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thesilicontribesman · 11 months ago
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Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age Micro Flints, Banchory Museum, Scotland
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jesterguy · 1 year ago
Patton Oswalt appears for an episode of our current background noise show. I look up and think to myself, "Huh. Didn't he die recently?" After a brief pause I tell myself, "No, that was WWDITS misinformation"
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vestaignis · 7 months ago
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Пещера Деветашка считается одной из самых крупных в Болгарии и всей Европе. Она расположена на реке Осым, между селами Деветаки и Дойренци (Ловечская область). Пещера обнаружена лишь в 1921 году, а с 1996 года является охраняемым памятн��ком природы. Ее протяженность составляет около 1,5 км, а входом служит гигантский проем 55 м в ширину и 35 м в высоту.
Пещера Деветашка поражает воображение туристов. Ее потолки высотой от 60 до 100 метров имеют многочисленные провалы, которые местные жители называют окнами. Они создают естественное освещение, но практически не нагревают пещеру. Поэтому здесь прохладно даже в знойные летние дни. Внутри протекает река, есть подземные озера, водопады, сталагмиты и сталактиты. В залах обитают летучие мыши, поэтому они закрыты с 1 ноября по 1 апреля, чтобы не мешать размножению животных.
В пещере обнаружены следы обитания древнего человека. Согласно археологическим исследованиям пещера служила убежищем людям с поздней палеолитической эпохи. Археологические раскопки обнаружили остатки из культурного слоя почти всех доисторических периодов. Рельефный слой толщиной от 0,3 до 5,5 м содержит остатки поселений разных эпох: палеолита(кремневые орудия мустьерских форм, позднепалеолитические изделия из кремня и костей); неолита (очаги с каменной основой, узкие каменные топоры, кремневые заточки и скребки, костяные лощила, шила и долота, керамику с резьбленными надписями); энеолита ( разрушенные жилища, печи, зернотерки,орудия из камня и костей, посуда с резной, рельефной и другой орнаментацией, антропоморфные фигуры); бронзового века (боевые топоры из бронзы, темнолощённые керамические изделия); железного века (бронзовые ножи, железное оружие).
Вторая мировая война оставила и здесь свой след. Во времена социализма пещера использовалась в качестве склада боеприпасов на случай военных действий, а также служила хранилищем нефтепродуктов. В пещере до сих пор остались следы в виде кругов с тех времен.
Немаловажной частью этого чудного места является разнообразие представителей фауны. В пещере обитают более сотни различных видов живности, некоторые из которых даже занесены в Красную книгу! В их числе 12 видов охраняемых земноводных (эскулап, полоз, тритон, древесные лягушки, черепахи Германа), около 80-ти видов птиц, 34 вида млекопитающих и 15 видов летучих мышей.
Devetashka Cave is considered one of the largest in Bulgaria and throughout Europe. It is located on the Osam River, between the villages of Devetaki and Doirentsi (Lovech region). The cave was discovered only in 1921, and since 1996 it has been a protected natural monument. Its length is about 1.5 km, and the entrance is a gigantic opening 55 m wide and 35 m high.
Devetashka Cave amazes tourists. Its ceilings range from 60 to 100 meters high and have numerous gaps, which locals call windows. They create natural light, but practically do not heat the cave. Therefore, it is cool here even on hot summer days. A river flows inside, there are underground lakes, waterfalls, stalagmites and stalactites. The halls are inhabited by bats, so they are closed from November 1 to April 1, so as not to interfere with the breeding of animals.
Traces of ancient human habitation were found in the cave. According to archaeological research, the cave has served as a shelter for people since the late Paleolithic era. Archaeological excavations have discovered remains from the cultural layer of almost all prehistoric periods. The relief layer, 0.3 to 5.5 m thick, contains the remains of settlements from different eras: Paleolithic (flint tools of Mousterian forms, Late Paleolithic objects made of flint and bones); Neolithic (hearths with a stone base, narrow stone axes, flint sharpenings and scrapers, bone polishes, awls and chisels, ceramics with carved inscriptions); Eneolithic (destroyed dwellings, ovens, grain grinders, tools made of stone and bones, dishes with carved, relief and other ornamentation, anthropomorphic figures); Bronze Age (battle axes made of bronze, dark-polished ceramics); Iron Age (bronze knives, iron weapons).
The Second World War left its mark here too. During socialism, the cave was used as an ammunition depot in case of hostilities, and also served as a storage facility for petroleum products. There are still traces in the cave in the form of circles from those times.
An important part of this wonderful place is the diversity of fauna. The cave is home to more than a hundred different species of living creatures, some of which are even listed in the Red Book! These include 12 species of protected amphibians (aesculapius, snake, newt, tree frogs, Hermann's tortoises), about 80 species of birds, 34 species of mammals and 15 species of bats.
Источник:/bulgariaexpert.ru/info/peschera-devetashka.php, /www. ntabulgaria.ru/blog/interesnye-mesta/peshhera-devetashka/, juicyworld.org/devetashka-cave/,/volimo-balkan.livejournal .com /450004.html,//meteo.by/around/c288c52491142c32.html, //www. tripadvisor.ru/Attraction_Review-g14037230-d4184576-Reviews-Devetashka_Cave-Devetaki_Lovech_Province.html,/bolgarskiydom .com/devetashka/.
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thecreaturecodex · 2 months ago
Yule Lad
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"Gryla and the Yule Lads" © Marc Potts, accessed on his Threads account here
[It's been a while since I made a new Christmas monster, hasn't it? I woke up this morning with an uncontrollable urge to stat up the Yule Lads. It's December 21st at the time of posting, so look out for Window Peeper!]
Yule Lad CR 4 CN Fey This odd little man has a red cap, a white beard and a look of disheveled mischief about him. His fingernails are claw-like, and the shadows around him cast eerie shapes.
The Yule Lads are a gang of gnomish pranksters, each of them specializing in a particular brand of theft or harassment. They are so named because their habit is to descend upon communities during the winter solstice in order to wreak their mischief. They are the sons of the wicked troll Grýla and the lazy ogre Leppalúði, but themselves are not evil. They once were, and happily abducted children for their mother to eat, but they have mellowed somewhat with the passing of the ages. A household that endures their thefts and torments with good humor may find themselves rewarded with small strange gifts (often those stolen from other households).
There are thirteen prominent Yule Lads who travel together, coming down from the mountains one by one to prey on the same community before leaving in turn after a few weeks of mischief. Each one is named after their preferred targets or habits. They are, in their typical order of operations:
Sheepcote Clod, who harasses sheep and drinks their milk straight from the udder
Gully Gawk, who peeps on milkmaids and steals milk once it has been collected
Stubby, who steals burnt food and dirty pans and has very short legs
Spoon Licker, who licks the stirring spoons between uses to contaminate them
Pot Scraper, who steals leftover food before it can be stored
Bowl Licker, who eats food left out for domestic animals
Door Slammer, who wakes families up in the night with loud banging noises
Skyr Gobbler, who is voracious for skyr, yogurt and other fermented dairy products
Sausage Swiper, who hides in the rafters of smokehouses to steal sausages
Window Peeper, who is a voyeur and general thief
Door Sniffer, who can smell fresh baked bread from miles away
Meat Hook, who uses an ogre hook to steal meat from butchers and pantries alike
Candle Beggar, who steals candles in order to eat them
The Yule Lads prefer not to fight if they can help it. They use their mastery over shadows to teleport in and out of houses to rob and to frighten off anyone who attempts to stop them. If they are met with lethal violence, they will fight back, but typically attempt to flee if they see an opportunity. If one of the Yule Lads is slain, however, his brothers will declare a vendetta against his killer and retaliate in turn. These feuds end with the death of the killer and their associates, or with the killer paying off the Lads with sufficient weregild. Rumors circulate that there have been as many as fifty Yule Lads over the centuries, some of whom were slain and others of whom have grown bored of vexing people and retreated into the wilderness for good.
