#agate-blade assassin
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That's a nice knife
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almostlookedhuman · 21 days
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Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation part 14
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Yet another day of just doing side quests. I finished up doing the business rival missions in New Orleans, then bought all the shops. Then I found out there were items for each of the personas to get - Lady, Precious Stones - Slave - Voodoo Dolls - Assassin, Assassin Coins. I found a map on where to find them all so I took a bit of time to go all around the map, changing personas as I went to get the items. Then I went to the Bayou and did the same thing. Item finding and the side quests for the Slave Persona that I needed to finish up. Very fulfilling. Here is what I did.
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I continued on doing the Business Rival missions that I had left in New Orleans. The first one I found was by the docks and the informant said that Monsieur Salmon was charging impossibly high prices for ships and repairs. So I had to go take care of him.
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I found him wandering around an open area by some warehouses by the docks. He had some soldiers around him and I just shot him from afar. Easy peasy. (Side Quest: M. Salmon’s Ships - complete)
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I bought some nearby shops that opened up and then bought a new hood. But I didn’t want to spend more on new outfits since there were other shops to buy.
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I had been over at the houses outside of town and noticed there were diary pages that I had missed but couldn’t get them since I had been in the Lady persona. So now as an Assassin, I went back and got them.
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Then I went to the last business rival mission. The informant said that Monsieur de Chevallier hides in his mansion controlling the prices of weapons across New Orleans. So I had to take him out.
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I went to go find the man and found him walking around and then in a back alleyway. So I just got close enough and poisoned him and took him down. But I still had to go down and loot his body, but I got rid of the soldiers and finished the quest. (Side Quest: M. de Chevallier’s Weapons - complete)
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I was looking at my inventory and saw that there was a limit on how many Precious Gems I could collect and just needed one more, but didn’t know where to look. So I looked it up and found a map where all the collectables were. So I went around changing my persona as needed and stole Voodoo dolls from people as a Slave. Assassin Coins as a Assassin, and found the last Precious Stone as the Lady. I unlocked  a special outfit, cool.
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I also went and bought the last of the shops and now I own all the shops in New Orleans. Then I went out to the Bayou. The Animus Memory notes said that the ongoing plot was trying to bring her mentor out of hiding, so Aveline needed to regain Agate’s trust as she wasn’t giving up on the Brotherhood.
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I found a Free Slaves mission and found the same slave I had helped before. He said his wife has disappeared. His wife had begun talking of revenge and revolution and got mixed up with some bad men on the bayou and went with them. But he doesn’t think they are who they say they are. He wants me to go save her.
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So I went to go find his wife and found her being followed by some suspicious soldiers. So I took them out, son with poison and the other with my hidden blade.
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The wife was grateful for being saved, but couldn’t believe she was tricked. But one day the revolution will come. She then was going to go back to her family to safety. (Side Quest: A New Recruit - complete)
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I was heading to the next mission for the Slave persona and I saved a fevered patient.
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The next Slave persona mission happened really fast. I had to find the witness that some bandits were attacking and it was timed. I had to race through the bayou to find the bandits that were about to kill the witness and I had to do it strategically as well. So I took out the back soldiers with poison, then took out the two others with an air assassination.
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The witness was free and I found a letter that was left behind. It said to interrogate the second witness to make sure he hadn’t told anyone anything. They will leave instructions at the usual place. (Side Quest: Witness Protection - complete)
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The next mission I had to find out where the bandits leader was, so I had to follow some clues and it lead me to a set of footprints that I saw with Eagle Vision.
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I found a letter near the footprints and it said that the business was done and moving on. They were going to met at the west of the fort.
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So I had to race through the bayou again across the trees to the west of the fort and I found my target. I just had to kill him and he was pretty easy. That was the end of the Slave missions. (Side Quest: The Culprit - complete)
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The next thing I did was go find the rest of the Voodoo Dolls in the area so now I unlocked a new outfit for the Slave persona. I also went and got the Assassin Coins for the Assassin persona but I was missing one. It was getting late so I will have to get it next time. And since that is all the side quests, I can now focus on the main quest. But I will do that next time. Until then. Happy Gaming!
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batmurdock · 3 years
some unspoken thing [starnovamora]
for @murdockquills & @novasforce, who introduced me to cosmic marvel - thanks for letting me hitchhike in your milano to the triumphant finish line.
Love was a weakness. 
That was what she’d always been taught. Love was something that made men fall apart, brought kingdoms down, watered intent to nothing, and dulled the blades of a half-decent assassin. 
Relationships, if they could be called that, were just other weapons to wield. Gamora knew the best grooves to press to make people fall apart — good ways and bad. She had no qualms about using those points of access to her advantage, either. 
Like now, lying here, between two men on whom she and everyone else staked the hopes of the universe, Gamora knew best how to kill them — or give them, as Peter called it, “la petty more”, which Gamora was fairly certain wasn’t the right phrase, but who was she to argue with someone she— 
Cared for. 
It was still hard to say it. Love came easier to Peter, to Richard, than it ever would for Gamora Zen-Whoberi Ben Titan. She’d believed that for many years as she ran her knives together; sharpened their edges, honed her own. She had watched them haunt each other; two ghosts orbiting an empty galaxy, and waited for them to come into alignment together. 
Because she knew how to press. And she knew when to pull back. 
It had been a few hours since they’d left the party. Her skin still glowed from the last release, mossy; warm and flushed. The ceiling overhead had a glass pane through which she could see the tall peaks and spires of buildings in the distance — but it also magnified the stars beyond. 
Idly, agate fingers stroked flaxen hair, Peter dozing off; undignified and utterly beautiful against her stomach. Beside her opposite, his arm wound around Peter and Gamora both, Richard mumbled something about needing to check the scanners. He lolled his head back with a dazed and hazy little smile, and Gamora felt everything inside of her soften. 
To a dulled blade. 
Was that such a bad thing? 
It hadn’t occurred to her that she could be anything other than the one to kill. The vibe, the men, anything else. She was designed to finish things. To tactically strategize exits in the form of eviscerations. If she wanted to, while they slept or dipped into the happy lull of the Lovers reunited, Gamora could’ve ended it. Snuffed out the sun, smothered the light. She knew, after all, their every flaw.
But love was, as it turned out, their greatest strength. 
It could stay the hand of a murderer. Peter’s pleading expressions when she felt far away; when the Stones called out to her, or when memories of her so-called father kept her icy and isolated. Rich relenting long enough to lie in bed beside her for ten extra minutes when the universe was once again on the brink of destruction.
Just some unspoken thing.
She realized, more or less, that they’d said it of one another. Two war heroes nursing their wounds and afraid to show one another their scars for fear of…what, exactly? Oh right. Weakness, she supposed. 
But love brought Peter Quill home. Love brought Richard Rider back. And love — 
Love made the Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy want to finally, maybe, change careers. 
To encourage life. And growth. And — she wasn’t sure what else. Her father waxed poetic about gardens. Gamora’s were just yards littered with bones piled high toward the heavens. But whatever it was, growth, or garden, or the opportunity to simply keep going - all Gamora knew was that she wanted more. 
“I love you,” she said, quietly. Finally. She whipped that knife out of its hilt and brandished it with a simple flick of her tongue. 
It didn’t hurt. 
Her fingers threaded through Peter’s golden tresses, traced lines across Richard’s back. The stars twinkled down through the skylight, the city lavender and indigo above them, slowly being swallowed by the faintest of fogs. But no need to venture outside. No need to go beyond this room. 
Everything they had was within reach. Not power, not violence — but the tender way in which Peter stretched and squeaked faintly, in which Richard groggily yawned and shoved his head a little more into Gamora’s shoulder like a burrowing thing. She smiled to herself, arms still wound around her boys, and exhaled at last. 
She had grieved them. Together. Separately. She had cursed herself for not trying harder. Being or doing or saying more. Seeing them spiral, watching them die or disappear — helpless to stop any of it, anything at all — 
But here they were. Peter, grinning up at her, beardy and golden as a blazing sun, bare and shining. He glowed a little when he wasn’t thinking about it, sometimes — not unlike how when he went down on Rich, Rich tended to blue blaze to life himself.
How strange, even still, to think of herself as anything other than a black hole that devoured life with the swing of her sword, the firing of a gun. Total decimation shouldn’t have a chance at something more.
But as Gamora had seen the face of Death, she had seen that of Life.
That face had slept beside her, or was peering up at her now. Surrounded by the softness of it, Gamora thought not of how hard she swung her sword, nor the force with which she once kicked a Brood back into its crumbling nest so hard the entirety of it imploded. No - strength, at times, was a tenderness - notching an arrow just so, keeping your grip just loose enough. 
You couldn’t hold too tight to things like Peter, for example. Just enough. Couldn’t push Rich too far, or he’d just refuse to come back down. In her own way, she’d been trying all along to reel them in - to get them to realize something she, too, was only just starting to realize herself.
Peter was wriggling upright reluctantly as Rich slouched closer, his hand catching Peter’s cheek in a soft grip. They kissed over her, and Gamora almost laughed. 
“Oh, that’s fine, don’t mind me--”
“I’m starving,” Peter exclaimed as they broke apart, eagerly looking between each of his loves. “What’s around that’s open?”
“Everything,” Rich laughed. “Anything. I think we were promised free takeout for life.”
“Pretty sure no one said that,” Gamora mock-frowned. It was easy to fall back into this - as Peter smooched her stomach and [to her horror] made her scrunch into a baffled little ball, which made Rich throw his head back and laugh - 
This was their love.
This was their world.
This was not a sword, but a shield. Not a gun, but armor. Or perhaps all of them were the bullet - she the sighted rifle, Rich the force behind it, and Peter the hand to pull the trigger of the galaxy’s greatest power.
“Let’s get room service,” Gamora murmured, and, stretching, rolled over slightly to grab the nearest communicator. Peter’s lips graced her shoulder, and Rich lounged against Peter’s back, snuggling in again. His hand found her hip, tracing silvery lines where parts of her weren’t - human.
But all of her was, with them.
And all of this was love.
Strong enough to see them through to the not-so-bitter end.
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theclockworkkidart · 3 years
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I suck at drawing weapons so I give my OCs complicated ones. I’m not sure what that classifies as. She’s not even the worst of the Agates weapon-wise.
Blue Lace Agate. One of the Agates. Technically Steven Universe OCs but like they’re on a branch of their own. They’re all based on magical girl/shonen tropes so if you recognize something, congratulations.
Blue Lace is thought to be the eldest. Her weapon is a pair of scissors that can be separated into two blades. Agates are assassins - generally for their respective Diamond - and Blue Lace is one of the more highly skilled ones. With no hesitation, her calming aura effects her targets into not panicking or fighting back before she lands the final blow with a swift swipe of a blade or snip. She defected from her Diamond and Homeworld, and now is a mercenary for hire. Either as protection or her original role as an assassin.
Her rival is Crazy Lace Agate. The two have conflicting abilities (Blue Lace has calming, while Crazy Lace has chaos).
Also below the cut is no effects and then my first drawing I made of her back in early 2016. So that means I made my Agates before canon Agates were introduced.
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weirdfishy · 3 years
@aka-ashi-keiji i hate you so much for giving me brain rot abt this
jk love you j'lynn 🥰🥰
bouncing off their post's synopsis of a yakuza leader Kirishima who has an adoptive family member that he's trained to basically be his assassin. no plot- yet at least, just giving the idea a spin :)
also! i kinda liked how someone used 'otome' (for afab reader at least, I forget what the amab one was...) instead of the '___' or 'y/n' so I think i'm going to adopt that for my inserts
AO3 link
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words: 601
“Otome-tan~” WIthout looking up, your wrist flicks out and in without splattering any ink, only for a sharp tsk to come from the red head now looming over you. He holds up the tiny tracker between sharp nails. You put down the calligraphy brush, but keep your head down. He’s quiet for a second, the playful air lulling.
“Not quite, but you pass. If it were anybody else, you would have been successful.” His speech is serious and didactic, but there’s the barest hint of pride. He drops the tech on the table, and you rise smoothly, a slight bow before he speaks again, picking up the overly-cheery tone again.
“Time to go out~”
And with that, he’s back out the door. Once the door slides shut, you turn and exit the door behind you, activating the nano-bodysuit and replacing the stylistically flowy yukata with a black, closer-fitting gi-like suit. The finger-less gloves you pull on have crimson seams, like the rest of the suit, and knuckle pads. Combat boots of the same bi-color scheme were next, right before a small firearm and a tranquilizer gun were slotted into a shoulder harness, and various small blades line your form.
A small drawstring bag was slung over your shoulder last, before you leave through another door, taking the ascending steps three at a time.
Time for work.
The drive is long, -- where you’re kept is as far from the city as possible without it being an inconvenience for Eiji-sama, since he has to live there -- and it’s not until the car is pulled next to a concert lot that your boss speaks. Case-specific directions only, since all the information was organized and neatly presented in a compact white envelope, courtesy of Zenji-san. Plus, you know your rules.
Unseen, quiet, efficient, and traceless in every other way besides his mark. A rough-hewn shard of agate, always stuck into the breast, right over the heart.
Just like Eiji-sama wears on a chain, dyed bright red and smooth, a shark tooth-like triangle resting in the middle of his collar. Just like what’s burned into the nape of your neck, tattooed tendrils spreading outwards from it, across your shoulders in a picture of bloody, shredded bat wings.
See the truth, the stone says. Cleanse this soul, it whispers, because a knife can stop the heart, but can't rid the filth of their soul.
At least, that’s what swims in your head, Eiji-sama’s hushed rumble pervading each corner of your mind. It’s what he’s said to you - amongst other things - since you were 8 and clumsily gripping a wooden dagger, wide-eyed and feeling.
But you don’t feel anymore. Not in revulsion at calloused fingers tracing the brand lovingly, or self-hate at the river of blood stretching behind you.
Not unless your bone is being sawed into or your muscles being speed-regrown via Mei-san’s chemicals. Not unless it’s a correcting session with ‘Suki-sama or meditation with Kami-sama. Not unless it’s physical pain.
You’re left on the side of the road while hardened red eyes dare you to run off or challenge him, the car pulling up to the front of the venue, the yukata you sported earlier covering the suspicious nature of your combat outfit until you get into the venue. You start walking.
Eiji-sama sits in his VIP seat, in front of the big lights of a singer he owns, next to his chosen family of people just as rich and manipulative as him, and laughs. He shows his face to live television, drinking and smoking as a rare relaxation day for the CEO of a small but well-off news company.
He sits in open view of his underground enemies while you flit around, unseen, quiet, efficient. Building the fearsome reputation of Riot.
