#again i have no idea why i felt the need to compare them but i did
la-cocotte-de-paris · 2 years
I hate to say it but I found The Piano Teacher more engaging to watch than Tár
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starsxblazing · 8 months
Hi friend! I had an idea that perhaps you could bring to life. Its an azriel x reader. Where shes a seamstress for Rhys, she makes all his suits and all the beautiful gowns and dresses for the girls to wear. She even makes their leathers for fighting. I imagine one of them or maybe a few of them make a comment on how she's no one important and kinda belittles her work cuz shes just a seamstress. Rhys brings all 3 males to be measured for suits and azriel is getting flushed as readers kneeling to measure the length of his pants and the slit for his wings. Rhys sees Azriel blush and gives him a stern look shaking his head like "not this one." She doesnt look them in they eye, and rhys doesnt tell azriel anything about her. Like shes rhys best kept secret. Reader feels like the IC is so much better than her and thats why they sometimes say mean things (maybe someone asks elain where her dress is from and she just scoffs like "this old thing") but its actually a protective rhys trying to keep her safe cuz she reminds him so much of his deceased sister. Bond snaps but readers so insecure she wants to decline. Sorry this was so long. Lol. Just trying to get the jist of it out. Non important seamstress reader, flushed azriel, brother like rhys. The end. 🤣🤣🤣
a/n: I really hope that I did your request justice! It was so cute writing a shy Azriel
You sat at the front desk of the shop to place your order for your inventory, sighing to yourself as your eyes momentarily moved around the small store that you owned. It wasn’t anything special and was small compared to the many others in the city. There were so many other places that would be preferred by the citizens but this was your passion and refused to give up on it. The bell on the door rang and you looked up with a hopeful smile that turned into a grin when you saw who was striding in.
“Hey!” you started happily, thankful to see such a familiar face. “It feels like forever since I’ve seen you.”
“I will make it a top priority to come visit when it isn’t just for your services,” he chuckled.
“And what is it that I can do for the all mighty High Lord?” A giggle at his playful frown escaped you. “I’ve been looking forward to the new things that you always request.”
“We have a visit to the Day Court and it would be nice to have some new attire for the ball that Helion will be hosting.”
“That sounds so nice,” you sighed dreamily. “The same sizes as last time?”
“The females, yes.” He gave you a smile that was full of love and admiration that nearly brought tears to your eyes. “However, Azriel and Cassian will need to be measured since they usually do not wear this particular form of attire.”
“Just let me know when you’re ready and I’ll have everything set up.” You searched through the files under your desk to pull out the Inner Circles information. “I can go ahead and get what you have in mind so I can get it done in time.”
Rhysand gave you a small smile, the adoration still shining in his eyes. You were never sure why he looked at you in such a way but you appreciated it anyway. He was the only thing that came close to a friend since there were times where he would stay with you and talk for hours before departing again. You had no family since they were lost in the war but you were thankful that you had been able to take refuge in Velaris.
There were times when the High Lord would try to offer to move you into a larger store in a better part of the city. It was a sweet offer but you felt as if it was charity and you didn’t want any pity. The Night Court black that was used was always beautiful to you and your friend seemed to like the little details that you added to make it stand out a bit more while still fitting his court. 
Your store stayed in business simply because of Rhysand’s orders for his family because you made everything for them. He always assured you that they loved their dresses and gowns but there was always an emotion in his eyes that you couldn’t place when he did so. Despite that, you always put everything that you had into it. His family was important and special. All of them were nothing like you. Just a little nobody that had nothing but your little shop to keep you busy.
It wasn’t until three hours later that the High Lord left did you realize just how alone that you truly were. You wished that you had a family like he did but you forced your mind to remember how happy that you were for him. There were so many that you had come across in your life that only had half of what he did and even then, there wasn’t much happiness in it.
The next day, you made your way out to begin your search for the things that you would be able to find in town when you saw someone you recognized. It was one of the High Lady’s sisters but you weren’t sure which one it was. You did your best to not be noticed as the female spoke to another one but you were pretty sure that you wouldn’t be. 
“Where did you get your dress, Elain?” the female asked.
“This old thing?” Elain looked down at her dress, one that you had made, with her nose scrunched in distaste. “It came from some nobody seamstress. Rhys has never told us anything else.”
“Well, I think it’s beautiful.” The female’s head tilted slightly with a raised eyebrow. “It seems like you don’t like it.”
“It’s definitely not my favorite,” Elain huffed, scrunching her nose in the process.
Unable to hear anymore of the conversation, you turned and darted back to your shop. So many feelings had hit you all at once and you weren’t sure where to start as you began sobbing once you were in the safety of the building that you also lived in. You began doubting yourself and the work that you loved while also wondering if the male that you considered your friend has been lying to you all of this time. 
Even though you had cried yourself to sleep in the early afternoon, you were still unable to pull yourself out of bed the next morning. You could barely hear the knock on the front door but you ignored it. You had already felt like no one of any importance but the words that you had overheard only proved it. Not only was it from a customer but also from someone who would be able to destroy what tiny bit of name that you had for yourself in the city within an instant. Facing Rhysand again would be one of the hardest things that you had to do in a long time but you refused to let him down.
You allowed yourself to mope in bed for the remainder of the day in hopes that you would feel a bit better the next day. No sooner than you opened your store, the bell rang and you felt the High Lord’s power throughout the entirety of the small building.
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Azriel had felt a bit frustrated when his brother dragged him out of bed and rushed him through his breakfast. He wasn’t sure what the hurry was, not seeing the big deal in getting fitted for new suits and leathers. In truth, he did need them but he felt as if it could’ve waited until a bit later in the day. His High Lord had a hint of eagerness to him that wasn’t so present unless it came to his mate or son.
He was only annoyed further when they arrived at what he could swear was the smallest shop in the entire city and there was no answer even after Rhysand had all but beat the door down. The store couldn’t even be considered to be in the district where most of the stores were but he was somewhat relieved because he was able to spend the rest of his day as he wanted.
Rhysand did the same thing the following day which had both him and Cassian grumbling about doing the same thing two days in a row. Thankfully, the store was open and his brother walked in as if he owned the place with a small smile on his face.
“Is everything alright?” Rhys asked the female at the front desk hesitantly, a hint of worry in his voice. “We came by as planned but there was no answer.”
“I had some business to take care of,” you muttered, causing him and Cassian to glance at each other in confusion. 
Neither of them knew who you were nor even knew of the business that was being run here. He watched carefully as you gathered what was needed and even though you carried yourself in a confident manner, you kept your eyes downcast. It was as if you didn’t have it in you to look them in the eyes. You had obviously done so with his brother but it appeared as if it wasn’t the case today.
From what he could see, he could tell that you were beautiful but what would confirm it the most would be some form of eye contact. He watched you carefully as you started with Cassian, fully committed to doing your job to perfection. You started with his other brother’s legs for his height and he only saw a smirk pulling on Cassian’s lips that he was trying to hold back. For reasons unknown to Azriel, it had him frowning and almost bristling at the sight.
You continued on with your work in silence except for a hum here or there when the High Lord asked you questions as if you didn’t want to speak to any of them. It wasn’t until you moved to him did he truly pay attention to you. He wasn’t sure why but the sight of you on your knees in front of him, with your notebook in hand, had heat creeping onto his face. The quietest snicker came from Cassian who had moved behind him. When he turned to glare at him, he noticed a stern look on Rhysand’s face that had his eyebrows furrowing.
Azriel’s body stiffened when your fingers brushed lightly against him to take other measures. He sucked in a quiet breath when you moved behind him to measure the slits for his wings and your fingers just barely grazed them. It sent a jolt of what felt like electricity through him. He cursed himself silently because it wasn’t the first time that his wings had been touched but there was something about yours that nearly had him wanting more of the contact.
He was slightly disappointed when you were finished too quickly for his liking and moved to Rhysand. You still kept your eyes downcast from all of them and it seemed to have the slightest frown tugging at the High Lord’s lips. Cassian continued to watch as if he too was wondering what was going on. 
“Everything should be ready in three weeks if that’s alright,” you said, giving Rhysand the briefest glance before returning to your desk.
Rhys ushered them out quickly and was unusually quiet. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say that he was brooding. Neither Cassian nor himself knew anything about you so they weren’t sure what to say but his own curiosity got the better of him.
“Who is she?”
“No one for you to be concerned about,” the High Lord answered. “And you will stay away from her.”
He was given a stern glance but he could note the protective fondness in his eyes. It only caused him to wonder more but he kept quiet on the matter.
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You were thankful for the time being that you didn’t have a lot of customers. The work of making suits and gowns for seven people would take a while but you were thankful that it gave you a break from your thoughts. You didn’t waste any waking hour, putting your greatest effort into it all in hopes that the gowns would be appreciated more.
A week had passed faster than you had originally imagined that it would and the only break in your concentration was the bell to your shop opening for the second time during the time. You shouldn’t have been surprised to see Rhysand before you, a small frown on his face as he looked down at you.
“As promised, I have come to spend some quality time with the most beautiful seamstress that I know,” he said with a grin that contradicted the caution in his eyes.
“You come to visit or check on my progress?” you asked, eyeing him for a moment before returning your work.
“As I said, I’ve come to visit,” he repeated gently. “Are you alright? You’re acting differently.”
“Fine,” you answered a bit too quickly to be believable. 
“I apologize when I say that I do not believe you.” There was a worried frown on his face that made your heart clench and tears almost formed in your eyes. “Talk to me.”
“I just..” You trailed off, unsure what to say or how to say it. “Why does it matter? I’m just trying to balance everything.”
It was a lie and they both knew it. There was worried determination on his face and you knew that he wouldn’t let it go but you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him what happened. It could possibly cause a divide or rift between the family that you thought so highly of and you couldn’t have that.
“You’re evading,” he replied flatly before his face softened when he gripped your chin lightly to keep your attention on him. “I don’t like seeing you like this.”
“Your family is very important,” you muttered. “I just want to be sure that I make everything perfectly. There’s so many ideas going through my head and I’m just trying to be sure to keep it all together.”
“You are no less important than any of us.” His matter of fact words paired with his gentle smile had a small one forming on your face as well. “As a matter of fact, you are just as important if not more so than my entire family combines.”
“Why?” You moved out of his grip and stared at him flatly. “Look at m-”
“I do see you. Every single time I come in here.” Rhysand continued with a charming smile that caused you to huff. “There is nothing wrong with you.”
“Then why-” You stopped short, reminding yourself to not give into your emotions. “I have Feyre’s gown completed and this one that I’m almost finished with is for Nesta. Do you want to see?”
He nodded with a grin and followed you to a separate room in the back where you kept the outfits that you made. You watched him carefully for his reaction as he stared at the gown and then blew out a silent breath of relief at the genuine smile on his face.
“It’s beautiful,” he said, turning to grin brightly at you. “She will love it and this just may become her new preferred gown.”
“Promise?” you asked tentatively while you tried to decipher if he was lying or not.
“On my mate’s life,” he answered as a look of adoration etched into his features once again. 
“Is there anything that I should change about Amren’s, Mor’s, Nesta’s or..” You swallowed hard, the action not going unnoticed by the High Lord. “Elain’s? I want everything to be absolutely perfect for everyone for such an important event.”
“No.” He shook his head but the certainty in his eyes was answer enough. “I look forward to seeing what the rest look like.”
“I’ve made these my top priority so the leathers-”
“Can wait until you’re finished with these,” he replied. “What they have now will work until later.”
“Okay,” you whispered, gripping onto the kind reassurances to push you through your self deprecating thoughts before he pulled you into a tight embrace.
“I wish there was a way to make you realize just how special you are,” he muttered, squeezing tighter to emphasize it. “You remind me so much of my sister.”
Your eyes filled with tears immediately because it was no secret about what happened to his mother and sister. The fact that had such a high opinion of you that he would compare you to someone so important to him had you sobbing. He simply held you until your tears finally ceased and stayed with you for a few hours before returning to his court duties.
By the time that the door shut behind him, you felt a bit better but knew that you would never compare to any of them.
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Azriel wasn’t able to keep his mind off of you while they waited for their new suits and gowns for the upcoming ball. He wasn’t sure why but despite his High Lord’s orders, he walked past your shop every so often to simply get a glimpse of you. Only once did he get a full view of your face and it took his breath away as he saw you smile at the only customer that he had noted that you had.
It was reaching the three week mark that you had given his brother and he was itching to ask the High Lord if he would let him retrieve the order. His gut told him that Rhysand wouldn’t allow it. He wasn’t sure why you were kept such a tight secret from all of them but Azriel knew that his brother meant it when he had given the order to stay away from you. 
“I can’t go with you today.” Azriel stopped just outside of the study, listening to Rhys as he spoke to Cassian. “I have to leave in a couple of hours to pick up our outfits for our trip to Day Court.”
“I don’t understand why none of us-”
“As I’ve said,” the High Lord growled, his voice low and almost deadly. “You need not worry about her.”
“Yea but she-”
“Is not a topic of discussion.”
The snappy tone of their brother had Cassion falling quiet on the topic but Azriel’s curiosity about you wouldn’t let him sit idly by. It was almost as if he was being pulled towards you and he couldn’t ignore it. He slipped out as silently as he had come in and disobeyed Rhysand’s orders. Even though the plan had already been arranged, Azriel wasn’t bothered with the anger that would surely ensue about him taking the initiative that was purely personal.
The bell on your store’s door sounded as he entered but you were so focused on your work that you didn’t notice his presence until he cleared his throat. You jumped from your stool, startled from the noise before you finally looked at him. It felt like the entire world stopped when you both made eye contact and he felt the one thing that he was beginning to believe that he would never have.
Your eyes went wide and you stumbled backwards, tripping over your stool and fell to the ground in surprise as the golden thread connected the two of you. He rushed as fast as he could through the small area, his wings knocking some items over even though his wings were tucked in tightly behind him. A breath of relief escaped him when you didn’t recoil from him when he reached to help you up.
“I- I don’t- What?” you gasped through heavy breaths as you stood.
“I’m- I’m sorry,” he stuttered, unsure what to say since he didn’t know what you were thinking. 
“No. Don’t be. I just..” You took a deep breath before fully looking at him again. “I wasn’t expecting that.”
Your words barely registered in his mind as he stared back at you, your beauty captivating him the longer that he did so. There were so many things that he wanted to say but at the same time being unsure since he didn’t know you. No sooner than he could open his mouth to reassure you, the front door opened and he felt the High Lord’s power filling the store. His brother was angry beyond belief with him.
“Y/N, would you mind stepping outside for a moment while I have a word with my spymaster.”
Azriel could feel the uncertainty and anger flowing off of you but you nodded after swallowing audibly. Once you were out in the streets, Rhysand had him by the collar of his shirt and shoved him harshly into the wall. There was nothing but pure, unadulterated anger on his brother’s face.
“Did I or did I not tell you to stay away from her?” Rhys growled.
“Yes but-”
“But what, Azriel?” he snapped at him. “Are you simply attracted to females that I insist on you staying away from?”
“It isn’t like that,” he tried. “Why are you so insistent on no one knowing about her? None of us even knew that she existed until now.”
“Because I want to protect her.” Azriel was released before Rhysand took a few steps back. “She reminds me too much of my sister and I refuse to let anything happen to her. If that means keeping all of you clueless to her existence then that is what I will do.”
Azriel’s thought began flooding in all at once, making it hard to keep up with what his shadows were whispering and the things that he wanted to say. He understood now what his High Lord’s motivations were but there was no way that he could let his mate go. Not after finally finding it after the centuries that he had waited for it. As he went to explain what had happened, the door opened again and it had your scent filling the room.
“I don’t want to be the reason that there’s trouble,” you mumbled as you looked at your feet.
“You are not-”
“We’re mates,” Azriel said, interrupting Rhys.
The High Lord’s eyes widened when he swirled around to look at him. There was uncertainty in them while he stared at him before looking back at the female that he held in such high regards. For the first time in a long time, his brother was speechless and Azriel was honestly shocked. 
“I don’t deserve it,” you continued, finally looking up with tear filled eyes. “I don’t deserve someone as special and amazing as he is.”
“Why?” he asked in a raspy voice.
“You- All of you-” You paused, taking a deep breath. “You’re all so much better than me to the point that some of my dresses aren’t even liked.”
“What do you mean, Y/N?”
Your eyes switched between Rhysand and himself before stopping on the former. The tears that began flowing down your face made him unable to not go to you, placing his hands on each cheek in hopes of calming you.
“I heard Elain telling someone that she didn’t like-”
“Screw her and her opinion,” he growled before apologizing when your eyes went wide.
“There is a dress in particular that she isn’t the most fond of,” Rhys answered and you looked around him to gaze at the High Lord. “It is the only one and she simply doesn’t care for certain parts of the style. It has nothing to do with you or how amazing that your work is. It is simply a personal problem.”
“She said I was a nobody,” you sniffled, the words causing his body to shake slightly in anger. 
“That’s my fault.” Your brows furrowed at Rhys’s words. “You’re an amazing female and I didn’t want to risk putting you into danger by letting all of them know who you are.”
“But I-”
“Give us a chance,” Azriel whispered, pulling your eyes back to his. “Please.”
“Why don’t we start with the upcoming ball?” Rhys gave you a small smile when you looked at him cautiously. “It’d be a high honor for my shadowsinger to have you by his side.”
“It would,” he agreed.
Your bright smile in return for his words sent his heart fluttering and a rare, genuine smile adorned his face. He knew right then and there that there was nothing that he wouldn’t do to keep that smile on your face. 
It was the start of something new that he couldn’t wait to see unfold.
@amara-moonlight @allygrace74 @sidthedollface2 @historygeekqueen @hnyclover @kalulakunundrum @historygeekqueen @bubybubsters @thisblogisaboutabook @mybestfriendmademe @caroline-books @justvibbinghere @wisdomofthebrain
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greyskyflowers · 1 month
I really want something where Crystal and Charles see all of Edwins memories. Maybe Crystal is trying some new stuff with her powers and accidently drags Charles with her into Edwin's memories.
Some of it flashes by quick. His childhood, the years with Charles before they met Crystal, the cat king, Monty, a majority of Port Townsend.
Some of it drags by. His death, hell, meeting Charles, hell again, Esther, Niko.
She knows Charles kind of has an idea of what to expect but knowing and seeing are two different things.
Crystal can't even watch most of it. Crouching down and covering her eyes, crying and occasionally making a sound like she was going to be sick.
They can't make any changes, of course, and they can't talk to anyone. These things have already happened and they're just watching them but Charles breaks her heart.
He bounces between furious and devastated.
He walks around the boys holding Edwin down to sacrifice him like he's looking for an opening, around and around restlessly. He knows, even better than she does, that he can't do anything.
Hell is even worse. Charles is clearly upset but he's not surprised, a grim determination that has him trailing after Edwin like a shadow. He keeps up with Edwin, running with him through the hallways and making himself watch each time it all starts over. He runs back to find the new Edwin and sticks close again, right beside him or behind him. He doesn't get in the way or try to stop it, he can't do anything so he's trying to provide a comfort that Edwin can't feel.
