#after that we'll be back to one whole moon a week :)
cutieclangen · 5 months
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Moon 11, Part 3 of 4
Poor Beechkit..
But we have a 2nd healer now, yay! And a new cutie joins the Clan <3
The next page is going to be an omen.... :)
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Start from the beginning
Moon 6 Allegiances
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twizzie-lairs · 8 months
My Darling, My Honey
Alastor X Fem!Reader (Part 2)
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Part 1 | Part 2
Quick Notes:
This is when both reader/you and Alastor are both alive. (... we'll probably end up in hell later on btw so stay tuned...)
Reader is an artist/painter.
Part 2:
Every day and night you had to stay trapped at home, it felt like nails on a chalkboard after that one fateful meeting that night.
The only thing that made the time bearable was the radio. Alastor told you he hosted a radio show. As so, you soon became one of his most loyal listeners. Anything to relive the moment when you felt like a person again.
So when the night finally came, that you could escape to Mimzy's establishment the next town over, you were over the moon at the chance to see Alastor again.
Luckily for you, your husband was going to be away for a week this time.
That night, you made it to the bar a bit later than usual, you had to be extra sure that it was safe to leave town unnoticed after a close call of almost being discovered by some relatives that lived nearby.
When you enter the bar, you hear some piano music. It wasn't unusual for Mimzy to invite musicians or let patrons play some music at the piano that resides in the bar, as long as they didn't get boo'ed off the stage. But this music stirred something in your soul, making you hurry into the bar.
It was Alastor.
You gasp, your heart beating a million miles a minute. You were so drawn to him. In this moment, the jazzy music that filled the air and filled up all the holes in your heart. You were captivated. So captivated, that you forgo greeting Mimzy and the bar entirely, in favor of walking over to Alastor at the piano.
He gives you a surprised look before smiling and immersing himself in the music once more.
You smile back and you can't help but sing along to Alastor's piano playing. The song was a classic, and also one your personal favorites.
As you sing, you sit down on the piano bench next to him. You notice he doesn't open his eyes, but the smile on his face deepens as your duet continues.
When your song comes to an end, it feels like you came back down to earth. The bar erupted in applause, the embarrassment flushing your whole face pink. You look over to Alastor who's looking at you with such a warm expression.
"My dear, what a lovely voice you have. Your talents truly seem boundless. I am quite surprised you knew that song."
You spend the rest of the night tucked away in a private corner talking with Alastor about all sorts of things, interests, likes, dislikes, deep conversations about life, and even your fears. But never once did you mention your home life, you'd rather die than let Alastor find out. The last thing you need is for him to treat you differently.
When you mention you listened to his every show ever since the night that you first met, his eyes light up and something in him clicked. He took your chin gently in his hand and brought your face closer to his, "Oh my, I have never met a finer woman with even finer tastes in entertainment~" which caused your heart to flutter like never before.
The tension and feelings between the two of you were palpable. It was clear to the rest of the bar that the two of you were smitten with each other, something akin to love at first sight. You tow were inexplicably drawn to each other.
You wish you didn't have to leave and go back home. But you knew you had to get home before dawn, even if you were going to come back the next day/night anyway. Relatives and in-laws usually liked to stop by unannounced and if they found the house empty, you'd be in for a world of punishment and pain. It happened once, and you would rather not relive that experience ever again.
So even though it pained you greatly, you had to say goodbye to Alastor. As you stood up to leave, Alastor's hand still held yours, you could tell he was reluctant to let you leave. Very rarely did he have the chance to enjoy such cultured and lovely conversation. With a sad and somber expression, you walked away, his hand slowly sliding out of yours.
"I hope you come back to me, ma chérie ..."
-> Part 3
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Baby Daddy!Steve Harrington Headcanons
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These are just a few thoughts I had (along with my bestie @starksbabie). I'm not sure if I would do a full fledged fic, but enjoy! ❤️
CW: Unplanned Pregnancy (we all know how babies are made at this point. For the love of God, wrap it before you tap it!) Mostly Fluff. Will they or won't they?
You weren't exactly friends or lovers when it happened, but you'd been “having fun” for a few months now. One little blunder and you ended up pregnant.
Both old enough to know better but stupid enough to let it happen anyway.
You were so nervous to tell him, even though you had heard him voice his opinions on children numerous times.
He loves kids. Wants a whole baseball team, if he could. Just hasn't found “the one” to settle down with.
He was confused when you turned up out of the blue on an unscheduled night with tear stained cheeks and swollen eyes from crying all afternoon, murmuring a low “I'm sorry” as he ushered you into his apartment.
He'd never seen you like this, so vulnerable and small, folding in on yourself as he led you to his couch.
You didn't say anything, taking a box from your hoodie pocket and shoving it into his chest as you buried your face in your hands with a groan and sniffle.
He looked down with a pinched brow and pursed lips, reading the advertisement on the box boasting “know 6 days sooner.”
“Are you sure?”
“I've taken 10 of those, all positive. I'm sorry.”
“Hey, honey, it's okay.” He rubbed your back as you started to sob again. “We'll figure it all out.”
Sure, it wasn't ideal for either of you and he was scared shitless. He would stand by whatever you decided to do but in that moment, a small smile lifted the edges of his lips at the thought of his own little Harrington running around.
After a few weeks of deliberating and talking over everything, you decide to keep the baby. Steve, of course, was over the moon at that point.
You'd grown close over those first few months of the pregnancy. He was there every step of the way; taking you to doctors appointments, buying and reading ALL the books he could get his hands on and stocking your kitchen full of groceries every week. (He wouldn't take no for an answer, though you told him numerous times you will take care of yourself.)
His spare room was quickly turned into a nursery. (Your apartment was a one bedroom, with only enough space for a bassinet until you find something bigger.)
Eddie helped with the crib. There were many curse words and a bruised thumb, while you watched from the hall, giggling at their arguments and over the top antics.
You butt heads the entire pregnancy, arguing over the perfect name and finally coming to an agreement once you meet her.
He absentmindedly suggested Nancy while running down a list of names in a baby book, not really noticing what he was reading at that point because you were shooting down every suggestion.
“Really Steve? Nancy?”
"Oh shit, no, I’m sorry! Nancy is a terrible name.” Your hormones had you going from angry to sad as you started to cry because Nancy is your friend, after all.
As you drew closer to your due date, he insisted you move into his place, at least until the baby arrived, telling you to take his bed and he would gladly take the couch. He wanted to make sure you were close when the inevitable happened to make sure he could drive you to the hospital.
After a few nights, you told him you felt silly taking his entire king sized bed while he slept, rather uncomfortably (even though he denies it) on his couch. It was big enough for the two of you.
He agreed, trying to keep his distance at first.
At some point during the night, the two of you found each other. He awoke with his chest pressed to your back, while his hand rested comfortably, splayed across your ever growing bump.
He eased out of bed each following day, to not wake you.
If you noticed the two of you tangled each morning you never said anything. (You absolutely knew but didn't want to make the situation uncomfortable.)
Your water broke a few weeks later while you were in said sleeping position, waking with a startled gasp as his bed was suddenly flooded. Shaking his arm, as he tried to bury his face further into your neck with a small whine, before you finally blurted out, “Steve! The baby is coming!”
From that point, it was a blur. He grabbed your bags, got you both loaded into his car and rushed to the hospital.
Roughly 12 hours later, after a very grueling labor and nearly crushing every bone in his hand, a healthy 7 pound 6 oz baby girl was born.
Adelyn (Addie) Mae Harrington
She had your eyes and already inherited his thick mane, a mixture of both your features graced her tiny little face.
You were both utterly and irrevocably in love. She had him wrapped around her tiny finger from the first second he laid eyes on her.
On your first night home, he went to make you dinner but once he'd finished he found you both fast asleep in the living room while the TV softly played in the background.
He smiled, looking down at you both, already too attached to the idea of both of his girls staying with him forever! ❤️
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clarisse0o · 16 days
Camp Wiegman-Part 62
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words : 5K
Friday, February 26; 9:00 AM - Zoo.
"Come on, hurry up," my brother urges next to the car.
"Joan," I tease. "Stop it, please, and stay here."
"If you don't listen, we'll turn back," Lucy scolds him.
That threat earns a grumpy response from my brother. He turns his back on us, crossing his arms. I smile, keeping an eye on him in case he seriously considers walking away. Meanwhile, Lucy grabs our backpack, which we prepared last night while Joan was already asleep. Since we couldn't go yesterday, we rescheduled the zoo for today. Joan was over the moon once he figured it out. We didn’t talk about it at all yesterday. We were too busy. We ended up at a small fair with our friends after visiting the local market. My brother had completely forgotten about the zoo because of that, and in the evening, when he asked, we pretended we weren't going anymore to surprise him. It worked quite well. He's very excited now. I hope today will be better than the fair. We came home late, in the late afternoon. We offered to have our friends stay for the evening, but they politely declined, likely feeling awkward about being invited again. Perhaps it was for the best. Joan was so exhausted that he fell asleep right after dinner. We managed to get him to sleep in the guest room thanks to that. Sure, he woke up at the crack of dawn this morning and squeezed in between us, but we couldn't hold it against him. At least we almost got an entire night to ourselves. Joan sulked all morning, but it seems like his bad mood has vanished. Now he’s beaming with anticipation.
"Alright, we’re good to go," Lucy announces, shutting the trunk.
Joan spins around excitedly at the news. His smile brightens, and he looks at me, waiting for my go-ahead.
"Go ahead, but stay in front of us, okay? I don't want to lose you in the crowd."