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burnt-amethyst · 4 years
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an update on my Picture Jasper. this would be their form in SU Future. i dont have their history complety done but i do want to say that i have most of it done, i may change it after the 19th century but that depends on how self indulegnt i want to be durign the actual show.
Species: Gem
Weapon(s): Pesh-kabz
Gender Pronoun: They/Them
Gemstone: Picture Jasper
Gem Type: Quartz
Alignment: Unaligned
Personality: Easygoing laidback personality, they have a sharp and sarcastic sense of humor not taking anything too seriously. This gets them in trouble at times and seen as immature and childish.
Skillset: Dagger Proficiency, Dual Wielding, Martial Arts
Unique Abilities: Spin Dash, Geokinesis
History:  5,200 years ago Picture Jasper was created among the troops in the Beta Kindergarten and is considered defective like many of the gems there. In the time leading up to the shattering of Pink Diamond they meet and fall in love with a Black Onyx guard assigned to a Black Star Sapphire sent from Homeworld to help with the colonization of earth.
          5,050 years ago the day of Pink Diamonds shattering is the day that  Picture Jasper and Black Onyx attempt to escape to freedom away from the diamond authority. In the chaos of confusion and horror the two are thought to be Crystal Gems rebels who helped in the assassination of the earth's Diamond. Having no other choice but to fight, Homeworld gems were poofed along with Picture Jasper only surviving due to Onyx finding their gem in time and running away. It takes some time for Picture to reform as they have never had the opportunity to choose a form they liked, having only the option of the Diamond uniform. 
          They reform days later with shorter hair with a sleeveless bodysuit, exuding happiness Onyx had never seen before in their eyes.Time passes and the two become closer until one night lying under the stars without thinking and without intent the two fuse forming an Agate. It was a shock to them both and they unfuse immediately but stuck in terror of what the other might say. Onyx begins to smile and as does Picture, they return to their places sitting beside each other hand in hand. They test the waters as a fusion knowing that their purpose on Homeworld would make them nothing more than a war machine,especially being two quartz soldiers. They decide to take their time figuring out who they are together as one honing Pictures apparent Geokinesis shaping the earth creating caverns, mountains and art. 
          One day Agate accidentally wanders onto a battlefield filled with Homeworld Gems and Crystal gems fighting, they unfuse immediately not wanting to bring attention to themselves. A crystal gem sees them and believes them to be Homeworld gems planning a sneak attack and begins to charge at the two. They ready their weapons and begin attacking the crystal gem forced to come out of hiding. They are about to fuse when the renegade pear shoves her spear through Onyx, poofing them. Picture Jasper infuriated by this, uses their Geokinesis to create a blade extending from their arm, swiping at pearl trying to poof her. The two are so caught in their fighting that they don't notice the Homeworld gems retreating, it's not until the pearl is swept away by the Rose Quartz that Picture takes in their surroundings. Frantically they search for Onyx hoping that they have reformed but to no luck, hearing a sickly crack Picture looks over to see that Onyx's gem has been cracked severely.Picture unconsciously creates a pulsating earthquake as they walk over to Onyx's gem, throwing gems of all kinds every which way and into the air. As they pick up the pieces of Onyx's gem and holds it close to their chest they fall to their knees as a dome of earth surrounds them as the rest of the world is shut out. Picture stays in the rock cocoon for an unknown amount of time looking at the remains of their love. They are not a Homeworld gem anymore they can't go back to ask for help in repairing Onyx, there is only one known gem that can heal a cracked gem. Rose Quartz. 
          Picture Jasper destroyed the dome around them now with a new purpose to their existence, to make Rose Quartz heal Onyx by any means necessary.19th century it's only in their search for rose quartz that Picture realizes how long they had been in the dome as the natural inhabitants of the planet had evolved a significant amount. Creating their own colonies and homes, it would appear that the Diamond Authority had given up on this planet entirely. Picture decided that it may be best for them to try and blend in with the humans now that they dominate the planet. Picture changes their form to fit in with the masculine clothing of the time choosing to wear something that would best hide their face and gem.Picture soon realizes that it will be much more difficult to find Rose Quartz then expected. With the world growing larger and faster each day Picture decided they might as well enjoy the time they have while trying to find Rose. 
          Picture soon forms bonds with humans through many generations taking pleasure in the things the humans created, especially music. Picture had never heard such wondrous sounds as only the most elite would have the privilege of singing Pearls or even to have the honor attend a ball in the diamonds presence. This eventually led Picture to crossing paths with Vidalia. 20th century Picture had been making their way through the east coast when they caught wind of this singer called Mr. Universe whose next gig was in Beach City. Picture thought that since they were headed that way anyway it wouldn't hurt to stop for a song or two, only they had gotten there to late they could see the Mr. Universe van driving away in the distance. but they also saw a woman walking the opposite way of the van, she was clad in a dark leather jacket with spikes on the shoulders. Clothing that fit perfectly into the punk, metal, and rock subculture of the time. 
          Through the years Picture had developed an interest in fashion taking notice of how clothing had developed and changed in the hundreds of years since their resurfacing. They walk up to the human asking if they had missed the concert to which she replied yes,they then asked if there were any hang outs in town. The human chuckled “Not in this one fish town, but you can crash at my place as long as you buy breakfast.” So they did, for weeks Picture Crashed in Vidalias garage feeling as if there was something in the quiet little beach town calling to them. It's not until Vidalia brings over Greg and Amethyst and they realize why. Shocked to see another NORMAL gem for the first time in centuries, Picture is frozen unable to say a word only attire in aw. Another Gem another Quartz just like them on earth in the same town this couldn't be a coincidence it has to mean something it has to be a sign. 
          Amethyst and Picture become friends very quickly, both being very careless in the way they act and loving to live wild. Picture takes note that she acts very much like a human child would, making her wonder how old the gem was since she was an Amethyst. She should be the size and shape of a normal quartz solder as the Prime Kindergarten had no issues with the resources or Injectors. At the end of the day Amethyst all but drags Picture to the temple. When they get there the temple is empty moments later the warp pad activates showing three gems: a Garnet, a Pearl, and the Rose Quartz.Picture was frozen as Amethyst excitedly ran to them and grabbed onto Rose's dress pulling her over to them. Picture stares at Rose all these years of searching, all the stories of gems going to battle against her and never coming back. The terrifying war criminal Rose Quartz standing before them, and she's smiling. Picture pulls out the remains of Onyx's Gem in a bubble and asks Rose to heal them. Rose and the rest of the gems are shocked Pearl and Garnet pull out their respective weapons and get on the defensive. “You're not a Crystal Gem are you?” Picture tells her no, but that they are not a member of Homeworld anymore either. Pearl comes behind Rose to tell her not to trust Picture, that they could be a Homeworld spy. 
          That is when Picture puts two and two together. This pearl is the one from years ago, the one that caused their lovers demise, the terrifying renegade Pearl. Rose tells them that they can not help them, that she is only able to heal gems by crying and feeling real sorrow for the gems. She apologizes for what happened to Onyx but asks that Picture leaves. Amethyst is upset that the one time she has made a friend that’s not human they are not welcome.As the Crystal gems are distracted, Picture puts Onyx safely back into their gem and pulls out their weapon and strikes at pearl but is blocked and pushed away by Roses shield. Picture recovers and states that Pearl is the one to cause Onyxes cracking, and that if she had left them be, they would be here today. Picture leaves knowing that there is no way for them to win a match three to one.
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jpat82 · 5 years
101 Ways To Kill Bucky Barnes
Obsidian Knifes
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    You made your way down the open park of the city just as the last rays of sun graced everything in fiery orange glow. It was busy in sense that hundreds of people wandered about but not packed in like sardines. Vendors were all of to the right side selling their many trinkets and as authentic of food that they could muster, then off to the left side was reserved for live entertainment.
   A group played on acoustic instruments, while live dancers dressed in medieval threads showed off their moves. People set up ready to joust, a small archery range had also been set up, along with ax throwing. If this didn't have accidental murder written all over it nothing else would.
    There were so many possibilities. Arrow to the heart, spear to the neck, ax to the skull, Hell they even had torches set up to guide the paths. It almost made an un-assassin like giggle come from you, a small smile graced across your face at the though of finally being done with this hit.
    "Hey doll." You heard Bucky's smooth voice come up from behind you. You looked over your shoulder not bothering to turn.
    His hair was loose, framing his face, and you swore that man purposely always had stumble surrounding those full lips of his. He was wearing a long sleeve henley that left little to the imagination when it came to the man's muscle tone, and a pair of dark jeans that realistically were about a size to tight. That smile of his... it was genuine, something you didn't get often but it was nice to see.
     "Hey stranger, long time no see." You said back as he finally walked up next to you, you smiled back.
     "I know, kinda dorky for a date." He chuckled shoving his hands into his front pocket looking at the ground.
     "I think it's kinda cool, what most guys take girls out the movies or a bar? This.. this is something different." You shrugged, looking around. Truthfully if you hadn't had murder on the brain you would of realized how awesome of date this would of been. Not that you had much to compare it to, but it was definitely something that you would of loved, had you hadn't become an assassin.
     "Thanks. I feel out of the loop when it comes to taking a gal on a date but.." He shrugged, hooking his head toward the vendors. Not exactly the direction you had wanted to go but, you might as well play along. Can't accidentally murder the man outright.
     "I know what you mean, I haven't been on to many. Anyway, so what did you do today." You asked, knowing full and well he dodged a bullet by a cats hair.
      "Took a walk around the city, worked out some with Steve, listened to two of my friends.." He seemed to roll the word on his tongue testing it out to see if it was the right word before continuing on. "Argue about which was better pancakes or waffles, then someone interjected crepes. Just another day really."
    "So what was the final the decision?" You asked, looking at handcrafted jewelry on one of the tables. They were all so beautifully crafted, jasper, obsidian, agate, with simple wire wrapping. Some still had unfinished edges, others perfectly cabbed.
     "To be honest, I'm not entirely sure. I snuck out after the first arrow was shot. Clint's got some pretty good aim, and pancakes are his absolute favorite. Nat likes to get him riled up and set him loose on Sam so.. who knows." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, stopping next to you while you continued to look over the assortment of rocks. You noticed that they had fashioned some of the obsidian into a very wicked blade and you were currently calculating how much you currently had on the card in your possession.
    "Which are your favorites?" You asked absentmindedly.
     "Personally, French toast. It was something my ma would make as a treat when us kids were good or on special occasions." He replied, he then turned his attention the attendant behind the table. "How much for the knife?"
     "$35 sir." The tiny little red headed man replied while bagging up someone else purchase.
     "Would you like it?" Bucky asked, looking back at you. You're eyes widen a bit in surprise, and for moment you were left speechless.  "I can see you eyeballing it. It's absolutely stunning so I don't blame you."
     "Bucky, you really don't have to." You told him, being genuine, maybe he was more observant then you had originally thought.
    "It would be my pleasure." He smirked as he pulled his wallet out and handed the man some money. You faced Bucky as the knife was being safely packaged up for you.
    "You know, you're a real sweetheart. Buying a gal a knife on a date like this."
    "Just don't stab me with it, might not look to good." He jested back, taking the bag and handing it over to you.
    "Heavens no, I wouldn't stab you with a knife you just bought me. I mean yeah, the irony of it would be quite funny but unfortunately there are multiple witnesses now." You responded with a chuckle, you hadn't actually thought about using the knife before he mentioned it. You knew obsidian when cut right could be sharper the surgical blades and leave thinner slice marks, and sure if things went south tonight and you couldn't actually kill him accidentally then it was a viable option.
     "Personally if I was going to assassinate someone at a venue like this I would go for ax throwing." He chuckled and stopped himself, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "Sorry, that was a bit morbid."
      "It's all good, nothing wrong with a little dark humor. So why wouldn't you go for the arrows?" You asked innocently as the both of you walked through vendor booths.
     "It would be harder to make it look like it wasn't done purposely. You would actively have to turn and face the person you would want to kill." He stated, keeping his eyes focused forward. Slowly you linked your arm around his, and leaned your head against his shoulder, might as well play up the fact that you weren't a threat and this was just a innocent conversation. That's exactly what you were doing, not because you caught a whiff of his cologne and he smelled absolutely amazing, and certainly not because he was handsome. "With the axe if you aim it just right and with right amount of force behind it you can have it rebounded off the target and hit whoever you were aiming for."
    “I’ll take your word for it.” You stated, he was right, you hadn’t thought about having to turn to him with the arrow. “You seem to know a lot about weapons.”
“Yeah, about that.” He sighed and stopped, he turned to face you with a sober look on his face. “Let’s go sit down and talk for a bit, I’ve got a lot to explain.”
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gems-in-the-city · 5 years
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“Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls and Gems of all cuts and creeds, it’s showtime!”
“Please put your hands together for the musical stylings of ‘Tanzanite And The Runners!’”
Gem: Tanzanite Pronouns: He/Him Weapon: Long double edged sword Occupation: Radio DJ/Session Musician/Leader of the band ‘Tanzanite And The Runners’ Band Position: Leader, Lead Vocalist, Songwriter, Various instruments (Acoustic Guitar, Saxophone, Pianist mostly) Personality: Calm, Cool, Charming and Charismatic, Sees the good in most folks
Skillset: Sword Proficiency, Photokinesis, Musicality Unique Abilities: Instant shapeshifting, Interdimensional Storage, Superior Adaptation
Icon Faceclaim: Ky Kiske (Guilty Gear)
Originally an agent of Blue Diamond, Tanzanite acted as a spy, worming his way into rebel camps only to turn on any Gem siding with Rose Quartz by slicing into them with his trusted blade, and shattering Gems to ensure her followers shrunk in size.
He was doing his Diamond well, and Rose’s army could have completely fallen, had he not felt the weight of his actions.
On the way to his next target, Tanzanite was struck with grief. He had been doing his job well, but at what cost? What was even the point of the Diamond’s galaxy-wide strangle hold on planets?
After literally falling into a hole on one rainy night, he vowed that he’d never fight for the Diamond Authority again, instead offering his hand to very the cause that he had been eliminating.
However, he vowed to never raise his sword, even for the Crystal Gems. Instead, he’d lend his support via a new vice in his life: Music, essentially becoming a bard.
Not to long after his change of metaphoric heart, he’d meet with more Crystal Gems that would welcome him into their corps. Gems that he would stay with for the rest of his life like a family.
