayed him. Minho carefully guided him back to their bags and decided: “Let’s take five and have some water.” Felix slid down the wall next to his bag and buried his head in his hands. A futile attempt to hide the tears making their way down his freckled cheeks. His two hyungs had moved the bags around and now sat down on either side of him. “What’s wrong?”, Hyunjin tried again. Felix sniffled and rubbed at his face, admitting: “Head hurts.” Minho worriedly pressed his palm against the younger’s forehead to feel for a fever. Yeah, the Aussie was a bit warm but he had been dancing for a while. “You don’t have a fever. Did it just start to hurt or did you have a headache all day?”, the oldest dancer examined. “It started on the way back from lunch”, Felix replied, wiping his tears. The older two cringed in sympathy. During the short moment Felix had lifted his head, they had both seen the pain in his eyes and the slight furrow in his brows, indicating he was tense but trying not to show it.
Hyunjin pulled him into a comforting hug and Minho rubbed his back, asking: “Do you want to go back to the dorm to rest, Lixxie?” Being cared for by his hyungs, along with the use of his nickname made the Aussie feel incredibly soft. With that his little side won and he slipped, crying harder due to the increased sensibility. He nodded his head, if he didn’t speak, they’d hopefully not notice. Hyunjin pulled him to his feet and steadied him on their way back. Minho quickly threw everything into their bags and slung them over his shoulders, following the other two members. Felix remained quiet for the entirety of their walk. He let Hyunjin walk him to his bed, while he tried to pull himself out of littlespace. “Here, I got you some medicine and water. Do you need anything else?”, Minho smiled. Shaking his head, Felix managed to at least become big enough to talk to them properly. He thanked his hyung but assured them he’d just go to sleep and they could go back to the practice room. The older two were reluctant but they knew Felix would feel even worse if they stayed back from work for him. They said their good byes and told him to get some rest. With one final hair ruffle they were gone.
As soon as he heard the front door click, Felix slipped out of bed and locked the door to the room he shared with Chan and Changbin. Then he pulled out a box from his closet and retrieved cute yellow pacifier. Popping it into his mouth, he crawled back into bed and hugged his plushie. Not having to hold back anymore, he cried freely, sometimes rambling to his plushie explaining what a cute rattle he had seen and how happy he had been but that he’d never be able to get it. At some point, he had cried himself to sleep. When he woke up from his nap, he noticed a few missed calls and multiple texts from various members. He had still about two hours left till the others would come back, so he ignored the messages and huddled deeper into his fluffy blanket. Despite still being little, his thoughts had cleared up a bit, so he went on his phone and searched the internet. Maybe he could find the rattle online and get it delivered discreetly.
An hour later, that hope was also shattered and Felix threw his phone on his bed, tearing up again. It was almost another hour till his friends would get back and the little made a decision. He would tell the others about his littlespace and maybe he was lucky enough to be able to go buy himself that rattle that he yearned for so much tomorrow. Sitting down at his desk, he pulled out a blank paper and started writing with a purple crayon. He’d write down exactly what he was going to say, so he wouldn’t just forget everything and make it even more awkward. Covering the paper front and back, he included an explanation what littlespace was and his personal reasons why he needed to slip once in a while. When he was done, he was satisfied with the short speech but mostly he was nervous. Would they accept him? He heard the front door open and different voices chatter. Not to long after, there was a knock on his door before somebody tried to open it. “Lix, you okay?”, Chan asked, his voice muffled by the door. The younger pretended to be asleep, feeling a bit guilty for locking his hyung out of their shared room but he wasn’t ready to confront anyone yet.
Chan luckily bought it and decided to grant his dongsaeng some more sleep, if he was really feeling as poorly as Minho and Hyunjin had told him. The next time, he went to try the door was when he wanted to wake Felix for dinner. This time he wouldn’t just walk away again. If need be, he’d pick the lock but he needed to see with his own eyes that the younger was okay and just sleeping. That’s what he ended up doing and Felix barely managed to hide his pacifier under the pillow in time. Chan carefully sat down on the edge of the bed and when he saw the younger blinking up at him confused, he asked: “Hey, how are you doing mate?” Felix shrugged, not trusting his voice. “Dinner’s ready so I was going to wake you, plus if you sleep much more, you won’t be able to sleep tonight”, the leader explained. Felix cringed, he really didn’t want to face all his members and he was to nervous to stomach anything at the moment, so he asked: “Hyung, I really can’t eat right now. Can I stay here? I won’t go back to sleep, I promise.” He was almost fully big by now but that didn’t mean he’d want his members to see him. Chan sighed but nodded, not before settling that Felix would have to eat something later that evening and that he wouldn’t go to bed without dinner.
