emiunicornn · 7 years
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Now is the time, now is the hour. Ours is the magic, ours is the power. Amazing protest by @witchboston 🔮🌙✨ I find it so baffling that this is still happening and so prominent more than ever. White supremacists can go fuck themselves. As a tri-racial woman I have seen bigotry and white supremacists in action and it is one of the most disgusting things to witness. How can we allow this to happen? This isn't only an "American" problem, here in Australia we have politicians and key speakers sprouting hate against POC, Asians - basically anyone who isn't Caucasian and therefore not "true blue" or a "true Australian" fuck outta here - fueling islamophobia and saying no to allowing LGBT to marry. We have the power to change this, to make a difference and take a stand. I rarely make this page personal but I can't stand by without saying this, I think it's so important to speak up. Know that I will always stand up and speak up for any minority, any one who has been victimised or targeted. We are not afraid 🔮HEX WHITE SUPREMACY🌙 #againstwhitesupremacy #hexwhitesupremacy #witchboston #againsttrump #resisttrump #antitrump #pussygrabsback
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rothbardiswrong · 7 years
In the wake of the horrific and completely predictable attack on protesters in Virginia, we have only one thing to blame: the laxity of our law when it comes to violent riots, which have been taking place for years. Sure, you can say "hate was what did it!" or, which is even more inane and foolish, "It is because Donal Trump was elected!" but in both cases you are incorrect. People will always hate people who do not look like them or sound like them or what have you. Hate is intrinsic in our nature and saying otherwise only shows how poorly you understand history. Until people can be taught to love, or choose to love, the only thing that keeps them from lashing out at those they hate is the law. The law which has done nothing to curtail the violence for years, and, as a result the violence has lead to someone getting killed, just for showing up at a protest. This isn't fucking Venezuala or some third world country for Gods sake! Protests should not be allowed to devolve into riots where people and property are destroyed. Shame on all of you who support this type of action, be it white-supremacists or BLM or alt-right or antifa. If you are "incited to violence" because of what someone said, you are the god damned fucking problem. Not the person who said something that ticked you off. You. Finally, this is the only time I am going to defend Trump during this debacle because all this "Trump is to blame for this violence" is some next level, mind control, conspiracy idiocy that all of you are better than. Put the blame on those who deserve it, and, please, stop making me defend Trump from morons who are more than happy to drink the kool-aid and lay the blame for the entirety of the worlds woes at his feet. This is all I will say. I'm out.
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Straight like that...... We are a Coven of witches of color from across the globe. White supremacy goes against everything we are... #joinus #blackwitch #indigenouswitch #witchesofcolor #blackwitchconvention #bwc2018 #baltimore #againstwhitesupremacy #witchesagainstwhitesupremacy #stand #unitedwestand
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