#aga khan university
lifeofabme · 11 months
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How to: Complete a master's thesis related to AI in healthcare
Step 1 Develop your research questions and choose an appropriate supervisor
The first main decision you have to make after you decide to pursue a thesis is to choose a supportive supervisor; this person is going to fight your battles on the admin-level as there are a few icky spots in the evaluation phase which can lead to undue stress i.e., defence, mid-year evaluation, final evaluation etc. Hence, make sure you choose someone who has sway i.e., dean or head or chairman of the department. Next, select a specific problem area from whatever topic interests you most, for me it was using machine learning to find the direction and magnitude of cardiac forces that express as the ST-segment on an ECG signal. One way to select your research question/s is by looking at WHAT THE CURRENT LITERATURE LACKS.
Step 2 Review recent available literature and modify your research question/s accordingly
Lit rev is a dynamic process, you must keep up to date with new developments in your research area so you are well-informed during any evaluation. You may take help from this lit rev and modify it and make it unique to answer your research questions.
Step 3 Prepare to defend your thesis topic and write your research proposal
As I mentioned above, one of your weapons for a good defence is a having an influential supervisor. Next, you must make sure YOU KNOW THE GAPS in your research because these are usually targeted by the examiners. Make sure to keep your research as specific as possible which, in turn, makes it novel and derails any questions unrelated to your research.
Step 4 Collect and preprocess data
This is more of a technical step. Make sure to sign the right MoUs and devote maximum amount of time to data collection and preprocessing. You will have to record high fidelity data to avoid unnecessary preprocessing before using it as input to your algorithm. Make note of the recording equipment, sensors etc., used. Preprocessing for the vector-electrocardiography signals included averaging, cross-correlation, correction of baseline shift, moving average etc.
Step 5 Choose your programming language
My preferable programming applications MATLAB, r-studio and python. However, python has some very inept libraries for ML as well as deep learning and neural networks i.e., scikit learn, tensor flow, keras etc.
Step 6 Develop an algorithm
If you have chosen python and machine learning, then making an algorithm can't get easier. The structure you should follow would start with introducing relevant libraries, reading data, preprocessing using sk-learn i.e., making the data numerical if there are any categorical variables, defining evaluation metrics and displaying results as confusion matrix and AUC graphs etc. One of the steps that can help you in reading and understand your data is the exploratory data analysis (EDA); python has libraries to this for you i.e. sweetviz, dtale etc., and they can identify types of variables, correlation bw variables, skewness of your data etc., which you can use to select the appropriate algorithm for your application.
Step 7 Evaluate your algorithm
Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy are the 3 main performance metrics that are understood by healthcare professionals.
Step 8 Write your report
Usually, there are 2 reports that you have to submit; one is the progress report and the other is your final report. Reports must be very concise i.e., intro, research questions, methodology, results, discussion, supported with images related to your recording equipment and graphical results etc. You will need a referencing software like Mendeley or Endnote and MS word or LaTeX.
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economicsinaction · 10 months
Notes from Central Asia: A university with a direct social purpose up in the mountains
Though I have been in touch with the University of Central Asia (UCA) for the last 4-5 years, I could see its campuses in Bishkek and Naryn only last week. Naryn is a town on the Tian Shan mountains that borders Kyrgyzstan and China. This campus provides good quality (and high cost but heavily subsidised) liberal undergraduate education to nearly 200 students, mostly from the three countries in…
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blueiscoool · 3 months
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33 Greco-Roman Family Tombs Found in Aswan, Egypt
An Egyptian-Italian archaeological mission has uncovered 33 family tombs from the Greco-Roman period near the Aga Khan Mausoleum in Aswan, Egypt.
The joint mission, led by Dr. Mohamed Ismail Khaled, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, and Professor Patrizia Piacentini from the University of Milan, made the announcement earlier this month. The tombs, discovered west of Aswan’s Nile, date back to the Late Period and the Greco-Roman era, spanning from the sixth century BCE to the third century CE.