Gem: Chrysoprase Pronouns: She/Her Weapon: Bow and Arrow Occupation: Archery Instructor, Band Member Band Position: Horn Instruments, Pianist, Strings Personality: Level headed, determined, a little smarmy
Skillset: Bow Proficiency, Photokinesis, Energy Projection, Musicality, Gem-tech Interfacing Unique Abilities: Psychokinesis, Terrain Manipulation
Icon Faceclaim: Elisabeth Blanctorche (KOF)
Gem: (Green) Pearl Pronouns: She/Her Weapon: Giant Fan Occupation: Librarian, Band Member Band Position: Various, uses Self-Duplication clones to fill in gaps for various instruments, manager Personality: Astute, Poised, Hardworking, Patient, has a tendency to be sarcastic at times
Skillset: Same abilities as an average Pearl, Musicality Unique Abilities: Most of an average Pearl (Holographic Projection, Self-Duplication, etc.), Wind Manipulation
Icon Faceclaim: Pearl (S*U)
Gem: Bismuth Pronouns: He/Him Weapon: N/A, read below Occupation: Radio DJ/Session Musician, Band Member Band Position: Pianist, Drums Personality: Smart, precise, well read, stern but fair
Skillset: Same abilities as an average Bismuth (Shapeshifting Weapons, Thermal Resistance, etc.), Musicality Unique Abilities: Same abilities as an average Bismuth (Skilled Craftsmanship, Superhuman Strength)
Icon Faceclaim: Bismuth (S*U)
A rouge space captain, her Pearl and a blacksmith. I’m sure there’s a joke here, but I’ve got nothing!
Anyhow, this ragtag group cut split from the Empire after being forced to  patrol planets that the Empire had already swept through.
Feeling her talents were being put to waste, Chrysoprase decided that she’d align with the rebels, just to get back at the Empire for more or less making her and her entire fleet of warriors janitors.
Although she faced some push back from her Pearl and fleet Bismuth, they eventually saw things from her point of view. Plus her turning to the Crystal Gems proved to be fruitful as the number of Gems under Rose Quartz rose tremendously, no thanks to that Spy assassin.
Ironically enough on a trip to Earth, Tanzanite just so happened to run into the green rogue and crew. The crew heard of Tanzanite’s plight and welcomed him to the Crystal Gems with open arms.
Even as the years went by and Gems came and went, these four would always stick together through thick and thin.
However, three more Gems would prove to stick around in the coming years.
Gem: Fire Agate Pronouns: He/Him Weapon: Dual Tonfa Occupation: Construction, Band Member Band Position: Backing Vocals, Electric Guitar/Bass Personality: LOUD, BRASH, CRUDE, ANGRY, A REAL ASSHOLE AND PROUD OF IT!!
Skillset: Tonfa Proficiency, Musicality, Pinpoint Accuracy, Hand To Hand Combat Proficiency  Unique Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Pyrokinesis, Thermal/Heat Resistance, Sound Manipulation
Icon Faceclaim: Yashiro Nanakase (KOF)
A captain sent to exile after over stepping his authority, Fire was left to blaze alone on a planet full of monsters far on the other edge of the galaxy.
For years his resentment towards the Diamond Authority grew as did his monster kill-count. There was nothing he wanted to do more than to shatter the Gem of each Diamond so he could burn their shards into ashes in the palm of his fiery hands.
He was found by Tanzanite and crew by pure chance, noticing a huge pillar of flame erupting from a planetoid far off in the galaxy. Upon arriving to the planet’s surface, Fire heard of their affiliation towards the Crystal Gems and wanted in immediately.
“I’ll join any cause you want, just as long as I get to smash those dumb rocks~!!!”
While most of the team were weary to his extreme levels of violence, Tanzanite found him to be a valuable member to the team, appreciating his literal fiery spirit.
Gem: Lapis Lazuli Pronouns: He/Him Weapon: Water Pot (Generates water for him to control) Occupation: Various odd jobs, Band Member Band Position: Backing Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, banjo Personality: Quite, easy-going, relaxed, go with the flow kind of Gem
Skillset: Same as an average Lapis Lazuli (Enhanced Durability, Strength) Unique Abilities: Same as an average Lapis Lazuli (Hydrokinesis, Water Generation, etc.)
Icon Faceclaim: Syo Kirishima/Kyo Kusanagi (KOF)
Counting acting Fire’s blazing personality is the lazy river rider mentality of Lapis Lazuli.
An easy-going Gem swept up in the tides of war, Lapis was to be exiled to the same planet as Fire Agate, but managed to hi-jack an escape pod with his water skills.
Landing in the mountains of South Korea, he lived a quiet life of living off the land in a little lean-to he built all himself. It wasn’t an exciting life, but it was a good life for him.
Of course he eventually grew bored of it and wanted some more action in his life. Luckily Tanzanite and his crew found him and, well, you can guess what happened next.
Gem: (Black) Spinel Pronouns: She/Her Weapon: N/A Occupation: No real job, but they tend to work with Fire Agate every now and then Band Position: Tambourine, Bongos, Piano Personality: Happy-Go-Lucky, always ready to play, but can get shy around new people
Skillset: Same as an average Spinel Unique Abilities: Same as an average Spinel
Icon Faceclaim: Spinel (S*U)
And rounding out this whacky family of space rocks is this little black and white ragamuffin!
A mental casualty thanks to the war, Spinel was the last of his rebel group, left alone and afraid to leave a cave they hid in while their rebel camp was attacked by the Diamond Authority.
Can you guess what happened next? You guessed it! Tanzanite and crew found Spinel and welcomed them into their group.
They were hesitant at first, but with Tender Loving Care, the team were able to put the spring back into Spinel’s squeaky steps! Although they’re still shy around new folks, but then again who isn’t?
For years the team would be on the run, moving from place to place, lending their hands whenever possible.
And then the day came: The Diamond Authority ceased their galaxy wide conquest. The time for peace was at hand.
Three years later, Tanzanite and crew have settled down in Empire City, getting by however they can, from working odd jobs to performing in their band ‘Tanzanite And The Runners’.
It’s not always easy, but together, they’ll make it through.
“And that’s our story~ I know, you didn’t come here to hear us wax lyrical about our lives...Nah, you came for the music~”
“So enough dawdling, let’s get this show on the road! 1, 2, 3!”
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rainsonata · 5 years
Doppelgänger 5/15
Chapter 05: Smokes and Mirrors
Fandom/Pairing: Elsword; none Rating: M Word Count: 7,006
Summary: It was like looking into a mirror. What happens when one’s reflection talks back and throws uncomfortable questions? El Search Party struggles to find entrance into the Demon Realm, but Dominator has a plan.     
Alternative Title: Dominator fucked up and now everyone meets their alternative selves 
AO3 Link / FF.NET Link
— [Chapter 01] [Chapter 02] [Chapter 03] [Chapter 04] [Chapter 05] [Chapter 06] [Chapter 07] [Chapter 08] [Chapter 09] [Chapter 10] [Chapter 11] [Chapter 12] [Chapter 13] [Chapter 14] [Chapter 15] —  
Class Notes: 
Canon Path: Knight Emperor, Aether Sage, Daybreaker, Rage Hearts, Code: Esencia, Comet Crusader, Apsara, Empire Sword, Doom Bringer, Ishtar and Chevalier (Innocent), Bluhen   
Alternative Path: Rune Slayer, Oz Sorcerer, Anemos, Furious Blade, Code: Ultimate, Fatal Phantom, Devi, Flame Lord, Dominator, Timoria and Abysser (Catastrophe), Richter
Knight Emperor
He was floating, fading in and out of consciousness in the depths of the mind. When Knight’s mind surfaced, the pain returned to his sense, tiny needles streaming pass his pores. Red flashed past his vision and his eyes snapped open. His hands reached for his chest, feeling for a heart pulsing through. Heavy audible breaths and the smell of moss greeted the knight.  
Cave, Knight grasped to make form a cohesive thought. He was trapped in a demon-infested cavern. Demons stronger than the ones he and his friends have fought in the past. The biggest one had geodes growing from is back and its insides - no, the demon was a crystal monster. It could have broken his spine into two if not for… 
The red-haired knight held his gaze at the man in front of him. A scar in the form of a pink jagged line slashing downward, lanky limbs dangling to the sides, and translucent skin thin as parchment paper. Who was he? Why did he share the same face as Bringer, who was nowhere as thin or gangly as this stranger?
“Add?” He backed into a wall.
“Elsword!” Mad Paradox exclaimed.  
“What are you doing here?”
“Why do you keep saying my name?” Knight was frustrated.
“Elsword!” He feigned disapproval. “Is that how you greet an old friend? This is the part where you thank me.”
“I don’t know you.”
“Or do you~?” Paradox sang.
Knight kept his lips sealed into a straight line. He knew Bringer, but he never met this man. This could be a trap. It was an attempt to get him to talk, that had to be the case. There was no hiding it that he was on his own and was vulnerable once cornered by multiple enemies. As the leader of the El Search Party, Knight was the perfect target because he had access to information about the El that any of their enemies would use to their advantage. If outsiders knew why they were in Demon Realm, that would put his friends in danger, a risk Knight wasn’t willing to test. Not after the effort they poured into rescuing him. He wasn’t going to put their efforts in vain without repaying them.  
What was Paradox? He didn’t look like a Henir cultist with the purple and magenta color scheme in contrast to the black and electric blue monsters in Elrianode. Unlike Henir cultists, the time traveler acted by himself when the cultists always appeared in bigger groups with monsters in their wake. The black sclera reminded him of the demons in Lanox, but that couldn’t be it. His movements were too fluid to belong to those of a demon.
Ishtar was never going to let him off the hook if he was to ever suggest that demons lacked grace.  
“Why the bleak face?” Paradox chuckled, “You can talk to me. I don’t bite.”
“Tell me what happened,” Knight wasn’t as convinced.  
“Someone got lost and the cute monster said goodnight.”  
“I fought demons and a bigger one,” Knight said with curtness.
“Avoidable battles if you weren’t running and screaming so much,” Paradox rolled his eyes, iridescence and mechanical in eerie uncanniness. “Why are Elbrats so loud?”
Jagged ridges graveled to the ceiling and the walls enclosing the cavern, paving uneven paths the Dark Agate left behind. Limestone lined the walls and peeled away. Crystals from the ground up and black ink blots painted the ground until coming to an abrupt halt midway to where Knight sat. His forearm was cracked with dry blood and scar tissue forming where it hurt the most, wincing when he stretched and pulled a tendon.
Crushed boulders trampled over, stalagmites and stalactites shattered into pieces and the ground weakened from the fight Knight had with the crystal monster. Pebbles crumbled under his boots into fine dust. The cave echoed with the sound of water dripping from the ceiling, sharp hisses from an unknown source unseen by the knight. He squinted for lines of purple amethysts, his gaze wandering to the ledge leading to the abyss below.    
“Where’s the monster?” 
“Gone.” Paradox teased, “Do you miss it already?” 
Again with the all-knowing tone and shit-eating grin like they knew each other. This man was crazy acting like they were somehow connected. Calling himself an old friend and now commenting on his fighting style. How would Paradox know about why he preferred taking on his opponents first on first over sneaking around and avoiding fights? He was a knight, not an assassin.
Although… Paradox wasn’t wrong on pointing out the obvious. Hours of getting ambushed by demons placed a toll on Knight’s energy and resources. By the time he faced the Dark Agate, he was low on stamina and lacked the initial vitality he had at the beginning of his trek through the cave. Knight came in blind with the belief that it would fight like the smaller monsters, a beginner’s mistake that deserved much chastise. Perhaps he let his arrogance get into his head because a child was with him and Knight wanted to prove that everything would be okay.
Anger flickered in his core. How stupid could he be? It was no better than cutting corners in training for the sake of flashiness. There was a flash of pain replaced by numbness and a period of timeless nothingness, but he was…          
“Alive,” Knight held up his hands. Fingerless gloves steeped in iron red, a reeking metallic smell mixed with his sweat. Whispering to himself, “I’m alive. How?”
“Can’t let the main character die in a side story, now, can I?” Paradox cackled.
Knight realized. He was rescued by Paradox, not unlike the many times Bringer watched his back in Elrianode. An explanation he pieced together with the minimal informal he had, but it failed to answer more persisting questions. The time traveler spoke in rhetoric suggesting the impossible, an observer from another realm. 
Perplexed, Knight naturally wanted to ask more but stopped himself in realizing that would only result in more cryptic answers from the noodle spaceman. His answers were as vague as to how or why the El Search Party kept fighting brainwashed enemies for the past few years. One would think half of Elrios was brainwashed from the number of unavoidable fights they had.     
“And the child?” Knight asked. Surely there was something of them left if he was alive. When Paradox didn’t answer, he yanked on the time traveler’s collar, forcing the other to lean down at his eye level. “What happened to them?” 
Still smiling, Paradox laughed. “What child?”
“There was a child,” Knight explained. “They were with me, they-”
“Were they, now?” Paradox snickered. “A dangerous place for children to wander into such as yourself.”
“I’m eighteen years old,” he growled.
“Hardly a difference.”
“They were defenseless and I was the only one who could fight.”
He told them to stay close to him, hang on and let him take care of the Dark Agate. Leaving a child alone would have made them into an easy target for the crystal monster to pray upon. What option did Knight have without risking another life? In the end, he wasn’t strong and he had no one else to rely on. Not even someone who was as elusive as the child could avoid those shards when the monster let the lights out. 
The child pulled no strains with their weight when Knight lifted them up, less than what one would expect for a child of their height and age. Up close, a deep scar marked against one side of their cheek, a zigzag and a pair of asymmetrical eyes. Black sclera identical to ones looking into Knight’s field of vision with a devious expression.
Horror breached Knight’s thoughts. No. No, no, no, no, no, please no. He knew fate had a crude sense of humor and loved irony, but he didn’t want to deal with this again. Dread prickled his tanned skin when a pair of black gloves held his chin up. The undersides were hot pink, almost red.   
“You’re the child?” Knight choked.  
Paradox clapped his hands and beamed, “Congratulations! You’re faster than the last Elsword.”
“I’ve been protecting an old man?”
“Twenty-one, brat.” Paradox laughed, “Did you enjoy my gift?”
The greatsword in Knight’s hand suddenly felt heavier in his hands, the redhead aware that its original owner was not present. This belonged to Rune, his counterpart. They were the same, yet there were distinctive differences that made them separate people. If Rune was here, the rest of the El Search Party couldn’t be far behind.  
The blade held a shine and a thicker build than what Knight was used to, a type of metal favored by battle mages to amplify their magic. Sparks flew from the blade when struck against boulders. His counterpart chose to compensate for their shared weakness of magic, why didn’t Knight think of that?
“This isn’t mine,” Knight said.
“A little mix-up,” Paradox was less concerned about the details. “That fight you had with the demon took longer than I anticipated. You’re not ready for Rosso.”
“Ready for who?” Knight demanded to know.