He nods and takes the lead. I smile, following him with my hand in Lucy's. Lucy sighs softly, probably relieved that we’ve finally arrived. Joan was unbearable the whole ride. I've seen him impatient before, but never like this. It felt like he was deliberately trying to annoy Lucy, and he succeeded. I had to keep him entertained, or else Lucy would have lost her mind.
"I hope today goes smoothly," she says.
"There’s no reason it shouldn’t. Though, there are more people here than I expected," I remark. "I didn't think it’d be this busy."
"It's Friday, the last day of school vacation before the weekend. Of course, it’s packed," Lucy replies. "At least the weather is warming up a bit. It’ll be more pleasant."
I nod. It’s still a bit chilly, but unlike what one of Lucy’s neighbors told us earlier this week, the icy wind has finally died down. The snow has also melted, and in a few weeks, the temperature should finally rise. I can’t wait for that. In Barcelona, we rarely experience bad weather, if ever. It’s the complete opposite here. It’ll be tough at first, but I think I can get used to it. There are perks to the snow and cold. First, you can have fun in different ways, and with the cold, you get way more cuddles. Not that we don’t cuddle in Barcelona, but it’s much more enjoyable here, under a blanket. We reach the ticket booths. We wait a bit before it’s our turn. I handle the tickets, not giving Lucy a chance to argue. It’s about time she lets me contribute financially, even though I’m not working yet.
"I could have paid," she says once we pass the security gates.
"No," I reply cheerfully.
"No, and that’s the end of it. Today, it’s on me."
She rolls her eyes with a small smile before Joan reminds us of his presence by tugging on my jacket sleeve.
"Come on, Ona! We need to keep moving!"
"The animals aren’t going anywhere, you know," I say with a small laugh. "Come on, give me your hand. There are a lot of people here."
"I'm not a little kid anymore," she complains.
"That’s not the point. I just said there’s a crowd, and I don’t want to lose you."
I accompany my words with a stern look. He’s been arguing nonstop since we got here, and I’m starting to lose patience. He sighs and eventually gives me his hand. In the meantime, I turn toward Lucy, but I notice she’s no longer beside me. A brief moment of panic sets in until I spot her at a nearby map stand. I sigh in relief before dragging us over to her.
"Hey, if I tell Joan to give me his hand so I don’t lose him, it’s not an excuse for you to run off."
She laughs softly, leaning her head toward me.
"Sorry. I saw the maps and thought they might be useful."
"Haven’t you done the zoo before?" I ask, surprised.
"No. It’s a first for both of us," she says with a little smile.
I return her smile. She finally takes a map and stops when she sees my hand extended toward her. She laughs but takes it without protest.
"Alright, let’s go."
"What should we start with?" Joan asks, looking around with excitement gleaming in his eyes.
"Well, let’s check the map."
As I speak, Lucy unfolds the map. Everything is super organized. They’ve laid it out by zones based on the animals’ origins. My attention lingers on the penguins. Knowing Joan, that’s what he’ll enjoy the most.
"I’d save that for last," I say, pointing to that part of the map.
"Okay, well, let’s start here then," she points to the opposite direction.
"Should we join a tour group?" I ask, noticing one gathering beside us with a guide.
"No, that’s boring," my brother groans.
"Looks like you’ve got your answer," Lucy says.
"Alright, alright," I reply with amusement. "Just us, then."
"Can we start with the lions?" he asks.
"That’s actually over that way. Let’s go."
We move forward through the crowd to start with the African animals. Joan might be excited, but so am I. I love these kinds of outings, just the three of us. I also love animals. We linger at some exhibits and pass by others more quickly. It’s our first time here, but the layout is really well done. I’m sure we’ll come back, just Lucy and me. The zoo is organized like small villages at various points along the path. They’re often animated by staff, and they even offer activities in certain spots. We managed to get Joan to participate in one of them. He didn’t really want to at first, but in the end, he seemed to enjoy it. Then, we had the chance to feed the zebras. We were lucky to arrive at the right time. That was definitely Joan’s favorite part. Of course, the activity was supervised by staff, but they weren’t obligated to involve the visitors. The African section ends with the lions, which he kept talking about the entire time, even after all the things he got to do. I mentally note that my brother is becoming more and more spoiled and that I need to talk to our mom about it. I’m not the one responsible for his upbringing, but it’d be good for her to keep an eye on this not-so-pleasant change.
"What’s the next section?" I take advantage of my brother’s distraction to ask Lucy.
"The Asian animals. Then the Australian ones. But I think it’d be a good idea to grab lunch before that since we’ll be near a restaurant."
"Okay, that works for me," I reply with a smile.
We’ve been walking for two hours now, so that sounds like a good idea. By the time we finish the next section, I imagine we’ll be ready for lunch just before noon. It seems less busy than the one we just completed, according to the map. That’s good news, considering the crowd around us. Lucy was right earlier. The weather is mild, and it’s the end of vacation, so people are making the most of it. We’ll have to consider these factors next time if we want a more peaceful visit. Lucy kisses me and then wraps her arm around my shoulders. I keep an eye on my brother, who’s been ahead of us for a while now. He’s captivated by the lions. He’s holding onto the railing, looking down as if he never wants to leave this spot. Unfortunately, I have to burst his bubble if we want to see everything.
"Come on, Jo, let’s go."
"A little longer, please," she pleads, pouting.
"No, we’re moving on," Lucy jumps in. "Otherwise, you won’t be able to see everything. There are other animals like leopards and jaguars."
"Tigers too?" she asks excitedly.
"Of course. We’re getting to them soon, but we need to keep moving. »
Finally, without further resistance, he complied. He walked ahead of us. From the start, he had been negotiating to stop holding my hand. It must have been torture for her to see the other children running around while he couldn't. I agreed on the condition that he stayed in front, didn't run, and didn't stray too far. I also didn’t want to spend my day holding his back. So far, he had respected my terms, which was a first since this morning. Lucy had gotten so fed up with his behavior in certain situations that she left him to me to handle. She was probably right. I had noticed that the more Lucy got involved, the worse his behavior became. I imagine it will take some time for him to adjust to having someone else in my life. After all, he had never really seen me with anyone before. When I was with Mapi, he was too young to remember, which was for the best. He would probably have made a fuss about us no longer being together, given how much he adores my best friend.
With these thoughts in mind, we continued along, taking our time to observe everything. The scenery was beautiful, a peaceful place where you almost forget the disrespectful kids shouting everywhere. Almost. Lucy might complain, but at least we didn't have to deal with that with my brother. As someone who dislikes drawing attention, I appreciated this.
Finally, it was time to eat. As planned, we arrived just before noon. There was a bit of a wait, but not as bad as it could have been.  
“I’m not hungry,” my brother mumbled. “Do we have to stop?”
“Yes,” I replied. “You’re not alone, and knowing you, you'll be hungry as soon as we leave.”
“But there’s still so much to see!”
“And we’ll have time to see it all.”
“Joan, that’s enough,” my girlfriend interjected with a stern look. “My threat from this morning still stands.”
“Oh, stop. He’s been good all morning.”
Lucy raised an eyebrow at me, and I pressed my lips together. Last night, she’d told me it would be a good idea to support her when she said something to Joan, to avoid making her look like the bad guy. Admittedly, apart from a few grumpy remarks, which I had managed so far, Joan had behaved well this morning. My girlfriend sighed softly and turned back to Joan.
“We’re eating now. If you’re not hungry, you don’t have to eat, but don’t complain later.”
In response, my brother groaned, crossing his arms and puffing out his cheeks. It seemed like his favorite thing to do since he arrived, and it was pretty funny to watch.
“Come on, move along,” I guided him with a hand on his head as we advanced in line.
“But I’m really not hungry,” he insisted, looking up at me. “My stomach hurts,” he added, rubbing his belly.
“Really?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
He nodded, eyes filling with tears. I sighed and glanced at Lucy, who shrugged. I knew she was aware, just like me, that this was probably a lie.
“Well, I suppose you can take some medicine beforehand. We brought those dissolvable sachets, just in case.”
In reality, we only had tablets. I would have crushed one if she truly needed it, as he can’t swallow them whole. It’s not like I don’t know how to do that. I also knew he hated it, which was clear when he grimaced at the idea.
“No!” he whined.
“Well, what? You’re feeling unwell, aren’t you?”
“I-I think I feel better now.”
A small laugh escaped me. I shook my head. So the negotiations were working after all. Lucy wasn’t wrong to have me handle this. It seemed effective. We finally reached the buffet, which reminded me a lot of a school cafeteria. I grabbed a tray for Joan and myself, while Lucy took care of hers. We helped ourselves to the food. Lucy and I got chicken cutlets with fries and a green salad, while Joan chose spaghetti Bolognese. For dessert, we picked cookies. I think I also slipped a few snacks into the bag in case we got hungry later. We finished with drinks—iced tea for Joan and me, and water for Lucy. Once everything was ready, I paid, and we found a table. The place was somewhat crowded but not so much that we had to wait for a table to free up.
The meal passed peacefully, with Joan chattering nonstop. It was the first time he’d talked so much, so we let him. He had just started his first year of primary school, and since I no longer lived at home, the change was pretty drastic. Not just in personality, but intellectually as well. This morning, he had fun reading all the signs to me, showing that he could read now.
“And then Paul got a new dog. It’s so cute! I wanted to go to his house to see it, but Mom wouldn’t let me.”
“Mm-hmm,” she nodded with her mouth full. “I wanted to have a sleepover, but we already had plans that day.”