Felix listened closely and when he heard the table being cleared, he took a deep breath before exiting his room. If he didn’t jump over his shadow now, he’d never do it. “G-Guys, can – can I talk to you? All o-of you?”, he asked shakily. They nodded and gathered in the living room before Chan stopped him: “Changbin’s not here yet. He took a detour earlier and should be here soon. We should wait for him.” Felix nodded and bit his lip, growing more anxious as time passed. After what seemed like an eternity, the door swung open and Changbin gave them a confused look. He didn’t know there’d be a group meeting. He only kicked off his shoes before joining them and every step he took was accompanied by a weird noise. With trembling hands, Felix unfolded the note he had written and started to read it out. He was stuttering, stumbling over his words before pushing the paper into Chan’s hands, a silent plea for the older to continue. The leader complied and finished the short speech his dongsaeng had prepared. There was silence, except for Felix soft sniffles. Chan pulled him into a hug and assured him that it was fine and that he was grateful the younger had trusted them enough to open up about such a vulnerable thing. Seeing how much their silence scared the young Aussie, the others were quick to follow their leader’s example and tell their friend that they didn’t judge him for it.
When Felix had calmed down a bit, he was ready to answer their questions. “Yeah, when I try to suppress my need to slip, I get a really bad headache, which is what happened today. I didn’t think I could go on like this, so I needed to tell you”, he explained. Minho gave him a questioning look: “Are you little right now?” – “No, I’m not. Though I feel really close to slipping, just not yet. I was little earlier when you took me back home, that’s why for a while I wasn’t talking”, Felix replied. Hyunjin admitted: “I’m scared guys. He’s so cute already, I don’t think I could handle it if he was little.” That brought a smile to Felix face, happy that they had taken him the way he was. Changbin got up and made his way over to Felix. There was that weird noise again and when he reached for the pocket of his jacket, Felix could see it was bulging slightly. “I saw you looking at that rattle earlier at the store, you really liked it, right?”, the rapper asked, “Now I understand why you do. It makes you feel little.” Felix nodded, growing sad. He avoided the older’s eyes by looking at the floor. “Then it’s a good thing I went back and got it for you, hmm?”, Changbin smiled, pulling something from his pocket, “Your eyes were literally sparkling earlier but then you looked sad when we left, so I thought you must have really wanted it.”
Felix face lit up when Changbin handed him the toy he had been wishing for so badly. Looking at it again, he slipped in an instant. Beaming at the sun, painted on it, the little gave it a good shake and broke into giggles when it made the noise he liked so much. Changbin felt his heart beat faster and he smiled widely at the excited little in front of him. There were muffled squeals from the members around them, as they had to realize being little multiplied Felix cuteness. “Changbinnie-hyungie!!! TANK CHU!!!!”, the little squealed and threw himself into his hyung’s strong arms. Laughing, Changbin caught him and hugged back. The two stayed cuddled together, with Felix occasionally shaking his rattle, eyes wide and innocent, until Chan spoke up: “Cutie, can you let go of Binnie for a while?” – “Nuh! My Changbinnie-hyungie!” – “I’m not taking him away from you”, the oldest chuckled, “but I know that neither of you have eaten yet. You can cuddle again after.” Felix seemed to be thinking about it. “Come on, Lixxie. We saved you some fried chicken and Channie-hyungie is going to feed you. When Binnie is done eating and took that shower he has been looking forward to for hours, you can cuddle again.” – “Lixxie wan’ cuddle with Channgbinnie-hyungie and Channie-hyungie.” – “Okay baby. We will but first. Food?” – “Foowd”, Felix agreed before being picked up by his hyung.
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