The Aga Khan Mausoleum, the resting place of Aga Khan III, Sir Sultan Muhammed Shah, who passed away in 1957, now sits above a necropolis with over 400 tombs. Dr. Khaled noted that it adds a new historical dimension to the Aga Khan area. The tombs vary in architectural style, with some featuring arched entrances and open courtyards made from mudbrick, while others are directly carved into the mountain rock. This diversity reflects the social stratification of the period.
Among the notable finds are mummified remains and funerary objects, including clay figures, sacrificial tables, ceramics, and painted cartonnages. An intriguing discovery within a stone coffin revealed the mummified remains of an adult and a child, likely adhered together by embalming fluids. Further analysis is planned to understand their relationship.
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Anthropological and radiological studies have provided insights into the health conditions of buried individuals. Dr. Patricia Piachenti from the University of Milan noted that 30% to 40% of the deceased were infants, children, or adolescents. This high mortality rate among the young offers clues about prevalent diseases during that period. The remains of several adult women showed signs of pelvic bone trauma, suggesting childbirth complications or other medical conditions. Other mummies exhibited evidence of anemia, malnutrition, chest diseases, tuberculosis, and osteoporosis.
“Initial studies reveal that many individuals suffered from infectious diseases and bone disorders,” said Dr. Piacentini. “Some adult females showed signs of medical interventions such as amputations and bone trauma, indicating that ancient Aswan had developed some medical practices.”
Dr. Ayman Ashmawy, Head of the Egyptian Antiquities Sector, said that the lower parts of the necropolis were likely reserved for the middle-class residents of Aswan Island, including physicians, artisans, merchants, and storekeepers. The upper parts of the necropolis, however, appear to have been reserved for the wealthier upper class. This social stratification is reflected in the differing architectural styles and the types of artifacts found within the tombs.
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The discoveries also include remains of colored cartonnage, clay and stone figurines, wooden coffins, and offering tables. The tombs’ architectural complexity reflects the advanced skills of the ancient craftsmen who overcame the challenges of digging into rock and constructing low-ceilinged funerary rooms and galleries.
The mission has employed the latest technology, including X-ray and CT scans, to analyze the mummies and artifacts. These technologies have allowed researchers to create three-dimensional reconstructions of the mummies and identify items such as bracelets found on some individuals.
By Dario Radley.
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jack-corbin123 · 2 months
Which Degree to Pursue After Intermediate in 2024? A Guide for Students in Karachi
Choosing a degree after completing your intermediate education is a critical decision that can shape your career and future. With numerous options available, it’s essential to consider your interests, career goals, and the evolving job market. If you're in Karachi, you have access to several prestigious universities that offer a wide range of programs. This guide will help you navigate through your options and highlight some of the best universities in Karachi, including DHA Suffa University.
1. Engineering
Engineering remains a popular choice for many students due to its diverse specializations and promising career prospects. Common fields include Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Software Engineering.
Top Universities in Karachi for Engineering:
DHA Suffa University: Its top university in Karachi and Known for its modern campus and industry-focused programs.
NED University of Engineering and Technology: One of the oldest and most reputable engineering universities in Pakistan.
Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology: Offers a wide range of engineering disciplines.
2. Business Administration
A degree in Business Administration (BBA) opens doors to various industries, from finance to marketing to human resources.
Top Universities in Karachi for Business Administration:
Institute of Business Administration (IBA): Renowned for its rigorous curriculum and strong alumni network.
LUMS: Though not in Karachi, it’s worth considering for its exceptional business programs.
DHA Suffa University: Offers a comprehensive BBA program with strong industry linkages.
3. Computer Science and IT
With the digital revolution, degrees in Computer Science and Information Technology are in high demand. These fields offer careers in software development, data science, cybersecurity, and more.
Top Universities in Karachi for Computer Science:
FAST-NUCES: Known for its strong emphasis on computer science and technology.
Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology (KIET): Offers specialized programs in IT and software engineering.
DHA Suffa University: Provides a state-of-the-art computer science program with hands-on learning opportunities.
4. Medicine and Health Sciences
For those inclined towards the medical field, degrees in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Allied Health Sciences are excellent choices.
Top Universities in Karachi for Medicine and Health Sciences:
Aga Khan University: Offers world-class medical education and research facilities.
Dow University of Health Sciences: A leading institution for medical and health sciences education.