“I see,” I chuckled. “Maybe next time.”
“When are you guys going to get a dog?”
Lucy, who had been silent until now, nearly choked. I stifled a laugh. That question caught me off guard too. I’d forgotten how unfiltered Joan could be. If anything, he talks more now than before.
“Why do you think we’d get a dog?” I asked, once I composed myself.
“Well, I already asked Mom, but she said no. So now I’m asking you guys. It’d be great! I could take care of it when I visit.”
This time, I laughed out loud. It wasn’t like he would be spending half the year with us. Besides, knowing him, even if we had a dog, he wouldn’t actually take care of it when he was here.
“We’re not getting a dog, Jo, I’m sorry.”
“But why?” she pouted.
“Well, we’re hardly ever home right now. It just wouldn’t work.”
"Home." The word slipped out before I realized it. It didn’t seem to bother Lucy, though, as she kept watching us with a faint smile. I cleared my throat and continued, giving a more realistic explanation that Joan could understand.
“Don’t you think a dog would be miserable, locked up in an apartment all alone? And dogs require care, which we wouldn’t be around to give since we don’t live in the apartment during the week.”
“Or on weekends when you don’t have leave,” Lucy teased, continuing to eat as if nothing happened.
I stuck my tongue out at her in response. She had said that on purpose. The worst part was that she was the one who enforced this “punishment.” It was funny, though, and I appreciated that she still saw me as the person I was before we got together. It meant she hadn’t labeled our relationship or changed how she viewed me. Now that I think about it, our behavior toward each other hadn’t changed either. Joan’s voice brought my attention back to her.
“But yeah, not now, duh! You could get a dog once you’ve finished school and have a house. You said you love Lucy, so that’s what will happen, right? You could have a dog then, and you wouldn’t even need a baby!”
Lucy burst into laughter—literally. Meanwhile, I died of embarrassment, hiding my flushed face behind my hands. I couldn’t believe he had the nerve to say that in front of my girlfriend. I could feel Lucy’s eyes on me from across the table, but I couldn’t bring myself to look at her. I forced myself to, though, and saw her smiling at me with amusement, clearly expecting me to respond.
“You’re really talking nonsense. We don’t know yet. And who says we won’t have a baby, huh?”
“Well, I’m already here. You don’t need one. And besides, you can’t have one anyway. I’ll just move in with you.”
Once again, Lucy snickered softly. Joan, who seemed very sure of what he was saying, pouted and crossed his arms. I bit my lip to hold back my amusement. He was definitely giving me plenty of stories to remind him of later.
“All that, huh?” I asked.
“Isn’t it a good idea?”
He was sulking. I recognized the tone in his voice when he did that.
“Where did you get all these ideas, huh?”
“Well, my friends say two girls together can’t have a baby.”
I ran a hand through my hair. He must have talked to them about me. I knew he often mentioned me to them, so it wasn’t impossible. Poor thing must have a lot of questions if he’s already discussing this with his friends—or anyone else, for that matter. It must be tough for him to understand everything at his age. I couldn’t wait for him to grow up, if only to understand this better.
“They’re right,” Lucy said. “But there are other ways.”
“That’s true,” I confirmed. “Like adoption, for example.”
I gave him the simplest version of the truth, something he could grasp. Lucy and I hadn’t had the chance to talk about it yet; it was way too early for that. But if I were to give my opinion, adoption wasn’t something I’d want to prioritize. Joan seemed to latch onto the idea instantly, and his reaction caught me off guard.
“Then you can adopt me!”
I rolled my eyes playfully and grabbed a napkin to wipe the tomato sauce covering his face. A few more seconds, and it would have dripped onto his clothes.
“And why would we adopt you, huh? You have a home with two parents. Adoption is for children who don’t have that, you know?”
I can see through his eyes that all the hopes he had thought so much about have evaporated. I don't like seeing that glimmer. I feel bad for him.
“So, you don't want me?”  
“We didn’t say that,” Lucy responds. “You can come see us as often as you want, and we’ll visit you in Barcelona too.”  
“But… I want to stay with you! You’re way too far from home, and Mom and Dad aren’t around much anyway.”  
I give him a sad smile. I know what that’s like, unfortunately. I run my hand through his hair before pulling him into a hug. He lets himself go without any fuss.
“I know, sweetheart, but we can’t do any better. It’s not that we don’t want you, but you can’t just leave home like that. Besides, Lucy and I will probably have another busy year ahead. Even if we wanted to, we couldn’t take you in permanently.”
I think about the opportunity at the Art school for me and the opening of the gym for Lucy. This upcoming year will be just as busy and complicated as this one, if not more. I dread it as much as I’m excited to see what the future holds. I’m still waiting on a phone call, and I’m starting to worry that I haven’t heard back yet. Lucy says it’s normal, and I hope she’s right.
“Hmm… I would have preferred to live with you anyway,” he admits.  
I don’t know what’s going on at home, but there’s clearly something wrong. I think I’ll call my mom when I get the chance. If Joan isn’t feeling comfortable there anymore, I need to know so I can get my mom to react. There’s no way I’ll let him go through what I went through. I know how that ends, and if we don’t find the right person to help, things can go very wrong.
“Alright,” Lucy interrupts. “We should finish up quickly if we still want to do everything.”
This news brings a small smile to my brother’s face before he quickly resumes where he left off before our conversation.
“Slow down, please. Otherwise, you’ll really get a stomach ache.”
He nods but doesn’t slow down, which makes Lucy and me laugh as we exchange a glance. She may not have said much at the table, but I know she heard everything. I’ll ask her what she thinks about it all when we’re alone. We finish dessert, then head off to explore another area. Even though Joan claimed he wasn’t hungry, he still ate well. The day goes on, and surprisingly, Joan has become calmer than before, which delights my girlfriend. It’s understandable. As much as he pushes her limits, it’s annoying to have to constantly put him back in his place when we’re supposed to be having a good time. He must have realized that his tantrums don’t work with us. Maybe I should call Sofia as well to see how she reacts to his. Unlike my mom, I don’t doubt Lucy knows how to manage him as I do. It’s just that my mom doesn’t have patience for this sort of thing, so it’s very hard for her to react calmly. She loses her temper rather than defuse the situation.
“Hey,” Lucy calls out after a while. “Stop worrying. It can’t be that bad.”
“I don’t know,” I admit with a small, anxious smile. “We’ll see. I’ll call my mom tonight. I need to know what’s going on.”
She nods understandingly before giving me a soft kiss. Unfortunately, it’s the moment Joan turns around. His new habit is to let out disgusted noises whenever he sees us. But it seems he didn’t hear the rest. We change the subject as we finish this park, which Joan seems particularly fond of. It’s true—it’s very well done. We’ll definitely come back.
Friday, February 26th; 9:00 PM – Lucy’s apartment.
We’re back home. Everything is peaceful. It was six o'clock when we got back. The day was good. We all enjoyed it, especially Joan, who has already showered, eaten, and even gone to bed. He fell asleep in the guest room without even protesting. In fact, he went there on his own with his new penguin plush. We managed to finish the park, and it seems I was right—Joan loved it, and I couldn’t resist buying him a plush when he asked for it. He earned it with how well he behaved in the afternoon. As for Lucy and me, I had just settled on the couch with Netflix on in the background. I had already showered, and Lucy should be joining me soon. I hadn’t heard the water running in the bathroom for about five minutes. Now that everything is calm, I wanted to call my mom. Joan’s behavior wasn’t normal. I knew he had behavioral issues, but now we needed to figure out why. Nothing ever happens for no reason. It seems like everyone’s already forgotten what happened with me. I’m not going to let them forget. Just as I was about to call, an unknown number appeared on my screen. I don’t recognize it, but it seems to be from here, from Manchester. I frown, intrigued by the late call. Could it be Feli? Would she really come here? How would she even know where I am? The thought makes my stomach knot. I inhale slowly, glancing behind me to check if Lucy is around. Not yet. She’s still in the bathroom. After the fifth ring, I force myself to pick up.
“Hello?” I answer cautiously, my voice uncertain.
“Miss Batlle?” a voice asks.
“Hello, this is Bennett Fields! I’m sorry to call so late. I lost track of time,” he says with a small laugh. “Am I disturbing you?”
Bennett Fields, Bennett Fields... Oh! He’s the gallery director. I immediately sit up straighter on the couch, as if he could see me from afar.
“No, no! I’m at home,” I tell him.
If he were in front of me, I’m sure I’d be able to see his smile. It’s amazing how you can read him so well.
“How are you?”  
“Well, I’m pretty nervous now that you’re on the line,” I admit, which makes him chuckle. “And you?”
“I’m well, thank you. I apologize for not contacting you sooner. I had a rather busy week. I know I said I would get in touch with the person who sent me your drawings, but I preferred to speak with you directly.”
“No problem.”
In any case, I would’ve gotten the answer tonight since the other person is also in this apartment. I now understand why he asked for my number at the end of our meeting. He seems to like dealing with people directly, which is completely normal.
“I’m calling to follow up on our meeting.”
“I figured,” I reply with amusement.
I like the way we talk. I should be stressed, but he puts me at ease. His laugh is contagious.
“You impressed me a lot, Ona. Certainly not by your lack of experience, but by your undeniable talent.”
Blushing, I feel flattered to hear that from a professional.
“So, here’s the thing. I have a proposal for you. Of course, as we discussed, it would mean going back to school. Are you still okay with that?”
“Of course!”
We haven’t discussed next year much with Lucy yet, but we both kind of know what to expect.
