#afterwords the scrybes stand there akwardly
randomgamefan · 3 years
It's chapter 4 babey, not too long awaited and definitely something I'm excited to share!
I won't keep ya, get into it, feel free to yell in the comments!
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The four quickly headed out of the factory, Leshy looking as if the tech would jump out and bite him, which was quite amusing for P03. Grimora and Leshy stayed in front, chatting about cards as they walked, though Grimora world occasionally glance back at the two.
Luke walked at about the same pace P03 hovered, keeping his eyes on the ground, at least until the robot spoke. 
"And why are you tagging along?" P03 asked with a smug face, it's tone implying Luke probably wasn't 'worthy' to walk with the scrybes, or something like that.
Luke shrugged. "I was invited to come along, and what else was I going to do? Sit in Leshy's cabin alone?" 
P03 snickered. "Invited? What, by the insane duo at the front?"
Luke gave a nod. "yeeep. Got a problem with it?" He asked, trying to stop himself from letting a smile creep into his expression. 
P03's display flicked, it's face now annoying, but it didn't respond.
Luke studied the robot for a second. For the entire time he played this game, P03 was incredibly self-centered. Why would it play along with Grimora? There had to be an ulterior motive, but what would P03 have to gain by coming? The whole situation boggled Luke's mind, for the short time he got to think about it.
It didn't take long for the group to reach the outer edges of Magnificus' domain, the air around them seeming to glow with a magical hint. The rocks on the ground shined and shimmered, though nothing was as bright as the factory reflected in the sunlight. The dirt under their feet was coarse, rocks and other things seeming to be uniformly mixed in. 
The tower itself wasn't far away, though they had to cross a couple more bridges, much to Luke's dismay, though they soon approached the entrance to the tower itself. It loomed over the party, with what Luke would guess to be about 4 or 5 stories, all in worn brick. Moss and vines had taken over a large majority of the tower, which only enhanced the feeling of age. There were few windows, to be fair Magnificus didn't seem to be the type of person to longingly gaze out a window. 
As Luke was looking the building up and down, a strange sort of crackling and whizzing noise came from beyond the main door. He pulled his gaze from the tower, staring at the door for only a moment before, 
A large stream of magic poured out of the door, Luke not even having a second to process it before something grabbed the back of his shirt, pulling him off his feet and away from the stream. 
Luke felt his heart beating out of his chest, taking a moment to calm down before realizing his feet weren't on the ground. Glancing over, a very startled looking P03 held him up. Holy shit, P03 had just saved him, what the fuck.
Before Luke had time to process what just happened, P03's expression turned to anger, and it dropped Luke to the ground. P03 might as well have marched in the tower, yelling a loud, "You almost killed me, what the fuck was-" before cutting itself off
Luke got quickly to his feet, running inside to see what the hell had just happened. 
P03 stood in front of Magnificus, who seemed quite pleased with the anger of his fellow scrybe. Beside Magnificus were his three students, the lonely wizard bouncing a bit in place. 
"Good shot," Magnificus commented. "Try to hit them next time, though."
"Okay!! Thank you master Magnificus!" The small wizard commented, seeming quite excited with the praise. 
There was silence in the room as the other two scrybes made their way inside, clear surprise on their faces. 
"Is there something I can help you with?" Magnificus asked, examining the group that now stood on the bottom floor of his tower. 
P03 looked annoyed. "Are we just getting no explanation for this??" It practically shouted, gesturing around the room.
"Is there one needed?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at P03. 
"For once I do agree with it." Luke commented, looking around with confusion. "there's a lot here that doesn't quite add up." 
Last Luke had seen, Magnificus' students were locked up in essentially torture chambers, unable to escape and in a lot of pain. And from everyone else's reactions, that was the last they had hurt of it either. 
Magnificus sighed, seeming to realize that he had to explain. "I suppose Luke opened my eyes. He knew how to play his cards and used my wizards against your creations." He gave a slight glare to P03.
"And Lone was going to leave if you didn't." The pike wizard commentated. 
Magnificus seemed to be annoyed at that being revealed. Luke secretly felt a bit liberated - Lone deserved freedom, and here he was. Well, and the fact that.. hey wait. 
"Did you just say that I helped you see their worth? Wait, you were watching in act 3??" 
The words escaped Luke's mouth as soon as he thought them, He was glad, of course, but surprised to hear that he helped free the magicians. 
The four scrybes in the room stared at Luke. Leshy and Magnificus just looked confused, while P03 seemed shocked and Grimora appeared.. not just surprised, but also a bit happy?
P03 turned to Grimora, seeming exasperated. 
"Grimora! You *inscrybed* Luke?? What the fuck?!"
"I didn't mean to!" She countered. "I didn't think he was dead! I was just going to make a momento of everything!"
"Well, kind of hard to miss the recovery process, I don't think he had the ability to do that on his own, do you??" It countered. 
Grimora growled. "I still couldn't have known he was dead!"
"You knew fine well there was a possibility! You did it on purpose. Admit it Grimora."
Luke took a moment to step in. "I'm sorry, can we please go back to the part where someone said I was dead?"
Luke could barely keep his footing, his heart beating loudly in his ringing ears. He held a hand to his head, trying to process anything that had just been said. 
"Oh, and you didn't even tell him he was dead, just lovely! Grimora, I can't believe-"
Luke couldn't hear any more of what was being said. His vision was blurring at its edges, and he felt his entire body collapsing under him. The last thing he could remember was Lone cry out in alarm as his knees buckled
He just needed a few minutes
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