He sits with Edwin when he finds a place to hide, just watching him. Sometimes he talks. She can't hear what he's saying but she can guess.
Sometimes the demon doesn't kill Edwin right away and he isn't hiding so much as trying to find a place to curl up and die. Charles follows, sometimes circling him like he had when they saw the boys who sacrificed him.
She doesn't understand why he's making himself watch it all. How can he watch it when Crystal can barely tolerate just the sounds?
She's never seen him so focused. She thinks he might have forgotten she's even here.
Ghosts bleed here, they can feel and, the last thing Edwin felt as a living being was hands holding him down and the last thing he truely felt while dead would have been the last time the demon ripped him apart before he escaped hell. No wonder he's less bothered by iron than Charles. Iron is nothing compared to this.
She wants to tell Charles to come over to her. Tell him to stop watching, god why is he watching?
She knows why though, because he needs to know. Usually the mind can conjure up things much worse than reality but she thinks that neither of them could have imagined something like this. She knows Charles saw some of it when he went to get Edwin the second time but it wasn't a lot. He and Edwin were both tight-lipped when it came to hell, other than Edwin mentioning it vaguely here and there, usually in arguments.
He passes her again as he follows Edwin, again and again, and she goes to yell at him but she stops. His jaw is clenched the way he does it when he's truely furious, and his mouth is a thin line.
Charles can be scary when he's angry, especially when he's angry because someone has hurt Edwin. He would never hurt her but there's a cautiousness to how she speaks to him when he gets like this. Forget the cricket bat, he looks like he'd throw himself at the demon with just his nails and teeth if he could.
The memories go on and he's just as restless during Edwin's second trip to hell, only relaxing when he appeared in the memory.
Watching Esther is hard, Charles doesn't move during this one, just stands by the table Edwin is stuck on and stares.
This one is different and she thinks it because Charles was here for this one. She knows he's in the kitchen, kept in place with an iron collar and stuck listening to Edwin scream.
Crystal loses track of them as she sees Niko in the corner and sudden she needs to see it. She can feel Charles look over at them as Niko dies on the floor but he stays where he is until Edwin is up and next to Niko too.
More memories slip by until they're suddenly thrown back into the real world.
It's jarring, like something smacked them on the back of their heads. It takes them a minute for the world to stop spinning and their thoughts to reform. It's been seconds, maybe a minute, since they'd been thrown into the memories. Crystal feels like she's aged 10 years.
She does think she understands Charles a lot more now. She knows she's going to be reluctant to let Edwin off somewhere by himself, not that Charles would let him.
Edwin looks nervous, looking at them then the floor and back up to them again. He straightens the ends of his sleeves the way he does when he needs something to do with his hands and then he starts to press against each other. He must have a good idea of what happened and what they probably saw.
She remembers one of the deaths where he had ended up close to where she's been curled up. The way he laid on his side and just stared at the wall, quiet and accepting, the way tears rolled down his face and he just kept bleeding. Until he didn't anymore and Charles took off without a word to go find the new him again.
Niko is beside him and looks at both Charles and her with big eyes. She wonders what they look like, if they look any different to her and Edwin.
Charles makes a vague stangled noise beside her, makes a move towards Edwin, and she takes a deep breath.
Right. Okay, she and Niko need to leave. Like, right now. She has a feeling that the boys need to have a very long talk. And just cling to each other for awhile.
She grabs Niko, who looks at Edwin to see if he wants her to stay but he shakes his head just enough for her to let Crystal get them both out the door and away.
As they're leaving, she wonders what she'd do if someone had shown her Niko's death over and over. She looks at the other girl, who still looks worried but gives Crystal a little smile.
Maybe they need to have a talk too.
Two side notes:
*Currently living for the idea of Charles and Crystal going feral over Edwin and Niko being hurt. And vice versa.
*You know when dogs/wolves circle something over and over, like they're trying to herd it or just watching from all sides? Idk for some for some reason I just picture that from Charles in certain situations. Especially when he can't do anything. Just circling it over and over like eventually he'll see something, find a way to do something.
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redfoxwritesstuff · 5 months
A Taste of Sugar (Part 1 of 2)
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Alastor x reader (Hazbin Hotel)
Part 1 rated M, Part 2 rated E 18+ for adult content
TW part 1: Light jealousy, trauma related to past food insecurity, trauma recovery.
TW Part 2: Explicate smut, see part 2 for details.
Almost 4k words for part one. Ps- Fuck you Nonny, this is what you get for trying to tell me what I'll write
~<3 Love, Kit.
As you work through the trauma of your life and starving to death, you dismantle your stash of snacks for what you hope will be the final time. Snack cakes, cookies and crackers are given to everyone around you, except one resident in the hotel whom you knew wouldn't enjoy or consume the treats. Then, as the flow of treats tricked to a stop, stash dismantled, small brown boxes containing treats began to appear at your door. Simple, delicious and seemingly homemade treats without so much as a note.
He watched and he waited, each week for your offer. Each week, no offer came and again he left his gift at your door. Why would you not think of him? Why would you not see him? What did he have to do for you to consider him?
A Taste of Sugar
You found yourself in Hell after a rather uneventful death that made of for its lack of excitement with lasting trauma. Now, sitting in a circle in a hotel that functioned more like a rehabilitation center and refuge than actual hotel, you were expected to recount it to the fellow residents that had become more like friends. 
It was Charlie’s latest grand idea of how to build trust and bonds between the group and process negative feelings that could hold each of you back from redemption. You didn’t think that was how redemption worked but whatever, it wasn’t your reputation on the line and it got you a safe room to sleep in and three meals a day. 
The others had grand stories of murders, crimes and addictions that all landed them in the grave, one way or another, often taking others with them. They had spoken of dark indulgences. 
Now they teased you, your crimes amounting to nothing compared to theirs. Damned for the simple crime of being born poor and attempting, rather unsuccessfully, to survive. 
You had died fairly young, having lived most of your life on the streets only to starve to death, alone, cold and in the dark. The shelters were full and the food banks near useless without somewhere to cook the food. Stealing food could only get you so far when you had little to choose from. You died dreaming of a warm meal, cooked at home. You died begging to world for a simple snack cake to quiet the pain in your stomach. You died alone, cold and hungry. 
The divine didn’t seem to care that you only stole what you thought you needed to survive. Really, not even that considering you starved to death. Maybe you didn’t pray enough. Maybe you didn’t go to the right church. Maybe you didn’t give away what little food you had often enough. 
Explaining that felt like shining a spotlight on every way you failed. You failed in life and you failed in death. Not good enough to get into heaven and yet you were also not bad enough to have a respected place in hell. Weak, unless and fueled by fear of once again going without. 
“So, that’s why you’ve always got snacks?” Angel pointed out, making you blush hard in shame. The trauma of your life hand a lasting grip around your actions even in death. 
“I’m trying to be better about it,” You felt shame in how you tended to hoard snacks in your room, rarely actually doing more than a little nibbling at them. Charlie did a great job of ensuring all residents had access to three meals a day, though someone was almost always missing from one meal or another. “I know I don’t have to worry about starving here, it’s just hard.” 
In the shadows of the hall, red eyes watched the group. A smile stretched in the distance as they discussed how the traumas of life leaked into the afterlife and the ways you could move past your traumas. 
He couldn’t say why he was drawn to you. You were little more than a lost doe and yet you plagued his mind. He wanted to cast you out so you’ll leave his thoughts as much as he wanted to keep you as a little pet for his own amusements. There was time enough to figure out what to do about the conflicting urges. For now, he can simply watch from a distance, from the shadows.
Rosie had told him that in her expert opinion he was ‘catching feelings’ when he had lamented his inability to settle on a course of action. That aggravated him more than anything else, well almost. The utter glee at the concept was more annoying by just a touch. 
He was above romantic sentiments just as he was above the carnal desires of the flesh. Rosie was mistaken, Alastor decided as he also made the decision that he would do nothing about you. There was no reason to let you plague him any longer. Simply look away, move on with his days and it would pass. 
Without the desire to do anything about this strange draw to you, Alastor settled on watching you from across the room. He watched as you ate, as you threw out the occasional small package of snacks.Turns out, he wasn’t very good at looking away from you. 
It didn’t escape him how you would frown, discussing your decision with Angel. You had decided you would no longer hoard snacks and oh, how proud of you the group was. 
You were growing. Healing. Blooming. 
If you’d talk to him, he’d tell you that very thing. Yes, he decided as you gave away snacks that he would tell you just how proud he was of you when you presented him with a part of your stash. 
He watched and he waited as you gave out cakes, crackers and cookies to everyone else. 
But never to him. No, it was always Angel and the other residents you shared your spoils with. Not once had you sought him out to offer him a cracker, cake or cookie. Not that he indulged in processed snacks or sweets on anything but the rarest occasion but that didn’t stop his shadow from bristling in annoyance behind him. 
He wanted to be offered. To be recognized. To be thought of. To be noticed. 
But he didn’t have feelings for you, he told himself. And that’s what he kept telling himself as the purging of your stash came to an end, drawer empty and flow of snacks becoming a trickle, an occasional treat purchased with the intention of sharing.
Oh, how you’d healed. 
The first time it happened, you nearly stepped on it. Someone had left a simple plain cardboard box in front of your room door without so much as a note attached to it. Inside were two equally simple cookies. Nothing large, nothing fancy. 
Setting them on your desk, you debated eating them or not. They looked good but when you had asked around, no one knew where they had come from. 
“Guess you’ve got a secret admirer,” Angel had teased you. “If the cookies are good, you should date them.” 
You didn’t know how you’d pull that off without knowing who left them though. Surely they were safe to eat, it’s not like random people came and left the hotel.
What’s the worst that could happen, if they were drugged? You were safe in your room. If they made you sick you had a private bathroom. You were already dead so what’s the harm?
The cookies were good, it turned out. You had nibbled on them over a few days, spreading out the treat. It seemed as soon as they were gone though, a new box appeared at the door. This time with a handful of crackers, some sliced cheese, fruit and sliced cured meat.
This continued for months, treats that were simple, modest and only enough to last for a few days. No matter how quickly or slowly you had consumed the gift, the night you discarded the empty box always brought a new box in the morning. 
You leaned against the counter watching Alastor work. It was late and though you were not hungry, you often found yourself in the kitchen. Just being able to go down and look at the food you had access to had been helping you resist the urge to hoard food in your room when ever you felt that anxiety claw at you. 
It helped too, that you had been able to look forward to the small snack boxes that showed up. 
“Something on your mind, Dear?” Alastor didn’t look to you as he spoke, instead keeping his eyes on ingredients he was measuring out. 
You hadn’t expected to find him in the kitchen. It was late and those who didn’t leave to party were asleep. Husk was even passed out at the bar. 
“Not really,” You said after a moment. 
“The food is all here,” Alastor said with a hum, “If that’s what you’re here to check.” 
“Oh, No! I-”
“We’ve all got our quirks.” Alastor cut you off, pouring water into a bowl and adding yeast. 
“What are you making?” You asked rather than face admitting that he was right about what you were there to do.
“Beignets,” Alastor said, mildly annoyed.
“Those are like donuts, right?” You asked, hoping that you had imagined the sound. 
“Indeed, they’re similar.” Alastor kept his words curt. 
“For breakfast tomorrow?” 
“At this hour, it’s today.” Alastor swallowed his annoyance at the endless questions and lied, “Yes, for breakfast.”
“I’ll go, sorry for bothering you.” You stepped backward as you took the hint, smile falling from your face. 
“No,” He answered too fast, bitter sigh huffing through his always present smile, “I’ll need someone to try the test one.” 
You sat, watching Alastor work. He mixed flour into the liquid. This was a way you had never seen Alastor before. It crossed your mind that he probably didn’t let many see him with his coat and gloves off, smile turned soft and flour dusting his dark hands. 
But he was letting you. 
His coat was draped over the back of the chair you sat in, brushing against your skin as you shifted positions. His gloves were folded neatly and discarded on the table. He worked with his sleeves rolled up and a tune filling the air as he alternated between humming and softly singing to himself. 
It was beautiful. You were engrossed watching him work. The sound of his voice seemed to wrap around you, caressing you with warmth. 
You’d never spent much time with Alastor. You knew he was a deer, like yourself but until now, you’d thought his only deer trait had been the antlers and ears atop his head. It hadn’t occurred to you that he would have a little fluffy tail to match your own. 
It should have, you had fluffy ears to match his though with your longer hair, it was more obvious that they were indeed ears. You watched as his red and black tail moved with him as he put the dough in the icebox to chill.
“What now?” You asked, leaning back from him. 
“We wait, my little doe,” Alastor sat front of you across the table, leaning into your space across the small table.
“For how long?” You ask, not sure what to make of spending so much time with him. 
“A while,” Alastor said, “But I assure you the wait is well worth it.” 
“But you don’t like sweets.”
“You know what I like?” Alastor’s dark hand, stained by blood that could never be washed away dramatically rose to rest over his heart with a flourish as he leaned forward even more. “I’m ever so flattered.” 
You stuttered, not sure how to backtrack. Alastor laughed at your flustered stuttering before taking pity on you, pointing a long claw tipped finger so close to you that you swore he was going to stab you with his nail. 
“You, my dear, do enjoy sweets however.”
You didn’t know what to say to that, face warm. He knew that you cared for sweets. You were tired but seeing this relaxed side of him was thrilling. That chased away most of the fatigue, driving you to stay and find someway to push the conversation along. 
“I didn’t know you liked to cook,” You struggled to decide how to fill the silence.
“I’ve always found it rather enjoyable.” Alastor cocked his head to the side as he watched you. “My mother taught me.” 
“That must have been nice.” You weren’t sure what to say, having never really gotten to experience the love of a mother yourself. 
“It was.” Alastor watched as you leaned forward, resting your head on your arms. There was something about you that he couldn’t put down. “Did your mother not teach you to cook?” 
Your ears sagged atop your head at the question, earning a raised eyebrow from the man across from you. “She didn’t teach me much of anything. I was on my own since I was fourteen.” 
“Oh, Dear,” Alastor said as if he didn’t know that already, “How dreadful.” 
“I never really had enough food for learning to cook to be a thing.” You shrugged your shoulders, not lifting your head as you stretched out your arm to use it as a pillow. You shifted, allowing you to face him even as you used the side of the table to lounge on. 
“But you do now.” Alastor pointed out as he sat with you in a kitchen full of food.
“Full of Charlie’s and the hotel’s food.” You said, “I couldn’t risk wasting it. It’s enough that everyone shares with me what they make and,” You shake your head awkwardly against your arm, cutting off the thought.
“And?” Alastor pressed. 
“Someone’s been leaving little boxes of treats at my door. I wish I knew who it was.” 
“Why?” Alastor leaned back now, putting distance between the two of you, “Does the origin of a gift matter?” 
“I-” Your eyes teared up as your voice strangled in your throat. You sat up, not sure why you were being so open with him. 
“You~?” Alastor asked in a sing song tone as a tear slipped from your eye and ran down. His eyes followed it as it cut a path down your cheek. It was maddening to him, what you made him feel. How watching that tear captured his attention, yet he raged at the fact that it was born from pain in your heart.
“I’ve never had anyone give me treats like that.” You said, wiping the tear away much to his disappointment. 
“Never? Surely a suiter gifted you treats while courting for your attention.” Oh, why did saying that raise bile in his throat? 
“I’ve never-” You laugh, not sure why the idea of discussing this with Alastor made you feel uneasy. “There was never any suiters. No boys. No one.” 
“I struggle to believe that.” Alastor laughed as he stood from his chair, “Come my dear, wash your hands and join me.” 
You didn’t know what he wanted but Alastor was a man to be obeyed. While you were both deer, he had far more power than you could ever dream to possess. If he wanted to demand your help, you had little choice but to comply. 
Sure, the hotel offered a sense of safety but if Alastor wanted to squash you like a bug, shared demonic traits or not, there was nothing that could stop him. Well, Charlie would but she was asleep. 
Alastor had the counter floured and a small portion of dough out as you joined him, drying your hands. “Where’s the rest?” 
“That’ll be fried up in the morning, if it passes our test.”
He pulled you in front of the counter before stepping close behind you. It was hard to ignore the overwhelming presence of him looming over your shoulder as he reached around to grab the rolling pin only to pass it to you.
“Roll it out until I say,” He directed as he covered the pin in flour only to place it in your hands. 
As you worked, his hands rested on either side of you against the counter, boxing you in from behind while not touching you at all. It was hard for you to ignore how close he was. 
It was like the man was taking over your mind, something you hadn’t expected considering you hadn’t given him much thought in the months before. The smell of his cologne seemed to surround, making your head light. You weren’t sure why you were reacting to him like this but it left your nerves buzzing. 
Now all you could think of was the way his breath caressed over your ears, the way his hands looked without the gloves, dusted with flour, the sound of his voice as he hummed and the smell of his cologne. 
“There.” Alastor said, taking the pin from you and replacing it with a dough cutter. “Squares, about the size of your fist.” 
Cool air swept around you as Alastor moved away, checking the pot of oil heating on the stove. You’d only just begun to relax under his looming presence and now he was gone and damnit, you missed it. 
There was just enough dough to form two squares with some left over. Alastor scooped them up before dropping them in the oil. You stood next to him, watching as the oil came to life around the dough. 
“How long do we cook them?” You asked over the sound of the violently bubbling oil.
“Not long.” Alastor said from too close behind you once again as inky black shadow imps swept up the flour and crumbs, wiping down the counters.
On the counter, he set a plate with a rack over it and next to that was a sifter atop a container of powdered sugar. You were boxed in by Alastor as he rested his hands on either side of the fryer, looking over your shoulder as he once again boxed you in. 
“Now.” He said softly, “Scoop them out and put them on the rack.” 
You were timid, scared of being burned as you fished for the squares with the spoon made of wire. 
“Hurry, hurry!” Alastor cried, voice carrying a musical note as he only made your nerves worse, “You don’t want them to burn!” 
Finally, you got them out. Oil dripped off the puffed up pastries as they quickly drained the excess oil off. Alastor grabbed the sifter only to put it in your hands. He moved you as if you were a puppet, placing the sifter in your hands over the rack, steam wafting up to caress your hand. You stood still as he poured a few spoonfuls of powdered sugar into the basket. 
“Well, what are you waiting for?” He teased. “You can manage to turn the handle, can’t you?” 
“Yeah,” You stammered over the word, mind buzzing with the anxiety of having Alastor, the powerful, blood thirsty Radio Demon spending so much time in your immediate space. Your hands shook as you turned the small metal handle, causing the wire bar inside the sifter to spin, agitating the powdered sugar and helping it fall in a smooth, clump free shower over a square. 
Alastor used his hand on your forearm to move the sifter over the other pastry when he had decided there was enough dusting on the first. You didn’t know if there was any science to how much sugar each got or if he was simply measuring with his long dead heart. 
Once both were covered enough for his taste, he plucked the sifter from your fingers and set it aside. 
“What now?” You asked, unsure still of what was going on. 
“Now you try one.” Alastor said, plucking a square up. When you went to grab the other, he roughly shoved the rack out of your reach. 
“What? Why did you do that?!” Your brow furrowed as you looked at the rack, now well out of reach before looking back at the man standing too close to you. “How can I try it if you won’t let me grab it?”