Yule Lad CR 4 XP 1,200 Variant advanced ogrekin redkind CN Small fey (giant) Init +6; Senses low-light vision, Perception +7 Aura twisted shadows (30 ft., DC 14)
Defense AC 22, touch 17, flat-footed 16 (+1 size, +6 Dex, +5 natural) hp 28 (3d6+18) Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +5 Weakness giant-blood, situational blindness
Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee 2 claws +6 (1d4+5) Spell-like Abilities CL 3rd, concentration +6 At will—dancing lights, darkness, detect thoughts (DC 15), ghost sound (DC 13), lullaby (DC 13) 1/day—grease (DC 14), minor image (DC 15), snare
Statistics Str 20, Dex 22, Con 23, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 17 Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 21 Feats Alertness, Deft Hands Skills Climb +9, Disable Device +11, Escape Artist +12, Intimidate +10, Perception +9, Sense Motive +9, Sleight of Hand +14, Stealth +18; Racial Modifiers +4 Intimidate Languages Common, Giant, Sylvan SQ deformities (varies), shadow jump
Ecology Environment cold mountains and urban Organization solitary or family (2-13) Treasure standard (thieves tools, other gear)
Special Abilities Deformities (Ex) Each of the Yule Lads has two deformities, one beneficial and one disadvantageous. These are as follows:
Sheepcote Clod: gnarled hands (claws deal 1d6 damage); stiff back (-4 to grapple and trip combat maneuver checks; can only stand from prone as a full-round action)
Gully Gawk: bulging eye (darkvision 60 ft.); light sensitivity
Stubby: thick feet (+4 CMD vs. bull rush, overrun and trip, +2 AC vs. charge attacks); stunted legs (-10 ft. movement)
Spoon Licker: lanky (+5 ft. reach); fragile (-4 Con)
Pot Scraper: thick skin (+2 natural armor); distractible (when rolls a natural 1 on an ability check, attack roll, saving throw or skill check, confused for 1 round)
Bowl Licker: oversized maw (bite attack dealing 1d4 damage); brittle bones (creatures gain a +4 circumstance bonus to confirm critical hits against him)
Door Slammer: vice grip (+2 to CMB to disarm and grapple, +4 CMD vs. disarm and grapple); obese (-2 Dex)
Skyr Gobbler: quick metabolism (+2 to Fortitude saves), weak mind (-2 to Will saves)
Sausage Swiper: long fingers (Climb speed equal to ½ land speed); offensive odor (-2 Cha, detectable at double range with scent)
Window Peeper: enlarged skull (+2 Int, [3 ranks in Appraise]); deformed hand (only one claw attack, -2 to attack rolls with two-handed weapons)
Doorway Sniffer: snout (scent); trusting (-2 to Will saves vs. mind-influencing effects, -1 initiative)
Meat Hook: oversized limb (can wield Medium weapons without penalty); flaking skin (-1 natural armor, vulnerability to nonlethal damage)
Candle Beggar: grotesque ears (blindsense 10 ft., +4 Perception); massive girth (-4 to Stealth)
Giant-Blood (Ex) Although the Yule Lads are fey creatures, they are the children of giants, and as such are treated as having the giant subtype for the purposes of spells and abilities. Situational Blindness (Su) The Yule Lads have trouble targeting creatures who can’t see them. Any creature that can’t see a Yule Lad (such as by closing its own eyes) gains partial concealment from it. Any creature that covers itself entirely (such as by hiding under a blanket) gains full concealment, even if the creature would not otherwise be considered hidden. Shadow Jump (Su) A Yule Lad can travel between shadows as if using a dimension door spell. The Yule Lad must begin and end its transportation in an area of dim illumination. A Yule Lad can travel up to 40 feet a day in this fashion, and can split this distance up in 10 foot increments if he so chooses. Twisted Shadows (Su) In areas of dim illumination or darker, a Yule Lad’s presence animates the shadows within 30 feet of it into leering or wicked shapes. The first time a creature ends its turn within this aura, it must succeed at a DC 13 Will saving throw or become shaken for 10 minutes. If the creature succeeds at the saving throw, it cannot be affected again by the same Yule Lad’s twisted shadows for 24 hours. This is a fear effect, and the DC is Charisma-based.
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not-poignant · 2 days ago
it’s funny, you used to put advanced excerpts but now you barely ever do, is that cuz your chapters are way shorter than they used to be?
Oh, my dear troll, I hope you're coping with the world disasters going on okay without spreading hate a- too late!
I've been posting advance excerpts for all of my chapters for months, including for all three that went out this month. And then people get a bunch more (usually too NSFW for me to trust Tumblr with them) on the Discord. I'd give you a link, but I don't specifically want to put it in this post because of reasons.
And my chapter length has been around the same for 1.5 years! It's actually trending up in length :D (about 1.5 years ago it as around 2.8k-3.2k and now it's around 3k to 4.2k - which is all much, much longer than the recommended length of the average serial chapter). Prior to that, I never once posted excerpts when my chapters were longer, so you must be new here, anon.
It's funny how much this reads like one of those negative AI bot scraper comments on AO3, but with the added knowledge that it's probably just a 16 year old who feels very overwhelmed right now with the state of the world and wants to harass a disabled trans person about it. You know, it's true, therapy is expensive, and sometimes it's impossible to find a good one. It's hard when you don't have support or good people in your life, so you find a target you can dehumanise and not think of as a real person, and try to make their life harder.
A lot of folks don't know what to do with their emotions constructively, and so they just want to hurt people with them in a way to feel a rush of dopamine, or feel like they're superior to just one person. The thing is, anon, my life's already pretty difficult, and you might want to at least take your hate and your need to hurt people to like, a transphobe's doorstep or something? Or call a politician and tell them how much their policies hurt you. I'm sure you could use your ability to make jabs at folks and use them for the power of good, y'know? It's hard to be emotionally healthy in this day and age, maybe just don't kick the little guy when they're already down, especially on stuff you're wrong about.
I wish you the best!
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trapangeles · 3 months ago
Kendrick Lamar’s "Squabble Up": A Visual Masterpiece of Cultural References and Homage
Kendrick Lamar has once again cemented his place as a visionary artist with the release of his "Squabble Up" music video. Packed with cultural nods, historical tributes, and impactful cameos, the video is a layered exploration of Black culture, West Coast pride, and hip-hop legacy. Here’s a deep dive into the elements that make this visual a masterpiece.
1. Ice-T's Power Album Cover
Kendrick pays homage to Ice-T’s 1988 album Power, one of the foundational pieces of West Coast rap history. By referencing this album, Kendrick honors a pioneer who paved the way for artists to merge raw storytelling with mainstream appeal.
2. David Hammons’ “African-American Flag”
The reinterpretation of the U.S. flag by David Hammons, featuring red, black, and green colors, symbolizes Black identity and resilience. Kendrick’s inclusion of this flag is a nod to empowerment, heritage, and the ongoing fight for equality.