DHA Suffa University: While primarily known for engineering and business, it is expanding its health sciences programs.
5. Social Sciences and Humanities
Degrees in Social Sciences and Humanities, including Psychology, Sociology, and International Relations, are ideal for students interested in understanding human behavior and societal issues.
Top Universities in Karachi for Social Sciences and Humanities:
University of Karachi: Offers a broad range of programs in social sciences and humanities.
Habib University: Known for its liberal arts education and interdisciplinary approach.
DHA Suffa University: Offers programs in social sciences that are integrated with modern teaching methodologies.
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ta-matia-tou-morfea · 2 years
My best friend Nevra Liz is a 27 year old woman in Karachi, Pakistan who has been suffering from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), and related comorbidities such as dysautonomia since childhood. However, her health has taken a dramatic downturn in recent years with the onset of severe Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). Before becoming dangerously ill she studied many languages, and later used her translation skills to help out disabled patients all over the world, and advocated for disability rights. She is no longer able to do any of these things. 
The first smaller goal for Nevra is £4,000 (equivalent to $4898.30, euros: €4661.12)
This includes laparoscopic surgery
at Aga Khan University hospital and a hospital stay, which costs about 670,000 PKR or ÂŁ2,500.
Nevra needs relief for her excruciating pelvic pain as soon as possible. (Her pain is 9 to 10 on the pain scale every day.)
The remaining ÂŁ1,500 will go towards hospital stay for additional days, food, medication, transportation, home care, at home nurse, caregiver, supplements, and medical device support items.
We have less than 4 weeks to reach our goal and we need the doctors to continue taking the pain seriously and not deciding against the laparoscopy because of a lack of funds and putting Nevra on random medications again.
The GoFundMe link to donations: https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-nevra
To know more about the case:
Your help is valuable and we appreciate it really in these crucial times.
May God bless you 🙏
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marcararc · 2 years
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Season’s Greetings from MCA!
Earlier this month we sent out our annual holiday mailing, something the firm has done since the end of its first year in 2019. This year, through the graphic design and the messaging, we celebrated the life and legacy of my friend and mentor, Tom Payette. Read more.
MCA 2022 holiday graphic for holiday mailing (email version)
Entry portal at Aga Khan University, Karachi (photo: Mark Careaga)
Thumbnail sketches for holiday graphic
Production artwork for holiday mailing (notcard version)
Tom Payette (photo: Rashad Banniabbasi)
MCA 2019 holiday card (physical mailing)
MCA 2020 holiday card (via email)
MCA 2021 holiday card (via email)
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scholarshipbaskets · 1 year
Scholarship For Foreign Students
Scholarships for foreign students in the USA provide valuable financial support for international students pursuing their education in the United States. These scholarships aim to promote diversity, cultural exchange, and academic excellence among the student population. Here is some information about scholarships available for foreign students in the USA:
Fulbright Foreign Student Program: The Fulbright Program is a prestigious scholarship program that offers fully funded scholarships for graduate-level study, research, or teaching assistantships at U.S. universities. It is open to students from various countries and disciplines, promoting international understanding and collaboration.
University Scholarships: Many universities in the United States offer scholarships specifically for international students. These scholarships can be merit-based, need-based, or a combination of both. They cover a range of expenses, including tuition fees, room and board, and sometimes additional allowances. Each university has its own scholarship programs, eligibility criteria, and application processes, so it's important to research individual university websites for available opportunities.
Government-funded Scholarships: The U.S. government, as well as various U.S. government agencies, offer scholarships for foreign students. These scholarships may be awarded based on academic merit, specific fields of study, or cultural exchange programs. Examples include the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program, the Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (UGRAD), and the Critical Language Scholarship Program.
Private Foundations and Organizations: Numerous private foundations, nonprofits, and organizations in the United States provide scholarships for international students. These scholarships are often aimed at promoting education, fostering international collaboration, and supporting talented individuals. Examples include the Soros Foundation's Open Society Foundations, the Rotary Foundation Global Grant, and the Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Program.
Field-specific Scholarships: Many professional associations, industry organizations, and research institutions in the United States offer scholarships for international students pursuing degrees in specific academic disciplines. These scholarships are designed to support exceptional students in fields such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), business, arts, and social sciences.