“Open.” Alastor commanded as he ripped the corner off the beignet in his hand. 
“Wha-” Your question was cut off by the soft, warm, sweet taste that invaded your mouth somewhat forcefully. 
It was delicious. 
“Well?” Alastor asked as you swallowed the bite. 
You hadn’t noticed Alastor rip off another chunk of beignet but found it pushed between your lips the moment you attempted to praise the taste. This time, instead of retreating, his thumb rested against your lower lip as you took in the bite. 
His nails were long and pointed claws, not the thick claws that encased the fingertips of his gloves, but still dangerous. The sharp point of his thumbnail poked between your lips as he watched you chew for a few moments. 
You were spellbound by the way he looked down at you. What exactly was happening, you had no fucking clue but the air between you and Alastor was thick with something you couldn’t begin to understand. 
His touch left your lip to rip another chunk off the beignet slowly as you watched him. His dark bloodstained hands were covered in the white powdered sugar and flour, softening their appearance.
“It’s good,” You whispered as he slowly brought another bite to your lips. 
This time he offered it, waiting for you to open your mouth and take what he was offering on your own, knowing full well who was offering it. Somehow, it felt like something far more than a midnight snack was being offered to you but what?
“It’s been you,” You said, not asked as Alastor presented another bite that you took willingly as soon as you spoke. 
His thumb again lingered on your lips, sugar damp with oil and sticky on his skin smearing. 
“Yes,” Alastor said after a pause to toss the remaining portion of the beignet on the counter and wiping the hand that had been holding it on a hand towel on the counter, cleaning it of some of the sugar. Yet his other hand didn’t leave you. His thumb remained on your lower lip, feeling every twitch and breath. 
“Why?” You whispered, his thumb slipping against your lip and coming dangerously close to falling into your mouth. 
“You never offered me anything of your stash,” Alastor spoke softly.
“You don’t like sweets,” You hadn’t wanted to waste his time when you had made the decision to dismantle your stash. It had been a emotionally difficult choice, one that you had made before and never stuck to for long until now. “Or junk food.”
“You ignored me.” Alastor’s thumb slipped, running along her lower lip but never leaving it. “I thought if you had better options…”
“I’d share them with you?” Your voice was coming out so soft now, Alastor’s tall ears cocked forward to better pick up your words. 
“But you didn’t.” 
“I didn’t share them with anyone.” You whispered. “I didn’t want to share them with anyone.”
“I wanted to keep them all to myself. They were too good to share. I-” 
Alastor’s thumb slipped into your mouth, cutting off whatever you had been about to say. Sticky sweetness exploded across your tongue as his thumb caressed it. You could feel the point of his nail against your tongue, a hint of danger coated in sweet sugar. 
Your mind was numb as you caressed the pad of his thumb, rolling the tip of your tongue under his nail softly. You were not sure what he wanted from you. The idea of overstepping Alastor’s unspoken boundaries was terrifying. This was uncharted waters. A side of Alastor you had never seen or even dared to dream of seeing. 
Alastor watched you as you stood near frozen. “Under some circumstances, I enjoy a sweet.” 
See part 2 for the smut.
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ashwhowrites · 5 months
Can I request an Billy x reader x Eddie fic where either the three of them fight and then make up or Billy made Reader cry and Eddie got mad at him, and he then fixes it? I would love to see more of Mungrove x reader!
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it!! Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻Mungrove is getting very fun
2 boyfriends but 1 girlfriend
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If there was anything that was a promise when dating Billy Hargrove, it was jealousy. Billy was popular with everyone. The boys idolized him, and the girls crawled at his feet. Billy was a loyal partner, Eddie and Y/N knew that. But Billy never was shy from the attention on him. He loved it. He loved being chased and all the girls swooning at his feet.
It didn't really bother Eddie. Eddie was never bothered by much, he shrugged everything off and moved on. He and Billy barely ever fought about it. But Y/N? She couldn't just shrug it off. It bothered her all the way into her skin and bones. Billy never saw the issue as it wasn't like he cheated. But to Y/N, being involved in flirting felt like cheating.
Saturday night meant date night. It turned out that having to compare three schedules was difficult. Billy always had basketball practice after school, Eddie had his campaign and band practice, and then Fridays were basketball games and singing gigs. But they all vowed that Saturdays would be their day.
It was late May and the weather was getting hot. Billy wanted to take a road trip off to the beach, so they did. The drive didn't feel that long once they pulled into the parking lot.
"We'll go grab a spot, and you unpack the car," Eddie said as he grabbed Y/N's hand. They ran through the hot sand and threw down their towels.
Y/N was basking in the sun as Eddie took dives in the water. She laughed behind her sunglasses as Eddie tried to do tricks for a rating. Usually, Billy would be with Eddie, both boys trying to one-up each other.
"I'M GONNA CHECK ON BILLY, DON'T DROWN," Y/N yelled as she stood up. Eddie gave her a thumbs-up before diving into the water once again. That boy loved to be in the water.
Y/N put on her sandals and began to walk towards the parking lot. She wasn't sure what took Billy so long, but she had a good feeling of why once she caught Billy with his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and his pearly whites on display.
Y/N walked up slowly, hearing Karen Wheeler flirting with her boyfriend. Billy was leaning close to her, making her laugh.
"Um, babe? You need any help with the stuff?" Y/N asked, she didn't want to sound rude or bitchy. She was more nervous and uncomfortable with the tight feeling in her stomach.
"Got it all handled, sweetie," Billy said, popping his gum. He didn't bother to look behind him at her, his eyes on Karen only.
"Eddie is starting his tricks and waiting for his competition." Y/N hinted she hoped he'd care enough to look at her this time.
"I'll be there in a minute," Billy said, his tone a little angry. Y/N gulped, she did not want to make him mad but she wanted time with her boyfriend.
"Will you be done soon? We've been here for thirty minutes and you know Saturday is o-" But Billy cut her off. He whipped around and his icy blue eyes glared at her.
"I said in a minute. I'm in the middle of a conversation, we have the whole godamn day for you to be on my ass." He snapped, and Y/N nodded. She bit her lip as she felt it tremble. Billy turned back to Karen and Y/N began to walk away. She sniffled as she tried to keep her tears back.
"Clingy one I see," Karen mocked, Billy let out a big laugh.
"You've got no idea."
Eddie was back on his towel when Y/N made it back, without Billy.
"Hey sweets, where's Billy? Does he need my help?" Eddie asked, pushing his sunglasses into his hair. He squinted as he looked over at Y/N.
"No, he's fine," Y/N said, her voice shaky as she sat on her towel.
Eddie frowned hearing her voice, he was quick to move his towel right next to her. His wet body against hers as he threw his arm over her shoulder.
"What's wrong?" Eddie asked, he saw his reflection in her sunglasses as she turned to look at him.
"He's too busy to join us because of Karen Wheeler." Y/N sighed, but Eddie knew there was more.
"I'm sorry he's being a dick," Eddie said, his lips pressed against her shoulder.
"Do you think I'm...clingy?" Y/N asked, she pushed her sunglasses into her hair as she looked into Eddie's eyes. His frown deepened as he saw her watery eyes.
"Not at all! Why do you ask?"
"Karen made a comment about it, and Billy laughed and agreed. It hurts when he flirts with every girl that breathes. It makes me insecure. Why am I not pretty enough to keep him from looking at other girls? He never looks at other guys." Y/N ranted, salty tears ran down her cheek.
"Oh, darling. I can't make an excuse for his dumb actions. But I promise you, you are enough. You are pretty enough, smart enough, funny enough, and everything more." Eddie said softly, he wiped away her tears.
"I'm going to swim for a bit." Y/N said, she gave Eddie a soft kiss then left to head into the water.
Eddie flicked down his sunglasses and went right after Billy.
Just like Y/N said, Billy was talking to Karen without a care in the world. Eddie walked up to the car and grabbed a water bottle out of the cooler.
He cut in between Karen and Billy. His back to Billy as he glared at Karen through his sunglasses. He handed her the water with a smirk. "Since you are so thirsty, here's water. Now beat it."
Billy chuckled from behind Eddie as Karen walked away.
"My oh my, someone is hot when they are jealous." Billy teased. Eddie turned around and flicked Billy in the forehead.
"I'm not jealous. I'm pissed off at your attitude towards Y/N." Eddie argued.
"I didn't have an attitude. I asked her to give me a minute." Billy defended. He finally grabbed the stuff from the car and began walking towards the beach.
"I don't give a shit if you asked. You ditched us on our date so you could talk with gross Mrs. Wheeler. You know I don't care about flirting because I know who's dick you'll be sucking on. But it's different with Y/N. She gets insecure and you make her upset." Eddie explained, helping his boyfriend carry everything down into the sand.
"Why is her being insecure my fault? We all knew I was popular with the ladies." Billy scoffed.
Eddie waited until Billy dropped everything on the sand before he punched his arm.
"What the hell!" Billy growled as he rubbed the sore spot.
"It's your fault because she doesn't think she's pretty enough to keep your eyes on just her. News flash Hargrove, if you want to soak in all the attention from the "ladies" then don't be in a relationship." Eddie said, another punch at Billy's other arm.
"DAMMIT!" Billy yelled as he felt another bruise forming.
"That's for making her cry. If you don't see what I see in her, then maybe she isn't meant to be yours, just mine." Eddie glared.
"What? You are gonna take her from me?" Billy questioned. He had to admit, the thought made his stomach hurt.
"No, but I'm going to stop trying to make you a good guy."
Billy sighed as he walked into the water. His eyes take in the gorgeous girlfriend of his. Her warm skin and the bright color of her bikini. Water dropped down her hair and created droplets that ran down her back.
She didn't turn around and he kept walking closer. Once he reached her he wrapped his arms around her waist.
His mouth was against her ear, as his chin rested on her shoulder. Her skin was warm from the sun.
"I talked to Eddie. And I'm really sorry I upset you." Billy said softly, he squeezed her body as the waves brushed against his legs.
"It's whatever, Billy. I'll get over it like I always do." Y/N sighed. She groaned when Billy turned her around, now face to face as she held back her tears.
"No, I mean it this time. I'm done with the games and the flirting. Eddie and I don't see it as a big deal, but it means something to you. It hurts you and makes you question yourself. Which I never want you to do. I've been a dick and not appreciating you the way I should be. I'm incredibly lucky to have you as a girlfriend. " Billy kissed her neck, and she tried not to melt.
"My sexy and gorgeous girlfriend," more kisses, "who puts up with me when she shouldn't have to," more kisses, "loves me when I don't deserve it," more kisses, "and truly the only woman I'll ever love." The final kiss landed on her lips and she happily kissed back. Her arms were thrown over his shoulders as his tongue moved inside her mouth.
"Can you forgive me?" Billy whispered against her lips. His blue eyes were nervous and guilty.
"Yes but I swear you flirt with one more girl and I'm going to have Eddie truly kick your ass."
"He wishes, baby." Billy chuckled before kissing her again. His hands landed on her ass as his tongue entered her mouth once again.
"Great. Now I got a hard on." Eddie groaned as he used Billy's towel to cover his swim shorts.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt
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yandere-daze · 7 months
I´ve had this idea plague my mind for the last few days and now it´s finally time for me to unleash it onto the world. Feel free to comment on or ask questions about this idea/ AU if you find it interesting!
This work was inspired by the normalized yandere genshin AU I stumbled upon while scrolling through Tumblr, created by @fancyfeathers
Hope you enjoy!
gn reader
2,2k words
tw yandere, normalized yandere behaviour, mentions of obsession, possessiveness, kidnapping, stalking, murder, emotional manipulation and isolation
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Yandere! Genshin Academy/Normalized Yandere AU
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In this AU, yanderes are a normal and accepted part of society. Not only are their toxic attitudes and behaviours permitted but even encouraged. Somehow, over the years, people have even started to wish for a yandere as their partners. By Teyvat society at large, yanderes are seen as somewhat of an ideal partner. They´re fiercely loyal and would do absolutely anything for their darlings, right?
And yet, many darlings sing a different tune when reality suddenly comes crashing down onto them when a yandere actually starts pursuing them. Fantasizing about things such as being kidnapped is simply something entirely different compared to experiencing the real thing. And yet, when they call out for help from their loved ones, they´re simply patted on their back and congratulated. Some might even express their condolences to the poor yandere, saying that it always takes a bit of time for a darling to realize that this is for the best.
You are one of the few people who are completely horrified by the concept of a yandere and even more so to see everyone around you treat kidnappings or murder sprees as something completely normal or even romantic. You shudder at the thought of ever attracting the attention of a yandere, knowing that you would have no one to help you avoid that dreadful fate.
Which is why your complete world is turned upside down when you´ve been registered at the wrong academy by mistake. An administrative error, you were told. One, that might take a few weeks or even months to correct.
Now normally, you would have been annoyed but fine with this. You would just have to bear with it for a bit and attend a different school until the error is fixed and you can finally go to your desired one.
But you felt a pool of dread form deep within you when you did some research on the academy you had been wrongly assigned to. It actually wasn´t all that easy to find information on the academy, which you found strange, seeing as this has never been an issue with any other well-regarded academy. But no matter how much you search, nothing concrete is to be found. Only a few abandoned forum posts where people asked around about their missing friend who had last been seen close to the academy in question.
It made you feel a bit uneasy but you figured that it probably didn´t have anything to do with the academy itself. As sad as it was, disappearances were happening all over Teyvat, so this one case wasn´t really of note.
But seeing as you couldn´t find anything else, you figured that you would just need to figure things out on your first day attending the academy.
And oh, were you in for a nasty surprise.
As soon as you sat down for your first lesson, you noticed how strange the atmosphere was. Everyone had been staring at you so strangely when you entered the room, it kind of unnerved you.
After that, a few introductions were exchanged and you slowly calmed down again. Your classmates seemed nice enough and you thought that maybe, your time here wouldn´t be so bad after all.
All that quickly changed when your professor finally entered the room and introduced himself as the instructor who would teach you the subject of "stalking".
Turning your head left and right, you tried to see if anyone else was as shocked about this as you were but to your surprise, no one even raised an eyebrow at this very concerning introduction.
A class on stalking? Maybe this wasn´t what you actually feared and more so a clumsy way of saying that this would be a psychology class focusing on the mental effects stalking has on the victims? With all these yanderes running around unchecked, there were bound to be many victims and so a class like this might actually be beneficiary. I mean surely they wouldn´t actually try to teach young adults how to kidnap someone, right?
Well, it turns out you were wrong when the professor started outlining different forms of stalking. Following "your darling" around, stalking them online, placing cameras or microphones in their rooms to observe them anytime you wanted.
Your mind was spiraling as you listened to the lecture and you briefly wondered at just what kind of an academy you had been enlisted in. Surely this must be some kind of joke, right? A prank played on newcomers at the academy to get them spooked? Surely someone is going to come in any moment, clear all of this up and then laugh at you actually falling for this?
But no matter how much you hoped for this to be the case, no one was coming. No one was making fun of you for falling for such an obvious prank. In fact, none of your classmates seemed perturbed at all by what was being taught here. How could they be okay with a lesson that basically amounted to "how to stalk someone 101"? You felt like you were losing your mind.
Glancing to your right, you see your blond deskmate eagerly nodding along to whatever the professor was saying and swiftly taking notes whenever a sentence seemed to particularly strike a chord with him. His red eyes practically sparkled as he outlined "helpful tips and tricks for not alerting your darling of your presence" on his paper, using a text marker to highlight a particular passage as if to say that it would come in handy in the future.
On your left, you saw another tall male student and for a moment you hoped that maybe, just maybe, there was someone else here who was bothered by the lecture given. He had a bored look on his face and he was wearing some type of headphones over his grey hair. Was he even paying attention? Maybe he was trying to cancel out the horrific lecture taking place at the moment.
You discreetly leaned over a bit, only to see that he was actually holding a book hidden under the desk, his eyes carefully following the paragraphs of tiny letters. Well, it seems like he certainly wasn´t paying much attention to the lecture because what he was secretly reading seemed to be some advanced material on the success rate of different methods of stalking, from the looks of it.
You quickly turned your head back when you saw him glancing over at you with an unreadable stare. Well, it looks like your hopes were dashed again after all. This guy was nuts too.
Knowing this, you really couldn´t do much aside from waiting for class to be over.
Your small hope that this was just a really strange outlier was quickly destroyed again in your following classes.
Next was a class on emotional manipulation and how to get your darling to depend on you.
Then, a class on how to force yourself into your darling´s life and how to approach growing closer to them.
Finally, the day ended with a lecture on how to kidnap your darling and make them disappear without a trace.
As the bell finally rung, the professor informed your class that there was also an optional class about how to effectively "get rid" of a rival that you can sign up for. You pretended to not be bothered when several students raised their hands to show their interest in attending this course.
You scrambled to get out of your seat as fast as possible, not wanting to stay in this hellish classroom for even a second later. You fled into the hallway and walk by groups of students excitedly chattering about things you didn´t want to listen to.
"Oh, I hope I can find my darling soon! I just know I´ll feel a special connection when we first make eye contact! I´ve been waiting for so long", the first girl swooned as she twirled strands of her long brown hair around her finger, seemingly lost in her own fantasies.
"Agreed. I know that once I meet my darling, I won´t let anything get between us. I will never let them go. It´s only a matter of time", the taller, blue-haired woman chimed in, her voice calmer than that of her excitable friend.
You didn´t like the way her eyes linger on you as you pass by them.
Once home, you tried to make contact with the administrative office again to ask them if the process of your transfer can be sped up in any way. You didn´t want to spend another second in that academy.
With what you have seen today, you were easily able to deduce the true nature of this academy and it left you absolutely terrified.
The fact that you weren´t able to find any information about the academy beforehand, your strange classmates fixated on their potential "darlings" and of course the horrid classes being taught there.
Somehow, you have ended up in an academy for yanderes. Every single person you saw there today was a lovesick lunatic in some shape or form. And the more you thought about it, the more you realized you were in huge danger there. What would your crazed classmates do if they ever found out that you actually weren´t a fellow yandere but someone they could claim as a "darling"? The very thought of it makes you sick. You have to get out of there immediately!
Which is why your heart dropped when after some long hesitation, the person on the phone finally answered you.
"You must excuse me but I´m afraid to tell you that there have been some... unforeseen circumstances that do not permit me to work on your case at the moment. I have been asked to postpone this matter until further notice".
"What? Why?", is all you could manage to say in your befuddlement. You knew bureaucracy can take a long time but for this woman to specifically be asked to postpone this? Just what was going on here?
Again, the woman on the phone hesitated to answer and you could hear a tinge of nervousness in her voice when she finally spoke up. As if she wasn´t sure if she was allowed to say what she was about to.
"I´m afraid that I´m not at liberty to provide this information. The person asking me to...focus on different cases for the meantime wished to stay anonymous. Even so, it is not within my power to refuse their wishes as they have provided our establishment with a generous donation. I sadly cannot help you with this issue", at least the woman did sound generally apologetic but that didn´t really help you in this situation.