3. Soul Train Scramble Boards
Kendrick incorporates the scramble boards made famous by Soul Train, the iconic Black dance and music show. This nostalgic reference celebrates Black excellence and the cultural impact of the show, which gave countless artists a platform.
4. Trunk Boiz “Scraper Bike” Video
The video nods to the 2007 “Scraper Bike” video by Trunk Boiz, a Bay Area anthem celebrating creativity and individuality. This homage reflects regional pride and highlights how grassroots movements have shaped urban culture.
5. Menace II Society Reference
The tricycle scene is a direct reference to the 1993 urban classic Menace II Society. This moment reminds viewers of the gritty realities of inner-city life and ties Kendrick’s storytelling to a legacy of authentic cinema.
6. Isaac Hayes’ Black Moses Album Cover
Kendrick recreates the cover of Isaac Hayes’ 1971 album Black Moses. This nod pays tribute to a soul music legend whose work represented strength, vulnerability, and empowerment.
7. The Roots’ "The Next Movement" Video
Visual parallels to The Roots’ 1999 “The Next Movement” video highlight Kendrick’s connection to progressive hip-hop storytelling, showing his appreciation for fellow innovators.
8. Nate Dogg Tribute
Kendrick subtly honors West Coast legend Nate Dogg, whose smooth hooks defined an era of hip-hop. This tribute ties the video to the golden age of West Coast rap and acknowledges Nate Dogg’s lasting influence on the culture.
9. “Jesus Saves Gangsters Too” Outreach Ministry
This reference to the grassroots ministry founded in 2000 emphasizes themes of redemption and transformation. By including this, Kendrick underscores his message that no one is beyond saving.
10. Statue of a Black Panther
A striking statue of a Black Panther symbolizes resistance, unity, and empowerment. This imagery connects Kendrick’s work to the legacy of the Black Panther Party and its role in advocating for justice.
11. Ese’s Partying Scene
Kendrick includes a scene of Ese’s partying, highlighting the intersection of Black and Chicano cultures in L.A. This moment is a celebration of diversity and community, integral to the West Coast lifestyle.
12. Big and Curvy Women Dancing
The inclusion of big and curvy women dancing challenges societal beauty standards and celebrates body positivity. Kendrick has long been an advocate for authenticity, and this scene is a bold statement of inclusivity and empowerment.
13. Dog Trainer Bitten by a Pitbull
The scene of a pitbull biting its handler carries layered symbolism. It could represent the struggle between control and rebellion or speak to the unpredictability and survival instincts that define life in the streets.
14. Westside Traffic’s Hoover Stomp
Schoolboy Q’s artist Westside Traffic performs the Hoover Stomp, bringing raw, authentic energy to the video. This moment is a vibrant nod to L.A. street culture and its unique contributions to hip-hop.
15. Storm DeBarge’s Stunning Moves
Choreographer and dancer Storm DeBarge brings dynamic energy to the video with her captivating performance, further showcasing Kendrick’s commitment to highlighting Black artistry.
16. Black Panther Movie Connection
Kendrick subtly nods to his work on the Black Panther movie soundtrack. This acknowledgment reinforces his role as a cultural leader bridging the worlds of art, music, and activism.
17. Cameos from L.A. Stars
The video features appearances by Taz Arnold, G Perico, RJMrLA, and Cuzzos, bringing together a community of creatives who embody the vibrant spirit of L.A.’s music scene.
A Celebration of Culture and Legacy
From its rich cultural references to powerful imagery and standout cameos, Kendrick Lamar’s "Squabble Up" is a layered visual masterpiece. It’s not just a music video—it’s a celebration of resilience, identity, and the enduring legacy of hip-hop.
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whencyclopedia · 1 month ago
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Ancient Jordan
Jordan is a country in the Near East bordered by Israel, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. The country's name comes from the Arabic Al Urdun, referencing a fortified site but also meaning "prominence", though various sources also claim the name comes from the Hebrew word Yarad ("descender"), referencing the downward flow of the River Jordan.
The region has a long history as an important trade center for every major empire from the ancient world to the present age (from the Akkadian Empire to the Ottoman Empire), and numerous sites in the country are mentioned throughout the Bible; 180 times in the Old Testament and 15 times in the New Testament.
Alexander the Great (r. 336-323 BCE) founded cities in the region (such as Gerasa) and the Nabateans carved their capital city of Petra there from sandstone cliffs. Early in its history, the area attracted and inspired traders, artists, philosophers, craftspeople, and, inevitably, conquerors, all of whom have left their mark on the history of the modern-day country.
Jordan, formally known as The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, has been an independent nation since 1946 after thousands of years as a vassal state of foreign empires and European powers and has developed into one of the most stable and resourceful nations in the Near East. Its capital city, Amman, is considered one of the most prosperous in the world and a popular destination for tourists. The history of the region is vast, going back more than 8,000 years, and encompassing the tale of the rise and fall of empires and the evolution of the modern state.
Early History
Archaeological excavations date human habitation in the region of Jordan back to the Paleolithic Age (around two million years ago). Tools such as stone hand-axes, scrapers, drills, knives, and stone spear points dated to this time period have been found in various locations throughout the country. The people were hunter-gatherers, who led a nomadic life moving from place to place in search of game. In time, they began building permanent settlements and establishing agricultural communities.
The Neolithic Age (c. 10,000 BCE) saw the rise of stable, sedentary communities and the growth of agriculture. These small villages eventually became urban centers with their own industry and initiated trade with others. Large urban centers developed such as the city of Jericho, claimed to be the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world, with an approximate founding date of 9,000 BCE.
According to scholar G. Lankester Harding:
far higher culture than we had hitherto suspected, for here was not merely a village of well-built houses with fine plaster floors, but there was a great stone wall all around the settlement with a ditch or dry moat in front of it. This implies a high degree of communal organization, of subordinating the personal interests to those of the many.
Communal interests are also evident in the ancient monuments raised at this time. Throughout the Neolithic Age, the people constructed megalithic dolmens across the land (very similar in size, shape, and methods used to those of Ireland). These dolmens are thought to be monuments to the dead or possibly passageways between worlds. These dolmens are often found in fields of circled stones whose meaning remains unclear, but it is obvious that the builders would have had to work in groups for a common cause to create these sites.
Lime Plaster Statue from Ain Al-Ghazal
Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin (Copyright)
The dolmen sites were most likely religious in nature and visited for worship, divination, and festivals by the people of the nearby cities. The largest settlement of the Neolithic Age in Jordan was Ain Ghazal, located in the northwest (near the present-day capital of Amman). Inhabited c. 7000 BCE, Ain Ghazal was an agricultural community whose artisans created some of the most striking anthropomorphic statuary in early history. The statues found at Ain Ghazal are among the oldest in the world today.
The community had over 3,000 citizens and engaged in trade and the manufacture of pottery, which increased the wealth of the people individually and the city collectively. Ain Ghazal continued as a prosperous settlement for 2000 years between c. 7000 BCE and 5000 BCE when it was abandoned, most likely due to overuse of the land.
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jelzorz · 11 months ago
The Celestial elves say no. Of course they say no. Callum doesn't know what else he expected. Did he really think they could just waltz into the Star Scraper and ask to borrow the Nova Blade and a handful of quasar diamonds, and then get them, no questions asked?