“Good. However, the offer wouldn’t be for the Manchester gallery…”
“What do you mean?” I ask, feeling a bit worried.
“Well, here’s the thing. My gallery is expanding. I’m developing new locations in the region. I’m about to open one in Cardiff, and I’m putting together a team. I think you’d be a great fit there, under the direction of my new manager.”
Cardiff? The news leaves me speechless. What should I say to that? I definitely can’t accept such an offer on the spot. My lack of response prompts him to speak.
“I know it’s a big decision to think about. You’ve already traveled a lot, but this would be an excellent opportunity for you.”
“It definitely requires some thought…” I murmur.
“I didn’t expect an immediate answer. I’ll give you time to think it over. Just so you know, there’s also an Art school there, and the program can last two to three years, depending on the student’s choice.”
Two to three years? My vision blurs. There’s no way I’m staying away from Lucy for that long!
“If you’d like, we can schedule another meeting in two weeks. Do you think you could get some time off from school for a weekday meeting?”
“I-I’ll have to check.”
“Well, call me when you know. That way, we can set up a time to meet and talk face-to-face. Can we do that?”
“Yes, we can do that. I’ll call you then.”
“Great! Well, I wish you a good evening. Talk to you soon.”
“Talk to you soon, Mr. Fields.”
I hang up, completely overwhelmed by the conversation. Damn it! I think I’d have preferred if he’d just rejected me rather than making me face such a decision!
“Who was it?”
I jump, not having noticed Lucy’s presence. I turn toward her as she slowly approaches to sit beside me.
“Ona?” she calls gently. “Is everything alright?”
“I think we need to talk…”
Concern flashes across her eyes. Oh yes, she has reason to be worried. If she only knew how I’m feeling inside right now... I almost feel like crying.
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m-jelly · 2 months
Hi, Jelly 😘 What about Levi and reader as adoptive parents? Let's say they adopt a little girl from an orphanage. It would be interesting to see moments in their lives: they took her from the orphanage, they bring their daughter home for the first time, her first birthday in a new house, she calls them mom and dad for the first time)))
I changed this a little bit to fit with Levi a little more, hope that's okay.
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Hope for Clover
Levi x fem!reader
Future AU, soldier Levi, Captain Levi, married couple, fluff, romance, adoption.
When a major battle on another planet finally comes to an end, Levi returns home to you after being away for two weeks. As the soldiers return to their homes, Levi goes back to the planet you live on together with a new addition to the family. Clover is a little girl now orphaned that Levi saved. The two of you discuss what to do with the sweet three-year-old and decide to become her parents.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a
@youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn
@bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @levistealeaf @pelicanpizza
@hideandgopeep @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird @searriously
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The vids were praising the legion galactic army for facing off against a race of beings that wanted to consume the whole of the galaxy. Multiple races banded together with the humans for freedom. The last stand against them was on a planet near the edge of the galaxy and it seemed like everyone won.
It made you happy beyond words to know that the galaxy was safe once again and your husband would be coming home. You used to be a soldier and had incredible tech skills. You met Levi by being assigned to his ship while he went on special missions. One thing led to another and you ended up becoming lovers, then married.
After you got hurt badly during the galactic war, Levi urged you to take a step back, so you did and your job was to help them from a distance. Levi and you had even moved to a planet known for its pure beauty and to help those recovering from wounds. It was full of rolling purple hills, blue flowers, two bright moons and suns, vast lakes and beaches. It was heaven for you and Levi.
As the shuttle arrived with your husband, you felt a knot in your stomach as you wondered what condition he was in. He always told you everything was fine and then would come back with scars, so you could never predict how he would be. The last two weeks were the hardest of all the battles, so something had to have happened.
Your heart hammered in your chest as you stood with only a few others waiting for the arrival of the soldiers. You watched as the other men got off first and people parted leaving you alone and no husband. You panicked a bit but another shuttle landed, this had to be your husband but you weren't sure why he had special treatment, he never liked that.
Your eyes widened when Levi stepped out with a little three-year-old girl on his hip. "Levi?"
He walked closer allowing you to see the little girl had a robotic leg, she'd clearly lost her leg in the war. "Hey." He leaned over and kissed you passionately. "I missed you."
"I missed you too." You smiled at the green-eyed little girl with thick ginger hair, she was a vision. "Who is this princess?"
The girl giggled. "I'm not a princess."
"Really? How odd because you look like one."
Levi grinned. "This is Clover. I...I saved her...she...she's alone." He looked at you with sad eyes. "I...I was hoping..."
You took Clover from Levi and hugged her. "Do you want to live with me and Levi?"
She nodded. "Please!"
You hummed a laugh. "Wonderful. Well, let's get you inside and well-fed." You placed her on her feet. "Let's go."
Levi placed his hand on your lower back. "Thank you."
You kissed Levi's cheek. "She's an orphan, we want kids and she needs us. She's ours now."
"Yes, she's ours." He smiled softly. "I still want more kids."
You giggled. "We'll make one of our own someday, but for now we have a wonderful daughter to care for!"
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Clover had adored her new home and it flustered her that Levi and you bought her so much and gave her a big room. She had a lot of toys to play with and you both were gentle with her, so she knew she could do things at her own pace.
Levi would take her to the doctor once a week to make sure her robotic leg was working well and taking to her body. The two of you would teach her things and play with her often, but she was still very shy when it came to you. She was close with Levi because they'd seen war together, but you were new to her.
You worried that she wouldn't like you and didn't want you as a mother, but Levi told you how much Clover loved you. He told you Clover always asked him to tell her stories about you, to show her pictures of you and to tell her all about the things you liked. Clover wanted to get very close to you, she was just very shy.
After learning from Levi about Clover's adoration for you, you began noticing how she would peep at you, spy around corners, watch you as you moved around and look out for you when she was with Levi. It was adorable how she was with you and you would always say hello and often she'd stay with you, but sometimes she'd blush and run off to a new spot to spy on you.
One day you were sat in the garden working on a gadget to assist you with your fruit growing. You were humming a little song to yourself when your soldier training kicked in, you could sense Clover was close. So, you pretended not to notice, like she was a cute little kitty.
Clover shuffled closer to you, her cheeks pink with a blush and a rabbit plushie in her arms. She peered over your shoulder to look at what you were doing. "Mm...what you doing?"
You smiled softly. "I am making a little device to help me look after my fruit."
She walked around and stared. "Fruit?"
You nodded. "I'm growing all kinds of fruit from different planets. I also grow veg too." You looked up at her. "This device will be placed in the ground and it'll project a grid. Anything inside the grid will be monitored and I'll be updated on if they're ready to harvest or if they become sick."
She crouched and looked at the device. "Coooool." She looked up at you and gave you a toothy grin. "You're smart! I want to be smart like you."
"Well, I can teach you a few things. I used to do a lot of tech for the Legion Galactic Army."
She sat down. "Wow."
You felt your cheeks heat up. "I used to do a lot for Levi and his crew. I was the reason their suits kept them safe, their weapons protected them and the ship stayed flying."
Her eyes sparkled in delight. "Wooooow." She stared at your right hand and arm to see it was robotic like hers. "Umm..."
You wiggled your fingers at her. "Lost this in the war, but Levi saved me. He saved us both it seems." You smiled as she touched your hand. "We match."
She grinned. "We're twins!"
"That's right."
She crawled over and sat on your lap. "I like you." She hugged you tightly. "You're so pretty and cool."
You hugged her back. "Have you been trying to be with me like this since you arrived here three weeks ago?"
She nodded shyly. "Yes."
You kissed the top of her head. "You're so sweet. I'm here for you, always."
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Clover had been with you and Levi for a few months now, she was very comfortable with the two of you. She would help you both out and always want to be around you. She would follow you around the most, which warmed Levi's heart that she'd taken to you so much.
Today was her birthday and you'd planned everything for her to ensure she had everything she wanted. This was probably the first one she would remember. So, you and Levi wanted to make it extra special.
You helped Clover change into a cute dress for the day before helping her comb her thick hair. "There we go."
Clover grinned. "Thank you." She reached up and held your hand. "Ready."
You walked with her into the living room to see Levi had finished the last touches. "Happy Birthday, Clover."
Clover gasped when she saw all the decorations, the balloons, banners, hologram animals and bunny-themed things everywhere. She released your hand and hurried forward to see the presents waiting for her, a big cake you had baked and Levi wearing an outfit that matched Clover and you.
Tears filled Clover's eyes. "Mm..."
Levi knelt down. "Happy Birthday, kiddo."
She ran over and jumped into his arms. "Thank you."
He hugged her tightly. "I can't believe you're five! You're growing up so fast."
She sniffed and ran over to you. "Mummy! Hug!"
You dropped to your knees as the wind was knocked out of you. You hugged her as you felt your heart race. "Wh...what...did you call me?"
She pulled back and kissed your cheek. "Thank you, Mummy. I love you."
You smiled brightly through your tears. "I love you too, sweetie."
Clover smiled at Levi. "Thank you, Daddy! I love you."
Levi shuffled over and hugged you both. "You're very welcome. We love you so much."
She released you both and smiled. "Do I get a birthday wish?"
"Of course."
You nodded. "What do you wish for?"
She giggled. "To be a big sister!"
Both you and Levi looked at each other, your cheeks heating up. As Clover ran to open her presents, you and Levi started thinking about her cute wish. As you watched her open her presents, the two of you held hands and cuddled up to each other.
Clover hurried back over to you both and lifted her bunny. "I also want to gift this to the baby." She lowered it. "Mummy, Daddy? Will you make a baby?"