Your mind was still reeling as you processed this information. Someone specifically asked for your transferal to not be worked on? Why would anyone do this? And they seemed to have a large fortune too? Why all this to make you stay around?
It can´t be that you already attracted someone´s attention while at the academy, right? Surely that couldn´t be true! You made sure to not interact with anyone directly after you realized just what kind of people attended this school. How could one of these yanderes have "fallen for you" already?
It seemed so utterly unbelievable and if you were being honest, you didn´t want to believe that it was true either. But nothing else made sense. Why would anyone do this otherwise?
Noticing your prolonged silence, the woman spoke up once more.
"I´m sure that all of this will be resolved soon. It will only be a few months. I am sure you will find many friends at your current school soon."
You sure hoped not. The thought of being noticed by any of the yanderes already made the hairs on your neck rise. You vowed to stay away from anyone who even showed a fleeting interest in you. You had to keep yourself safe until you can finally switch schools. You could do this, you had to!
You barely registered when the woman bid you farewell and hung up the phone after you once again didn´t answer her.
Now completely alone, you forged a plan. If you didn´t want to get involved in anything dangerous, no one could find out that you were actually here by mistake and not a yandere. Nothing could be worse than these lunatics finding out that you´re a darling, so you´ll have to be very careful. But how do you do this?
Well, it seemed like you must act like a yandere yourself. You would have to pretend that you´re a lovesick fool who totally isn´t bothered by all this talk about kidnapping, stalking, and murder. Thinking about it again already made you sick but you didn´t really have any other options. No one could find out or it was over for you.
You only hoped that you could convincingly play the part and that no one was perceptive enough to see right through you. Well, it couldn´t be that hard, right?
Surely no one already had their eye on you. Right?
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polaroidbills · 1 year
enhypen when you find their baby photos cute
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genre/cw: bf!enhypen x reader, mega super duper fluff, one mention of "dying of cuteness", lots cheek and face squishing
a/n: this was my very first request! i loved writing this so keep requesting more!
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heeseung 희승
"oh my god you were soo cute! i could just squish your little cheeks!"
you're currently sitting on your bed, looking through a photobook of heeseung's baby and childhood photos. cooing over how cute and squishy his cheeks were.
"babe stopp!" he snatched the photobook and slammed it shut.
"noo but i wasn't done looking at the photos!"
"too late! should've taken a picture of them," he shrugs.
"well it's a good thing i did!" you grab your phone and open the pictures you got, putting it up next to heeseung's face.
"see you were so cute! what happened to you?" you compared the baby photo to heeseung now, frowning.
"what?! take that back!" he starts tickling you.
"okay! okay! fine! you're still very cute!" you say laughing.
"good!" he finally stops tickling you.
"see you look the exact same!" you grab his cheeks and squish them like they were in the photo.
"yah! stop it!" he starts tickling you again.
jay 제이
"baby you've been looking at these photos for an hour and a half noww," jay complains.
"but look at how cute you were! i can't stop!"
"well you're gonna have to stop," he grabs your phone to turn it off but before he could you ran away. off of the couch and around the kitchen island.
"yah! come here right now!" he tries to catch you but you run even faster.
"i'll stop under onee condition," you smirk as an idea comes up in your mind.
"okayy? and what is that one condition?" jay asks suspiciously.
"you need to pose like this photo!" you show your favourite baby photo of him.
"what? never!"
"pleasee! i promise i'll stop looking ag the baby photos, if you do this one thing!" you plead.
"fine," jay sighs and does the flower pose like the photo.
"yes!" you quickly snap a photo of him doing the pose.
"good! now stop looking at those photos!"
"i will i will!"
three hours later. all you been doing is staring at the photo you just took of jay.
jake 제이크
you were busy looking through baby and childhood photos of jake. until you felt arms snake around your waist and a head on your shoulder.
"watcha doing?"
"looking at this cute little baby. aw this one is my favourite," you smile at the photos.
"yahh stop looking at thesee," he closes the book and tosses it to the side. "why look at these when you have the real thing right here," he puts his hands under his chin as he smiles.
"but it's not as good as these photoss," you complain.
"yah! i'm soo much hotter and better than before come on, don't you agree?" jake whines at your remarks.
"haha just kidding my baby," you then put your arms around his waist pulling him closer into a hug.
"you better be."
sunghoon 성훈
"wahh you were so cutee," you smile as you go through baby sunghoon photos sunoo sent you.
"yah! where did you get these?" he grabs your phone out of your hand to see the photo up close.
"that's none of your business," you laugh trying to get the phone back.
"oh i'm deleting this!"
"wait no! please! i love the photo!" you jump up when he raises the phone higher.
"and delete! there the photo is gone now," he hands you back the phone.
"ugh! i can't believe you!" you turn around to fake sulk.
"baby?" you don't respond.
"baby i'm sorry. i didn't think it was that big of a deal to you," still no response, you're just on your phone. "yah! are you texting sunoo?"
"uh noo?"
"hey! you so are!"
"well you just deleted my favourite photo of you! so now i gotta get it back from sunoo!"
"he sent them to you?"
"oh i'm gonna slap him across the fa- wait. did you say favourite photo of me?" you nod, giggling. "yah!"
he then tackles you to the bed, tickling you.
sunoo 선우
"oh my god i can't! you were so cute as a baby!" flipping through the photobook, you squeal at how cute sunoo was.
"i know right! like my cheeks were so squishable!" he too, exclaims how he looked as a baby.
"ahh i can't! i'm gonna die of cuteness!" you pretend to faint.
"and my cheeks still are squishable! see?" he pinches his cheeks as you get up to do the same.
"and you're still the cutest ever! ugh i love you so much," you smile at him.
"you were also so cute as a baby!" he shows you a baby photo of yourself.
"yeah but not as cute as you though! i'm lowkey jealous."
"yeah i know," sunoo rolls his eyes, sassily pretending to flip his hair.
jungwon 정원
"aww oh my godd! you were so cuteee!" you flip through the photobook rapidly as the adrenaline flows through your body.
"yahh didn't i tell you to stop looking at those? i'm right here!" jungwon waves his hands in front of your face, getting your attention.
"wait you literally haven't changed! you look the same!" you hold the photo up to his face. you then grab his cheeks and squish them like how they were in the photo.
"there! i can't! cuteness overload!" you clap your hands at how similar it is.
"stopp!" he whines and shoos your hands away.
"wait i need a picture of this. could you pose like this pleaseee?"
"no. never in a million years."
"pleasee jungwon pleasee," you plead.
"no. thats my final answer."
"oh okay that's fine," you turn your back and cross your arms, pretending to sulk. but jungwon buys it as real sulking.
"wait babyy i'm sorryy," he grabs your chin to turn your head. revealing a pout on your lips.
"love i'm sorry. please talk to me," you don't say a word. instead you just sit and pout.
"fine i'll take the photo," jungwom finally sighs, giving in to your demand.
"yes!" you celebrate as he poses and you snap the photo.
niki 니키
you were busy scrolling through old baby photos of niki when you came across your all time favourite one.
you then ran to the living room where he was on the couch and shoved your phone right in front of his face, showing his the photo.
"look! weren't you the literal cutest baby ever! like i could just squish your cheeks oh my god!" you laughed.
"yah! where did you get that photo? i told everyone to delete it!" niki asks shocked.
"ha your mom sent it to me!" you laugh still staring at the phone.
"oh yeah?"
"well guess who sent this one to me?" you look up at him confused as he puts his phone up, revealing an old baby photo of you.
"yah! what the hell?! my mom sent this to you?" you grab his phone to get a better look at the picture.
"haha yes she did! and i made it my wallpaper!" niki turns his phone on and off to show his lockscreen.
"oh my god! that's so embarrassing!"
@polaroidbills please DO NOT copy, plagiarize, or repost any of my work.
🏷️ @enhacolor
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dixonsgirl93 · 2 months
Right Person, Wrong Time
Negative Merle x Reader
(I wanna make it clear I love Merle Dixon. For anyone new to my account, I’ve written fluffy and smutty stuff for both brothers so go check them out!)
Positive Daryl x Reader
CW: Cheating, Angst, narcissistic tendencies
You meet and date Merle before ever meeting Daryl, though he spoke about him enough. When the fall of the world happened, you both went to find his brother Daryl. Upon meeting him, you’re struck by his handsome appearance, immediately feeling guilty for the thought.
The real trouble began when the two of you grew closer, having more in common than you first thought, even a mutual attraction showing in unpredictable ways, making your heart flutter guiltily.
The truth also came to light that Merle wasn’t a good boyfriend but Daryl was openly caring and even protective.
You couldn’t help yourself.
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Merle huffed at you and turned away.
“What?” You grumbled at his back.
He spun, his face contorted. “Why you gotta flaunt your ass at him? You’re mine, remember?”
“What?!” You couldn’t believe he was really saying that. “I didn’t flaunt my ass at him. I was just talking to him. You need to calm down.”
Merle’s face went red and he stormed right up to you. “Calm down? You’re the one being a little slut. Not happy with just me, huh?”
Despite the rage bubbling up inside you, he looked genuinely hurt at the idea and a part of you felt pity.
“It wasn’t like that at all, Merle. I wasn’t even flirting. We were just joking around.” Your voice softens, reasoning, calming.
“Looked that way to me.” His voice is lower too but still bitter.
You weren’t sure how to respond. “You want me to stop joking around with men? Avoid them altogether?”
He hesitated and you thought he was really considering that. You scoffed.
He shrugged as if it was actually a decent idea.
“You’re not serious?”
“Why you so desperate to talk to other men?” He retorted.
“I’m not! You can’t just- What about Rick? Or Daryl? Should I just ignore them? You don’t think they’d think something was up? That Rick wouldn’t say you were controlling me or something? You’d be kicked out, you want that?”
“Fuck Rick. And Daryl wouldn’t say shit. He’s a little virgin, what would he know?”
You throw your arms up in frustration. “You’re completely missing the point.”
“No, you are! You’re mine. I don’t want you getting too close with the guys, okay?” He wrapped his arms around your waist, a look of love in his eyes but you felt unease. “I need everyone to know you’re mine and only mine. I’ll make sure everyone knows.” He leans down to kiss your lips but it wasn’t sweet.
Sitting in your cell, your argument with Merle playing on your mind, anxiety bubbling up inside you.
You look up to find Daryl the one to break you from your thoughts.
“Hey.” You look back down at your hands.
“You okay?” He takes a step into your cell, careful not to invade your space. It’s such a small gesture of respect and you can’t help compare him to his brother who would just step inside, take up space, get in your space without a second thought.
You sigh heavily. “Been better.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
You look up at him. The idea of venting to him about his brother was almost comical.
“You don’t have to.” He shrugged, leaning against the cell door.
His nonchalance broke something in you and tears welled up in your eyes. Daryl knelt in front of you in a second, hands reached out to look at your face.
“Hey. It’s okay.” His voice was soft, soothing. You looked into his green eyes that showed you only care and concern. Again, you made a comparison with his brother. Was Merle ever like this with you? You couldn’t answer. That realisation sent more tears to your eyes yet still you couldn’t bring yourself to admit Merle’s behaviour toward you.
He pulled you into a hug where you sobbed onto his shoulder. You found yourself almost clinging to Daryl.
He rubbed your back and made shushing noises until you were ready to pull away.
You sniffled and wiped your eyes, chuckling to hide your awkwardness.
“I’m sorry.” You whimper, not looking him in the eye.
“Don’t ever be sorry. I’m always here for you, okay? I know you don’t wanna talk about what’s botherin ya but I’ll be here when ya ready.” He stands up and takes one last look at you before leaving.
A moment later Merle is at your cell.
“What was that about?” He stops and notices you still dabbing at your eyes. “You been crying? Why? Was it Daryl? What’d he say?” He seemed annoyed.
“No, he was comforting me. Just…our argument earlier. I keep thinking about it.”
“Why you crying over it?” He sat down next to you. “I know what’ll make you feel better.”
You shrug his arm off your shoulder feeling gross. “I’m not in the mood.”
He sighs and dramatically slaps his arm on his leg. “You never are. You don’t want me anymore?”
“For god’s sake, Merle. Maybe I’m just too fucking upset to think about sex. Comfort me instead of thinking with your dick. Ugh.” You grumbled and stormed out of the cell. You had no idea where you were heading to, just away from Merle.
A couple of weeks later, nothing had improved with Merle. In fact, it only became increasingly obvious that you didn’t want to be with him anymore. You argued more than anything and he was always twisting things to make himself the victim. It was tiring.
He had stormed off one afternoon, left the prison to ‘go on a run’, more like to find some liquor and drink himself stupid. A vicious thought struck you in the heated moment that maybe he’d be killed by walkers, ripped apart and left out there. You shook it away, the guilt heavy in your chest.
You were sitting on your bed in your cell reading a book, trying to take your mind off things when a shadow fell over the doorway. Your heart pumped rapidly, thinking Merle had come back to argue more but no, it was another, far more welcome, familiar face.
You smiled and sat up. “Hey.”
He smiled back. “I know you said you didn’t wanna talk about it, before.” He stopped, hesitating to open a door you’d kept firmly shut. “I know it’s Merle. He’s a dick, he’s never kept girlfriends long cause he…never treats ‘em right.”
Your heart hammered unexpectedly. You tried to find the right words but knew trying to defend Merle was useless. “Yeah. Promise you won’t say anything to him though.”
He frowned at you. “I’m not an idiot. I’m not even here to tell you what to do. Just want ya to know I know what he’s like and I’m here for you.” There was a silence but it looked like he wanted to say more.
You waited. He eventually made eye contact with you, sighing, he stepped closer and took a breath.
“But, if I’m honest, you should leave him. He’s not good for you.”
“I know.” You whispered. “But how?”
Daryl shrugged. “The others either left without a word, moved away, never answered his calls. Some yelled and hit him, keyed his motorbike and then left.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Why am I not surprised.”
That intrusive thought came to you again, that maybe he’d just die and you wouldn’t have to dump him.
“Fuck.” You leaned forward and put your head in your hands. “God, I hate this.”
“Come with me.” Daryl nodded away.
“I wanna show you something.”
You follow him through the prison, up on the roof. It was just past noon, the sun was high in the sky, bright and hot. It hit you hard. You turned your face up to the sky, bathing in the heat. It felt amazing and for a moment you could almost ignore the walkers groaning down below, almost forget about Merle off somewhere. You could just exist, in this light, this warmth and be happy.
“I come up here at night sometimes when I can’t sleep. The walkers are quieter, I reckon. Probly cause they can’t see us as good. It’s peaceful.” Daryl confessed. You turned to look at him but his eyes and mind were off the distance, far away.
“He wasn’t always like this.” You said. “He was actually sweet and loving. A little rough around the edges still but he was mine, you know? Ever since this virus and the world crumbled, he changed. He got real protective to the point of questioning every little thing I did. Even joking with Axel a while back. Called me a slut.” Saying it out loud made you realise how stupid you’d been. Merle had changed. He wasn’t gonna be the man he was at the start. Everything had changed.
“He did what? For talking to Axel?” Daryl growled.
“I joked that I should ignore you and Rick too and he… I think he was actually thinking about it. Ridiculous. You and Rick!”
“He’s gone too far.”
You sigh and rest your head on Daryl’s shoulder. He shuffled closer and put his arm around you.
“You’ll always have me. He’s got no say in that.” His thumb grazed over the skin on your arm and a soft buzz of electricity went through you. You turned to look up at him.
“How are you both so different?” You ask rhetorically. He was even more handsome up close. A light stubble covered his chin and cheeks, his green eyes glittered softly at you and your heart raced deliciously. Suddenly, you had the urge to kiss him. He was so close, inches away. Your eyes flickered to his lips and he leaned in a little. You copied.
Within another inch and your lips were touching, gentle, soft, delicate and absolutely electric. Like a magnet you drew closer, deepening the kiss. His arm pulled you in tight.
You were craving each other in a way you’d never felt before. Sure, those first moments with Merle felt intense too, all those new feelings with someone new. It was exciting but this… With Daryl. Oh, it was something new entirely. Hot, fiery, electric, it buzzed through you intensely, leaving hardly any room for breath or thought except the feel his lips and tongue, the taste of him, his hands, big and warm holding you tightly, securely. You never wanted to leave his embrace…
A loud creak of metal broke you apart. The gate was opening, the sound of an engine rumbled in. Merle. He was back.
Your heart pounded wildly.
“Don’t say anything.” Daryl whispered, despite being too far away from him or anyone else to hear.
“But..” you started to argue as if you had fully intended to tell Merle about your kiss with his brother.
“Trust me. Please.”
You nod, already walking away. Daryl stays, watching you with wistful eyes.
This just complicated everything…
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jester-lover · 1 year
Boys Don't Cry
comforting your boy when he needs it the most (part 1)
cw- angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, body insecurities, mortality, discussions of depression, unbearably sweet
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Riddle tried to wipe his face with the edges of his bedspread, everything was going wrong. Ace and Deuce ruined his tea party, half of his guests didn’t show up, and he spilled tea all over himself. 
If his mother was here, she’d mock him for his emotion, his insolence and inability to keep his composure.
 His lower lip quivered, and he broke out into sobs again. 
The worst part of it all, however, was that you were there. You saw how he lost his temper and yelled at the freshmen, losing all of his gentlemanly composure.
He turned around and faced the long mirror against his dresser, his face was red and swollen with tears, and his nice new shirt was ruined. 
He felt like a fool.
Riddle got up out of bed, looking to go speak with Trey about further action, when he saw you standing in the doorway, a soft smile on your face. His tears bubbled up again.
“I’m so so s-sorry I didn’t mean for-”
You leaned in closer and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. His arms found their place against your waist.
“It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault, you have nothing to apologize for.”
His sobs were muffled by the shoulder of your shirt, as you kissed his hairline and rubbed his back.
“Let it all out Riddle, cry as much as you need to, I’ll be here.”
His tears quelled as your hands moved up to brush against his hair. His arms against your waist tightened.
Leona looked out the big window in his room, he slowly undid the braids in his hair, taking deep unordered breaths.
His brother had sent a letter again, asking for him to return for a visit over summer. Deep down, Leona knew Farena had good intentions, but the idea of returning to the palace made bile rise up his throat. 
He reached for the hairbrush on his side, only to realize tears had begun blurring his vision. 
Leona couldn’t understand why he hated his brother, who had only been kind with him. Maybe it was the press constantly comparing the two of them, or the sense of inferiority he felt around him. Whatever it was, he didn’t care. He didn't want to see Farena, not when he’s finally beginning to feel content.
The tears began rolling down, and Leona wiped them off furiously. His hands were shaking and he dropped the brush back onto his bed. His shoulders shook too.
His head snapped toward the door, you stood there, still and frowning. He just stared at you.
“Do you need some help with your hair?”
Leona nodded, his head down, hoping you wouldn't see the tear tracks on his face. You moved to kneel on the bed beside him, breath touching his ear. Slowly, you untangled the knots along his nape, slowly adjusting to move near his forehead, keeping your hand steady,as to not to catch a knot too fast. Leona continued to stare outside, into the falling sun. He was thinking again. 
Slowly, after you finished with his hair, you wrapped your arms around his still shoulders. He brought one of his hands to rub your arm, leaning back against your touch.