Cultural Exchange Programs: Various cultural exchange programs provide scholarships for international students to study or intern in the United States. These programs promote intercultural understanding and offer financial support to students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Examples include the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship and the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program.
When applying for scholarships as a foreign student in the USA, it is crucial to carefully review the eligibility criteria, deadlines, and application requirements for each scholarship. Prepare a strong application that highlights your academic achievements, leadership skills, extracurricular involvement, and personal statement. Seek guidance from educational advisors, utilize scholarship search engines, and explore resources provided by your home country's embassy or educational institutions. The competition for scholarships can be intense, so it's important to start your search early, apply to multiple scholarships, and stay organized throughout the application process.
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admissifyedutech · 22 days
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manchestertrust · 2 months
Muslim Trust for Education: Empowering Communities Through Knowledge
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Education is a vital component for the growth and development of individuals and societies. For the Muslim community, education is not just a means to an end but a fundamental aspect of faith and a tool for empowerment. This blog explores the concept of Muslim trust for education, its importance, historical context, various initiatives, challenges, successes, and its future in the global landscape.
1. The Importance of Education in Islam
Education holds a significant place in Islam. The first word revealed in the Holy Quran was "Iqra" (Read), highlighting the importance of seeking knowledge. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized education, saying, "Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim." This duty extends to both religious and worldly knowledge, aiming to create a balanced and enlightened community.
2. Historical Context of Muslim Trusts for Education
Muslim trusts, also known as "waqfs," have a long history of supporting education. The concept of waqf involves donating property or assets for charitable purposes, ensuring perpetual benefits to the community. Historically, many renowned educational institutions, libraries, and universities in the Muslim world were established through waqfs. The University of Al-Qarawiyyin in Morocco, founded in 859 AD, is a prime example of a waqf-based institution.
3. Modern-Day Muslim Trusts for Education
In contemporary times, Muslim trusts for education continue to play a crucial role. These trusts operate globally, providing scholarships, building schools, funding research, and supporting educational programs. Organizations such as the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), the Muslim Educational Trust (MET), and the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) are at the forefront, working tirelessly to enhance educational opportunities for Muslims worldwide.
4. Initiatives and Programs
Muslim trusts for education engage in various initiatives and programs to promote learning. These include:
Scholarships and Grants: Providing financial assistance to students for higher education.
School Construction: Building and maintaining schools, particularly in underprivileged areas.
Teacher Training: Offering training programs to improve the quality of education.
Curriculum Development: Developing educational materials that align with Islamic values.
Research Funding: Supporting academic research in various fields.
5. Challenges Faced by Muslim Trusts for Education
Despite their noble goals, Muslim trusts for education face numerous challenges. These include:
Funding Limitations: Securing consistent financial resources can be challenging.
Political Instability: In regions affected by conflict, educational initiatives often suffer.
Cultural Barriers: In some areas, traditional views may resist modern educational approaches.
Quality Assurance: Ensuring high standards in educational programs is an ongoing struggle.
Inclusivity: Making education accessible to all, regardless of gender or socioeconomic status, remains a critical issue.
6. Success Stories and Impact
Despite the challenges, there are many success stories that highlight the impact of Muslim trusts for education:
The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN): Through its Aga Khan Education Services, AKDN has established over 200 schools and educational programs, benefiting thousands of students in Asia and Africa.
Islamic Relief Worldwide: This organization runs numerous educational projects, including school construction and vocational training programs, significantly improving the lives of many.
The Muslim Educational Trust (MET) in the UK: MET has been instrumental in providing scholarships and supporting educational institutions, fostering a generation of well-educated Muslim professionals.
7. The Role of Technology in Advancing Education
Technology has revolutionized the field of education, and Muslim trusts are leveraging it to enhance their initiatives. Online learning platforms, digital libraries, and educational apps are making education more accessible. Programs like Islamic Online University (IOU) offer affordable and flexible learning opportunities, reaching students in remote areas.
8. Future Prospects and Opportunities
The future of Muslim trusts for education looks promising, with numerous opportunities for growth and impact. Some key areas for future development include:
Expanding Access: Increasing the reach of educational programs to underserved communities.
