#again: I’m not Hindu and not an expert I’ve like. read a couple religious texts and done some research but I’m not an expert
Are Kali and Durga protrayed accurately?
Because you've been only (validly) complaining that they're sakurafaces.
So w the caveat that I’m not Hindu I can take another look at them but this is the general sun of my thoughts independent of the Sakura thing
-Durga isn’t really associated with white to my knowledge? As far as I’ve seen red is far more commonly known to be ‘her’ color, and the white hair, clothes, and tiger (which I don’t think has ever really been made white traditionally) is a weird choice to me given that other goddesses do get more often associated with white
-I don’t really understand what her clothing is supposed to be, but it doesn’t look like traditional clothes or based off what she usually wears
-she is almost always depicted with multiple arms so it was…a choice not to do that. I don’t really get it either, as even in fate passionlip quite literally has 2 ton hands because of durga’s arms/weapons influencing them. Her weapons DO seem to properly show up in her np but outside of it they’re just generic looking spires
-the snake actually is accurate she does sometimes get depicted with that, it’s a representation of shiva/masculine energy
-personally I kind of would’ve wanted her to look more regal or combative, either with armor or a crown or something. This is also a warlike person, right?
-I can’t really speak on her np other than noticing that her weapons appear since I haven’t heard the name-visually it looks like an upgraded version of parvati’s np only instead of cloning herself she clones the Shakti. I’m a hair disappointed with that personally but more bc the imagery of her slaying the demon is so incredibly iconic. Other than that it looks fine.
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-why isn’t she black or dark blue
-No seriously, she very specifically has reasons to be depicted as dark in tone. Where is it?
-her face seems weirdly low contrast to me. While I’m biased bc I would’ve liked a representation of her bloodshot eyes her pupils kind of melt into her skin bc they’re almost the same color
-her outfit…isn’t awful? The coat is kind of cool, actually. She’s usually naked so the metal bikini is eyerollingly predictable but not awful-that aside, the bit under her chest does seem to look like a breast/chest band which is an actual kind of jewelry you see in old temple art of Indian figures. I’m not sure if that was what the artist was going for but I’m taking it
-I…think the dangling parts on her metal top might be representative of her girdle of severed arms?
-no attempt at representing the severed head necklace at all
-she at has the multiple arms. I like the star pattern on them. Could use more jewelry
-most of the held object seem right? No severed head though
-overall far less intense and less frightening than I think she’s supposed to come across ass
-her np is really good though-it’s samhara kali, which is like ‘time destruction’ iirc; and a pretty important part of what she is. I very much liked that they brought her universal aspects into it although I’ll feel disappointed when they find a way to explain how sefar defeated her still somehow.
-her hair should be unbound, free flowing, and dark. Uh. It’s at least one of those?
-I did see an expression sheet and it looks like they did actually do some tongue expressions! So that’s good! Kind of wish they’d gone for a more intense expression with her boss intro video though.
-overall the bones of what’s there are good but it could be improved by upping the intensity
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