Levi tugged you closer. "I think a nice big family would be good."
You giggled. "Me too."
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g1rlr0b1n · 5 months
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Look guys!!! It's G1rlR0b1n 💖💖💖 (bet you didn't know this is what my handle meant lol)
Yet another commission by the super talented @tamdrry!!! (this was done a while ago I just hadn't gotten around to posting it)
So, there was actually a fic that was supposed to go along with this but... I never got around to finishing it 😭
If you want to see what I had planned to write you can check it out under the cut. 👇
One of my personal headcanons is that Damian is nonbinary (or trans but for this particular story, just nonbinary for now)
Anyway, he starts to discover this after spending a lazy afternoon with Cass and Steph in Cass's room.
They're cleaning out her closet and think it'd be fun to play dress up with her little brother. He relents because he likes feeling included and he enjoys their company and doesn't 'want to mess this up'. They're several piece swaps and a whole makeover in when the girls finally settle on what they have decide is the perfect 'fit. Damian turns to see himself in the mirror, mini skirt, crop top, fish nets, combat boots, smoky cat-eye, glossy lips, and he just…freezes… doesn't react… until he does. He starts to cry and flees from the room. The girls don't know what to do but they run after him. He nearly knocks Bruce over in the hallway, then the girls come storming after and he stops them.
Bruce: what's going on?
Steph (she looks worried): we were just messing around, we didn't mean to make him cry!
Cass (also upset and crying herself): we didn't mean to hurt him.
Bruce: ok, let me talk to him. Go back to your room, we'll chat in a bit. Try to calm down, ok?
The girls nod reluctantly but turn and go back to Cass's room. Bruce had long suspected that Damian may be having a difficult time with self-discovery from little things he's picked up on and from when he was at that age himself. he had a feeling something like this would be coming sooner than later, after all, emotions and individuality were not traits looked highly upon by the League of Assassins… or (he admits) with the Batman. he knocks on his door and when there is no answer he peeks in. Damian is sitting on the carpet in front of his floor length mirror.
Bruce: hey chum
Bruce: can I sit down?
He says nothing again but scootches over slightly
Bruce: you wanna talk about it?
Bruce: Cass and Steph think they've upset you.
Damian shakes his head: I'm not mad at them. (He emphasizes the word 'them')
Bruce: are you mad at yourself?
Damian nods but says nothing else. Bruce pulls him into a hug and he allows it, buries his face into him, cries, and Bruce just holds him there. They say nothing else until Damian finally let's go an eternity later. Bruce tells him he won't make him talk about it and he won't make him explain himself to the girls but he is going to tell Cass and Steph that he isn't upset with them unless he would like to do it himself (he'll tell them nothing more than that, he emphasizes). Damian's not ready to face them, he tells his father he can relay the message, and he does, later once Damian has asked to be left alone. The girls are relieved, they don't ask questions, they respect Damian's privacy. It's one of the reasons why Damian loves them.
A week later Bruce takes Damian to go to a fashion show with him, he goes because his father has been nagging him to put more effort into him public persona long before this anyway. There he sees androgynous models wearing mashups of typically male and female clothing and something starts to click. He feels seen for the first time but the feeling is uncomfortable and he begins to sink into himself, Bruce pulls him into his side, and he doesn't pull away.
Another week goes by and Damian comes home to find a large box on his bed, tied up with a large red ribbon. There is a tag that just reads, "fighting evil by moonlight". He opens the box and there is a new Robin uniform inside reminiscent of one of his favorite characters, Sailor Moon. The tears he cries are from happiness this time.
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axcel-lucci · 10 months
For the next Full Moon request, female reader asked the ASL trio to babysit her children. How would Law react to that? Would he be jealous or comically annoyed? Whenever female reader is busy, or Law is on important meetings, she'd always ask Luffy, Ace, and Sabo to watch Corazon and Clara. Everytime Law's on a business trip, the ASL trio would always stay by female Reader's side to company her. Yes, Ace is very bad influence, always give Clara and Cora tons of sweets and 🍬. If you want, you could make Law 'punish' her by having rough sex in his wereleopard form, which would not only make her pregnant, but also carry either triplets or quadruplet! Damm, Penguin's not kidding when Law's in his time of the moon cycle.😂😊
Full moon
A/n: so like-- idk how to do some parts of it, but yeh- but don't worry, I'll try the other half.
My masterlist
Full moon og series
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"Don't worry sweetie, uncle Shachi and will take good care of you." (Y/n) said as she comforted Clara.
Meanwhile, Cora refuses to let go of law. Hell, he'd have to take off his clothes if he wants to leave.
Then again, it's the first time the two toddlers would be away from their parents for the night. Considering they're now five.
"Hush now... We'll be back in the morning, we promise..." (Y/n) smiled as Clara pouted.
"How come papa can come and we don't!" She huffed
"You little-!!" Law groaned as he tried to pull Cora off him only for the kid to grip his shirt even tighter
"No." The boy muttered.
"Hmm... What about this..." (Y/n) smiled, "me and papa will bring you and Cora to the aquarium next week, what do you say?"
"Aquarium... And pool!" Clara says happily
"Mhmm, we'll take you there as long as you two be good little babies for uncle Shachi, yeah?"
"Okie! Cora! Quick! Papa and Mama will bring us to the aquarium next week!" Clara said as her brother immediately let's go of Law and hoped down.
It was now clear who Cora listens to other than his parents...
Giving the twins a quick kiss, Law and (y/n) left to go and have their date.
It's been a while since they had a date...
Totally not because of the twins being born.
(Y/n) had to physically restrain Law from anything when it's his time of the moon cycle...
And right now, Law is restraining himself in order to get this date the most romantic it's ever been.
"You are so unlucky" (y/n) laughed, "it's full moon. But you ARE lucky the kids aren't home. So I guess that's a win win"
"Stop teasing me..." Law groaned, "or else I'll turn this car around and just fuck you senseless. Fuck the reservation."
She just chuckled, "I know... But it is quite nice that... You know..."
"I know..." He echoed with a small smile.
They soon arrived at the restaurant with a small chat.
One that would distract him from his urges to just pounce on her at the parking lot.
It was a blur after that, really... Them eating, having a great time, Law handing her a bouquet of flowers, and they're on their way home.
But as soon as the front door was closed and locked, Law let out his tail and ears that begged to be let out the whole evening, he sighed in relief once they were out.
"It was so suffocating..." He groaned and he wrapped his arms around her waist as she removed her make up.
"Why didn't you tell me? We could've left early" she laughed as he nuzzled his face against her neck.
"I want you to have a good time..." He pouted and was on the verge of throwing a tantrum.
"Anywhere with you is a great time, Law..." She smiled as she turned around in his hold and placed her hands on his cheeks, "how's your moon cycle taking a toll on you?"
"Oh right"
Before she knew it, she was being thrown on the bed roughly as law crawled over her. "You teased me all night long" he growled as he took off his shirt
"Technically, just 4 hours worth." She laughed softly once more as he huffed and pulled all her clothes off, "law... You're that hungry?"
"What can I say? My beautiful wife is just as beautiful as no one because in my eyes, you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen" he smiled softly and kissed her deeply while squeezing her mounds of flesh.
"You've always wanted to this, Huh?" She chuckled, knowing he loved to stare whenever she'd breastfeed the children.
"I wonder if there's some milk left..."
"Are snow leopards like cats? Really?" She smiled as he lowered his head to her right mound
"I don't know what you're talking about" he huffed, the thought of being compared to a cat astounds him.
He licked her nipple just a little and squeezed it, seeing some milk leak out.
"Law... If you're really going to drink that..." She groaned before mewling at the feeling of him biting it, "... Fuck... Be my guest..."
He smiled a little before sucking the ever living shit out of her nipple, milking her until it's gone for now and switching to the other, all while (y/n) made small noises as she blushed slightly.
Law eventually had enough and sat up, licking his lips.
It was evident he was happy by how his tail was standing up.
"Law..." She smiled as he took off the rest of his clothing and leaned against her
"Yes, love?" He asked with a smile.
"You..." She chuckled softly, "you're kind of a cat."
"Oh please-"
"And I love cats..." She smiled
"Mmmhh... You better do." He huffed before placing a hand on her thigh, sliding it inside and up to her wet folds.
He sat up slightly just to pull her legs far apart and see her glistening entrance just waiting to be played with.
"Come on Law..." She whined a bit before gasping at the feeling of his thumb rub against her clit and his tattooed fingers plunge inside her.
His fingers played with her insides, rubbing, curling them, and even squelching them against that spot inside her that made her see stars.
"L-law...! Please..." She gasped as he pulled his fingers out and observed them.
She watched as he licked his fingers clean.
He eventually settled between her legs with a chuckle, "my apologies if you wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow... Like usual."
"Oh shut up" she huffed
He rolled his eyes playfully as he placed her legs on her shoulders and aligning himself to her entrance.
"Now be a good girl and just keep moaning for me, alright?"
"Mmhhhm..." She whined a little before gasping and arcing her back when Law plunged himself inside in one thrust. "Law...!"
"My bad... I forgot it's also been a long time since we had this..." He chuckled, he clearly intended that to happen
"You little-!!" She groaned but moaned loudly when law pressed her legs down to her shoulders and started to thrust deep inside.
The position let him be as fast and as hard as he can without any trouble, in which he immediately did once he realized that.
(Y/n) soon turned into a moaning mess, pleasure filled tears streaming down her face and her eyes rolling back as Law continues to bully her sorry cunt.