Enhancing Collaboration: Building partnerships with governments, NGOs, and private sectors to maximize resources.
Innovative Funding Models: Exploring sustainable funding options, such as social enterprises and endowments.
Focus on STEM: Encouraging Muslim students to pursue studies in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields.
Global Networking: Creating global networks of Muslim educational institutions for knowledge exchange and collaboration.
Muslim trusts for education are instrumental in fostering a knowledgeable and empowered community. By addressing educational needs through scholarships, school construction, teacher training, and more, these trusts play a crucial role in the development of individuals and societies. Despite the challenges, their successes demonstrate the significant impact they can have. As we move forward, the continued support and development of these trusts will be essential in ensuring that education remains a powerful tool for progress and empowerment in the Muslim world and beyond.
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lifeofabme · 1 year
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surprisingly, despite life being how it's always been, I've grown professionally and academically. this photo dump is from the arab health 2023. the institution I work at doesn't fail to surprise me; my trip was readily approved of and it's been such a nice performance booster coz you can't half ass when you're the representative 🤷🏽‍♀️
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normally0 · 3 months
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### Obituary: Fumihiko Maki (1928-2024)
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Fumihiko Maki, the globally renowned Japanese architect and Pritzker Prize laureate, who died at the age of 95. Maki's remarkable contributions to architecture, particularly his pioneering work in the Metabolism movement, have left an indelible mark on the field and the built environment worldwide.
Born in Tokyo in 1928, Maki pursued his education at the University of Tokyo and later at Harvard University, where he was deeply influenced by the Modernist movement. However, it was his visionary work in the Metabolism movement during the 1960s that established him as a transformative figure in architecture. Metabolism, a radical Japanese architectural movement, proposed organic, flexible urban structures capable of growth and change, akin to living organisms. Maki’s innovative ideas and designs played a crucial role in shaping this movement, which sought to address the challenges of rapid urbanization and post-war reconstruction in Japan.
Among his many celebrated projects, Maki designed the iconic Aga Khan Centre in London, a testament to his ability to blend cultural sensitivity with contemporary design. This work, along with numerous other significant projects across the globe, earned him the highest accolades in the architectural world, including the prestigious Pritzker Prize in 1993.
Fumihiko Maki's legacy is one of visionary thinking and enduring impact. His contributions to Metabolism and his continued exploration of urban dynamics and human-centric design have inspired generations of architects. He leaves behind a body of work that not only transformed skylines but also enriched the architectural discourse with ideas that continue to resonate today.
He is survived by his family, friends, and countless admirers who will remember him not only for his groundbreaking designs but also for his unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence in architecture.
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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Tomb with Greek Mummy Unearthed in Aswan, Egypt
A Greco-Roman-era tomb with a Greek mummy was unearthed in Aswan, Egypt. And in an extremely unusual discovery, the archaeologists found a copper plaque with the man’s name — Nikostratos — near his body.
The amazing find was made as part of excavations undertaken by the Egyptian-Italian Mission at West Aswan, in the area of the Aga Khan Mausoleum, as reported by the University of Milan on Monday.
Although the tomb complex had been raided in antiquity, the mummy of the Greek man was intact, with grave goods such as elaborate pottery found with the body. An altar for sacrifices was found at the entrance of the tomb, which contained a total of 20 mummies.
Greek man Nikostratos had been buried with copper necklace with name on it
The tomb, which the archaeologists say in an announcement was “very large,” is part of the Aga Kham Mausoleum complex but had been previously unknown to historians.
The archaeological mission that took place in 2021 was directed by Patrizia Piacentini, Professor of Egyptology and Egyptian Archaeology at the State University of Milan, and Abdelmoneim Said, the Director General of Aswan and Nubia Antiquities (SCA).
The incredible discovery was made during the digs that took place between May and October of 2021.
Greek mummy, funeral goods, altar found in new tomb complex in Egypt
The joint Italian-Egyptian team has been working since 2019 in the area surrounding the Mausoleum of the Aga Khan, on the western shore of the Nile at Aswan, where there are more than 300 tombs dating from the sixth century BC to the fourth century AD.