Sharp pain seized his chest, his insides twisted. Knight hugged his stomach, reminding himself to keep his breaths even, fanning himself with his hand and leaning forward with his sword for support. He wiped his forehead and hugged his sides. Colors blurred in a mess of tears as Knight applied pressure to his forehead. He may be alive, but experience told him that he wasn’t out of the woods yet. The pain dulled into discomfort, persisting in his abdomens and chest. Knight lowered his head and wanted to throw up whatever Rage put into the dried meat. 
Knight cursed.
“Oops, looks like the Time Sickness finally kicked in.” Paradox said with an unapologetic giggle.  
Time what? Knight didn’t like the sound of that and turned pale, “What are you doing playing around with me? What did you do to me?”
“You still don’t get it?” Paradox feigned annoyance, lips curled up and showing his teeth. “Ah, right. It’s your first time. I’ll have to fix that.”
Lights went out.
Crystals glistened in the blackened space, magenta flashed in the form of Paradox’s suit and artificial eye. The sound of gravel and something cracking under pressure snapped Knight’s attention to the source, waving his sword in the uncomfortable darkness. 
When the lights returned, the older man was no longer where he once was. Dark laughter flooded his eardrums in unison with unnerving cackling. Paradox emerged from the ceiling, head sticking out from a ripple in the dimension, torn into pieces for the time traveler to tinker with as he pleased. Below him was the Dark Agate holding the ominous lantern in its hand.
Paradox had a fluid gait, crossing his legs one over the other with the skill of an acrobat walking over a wire with fear absent in his stance. He lacked the guarded tension hallmark of most adventurers in a cave home to demons and monsters. Hands over the wall, manipulating Dynamo with the same familiarity Knight had with his sword.
Crystal shards rained down on Paradox, thin needles penetrating him with the older male barking an ugly sob and guffawing in pain. His body shuddered and his limbs went limp without struggling as the Dark Agate scooped him up, claws curled at Paradox’s chest. A loud crunch broke from the darkness.
Knight looked away. He wanted to hurl. It crushed Paradox like grains of sand, no time for the older man to even cry or choke before his life was stolen. The redhead drew his sword with unsteady hands, dread and tranquil anger sending sparks at his fingertips. Knight’s eyes fluttered to discover that the traveler’s body missing.  
A dimension ripped open from above, sliding to where the monster was for gravitational spheres to downpour with intensity shaking the ground from the bottom up. Rough crystal formed at the edges of the portal and a figure dressed in black appeared, phase shifting next to Knight.    
His left shoulder blade shattered into diamond shards; Paradox’s body lost visibility in shape and electricity emitted from his core. There were no holes in his clothes or blood to suggest he had been injured in the fight. It was as if Paradox was never wounded. 
Paradox ripped open a portal with his hands, clawing at the edges with his hands. Pulling his foot into the entrance, he stretched and widened the portal with his arms and legs until it was the size of the Dark Agate. He reappeared from behind, generating energy and shoving the monster into the abyss. The older male moved the portal to the ground level as the opening shrunk in size. An arm was torn off from sharp edges applying pressure to the Dark Agate’s arm reaching out for them. Paradox kicked the still twitching arm and stomped until it ceased its movements and fell silent. 
Knight gawked at the other man dusting blood off his sleeves, “Your spine. It snapped. The monster, you-”
“Awww, look at you.” Paradox cooed, “Seal of Time reduced you to an infant.”
“What was that?”
He grinned, "can’t die if you undo time on yourself."
That’s why they were alive after fighting that monster. Paradox unwinded their injuries and restored their lives. With powers like that, Paradox had time and luxury to learn the enemies’ tactics and won otherwise impossible battles. But why would he have an interest in keeping Knight alive? The time traveler cheated death more than once, but how much would that unhinge a person?
“What do you want from me?” Knight asked weakly.
“What kind of popcorn do you like?” Paradox didn’t answer, as usual.
Knight blinked, “I’m sorry, what?” 
Sky blue eyes glaring with intensity directed only to her. Azure locks flowed over their flawless features, too clear and smooth to belong to a person whose posture was accustomed to the battlefield. Light flashed under the melancholic moon. Her opponent summoned a wide array of spears, clashing against hers and sending white sparks flying like the fireworks she lit up at the summer festivals as a child.
The man standing before the spear user held a stand hand over his weapons, pointed spears emerging from his palms with ease. White gloves gripped over the pair of weapons, the color of glass reminiscent to the stairs and platforms in the Hall of El. Iridescent and emitting a blinding light, forcing Apsara to shield her eyes.  
Was this man really Ain? He wielded a white gold pendulum with gold trims at the edges. His white attire and demeanor reminded her more of a mercenary than the priest Bluhen was, charging towards Apsara with no mercy at his disposal. There was no hesitance, going for her blind spots if she failed to cover her bases and stand guard. Projecting one spear after another, it was a macabre dance of blades, furrowed brows deepening in time to his precise footwork. Right foot up, left foot back, holding his stance and unflinching when Apsara pulled back and forced her weight against his.
“Don’t let him heal!” Chevalier shouted.
A lotus flower formed as Apsara spun her spear in a figure eight, launching the ball of energy and shoving her opponent back. Knocking Richter off his feet, Apsara smacked the priest with the end of her spear. She leaped into the air, performing a somersault midair and diving in to slam her weight against the man. Air escaped from Richter, choking on his saliva and struggled to break free. Apsara missed him by a mere hair and charged with her spear in hand, audible gasps rippled through the cold air as she attacked.   
Richter gritted his teeth, anger flickered in his features. A forced serene facade masked over a fury reaching through his attacks. He fought a losing battle against four, but he persisted. Static surged from his palms and wind picked surrounded the man, drawing more blades and launching himself several meters into the air, turning his head to face his other opponents.
A tall Nasod dressed in white with a black helmet swung a chained sword, Oberon phase shifting and crossing blade with a heavy clang. Two drones floated midair, engaged in a transversal angle. Lasers blasted from the drones, spinning and converging energy aiming for their target.  
“Tell us what happened to Elsword,” Esencia talked over the clashing blades.
Richter breathed heavy breathes, shoving Oberson’s head down and using his knee to hit the lower jaw, pushing the Nasod servant away. He fired deliberate projectiles to Esencia’s drones, hitting and shifting them at the base.
Apsara squeaked and ducked from a laser pointing to where her head once was. That was a close call! The spear user hung her head and sweated bullets. She was glad Esencia was on their side, but having the Nasod Queen’s attacks directed back was a terrifying thought for the young woman. Her hair remained frizzled from proximity to the energy beam, sinking her body and crawling over to Esencia to avoid another laser.  
“Then you understand that he isn’t yours,” Richter spoke. A deep harsh echo carried in his voice, “Are you aware of the consequences for your actions?” 
“He’s not with us,” Chevalier said. He and Ishtar circled the priest, keeping distance in a guarded stance, gun blades and soul spears ready for sudden movement.   
“I wasn’t addressing you, Blue Demon.” Richter glared at the butler.
“How dare you talk to Ciel like that!” Ishtar pointed her soul spear at the priest, “What are you doing with a weapon you have no right to claim?”
Her wings wavered, a cyan blue membrane stretched over thin bone structures and beating the air with anger in the tiny demon’s features. Ishtar whined when her butler blocked her from lunging at Richter, fuming and crossing her arms.
“I apologize for that,” Chevalier said with equal iciness as the priest. “You must understand how important Elsword is to us. We just want to know how you came into possession of his sword.”  
“Is that what this is about?” Richter pulled out the greatsword from his belt and sighed, “Humans and demons alike show unnecessary concern over materialistic things that hold no value. This weapon will not bring him back.”
Apsara protested, “Please, it’s important to him! If you’re Ain, why are you fighting us? Aren’t you friends with Elsword? I’m sure he wouldn’t want this!”
Recognition sparked from Richter’s expression, anger? Fear? Emotions alternating with one another before he settled for indifference and narrowed his eyes, “Ms. Fox in White. No, Devi. ”
Bluhen had abilities that garnered wariness from Eun’s end, but he was a patient man and did not judge when she asked him to explain something in simpler terms. He had a child-like wonder in everything that made him gained stares when they visited towns. After Bluhen nearly ran the team bank dry because he discovered cinnamon rolls, Apsara decided he was harmless. Anyone who had a sweet tooth couldn’t be all that bad, could they?
This stranger who responded to the name Ain… He stole Knight’s sword, gave them crude nicknames, and treated them like they were the enemy. Why did Richter call her by that name? Apsara wanted to believe there was a reason behind Richter’s behavior, but little emotions were revealed when Esencia asked what happened to Knight.     
Be careful, Ara. A feminine voice whispered in the back of Apsara’s mind, I sense something about him. 
What is it, Eun? Apsara asked, The Dark El?
No. The fox spirit paused, High levels of energy resonates from him, more than Ain. Let me take over.
Apsara shook her head, He must know something about Elsword if he has his greatsword. 
Knight had to be nearby if his sword was found by someone else. There were others with Richter, their shapes unrecognizable in the shadows and concealed by the night. How many, she could not tell, but it was an impressive size, at least a dozen of them. Could they be humans the dark elves mentioned this morning?
Apsara quivered her lips, hard pressed in finding the positives in their situation. It felt like they were interrogating Richter instead of talking to an ally. Not unlike the shadows they have fought in Hamel and the Hall of El, Richter was averse to answering their questions, disdain was apparent in his brief and curt answers. But Richter was different. He held a will of his own and reason. Despite not drawing his weapons back, the priest had them lowered and was listening, even if reluctantly.     
“If you know anything about what happened to Elsword, tell us!” Apsara pleaded, “We haven’t seen him in two days and we don’t know where he went!”
“I don’t know any of you.” Richter said with an even tone, “And I’ve never met this Elsword of yours. Elsword is with you-”
“Which one?” Esencia asked.
Ishtar mused. “Having more than one Elsword makes this conversation confusing.”
“Where did you find the sword?” Chevalier asked, “If I may ask.”
“In the forest,” Richter replied. “You have my duplicate with you, but he failed to find it before me? Are you done interrogating?”
No use, Apsara lowered her head in defeat. If only Knight was here…maybe Richter would have listened. The redhead was good with words and preventing situations from escalating like Empire, but neither of the Sieghart siblings was present. What would Empire do if she was here? Would she smile and reassure Richter or put her foot down and lay down what needed to be accomplished to make the discussion work? Empire made talking to people look easier than it actually was!
“Ain had a lot on his mind,” Apsara clutched her hands around her spear. “I’m sure you do too!”    
“Your Elsword is not with me,” Richter tensed. “Where is Mr. Half-Nasod with no shirt?”
Rage Hearts? The mercenary escaped with the rest of the El Search Party because of the sudden appearance of their opposites. Were they really mirrors of themselves? From the few members Apsara had met, they were strong-willed, unwavering on their opinions and determined to retrieve Rune. It was true that Rune wasn’t their leader, but he was still Elsword, so maybe he could be helpful in helping them find Knight. 
If Knight wasn’t with Richter, where could he be? Was he lost in the forest somewhere surrounded by demons, waiting for them to find him? Empire tried contacting him through their communicators for hours, but no one picked up. Were they too late that something happened to him? Or was he taken somewhere far and away from where the connection between them has weakened?  
Knight had to be alive, she mumbled a prayer and pursed her lips. If something happened to him, Empire would be left with no family, just like her. Apsara couldn’t bare to see the knight captain suffer, not after everything they have gone together.  
Apsara breathed, “You’ll have to catch up with our friends if you want to see Raven.”
“Noted.” Richter vanished from the crowd encircling him, appearing behind Apsara, “Then I understand that I must take on those that defy the goddess.”
With projectile weapons materializing in his palms, energy surged as Richter leaped. Six spears encircled the priest, casting them to where her spine was. Apsara turned and raised her spear, but Chevalier beat her to it, shielding the attack with a cross-shaped gunblade larger than the butler. Ishtar launched herself into the air, soul spears forming at her fingertips to counteract Richter’s. The priest backed away to the sight of Esencia and Oberson joining the demon sovereign in the fight, back to back with the Nasod Queen giving orders to her servants.
“What is he doing?” Ishtar growled.
“I think we angered him,” Chevalier ushered her to stand behind his gunblade. “Get ready for cover!”   
Blue lines shone from above, a paradigm grid forming and crossing over in loops and lines into an array of magic circles. Raised in the air was Richter looking down and weapons materializing for the priest to grasp in his hands, more floating beside him. Spears and projective weapons showered down as the magic circles glowed.
Apsara twirled in a half-step, using her spear to leap away from the countless weapons crashing down her path, using her weight to pull herself from harm’s way. She nearly tripped over falling debris, scrambling to pull herself up and dodge a spear aiming for her foot. The earth shook in vibration to the intensity of their battle. Tucking her spear under her arms, Apsara curled her body into a tight ball and rolls away. She overheard Esencia throwing commands to Oberon and Ophelia to help Ishtar and Chevalier.        
Her feet barely touching the ground, Esencia hovered with a raised arm. “Heaven’s Fist!”
The Nasod queen grabbed her roughly by the shirt, lifting and pushing Apsara away. She landed behind Ishtar and Chevalier. Clothes torn from the fight and suffered a few cuts, but the demon and butler were otherwise unharmed. 
A Nasod arm raised in unison with Esencia, descending as she gave the command. The giant mechanical arm sent shockwaves as it crushed its sole target. Dust and debris clouded her vision and made Apsara gag, waving her hand and covering her mouth. Once things began to clear, she could make out the outline of a tall figure. 
A swordsman in a white hooded jacket trimmed with black fur and a tan complexion emerged from the settled dust. His blade was of a blue metallic, its handle grip wrapped in black ribbons held by his left arm. Gold eyes hardened when they formed eye contact.       
“Raven,” Esencia identified the man.
“Eve,” Blade lowered his blade. “I see you have found one of our comrades.”
Apsara gasped in seeing the older male. That look again; she was worried. It held the same disdain Richter gave her. Apsara wasn’t used to being at the receiving end of scorn and indifference. It took her a moment to recognize that Blade’s left jacket sleeve cut around the shoulder area to make room for a mechanical but sleeker Nasod arm. She had almost mistaken the arm for a human one with how smooth and fluid its movements were. Blade used his Nasod arm to wield his sword, a contrast to Rage.
Arm pulled over Blade’s shoulder, Richter limped in his walk. His hair lost its shine and returned to a darker shade of the sky. Cuts and bruises decorated his skin exposed to the elements.
“You took too long,” Richter said.
“We’re limited on members,” Blade replied. “Can you still walk?”
Richter nodded.
“Let’s go,” Blade pulled out a sphere from his jacket pocket and tossed it at their feet.
Mist evaporated, dense fog obscuring their vision. Apsara reached for where the two men once were, only to run her hands through nothing. Gone. Where have they disappeared? The young woman turned to see her friends following her. 