"That's right baby..." He smiled, "moan for me..."
He thrusted even more after that, determined to make her come at least twice before he leaves his seed deep inside her womb. The tip of his dick pressing against her cervix every thrust.
The first time she came, she was still sensitive and Law kept going. Not letting her rest, overstimulating her to the point of her second orgasm.
"L-law...! I-i cant-" she gasped and moaned loudly.
"I know, I'm close..." He groaned, "just a little bit more."
After a few more, Law came deep inside her. Against her cervix.
She can feel his warm seed planting deeper than her womb.
"L-law...! Ah..." She gasped.
"Oi... Don't sleep yet. I'm still not done... Remember... It's been 5 years since we last done this." He smirked darkly, "we're finishing it. Tonight."
"Oh dear..."
Next day...
"Mama... Why do you look so tired?" Cora shyly asked as the two watched Clara annoy the hell out of Law by climbing on his back.
(Clara is a little gremlin)
"What...? Oh... It's just uhm..." She hummed, thinking of an answer to an innocent of a toddler.
"Papa just put a baby inside mama. You'll have a sibling in a few months" Law smirked as (y/n) glared at him
"Huh? But then... How does a baby get INSIDE of mama?" Clara said as she paused for a moment
"Ah- well..." (Y/n) hummed
Ace and Sabo wanted to meet the little ones, only for them to be more behaved than Luffy who's literally chewing his now much more durable leash.
"Mama... Why is he wearing a leash...?" Clara asked
"He's... Uhm... He's uncontrollable sweetie..." (Y/n) answered.
"Mama..." Cora called, "where is he...?"
"NOT AGAIN!" Sabo and Ace yelled.
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March Week 2 - Spell and Ritual Outline
So this week's prompts sort of all ride alongside one another and go toward one common theme. How to outline and create spells and rituals. It will all focus on the who, what, when, where and how, more or less, which is a pretty good model for anything.
Monday- Basic Outline
New Page/ Lab Notebook - So for this whole ordeal this week, we're going to work mostly in our lab notebook and do some internal thinking, and research. It will be mostly one page each for spell making and ritual making for the entire week, or pages depending on how detailed you want to go. So to start out, make one page for each or add them to the pages you used to define what a spell and a ritual are.
So what are the who, what, when, where, and why of spells and rituals, to you? Make a list of these on a sheet of paper and fill them in with what you feel these things are. You can even do these on the pages you've already made. We'll expand on them as the week goes on.
Research/ new page - herbal research. Pick another herb from you list and go to town on the research! Magical and mundane uses, associations and so on!
Tuesday - purpose, method, ingredients
Research - this is about the “who” “what” and “why” what purposes can you perform a spell or ritual for? Who is the spell for? Who are you performing it on? It can be practically anything or anyone. What are you doing the spell for, what do you want it to accomplish? Looking for love? Need confidence? Want to manifest something? Want to bring more money into your life? Solidify a friendship? Protect yourself or someone else? This is followed directly by why. Why are you looking for love? Why are you protecting yourself or someone else? What you are doing and why you are doing it are intimately connected. Sometimes it can take a great deal of introspection to figure out how these are connected, other times, it is obvious.
Methodology -this is the “how” in the spell. What methods are there to casting spells and performing rituals? Look back at your types of magic pages and think hard on the ways you can cast spells for those different types of magic. Is there a certain way to prepare for spells and rituals? What steps do you take to prepare for the spell and what steps do you take after the spell or ritual? What steps are a part of the ritual? How do you actually perform the spell? Method of spellwork has everything to do with the “how” in the spell, where the purpose beforehand is the “why”.
Ingredients/ tools - this is the “what” within the spell. What ingredients if any does it require? What tools does it require? What kinds of things are a part of the spell? Incense, statues, gems and so on. What do you need to bring to the spell or ritual for it to be what it is?
Wednesday - location, direction, timing
Location and timing - this is the “where”and “when” within the spell or ritual. Is there a specific location you need to perform the spell or ritual? A specific direction you have to face? Do you have to wait for a certain day, week, month? A certain astrological sign or event, like a phase of the moon? Does the spell require you to face north or south? East or west? Or to go through all the directions? How does this information fit into your outline?
New page/ research - gemstone/ other- pick another gem or what have you from your list and research it! Everything from mundane to magical uses! How is it formed? Where is it from? So on and so forth.
Thursday - other parts of spells/ rituals
What other things are part of your spells or rituals? How do you make them yours? What personal touches and flares do you bring to your magic?
Friday - putting it to practice
Practical- if you’ve outlined the general idea of a spell and ritual, or even if you’ve made a specific one, let’s make one, and then do it! Perform the spell or ritual! And journal about it afterwards!
This has been a long and heavy week, but we made it!
Good Luck and Happy Crafting witches!
-Mod Hazel
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stevetonyweekly · 2 months
Cap-Ironman Rec Week - Cap-IM Sunday - Sunday
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Final day of @cap-ironman Rec Week is Cap-Ironman Works and this is also serving as this week’s post because it’s silly making two. Enjoy and be sure to check out all the recs in the tag, there’s SOOO many excellent fic! 
The Moon and the Sea by dirigibleplumbing
Steve has lived his whole life in the coastal California town of Nublado. He’s spent the last few years trying to move on from a traumatic event in his past, and he finds new joy when he befriends—and quickly falls for—reclusive local billionaire Tony Stark. Then Tony abruptly breaks things off and won’t reply when Steve reaches out. Steve’s friends Clint and Nat have his back, at least. But… is someone following him everywhere? What’s with the human teeth Steve and his friends found while they were out fishing? How did the Scarlet Witch know so much about him? And why are there so many crows around?
Leaping to Conclusions by Sineala
Basketball games. Lunch in the park. Evenings at the movies. Tony and Steve are longtime Avengers teammates and the best of friends, and Tony's been pining away for Steve as long as he's known him. Tony knows Steve's straight, but if Steve were going to date a guy, it would be him, wouldn't it? Everyone knows that. Unfortunately, no one told Steve. And when Steve decides to keep trying online dating after the Lover's Leap fiasco, Tony is shocked and heartbroken to learn that Steve's new boyfriend is none other than... Batroc the Leaper! But for the sake of Steve's happiness, Tony must put aside his own feelings about Batroc before it costs him Steve's friendship -- or worse.
Side Effects by elimymoons
"So what I'd like to propose," Tony continued on, "is for you to let me help you out a little, yeah? We'll work off some of this energy, some of this adrenaline, and you don't have to worry about hurting yourself anymore, okay?"
Steve's in a bit of trouble. Tony wants to help him out. Sexily.
made to make you blue by gottalovev
Steve, drunk for the first time since the serum, hits on Tony. It's everything Tony's ever dreamt about, but he refuses to have sex with a drunk Steve who can't truly consent. They do kiss, though, and Tony stays the night. The morning after brings a misunderstanding of disastrous proportion, where both men wrongly assume the other is uninterested.
Life gets extremely complicated when Enchantress, mad at Thor, casts a spell that links people who love each other together, letting them feel the other's pain.
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silverynight · 7 months
When the moon rises
Part II
It's been a couple of weeks since Tanjirou has made friends with a pack of werewolves; they're absolutely great, if he's being honest, they make sure he's safe every time he goes into the forest to chop a couple of trees and turn them into logs.
Before he knew about their secret, they just watched him from afar and followed him from the shadows, now they follow him like happy puppies and turn into their human forms to help him carry the logs back to his house.
Nezuko likes them all and sometimes she invites them inside so they can have something warm to drink.
Other days they all stay for a while in their house and bring Tanjirou a lot of gifts that he takes with a flustered expression and feeling as his face is on fire the whole time.
Because they're not only his friends, those nine werewolves have been courting him for a while now and Tanjirou must admit that he really likes them all back.
"Let me scent you," Kyojuro mumbles one day as they get inside Tanjirou's home. Some of the others are already in his house by the time he and Kyojuro come back from the village.
"Okay," Tanjirou whispers shyly; Shinobu has explained to him a thing or two about werewolf traditions and it seems like they are usually very possessive. Which is why they want Tanjirou to smell like them.
He doesn't mind that at all, in fact, he finds it charming.
Not only Kyojuro, but Tengen and Giyuu end up scenting him too, at least in that moment, but when the others get home and realize what happened, they ask the redhead to let them scent him too.
He has met Makio, Suma and Hinatsuru already and it surprised Tanjirou how much they also want their husband to mate him. They have told him that they love him too, which Tanjirou has had a hard time to believe because he's such a simple uninteresting person to have a whole pack of werewolves loving him the way they do.
But they do love him and Tanjirou is getting used to the idea.
When winter gets significantly worse, they invite him and Nezuko to their home in the woods again.
They give Nezuko a room for herself where she can stay warm, but they ask, almost plead Tanjirou to sleep next to them in the living room.
"It's a tradition; something intended mates do," Gyomei explains, making Tanjirou flustered again. "We'll have to be in our wolf form so we can keep you warm."
"To show that we can protect and take care of you during winter," Muichiro adds, nuzzling against Tanjirou's cheek. "Please, it'd mean a lot to us."
Tanjirou agrees because he has decided a while ago that he's going to follow their tradition to the end and they'll be his partners or... mates, as they like to call it.
They make the living room comfortable and shift into their wolf form; Tanjirou can't stop himself from petting them all and even chuckles when he notices the way they start to wag their tails.
They all nuzzle Tanjirou before forming a circle on the floor; Obanai explained to him earlier that were going to sleep like they would when they have to stay in the forest.