This encompasses the Ptolemaic era of Egyptian history, when the Egyptian royals intermarried with the Greek Ptolemies, the rulers who took over parts of Alexander the Great’s conquered lands.
Archaeologists found the mummy of a man adjacent to the east wall of the structure; next to it, they discovered a copper necklace with an engraved plaque in Greek with his name, “Nikostratos.” They believe that his body had originally been in the tomb that had been uncovered soon afterward under the rectangular structure and later taken out by looters in ancient times.
Unique “rectangular structure” protected tomb of Greek mummy in Egypt for many centuries
Their latest find is a large tomb (designated AGH032) dating from the Greco-Roman period, was hidden by a well-preserved rectangular structure that shows important traces of a mysterious fire that the archaeologists believe also affected the burial site.
A large pile containing animal bones (mainly those of sheep), as well as pottery shards, offering plates and slabs inscribed in hieroglyphics covered the east wall of the structure, suggesting its use as a votive site, the archaeologists state in their report, which was released by the University of Milan.
The archaeologists declared that this is the first structure of its kind found in the Aga Khan necropolis.
Mummy’s wrappings slashed by grave robbers in antiquity; knife found at scene
A staircase partially flanked by carved blocks and covered by a mud-brick vault leads to the entrance, which was enclosed by a complex system of slabs and stone blocks above the staircase. A large offering table, or altar, was found in pieces at the entrance; hieroglyphics are still clearly visible on its surface.
A heavily-decorated bowl decorated “à la barbotine”, or with ceramic slip decoration applied before firing, was found, also in fragments, in the newly-discovered tomb as part of the grave goods of the departed.
The tomb complex is comprised of a hall overlooked by four burial chambers carved deep into the bedrock. In the hall, opposite the entrance, an earthenware sarcophagus containing the mummy of a child and a beautiful cartonnage (a kind of decorated papier-mâché that covered the mummies) was discovered by the archaeologists.
Another child’s mummy, found in one of the burial chambers, has been X-rayed and shows a plaque atop the chest of the deceased.
Archaeologists found the 20 mummies, some in what they called “an exceptional state of preservation,” inside the four galleries carved into the rock. Others had had their wrappings and cartonnage slashed by ancient thieves; in yet another astounding discovery, the researchers found a knife amongst the mummies that they believe was used for this purpose.
Well-reserved sarcophagi still had brightly-painted colors
Some of the mummified bodies were of elderly people, as evidenced by the visible signs of arthritis in their bones; others were of women or small children, including an infant.
A radiological analysis of the head of a mummified child was performed on the site of the necropolis with a portable X-ray machine by members of the Egyptian-Italian Mission at West Aswan.
They also carried out anthropological and radiological analyses on 45 individuals that had been discovered in 2019 in the tomb called AGH026 in addition to the 20 individuals found in 2021 in tomb AGH032. (See video below).
The aim was to assess age, sex and possible diseases t he people may have suffered from.
The team discovered that in tomb AGH026, 30% of the individuals were children, from the neonatal period to an age of about 10 years. Many of the remaining bodies were female. At least three families were found, with mother, father and son buried next to each other in one case.
Analyses of the bones showed that some of the people had suffered from infectious diseases and various metabolic disorders. The femur of one adult showed clear signs of amputation, which the person must have survived since there is evidence of the bone self-repairing after the event, the archaeologists note.
Other bodies show evidence of arthrosis, which is a sign of death that had taken place in old age.
The initial survey of the area led to the discovery of several well-preserved sarcophagi, made of stone and clay, dating from the Late Pharaonic to the Roman period, with some of them still showing beautiful colors, the archaeologists say. Two sarcophagi of children and three of adults, together with parts of other sarcophagi, were collected from the site and have been secured offsite.
By Patricia Claus.
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ahanatravelin · 4 months
Exploring Pune - The Blend of Historical Heritage and Modernity in India
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Pune, one of the largest cities in India, is renowned for its unique blend of historical heritage and modern development. Known as the "City of Clouds," Pune is an ideal destination for those looking to explore the diverse culture and rich history of India.