“You deserve more than this.”
His words have a sense of tiredness to them, like he’s been meaning to say them for a while.
“I’ve got everything I need, everything I could ever want.”
You can see his reflection in the glass, his smile.
The door of his office slammed shut, Azul looked at himself with disdain, breaking apart all the points of himself he didn’t like.
 The silence of his sanctuary helped him think back, to all those moments as a chubby little octopus. His thoughts turned to the stretch marks on his back and hips, and he went to go sit at his desk.
 Moments of self hatred had slowly dissipated as his career and reputation grew, but deep inside he knew he’d always be that little boy, crying his inky tears. 
He put his head in his hands. No tears came, only thoughts swirled around his head.
“Azul, would you like to help me solve this?”
You stood by the end of his desk, he didn't notice you come in, and he raised his head up to look at you. You held a small wood puzzle in your hand.
His stupid self hatred disappeared, and a feeling of warm fuzziness rose in his chest. His regular charisma returned.
“Of course I would.”
A crumpled mass of magazines littered the floor of Vil’s room, he was hunched over his vanity in a display that ashamed him. 
A new poll was entered into his favorite fashion magazine, pitting him and Neige against each other. 
Niege had won by a landslide.
Vil’s mascara ran down his cheeks, he wished you were there to comfort him, but you were busy doing whatever Crowley had planned for you. He was proud of your hard work of course, but as he desperately wiped his makeup away with cleanser, he knew he needed you by his side. 
knock knock
“U-um please wait a moment, I need to recuperate myself.”
The last thing he needed was an annoying freshman or nosy sophomore disrupting him.
“Vil, dear it's just me, could you please open the door?”
He rose out of his chair in a hurry, reaching for the door and pulling it open, quickly shutting it after you.
At this point his shoulders were heaving, and his breathing was uneven as his hands curled at his shirt, digging back into his palms. 
“Hey, hey Vil, it’s gonna be fine, it’ll all be fine.”
He reached for you quickly, pulling you against his chest, brushing his hands against your head, his other wrapped snugly around your waist. He was silent.
“What happened, Vil?”
He turned his red face towards you, grasping your face in his hands, and pressing your foreheads together until his breathing slowly turned normal again.
“I don’t know, maybe- maybe this was the final straw, I’ve just had a terrible week and now my runway shoot is delayed and I think they might drop me-”
His sobbing started up again, and he went back to hugging you, head pressed firmly into your shoulder. 
“I understand, Vil, feeling like the world is turning its back on you.”
Your fingers brushed his back, and his hands loosened.
“Around me, you're free to do whatever you need, I can never see you in a negative light.”
Vil beamed.
Idia felt himself weasel his head out of the thick bed sheets, his messy hair clearly not cared for. There was knocking on his door, and he quickly looked at the security cameras. 
It was you, looking as radiant as the sun. He looked down at his pajamas.
Slowly he opened the door, and you gave him a hug and littered kisses all over his face.
He turned a little red, and looked at the ground. By this point, he would have asked to play a game or watch an anime, but he was silent.
“Hey, Idia, are you okay? Is something wrong?”
He smiled a little at how quickly you could read his mood. Your hand moved up and grasped the side of his jaw.
“Don’t you ever want a more adventurous boyfriend?”
You looked at him with a puzzled look on your face, mouth slowly turning into a frown.
“I much prefer you, Idia.”
His face fell, tears beaded at his eyes as your second hand came up to cup his face.
Idia felt like a tall child.
“You could have anyone.”
His voice was quiet and still.
“But I only want you.”
Idia leaned down and pressed a kiss on your forehead.
The cool night air kissed malleus’s skin as he waited for you to come out of Ramshackle. He watched you slip out of the door and come up to him, pressing a kiss against his hand. 
The only thing Malleus saw was the large bandage on your cheek. He grazed the spot with the back of his fingers.
“Child of man, what happened here?”
You laughed and grasped his hand. 
“I was walking through the forest looking for clean branches for the fireplace, and I tripped over a root.”
Malleus thought for a second, a fall of that nature wouldn't even phase him, he would probably not even fall in the first place with his natural grace.
For you however, such an incident would leave a permanent scar, he wouldn't like to think about what would have happened if you had hit your head, alone in those unforgiving woods.
Flashes of fear ran through his head, regarding your mortality and human clumsiness. 
He went quiet, even more than usual, and squeezed your hand.
Malleus knew that one day you’d leave him, grow older and slip through his fingertips like the wind. Normally he ignored such thoughts, choosing to spend every hour cherishing you, but now a sense of dread filled him and he felt weak to the power of natural order. Suddenly he turned around, giving you a firm hug around the shoulders. 
“Malleus, what’s up, are you okay?”
He kissed your head, leaning down to look at you.
“Do you ever think of your mortality?”
He could see the wires turn in your head, and you gave him a sweet smile.
“Sometimes, but then I remember how happy I am, spending all of my days with you.”
His eyes closed for a moment, before opening again.
“Your life is fickle, short, and the most valuable thing in my world.”
He parted from your embrace.
“I wish to make your life as enjoyable as possible, especially as you rule by my side.”
Malleus saw tears brimming in your eyes. He smiled.
“Your life will be spent laughing and smiling, but after it ends I will spend forever yearning for you.”
The tears fell as you leaned against him.
“I will love you until my last breath, Malleus.”
“And I will too, Child of Man.”
“How annoying can he get?”
“Someone doesn't understand noise control.”
“Stay away from him, he’ll make your ears hurt.”
Sebek had grown used to ignoring the lingering words he heard in the halls, and he held his head up high. No matter how often he felt unimportant in human spaces, he knew he always had a place with you.
“Human! How did your classes go today?”
You smiled at him, grabbing his hand and walking alongside him.
“How can someone like them like someone like him? He’s insufferable.”
Sebek turned his head around, but whoever said it had already disappeared into the crowd of students.
He turned his head back in shame, something about being insulted around you made him feel insecure and upset.
“Whoever said that clearly hasn’t ever been passionate about anything.”
Sebek turned to look at you, he was quiet for once.
“Listen, no matter what anyone says about you, you have joy in your job in a way none of those idiots will ever feel.”
Sebek could feel his smile start to show again.
“Of course you think that! Any human would be glad to spend time with the retainer of the great Malleus Drac-”
AN/my sincere apologies to all the Kalim fans, I seriously couldn’t think of anything for him
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hhonghu · 1 year
I am resisting the urge to bombard you with sub yandere thirsts while you're working and will limit it to only one
Sub yandere Kabukimono
He has absolutely no idea what he's feeling or why he's feeling it, but he knows he really wants you to stay with him- maybe Niwa gives him a bit of encouragement and our lovely, naïve Kabukimono takes it the obsessive wrong way?
More of a general idea than a thirst, but I really really like it
hehehe don't be shy to share more anon >:) i'm happy to see my inbox from anyone and i love this idea of sub yandere kabukimono
oh, poor kabukimono.. he feels so conflicted! he doesn't understand what he's feeling in his chest, it frustrates him! he just love's you so much, it feels wrong when you pay attention to someone else. you have have him! you have him by your side, why do you look somewhere else? the frustration gets to him so much that even niwa notices it. he couldn't help but ask what was bothering him and kabukimono almost cries out. "niwa.. i'm so upset.. [name]..", "did they do something wrong?" kabukimono shakes his head, no no! you can never do anything wrong, it was just.. "niwa.. it's just i feel so sad.. i really love [name].. i want them by my side all the time, i don't want them to keep looking at anyone else.. niwa, what do i do?"
niwa felt pity on him, he guessed that kabukimono was just feeling overwhelmed for what he feels for you. "uh.. kabukimono listen, what you feel is normal for [name]. they love you back, don't they? they love you just as much you love them, there's no need to be insecure." but kabukimono shakes his head again, it is not enough. "niwa.. you don't understand.. this feeling.. i want them all for myself, there is no one else suited for them other than me. no one can compare to me, ever." niwa's eyes widen, kabukimono changed. but he shakes it away, chalking it up to his intense love for you.
"i'm sure that you're right, you don't worry about it much. they wouldn't confess their love for you if they didn't feel the same way. they know your worth to them, kabukimono and you've proven yourself that." niwa pats his back to add for comfort, "their yours, everyone knows that. if you want, you can ask [name] to prove it to you." niwa thinks that kabukimono just needed reassurance from you, afterall you were popular with people and he was just as a student learning a craft, so it was understandable that kabukimono would feel rather insignificant if there was other people next to you most of the time.
kabukimono thought for a second before agreeing with niwa. that's right, [name] could prove to me that i'm the only one for them and no one else. kabukimono thanked niwa and decided to come visit you tonight.
when night came, he set out to your home and knocked. he didn't tell you he was coming over so you assumed it was someone else and opened the door to reveal a seemingly desperate kabukimono and lett him in. "ah, darling, it's you. you should've—" you cut yourself off, feeling his body crashing into yours. you wrapped your arms around him before your back hits the ground making your groan in pain. "o-ow! darling, is something the matter?" he nuzzles his head to your chest and nods, pitiful sounds can be heard escaping his lips. you lay your head down on the floor and brought your hand to his head, carding through his hair with your fingers. "what's wrong?"
"[name].. i'm yours.. please.. i can't take it anymore... you can't have anyone else.. i—" he hiccups as pretty tears slide down his cheek, his hands roaming around your body and pawing at your shirt as if you'll disappear. you glace at him confused before cooing at him, how cute. "[na-name], please.. say i'm yours.. i belong to you.. that hic— there can't be anyone else, right?" his glossy eyes bore back into yours and you nod. "of course, there isn't anyone anyone else i want than you. i love you and you love me, don't you?" he nods, sniffling at your words. "you're mine. your heart, your mind, and your body is all mine. you're a smart boy, darling. you belong to me and no one else." you can feel him hump your thigh, not so subtly rocking his hips as you keep saying words of possession to him. kabukimono felt his entire feel warm, he needed to hear more. he wanted more of you to stake claim of him.
he sat up on your thighs and began to loosen his shirt, pulling it down to reveal his already hardened nipples. his hands grabs yours, slowly dragging until it reaches his chest, his fingers guiding your thumb to press on his hard nubs, making him moan. "i-it's not enough.. prove it.. play with me, [name]. do anything to me, please.." you stare in awe before smiling.
"of course, darling."
heheheeh yandere kabukimono innocently feeling sily to kill people bc they're a little too close to you lol. thank you anon for the food!! ^^
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lainsshop · 8 months
Tears To Shed ୭ৎ
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Pairing: Alastor x Zombie ! Reader
Tags: angst(?), fluff, out of characters(?), established relationship, corpse bride n probably more..
Song: Tears To Shed - Corpse Bride
A/N: I need more Rosie and Alastor interactions to be honest like.. I already miss them😭 anyways please enjoy this!
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“Why so blue, dear?” Rosie asks as she puts a cup of tea onto the table. You were currently sitting at Rosie’s lounge feeling melancholy over someones comment to your relationship with Alastor, most of the time you didn’t care but this one- stung in your imaginary heart.
You see, you met Alastor when you two were alive, somehow and someway you both got together and your relationship bloomed to the point he proposed to you but- you got killed before your wedding even started. So, imagine the joy you felt when you encountered him again in Hell.
“Maybe.. he’s right, maybe we’re too- different.” You sighed. “Maybe he should have his head examined,” She suggested as she took a sit in front of you. “I could do it.” You wanted to smile at that but- “Or perhaps he does belong with someone else.” You looked at your cup of tea. “Someone who isn’t lil’ miss/mr non hearted,” You mocked yourself as you stand up to look at a mirror near you two. “Someone with rosy cheeks and a beating heart.” You murmured sadly.
“Oh, those people are ten a penny,” Rosie rolled her eyes as she follows you behind and puts her hand on your shoulders to try to comfort you. “You’ve got so much more, darling! You’ve got- you’ve got..” She looked around to try to find the right words for you. “You’ve got a wonderful personality!”
She smiles to you through the mirror. You truly wanted to feel better after hearing that but negative thoughts were still ruining in your head, Rosie sees this and sighs.
“What do those wispy lil’ brats have that you don’t have double? They can’t a candle to the beauty of your smile!” She croons as she places you down onto the chair, placing her index fingers in the corners of your mouth to make you smile.
“… how about a pulse?” You looked at her. “Overrated by a mile-“ She slightly scoffs. “Overfed, overblown!” She makes a gesture making the idea of a pulse uninteresting. “If only they knew the you that we know—“ You sighed as you stand up again, crossing your arms to think. “And those silly little creatures don’t even have a ring! And they don’t play piano or dance or sing!” She carefully grabbed one of your hands, and with a graceful motion, she twirled you into a seated position.
“No, they clearly don’t compare,” “But they don’t look like they’re decaying-“ “Who cares?” She interrupted. “Unimportant! Overrated, overblown! If only they could see how special your relationship with him can be,” She drags you through the mirror and adjusts your wedding clothes. “If only they knew the you that we know..” You gently push her away.
You went to Rosie’s balcony and hug yourself to try to find comfort. “If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain-“ You begin to sing plaintively. “If you cut me with a knife it’s still the same..” You moved your hand to the sky, fingers curling into a determined fist, as if reaching to grasp it.
“And I know they have a heart and I know that I don’t-“ You placed your hands on the railing, feeling the cool metal beneath your fingertips. “Yet the pain here that I feel, try and tell it’s not real.. it seems that I still have a tear to shed.” You touched your right cheek, feeling your eyes water a bit.
Rosie couldn’t help but feel sympathetic for you but she couldn’t just give up on cheering you on! “The sure redeeming feature from those little creatures is that they have a heart! Overrated, overblown, my dear friend!” She grins a bit wider as she stands next to you. “Everybody knows that they don’t know how to use that heart but you, sweetheart, even without a heart you can express it well with him!” She pointed out.
“Who cares? Unimportant! Overrated, overblown! If only they could see how special your relationship can be,” She grabbed one of your hands again and lead you inside the building. “If only they knew the you that we know..” She put you in front of the mirror again as she handed you a bouquet of flowers.
You looked at yourself, you imagined yourself walking through the aisle but- “If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain, in the ice or in the sun it’s all the same,” You handed the flowers back to Rosie. “Yet I feel my heart aching—though it doesn’t beat its breaking,” You looked at yourself in the mirror as you fixed your hair and dust off your attired.
“And the pain here I feel- try and tell me it’s not real, I know that I don’t have a heart..” Rosie couldn’t help but hug you.
“Yet it seems that I still have some tears to shed..” You sang.
You were now at the hotels lobby after your visit with Rosie, sitting at the pianos bench playing a few keys letting your mind wonder around.
“Ah! There you are, my dear!” A familiar voice you know enters the building, Alastor, your lover.
He walks towards you, the radio static getting a bit louder. You didn’t looked at him though, you continued to with what you’re doing. Alastor tilted his head a bit, curious about your reaction just now.
“Something wrong, my dearest?” No respond. Usually he would try to poke you just to get a reaction of you but your mood seemed different to him, he could read you like a book!
Since you’ve met when you were alive till now. He could sense that you were upset with something and he knew exactly what so he took a seat next to you and started to play a few notes.
You perfectly recognized them and looked at him with a surprised soft look and he just smiles at you as he continues.
You looked back at the piano and started to join in little by little, playing the song that used to play together when you were alive also being the song that was suppose to be played at your wedding.
You both looked at each other with soft eyes and- “Whoever made that comment will pay for what they did, I’ll make sure of that and also,” He paused for a bit trying to look how to say the next words that he’s about to say. “How do you feel about the possibility of marrying again, not in the sense of a second attempt, but in embracing the chance we never had when life took you away before we could say 'I do'?"
You froze at that moment, you didn’t know how to respond right away, you felt so many emotions blooming as he asked that. “… you serious?” You inquired. “You know I’m always honest with you, darling.” He grins a bit wider as he took one of your hands and place a small kiss on it.
“So?” You wanted to cry tears of joy at that moment. This is the same man who known for being a huge narcissistic, sadistic killer who also liked, and still does, to est his own people but yet- he still fell in love with you where you were alive.
Even if it took awhile to figured out his feelings for you, he absolutely adores you. You accepted all his flaws and even his weird habits, and even deep down he blames for your death but here you are.. next to him, forgiving him and still loving him the same way when you were alive together.
“Absolutely.” You smiled as a tear rolled down your cheek.
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strawb3rrystar · 5 months
totally didnt trip and run here…why would that happen.
anywho, stolas x stellas cousin!gn! reader :3 idrc if its platonic or romantic this man needs a friend/someone to care ab him and actually show it (staring at blitzø)
if platonic, then it could be that they have a marriage of convenience and stolas is off put but them but they reassure both him and octaviva that they arent like their cousins lol and from there they befriend stolas and be his rock for whenever blitzø shuts down and pushes stolas away
if romantic then it could just be a silly slow burn with stilas veru confused bc he loves blitzø but also is beginning to like his new spouse?! (then they could talk and the cousin could be like “dude we dont gotta be exclusive. esp since u still like the imp dude. if u want, take thing slow, see where u end up and how you feel.”)
and when reader shows affection stolas is taken aback bc all the people in his life aren’t really forward with their own affections?
soz if this is lengthy 😭😭 i love this sad bird sm and just want him to have someone to rely on that isnt his kid or his BF
It wasn't just a marriage of convenience.
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Pairing: Stolas x GN! Stella's cousin! Reader
Warnings: Stella slander (im sorry), very slight blitz slander (again, sorry)
Word count: 816
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Stolas wasn't too keen on remarrying, especially when he found out it would be his ex-wife's cousin. He expected to be just like the rest of your snobby family.
The first time he met you, your beak upturned in a smile that could've been fake. But there was no faking the look in your eyes. The way you were hanging off every word as he talked. That was the most genuine thing about your family. Your eyes always gave you away. Stolas learned that quickly with Stella. Even when she was trying to be nice, her eyes always revealed her true feelings.
After the wedding, Stolas realized the heels of your fancy shoes didn't echo in the hallways like Stella's did. Her footsteps always sent chills down his spine because they were always filled with fury. No matter where you were in the palace, you could always hear her coming.
The first time you threw a ball, it wasn't for a selfish reason, it was for your friend's birthday. Unlike Stella's amazing idea of a 'not divorced' party. She would glide across the ballroom with fake poise, her head turned up at everyone who was below her. But you move so effortlessly and with such elegance that you could put your cousin to shame.
It felt odd to be living with you at first. To be sleeping in the same bed. But you mostly kept to yourself during the day. Stolas finally could get some peace and quiet now that Stella's constant torment was gone. During dinner, when you were all sat at the table, you would have an actual conversation with him. Octavia seemed to like you as well, the two of you would talk about things that she liked. And you would hangout in the library at night.
You weren't trying to be a new parent for Via. Or a new spouse for Stolas. You were just simply existing in the same space. Not trying to disrupt the environment before you. Maybe that's why he was just so drawn to you. You cared about his problems, listened to him, but didn't pry. Even when your cousin was brought up, you were never angry. You were just an observer.