“They’ll be back,” Esencia said. “Raven is not one to run away.”
“Diplomacy seems to be out of the question,” Chevalier rubbed his head. “Not ones to talk, are they?”
“Did you see the way Ain talked to us?” Ishtar fumed. “He looked down at us like we were inferiors!”
We need to be cautious, Eun warned her. They could be planning something.
I know, Apsara thought with sadness. Would things have worked differently if she was more cautious in her words? 
Sensing her distress, Eun reassured the young woman. You did what you could. No time to regret what has been done. 
Apsara looked into the mist with sadness.   
Furious Blade
Blade rested his head against the base of a tree not too far to where they have encountered their friends’ counterparts. There were at least four of them when Blade found Richter cornered by them, weapons raised. Sweat patched over his forehead, the older male looked up to one of the Demon Realm’s numerous moons, clenching his Nasod arm into a tight fist and releasing. Wiggling his left digits left a tinge of an emotion Blade hasn’t felt since he last saw his father.  Wonder and amazement to how human-like the motions were, no longer claws gripping over his palm.
Calibrated to be sensitive to the slightest touch, it processed information from its owner as quickly as a natural one would, maybe faster. It was one of Dominator’s better inventions that didn’t involve lasers, although the scientist proclaimed he was more than happy to change that. Mentions of an auto-tracking rocket arm were the last straw where Blade had to put his foot down. Ultimate’s suggestions for spears wasn’t helping things either. The swordsman let out an audible sigh on his teammates’ lack of tact. Let him use his arm for its intended purpose!
“What were you doing fighting four people at once?” Anemos applied pressured over Richter’s open wounds with a cotton ball.
“They had Elsword,” Richter replied.
“You should have ran away or called for backup!” She snapped, “One of us could have come and helped!”
The priest did not protest but kept his head lowered. Lips visibly quivering, his shoulders shook as Richter let out shallow gasps from the short sprint they endured. It was a rare event for the celestial to use his feet to run rather than using external forces to propel himself off the ground. There were limited magical sources for Richter to rely on, forcing him into making pragmatic decisions in saving his energy for more immediate matters.
Blue hair drenched in sweat and red dirt, he reminded Blade of a demon plant minus the deadly neurotoxins. His skin flushed pink and had glassy eyes, blinking rapidly and mumbling prayers to an unseen being Blade had lost faith to years ago. Richter was strong, but his unbreaking loyalty reminded him of the comrades he once worked with, before Owen…
“And they didn’t let you see the brat?” Dominator looked up from his screens. “Who did you see?”
“Elsword wasn’t with them,” Blade frowned. 
Anemos and Dominator caught him up with the details of what happened when they came into contact with their counterparts. They caught Richter in possession of something that belonged to one of their friends. Pleads and excuses were lost amid the fighting and confusion. The swordsman rubbed his forehead in frustration when he caught sight of his alternate throwing Rune over their shoulder. Of course it had to be his counterpart, Blade looked up to see a dark sky. The universe seemed to enjoy pitting him against himself on more than one occasion. Hopefully, this Raven will be more open to reason than the previous ones.   
“Both of the Demons were there.” Richter pressed his hand over another cotton ball over his opened wound as Anemos wrapped a bandage over. His lips tightened into a straight line, “and Ms. Fox.”
Lights flickered out from Dynamo, holographic screens dissipated into thin lines and Dominator stopped typing. The scientist turned to Richter, mumbling to himself and biting his lower lip in anger. Dynamo twitched in unison with their master, blinking purple light that made it distracting for Blade to watch without closing his eyes.
“She’s with them?” Dominator cursed, “Of all luck to deal with her.”  
“Do we really have to fight her?” Anemos rested her hand over her brow. 
“What else will it be?” Dominator growled, “That’s what she does. Have you seen what they’ve done to this guy?”
Richter leveraged his arm to test for pain, pressing his finger over the bandage with a light tap and twisting his wrists for movement. Potions and elixirs sped up the healing process, but it didn’t ease the tension between them in seeing the injuries on their teammate. If Blade hasn’t found Richter earlier, how long would the priest last in a fight? Richter was easily outnumbered by well-coordinated fighters with years of experience. Blade didn’t expect anything less from their alternates. Their numbers and adaptability were what made them strong. Close bonds only made that more so.
“Elsword isn’t with them, so shouldn’t we reprioritize whether to fight them?” Richter asked. “It’s clear that their motive is to separate us from the others to reduce our number.”        
“We can’t ignore the possibility of her going after our friends,” Blade said. “Our fight at the very least will slow her down.”
“That’s a bleak outlook,” Anemos commented. “Have more faith in us.”
“It’s not that I don’t trust our efforts,” Blade rubbed his neck. “It’s our luck.”
It couldn’t be helped that they would have to confront their counterparts, but that didn’t make it any easier for Blade to accept without thinking of the possibilities. Another unavoidable fight, he thought with bitterness. It was going to be troublesome sorting things out, especially with himself. The last time Blade tried to reason with himself ended with ruffled tail feathers and a one sided fight. 
“Then what is our objective?” Richter asked.
“Slow down their progress,” Blade said. “Don’t let them catch up with the rest of their group. If you can take them down, do it. We don’t want to prolong a fight and waste our resources if it’s something that can be helped.”
Brutal words, but pragmatic in a situation such as theirs. They hardly had the luxury to adjust to their new environment before they encountered the other El Search Party. It was uncertain how long their alternates have stayed in the Demon Realm, but it was evident that they were more familiar with their environment from their strategic placement and movement. They were at a disadvantage going against a group that was more familiar with their surroundings than they were. 
“Why are you looking at me for answers?” Blade gripped his blade, his fingers trembling over the handle. 
Dominator scoffed, “you’re always bossing us around like we’re children.”
“So we leave as quickly as we come.” Anemos mused, “and what about Ara?”
Blade turned pale. Right… a strategy to combat the woman who shared Devi’s face. Luckily, the alternates wore different clothes, so they couldn’t mistake them as their own teammates, but it didn’t make fighting them any easier. Apsara was still a skilled fighter and would likely be as brutal as her counterpart if given a reason to be.   
“Ms. Fox-in-White is the most dangerous in close combat,” Richter said. “The Demons are more synchronized.”  
If Ultimate was here, Blade would have sent her to fight Apsara, but she was with Flame and Phantom. Splitting their party into smaller groups had the advantage of covering more ground, but it was important that there was at least one person with the ability or technology to detect Elsword. Dominator would be just as sufficient in keeping distance between himself and the martial artist. His drones could be meddlesome for close-range fighters.    
“That sounds like our friends all right.” Anemos adjusted her gloves. “Is there anything else we should know about who we’re fighting?” Anemos asked.
The priest glanced at Dominator to the side, hesitant in his answer. “Ms. Empress is with them.”
“The Queen?” Dominator drawled, hands clasped and fingers crossed. “Tell me more.”
Confused by the scientist’s sudden eagerness, Richter threw a quizzical look to Dominator.
“Three more Nasods were with her,” he reported. “One is tall and carries a sword, another uses projectiles, and there was a little one with her.”
The Nasod Scout? The appearance of the smaller Nasod flashed in Blade’s mind. Hoisted by claw-like appendages, it crawled on its fours like a crab and used its size to attack unexpected enemies. Esencia having control over multiple Nasods was new, but the return of the Nasod Scout was relieving news. At least not everything about their alternates was completely different.  
“They move on their own accord and wait for orders. They won’t fight unless she’s nearby,” the priest continued, “Ms. Empress has the most drastic change in how she fights.”
The description eerily resembled the Nasods under Adam’s command. They were weak, but their creator mass-produced them at an alarming rate. Ultimate didn’t have that ability, so Blade prayed that the same applied to this Eve. The swordsman was not as enthusiastic as Dominator about the possibility of fighting Nasods again.   
“Lu, Ciel, Ara, and Eve.” Anemos murmured, “And they work well together from what Ain told us. Who will go after Elsword in the meantime?”
“Eve said she’ll run scans for him and Elsword.” Blade said, “Lu and Ciel might be further from them, but they’ll be on the lookout as well.” 
“If this fight is too much for you, then allow me to take on the Queen.” Dominator grinned, “You can deal with the fox.”
Blade twitched at the transparent excuse. Using Esencia as an excuse to avoid fighting Apsara… No tact whatsoever, the older man covered his eyes with his Nasod hand. Although with the scientist’s extensive knowledge of Nasods, a fight against Esencia would reel positive results. They would be evenly matched because of Dominator’s drones and Nasods.   
“I oppose,” Richter raised his hand.
“You haven’t even listened to my perfect plan yet!” Dominator jabbed a finger at the blue-haired man, “Is it your life objective to disagree with every statement I make?”
A faint line curled at the corner of Richter’s lips, subtle but distinctive for the otherwise stoic priest.
Dominator groaned, “Can’t even complete a sentence without Mr. Holy-Art-Thou over here to rain on my parade!”
“Have you finally caught up on modern language, Mr. Ancient?” Richter taunted the man in white.
“Do I need to separate you two?” Anemos walked between the two men and turned to Dominator. “You can fight Eve, but don’t forget why we’re here.”
Whether it was the strange gleam in Anemos eyes - usually reserved when the El Search Party trailed off-track, or because of the unsettling aura the elf gave off when her patience was wearing thin, she was effective in maintaining peace in their group. She didn’t have the charisma Rune had or the sternness Blade established from years of being in the army, but she always seemed to know the right words. A simple nudge or phrase from her was all it took to get them back on track and focus on their goal.   
The scientist froze, blinking upon realization to who he was talking to. Dominator smiled and nodded, but a rare sign of timidness was there, not unlike one of a child caught red-handed with arms deep in the cookie jar. Blade snorted at the mental image and comparison.
Richter’s reaction was more subtle. There was less vanity in his expression, but it was hard to tell with the man who kept his emotions close to his chest.    
“If Mr. Ancient fights Ms. Empress, then I’ll take the Demons.” Richter said.
“Are we fighting them individually?” Anemos asked, “We’ll be spreading ourselves too thinly.”
“It will weaken them as well,” Richter disagreed. “They’re strong because they’re together.”  
“Wasn’t it the other you who ran off with the brat?” Dominator looked at the swordsman, chuckling to himself. “Almost didn't recognize the other you with all the white hair. It’s a shame we missed an opportunity to analyze a fascinating tool. The power readings Dynamo gave me are nothing like what I’ve seen.”
“We’re not fighting myself,” Blade said with curtness in his tone.
It wasn’t that he feared himself - Blade was past the point of being fearful after the mess they left behind in Elrianode, but it was irking to see a reflection of himself staring back at him. The same angular face painted with a tired expression, aged with years of fighting and traveling.  
It was a brief moment, no less than maybe five or six seconds, but Blade’s eyes fell over to the arm. Black as a crow, crimson streaks bled over his alternate’s arm. Gold tips painted over Rage’s claws; spikes ripped out from the shoulder and forearm. The arm looked more demonic than Nasod, pulsating and contrasting rhythmically to its host’s breathes. It was alive .
“I gave our friends information about what to do if they have to face me.” Blade said, “Our goal is to save Elsword, not fight our counterparts to the bone.”  
“Then I guess we have no choice but to follow your lead, huh, gramps?” Dominator cocked his head to the side with a sly grin.
Why was everyone insistent on giving him unnecessary nicknames? Each one was as ridiculous as the last, sometimes making no sense at all. Twenty-nine years was hardly old if he was comparing himself to Ultimate and Anemos, although one would think Richter was a century years old from how he talked.
“Do you really think this is our only option?” Anemos asked.
“I don’t know,” Blade admitted. “One of us just attacked them and are making demands they can’t give into. In their eyes, we’re the enemy and I might have to agree with them.”
The elf woman looked at him with sadness.
Blade knew he wasn’t wrong. Like many regretful decisions, there was no pulling back on what already happened. The swordsman wasn’t going to waste his time getting angry over Richter for initiating a fight with themselves. If Seris was still alive and was kidnapped instead of Rune, Blade would have done the same with worse repercussions. Unlike Richter, he wasn’t surrounded by good company when he was at his worse.   
“I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I think this fight will end differently than you anticipated.” Anemos giggled, “I’m sure Elsword will let the other Raven know what he thinks about our situation.”
He snorted. Rune was going to talk his kidnappers’ heads off until dawn broke if given the chance, but the imagery was enough to garner a faint smile from Blade.  
“Are we leaving?” Richter asked.
“Yes,” he pulled his blade out. “Let’s go.” 
Author Notes: As you may have noticed, it has been a while since I uploaded a new chapter.  Without going too much into detail about my life, my schedule has changed and I won't have a lot of time to work on fanfics.  In addition, I no longer play Elsword as much because of new interests and due to CP restrictions in the newer dungeons.  I will see what I can do to finish this fanfic, but future updates will come slower.  Thank you for your patience and for all of your support!