His head still hurts from that vision, that dream that felt far too much like that time he'd collapsed after doing Dark Magic for the first time, and though he and Rayla have been granted a room for their trouble, the Nova Blade is still out of reach, and those quasar diamonds are embedded into that crown the blind priest refused to share. Rayla is lying on the bed, her eyes staring blankly at the ceiling of stars, dazed and a little defeated, he thinks, because those diamonds are the only way to free her parents, and they'll never get them, not like this, and meanwhile the sword—
Callum makes a face. He's been pacing up and down the length of the room for about twenty minutes because there is... one more thing they could try. One last chance to obtain the weapon that might save them all and the jewels that would free her parents. It's just... not a particularly bright idea. Not a very legal one, even here.
"What are you thinking?" asks Rayla at last. She sits up in the bed, wary, exhausted, like even she doubts their mission here is one they can complete. "You've been pacing for ages. Want to share with the class?"
Callum presses his lips together. "I don't know," he says after a moment. "I just... We need that sword and those diamonds, there's got to be a way to convince them—"
Rayla lets out a hollow laugh. "Yeah, no. I don't think there's anything we could say to change their minds."
"Yeah, but—"
She flops back down. "I dunno, Callum," she mumbles. "I want to get my parents out of those coins so bad, and I know you want that sword to use against Aaravos but... I don't think there's anything else we can do here. They've made it clear it's not happening and I... don't want to get my hopes up for nothing."
He grimaces then, hating how hopeless she sounds, hating the wobble in her voice and the way it makes his heart ache in ways he will never be able to explain. There's still that last resort, isn't there? The final chance to get everything they need in one go, with permission or without it, and it all comes down to what they are and aren't willing to do.
But that would mean—
He shakes his head. No. It's stupid. It's dangerous. It would bring the wrath of the Celestial elves right to Katolis' doorstep. Ezran would be furious, but it would also mean...
He glances at Rayla, at the way her eyes are dull and unseeing with resignation. His heart stutters for her, for the thought of her happily reunited with the people she loves most, the brilliance of her smile and the love she deserves.
Hasn't she done enough for everyone? Hasn't she sacrificed enough to get just one good thing?
"Don't give up yet," he decides. His resolve feels like steel and jelly at the same time, like he would do this for her, no question about it but ony as long as he doesn't give himself the time to think twice. Rayla turns her head to him, confused, daring to hope, and Callum closes his fingers into fists at his side, refusing go home empty handed, refusing to let Rayla down like so many others before him.
"Get your stuff together," he says. "Wait for me here. When I get back, you gotta be ready to run."
She narrows her eyes at him. "Callum."
"You trust me, right?"
She sits up slowly, suspicious of him, of the resolve in his eyes. "Yes," she says after a moment.
He swallows, his nerve wavering, just for a moment. Then he nods and clenches his jaw tight. "Back in a minute," he mutters, wrenching the door open before he can change his mind.
He would do anything for her. He's done worse.
Stealing is not the furthest he can fall.
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pompadourpink · 6 months ago
hi mom! i'm starting uni in september, i'm moving to a new city so i need to start shopping and all, but also my parents didnt really give me advice and im the eldest so im kinda lost, do you have any advice?? XX
Hello darling,
The ABC:
Uni is scary because your free-will goes from 8 to 90 in two months and freedom is intoxicating. Making up for lost chances can lead to bad choices (spending, dating, partying).
If your family failed to parent you, it is now your job. Autonomy is essential. Learn to cook, budget, clean, be clean, save, be a good citizen, make scary phone calls, keep yourself safe, prioritise.
No one will force you to get up and study, or hire you at 21 when competing with a bright 18 year old. Effort will not betray you (being a grown lazy gifted child will).
Have shared hobbies, from movie Sundays with a girlfriend to knitting with your sister. A social life is a happy life.
Trust your body, it knows. Stomach cramps mean we hate him, daydreaming means try, yawning means bed, not coffee.
The home:
Make a cleaning schedule, be open-minded and reasonable, do not do or say anything your landlord wouldn't like (I fully recommend having roommates once for exposure therapy).
If you have a neighbour your age, introduce yourself. Having that phone number will one day mean not having to sleep outside or getting a package stolen. Thank them with food.
Start documenting problems right away (photos, timestamps, screenshots, testimonies) as you may need to take action later. No emotions, you're just "worried about everyone's wellbeing".
Mould, vermine and leaks are enemies. Act yesterday.
Avoid big purchases. You don't know what the future (location, size, taste) looks like. Go secondhand, neutral, practical.
Avoid silly purchases: streaming, takeout, drinks, fast fashion. You will not regret having a downpayment saved in ten years.
If you ever need to do emergency laundry, put a bin or a bucket in the shower, add water and detergent (+ soda crystal for stains or whitening), wait an hour, rinse, wring, hang.
The shopping:
My grandmother has kept her house clean with a broom, bucket, squeegee broom wrapped in a floorcloth and Marseille soap since the 60s. When something doesn't work, look back.
Must-haves: cleaning (see #1 + cloths, soda, lemons, white vinegar, steel wool), hygiene (scraper, net, shower head filtre, first aid), night (good pillow, plugs, mask) supplies, freezer if possible, water filtre, reusable period protection, winter clothes, long chargers, sunscreen, friend living at home who will lend you tools.
Must-not-haves: anything trendy, collections (even books), a pet - don't let Felix keep you back, sleep over and study in Paris!
Have an emergency kit (+ whatever you need) + a smaller version in the car/at the office (with cash).
Fresh fruit, starches, a few types of frozen vegetables, of cans of legumes, of fresh, canned and frozen protein, a treat, something fun once in a while to experiment + a (bi-)monthly outing.
A couple of formal outfits. Large black dress pants, white shirt, dark grey thin jumper, pencil skirt, blazer, large coat, trench coat, loafers, heels, tall boots. Never slouchy or skin tight, plain.
Craigslist, Facebook marketplace, thrift stores. Spend a few hours making a perfect home board on Pinterest instead of listening to TikTok and taking what Ikea gives you.
The social life:
Make one or two real friends and cherish them forever. Support each other, travel, buy a house together, idk.
Don't be afraid to be/do things alone. You shouldn't fear what your head says when it's not distracted.
Take advantage of what's free.
Don't miss out on huge opportunities for people. Some are around out of necessity and will ghost you after graduation.
Do not try to impress, especially people you don't like and who don't like you. Do not do or say anything cops wouldn't like. Be a homebody who doesn't drink if that's what you want.
Do not try to educate those who will not learn.
Do not befriend someone who lacks confidence as they will make you pay for their jealousy, nor someone who wants a free therapist. Those relationships will be one-sided.
Befriend a couple of older girls. They will see through the lies of the people (men, classmates, employers) trying to fool you.
The love life:
The thirty-two-year-old man doesn't find you mature, he finds you inexperienced and malleable. Do not.
If a date mocks you and you get mad, either that is who he is or he hates you. Either way, he is not for you. Your job is not to pretend you don't care so he can have a girlfriend.
Ask yourself if you would tell your best friend, mother, Taylor Swift, that he (hers) didn't mean it like that. If not, take a break from dating and think about why you think you don't deserve respect.
Don't forgive what you don't want to tolerate.
No nudes. Never nudes.
Don't try to force a relationship with someone who made it clear that he is, for whatever reason, not interested. You will be played like a fiddle until he meets someone he wants.
Don't try communicating with someone who is messing with you on purpose. No one ignores you for three days or sleeps with your friend or breaks your favourite necklace after an argument by accident. Also, your husband would never.