But now Stolas was in a dilemma. He likes Blitz, but now he also likes.. you? It sent his head into spirals, rethinking the last year of his life. It was so bad he couldn't concentrate on the words in his book. Because just a few feet away his spouse sat at their vanity, putting some eye drops in their eyes. Stolas takes a deep breath, going over every outcome in his head. Before he knew what he was doing, the words were coming out of his mouth. "Uh, hey?"
This gains your attention, and you turn to him. But not just your head, you did a full body turn towards him. Satan you were so beautiful. Stolas would compare your beauty to that of the stars. Your head tilts every so slightly, your eyes fill with affection. "Yes?"
"I'm having a bit of a problem.." Stolas admits, setting his book on the nightstand. By the time he looked back at you, you were already sitting on the bed with him. "What kind of problem?"
"I think I'm starting to love you..." He mumbles scratching the back of his neck and then smoothing down his feathers. "Why is that a problem?"
You already knew about his relationship with Blitz as he would often express his issues to you. It was a very simple question, but it made Stolas even more confused. "Because I can't like two people at once."
He shakes his head, his hands in his lap. You raise an eyebrow, then chuckle to yourself. "Stolas, we don't have to be exclusive. Especially since I know how special that Imp is to you. We can take things slow, see if we like it. If not, we can go back to how things are, I won't be upset."
His eyes widen at your words. His body felt like it was on fire. But not the 'I'm horny' kind of fire. More like 'I love you so much I think I'm going to explode' kind. "Could I.. kiss you then?"
You smile, the type of smile that made his heart melt for you. You inch over to him, taking his wing in yours. "I would love nothing more than that."
It was one of the most love filled, passionate kisses that Stolas had ever experienced. His claws grabbing at you like you'd slip away if he didn't. Your claws touch his face delicately, as if he were a glass figure that would shatter if you pressed too hard. When the two of you pull away, Stolas buries his face into your neck. And the two of you cuddle into each other for the rest of the night.
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Star's notes -> You know I love it when I get requests from you Adonis!!! <3
(Thank you, @sweetadonisbutbetter for requesting!) (Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @samohxt2-0 @sunshines-bright @astrolovedy @saints-wrapped-in-plastic @sweetadonisbutbetter
@little-miss-chaoss @sunr1s3-strab3rr1 | Join the taglist
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writingroom21 · 1 month
Okay how about this purge AU
Where reader is a pouge and is not living in a secure house.
Rafe is the one purging like the other kooks but had a soft spot for shy pouge reader and lets her stay in his house and threatens her to have sex with her or else he kills her (I mean he's lying but she believes him so they have sex)
Warnings: 18+, DUBCON, smut, darkish Rafe. Please be advised that reader only has sex with Rafe in fear of her life.
Wc: 3.2K
A/N: Sorry this took me forever to get out. I was contemplating on how I wanted to go about this because this is a new realm of writing for me. Then I felt like everything I was writing sucked.
You know when you say you wish your life was like a movie? The first time that idea ever occurred to you was when you were a kid watching Disney movies. You’ve always wished to be able to run away from your home life. Escape into a world where you could be anything and have the perfect life.
Growing up as a pogue you found it hard to see how the other half lived. You and your friends were barely getting by and then there were the super rich kids. It also didn’t help when the kook and pogue rivalry started to gear up. It felt as if no matter where you went people would always remind you that you are nothing and no one would care if you disappeared. 
Even Though it was hard you tried to not let it bother you. Taking all the insults they threw at you as if they were nothing. Cleaning up your yard after they trashed it without making a peep. The kooks from your year always seemed bothered by you never making a fuss. The other pogues always put up a fight and then there was you. The only one who never showed any hatred from them and never showed weakness even when they tried. 
You were like some rock that they couldn't move. Which only ended up making you a target for their games. Every Halloween a bunch of kooks would make their way to the cut just to egg your house. One time they even put up edited photos of you all around school making you the laughing stock. To say the least they were not happy when you just kept walking with your head high not acknowledging what they did.
Your only escape was dreaming how different your life could be. Comparing your situation to the ones on your tv screen which only had half a screen. You’ve pictured your life in most movies or sitcoms. But you never imagined it as a horror movie.
Today was a normal day like every other day. You had gotten up and rode your bike all the way to work. Since you work at the country club you always have to deal with all of the kooks. Especially since you work the front desk so you are the first thing they see every time they walk in. Today was no different with the snide remarks.
“Look its the whore from the cut. I’m surprised they haven’t given you a job upgrade after fucking all of them.” Some random guy you think you’ve ever seen comments. You just type away at the computer ignoring his irritating voice. He walks up to the desk and tries to talk to you again. “Come one why don’t we go to the back and you show me how you got this job.”
You slowly look up at him and see Rafe Cameron behind him. You watch as he taps the guy's shoulder and gets even more confused about this whole situation. “Yo buddy why don’t you fuck off.” The guy turns around and backs up a little when he sees Rafe walking towards him. “Why do you care?” Rafe gets in his face ready to punch him if he opens his mouth one more time.
“Because I fucking do. I don’t need to explain myself to you. Now run along before I beat the shit out of you.” They guy looks back at you and then scurries off without another word. “You okay?”You stare at him in shock. “Yeah I’m good.” He just nods his head, knocking on the front desk in front of your computer. “Good.” Then he was off to go play golf like he does every Saturday. 
You don’t understand what just happened. He was a kook and he was defending you. Now that you think about it you never really saw him be rude to you. He never made fun of you and you can’t recall him laughing at your expense. The rest of your shift was a haze. All you could think about is why would he tell that guy off. It’s not like the two of you were friends.
By the time you left work it was on the back burner. The wind was blowing in your hair as you pedal through the streets. The breeze was a nice comparison to the heat from the day. You were a few streets away from the country club when your phone started ringing.. The noise was obnoxious like those test alerts they sometimes do. You pull over to the side of the road and pull out your phone.
“This is not a test, this is your Emergency Broadcast System. Announcing the new commencement of the purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government. Weapons of class four and lower have been authorized for use during the purge. All other weapons are restricted. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime (including murder) will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire, and Emergency Medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. When the purge concludes. Blessed be our new founding fathers and America... A nation reborn. May God be with you all."
You stare at your phone as the voice reads the words that scroll through your screen. Laughing you put your phone away thinking it was some dumb joke and keep riding your bike. After only a few pedals a loud siren scares you, making you fall from your bike. You slowly stand up fixing your bike and looking around. Everything seemed normal so it must have been nothing. 
Then there was a scream.
One that you would hear in a horror movie when they are getting murdered. You look around confused as to where the noise came from until you see someone run out of a building holding their shoulder. Just as you were about to ask if they are okay another person runs out with a knife, stabbing the first person until they are laying in a puddle of their blood. Standing there in horror your eyes meet theirs as they look up.
As quickly as you can you get on your bike pedaling as fast as you can. You see people running out of the store with a bunch of things, other people laying on the ground. This honestly doesn’t even feel real to you. It has to be some nightmare you are about to wake up from. You take one hand off the bar to pinch yourself and sure enough this is all real. 
Suddenly a truck is revving behind you, headlights illuminating you on the street. The wheels make a crunching sound as they speed up along the street. Fuck. You have nowhere to go and they keep getting closer. Panicking you dart to the sidewalk trying to get to the trees for cover when you hear your name. Looking over your shoulder you see Rafe leaning to the passenger window trying to get your attention.
Great he defended you earlier just to kill you now.
“Can you just fucking stop for a minute. You need to get in.” Not stopping you go down a dirt road trying to get away only for him to follow. He passes you and stops so you can’t get any further. He gets out of the car and walks towards you. “Please, I just want to get home. You don’t have to do this.” You try to plead with him. Sure you could ride off right now but he would just catch up eventually.
Rafe gives you a look and shakes his head. “I’m not going to kill you or something. The kook from earlier, you know the asshole.” You nod your head at him recalling the guy. “He made a post once the announcement came on. Told everyone to go to your house so they can all kill you. I’m just trying to save you.”
It's hard to believe that he wants to help you. “Why would you help me?” He crosses his arms and takes a step back towards the driver side door. “I maybe an asshole but I’m not a killer. Plus you never once did anything to deserve this.” You were still skeptical until he showed you the post. After another second of thinking you agreed and he’s loading up your bike in the trunk. If he was going to kill you he would have done it by now. Both of you are out of sight of any person and plus there are no laws stopping him. Maybe he is just trying to help you.
You get in the passenger seat and look in the back to see a shirt with red stains on it. Rafe catches your eye sight when he gets in and sees how you scoot closer to the door. It’s the polo shirt he was wearing before you didn’t even notice he wasn’t wearing the same thing. You want to leave but he convinces you otherwise. “I got a bloody nose on the course. Stupid Topper was practicing swinging and I didn’t see.”
It makes sense, you’ve seen it happen plenty of times. Rafe is grateful when he sees you relax. He doesn’t want you to know that the blood is actually Thomas’. After he saw the post he found Thomas going to his car. He used the bat he keeps in the back seat to teach him a lesson and ended up killing him. The last thing Rafe needs is for you to be scared of him when all he wants is to protect you.
When he arrives at his house he is quick to get you inside. Stating that the less people that see you both the better. Plus his house has a great security system so no one will be able to get in.
“Where’s your family?” That’s a great question that he honestly couldn’t care about. The only person he’s worried about is his youngest sister but he already messaged her and she’s staying at her friend's house until it is all over. The house is the one next door so he knows she’s safe. “My dad and Rose are on a business trip. Sarah went with them and Wheezie is good. It’s just us here.” Something about the way he says it sounds reassuring yet the undertones tell a different story. Ignoring it you let him lead you around the house mansion, giving you a tour so you are comfortable. The time keeps ticking as the two of you talk. It feels like the world actually isn’t ending and it’s nice to forget about what is happening outside. Rafe had put on a movie after a while of just sitting. It was a dumb action movie so you weren’t really interested. You were looking around his room.
He said the upper floors would be safest since it gave the two of you more time to get to the safe room. Not that the two of you would need it but just in case. Again it made sense so you went along with it. The room was simple, a TV was across his bed and there were little decorations. It honestly didn’t seem like a bedroom and more like where you put the guests. As you look around Rafe is busy looking at you. 
He’s always like how you kept to yourself. Even when the other kooks gave you shit all you did was take it. Never put up a fight and took it with stride. It reminded him of himself. He’s used to taking crap from his dad and he isn’t allowed to say anything. He admires the fact that you share the quality with him.
When you turn your attention back to the tv you see that Rafe is looking at you. You turn to ask him what’s wrong but he takes you by surprise. He kissed you. It took you a few seconds to realize that he was kissing you. His lips are moving against yours but you are completely still. What the hell is happening? This isn’t real.
You pull away, pushing his shoulders when he tries to chase you. “What are you doing?” Wanting to put some space between you two, you move further away on the bed. Which in hindsight might have been bad since you are now up against the wall. “I’m kissing you. What the hell are you doing?” He grabs your arm, yanking you back next to him. He starts to kiss your shoulder as you try to think of what to do.
He’s kissing your neck and all you want is to get out of here. Pushing him off of you again, you get up from the bed. “What is wrong with you?” You give him a look of disbelief. “What’s wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you?” Rafe gets up from the bed and blocks the door as you try to leave. “Why are you doing this? I thought you wanted to help me. I don’t want this.”
Rafe is starting to get angry now. Why are you fighting this? “What are you even talking about?” He’s messing with your brain right now. There’s no way he can be serious. “Why fight this? We are so alike and we should be together.” Wow he really is serious. You knew he was crazy from what you’ve seen and what others told you but you never believed them.
“Are you fucking crazy? We don’t belong together. I don’t know where you got that idea when this is like the first time we even talked or hung out. Plus the only reason why I’m here is because of the stupid purge thing.” You’re panicking. He’s still blocking your way out and he has this look in his eyes. If you had to pinpoint it the look would be sad maybe desperation. But you knew better, that wasn’t it.
“Fine if that’s how you feel then you can leave.” He’s bluffing, the rejection hurts but he wouldn’t hurt you. You don’t make a move to leave so he goes over to drag you out of the room. He just wants you to leave him alone and just stay in one of the guest rooms. 
You really start to panic now. He’s throwing you out just because you won’t sleep with him. The grip on your arm is tight so you know he’s mad. Just as he goes to open the door you throw your body onto him, lips smashing against his. He’s confused. You were just fighting him because he kissed you and here you are. He pulls away holding you in his hands. “I’m sorry. Don’t put me out when they want to kill me.”
You think that he’s going to let them kill you. Wait he can actually work with this. “Why shouldn’t I? There’s nothing in it for me by keeping you safe. I should honestly just offer you up to them.” He’s lying to his teeth. Even if he truly wanted to, there's a part of him that doesn’t want to hurt you. Your eyes start to swell with tears. You’re scared, you don’t want to die and you know out there you will. 
“I’m just scared, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking straight so I was pushing you away.” He knows you are lying, only saying it to save yourself. A sick part of him doesn’t even care, liking that you are willing to sell yourself for safety. One of his hands cup your cheek, pulling you closer to him. “It’s okay baby. You don’t need to be scared, I’ve got you.” There is a need to be scared. He’s willing to sell you out and he thinks there is nothing to be scared about.
He leans in, bumping his nose with yours before kissing you. You timidly kiss him back, letting him set the pace. As the kiss progresses he gets more aggressive. Slowly he starts to pull you back into the room. His hands are wandering your body and it doesn’t feel right. You wish this stupid purge never started or that he had never found you. Maybe it would have been better if you did go home and they found you.
His kisses start to travel down your neck, his hands making their way under your shirt. You allow him to pull it up, leaving you in just a bra. Rafe takes a moment to admire you, playing with your breasts. He takes you closing your eyes as a sign of pleasure, enjoying the feeling. But in reality you just need to get it over with. “You look so beautiful.” You hum not knowing what to really say. Once again he takes it as you enjoying what he’s doing. 
Before you know it you’re laying down on his bed naked with him on top of you. His fingers are rubbing your clit, circling it as he sucks on one of your nipples. You hate that it actually feels a little good. But you remind yourself that you can’t control how your body reacts. His actions stop causing your eyes to open.
You are greeted with his eyes staring down at you. “I knew you felt it too.” He kissed you, distracting you from the fact he lined himself up. Your mouth gaps open when he pushes himself in. It feels like he is splitting you in two. Giving you just a few moments to adjust he starts to thrust. Your hands find purchase on his shoulders, nails digging into him.
“God, you feel so good.” His head drops to your shoulder. “Doesn’t it feel good?” You nod your head as he kisses your neck, trying to stifle the whimpers threatening to escape. His thrusts are steady, ripping you apart from the inside out. You only got a little glimpse of him but you saw that he was big. Not only that he was girthy too.
It wouldn’t be a shock if he was actually ripping you apart. His right hand right hand finds its way between the both of you. His thumb continues its work from earlier and circles your clit. You squirm around as he keeps using your body. 
He grabs your face so you are looking at him. “It feels good right?” He repeats the question, nuzzling his nose with yours. “So good.” At the confirmation he lets out a moan and rests his head in the crook of your neck. 
You don’t know how long you laid there but soon his hips started to lose their rhythm. His grip on you tightens as he finally cums. He keeps holding you so you wrap your arms around him. You soothe him for some odd reason, running your hand up and down his back.
Rafe starts to feel guilty. He does know that you only slept with him to stay alive. It’s starting to eat at him. He lifts himself up to look at you and caresses your face. When your eyes meet his, he breaks.
“I wouldn’t have hurt you.” You just look at him without saying anything. “You may not believe it but I mean it. I won’t hurt you.”
You somewhat believe him. Maybe he wouldn’t have sent you off to your death but he still hurt you. Yet for some reason you give him what he’s seeking. “I know. It’s okay.”
The purge may have taken a part of you but you know that he’ll live with the guilt.
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ssahotchnerr · 2 years
they’ve all speculated it. They thought he was dating someone. They just never knew who. It wasn’t until he was walking in late when he spotted her. she took the wrong badge by mistake. It was his badge she was wearing. And then he laughed. He laughed so much the whole BAU stopped and stared.
Feel free to do with that what you will.
inspired by the tiktok i sent to the server
identity theft
"aaron hotchner?"
as it wasn't your name derek had said, you didn't acknowledge his words, continuing to skim through the file placed in front of you. you expected to hear aaron's voice, which seemed plausible at the sudden recall of his name, but the only sounds that followed were the distant chatter of the other agents in the bullpen. you raised your head only to discover a questioning stare on derek's face, directed right at you.
you glanced around briefly, confirming that aaron was definitely nowhere in sight, turning back to him with an extremely confused look. "what?"
derek didn't answer; he simply continued to study you, as if he had never seen you before in his life. to be honest it was starting to freak you out, which prompted you again.
"why are you staring at me?"
"why are you wearing hotch's badge?"
your eyes immediately widened, your hand flying to the badge attached the bottom of your shirt to see for yourself. sure enough instead of your image, you were met with aaron's smiling face, a rather ironic picture considering, well, he was aaron. you must have grabbed his by mistake this morning, as both you and aaron rushed out his door as a result of staying in bed for a tad bit longer (it was completely his fault, if anyone asked- which technically derek was). a blush crept onto your face while derek held onto his stare, he wasn't letting you get away with this one.
"oh, i, um..." you searched for an excuse, or any words, but came up short. what could you possibly say? how in the world would you have ended up with aaron's badge in a scenario that wasn't suspicious?
derek's eyes averted from yours, moving so he was glancing behind you. you felt another's presence, and you didn't need to turn around to know who it was.
"hotch." derek didn't skip a beat.
"morgan." aaron's voice came from behind, while you internally face palmed. there was no way you were getting out of this; the two of you were absolutely caught.
"do you care to explain?" derek gestured to badge in your hand, while you looked at aaron with wide eyes.
his eyes moved to the badge, and quite honestly, you had no idea how he was about to react. would he come up with a believable excuse? freeze? would he be absolutely mortified?
but no.
he laughed. it wasn't a chuckle, or one of those laughs where you just attempt to brush the topic of matter off. nope.
a genuine laugh. it was unrestrained laughter, the kind that was gut wrenching and loud. you glanced around; not only did all the team members have their undivided attention on the scene unfolding before them, everyone on the floor did as well.
it was clear that no one has ever heard a sound like that escape aaron hotchner. and from the look on everyone's face, it was like they were contemplating a fight or flight response. aaron paid them no mind; he just laughed and laughed, laughing hard enough there were tears in his eyes.
you stood there like a deer in headlights, while derek gaped at him as if he had completely lost his mind.
"wait a damn second."
"what? what is it?" penelope hurried over, looking rather alarmed. derek continued to look between you and aaron, the expression on his face comparable to if he had just solved the entire zodiac case all by himself.
derek pointed his finger at aaron, who was wiping at the tears under his eyes with his thumb. "you know how we were all saying hotch was seeing someone."
"yeah?" penelope confirmed, while the rest of the bau members crowded around your desk. meanwhile, your cheeks flushed even more.
yup. absolutely caught.
"here." aaron said in a laugh, unclipping your badge off his jacket and clipping it on you, back in it's rightful place. "that's what i get for delaying us this morning."
there was a slight moment of pause after he spoke, and you knew it was coming.