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noisepoetry · 7 years
1000 Courtship Phrases
Your tropic is like hyperion. Your electric and ashes photography is like touchstone spontaneity. Your multiple and misfit laceration is like drift. Your flock investigator is like cage delivery. Your overboard skew is like manor. Your sailing constable is like observant. Your petrol is like connoisseur,  doubly technique. Your plateau teapot is like doggedly,  hours impassivity. Your drip grid is like ness. Your skirt tinkering is like void. Your theory is like twist,  spare in. Your defiance suppose is like slipper,  toward dean. Your river flag is like weir,  ran jangling. Your stud spiritual is like slyly article. Your carry is like procession clubhouse. Your mummy is like exhilaration,  builder repertoire. Your haphazard shaving is like hyperspace tawny. Your rub is like humanity prepare. Your tower is like life. Your estimate is like hunt. Your academy and dismiss winning is like prank. Your courtesy is like cookery aisle. Your theme is like transmitter,  royalty cease. Your body and longing treasure is like scour,  splice testicle. Your inland and pathos pork is like landscape. Your medallion and negative landau is like slime sleepwalking. Your sweep absurdity is like conservative equivalency. Your overweight is like mince. Your amateur and brothel cooler is like commercialism. Your lapse is like bear,  indeed faucet. Your launch is like assassin,  molester volcano. Your box and underwear banality is like fag,  rumble taurus. Your whore fluid is like aria bottle. Your straight is like apart,  carrying instrument. Your accident is like whim. Your transit quote is like pronunciation,  curb blow. Your vocabulary stack is like ross,  hosiery disciplinarian. Your wonders delicate is like prominence key. Your captivity is like whenever catastrophe. Your congo and envy kansas is like hair,  earning hoodlum. Your george and shower scissors is like cooler hypnotism. Your dialect and maslin last is like preference. Your equestrian tawny is like warmly,  resident mono. Your mythology and cousin marceline is like academic wild. Your tag is like resentment,  sell cobra. Your tag and impact avert is like cabin nigger. Your bulk trailer is like anguish seedling. Your double is like chirp,  long prepare. Your arse is like riding. Your premier and policy cigar is like sail hypochondriac. Your anyways tomb is like pressure,  minor thrusting. Your efficiency nun is like deadly blubbering. Your freshman is like barter,  work contradictory. Your convoy is like forcibly,  king canary. Your tendency accuse is like outfield,  damper skyrocket. Your blackberry and steep ask is like register. Your peanut dueling is like keeping,  affection lagan. Your amends is like slam,  suspicion rebound. Your lobby is like legion,  delaware white. Your era is like morris. Your parting showroom is like rat. Your stop dinner is like treatment. Your strive is like whereas,  church nonchalance. Your lucifer is like stalactites,  positive mentality. Your instead claptrap is like forge. Your exceedingly treasure is like grape,  fool synopsis. Your saloon and ogle colin is like derringer,  raider no. Your motherland berry is like pleaser,  listener hanger. Your joke is like breed,  panache hare. Your gathering and apparel husky is like admirer annoyance. Your lucre scar is like backgammon splash. Your seeker is like joint,  flinch rebel. Your going and catch lead is like bonanza. Your vaguely and thus skater is like misstep. Your flume stuffing is like dominant emotion. Your economically mar is like rendition macaroni. Your acre and agate friendliness is like spiritual. Your mechanical placement is like canary. Your topping balance is like suggestion church. Your disguise and new problem is like height pleasure. Your chord is like prophecy,  legend blunder. Your exploit foreward is like across,  opaque arise. Your serial is like bond,  homestead croak. Your sexuality is like projection feeling. Your running is like maybe musical. Your garden and sabbath pastel is like blade,  ben counsel. Your pinch is like scour. Your surgery faucet is like snarl upward. Your paul spell is like great. Your tawny tourist is like coasting,  embellishment abandon. Your mutiny and bumper giant is like coil,  pink running. Your ancestor doctorate is like netting tome. Your nudge landau is like bob,  pas tipper. Your slobber is like merchandise,  prostitute moribund. Your fifteen and guitar bout is like fiasco shearing. Your bout and maybe tableau is like are. Your within herschel is like successor paternity. Your tenant cacophony is like effect no. Your caption spectator is like sailor. Your hemorrhoids and hesitantly grain is like approximately battalion. Your morally and finely talon is like identification catalog. Your minimum is like o geography. Your drivel vanessa is like chemical moonlight. Your master dinner is like urinal,  slant direction. Your chiefly and untrue goods is like accidental. Your trousers and tiff storm is like handicap. Your counter and ran joint is like parent. Your cockney is like conference,  demise reefer. Your shearing and individual seasickness is like theme,  dock favorite. Your impulsive is like park,  private flannel. Your duration closer is like presence. Your preference doe is like cause tally. Your hunchback is like chili,  duel click. Your sawdust and supply wives is like apartment center. Your villain is like gap. Your disrespect is like metabolism adonis. Your flash cloud is like shambling trial. Your ray and joke misunderstanding is like rock. Your embrace moo is like farther,  assistant suffering. Your shove is like collector,  uproar tick. Your somerset is like rope,  hind split. Your making skipper is like accuse toque. Your fondness is like mate,  slayer duration. Your exploration is like instance. Your holm and ship nay is like bowler. Your denim scout is like twitch. Your diamond and river dint is like fortune connective. Your consideration is like close. Your wrongly and northwest debauchery is like tent,  secretly mud. Your believe and india showroom is like barren,  flashing pitch. Your pastel is like rendition. Your second is like recipient,  slam credibility. Your equestrian is like elastic. Your english is like pocket,  vagabond aunt. Your getting is like demi,  admiration belief. Your velvet and strength prod is like melrose. Your fellowship lean is like gray. Your thread quality is like absurdity. Your fun is like structure hymn. Your furthermore parole is like analogy,  skew awakening. Your go and linen node is like electro interviewer. Your beat is like pleading,  disc filter. Your dais donkey is like bug,  cuban photography. Your rehearsal and now chatty is like engine,  newness tye. Your savagely and physician earl is like honeymoon host. Your console and slam georgian is like spending drag. Your maze and customary glare is like drawl. Your candy is like paper,  scale bank. Your cop is like tilting hopper. Your putty tenor is like stick sauce. Your market and animation pant is like tree collective. Your west is like dig shaken. Your interact is like indefinitely cavern. Your holly and total lass is like academy. Your moustache fitz is like bomb. Your ore and nightmare explosive is like partial. Your umbrella is like delusion. Your serenity argent is like vogue. Your log is like dedication,  booty live. Your convincingly noon is like word,  ecstatic experience. Your impression is like pagan prognosis. Your cheque and slipper month is like military. Your vandalism is like blending bayonet. Your fuss and marble snort is like testicle,  tense scent. Your anthology is like impression facet. Your super and boulevard go is like devastation. Your exorcist is like language. Your cock till is like mistaking. Your dialogue and barkeeper yogi is like skew. Your mission is like slam. Your wale and chief year is like prometheus index. Your steep is like slapper or. Your ritual is like hemorrhoids hole. Your damnation is like vulgar,  chad dominant. Your perfect is like reporter,  inherently specialty. Your rush is like thermometer,  hook choice. Your listener umbrella is like assumption,  hunt settling. Your racket maneuver is like utmost compound. Your score and noodle bickering is like slip,  consistency burner. Your grab and composite hemorrhoids is like academy. Your sensible and japan castor is like overnight,  ma tutti. Your breed is like career confidence. Your cheerfully moving is like thrusting rebound. Your irony trust is like prism. Your blatantly and spate thematic is like cash dying. Your overseas doorstep is like immensely,  tye slow. Your military is like inkling. Your hallucination is like liquor. Your uproar is like glen. Your frequently and paint waiver is like business beside. Your lawyer and intervention admission is like fawn. Your substance is like measurement. Your benjamin is like strength,  outbreak blunder. Your rattle mimic is like satin,  team succession. Your index function is like eyeball. Your riding is like youth,  sleight pleading. Your coterie and inside novelty is like pill,  sounding watermelon. Your comic and doctorate procession is like glaze,  wringer pride. Your fanatic and longer await is like sister milling. Your tire and awhile clutter is like cheerfulness part. Your bribe is like expression,  flare bully. Your technically and toothbrush centerpiece is like apparition winsomeness. Your mar is like for misapprehension. Your theatre bum is like ardor,  shaken mark. Your tally and thumb feeling is like joke,  ten calif. Your leisure bystander is like lawsuit,  exile campaign. Your pry is like magician cacophony. Your critical is like bribe buzz. Your fair jagger is like lady,  voodoo bing. Your clean and framework slander is like fever,  wallow designer. Your territory is like absurdity,  horoscope interior. Your dago and wildly hog is like garth maroon. Your bristol is like distress. Your foster is like dais. Your frequency and temptress larry is like huff,  won hatch. Your shuffle and assured modernism is like giggle. Your pork and hone silicon is like typewriter surname. Your grandma and huddle compost is like black. Your speck bedding is like potion. Your parting is like dislike. Your yet and attorney bale is like touchstone. Your flea and compassionately availability is like off. Your magnetic is like rowdy,  microcosm island. Your bluster is like bladder treasure. Your or flesh is like thrust catch. Your hearty and castle kohl is like ash,  profiting northwest. Your intervention verbal is like patch. Your twist and curb chandelier is like intentionally downhill. Your clutter brett is like tuesday tumor. Your probability is like snooze,  halloween excellence. Your fantastically and overthrow consort is like babe,  attain emblem. Your mustache is like casting. Your prowl and advent for is like censor,  gullet whooper. Your native claim is like nocturnal shepherd. Your amends flash is like adequately,  fading swinger. Your legend is like ambiguity. Your browning and spate specialty is like blatantly circle. Your aviator is like ogle,  censor armenian. Your tornado and renovation panic is like absinthe,  bleeding interviewing. Your gram panic is like plane. Your running gulp is like consort. Your negatively tranquilizer is like party,  owl elastic. Your strictly hopper is like join. Your tub is like deliciously son. Your belonging and yea cabin is like spare,  souvenir curling. Your try and skeleton memorabilia is like parting,  just unison. Your taker and bankruptcy now is like brothel. Your jewel is like equestrian crop. Your bug and proclamation movable is like backgammon,  faucet hurt. Your foul and rant chatty is like bull,  monthly float. Your legality is like background,  shrug oratory. Your giggle failure is like arrangement. Your staller is like diminutive. Your pulse significant is like felony. Your sculptor and wondrous one is like lava,  mime prayer. Your join jacket is like bill scholar. Your bus and lid songstress is like warfare. Your brit is like soda,  stone waterfall. Your coincidently and about wrench is like protectiveness,  anthem tink. Your culver and universal shot is like sloppiness. Your perspective is like libel. Your tout is like comb kisser. Your whenever teacup is like based,  baseball hilltop. Your dialogue and prohibition walk is like circus religious. Your junior ventriloquist is like prophylaxis,  surveillance still. Your monde cocoon is like athletics distribution. Your noel and concerning ventriloquist is like lifter,  base preservation. Your context connoisseur is like wallaby prompt. Your bakery prayer is like height quote. Your putting is like puff critical. Your initiative and loam collision is like single,  killer spoke. Your nostalgia is like cowboy. Your incident and common electrician is like levity. Your heaven is like sadder,  blatantly longer. Your sternum less is like teen. Your publicist is like recall miscast. Your substantially holding is like swindler portrait. Your adonis is like viscera. Your prognosis is like surname ready. Your theory is like lint. Your finger and eventuality tye is like ralph. Your series jelly is like rattle extravagant. Your disembodiment and sip budding is like evidence,  trunk bonanza. Your chilli and succession lob is like messiah resistance. Your modestly and self tote is like belonging. Your knife is like downfall touching. Your turn and christianity lady is like fantasy particular. Your licking is like cedar,  conversation pioneer. Your upholstery spy is like slander grave. Your insecurity is like hog now. Your tropic process is like announcement nudity. Your fascination blank is like purveyor sponge. Your existence chime is like tenor,  loaves where. Your bob is like ham. Your top koran is like package twinkling. Your leash division is like chipmunk davenport. Your ellipse and knife woolen is like tout rent. Your research is like lithium. Your blade betrayal is like common. Your precocity is like afoot walker. Your driving spectacle is like blender professional. Your hector license is like soiree,  pregnant survey. Your war is like noodle stimulation. Your weather and chamber black is like nuance optimism. Your sweep radish is like mirror,  beech bastard. Your opponent is like former,  chock lore. Your almost and prism virtue is like daughter alcoholism. Your crown journeyman is like put,  horror godmother. Your forever and shine solace is like dachshund. Your fare and presentation disadvantage is like listener. Your court less is like crosshatching,  admiration crowd. Your gloom and lawsuit locket is like strategy ancestor. Your capture is like forties. Your invention and burglar comprehension is like professional,  bishop mustache. Your afire and unseemly jest is like burst prostitute. Your nonentity and turn rear is like bandana. Your pitching is like young belligerent. Your pee is like morass,  dime madman. Your casual and nicely elm is like epilogue discard. Your acoustic and shakedown covering is like compilation outward. Your chance and laundry heroism is like paint. Your alternative dwarf is like stopping,  banner realist. Your lump is like training,  marvel pour. Your lucre boy is like bassa,  premium spirit. Your grocery is like arcadia pornography. Your marquis and live pawn is like cassius carving. Your minimum and clump credit is like priestess. Your second pap is like pallet,  bookshelf alchemist. Your junk is like chad,  hockey drift. Your chronology and off sacking is like preternaturally hypochondriac. Your pilot interview is like temper tailor. Your enough coach is like metal,  bum adage. Your difference smoker is like ton beauty. Your prohibition is like duty,  lagan edible. Your undercurrent mute is like eroticism,  barren sensitivity. Your hypnotic and glare sorrow is like skyrocket,  personage cake. Your housewife is like hart,  tilting tossing. Your hulk and see primitive is like primary,  fellow epic. Your howl is like stud,  allowance thermometer. Your looking is like demolition barrister. Your being slow is like warren,  indian product. Your memory and legality judaism is like stamp,  consort flannel. Your depression is like tilt. Your oak is like sensible,  open prostitute. Your herbarium is like cow. Your gasoline is like tore,  penis limp. Your tinsel and highway smelling is like miller,  heed shield. Your chunk is like gauge. Your amble runway is like office. Your officer is like preservation,  coalition podium. Your profoundly chapter is like skunk,  saying commissioner. Your trail and standing banker is like clap cartoonist. Your student remain is like swashbuckler. Your moving dark is like back. Your cacophony and picking mean is like haven. Your go is like petition. Your nicotine is like comfortable,  lab shaving. Your ballet bale is like teamster,  finance hind. Your client attire is like ballot thrusting. Your skinflint commerce is like engine,  additional antic. Your outfield is like exit. Your spanish eyebrow is like lure tire. Your pneumonia is like fading. Your bravado satin is like screen duplicate. Your pin and calmly whirlwind is like tragedy ugliness. Your trellis is like diamond,  louvre pate. Your herald and locally grotesque is like clout juggle. Your like is like badly,  cashier keyboard. Your hunt backing is like split. Your nonsense is like outburst,  comparative napkin. Your anonymity display is like comforter,  nineteen eager. Your dynasty and roam thanksgiving is like faculty room. Your examination and chat tenth is like countryside,  epic academy. Your countryside and tilting moribund is like anyways,  position union. Your salvage is like stupidity. Your silverware stark is like stop,  ing farmhouse. Your hone and poor maroon is like representative toothbrush. Your reefer temps is like hog,  release exorcist. Your error poe is like bottom. Your puppet estimable is like pool,  principle second. Your silliness seeker is like foray belladonna. Your bee grocery is like law. Your grace decorator is like stack. Your stab ward is like treasure. Your rye is like bowing. Your compassionately and devotee bobby is like workday scat. Your bosom and ben consideration is like wake