The daily life:
Have a clean e-mail address (firstname.lastname) for official biz and a casual one (f.lastna) for everything else, a solid password (Lanadelrey1984#) - change it yearly - and a list of any username and password you didn't pick.
If you don't trust your parents, block them off your account or open a new one when you turn 18 before they rob you.
Save a year's worth of expenses, don't purchase what you couldn't buy twice now, don't replace what still works, give yourself week-long thinking periods before spending.
Get folders for your paperwork and keep them safe + take pictures for an encrypted Drive (beware of iCloud): diplomas, flat, car, big purchases, work, taxes, health, etc.
Print pics and make albums. One day, the app will die.
Mind your health. Exercise weekly (cardio/strength, ex: runs + weighted Pilates), walk, get more water, sleep, and fibre, take vitamin D, mind your eyes/ears/skin/teeth, stretch, leave.
Only invest energy, money, or time into what is worth it. FaceTime before the date. Get secondhand leather boots instead of replacing plastic. Drop the book after 100 bad pages.
Refuse conversations with people whose lives you wouldn't want, who happily overwork for a mediocre wage and don't know how old their children are. The handcuffs are homemade.
The job:
People will not forget how you made them feel and the world is a small place. Colleagues, clients, bosses will gossip: make sure it is for good reason. Dress and look clean, stand straight, be on time, never ever gossip, even when you were wronged.
Understand the power of sobriety. Be known for the success of your last project, not your bright skirts or temper.
Protect future you so you get the promotion/project/raise. No friends, no enemies. Smile, have neutral answers, make them talk, move on, make your IG private, google your name.
Lie. You don't avoid them, you eat lunch with your nana (hi Paula, no, I forgot about the hairdresser's), weren't unemployed, your father was ill, cannot go out, you have a birthday party.
Act boring with the jealous old woman or the obnoxious man. Take the fake compliment for a real one, don't understand the innuendo, have too much work to chat. Bullies get bored.
Instead of clapping back (see #3), be Cinderella, who ignores the insults and turns to Mr. No nonsense, who has been there twenty years, worryingly asking if Ethel is okay, I don't know what to do (no mention of ego, you're just distraught about her).
Sites to look up: Proton (mail, VPN, drive), Notion.
(PS - apologies if the she/he thing doesn't match you, this is a flexible plan for all of my children)
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thesilicontribesman · 2 years ago
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Beaker, Arrowhead and Scraper found in a Cist at Temple Wood Stone Circle and Cairn, Kilmartin Glen, Kelvingrove Museum and Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland
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drivinmeinsane · 1 year ago
Snowstorm ※ 12 Days of Goosemas
Day Ten ※ Colt Seavers / Reader
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{12 Days of Goosemas Masterlist} ※ {Regular Masterlist} ※ {ao3}
※ Summary: You and Colt discover that some gambles don't pay off.
※ Rating: No mature content.
※ Content/Tags: Cuddling for Warmth, Ill-advised Winter Safety Practices, Fluff/Humor
※ Word count: 1998
※ Status: Oneshot/Complete
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Despite your layers, you’re shivering enough that your teeth feel like they’re going to rattle right out of your skull. It’s hard to imagine that the weather is going to take a turn for the worse when it’s already cold enough in the warehouse that everyone’s breath is visible in front of their faces. This far north by the Great Lakes is always a gamble this time of year. This movie production is certainly not winning the lottery. 
“Alright crew, let's wrap this up,” calls the team lead. 
Everyone picks up speed, finishing their tasks so they can separate into pairs and small groups to carpool back to their temporary housing. Automatically, you gravitate towards Colt. The two of you have been working off and on together for years on various movie sets. Being around him comes as easily and naturally as breathing. It was a massive relief when you were assigned to share an airbnb for the couple months you’re going to be spending here. 
“This sucks, huh?” You comment, helping him to roll up an impact mat. 
He laughs, breath clouding the air. “Yeah, it super sucks.”
The rest of the crew files out while the two of you work, alternating between sweating and freezing. Securing all the impact mats for storage is a miserable task, but it gets done. The building is empty aside from Colt and you. 
The stunt guy straightens up, groaning as his back loudly pops. “Ready to bounce on outta here?”
“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.”
At the door, the two of you take the time to adjust your layers. Colt wraps your scarf around your head teasingly after offering to help you put it on. You give him a scathing look between the layers of material before you break and the two of you start laughing. Colt is wiping at his eyes, still chuckling a little, when you shove the door open. 
The cold air immediately tears right through your clothes. The hollow thud and click of the door closing and locking behind you both sounds ominous. Colt offers his arm to you and you take it, resigning yourself to the weather conditions. The snow is coming down heavily, making it difficult to see across the sprawling parking. 
Your Lord of the Rings worthy journey to Colt’s truck starts out easily enough, until you wipe out on a snow-covered patch of ice. If it wasn’t for the death grip you have on each other's arms, you would bust your ass right then and there. Instead, you and Colt end up doing a weird dance to try to stay upright. 
“Maybe we should consider a career in couples ice skating. Maybe retire from the stunts biz.” Colt suggests, breathing heavily from the unexpected exertion.
“Toddler level, maybe,” you grumble back, foot skidding again. You hate the fact that the stunt crew has to park clear out of the way on the very fringes of the parking lot. 
You risk a glance at your coworker. His gaze is focused intently on the ground. Snowflakes are collecting in his beard and in his shaggy hair, making his blue eyes appear even bluer. After what feels like an age of taking minuscule steps across a frozen wasteland, you finally spot his garishly colored truck through the snow. You’ve never been happier to see the yellow and brown eyesore. 
Colt helps you up into the passenger seat. Once you're settled, he pushes his tuck keys into your hand. You pass him the windshield scraper in return. It was a new purchase after having to use the airbnb’s dustpan the first morning the two of you had walked out to the vehicle to find it under a thick layer of snow. 
“Start her for me?”
Mumbling an affirmative, you lean over and slot the key into the ignition switch and twist. The truck sparks to life with a smooth rumble. Meanwhile, Colt skirts around the edge of the vehicle. He’s scraping at the windshield, chiseling the packed snow in sheets. He suddenly slips, hitting his sternum on the truck’s grille guard. Upon seeing your horrified expression through the cleared glass, he flashes you a thumbs up and a grimace. You give him the same in return.
Working faster now, he finishes the windshield and makes sure that the side windows and mirrors are clear. He knocks the scraper clean before opening the door and heaving himself into the truck. The stunt man tosses it at your feet onto the already cluttered floorboard. The cold air that followed him into the cab does neither of you any favors.
“You think we’re good, Colt?” You ask, watching him pull off his gloves and tuck them into his sun visor for safekeeping.
“Hope so. If it doesn't get worse we should be fine,” he says with a shrug only to yelp when his bare hands come in contact with the steering wheel. “Shit, that’s cold!”
With the heat on full blast, Colt backs out of the parking lot and then you’re off to the airbnb. He handles the truck expertly. While not used to driving in what is essentially a blizzard, the man has done enough crazy stunts to keep from skidding all over the road. That and his monstrosity of a vehicle with its sizable off-roading tires makes the trip go a little easier. 
“Colt…” You say, worried. The weather is getting worse, much worse. The truck is struggling to maintain traction.
“Yeah, I know, sweetheart.” Both of you are so glued to the increasingly limited visibility and heavier snowfall that neither of you acknowledge the unintentional endearment Colt lets slip.