With a history spanning thousands of years, Pune boasts numerous historical landmarks and magnificent architecture. This is evident through sites such as the Aga Khan Palace, an architectural masterpiece from the 19th century, and Shaniwar Wada, the ancient palace steeped in mysterious tales from the time of the Maharajas of Pune.
Furthermore, Pune is a vibrant cultural hub of India, where you can find a fusion of various cultures and traditions. Here, you can indulge in diverse cuisine from across different regions of India, from tantalizing street food to signature dishes of Maharashtra.
If you're a nature enthusiast, Pune also offers fantastic destinations such as Sinhagad Fort, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the city and surrounding areas from the summit. Additionally, parks and lush green gardens provide ideal spots for relaxation and enjoying Pune's fresh air.
Moreover, Pune is a leading education and technology hub in India, with numerous top universities and research institutions in the country. This creates an encouraging environment for creativity and innovation, attracting students and researchers from all over to study and work here.
Overall, Pune is not only a fantastic tourist destination but also an ideal place to explore the diverse cultural and rich historical heritage of India, as well as experience the development and modernity of a leading city in the region.
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mykreatecube · 5 months
Architects in Pune: A Comprehensive Guide to the City's Architecture
Pune, often referred to as the cultural capital of Maharashtra, is not only known for its rich heritage and educational institutions but also for its diverse and vibrant architectural landscape. From ancient forts and temples to modern structures and urban developments, Pune's architecture reflects its historical evolution and contemporary aspirations. In this guest post, we delve into the world of architects in Pune and explore the city's captivating architectural scene.
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1. Historical Marvels: Pune's architectural heritage is steeped in history, with iconic landmarks such as Shaniwar Wada, Aga Khan Palace, and Lal Mahal showcasing its rich past. These historical marvels, with their intricate designs and historical significance, are a testament to Pune's cultural legacy.
2. Colonial Influences: The colonial era left a lasting impact on Pune's architecture, with buildings like the St. Mary's Church, Old High Court, and the British Residency reflecting British colonial influences. The blend of colonial and Indian architectural styles adds to Pune's architectural charm.
3. Maratha Architecture: Pune's association with the Maratha Empire is evident in its architectural gems like the Sinhagad Fort, Shinde Chhatri, and the Peshwa-era wadas (residences). These structures showcase the grandeur and craftsmanship of Maratha architecture, highlighting Pune's historical importance.
4. Educational Institutions: Pune is home to renowned educational institutions, including the University of Pune (now Savitribai Phule Pune University), Symbiosis International University, and Film and Television Institute of India (FTII). The campuses of these institutions feature a blend of modern and traditional architectural styles, fostering a conducive learning environment.
5. Modern Urban Developments: Pune's rapid urbanization has led to the emergence of modern architectural marvels such as the EON Free Zone, Magarpatta City, and Amanora Park Town. These integrated townships and commercial complexes showcase Pune's modern infrastructure and urban planning initiatives.
6. Cultural Hubs: Pune's cultural hubs like the Shaniwar Peth, Deccan Gymkhana, and Koregaon Park are vibrant neighborhoods with a mix of heritage buildings, contemporary structures, and artistic spaces. These areas reflect Pune's cultural diversity and creative expression.
7. Sustainable Architecture: With a growing focus on sustainability, architects in Pune are incorporating green design principles into their projects. Green buildings, eco-friendly materials, and energy-efficient designs are becoming increasingly prevalent, contributing to Pune's environmental consciousness.
8. Architectural Firms and Practices: Pune boasts a thriving architectural community with numerous firms and practices specializing in various aspects of architecture, interior design, and urban planning. From established firms to emerging talent, Pune's architects are shaping the city's built environment with innovative designs and creative solutions.
9. Public Spaces and Urban Design: Public spaces like the Pune University Circle, J.M. Road, and FC Road exemplify Pune's urban design and planning initiatives. These spaces prioritize pedestrian-friendly environments, green spaces, and cultural integration, enhancing the quality of life for residents.
10. Heritage Conservation Efforts: Organizations like the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) and heritage conservation groups are actively involved in preserving Pune's architectural heritage. Restoration projects, heritage walks, and awareness campaigns contribute to the preservation and promotion of Pune's historical buildings and cultural sites.