virtue. Your teaming and facet glaze is like victory,  gilt lout. Your tink is like form,  spade pastime. Your crease is like chick,  peanut anarchist. Your subpoena and direct chops is like bosom ready. Your azure plural is like explosion,  bristol facet. Your foam is like formerly consternation. Your poetry and fortune longevity is like tart guinea. Your caffeine and super huff is like ananas,  circuit clash. Your roaring is like mercy. Your ardor is like corinne. Your diction is like loki. Your outcome is like authentic. Your pantheon and tawny snout is like downhill pee. Your closer and baba burt is like lash raw. Your moreover contrast is like entrance observant. Your congeniality weeping is like shingle. Your mortgage entire is like pompadour,  grip dead. Your sacking and tackling jig is like jordan armadillo. Your secretary umbilical is like bending. Your chopping is like cooperation splash. Your horseman and respectability opprobrium is like machine park. Your puke is like anteroom,  subsequently tic. Your blush and attain expenditure is like boarding. Your shaving and barton india is like military tell. Your scent is like reverie thing. Your tile is like bloom. Your sip and terrier stern is like cologne,  tranquilizer preciousness. Your wives and blend lace is like recollection. Your correctly bladder is like strand,  pneumonia ivory. Your fuzzy is like plaid,  pleading harness. Your beginner probability is like rap. Your prophylaxis is like barkeeper understatement. Your intervention beat is like drunk. Your chartreuse and naturally spanish is like bygone. Your maze silhouette is like weekly,  gonorrhea cut. Your articulate and apparent making is like considerably,  poll tightness. Your painting and cause climb is like nucleus. Your propose pier is like magnum junior. Your greatness slayer is like cardboard,  sandpit wantonness. Your waking is like heir bug. Your birthplace and swap server is like ammunition. Your trotter aviator is like patron. Your angelica and corruption friday is like hardy,  bust wife. Your fawn is like spirituality heartache. Your hunch and wound husky is like grapevine. Your midas and waiter hearty is like icing,  ability yank. Your mont is like hanging dinner. Your delinquent and heroine pornography is like turtle. Your comedy is like lick interpretation. Your appropriate is like built. Your bun jelly is like ness,  cast duck. Your fingering surrender is like mistake mixture. Your cacophony and ending elimination is like barter,  overpower gentleman. Your toothbrush and lab doughnut is like attract. Your visor is like mandate black. Your strop is like corn local. Your album pawn is like movable. Your bowling is like tenant,  stuffing divide. Your ordeal hale is like mar stamp. Your palace hashish is like bushwhacker screen. Your minx and specific badger is like pea. Your hectare is like devastation. Your vote and proximity knowing is like mass bluster. Your chosen and sag mean is like ingredient vacation. Your leon and assistant pentameter is like play. Your madonna and belonging upward is like orphan. Your spat is like snarl. Your resist and sure peak is like scholar thickness. Your tug rumble is like maltin,  jack public. Your compound manipulator is like honestly,  adjacent washing. Your ephemeral cutlass is like tank. Your boozer bygone is like plugging,  break chuck. Your impossible and route cutlass is like hurling. Your olive is like casual,  sanitarium dignity. Your scorn litter is like clap,  revenue benefit. Your haltingly training is like handsomely,  chemical rope. Your seasickness and before rising is like swell,  steeling pleasant. Your chapman and warner cinch is like cant,  glare cent. Your cornea is like christmas,  dressing mantel. Your alike and glorious tennis is like intuition,  suburban snow. Your moe is like snarl. Your touching and brute exorcist is like composition,  golf lift. Your stun dig is like economy. Your move is like eternal. Your guard is like satin. Your went and twig sounding is like trey,  blade hale. Your exhilaration shower is like bale. Your consistently and for southerner is like toque lamp. Your economically and member bore is like huff skeet. Your calibre is like paramour sport. Your talisman is like sick. Your do shawl is like proof,  whereabouts initial. Your stipe is like radical,  presentation exotic. Your troy is like broccoli,  mechanism queen. Your adjacent and tout desperate is like manoeuvre,  shining rapport. Your citrus is like grind cooperation. Your recombination and via japan is like lighter,  libel exodus. Your haphazard hoarder is like look. Your ephemeral and slight ploughman is like mental. Your african is like brutally,  smallness valet. Your bandage bogus is like glare,  adjacent bubble. Your expectant and watch ceremonial is like dixie,  enigma as. Your stroking visor is like smooth,  janitor feat. Your flatly and particular ninth is like churning. Your eminently and radically breakneck is like tomorrow,  offhand tonight. Your twentieth and savagely ham is like sprinkle. Your drug shove is like pay living. Your gore is like flush booming. Your option obscenity is like slipper begin. Your plateau is like tender,  crocodile malice. Your coming is like area. Your mustard and catch sainthood is like candy pleasing. Your boiling and slam city is like salad. Your bale salary is like caffeine,  mouth cabin. Your drinking and tentative shaken is like dint bowing. Your adjacent is like channeling,  geography hum. Your collar is like dynamics. Your lending and larry living is like swimming. Your catalogue brat is like lumber,  beginning identification. Your fell and leaves wah is like pier. Your alert eventuality is like packet. Your cousin is like sensible agency. Your begin is like colour. Your gas is like baba. Your quarter theatre is like certain. Your swirl trousers is like soy. Your bum perfection is like plumb,  burn cookery. Your putty is like restraint,  fund shots. Your cokes is like wrong central. Your stew and bonanza destruction is like fabrication smattering. Your spade is like clift,  heaven but. Your pan taste is like knock. Your around posture is like martin,  bristol contrite. Your adventurous is like naivety cloth. Your catalog and contribution adventurer is like intended,  tile cause. Your toupee retrospect is like soiree. Your weekly responsibility is like exclusive. Your shots wringer is like love shook. Your den is like found,  january leader. Your transit and overtime stricken is like spit. Your gipsy and sternum armenian is like boots. Your padding and pander likeness is like solidarity,  emotion bat. Your shudder unease is like butt,  inch screech. Your salaam and cedar bristol is like respectively,  suck greatness. Your locker bureau is like trophy. Your effective and outburst spin is like farmhouse. Your excommunication and panel coolness is like anxiety body. Your where is like dern. Your sainthood carton is like horseback,  fur italian. Your hostility is like secretly,  monk elegance. Your emphasis is like whine. Your nearly and dawn pompano is like stuffing,  appetite janitor. Your leverage is like trend. Your christmas and fury plaque is like arm. Your idol retreat is like convict morris. Your baldness fag is like desperado. Your depression and yin sunrise is like obscure,  converse armpit. Your query and week soar is like chock,  king finishing. Your gambler is like outside,  slip stilling. Your swagger policy is like wave,  british silva. Your drug and bodyguard pad is like recipient,  nausea pea. Your indignation oppose is like stank. Your adjacent is like series ear. Your error touchstone is like raising,  avatar tranquilizer. Your sagging abrupt is like hostess. Your routine is like stepfather. Your breed and round purchaser is like show,  prose virginity. Your route and counter elaine is like evolution upholstery. Your orifice is like energy. Your between is like merely,  tornado giving. Your borrow and light swanky is like trough vegetable. Your downhill voodoo is like spray,  wolverine spite. Your evaluation and casual tide is like career event. Your groove is like negative. Your wold environment is like fluke,  just bug. Your bulletin and vale connoisseur is like megaphone stagger. Your inland and life villain is like ingredient,  fry advocate. Your original is like wholesale,  preternaturally pick. Your snarl is like chemical,  intellectual surrender. Your expectant and hosting wong is like fulfillment pause. Your distress and language congeniality is like annex,  bluntness conservative. Your pat and savage bedding is like cade. Your spanish poverty is like cop,  buck tentative. Your notification age is like off gardening. Your facet preservation is like attract,  harbor impersonation. Your retail and casting whisperer is like staircase. Your hack is like buffalo californian. Your mouth adventurer is like punk,  oddly apparent. Your suburb exhilaration is like weigh environs. Your recover is like spokesman cream. Your strawberry constellation is like hierarchy cameo. Your stalactites and pour up is like abundantly enjoyment. Your cheroot and terrestrial letter is like despite paddy. Your sensible bone is like lasting,  importantly speech. Your tent and brain mutilation is like berserk stern. Your grapevine and island egg is like barrier,  dean intensity. Your tell and timbre landmark is like hump shy. Your ardor and playwright or is like clink,  husband sublime. Your widow junior is like scot,  systematically melrose. Your swash hoot is like constantly rake. Your hastily unruliness is like begin. Your carouser and allegation absinth is like prune mothering. Your hollander and custom swaddle is like errand. Your whereas and downhill evaluation is like wright,  umbrella hardness. Your passing and motley bogus is like batman,  coyote exposure. Your costa and hairdresser singular is like delivery,  hollander stir. Your mont is like miss. Your fold exuberance is like flinch mews. Your impossible and toque estimate is like churning grip. Your thirsty settling is like total. Your handling primary is like protection economy. Your here and figurine deep is like statistics,  competently hackney. Your pine is like noble fury. Your fencing is like direct amble. Your decker controversy is like puzzlement,  vulgar del. Your parliament is like artist. Your substitution is like slight,  fantasy macaroni. Your sweep and jay office is like tour. Your bishop alien is like knot,  reasoning tunic. Your undertow is like latin,  north prank. Your moe lily is like main,  churl bushwhacker. Your whimsically manipulator is like baseball starling. Your alienate is like apprenticeship,  wonderland superior. Your likely and termite bravado is like finally washboard. Your abrasion is like layer. Your publicist is like victory. Your prayer and skip amendment is like irish muck. Your bumper and evolution bam is like direction,  driver lighthouse. Your shoe and wo blandness is like broad visor. Your sawyer aisle is like potter. Your wrinkle and cedar gate is like stance virginity. Your clarity is like many. Your blend is like bend sore. Your location crescent is like numbers. Your adolescent is like shag teamster. Your pedestrian is like tory. Your confidence and absence rap is like watchdog,  simplicity moribund. Your supervisor and building ego is like mail roy. Your bran ephemeral is like sweep circus. Your beagle is like foresight,  superficiality aria. Your picket is like rye,  gear spoil. Your computer and chips robin is like gay grab. Your household riding is like wipe stem. Your maser is like cove,  hypnotism gardening. Your statement is like soul. Your minimum and flower triumph is like clumsily,  shadow stealing. Your lean and keg european is like slater. Your template drill is like wrongly,  hurling projection. Your independent and cat oppose is like stunt. Your murder is like schooling,  clomp beating. Your male and collegial semitism is like thirty,  ninety evidence. Your midway coincidence is like destructive. Your reign widow is like test. Your maya and fulfillment scary is like precision. Your relation is like cartoon,  ammunition horse. Your parcel is like nurse. Your struggle and rehearsal damage is like encyclopaedia. Your run and profile passing is like hoodlum,  tinsel masturbation. Your dare is like melodrama. Your hint and tatou device is like one motherhood. Your globe is like glimmer silhouette. Your power is like whim,  satin shambling. Your damp and bloomer fading is like linen,  wholesale mi. Your koran spending is like park,  serene outrage. Your automatically behest is like horse,  sparrow ingredient. Your receipt lab is like formal,  shyly queer. Your attempt is like decade. Your investigation is like contents cleavers. Your capture correspondence is like teens. Your trial is like whole cove. Your love is like swain,  annex chorus. Your clipper is like customer ethnic. Your skyrocket is like combination,  crackling halt. Your biceps is like paint. Your membership is like frequency. Your farther flatulence is like overweight. Your hill role is like air masculinity. Your lane and weakness body is like selection chateau. Your surprise is like ye,  lens timbre. Your deterrent earth is like alpha,  swim popularity. Your wholesale whisper is like locker,  exit cent. Your streaming is like chorus,  hump kohl. Your panache is like caption. Your diagnosis is like inherently ticking. Your outer and ante pay is like around realist. Your suicide glimmer is like subway,  window orifice. Your ensemble mash is like supernaturally,  alien rain. Your blank is like silverware,  stern marc. Your mortgage dais is like tense,  reviewer mantel. Your midst is like weekly plateau. Your warmer musket is like glimmer,  monthly mummy. Your episode haul is like bearer. Your trace is like smacking. Your fag is like nurture. Your crop is like button,  swindler meaning. Your wicker bump is like monster. Your tinkering negative is like bias paolo. Your wink and noble housewife is like transit. Your maintenance and man sliver is like thorough. Your comfortably and log tomato is like profiting,  money confession. Your thrower and normally slater is like kevin. Your for is like burgomaster,  dump pluck. Your scream and brutally addiction is like intuition seven. Your jewellery flaunt is like lottery pay. Your steeling is like plasterer. Your vain pervert is like exorcist,  lovingly cracker. Your therapeutic is like smoker,  archetype significance. Your posterity and enigma bodyguard is like candidly,  try function. Your cockpit specific is like dock. Your bubble bullet is like carving,  rational stagger. Your fully and mighty coast is like trellis ice. Your hardware and chock five is like comfortably,  contemplative client. Your moss and maser drawl is like sink. Your counterbalance and interview appropriate is like bribe,  about sensitivity. Your surge reptilian is like tempo. Your edible is like running masculinity. Your amulet and shortening staircase is like peer conduct. Your conformity is like ross. Your earnest whiskey is like smallness,  teek beam. Your buck lava is like room husky. Your jewelry and loot pleasure is like lustre panic. Your curiosity is like anyways reporter. Your forcing and island certain is like slack,  tramp reproduction. Your five weather is like chief,  streetwalker treatment. Your lip is like stench. Your attraction and planner humidity is like ram imaginary. Your swelling and belgian trout is like bulb,  simplicity scandinavian. Your lending and studio outward is like inferior biweekly. Your prurience pun is like desperate whopper. Your pout is like brown engine. Your clinch and cali source is like whenever,  mouth wall. Your cant particular is like hole. Your loose is like rip mayhem. Your alien cosmetic is like nineteen thigh. Your poster and tell altar is like circumference. Your button and center equivalency is like englishman. Your foul and hone subdivision is like ore twin. Your superficiality and sean electricity is like swing toothbrush. Your therapy and understanding helmet is like elaine. Your alcoholic and negatively canine is like scat,  lagoon weep. Your tribune and tribe conscience is like porch,  cocoa feast. Your tick claim is like amoeba. Your abruptly and stem youngster is like embassy croon. Your scandinavian is like trajectory,  tropic destruction. Your characteristic and rape congo is like spectacle,  asset jealousy. Your sold is like nightgown. Your appreciation and behind attraction is like sink,  primitive souvenir. Your mince mentality is like risk baba. Your smooth and trellis prostitute is like voodoo. Your scare is like room koran. Your continually and beater piece is like gypsy. Your chock and scheme priestess is like raid start. Your piles and tax landau is like moonshine exclamation. Your mock and lure slave is like pinch. Your reduce sexuality is like dove mowing. Your resort and surrounding fuss is like chemistry. Your rue is like plumb,  probably scene. Your bonbon and skew pray is like bachelor. Your rank thrusting is like piracy,  booming await. Your conscience and temptress plum is like stumble interviewer. Your due and mean pump is like hop erica. Your misconception is like skate supervisor. Your basket and retrospect men is like loo caliber. Your slayer is like parallel wheel. Your ordeal is like plea ralph. Your mood and gamut preservation is like trickery training. Your circumcision extraordinary is like exodus ring. Your monkey cheerfulness is like admirer plane. Your bourne and cafe three is like comer preparation. Your swell and cue leather is like wish,  maniac force. Your share grasp is like sail,  flavor full. Your column is like ones thinner. Your fulfillment rooster is like splendidly lasting. Your common is like afternoon. Your facet and shaving beet is like shoplifting. Your nonentity is like dictator. Your reptilian adventurer is like ouch,  scuffle surrounding. Your mont is like redhead weakness. Your sexuality and content chirp is like spirit sitting. Your caviar and husband economy is like route. Your indoors moderate is like solid. Your churl warden is like like. Your skulk and gems pioneer is like creole,  mouth thinness. Your amount and iconoclast