Tanjirou sleeps in the middle, surrounded by the smallest members of the pack; they're so soft and warm, it doesn't take the human to long before he falls completely asleep.
It's really comfortable.
In the morning he wakes up early to make them all breakfast; even though it's not his house, it doesn't take too long for him to make something for them.
Of course, when they turn back into their human forms, they're completely naked and it gets him all flustered immediately.
They go back to their respective rooms to change, but Sanemi bites Tanjirou's cheek first and smirks at him when the human's face turns slightly pink.
Fortunately, Nezuko doesn't get out of her room until a couple of hours later so she doesn't get to see that.
After that night, they get really happy and become a little bit more attached to Tanjirou, he thinks that's more than okay since he's going to spend the rest of his life with them.
Although it makes him nervous sometimes, what if they regret it? Is there something like divorce in their traditions? How do you undo a making bite? What about nine of them?
He thinks about asking them directly, because he doesn't have anyone else to ask, but he doesn't seem to find the right time for it.
They have dinner in their house; the werewolves who can actually cook help making it and Tanjirou would have give them a hand too, but they refuse to let him.
"This is for you," Muichiro tells him. "Let us do this. Werewolves usually hunt for their future mates, but we know you wouldn't like us bringing you a dead animal to your doorstep so this is the only way for us to show you we can feed you."
Tanjirou is about to tell him they don't need to do that for him, but by the way Mitsuri is enthusiastically making rice balls and how happy the others look too, it seems this is another important tradition for them.
So he lets them.
However, Tanjirou decides that he also needs to talk to them; he brings out the topic of divorce, which he has to explain too and they all look so horrified by it (but confused at the same time) that Tanjirou is sure he screwed up.
"We won't change our minds, if that's what you're afraid of," Kyojuro assures him. "You are the love of our lives."
Tanjirou tries to hold back a couple of tears, but it seems to be a very difficult task; the feeling of Giyuu's hand on his helps him a lot though.
"Do you think you'll regret it?" It's the most vulnerable Tanjirou has seen Sanemi; he also looks sad, which is something he doesn't like at all.
He wants to see them happy, he wants to make them happy.
"No, I won't. I'm not like that," Tanjirou surprises himself by how determined his voice sounds. There's no hesitation in it. "I love you all too."
"See? There's nothing to worry about," Mitsuri assures him.
"Besides, we'll work on our relationship every single day, to make sure we are taking care of you properly," Gyomei cuts in and Tanjirou nods immediately.
"I'll do the same," he promises.
In spring they give him nine mating bites and Tanjirou has to walk around their house with clothes that leave his neck exposed because they all love to see the marks on his skin.
Tanjirou is shy at first but he gets used to it; he also finds out they all are very enthusiastic lovers and the first week with them is absolutely exhausting, but in a good way, although he's getting used to that too.
They're very possessive too; at least two of them go to the village with him and sometimes they hiss, growl or just glare at anyone whom they think is trying to make a move on Tanjirou.
Tanjirou is almost sure is everything in their minds, but he stops arguing when Nezuko lets him know they're probably right and he's just being oblivious.
It's alright actually, because he doesn't mind the possessiveness; they always try to control themselves whenever Tanjirou asks them to.
He enjoys his life with them, but what he likes the most about it is that they all act like a big family.
Well, they are a family and Tanjirou and Nezuko are part of it now.
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Paper Rings
Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
…and Broken Promises
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The moon is high, like your friends were the night that we first met. Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet, now I've read all of the books beside your bed... The wine is cold like the shoulder that I gave you in the street. Cat and mouse for a month or two or three now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe.
Lizzie groaned when the beeping in her mind didn't subside, it only increased in volume, breaking her from the dreams she was having. More so the vivid memories of your whirlwind romance on replay for her, to only be followed up by hopeful imagery her mind's manifesting.
From the early days where she met you at a party thrown by Scarlett Johansson—Marvel's resident party girl, there had been so much going on that night, it'd been an event thrown to bridge the gap for the incoming cast, such as herself, Aaron Taylor, and you—Y/N Y/L/N.
Elizabeth had been a huge fan of yours after she saw you too loved the indie film genre. Your movies were her guilty pleasure, so she had been a little bummed out to find you'd never even heard of her until a week prior. Awkward was an understatement for the both of you, she was gushing to you over the film you just finished shooting, and you were too enamored by her beauty to really engage.
That night you'd looked her up, falling down a rabbit hole of all things Elizabeth Olsen, she was stunning, and her acting was next level. Everything was going well too, until you stumbled into an article about her boyfriend. Your laptop was slammed closed as soon as your silly hopes were crushed, it was only a new crush, but the way she flirted with you all night long had left you feeling a bit hurt after.
So you went to set the following month with an urge to ignore her, and for the first few weeks you managed to do it well. Then at a craft table after a particularly long day she found a way to corner you, her eyes were sad when they found yours, and it was clear to you that it was your doing. So, in the name of professionalism you agreed to eat with her in her trailer, because maybe you had misinterpreted her intentions at the party, but once she leaned in to kiss you it was clear you were right, and you folded.
Lizzie frowned when you resorted to yelling obscenities afterwards, but once she caught the word boyfriend in the mix she was quick to scream it was a tabloid falsehood; she was single, and only wanted to not be if it was you who was going to ask her out. She was smooth, you took the alluring bait, and the rest is a long, sorted and disgustingly sappy history.
Kiss you once 'cause I know you had a long night. (Oh!) Kiss you twice 'cause it's gonna be alright. Three times 'cause you waited your whole life. (One, two, one two three four!)
"Baby...," your groans of displeasure took Lizzie back to the present moment, she reached over to turn the alarm off, then she rolled onto her side so she could pull you into her warmth., "Thank you baby.," she chuckled softly at your sweet words uttered with the grumpy tone.
Elizabeth allowed you to snuggle into her for a few minutes, but it wasn't long before the next alarm was going off besides your head., "No..."
"Unfortunately, yes my love.," she giggled, her body shifted to turn it off, then with gentle precision she shifted you onto your back so that she could hover over you with a smile., "We've gotta get to set soon honey.," she placed a wet kiss to your cheek, her eyes sparked with joy when she could feel as the muscle twitched beneath her lips as you did your best to fight off a smile., "Come now, we'll save time by showering together.," she winked, then sauntered off before you could stop her.
She squealed however when you jumped up, and pressed her into the bathroom doorway in a matter of seconds., "Not so fast little Olsen.," she glared at you but you only smirked back., "What's my morning time rule, hm?," a silly smile overtook her face as she thought it over.
"Nothing comes before snuggles and kisses.," she repeated the words you've prompted her with for many years now., "Not even Marvel.," you tapped her nose softly., "Exactly.," then in an exaggerated manner you pouted your lips.
She huffed just as dramatically as you as she leaned in to capture your lips in a kiss, it was soft, and slow, just the way you loved it most. Getting to feel her close is all you’ll ever need, which is why you whine every time it’s brought to an end., “Baby, we have to get going, I’m not being late and facing Kevin’s stare once again.”
No amount of sulking or pouting brought her back to you so you reluctantly got in the shower to get cleaned up. A permanent scowl was on your face, and Lizzie made it her mission to bring your smile back, so as you were climbing out she jumped into your slippery arms and pecked your lips repeatedly until you smiled.
“Get dressed, and meet me downstairs in ten.,” and with a final kiss she was leaving you to get herself ready without the distraction (you).
“Are you ready to go love?,” she looked over to you from the front door with the keys in hand., “I’m right behind you baby, I’m just getting our coffees, and lunches.,” you came around the corner with two satchels and tin thermoses. The dirty blonde allowed you through, then locked the door behind you before climbing into the drivers seat and taking off in a rush.
I want to drive away with you
I want your complications too
I want your dreary Mondays
Wrap your arms around me, baby
“Marvel making us work on a Monday is a war crime.,” you grumbled from beside the far less grumpy woman., “Love, it’s just another day.”
Elizabeth snorted when you loudly huffed and shifted to face the window instead of her, her hand was quick to reach across the divider and gently settle into yours to rest on your thigh. The action was simple, but the way in which this woman cares for you so tenderly on the regular is anything but, she’s just so patient, incredibly kind and lest we forget beautiful.
She was everything you never knew you needed until you finally had her, and there was no way in hell you were ever letting her go now.
Truth be told you were ecstatic for today’s events. While Paul B and the crew over at WandaVision keep Lizzie busy you’ll actually be on another set. Lizzie believes you’ll be on the set of Loki, as that’s normally the case, but the production is actually paused for your sake.
Scarlett, Robert, and all the rest of the original gang will be there as well, setting up what you call the “After Elizabeth says yes party,” and you’ll be there to help them until lunch time when you plan to walk Lizzie down memory lane, and then you’ll drop down on one knee and ask her to be your blushing bride.
After sharing a smattering of kisses you finally parted ways with the promise of a 12pm lunch. That gave you exactly three hours to make sure everything was up to snuff, you weren’t really worried because you gave the reigns to Scar, and she’d yet to disappoint you with parties.
“Well if it isn’t the lady of the hour!,” Downey yanked you into a sweaty embrace and you wretched dramatically., “Unhand me you filthy cretin.,” you swiftly moved into the arms of the others, each one wishing you well until you landed in the arms of Johansson, who’s smirk was nothing if not teasing., “Tell me Y/L/N, how do you plan to ruin the proposal?”
“I’ll have you know my plan is foolproof.,” you groaned and the blonde chuckled., “And yet, I see you still finding a way to muss it all up.,” she reached forward to tussle your hair, and you squealed while jumping away., “Don’t mess up the look Johansson!”