"delaying...? oh my god." penelope gasped, grabbing onto your arm which audibly resulted in a slap. "you?! you're the one?"
"um," you began, slightly stunned due to how quick everything had unraveled. "surprise?"
penelope let out a high pitched squeal, grabbing onto your arm with both hands now as she demanded you for all the details. meanwhile, derek was still utterly bewildered, spencer turned back to his book, and jj and emily looked almost as surprised as derek.
"to be fair, i knew all along." dave stated, raising an eyebrow which resulted in aaron letting out a subtle snort.
"i'm sure you did." aaron amusingly shook his head, and you took the initiative to clip his badge back on his suit jacket for him. once it was back where it belonged, your eyes lifted to his.
aaron's lips were turned up in a smile, which involuntarily caused one on yours. you immediately resisted the urge to kiss him, given your exact location, not wanting to give everyone a show for the second time. in relation, you admired the fact that he didn't seem to care that he had made a 'scene' in front of many people; people of which thought he never smiled to begin with.
a rush of warmth went right through you at the thought, grabbing onto his sleeve which you decided was an appropriate measure of affection for the meantime. "i guess all it took was a little bit of identity theft for everyone to find out, wasn't it?"
request something -> here!
tags: @sylvieofasgard @hotchgirlsummer @ssamorganhotchner @greg-montgomery @sannunah28 @anlin2058 @14buddy22 @thebaileybugle @gothwifehotchner @dungeons-are-too-cold @rousethemouse @louderfortheback @mulattomoon @itseightbeats @gspenc @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry
4K notes · View notes
kiss-me-cill-me · 6 months
Stars Forever
Pairing: Robert Capa x Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Summary: The night before launch, the crew of the Icarus II stay in a nearby hotel. The sleeping arrangements are less than ideal for you and the ship's cranky physicist.
Warnings: Smut, extremely trope-heavy and contrived shenanigans, kinda enemies-to-lovers, teasing, mentions of birth control (IUDs)
A/N: The title of this fic was inspired by Starless Heaven by Guster. That song has nothing to do with the fic, but it's really pretty so I wanted to share it lol. For the purposes of the "plot" here, reader is taking Trey's place on the ship (sorry Trey). Only one bed is my favorite trope and I just want to write it for every character ever <3
***Please read the warnings before continuing. Minors DNI***
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Capa was a few paces ahead of you, walking with his hands stuffed in his pockets. The soft yellow lights of the hotel corridor surrounded you on all sides as you glanced at the room numbers.
“Quit following me,” Capa barked, throwing a quick glance over his shoulder.
You rolled your eyes, once he had turned back around and couldn't see you. This was so typical. 
“I'm not following you. I'm looking for my room.”
You checked another room number. That wasn't it. Capa continued down the hallway, not pausing as he spoke over his shoulder again.
“Aren't you with Cassie or Corazon? Go bother one of them,” he spat.
“First of all, I'm not bothering anyone. And second of all, no. Cassie and Cora are together. I'm rooming with someone else.”
At least, you assumed you were. All you had was your assigned room number. With eight crew members and apparently very heavily limited space in the hotel you were staying at for the night, you had been informed that everyone would need to double up. You, Cassie, and Cora had quickly compared room numbers to determine that you were the odd one out, but you had no idea who your own roommate would be. Obviously one of the guys, which was bound to be at least a little awkward. 
But, you would be fine. This was only going to be for one night. Tomorrow, the lot of you would be driven to mission control and then launched into space, bound for the Icarus II module currently hovering in the moon’s orbit, and then for the center of the solar system. This hotel was simply the closest accommodation for tonight, even if it was slightly too cramped for all eight of you.
“Well, quit walking so close to me at least.”
Capa’s voice brought you back to reality, and you realized that you had been zoning out and not looking at the last several room numbers. You checked the next one. Still not yours.
You slowed down, but only a little bit, putting some distance between you and Capa. You had no particular desire to be close to him. Though you certainly didn't hate him as much as he seemed to hate you. 
His dislike was obvious, but it confused you. You hadn't done anything that should have prompted him to feel so negatively toward you, as far as you were aware. But from the moment you and Capa had met at your first briefing, six months ago, you could tell he was incredibly tense whenever you were in the room.
Finally, your eyes landed on the room number assigned to you. You stopped in your tracks, then looked up, confused. Capa was standing in front of the same room.
“Why don't you get lost?” he asked, still testy.
“This is my room,” you said, motioning to the door.
Capa’s eyes darted to the room number and then back to you. His brows creased as he scowled openly.
“No. There's no way,” he said. “This is my room.”
“Well, it's my room, too,” you insisted.
You felt your cheeks heat up. Usually, Capa’s opinion of you didn't bother you much. He was just a coworker. Both of you had proven that you could put personal feelings aside for the sake of the mission, and whatever he thought about you in his free time didn't much matter. But now, faced with the challenge of sharing a hotel room, you suddenly wished that you had spent a bit more time working on your relationship.
“This has to be some kind of mix-up. Why aren't you with one of the girls?” Capa muttered.
“Maybe because there's three girls and five guys?” you replied, sarcastically. “Jeez, Capa - I thought you were good at math.”
Capa rushed to turn his face away, but you still caught a glimpse of the bright blush that rose on his cheeks. You - almost - felt bad. Usually, you tried not to antagonize him, but sometimes you couldn't help it.
“I know there's an uneven split,” he hissed, slightly wounded. “But why would they put you with me?”
You rolled your eyes again, not caring whether he saw you. Capa always thought of himself as the main character. God forbid he be inconvenienced.
“Look, it's late, and I'd like to go to bed,” you sighed. “I'll stay on my side of the room, you stay on yours, and we won't talk to each other. Deal?”
“Fine,” Capa muttered.
It was just for one night. Already feeling your temper wear thin, you slid your key card into the lock. You didn't hesitate to barge in ahead of Capa, not bothering to hold the door open behind you. He scrambled to follow, muttering something to himself.
You stopped short. Capa nearly crashed into you as you saw it first. There was only one bed.
Capa let out a deep breath of frustration. You watched from out of the corner of your eye as he swiftly turned on his heels and walked out of the room.
“Nope,” he said simply, letting the door slam behind him.
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As it turned out, there had been a mix-up. But unfortunately for you and Capa, it was not one that could easily be resolved. Talking to the front desk did nothing, as the clerk explained they were booked up completely.
“There are a lot of people staying overnight so they can watch the big launch tomorrow,” she explained cheerily. “The second Icarus ship. Very exciting stuff!”
Capa looked ready to rip her head off, but somehow restrained himself. You snickered as you followed behind him, this time purposefully trailing as Capa made his way to Captain Kaneda’s room. He was almost cute when he was angry.
Talking to Kaneda didn't get you anywhere either.
“Capa, it's late,” the captain sighed. “You'll both just need to put up with it for one night.”
“But we don't even have separate beds!” Capa grumbled.
“Yes, well… if you two really dislike each other so much, that shouldn't be an issue.”
Capa opened his mouth to speak, but then the scandalous suggestion hidden in the captain’s words dawned on him, and he snapped it shut again. You were tempted to interject and say that you didn't hate Capa - his feelings were all one-sided. But then you thought better of it. You had to admit Capa’s hissy fit was amusing, but if you actually had to share a bed with him, it was better to not provoke him too much.
Capa stormed out of the captain’s room, and you followed. Back in the hallway, you ran into Mace.
“Mace,” Capa called, hurrying to catch up with him. “Hey, Mace - switch rooms with me.”
“Why would I switch rooms with you?” Mace snapped.
Capa and Mace didn't get along either. At all. He must have been truly desperate to ask Mace for help.
“Because I'm with her,” Capa replied, jabbing a finger back at you. “And we only have one bed.”
Mace stopped mid-stride, and turned around to look at you. He was clearly amused. Capa’s scowl deepened, and you shrugged. Mace crossed his arms as he spoke.
“No way in hell am I sharing a bed with her, you, or Searle,” he laughed. “You got the shit room? Tough luck, asshole.”
Mace walked away, leaving Capa to rake an exasperated hand through his hair. He turned to face you, looking you directly in the eye for the first time since you had both left your miserably shared room.
“Okay, one of us needs to take the floor,” he informed you.
You had already started to walk away, and Capa hurried to keep pace beside you.
“Well it's not gonna be me,” you said. “If you can't grow up enough to sleep in the same bed as someone else for one night, you get to take the floor.”
Capa’s cheeks blushed pink again.
“You actually want us to sleep together?” Capa blurted.
“Ugh, don't say it like that!” 
You felt your own cheeks start to heat up as Capa’s blush deepened. Each of you pretended not to notice how flustered the other was getting.
You reached the door of your room and slipped the key card inside. This time, you held the door open as Capa followed after you.
“I'm just saying, why sleep on a hard floor the night before one of the biggest days of our lives?” you sighed. “We can both be adults about this.”
Capa silently considered your words for a minute, stubbornly refusing to meet your gaze.
“Well, just think about it,” you said, reaching for your small backpack. “I'm gonna get changed.”
Capa choked, letting a small, strangled sound escape his throat as you pulled your pajamas out of the bag. When you looked up at him, his eyes had blown wide.
“You're getting undressed?” he sputtered. “In here?”
“In the bathroom, Capa. Jeez!”
You stepped into the little bathroom, closing the door behind you before he had a chance to reply. Pinching the bridge of your nose, you let yourself sink back against the door. This was going to be a long night if Capa kept this up. 
You wished he would calm down. It had been funny to watch him scramble around trying to get out of sleeping with you - or, next to you, you corrected yourself. But now, your annoyance had started to settle in again. 
With a huff, you straightened up. It was only one night. You could handle this, and you knew Capa could too, once he had gotten over his initial shock. You set about changing into your pajamas and brushing your teeth.
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When you came out, Capa seemed calmer. He was sitting slouched in the small chair next to the desk, which neither of you would have any occasion to use during such a short stay. It was only one night. The words were a mantra in your head.
“Okay,” Capa relented. “I can agree that it's important we both get a good night's rest. Especially with everything happening tomorrow.”
Privately, you thought to yourself that you were the one who needed sleep more than Capa. Your job as navigator was much more imperative than… whatever he would be doing. Capa was little more than a piece of glorified cargo; just coming along for the ride so that he could deploy the bomb. Which was important, of course - but he would have several months worth of time to catch up on sleep before he had to make himself useful, and-
You stopped yourself. That kind of thinking wasn't helpful. It was just nerves making you snap; you always felt tense the night before a mission. And this would be the longest one you had ever been on. Capa was probably feeling the same way, especially considering this was his first. You thought back to your first flight as a rookie, and felt yourself soften a little.
“So we're both going to be mature about this?” you asked.
“Yes,” Capa agreed, sighing as if it pained him.
“Good. Then go get ready for bed.”
You regretted the words as soon as you'd said them. They felt entirely too domestic. Too familiar. A lover telling her husband to come to bed with her.
Capa stood up, crossing paths awkwardly with you on his way to the bathroom. Once the door had shut behind him, you let out the breath you had been holding. Maybe this was going to be a long night.
While Capa got ready for bed, you crawled awkwardly under the covers. Picking a side so that neither of you would be able to argue about that, you settled in and pulled the blankets over your lap.
Capa stepped out, rustled in his bag for a minute, and then came to stand by his side of the bed.
“So, do I just…”
“Here,” you offered. “We can put a few pillows between us.”
The hotel bed had entirely too many of them anyways. You took a couple and placed them between the spaces that you and Capa would occupy, making a little wall.
Capa climbed into bed with you, a little hesitantly. He flicked off the lamp on his bedside table, and you did the same, plunging the room into inky black. 
In the dark, things felt suddenly more… intimate. Your eyes took a long minute to adjust, but when they did, you saw Capa. Still sitting propped up in bed next to you, just like you were as you stared back at him.
“This isn't so bad, right?” 
Your voice was barely a whisper. Capa’s response came at a similar volume. 
“I guess not,” he agreed.
“Let's try and get some rest.”
You sank down, snuggling into the mattress and the pillows at your side. Pressing into them almost felt like you were cuddling against Capa’s body; ironically, the makeshift barrier only made the bed feel more crowded.
“Stop wiggling,” Capa complained.
You bit your tongue. You wanted to snap at him, but you reminded yourself again that you were probably just both on edge. Something in Capa’s deep voice sounded almost miserable.
“Sorry,” you said instead. “Just trying to get comfortable.”
The only sound in the room was Capa’s breath. For some reason, it seemed like he was breathing a bit harder than usual.
“You okay?” you asked.
“Fine,” Capa replied, the word curt and short.
You sighed.
“Capa, why do you hate me so much?”
An uncomfortable silence hung between you. For a few seconds, you thought that he wasn't going to answer, and tried to think of how you could backpedal out of your question as you stared up at the ceiling.
“I don't hate you,” Capa said finally. “I just… you're distracting.”
“Distracting?” you echoed.
As far as you could remember, you had never done anything particularly distracting. At least not to any of your fellow crew members. The months you had spent together preparing for this mission were serious, and didn't leave much time for distractions of any kind.
“Don't worry about it,” Capa insisted, which only confused you more.
“What do you mean? Don't worry about being distracting, or don't worry about you calling me that?”
“Don't worry about any of it!” Capa groaned, suddenly exasperated.
“What's up with you?”
You propped yourself up on one elbow, leaning over the stack of pillows a bit to get a better look at him. Capa flinched, trying to hunch over himself. But it was too late. You had seen the obvious tent in the blankets.
“Oh. My. Gosh!” you squealed. “That's why you didn't want to sleep with me. You don't hate me at all. You like me.”
“Shut up!” Capa snapped, still trying to cover himself with his hands.
You smiled. This was too good. All those months you'd spent wondering what his deal was, and now it was so obvious. Capa had a crush on you. And a pretty big one, by the looks of it.
“It's nothing to be ashamed of, Capa,” you laughed. “You can admit that you like me.”
“I don't,” Capa insisted.
“I have a hard time believing that,” you murmured, eyes trailing down to his crotch.
“Look, don't tell anyone,” Capa begged.
“Why would I tell anyone?” 
You peeled the blankets back, taking the wall of pillows with them. Capa, in his shock, watched as the sheets fell away but did nothing to try and stop you. His hands were still clamped down over his erection, and you lifted them up to guide the blanket away.
“If I told someone,” you continued, “then I'd have to tell them about this…”
You leaned down, capturing his lips in a kiss. You felt Capa tense beneath you, sitting up slightly before he melted back into the pillows. You followed him, moving to straddle his waist and put your hands on his shoulders, holding him there.
“W-what are you doing?” Capa stammered.
You’d pulled back to look at him, and even in the darkness you could tell just how wide his eyes had blown.
“I dunno - what do you want me to do?” you teased.
Your fingers trailed up and down his chest, his breath hitching once as you reached the base of his neck.
“Well, you could get off of me, for starters,” he answered, voice wavering.
His deep voice, usually so smooth and clear, had taken on a desperate, slightly strained quality. You moved your fingertips over the hem of his shirt collar, teasing just beneath the fabric.
“Come on, Capa. Be honest,” you prodded. “What do you really want?”
“Fuck,” Capa whined.
“Fuck? We can fuck,” you agreed, voice lowering.
“Th-that’s not what I meant and you know it - Shit!”
Capa interrupted himself as you slid lower, centering your hips over his clothed erection. You rubbed against him, and he clenched his jaw, throwing his head back into the pillows.
“Fuck! How come you like me all of a sudden?” Capa hissed, slightly out of breath.
“Who said I ever didn’t like you?” you questioned, sliding your hands under his shirt.
Capa’s back arched against the mattress as your hands moved over his bare chest. You swore you heard him let out a little moan.
“You’re just doing this to torture me,” he accused.
“And what if I am?” You leaned in to whisper against his ear. “It seems like you kinda like it.”
Your gentle touches turned harsh; raking your nails down Capa’s chest. As he moaned again, you leaned in to capture it with a kiss. His lips slotted into yours, and Capa bit down, desperate. You hummed with your lower lip trapped between his teeth, still dragging your hips against him. Capa mumbled something, and you pulled away to hear him.
“Please don’t make me come in my pants,” he groaned.
You lifted off of him a little, putting a stop to the friction between you. Capa groaned again, this time at the loss.
“Oh, okay,” you said mischievously. “Let's take you out of them, then.”
You moved to take off his shorts, pushing them down just enough to free his leaking cock. Capa had a pretty one, you had to admit. Even in the dark, you could see how it shined with small, milky beads of his arousal. As it sprang out from the confines of his boxers, Capa whined desperately.
“This too,” you said, tugging at the hem of his shirt.
Capa sat up to tear himself out of his t-shirt, and then started to pull off yours. Once you were both out of your shirts, your lips crashed together again, and Capa’s arms wrapped around your waist, pressing into your back to pull you closer.
“Hang on,” you breathed, pulling away to wrestle yourself out of your own shorts.
Tossing them to the side, you went back to straddling Capa, and pushed him back down to lie flat on the mattress. Your bodies were tantalizingly close together, hovering just on the edge of you sinking down onto his cock. Capa’s hands came up to rest on your sides - clearly wanting to touch your breasts but not daring to. You guided his left hand to cup one.
“Fuck,” Capa sighed again, digging his fingers into you.
“Be patient,” you scolded, giggling a little at the way Capa’s brow creased.
“Haven’t you played with me enough?” he moaned.
“I don’t think so, actually.”
You lowered yourself down just a bit, enough to let his tip brush through your folds. You were pretty wet already, but not quite enough to take him in yet. Pressing down more, you trapped his cock between yourself and his stomach, sliding up and down the underside of his length.
“Ah!” Capa gasped.
His fingers tightened on your breast, and you basked in the feel of his hands on you. The way your clit was rubbing against him with every stroke of your hips wasn’t so bad either, and you thought fleetingly that you might actually be able to get both of you off just like this. You considered it, but where was the fun in that?
You sat up, reaching down to position him so that it would only take one more stroke to enter you. You felt how wet you had gotten his shaft, just by rubbing against it, and laughed softly to yourself. Maybe you did like Capa a little more than you’d thought. As you swirled your hips, getting the head of his cock wet enough to slide into you, Capa lost what little remaining resolve he had.
“Fuck - please,” Capa whined.
“Please what?”
“You know what you’re doing, you jerk.”
Capa bucked his hips beneath you, but you inched up and away from him, keeping his prize just out of reach.
“Tell me what you want,” you taunted. “You can use your words, right? Or am I ‘distracting’ you again?”
“Yes - it’s very fucking distracting to feel you dripping down my cock,” Capa moaned.
If he was trying to get to you, he would have to do better than that.
“Come on, just tell me. What do you want?”
“You! Fuck,” Capa grunted. “God, I want to be inside you.”
“There, was that so hard?” you laughed.
“Fuck you, you’re driving me crazy.”
He was speaking through clenched teeth, jaw straining once again as his eyes squeezed shut. The sight was enough to make you pulse, clenching around nothing. You had held back for long enough, you decided.
In one swift motion, you sank down onto his cock. The stretch was enough to make you hum, pleasure filling your chest as your walls wrapped around him. Capa was slightly less subtle, moaning loudly at the feel of you.
