#after vouching that dodostep IS sentient enough to be held accountable
5mind · 6 months
The next time Terry's about to leave the office late, he can see at the edge of his vision while passing through the halls-- a tray with multiple drinks, being carried by a small flightless robot that watched the scorpion cyborg for a moment, before the scolding of an IT programmer made the bird return to its tasks...
That's it? The bird was just back where they started? That same bird that had sicced not one but five freaks-of-nature upon him?
And despite his dissappointment, when their eyes met for a moment,Terry smiled back.
Maybe this was for the best. With their little stunt exposed, the dodo had earned the ire of not just the IT staff but also the R&D staff. Antares himself wasn't sure how Dodostep ended up working with Gutterbrain, and if it was a partnership or not, but painting the bird as the mastermind definitely did not help everyone else's opinion on the bird. Waste of resources , waste of time - and all for what?
If Dodostep had thought their worklife back then was hell, then working under a department that now hated their guts would destroy them.
Of course, as the only other Agency member who was there at the incident (and with Gutterbrain out of commission) he'll be making sure to keep fanning the flames.
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