#afternoon silence
galerie-etheree · 8 days
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'An Enchanted Garden' by Wilhelm Kotarbinski, 1882
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more-than-ideas · 3 months
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summer afternoon
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iniziare · 4 months
The moment that I've locked myself out of primo farming by having completed all exploration except the real odd chest left/right and Enkanomiya, while I actually really, really want Clorinde. 😭 Dear girl, please come home at the 50/50 which should come soon, because I won't be able to get you otherwise. Genshin, please.
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ost-futurist · 4 months
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jean-doe · 6 months
o. by barbara w Via Flickr: umń.
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dersitedreamr · 1 year
John is sort of mouse-like in the sense that he’s one of those kids who never shows his face downstairs unless its dinner time but his dad can always hear the faint sound of him scuttering around in his room ….
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bxtonpxss · 28 days
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Questo blog è il mio "posto sicuro" ... è quel luogo in cui posso essere me stessa senza venire giudicata dagli altri! Vorrei che fosse così anche fuori da questo blog, ma non è così... non è mai stato così!
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galerie-etheree · 10 days
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'Afternoon Silence' by Wilhelm Kotarbinski, 1900
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lycorid · 19 days
Appointments with vague times fuck me up.
Give me an hour and/or a minute so I can arrive 15-30 minutes early.
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... mood ...
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imabillyami · 11 months
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dk-thrive · 1 year
thank you for words that come out of silence and take me by surprise
Thank you my lifelong afternoon late in this season of no age thank you for my windows above the rivers thank you for the true love you brought me to when it was time at last and for words that come out of silence and take me by surprise and have carried me through the clear day without once turning to look at me […] thank you whole body and hand and eye thank you for sights and moments known only to me who will not see them again except in my mind’s eye where they have not changed thank you for showing me the morning stars
— W.S. Merwin, from “Variation on a Theme,” in The Moon Before Morning (Copper Canyon Press, 2014) (via Alive on All Channels)
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coldswarkids · 4 months
one of my small, petty, and evil pleasures is completely ignoring my roommate when she's just babbling for my attention. just going about my life in silence like she's not even there. it drives her mad i know it does
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encrucijada · 1 year
if taking the bus didn't feel like getting shot in the chest i would go to my faculty's library on my days off
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daveofguy420 · 5 months
siedzialem w komisji wyborczej i pani przyszla z dzieckiem w wozku i ono sie bawilo linijka taka rozkladana:) i potem siegala niezadowolona po karty bo nikt jej nie chcial dac
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