Spotting a ihop coming up, he makes the choice to pull into the empty lot. There’s no way he’s going to be able to push through. The weather is just too bad for his vehicle. The restaurant is clearly closed. This isn’t the southern part of the United States where there’s a Waffle House around to keep its doors open no matter the situation.
“There’s no way a tow truck is going to be able to get out here, is there?” You comment rhetorically. 
Beside you, Colt groans when he can’t get reception on his cell phone. “Looks like we’re going to be here until the plows come through. Might be in the morning.”
You sigh and settle into your seat. Both of your phone batteries are too low to risk running them down by idly scrolling through old saved pictures. It’s going to be a long night. 
To pass the time, you decide to lean over and rummage through the pile of trash and receipts on the floorboard. Like his apartment, he does not keep his truck clean or organized. You spend the next couple hours going through his receipts and judging him for his purchases. It’s mostly “Another Bonsai tree?” and “Just how much do you love this fast food place?” while your best friend does his damndest to defend himself as though he’s in front of an imaginary jury. 
Eventually, the light fades too much to see the small text. Colt has long since turned off the truck. As the sun dips below the horizon, it gets colder in the cab. 
You shiver and Colt notices. “C’mere.”
You slide across the bench seat and underneath his offered arm. He’s warm but the meager contact is too scant to do much. You seem to take turns shivering against one another. 
“It’s a shame we don’t have a tauntaun,” he says suddenly. 
You turn your face into the side of his chest to smother a groan at the reference. “I’d give anything for a hot drink right now.”
Colt makes a sound in agreement and slides down in his seat, struggling to get comfortable. His knee hits the steering wheel and you feel his pained exhale. “Yeah, I would too.”
A particularly vicious wind tears over the truck. It feels like it bypasses the layers of barely insulated metal entirely. The two of you clutch at each other in response. The lack of light isn’t helping it feel any warmer or cozier. Snow has entirely covered the windshield and the windows are fogged up from your breath and body heat. 
“I’ll turn on the truck for a sec to run the heater, but then I guess we oughta try to get some sleep.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
You don’t separate when Colt turns the key. The warm air is luxurious against your cold face. You nearly shove your fingers into the vent. He turns the truck off once you’re both sufficiently warmed. Now comes the difficult part, navigating where to put your bodies for sleep. The temperature has ruined any semblance of personal space. 
“Wanna be on top?” 
“If you insist on bottoming, stunt guy.”
“Oh, I always insist.”
Nearly hitting your head on the cab’s roof, you manage to shove yourself off of the bench seat enough for Colt to wedge himself into the short space. You can barely make out his shape. His hands find you and he guides you on top of himself. He hisses sharply and puts a hand over your kneecap when you graze it dangerously close to his crotch. 
“I don't have plans for kids any time soon, but I’d like to keep my options open,” he jokes.
Finally, you are settled on top of him. It’s incredibly uncomfortable for both of you. He’s got his knees drawn up, shins against the door. Your left knee is wedged between his hip and the seat as you lay with your cheek on his shoulder. His arms are up and around you. Yours are tucked alongside his torso with your hands under his shoulders. You feel like a pair of pretzels.
You lay in silence, listening to the winter storm outside. Both of you start to shiver again.
“I know it’s silly but-”
“This sucks so-” you accidentally start at the same time. “Go ahead,” you encourage. 
You hear him swallow. He seems stiff, nervous all of a sudden. “I know it’s silly, but uh… skin to skin contact works. With us both wearing jackets we can’t share body heat as well. So maybe if we… Wow, I promise I’m not trying to come onto you.”
“Okay.” You say gently.  
Sitting up in his lap, his hands fall from your back to the sides of your hips. You unzip your jacket. You’re instantly colder. Underneath you, you feel Colt’s breath hitch and pick up the pace. You put your hands on his amble chest and find his coat zipper and tug it down. His fingers twitch, but they don’t make any move to stop you. You push his shirt up over his pectorals, all the way to his neck. You don’t touch his bare skin with your fingers. His hands find the hem of your shirt and together you draw it up to your collarbone. Both of you are bared in the truck cabin. 
The man leaves you holding your shirt in place while his hands move to your back. He guides you into laying down on top of him. Your friend sucks in a breath and exhales slowly as inch by inch you make contact. Your bare skin colliding is sinfully warm. 
You sigh into his neck, resisting the urge to press a kiss against it even as the stubble of his jaw grazes your face. He pulls his jacket up and over you as much as he can. His hold on you is tight, comforting. The direct contact of his body provides much more heat than between the layers. You’re not as cold as you were before. 
“Heck of a holiday season, huh?” You mumble, already beginning to drift off.
Colt hums in agreement. Before you slip entirely under into the oblivion of sleep, you swear you feel a kiss pressed to your forehead and a low “Sweet dreams.” that rumbles against your chest.
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charlottemadison42 · 7 months ago
I'm sure you get this alot but I adore "what we make of it (shotgun wedding)" I'm an avid reader of all kinds of books and writing and it's one of my favourites, I was trying to reread it and found its been restricted, if you're comfortable sharing , is there any particular reason it has been?
Also - do you have any more writing published outside Ao3
Unfortunately, AI has been training on AO3 content -- but even more problematically, scrapers have been taking entire fics and almost-but-not-quite reposting them in other places. Ugh.
I've already had this story posted on Amazon without my permission once, and while it's flattering that people think it's good enough to steal, I don't want to spend my time doing more takedown notices and fighting for my own content. The simplest protection is to make it a login-only read. Sorry about that! Just trying to have good content hygiene in the age of the bots. I do have other art and writing of various kinds out there in the world, but I'm not quite ready to mix my IRL and fandom identities. Maybe one day!
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honeytonedhottie · 1 year ago
so you're my only hope and i really wish for your advice. it's humiliating to say my story but i really need help. so i was misdiagnosed with schizofrenia (i 100% know i'm healthy) i need to lie that i have schizofrenia because my mother needs money. and here comes my desires : revision and desired age/grade level and maaany more. i have no responsibilities literally zero! the way i manifest is i walk around my room and viseualise, affirm and overall manifest which is fun but the thing is do you think i should build healthy day routine instead of just pacing around my room all day long? could you provide me a routine? thank you for help because yall are saving me for real. it could be even self care habits to do every day anything to avoid pacing around
thank you for coming to me 💗 and im so sorry about ur story. im so happy that you know the law because you deserve all of ur desires and more!! 💗
so to build a healthy routine and schedule for urself. doing so builds discipline. im gonna give u some healthy habits, a morning and evening routine, and resources for those things. a good place to start tho is making a weekly agenda that changes with the week, something to switch things up every week. just make one 💗💗💗
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—healthy habits🩰⊹ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ♡̴ ⋆⁺₊⋆
♡ moving ur body/pilates - i personally do pilates and i recommend it to literally everybody. but the basic idea is to move around (and that does not mean pacing in ur bedroom) i mean get ur blood flowing and get moving. it doesn’t have to be pilates it can be running, a sport, dancing, yoga etc
here’s a link to one of the pilates workouts that i recommend if ur a beginner : 
♡ get a hobby - some hobby recommendations: if u are good at writing try poetry, try teaching urself how to draw or paint or sculpt, learn how to dance, learn how to play an instrument, learn a sport, learn languages, become a good cook, write stories, start a blog, learn to sew or crotchet, learn tech, read lots of books, watch/listen to lots of podcasts. literally just get busy 
♡ meditating and journaling - this is so good not only for ur mental health but it can also improve focus and keep u grounded. keep a journal or start meditating every day
here’s a link to a guided meditation for self love : 
♡ self care - i LOVE self care. literally practice self care every single day. take care of ur nails, skin, hair, lashes EVERYTHING. be super intentional with ur self care bcuz it tells our brains that we are worthy of effort and it’ll LITERALLY make u feel like a princess. 