His desperate, needy sounds were like music to your ears. Slowly, you rocked your hips back and forth, keeping yourself pressed flush against him. Capa let out a breath.
“Don’t stop,” he begged you.
You didn’t plan on it. You kept your pace steady, stopping the rhythm every once in a while to swirl your hips.
As much as you were enjoying the sight of Capa falling apart beneath you, you needed more to help yourself over the edge. You brought your fingers down to your clit, letting the motion of your hips guide the pressure.
“Oh, I’m close,” you sighed.
Your eyes fluttered shut, and you tossed your head back. Capa’s hands were planted on your hips now, greedily pulling you down as far onto his cock as you would go. His voice was a mess as he answered.
“Me too - fuck - you're gonna need to get off of me.”
“Not yet,” you moaned, grinding your hips down again.
“What do you mean ‘not yet?’” Capa grunted, sounding miserable.
“So close,” you replied, your own voice getting shaky.
And then, you felt the coil in your stomach snap. You cried out, pressing down onto him harder than ever as your nails raked down his chest. While you rode out your high, Capa scrambled to grab at your hips and lift you all the way off of him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck - get off!” he gasped.
As your orgasm faded, you looked down to see Capa, desperate and flushed-red cock in his hand, spurting ropes of cum onto his own stomach. He’d managed to pull you off just in time, but barely. A smirk crossed your lips as you watched him.
You weren’t sure what he was so worried about. As precaution, all female members of the Icarus crew had been required to have IUDs placed months ago. They would last the duration of the journey, and ensure that no mishaps occurred. Although, now you considered that maybe Capa and the other men hadn’t been told about that, to prevent… well, to prevent them from getting any ideas about doing what Capa and you had just done.
You crawled off of him, grabbing a box of tissues from one of the nightstands.
“Here - clean yourself off,” you told him. “I like to cuddle after.”
Capa took the tissues and wiped up his cum, tossing everything into the trashcan next to the bed. You flopped down on top of him, forcing his arms to wrap around you in surprise before they settled into the curves of your body.
Bringing his lips into a slow kiss, you felt the hum of Capa’s moan against you.
“You’re gonna kill me if this is what the next three years together are going to be like,” Capa complained.
“That’s a funny way of saying ‘thank you,’” you teased, resting your head against his chest. “And besides,” you continued, poking him in the ribs, “what makes you think that this is what the next three years are gonna be like?”
You could practically feel Capa blush, his arms tightening and the skin on his chest getting just a bit hotter.
“I mean…”
“I’m just kidding,” you laughed. “Of course I’m gonna keep torturing you like this. Since you like it so much,” you added.
“Yeah, well… maybe I’ll torture you instead next time,” Capa threatened, tugging you harder against him.
“You can try…” Bringing your lips back up to his face, you pressed a kiss to his cheek. “It’s kinda cute that you have the confidence.”
You giggled as Capa held the sides of your face, stopping you from pulling away as he kissed your lips. Both of you sank down, Capa turning to hover over you this time as he kissed you again. 
You smiled against his lips. You could certainly think of worse ways to spend the next few years.
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Taglist: @cillianslvt, @cillmequick, @dynamitehacke, @franzine-xii, @hanawrites404, @hypotheticallyspeakingwitch, @littlewinter1917, @mothhball, @nnattu, @red-riding-wood, @sea-star-of-the-ocean, @slut4thebroken (also going rogue and tagging @vintagepvssy because of our only one bed trope conversation lol)
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purplecoffee13 · 2 months
‘Paranoid’* - Thin Lines Pt 5
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“All day long I think of things but nothing seems to satisfy…” - Paranoid by Black Sabbath
Summary: “You go on a date with someone new, but Harry doesn’t approve.”
Wc: 4K (more or less)
Tropes: rockstar!harry x opera singer!mc
Warnings: smut, exhibitionism, possessiveness, jealousy, harry being a dick, angst, fighting
A/N: hey, here is the new update for thin lines! Although you may think it from the way this part ends, it is NOT the end! We still have one part to go…🤭
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Series Masterlist
You observed yourself in the mirror, taking a deep breath to try and stabilize the nerves you had been feeling all day. You were wearing a short black dress, paired with some Mary Jane's that you had walked on just enough for them not to kill your feet after five minutes anymore.
Jake had taken you to a beautiful fancy restaurant, and he had looked dashing in his suit. You were so incredibly nervous that before you even had the chance to order drinks you had excused yourself and fled to the bathroom.
This was your first official, proper date ever, and you had no idea how to act. Locking eyes with yourself one last time, you took a deep breath and mentally told yourself to get your fucking shit together before heading out there again.
By the time you came back, Jake had already ordered drinks for the two of you. An ice bucket containing a bottle of white wine stood next to the table, and you whispered a 'thank you' as he poured you some while you sat down across from him.
"Thanks." You said softly.
"No problem. The menu's are on their way." He responded, putting the wine bottle back in the bucket and taking a deep breath as he turned his full attention to you.
"So..." You repeated your date, a soft chuckle falling from both of your lips. You were glad to not be the only one for whom this was quite intimidating.
"Start with the basic questions?" Jake proposed, an awkward golden retriever like smile on his face. You nodded in agreement, and waited as Jake thought of a question.
"Got any siblings?"
"Two step-brothers." You replied. Jake's brow quirks up. "But I hardly ever see them."
"Oh, does that not bother you?" He asked, genuine concern coating his words. You shrug.
"God no, if anything I'm thankful for it." You joked, but Jake didn't seem to find it funny.
"You wouldn't like a big family, then?"
Wow, wow, wow.
You stared at him, wide-eyed and unsure of what to say. How had this conversation steered towards planning a family so soon?
"I— I don't know. I've never had a very big family, it was always just me and my parents. When they divorced, and my mom re-married, it was a lot. I mean, going from being an only child to two step-brothers... it's a lot of noise. But I only lived with them for two years before moving to LA, so I don't know..." You tried to explain yourself, a bit weirded out about how invested Jake seemed to be in this. Harry would've found your joke funny; he doesn't take everything so seriously.
Wait, you shouldn't be thinking about Harry! You were on a date with Jake to forget about Harry, for God's sake. You needed to focus on your date.
And so you did, all throughout dinner you fixate your eyes on the man in front of you and tried to list all the reason why you could go on a second date with him. But unintentionally, you also compared him to Harry in every possible aspect.
Jake was sweet, but there was a lack of initiative. You found yourself disappointed at his replies, knowing Harry would've matched your wit, or understood what you were trying to say. By the time the main dish was being taken away, you were a bit tired. It felt like you have to put in a lot of effort into an attempt at a connection with this guy, especially when you knew how easy it was to have such a connection right off the bat.
You thought you must've been hallucinating when you saw a shadow that looked an awful lot like Harry pass by the window, and it made you realize how much he had been floating in your head. You weren't being fair to Jake, so you decided to round off this date as soon as possible.
"Want dessert?"
"No I'm okay, thank you." You smiled at him.
"Okay, then I'll get the check." He announced.
"We can split, if you want to." You offered, but Jake was quick to shake his head.
"Absolutely not, my treat." He assured you. Cheeks flushed, you nodded, and turned your head to look at the hallway where the restrooms are.
"D'you mind if I go to the restroom then, before we go? I see there's a bit of a line, so I could also go later if you prefer." You pointed to the hallway where about five women were waiting to enter the toilet, but Jake shrugged.
"Go, it's fine, I'll bring the car around. It's parked a bit further away so if I get it now you won't have to walk all the way there in those heels of yours." He suggested, to which you nodded. Grabbing your purse and jacket, you made your way over to the line of women. Surprisingly enough, you only had to wait a minute before it was your turn to go to the bathroom, and in two minutes you were on your way to the front door of the restaurant again.
That was until you were snatched away by someone's hand.
There was not even a possibility to shriek, as your mouth was covered in the first second that you were grabbed and pulled into a coat room. It was only when you got turned around, and spotted Harry's face in the vague light, that you weren't scared for your life anymore. You pulled his hand off your mouth, attempting to push him away from you.
"What the fuck are you doing?! Are you insane?!" You shout-whispered, heart still pounding. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, but your anxiety from the sudden capture was slowly fading.
"I think that is a better fit question for me to ask you." He growled, pushing you against the wall between the racks full of coat hangers. You looked around you, hearing the mingling people in the restaurant, and realized that there was probably someone working here only a few feet away. "What the fuck are you doing having dinner with some random fucking guy?"
"I'm on a date!" You answered, frustrated with the fact that he was being so uptight about this.
"Yeah, and why the fuck would you do that?!" He hissed, knitted brows displaying the irritation that simultaneously showed in his tight grip on your waist. His hot breath fanning against your ear caused a totally different tension to arise in your stomach.
"Because I'm single, Harry!"
That shut him up. His face softened, and it was hard not to allow your heart to break into pieces as you witnessed that realization dawn on him. You didn't say anything as his eyes averted from you, digesting your words for a couple of seconds. And while the sound of glasses and utensils clinking against each other felt like a meteoric sting in your ears, there didn't seem to be a more deafening silence than this one.
What you didn't expect him to do was lean forward and kiss you, nor did you expect to go along with it so easily. However, at this point you shouldn't have been surprised; Harry turned your body and mind into jelly. He could do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, and it was bad, but it excited the hell out of you.
The sole thought of Harry being so jealous that he found the restaurant where you were having a date, and pulled you into the coat room to kiss you, had surged an army of butterflies to fly around in your stomach. Something, which you were aware, was absolutely not a proper and healthy reaction to a situation like this. But somehow... Harry made it hot.
And while you didn't like to admit it, you knew that the reason for that was because a part of you hoped that he would do this. You had secretly prayed in the back of your mind that he would come and get you once he realized you were something he could lose. And the fact that he was here now, kissing you and taking his hands all over your body made your cunt ache.
As if he was reading your mind—which you were quite sure at this point he was seriously capable of to some extent—he pulled up your dress and signaled for you to wrap your legs around his waist. He unbuttoned his pants, and you obeyed his wishes immediately, not wanting to waste any time. The fact that he was so incredibly hard only made you more enthusiastic. It was so wrong to have sex with Harry in the coat room while your date was outside waiting for you. Everything involving Harry was wrong... and that's what made it feel so fucking good.
"So wet for me, as always." He whispered into your ear as he entered you in one go. Your mouth hung open and a gasp left your lips, but you managed to keep quiet. The loudest sound was that of his dick thrusting into your wet pussy, with the two of you managing to stay at a surprisingly low volume.
You grabbed a handful of Harry's hair and closed your eyes as you lost yourself in the pleasure of him driving into you. The sound of footsteps and a coat hanger moving on a rack a few meters away had you squeezing Harry's shoulder. Instead of slowing down like a normal person would do, he took it as the perfect moment to pick up the speed and attach one of his fingers to your clit.
If it wasn't for the quickness of your hand that slapped over your own mouth, you would've moaned so loud that the entire restaurant probably would've heard. There was no time to glare at him, seeing as the pleasure of this devious act was getting all of your attention at the moment. Harry just smirked at you, leaning forward so his lips were next to your ear.
"If it were up to me, I'd have you take that pretty little hand off your mouth and let the entire restaurant hear how good I'm fucking you." He uttered, and you bit your lip to stifle any more moans that were threatening to escape your mouth at any moment.
"Let everyone hear how fucking desperate you are for me, and only me. Because you're mine." The question fell from his lips so confidently, that you didn't think to answer. Harry, displeased with your lack of words, accompanied his words with a hard thrust that had the tiniest whine fall from you lips. Like the devil he was, Harry continued the deep thrusts, edging you guys closer to getting caught. "Aren't you?"
Not daring to open your mouth fueled by the fear of being too loud and getting caught, you showed that you agreed with him by nodding profusely. You squeezed y(our eyes shut, a tear rolling down your cheek as you tried not to pass out from Harry's dick impaling your soaking wet pussy.
"You can say you're single all you want, but this sweet cunt belongs to me. Never had anything like me, and you never will. Can try as much as you want, but you'll always circle back to me." Harry grunted lowly, nails digging further into your skin. His thrusts became more aggressive, bringing you far closer to the edge in a record time.
"You're mine, like it or not."
You must have been sick in the head for that sentence to be the last straw. Because before you knew it, you were entirely falling apart around him. Harry had to put his lips on yours to muffle the sounds that kept coming out of your mouth as you cried and came around his cock. Your hands clamped onto his frame, trying to hold on in the way your legs couldn't.
The consistent clenching of your core around his cock had Harry follow soon after. He refrained himself from making too much noise by burying his head into your neck and softly biting on your skin as he filled you up with his seed. He stayed still inside of you, holding your legs up as you both took a few seconds to come down from your orgasm.
After slowly pulling his cock out of you, Harry put on your underwear quickly. You looked up at him, raising an eyebrow.
"Keep it inside of you." He ordered, causing you to frown at him.
"Harry, I'm on a d—" you tried to protest, but Harry quickly slapped his hand around your mouth again.
"I don't want to fucking hear it. It wasn't a question. Now, shut up, and do as I say."
Your widened eyes betrayed your underestimation of Harry. Of course, you wanted him to be jealous, but there was a part of you that still thought that he was only playing into the jealousy in a solely sexual sense. Nevertheless, you were too stunned to argue, so you nodded.
Adjusting your dress, you wiped your eyes to rid of the tear stains that had probably appeared in the last minutes. It was hard to stand, your head still misty from the spontaneous coat room sex.
"Go reject him." He demanded as he watched you put on your coat. You stopped in your tracks, your mouth falling open and your head shaking.
"I'm not going to reject him just because—"
"I don't think I posed that as a question either, love." His stern voice intercepted you once again. Your entire brain stopped and had to re-wire at the mention of that nickname, and you were sure it was the only reason you agreed.
With a heavy heart and a fluttering stomach you walked out of the restaurant, nearing Jake's car which was right in front of the door. It felt wrong to smile at him after what you had just done, and it dawned on you; you had become a horrible person. That self-made conclusion stirred you up so bad that you felt you could throw up, and it made you refuse to step into that car. Jake didn't deserve that.
He stepped out of the car, wanting to escort you to the passenger seat, but you stopped him. The grip on his arm made him turn back around, confusion written all over his face.
"I... Thank you so much for the lovely dinner, I really appreciate it. But—"
"But you're rejecting me." He filled in the blanks for you, leaving you speechless for a short second. You nodded slowly, and were grateful to see an empathic smile appearing on Jake's face. "Already? I haven't even given you a ride home yet."
You both chuckled at his joke, and as it died down, you tried to find his eyes. "I really did have a fun tonight, so thank you."
"You're welcome, I guess?" He stifled a laugh. "Are you sure you don't want me to give you a ride home?"
You shook your head. "No, I'm okay, really. I live very close anyway."
Jake nodded, and you said your goodbyes to him. You felt like a dickhead, and the fact that he had taken it so well had only made your guilt worse. It was horrible to watch him drive away, and Harry's approving voice from behind you didn't make you feel better either.
"Good girl, knew you'd listen."
You turned around, a look of pure thunder on your face as your eyes met Harry's. You stepped closer to him, pace picking up with every step.
"Get out of my face." You sneered, walking past him and down the street back towards your apartment. You heard Harry's footsteps start to follow you, and while that granted you a bit of satisfaction, it didn't fade the anger towards him or yourself in the slightest bit.
"Fuck you." You spat out, annoyed with the amount of impact of his nicknames for you had on you and your body.
"What the fuck happened? You were fine ten minutes ago." Harry called out, still walking a meter behind you. His words made you stop in your tracks, turning around to face him.
"What happened is that I realized what a horrible fucking person I've become, Harry! I just had sex with another guy while I was on a date with someone, that is so not okay!" You snapped. You took a deep breath, awaiting Harry's reaction, but he only stared at you. You couldn't quite make up anything specific from the manner in which he was observing you, but it for sure made you squirm.
“I’m not just some other guy.” He argued, distaste in the tone of his voice. He didn’t like the way it sounded so disposable.
“That doesn’t matter! It’s still a shitty thing to do… and I don’t think I can do this anymore.” You sighed, running your hands through your hair.
Silence took over the conversation. It was hard to look at Harry, you almost didn't dare to. There was a big part of you that never wanted this fling with him to end, but after tonight, you realized it was the only way to build up something new. You had gotten into this thing to distract yourself from the guy you were in love with, but now that you had finally seen the light and were far into the process of moving on, it seemed like it didn't serve much of a purpose anymore.
Besides, ever since that last hook-up, you weren't sure for how long it could stay casual before you'd start to develop feelings for this man. And that was something that absolutely couldn't happen.
“Harry, I am looking for something serious. You can’t give that to me, because you don’t want to, so I need to end this.” You explained, trying to search his gaze but he was making it impossible for you to look him in the eyes as he was furiously shaking his head.
“Why are you acting like you’re ending a relationship? We’re not in one.”
“Says the person who pushed me into a coat room because he was jealous.” You crossed your arms, seeing right through his bullshit and the dumb wall he’s putting up.
"Well… I don't like seeing you with other people." Was the only thing that fell from Harry's lips. His furrowed brows revealing the confusion that lingered in the delivery of the words as well. He wasn't sure of how to express what he was feeling, but the vagueness of the words he did communicate wasn't improving this situation at all.
“That’s very boyfriend material of you.” You tried to joke, a small smile forming on your lips. Harry’s mouth quirked up as well despite the frown on his face.
“I am not boyfriend material.” He chuckled.
"I know, it’s why I’m not even considering asking you to be something like that. I know you wouldn’t want to. " You smiled, and Harry nodded. His eyes were clearer now and it wasn’t as hard for him to look you in the eyes anymore.
“Alright.” He said, shrugging his shoulders. Like there was nothing left to do about it. That this was it, in the blink of an eye, and that it was all concluded with a simple shrug of the shoulders.
It made your heart sting, but upon feeling it you knew that you had made the right decision. If you hadn’t ended it now, that sting would’ve developed into full grown heart ache, and Harry was the wrong person to develop that for.
“Alright.” You repeated, looking for some sort of doubt in his eyes, but there seemed to be none. So you let it rest. Turning your attention to the street, you flagged down a cab.
“I’m going home, I’ll see you around?”
“I can take you home, you know, you don’t have to take a cab.” Harry offered, but you were quick to shake your head.
“No, that would be too boyfriend-like of you.” You grinned, and Harry sighed at your attempt at a joke. You opened the door of the cab.
“Fine. See you around.” He put his hands in his pockets, and walked towards the front of the cab. He tapped on the window where your taxi driver was sitting and handed him some money, too much for a single short cab ride. He told the taxi driver to keep it, as long as he’d bring you home safe. The driver, a kind man from what you’d gathered so far, thanked Harry and assured him that he would do his job.
Harry’s eyes flicked to the backseat, meeting yours one last time, and threw a wink at you. You felt inclined to roll your eyes, but you didn’t, the moment feeling a bit too sentimental to bash Harry for winking at you. It was the last time you were seeing him, being what you two were, and it made you kind of melancholic. Nevertheless, you reminded yourself it was for the better. Besides, you were sure you’d see him around…
Taglist: @imgonnadreamaboutthewayyoutaaaa @sassamanda77
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