#aftg has been my favorite books for sooo long
thatlazybones · 5 months
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im not readyyy 😭😭
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pinkasrenzo · 3 years
end of the year reading survey
ty @bloody-wonder for the tag ^^ so!
How many books did you read? Did you meet your goal? I didn’t have a goal, but I did complete almost all the prompt of the reading challenge so I guess sort of? I did read more books than prompts :”)
Most read genre? Fantasy? Maybe? Not really sure about this one
Longest and shortest book you read. Shortest was A Christmas Carol, long should’ve been War and Peace but i’m not done yet sooo either Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell or the LOTR trilogy
Favorite book published in 2021? Summer Sons by Lee Mandelo, it was just. amazing. but only cause i haven’t got my hands on the last Expanse book yet👀
Favorite debut book in 2021? Also Summer Sons
Favorite book not published this year? AFTG series, definitely. closely followed by LOTR and i don’t know why i waited so long to read both truly
A book that lived up to the hype. I don’t know if it was hyped but I definitely had a lot of expectations for Folk of the Air trilogy and it did not disappoint, it was so. good.
A book that did NOT live up to the hype. Six of Crows duology and Grishaverse trilogy? it was good but not great
Book that felt like the biggest accomplishment. uhhh LOTR? Couldn’t get past the first chapter first time around so I guess finishing it did feel like some accomplishment ;”)
Favorite character. oh no! don’t make me choose Neil and Andrew from AFTG
Least favorite character. Alina Starkov from the Grishaverse trilogy? I don’t hate her tho she’s just kind of bland :/
Most shocking book/moment. I’m thinking of ending things? not exactly shocking but it was a hell of a ride. also when Neil realised his feelings for Andrew and I realised they were endgame, that was shocking alright totally did not see it coming bless my ace heart
Favorite couple/OTP. ofc Andreil but also Tobie/Elisha from Tobie Lolness they’re just🥺
The best written book you read this year. I have to say AFTG and Summer Sons just cause they hit me like a truck with how good they felt, not sure best written but definitely most impactful and that’s what counts to me so. also honourable mention to Tobie Lolness cause it’s always comforting and I love it
Book that you pushed most people to read in 2021. AFTG I guess? I didn’t push people to read it really I was just extremely annoying about it for like 6 months (still am tbh)
Favorite book cover of the year. Grishaverse has the prettiest covers ever istg. but also Summer Sons is just the perfect balance of tenderness and creepy and it’s just. ah.
Favorite book adaptation. Does The Expanse S6 counts cause it is. perfect.
What book made you cry the most? it’s a match between AFTG, LOTR, and Tobie Lolness, i truly don’t know which one made me cry the most
What book made you laugh the most? Zeus grants stupid wishes by Cory O’Brien, silly little book :”)
A new favorite author you discovered this year. definitely Nora Sakavic, but also Lee Mandelo I can’t wait for them to publish more bsjshdjd
Favorite book you re-read this year. Tobie Lolness by Timothée de Fombelle, 10/10 comfort book i’m🥰🥰every time I re-read
What is the best non-fiction book you read this year? uhhh not sure if it is non-fiction but Goupil ou Face by Lou Lubie, it was sweet and informative and the art was so cute
Don’t know who to tag but if you see this and want to do it go ahead and @ me👀
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