♡ manifesting - you mentioned that u wanted to do some revision so something that i recommend for revising is using SATS. or state akin to sleep. once ur in state akin to sleep go back in ur mind and revise whatever u want. or just do SATS before bed every night. this is such a powerful manifesting tool
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♡ sleep - aim to get between eight to ten hours of sleep a night. you’ll look better, feel better, and your physical and mental health will just skyrocket 
—morning🌸⊹ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ♡̴ ⋆⁺₊⋆
♡̴ first thing in the morning, fix ur bed 
♡ open the blinds/windows if the sun is out, this all depends on what time u wake up but if the sun isn’t out just skip this step 
♡ stretch for a couple minutes 
♡ write down at least three things that ur grateful for (don’t write down what u aren’t grateful for AT THAT MOMENT, literally just write down three things that ur grateful for right then and there) 
♡ brush ur teeth and use a tongue scraper 
♡ have a glass of water with some lemon slices 
♡ take a warm shower and moisturize 
♡ skincare routine 
♡ put on an outfit that makes u feel pretty 
♡ if u get nauseous when u eat breakfast then try eating something light, but if that doesn’t work then listen to ur body and just skip breakfast. if that’s not the case tho eat a balanced breakfast 
—evening🍥⊹ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ♡̴ ⋆⁺₊⋆
♡ take a warm shower and moisturize 
♡ 30-60 minutes of self care and pampering 
♡ make a yummy dinner that’s nourishing 
♡ read for 20 minutes or watch something that enriches u 
♡ evening yoga 
♡ drink water 15 minutes before bed 
this is just an idea, or a basic guideline to follow if u need it. customize it to ur specific needs and day-to-day life. im so excited for all ur desires to manifest cuz u deserve it! mwah 💗💗💗
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thegodthief · 5 months ago
What do you want to be having conversations about?
(also you should have some or the rest of your ice cream today)
I keep forgetting the ice cream is still in the freezer! A perfect pint, still sealed and waiting for my indulgence. (sigh)
Honest Confession: I have no idea how to make small talk.
Now that the heat wave in SoCal has ended and we actually have a cloudy and sodden morning, I've been watching the evacuation warnings and orders for the three big fires here slowly being downgraded and rescinded. So there's some good news.
I spent the week going through clutter that I had been putting off for years. After all the paperwork was sorted through, it was 5% keep and file, 5% shred, 90% toss. So much unnecessary stuff that at the time felt critical but in hindsight, was just so much unnecessary stuff. Found some things that hurt to look at, but that's my past, not my present, process and move on.
Old Bitch Advice: You are never too old to put whipped cream on your hot drink. If anything, your age is justification enough.
I want to talk about witchcraft again, but I don't know how. My entry into witchcraft wasn't by books, movies, or by a strange relative with strange amulets and good candy. The path that led me to witchcraft started at a Christian church's altar, and it really does infuriate me to see folks going on about how their witchcraft is not violent or is filled with love for all things so when you see people being different in their witchcraft, they're just being loud for no reason.
The scars on my ribs would like to have a conversation with the hands that would have held me down for the sin of being different. Because it took decades for me to see and understand, but my witchcraft is violent. It is not fueled by the love for all things, but by the love of the self, the love of my self, the fervent desire to live that could not be exorcised from me no matter how diligently the flesh was tested.
It feels like no one wants to talk about that. But a lot of people will throw money at the aesthetic of that. As long as we don't talk about that now, because we're all part of a modern and civilized society.
(deep sigh)
I want to talk about my dreamwork again. I realize that I never will. It's not just that having a full time job now devours much of the time I would have used typing up what happened. It's not just that the only readers will be scraper bots looking for new sources to plagiarize. It's that things have become so complex that even readers from the Before Times (before the lockdowns) would be hard pressed to keep up.
I'm sorry, I'm guessing you sent that ask to cheer me up and to help me connect with others again. And here I am, looking at the barriers I have put up and realizing that I am as much in my own way as the culture I am bitching about.
And I don' t know how to come around that.
Just like I don't know how to beat Shamura's ass (Cult of the Lamb) without taking a hit in the process. I am one achievement away from 100% and that damn spider is getting on my last nerve. I didn't get into the game until after the follower level cap so I missed that chance. Will create a new save file for the sole purpose of snatching that bandage off their head. They are just too strong in post game, so my strategy is to min-max the cult from the start until I get to Silk Cradle, and then I will be subject to the whims of RNG for the perfect combo. Keep that damn blunderbuss away from me, purgatory is for the bishops, not for me.
Back on Etheirys, I have finished the MSQ, but haven't started on any optional dungeons or the Arcadion. I know I have plenty of time, so I've been working on leveling the other classes to 100 instead. All the other classes. I'm not sure if this is a cry for help. As much as Warrior got buffed, Dark Knight got neutered. I didn't understand why the fuss over the changes to Black Mage until a raider explained to me what those changes meant in Savage raiding because the changes to the timing and cooldowns have pretty much scrambled everything.
Once I get my crafting classes up to 100, then I will enter the real endgame for FFXIV: GLAMS!
My apologies for the word vomit. I didn't think anyone would actually ask me anything and I don't know how to respond in a socially adequate way.
(looks out the window)
And now it's too cold for ice cream.
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inspofromancientworld · 2 months ago
Leather Working
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By Pinhasi R, Gasparian B, Areshian G, Zardaryan D, Smith A, et al. (authors of source article) - Part of figure 1 from: 2010 First Direct Evidence of Chalcolithic Footwear from the Near Eastern Highlands. PLoS ONE 5(6): e10984. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010984, CC BY 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10609502
Preparing animal skins for use as clothing or to carry things is a many processed operation that changes animal skins into something more stable and less prone to decomposition. The oldest indirect evidence of leather production we have are stone tools resembling scrapers from the Oldowan period, which was from 2.9-1.7 million years ago. Direct evidence, though, appeared around 400,000 years ago based on the studied wear of tools from that time period. Bone awls that show evidence of being used on soft materials date to between 84,000-72,000 years ago in South Africa. It's also known that paleolithic hunters targeted animals that had dense fur as well.
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source: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/stone-age-bone-scraper-tools-animal-skin-leather-pelt-cave-morocco
With the advent of animal husbandry, there was a steady supply of hides, so there were also set places for animal hides to be processed. The oldest places that we have found that were for tanning leather date to between 7000-3300 BCE in Mehrgarh, which was part of the Indus Valley Civilization and was located in modern Pakistan. These areas were isolated from the rest of the settlement because the process of tanning hides is an 'odoriferous trade'.