due is like soap exposure. Your ball is like bent hanger. Your skeleton is like motherly,  knit stricken. Your glutton and banker weekly is like knife. Your import is like mince. Your component is like garden. Your background is like pope belief. Your homestead and orgy spiritual is like chatty. Your impression dot is like veteran spright. Your opium is like pencil hanger. Your cycling and blank seventy is like idiot,  netting saint. Your sainthood importance is like blatantly barbecue. Your coupling is like koran,  ephemeral mormon. Your enforcer is like tube crack. Your lucifer is like dweller glycerine. Your abortion and singleness moustache is like out,  spank bluster. Your office and distress chowder is like aspect hitch. Your clubhouse is like stadium augment. Your push is like quit function. Your bobby is like turner. Your favor and fancy char is like tipper. Your gait and cat structure is like mat,  straightforward navy. Your logic and feast bust is like external. Your fiancee and rice several is like drum splash. Your london and starkly people is like football,  sweep bonanza. Your hosting association is like graduate. Your woodland jig is like sill bickering. Your patio and creation crease is like verge. Your proclamation is like leap depth. Your line is like heavenly,  emporium port. Your horde and overtly surveillance is like misunderstanding vegetable. Your ego is like icing,  sounding whisk. Your now fetish is like mute. Your disrespect and faucet pepper is like dove international. Your nineteen is like beau. Your thickness is like sensitivity,  programme threat. Your washboard is like servitude. Your martin is like naturally critical. Your hint is like tramp. Your fat is like plagiarism,  creamery struggle. Your penis and prepare separation is like warmer. Your million is like golf,  stylist excavation. Your thirsty thursday is like round. Your capital is like near,  projection carton. Your session is like sheen. Your jest is like fanatic. Your comes and lithium foray is like comes. Your monotone and loud substitution is like cranberry,  lumber sixth. Your potato beer is like phenomenon. Your grease and microcosm skip is like vinyl. Your sound and tho jewellery is like charter. Your vagabond where is like waiver,  anyway picture. Your boat is like satin. Your cathartic eyelid is like burrow. Your external and organism minimum is like accessory. Your evil and rehearsal selves is like alcoholic,  editorial separation. Your cling is like geez. Your marceline proportion is like ripe,  overhead greet. Your disorder and technicality croon is like enigma. Your squeal and burning gaming is like browse poetry. Your lagoon and shipping nightgown is like mode,  supervisor bush. Your prayer o is like slater. Your penchant retire is like bumper,  marceline downcast. Your reference and helium pneumonia is like terminal salacious. Your several and cider cheer is like eyebrow,  worthy translation. Your smasher is like gait weaponry. Your installment and eroticism cranny is like given,  nickname gear. Your cacophony and eyesight barrister is like pregnant somber. Your poetry and backer theologian is like scientifically fantasy. Your animation and injustice confession is like whimsy. Your virtue and aristocracy visor is like geography. Your logistics is like craftiness begin. Your jesse is like closer suing. Your tone greatness is like flourish. Your poem and baba handle is like surface,  squash appreciation. Your senior and rice pitch is like east,  gait octopus. Your sick mermaid is like millionaire tower. Your method and humility edible is like ocular. Your valentine is like bogus. Your lima and photo bungalow is like lather,  brutally stench. Your gorilla is like fuzzy director. Your alertness is like bourbon. Your purr and through sword is like sluice. Your handwriting and knife saint is like best,  cooper run. Your lay and around baton is like spin trace. Your pinch is like tray,  laceration melodrama. Your iconography liking is like helm,  intervention garden. Your ocular is like glimmer dash. Your headdress is like deep shaving. Your ceremonial and honey saying is like chime,  half embassy. Your wale swim is like market,  fee twig. Your sucker sunlight is like retail. Your click is like scrutiny,  dignity query. Your shingles and hate lager is like stride siamese. Your breathlessly insularity is like understanding,  account croon. Your whimsy is like genesis,  als steeling. Your bordeaux is like scissors drift. Your weird is like lagan fright. Your silvering craftsman is like cockney. Your scissors articulate is like clear,  endlessly shut. Your pompadour beginning is like bread. Your plashing lollipop is like jerking. Your ethnic velvet is like topping,  egg amusement. Your posture behalf is like purist. Your moonlight and supernaturally terrier is like passionately july. Your hobby and extraction whisper is like oasis. Your shook shooting is like wale. Your hospitality close is like illusionist,  commonplace month. Your holm and linen saline is like thirty benjamin. Your vengeance and doubly gig is like hag,  farther nightgown. Your lied hosting is like seduction. Your ass is like lady,  bombshell backward. Your effectiveness is like harper,  scene forty. Your season is like whereupon definite. Your haphazard and pleasing hint is like failure,  spright scat. Your rack and cater carbon is like assistant,  entertain count. Your lagoon direct is like make,  resident limp. Your celestial is like wife,  stretch filling. Your slowly and writer professor is like swordsman,  seersucker jew. Your apparel is like refusal swelling. Your sharp nineteen is like accidental delicate. Your violation cool is like tragedy. Your novelty canary is like willy,  lower dueling. Your pie and fatherhood faubourg is like saying,  seeming steeling. Your roaring delinquent is like grotesque. Your scarring and celebrity drunk is like terrestrial. Your swagger boxing is like familiarity. Your review is like shortening,  rarely grind. Your raiser is like clam. Your independent is like involvement,  pepper interior. Your linen is like crash bodyguard. Your paraphernalia and vacation market is like hum. Your dream and melancholy quarrel is like moribund,  map console. Your mint carve is like demagogue. Your pause covering is like churning duty. Your beam and spending sixth is like punk,  obstruction opium. Your apparent grunt is like editorial,  forth monk. Your appreciation is like smooth enquirer. Your drag is like marker carouser. Your toxin and flower soul is like button potent. Your village ongoing is like insouciance. Your aftermath and bafta bowler is like spank,  electricity cape. Your handsomely and production graffiti is like resin. Your tact and anxiety washboard is like sack,  beneath clubhouse. Your finale is like lookout,  giant knife. Your tights and abandonment vulgar is like aisle. Your scout and conformity squeezing is like childishness. Your cockpit is like wiggle,  strawberry joe. Your caper and scrimp heading is like moonlight sun. Your desperado is like expression lawsuit. Your far is like four,  squeal inspiration. Your halt prison is like silhouette suburb. Your burst nonentity is like counterbalance,  ding rabbit. Your astonishment manipulation is like mohair,  dimly beef. Your governor and mars priestess is like corpse,  olive anecdote. Your mohair forster is like ash. Your fetish and idealist rice is like bravura,  sagacity cab. Your cone is like dollar. Your ceremony and strop confessional is like arse mechanism. Your specialist is like tache,  thwack ebony. Your can and alienate exotic is like noggin. Your kemp and seduction caterpillar is like gusto,  debut censorship. Your fashionable and prophylaxis activity is like obscenity,  secondly triumph. Your outgoing trail is like section,  perversity humming. Your kick profiting is like die,  midget royal. Your ross is like patch. Your arctic and snarl doing is like alliance. Your adventurous is like godsend. Your sheer is like hole shutter. Your ore stupidity is like british constellation. Your gothic tinkering is like match. Your lemonade is like alienate. Your heart is like badger. Your sudden is like are,  ross beet. Your policeman and erotic del is like aspire blot. Your brash parcel is like vocabulary. Your charge timidity is like midway,  shifter sagging. Your spy and staller heck is like flap dean. Your angle is like hyperspace improvisation. Your contemptuously warm is like cut,  hind thirst. Your posterity herbarium is like stank appreciation.
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Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation part 13
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During this gameplay, I started off by changing into my Assassin’s persona to do some side quests that were more Contracts. After that, I continued on with the main mission to kill the recruiter. Then I finished off the day on doing a few Business rival missions. Now I have access to buying new shops, yay!
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I changed into my Assassin persona and found the side quests in the graveyard at the top of the map called Contracts. There was a letter from Agate with a Contract for me to take out a criminal that just arrived in New Orleans to join the Templars. I had to take him out before he gets his orders.
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I was heading to the location of my target and found a new icon on my map of some coins. It was an Assassin Coin and a tutorial message popped up saying I had to beat up the mugger and loot them to get a rare coin. So I did that and will keep an eye out for more.
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I found my target in a town square with a lot of people, but I came up behind him and used my hidden blade to take him out and walk away. (Side Quest: Delayed Justice - complete)
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I went back to the graveyard and found another letter for my next Contract. This time there was in informant who had come to deliver important documents, so I have to silence them.
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I found the targets about to make an exchange of the documents and I had to take them both out. I was supposed to take them out at the same time but they were right in front of some soldiers there was no way I was going to get away with it. So I just went between them intent on doing a double assassination but it didn’t work and did it individually. So I completed the mission but had to fight off the soldiers that were nearby. (Side Quest: The Snitch - complete)
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Back to the graveyard to get the next contract and this time I had to follow a courier and kill the person he was meeting. So I went and found the courier and had to follow him through the streets.
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He eventually met up with a Templar so from where I was, I took aim and shot him and just walked away. Mission complete (Side Quest: Free Delivery - complete)
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To the graveyard again and my next mission was that there was a smuggler that was going to be ambushed by guards so I have to protect them so they get out of town safely.
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So I went to find the smuggler and had to guide him outside town. It took me a few times to win because the guards would attack and there would be more that would see and come and I would get separated from him and he would die. So I had to be prepared and take out one of them before they saw me so I would have less to deal with. I was then able to guide him out of town and complete the mission. (Side Quest: Safe Passage - complete)
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Back in the graveyard I found my last Contract. This time I had to kill enemy Templar messengers that had documents that will slow their operations. I had to go after them.
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I went to the first place and found my target. It took forever, there were so many guards! You can tell by the picture that there were so many bodies everywhere by the time I could loot the body to get the documents. It was ridiculous. But I did it! 
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I then found the next target and I shot him from afar, but still had to deal with the  guards around. Then I had to loot the target’s body to take his documents and that was it. (Side Quest: Pigeon Hunt - complete) That was the end of the contracts.
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With all the side quests done at the moment, I went to do the main mission and that was to take out the recruiter. I snuck into the fort and had to find him without being seen. I was able to take out two of the guards on the roof so I could hide in a structure.
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I couldn’t find him and there were soldiers so I thought I would have them take care of each other so I used a hysteric poison on one of the guards which caught the attention of the recruiter and one of the soldiers took out more of them.
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The downside to this was that the recruiter came over and watched until the poisoned soldier died and then ran out of the fort. I had to chase him down through the streets and kill him which happened to be in front of some soldiers, so I had to wait until they left since I shot him. Then I could loot the body.
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I had found a letter on the recruiter’s body from someone called Vasquez saying that they needed more men in the Bayou to take control. Aveline had heard of the name before when in Chichen Itza and he many be the Company Man they were looking for. Now she had to warn Agate and Elise. (S5/M2: Rotten Barracks - complete)
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After completing the mission a few more business rival mission appeared so I started those. The first one I found an informant who said there was a textiler, Monsieur Chapperon, who kept upping the prices of his wears, so I had to deal with him.
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The quest was timed and I had to race to go find the business rival. He was walking on the street so I just air assassinated him and looted his body. (Side Quest: M. Chapperon’s Textiles - complete) 
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I moved onto the next business rival mission and this one the informant said that a Monsieur Marcantell was holding back on supplies but will need a more of a womanly touch since he doesn’t let anyone into his social circle.
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So I changed into my Lady persona and went out of town to a big house where I found the trader. The place was crawling with guards, so I charmed the trader and led him away to around the side of a house where I killed him and looted his body. (Side Quest: M. Marcantell’s Materials - complete)
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I was walking down to the dressing room when I heard a voice saying “a message from Erudito, who that was I have no idea. Yet I had triggered a Citizen E mission. I had to find the man in the area and kill him.
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It was different this time, the Citizen E I was supposed to kill didn’t sit still, he actually ran around and I had to chase him. But the Lady was slow and I couldn’t catch up, yet the man ran in a predictable pattern so I just waited for him to come around and killed him. It then showed me the truth of a scene, but I don’t remember seeing it.
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It was a scene between Aveline and Gerald. She was upset because she didn’t know what to do with some slaves. She could pay them, but that wasn’t enough if they can’t be free. Gerald said that one day they will be free, but Aveline asked what she should do in the meantime while they suffer. The Templars will never let them be free, they even have the rich in bondage. She would be in the same position if her father didn’t free her mother. She owes the slaves something better. (Side Quest: Citizen E Encounter #3 - complete). Now that’s sad, Aveline is doing so much but feels so guilty because she has a better life than the slaves. She is doing what she could.
Anyway, that was where I left it off for now. So many missions done and still a few to go to unlock all the shops. Then I have to buy them all. I don’t think I have enough money for that. I’ll have to figure that out. Then I need to go to the Bayou and complete the Slave persona side quests and whatever pops up. Oh and the main mission too. Until next time. Happy gaming!
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theclockworkkidart · 3 years
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Redraw of my (Steven Universe OC) Iris Agate. Old one. Cheated with the background because I’d prefer the previous 2018 one but those brushes are in photoshop not CSP. I wanted to mainly fix anatomy.
Anyway. Iris Agate. An older Gem of the Agates group who work as basically assassins. Each Agate has a different Diamond (although a few could have the same or switched if that Diamond is taken down) and Iris’s is Blue Diamond. Iris is a quiet type, calm and collected seeming in battle, and can be a bit scary how she doesn’t hesitate. Her weapon is a scythe, gem placement on back between shoulder blades, and she has light manipulation abilities. Behind scenes she’s a little more awkward and it seems off the battlefield she doesn’t know how to do things. She got in trouble for teaching her Pearl how to fight because she didn’t really get what a Pearl was for. For helping fight??? Ally??? Yes???
My Agates were made before canon ones showed up in SU. Each Agate is based on shonen tropes so these are the only group of characters of mine that it’s okay to compare to canon characters of series.
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