In conclusion, architects in Pune play a pivotal role in shaping the city's architectural identity and urban fabric. From historical landmarks to modern developments, Pune's architecture is a blend of tradition and innovation, reflecting its past, present, and future aspirations. By exploring Pune's architectural scene, we gain insights into the city's cultural heritage, urban dynamics, and the creative vision of its architects.
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scholarafrika · 6 months
150 Scholarships To Study In US for International Students
What scholarships are available for international students to study in the US? There are various scholarships available for international students to study in the US, including merit-based scholarships, need-based scholarships, scholarships offered by specific universities or colleges, government-sponsored scholarships, and private scholarships from organizations and foundations.
How can international students find scholarships to study in the US? International students can find scholarships to study in the US by researching scholarship opportunities on university websites, scholarship databases, and government websites. They can also contact the international student office at their prospective universities or colleges for information and assistance in finding scholarships.
What are some popular scholarships for international students to study in the US? Some popular scholarships for international students to study in the US include the Fulbright Scholarship, the Humphrey Fellowship Program, the Rotary Peace Fellowship, the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program, and scholarships offered by organizations such as the Soros Foundation and the Aga Khan Foundation.
Are there scholarships specifically for undergraduate or graduate international students? Yes, there are scholarships specifically for undergraduate and graduate international students. Many universities and colleges in the US offer scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate international students, and there are also external scholarship programs that cater to students at different academic levels.
What are the eligibility criteria for scholarships for international students to study in the US? The eligibility criteria for scholarships for international students vary depending on the scholarship program. However, common eligibility criteria may include academic merit, demonstrated financial need, nationality or citizenship requirements, English language proficiency, and admission to an accredited US university or college.
How can international students apply for scholarships to study in the US? International students can apply for scholarships to study in the US by following the application instructions provided by each scholarship program. This typically involves completing an application form, submitting required documents such as academic transcripts and letters of recommendation, and sometimes writing essays or personal statements. It's important to adhere to application deadlines and provide accurate and complete information to increase the chances of receiving a scholarship.
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globalvisionoverseas · 6 months
Ultimate Guide: Top Scholarships for Indian Students Abroad
Navigating the vast landscape of scholarships for Indian students abroad can be daunting. But fear not! Our comprehensive guide is here to simplify the process and help you find the perfect opportunity to fund your international education.
Discover the Top 10 Scholarships for Indian Students Abroad:
National Overseas Scholarship: Government-funded support for Master’s and Ph.D. studies, with a focus on underprivileged communities.
GREAT Scholarships India: ÂŁ10,000 towards postgraduate studies in the UK, jointly funded by the UK government and participating universities.
Dr. Abdul Kalam International Postgraduate Scholarship: 50% tuition coverage for Master’s degrees in Australia, offered by the University of Sydney.
Lady Meherbai D Tata Education Trust Scholarship: Financial assistance for Indian women pursuing postgraduate studies abroad, especially in social work and healthcare.
The Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship: Merit-based support for pursuing an MBA at Stanford GSB, with a commitment to return to India after graduation.
Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship: 50% grant funding for Master’s and Ph.D. studies, prioritizing students from developing countries.
Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation Scholarship: Prestigious support for postgraduate studies at top universities in the US, UK, and Europe, covering up to $100,000 in tuition fees.
Chevening Scholarship: UK government-funded support for one-year postgraduate master’s degrees in the UK, offering a range of benefits including tuition coverage and monthly stipends.
Commonwealth Scholarship: Full support for Master’s or Ph.D. degrees in the UK for citizens of Commonwealth countries, covering tuition fees, travel, and living expenses.
Felix Scholarship: Full coverage for master’s and Ph.D. programs at select universities in the UK, with a focus on underprivileged students from India and other developing countries.
Tips for Finding the Right Scholarship:
Know Yourself: Understand your study goals, financial situation, and achievements to narrow down your options.
Filter Your Options: Focus on scholarships relevant to your desired destination, level of study, and field.
Pay Attention to Details: Ensure you meet all eligibility criteria, gather required documents, and mark application deadlines.
With these insights and scholarship options, your journey towards studying abroad just got easier. Best of luck from GVOC!
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