Tanning begins with removing the skin from the animal, which is then typically dried out before being soaked in water. This softens the raw hide and removes dirt and gore. The skin is then processed by scouring and pounding to remove any remaining flesh or fat. Hair is removed through soaking the skin in urine, allowing it to putrefy then running it through a salt mixture, or painting a lime mixture over it. Scraping the skin to remove the hair was the next process. Once the skin was dehaired, it would be softened, or bated, by beating dung, especially dog or pigeon dung, into it or soaking it in a solution made with animal brains. The next step is called 'pickling' where the skin is stretched on a frame and soaked in a solution that has tannins, which are found in gallnuts, sumac leaves, acacia leaves, or the outer green shells of walnuts for several weeks. After this process, the leather is finished by waxing, oiling, or dying, depending on the use intended.
Leathers tanned this way are less flexible than leather that is tanned by modern techniques that use chrome based chemicals, but it can be softened some by a process called 'tawing', which is when a hide is soaked in a potash solution, then air dried for several weeks to stabilize.
Leather was used for clothing, footwear, to carry water, for other types of containers, and even shelters. Tanned leather is much more durable than untanned skins and were one of the many things that allowed humans to spread into areas that were less hospitable, such as Siberia and into the Americas during the Last Glacial Maximum.
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pomodoriyum · 10 months ago
heeey could you tell me a little more about your girdling method for ligustrum? what age group is the ligustrum in when you treat ti that way and at what density in the stand? it was never a high priority target in the places i worked before just because it was in such high density monotypic stands that we didn't have the means to do followup restoration work so i never really tried a lot of control methods for it!
Hi! Thanks for the questions, I’m pretty stoked to be asked about this.
Going to start with identifying the ligustrum I girdle first, mostly for folks who don’t know what it is, where it’s native to, what it looks like, and its role in the ecosystem it comes from (and how it doesn’t fulfill those roles in the Americas). also, going under the cut because this is long.
The plant that I girdle is Ligustrum lucidum (common name: glossy privet).  It’s a shrubby tree that grows about 20-30ft tall here, and creates monoculture stands (read: it’s the only plant in the area).  Bugs don’t recognize it as food, and it tends to soak up available groundwater in such quantity that it kills our native trees during droughts due to additional stress. Where I live it’s considered invasive, though due to deregulation many types of ligustrum are used in landscaping.  Ligustrum originates from china, japan, and korea, and in these areas, it’s a fairly important plant (frequently used in nonwestern medicine, but it’s also been documented as a poison and an allergen, so….don’t try at home?).
Riparian areas–especially disturbed riparian areas–is where most escaped ligustrum is found. 
Ligustrum is notoriously difficult to remove. It’s got really large energy reserves in its root system, so if it’s cut down, the tree will re-sprout rapidly. There are ways to chemically poison it, but over vast areas that’s dangerous and very expensive.  Usually, the best method is to prevent it from entering the ecosystem in the first place– once it’s there, best efforts are really about controlling its spread rather than completely eliminating it.  I do think part of the issue is that it’s commonly used in landscaping, so there’s endless ‘stock’ revitalizing escaped populations.  Also, ligustrum leads the way for other invasive species to colonize more land, as it is extremely quick to mature and reproduce, thus choking out other native vegetation.  It’s a bit brutal to see. Anyway, it’s everywhere once you know how to spot it. 
One drop of good news: the seeds that enter soil tend to rot within the year if they don’t sprout– though, of course, individual trees may produce up to three million viable seeds. One thing they do is feed cedar waxwings, which I can’t really be upset by. However, outside of their original ranges, they don’t do much to support the new communities they’re in, and actively kill legacy trees.
Now, to your questions:
could you tell me a little more about your girdling method for ligustrum?
Sure! Very simple and satisfying. I’ve also included a video link– similar method to mine.
The goal of girdling is to disrupt energy flow from the leaves of the tree to the roots, causing the trees to starve and die. It usually take 6 months to 1 year to fully kill the tree, though I’ve seen the effects (leaf wilt, drooping) as early as 2 weeks after girdling.
Tools needed:
Paint scraper
Isopropyl alcohol in spray bottle, or soapy water
Rough sponge that’s fairly abrasive
Hedge clippers
Identify the tree. Look for glossy, dark green leaves with grey-green bark.  The edges of the leaves will light up when you hold them up against the sun.  The edges of the leaves are also smooth, not serrated, and they are opposite each other on the stem. Ligustrum also tends to have 2-8 mini “trunks” that support its branches. When flowering, its white, perfume-y, and the flower branches are sort of shaped like a triangle or a cone.
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Their seeds are drupes, blue and similar to seeds from some species of juniper. Please don't eat them.
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Clean the tree up– frequently there’s lots of growth around the base, with a bunch of tiny little branches that should be trimmed away. The hedge clippers are handy here.
Remove the outer layer of bark from one of the trunks with the paint scraper, all the way around. It should come up easily in the spring, but will resist strongly during the summer and winter.  You want to make sure that there’s at least a 5-6 inch gap between the top and bottom edges of bark. I usually go between 1 and four feet of space, when the bark is easy to peel up. This layer is about an eighth to a quarter of an inch thick, depending on the age of the tree.
Repeat this step to all of the trunks present.  Make sure that you remove the bark from all the way around each branch. This prevents it from scabbing over.
You’ll notice that the sapwood is slimy to the touch where the bark has been peeled away. This is a tissue layer responsible for generating more bark, and it must be scraped off, or else the trunk will scab over and recover.  Use the paint scraper to get rid of all of this material in a ring around the trunk, about 5-6 inches wide.  If you miss any, it will start drying a dark brown color on top of the lighter sapwood, and is easy to spot.
Make sure to remove all leaves and non-girdled branches that are below the cut / where the ring of bark was removed. This prevents sugars from being created by leaves that are still connected to the roots.
Finally, take your spray bottle of isopropyl and spritz each girdled band all the way around, and scrub it in with the abrasive sponge.
Congrats! It’s been girdled!
The tree will likely try to sprout new growth underneath the girdle bands over the next year. If you return and remove them before the stems become woody, the tree will die.
what age group is the ligustrum in when you treat ti that way and at what density in the stand?
I’ve girdled trees that are fully mature (30ft) as well as smaller saplings that are still part of the understory (8-10 ft).  Typically, I prioritize removing ligustrum within 20 ft of our legacy trees (oaks, pecans, hackberry that range between 50-200 yrs old). The project area’s pretty large, and has stands of trees with various percent ligustrum, probably between 10% ligustrum at the least affected areas and 85-95% ligustrum in most affected areas.  Most of my work has focused on areas with less than 50% ligustrum monoculture.  I’ve noticed that smaller trees tend to die faster when girdled, while more mature trees need to be checked frequently to prevent regrowth. This is probably due to large amounts of stored energy in the roots. 
 A lot of follow up is needed for these plants– about half of the ligustrum I’ve girdled so far has actually died, while the other half (while severely injured and on the way out) have needed new growth removed from their bases at least once, if not twice so far.  It’s a highly intensive process, and probably isn’t suited for large scale restoration projects, unless endless time and money is available. I just happen to be the right flavor of nuts to do this in my free time. You’ll need to check girdled trees at least once every three months for a year or so.
One thing that kills ligustrum pretty effectively are temperatures below 15 degrees F for a week or more, though larger trees will recover from the damage. Those kinds of temperatures clear out small 4-5 ft trees decently, and guarantee death for the 3ft bushes. If you figure out a way to selectively control the weather, let me know.
For trees below 4 feet, I use a tree puller to uproot them. It’s more efficient than girdling.  Also, snails really like climbing up ligustrum when it rains, so watch out not to smash them!
Thanks for the questions, feel free to reach out for more info!
Photos are from wiki commons and creative commons.
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