#again not to be a real fandom loser but genuinely the Jedi mindset (which is like general mindfulness but it sits better for my brain to be
mutalune · 3 months
Hey there
I don’t know you and I understand you never asked for an Opinion or anything
But I saw your post on waking up with 0 pain
I’m a doctor, and I’ve been treating a patient for several months now
Several weeks ago was the first time in months they slept through the night without painkillers
They got like super excited but the next night was painful again
However, a couple weeks later we had a painless night again
Then again and again and you get where I’m going
It’s like in True Detective, if you ask me - the light’s winning
Again, I don’t know you, but I wanted you to hear from a random tumblr weirdo that there’s the potential for you to get better, whatever it is you’re going through
Every time you feel okay will add up to a massive number of okays and then it’ll become your norm
I can’t promise that, but it’s quite very possible
first off thank you for wanting to spread a bit of hope, I think that’s very kind of you and I appreciate it very much 💕
second off I love hearing from random tumblr weirdos (I’m just generally god awful at answering messages and miss notifications) so thank you for that as well
I’m def trying to straddle the line between “stay hopeful and have faith that things may get better, keep trying” and “things might never get better, I may need to adjust my lifestyle to support that, AND I can still live life and find joy”, because I think both can and need to be true. I’m gonna keep trying, and I’m also gonna do my best to be kind to my body for doing its best, ya know?
Sending love to you and your patient - that’s such an accomplishment to be having more okay-days after a long time of having none, and I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed that your patient continues to stack up those okay days 💕
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