“Oh jeez, please say you’re joking, this is how you plan to propose?,” she scoffs., “In a pair of sweats, and with your hair lazily combed out?”
“Lizzie loves my messy hair and sweats.,” she shook her head., “You’re hopeless, but worry not, I am here to save the day—trust in me, and you’ll be engaged in no time.,” she winked, and you deadpanned., “The Black Widow helping with my proposal… Something about that doesn’t seem very promising.,” she cackled, and pulled your reluctant form alongside her.
Even with your protests you allowed the woman to guide you to her emergency supply of suits, and after a few tries you settled on the sheer white top, with the deep green suit set.
“Good luck Y/L/N.,” she slapped your shoulder, then sent you off with a genuine hug.
A chorus of well wishes followed you out the steel doors, along with a smattering of nerves that had settled deep in your stomach.
“Woah, am I going to get to see you in this on the big screen?,” you smiled shyly, and Lizzie pulled you into her embrace swiftly, her lips pressed to yours just as fast., “I missed you.”
“I missed you too baby.,” you wrapped your arms around her, hugging her properly., “Now, are you ready for a trip down memory lane?,” her brows furrowed, but the nervous look in your eye told her not to tease you just yet.
Lizzie had no clue whatsoever where you were taking her, but when you ended up in her old trailer she smiled at you knowingly., “Our first kiss?,” you nod, then pull her to the couch, and began to unpack your premade lunches. The two of you ate in a comfortable silence, the only thing on your mind was the next destination, and her mind was curious, but she chose to trust the process instead of questioning it.
Once you walked her passed a few sets, talking about the scenes that strengthened your bond, you eventually stopped by the pond in the lot. This was the spot that you asked her to be your girlfriend after a few months of talking, and now it’s where you were falling to your knee.
“Aww, love, this is where you—.,” she turned around with a reminiscent smile that fell into an expression of shock at the sight of you.
"Elizabeth Olsen, I have loved you for as long as I've known you. The immediate infatuation blossomed into the purest of loves I've ever experienced. I never want to be without this—without us, so please do me the greatest honor of my life and say that you'll marry me."
The starlet was in hysterics when you opened the velvet box, the ring was perfect, but it was really your nervous smile that sealed the deal. As if you had anything to worry about after half a decade together, she thought it was adorable, and that didn’t really help your nerves much as she admired you in lieu of answering.
“Baby?,” you began to gnaw on your lower lip, and a wave of guilt passed right through her., “Of course I’ll marry you baby.,” she stepped forward, her hand linking with your free one., “There’s no reason to doubt that, my love for you is unwavering, so please, slip it on baby.”
You wasted no time pulling the jewelry from the velvet box, you smiled up at your now fiancée, then just as you went to slip the ring on her finger it all went to shit. Your fingers were slippery, and so the ring fell from your grasp, and before you could recollect it a seagull swooped in and stole the jewelry.
“Oh my god.,” Lizzie gasps, watching as you were now chasing a seagull around the parking lot, all of your friends giving their spots of hiding away as most keeled over at the sight.
“Please tell me you’re getting this.,” Lizzie asks Scarlett as she sneakily approaches from the side., “Every last second of it, don’t worry.”
The good friends watched as you scaled a trailer in an attempt to catch the bird, it was almost taunting you by having not flown away, but as soon as you nearly had it in your grasp it did just that, taking your ring off into the sky, and leaving you in a bit of a soured mood.
Your lip trembled as you approached your lover in defeat., “I’m sorry, this was supposed to be perfect, and I messed it up.,” she shook her head, immediately throwing her arms over your shoulders, and sighing in relief when yours wrapped securely around her waist.
“I like shiny things.,” you frowned at her words, the reminder of the loss was too soon., “But I'd marry you with paper rings.,” you raised your brows in obvious question, and she smiled., “Uh huh, that's right.,” her soft lips pecked yours., “Darling, you’re the one I want.”
You melted into her, the genuine glint in her viridescent eyes enough to settle your feelings of inadequacy here., “I love you honey.,” she pressed another kiss to your lips., “Nothing is messed up, because in the end I don’t need a ring to know I want to be your wife, all I need is you, safely in my arms; your love is enough.”
“I love you too baby, now let’s go party!,” she giggled behind you as you pulled her into the room that Scarlett, and the boys put together.
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this.
Darling, you're the one I want: in paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams.
Oh, you're the one I want
“That was so embarrassing.,” you whined, your fiancée giggled as she cuddled up to your side., “What part?,” she couldn’t help but tease you.
“The seagull!,” you shrieked as if it was obvious, and so she chose to leave the drunk karaoke out of the conversation for now., “Oh, yeah, that’s going to be hilarious for interview season.,” your eyes widened., “Oh my god…”
“It’ll be okay my love.,” she kissed your cheek before nuzzling her face into your neck., “The story will be one we tell our kids one day, and they’ll laugh at you the same way we all did.”
“You’re the actual worst.,” you tried to shimmy away from her giggling form, but she held you too tight, and really your efforts were weak from the start., “Yeah, maybe I am, but there’s no turning back now, you’re my bride to be.”
“Lucky for you I don’t want to.,” you rolled onto your side and softly pulled her closer., “I can’t wait to be an Olsen.,” she beamed at the name drop, then she placed an excited kiss to your lips, “Don’t forget the many babies!”
“Oh yeah, how could I? Can’t wait to have mini you’s running all around this big old place.”
“Tiny you’s too!,” she yawned., “I want it all.,” her snores were the next thing you heard, and after a few minutes of just silently watching her breathe you slowly began to slip away too., “I want it all and more with you, goodnight love.”
2,622 Words
💕Kaitlyn 💍
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suplicyy · 3 months
[Prompt Series pt.5]
Camping with Yamaguchi
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— Summary: You and Yamaguchi go on a camping trip.
— Fluff
— Gn!Reader
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You don't really know how this was possible, but somehow you managed to convince your parents to let you go camping with Yamaguchi for the entire weekend. Both of you had been planning for some time for a type of meeting that was totally different from what you had done before, so when Tadashi saw that near his house there was a place where people used to camp, he told you right away.
And for almost two whole weeks, you planned everything: arranging things like camping tents, sleeping bags, a small heater, among many other things that were necessary for the activity. You borrowed most of the items from some friends (70% of the items were reluctantly given by Tsukishima), so the only expense you two had was food and transport to get there.
So that's why you guys were now on an hour-long ride in a bus with several bags to the camp site. And you were internally grateful that you guys left the house early, since you could see Yamaguchi sleeping on your shoulder, which you thought was the cutest thing in the world and you certainly didn't take some photos of him. And after arriving at the location with the bus, you two still needed to walk a long 20 minutes to the location, which left you very tired when you arrived at your destination.
The place was very quiet, since where you were was a little further away from residential areas. It was a small plain with medium vegetation, and if you look further, you can see a trail that leads towards to a small forest that you could explore.
But before planning anything, you and Yamaguchi decided to try setting up the camping tent first, which took a while to get stable since this was your first time doing something like this. After setting up the tent, you dropped your belongings inside the tent and waited patiently for the boy to do the same.
"Come on!! We need to explore the woods trail before dark!" you say as you hug the boy's arm, who immediately blushes at your action. "B-But what if we get lost...?" he says with a slight tone of concern. "Don't worry Yama, we'll just walk a little and then we'll come back!" and before he can protest, you grab his hand and quickly walk towards the trail, laughing at the look of concern on Yamaguchi's face, which soon dissipates and gives a small smile when he sees that you're having fun.
All said and done, you explore the place a little, discovering that further ahead there was a beautiful river where you could see some fish through the crystal clear water, with the light current carrying leaves that had fallen from the trees and now float on the wet surface.
With your cell phone, you took several photos of the environment, but you were even more excited to take photos of your loved one distracted by the beauty of the place. You never got tired of admiring his beautiful face, which always looked at you with the kindest and most affectionate look of all.
And as you had promised that you wouldn't go too far, after observing the environment around you more, you decide to return to the camping tent. Interlacing your hands, as you walked along the trail you could observe the sun slowly preparing to rest and give its place to the beautiful moon, a sign that it was already time to prepare and eat the delicious meal you brought along for the trip.
And the food was really delicious, you two were able to really enjoy every aroma and flavor that the meal had to offer, you even made a little makeshift fire to roast marshmallows. And over the light flames of the bonfire, you talked and laughed comfortably about each other's presence, happiness growing in your hearts as you stood next to each other.
Everything was so perfect, nothing wrong would happen today, right? But it seems that the universe always likes to ruin good moments with a sudden event.
Yamaguchi thought exactly like this as he desperately looked for his sleeping bag that he swore he had picked up before leaving his house. You had told him to pack the sleeping bags inside the tent while you cleaned and collected the things you had left behind from the meal you just ate.
His soul almost leaves his body when he hears you entering the cabin, being startled by your sudden entry. "I already managed to organize everything outside, how about you?" you say sitting next to Tadashi, who was nervously looking at the floor as a way to avoid your gaze.
When observing the boy's abnormal behavior, you gently run your hand over his back, lightly stroking the area. "Hey, what happened Yama?" You say in a slight tone of concern.
"Well... I think I ended up forgetting to bring my sleeping bag..." he says, still avoiding your gaze, feeling embarrassed for forgetting something that he thought was super important.
You stop for a moment to think about the information you just received, but soon smiled at the boy next to you. "If you want you can sleep with me, I share my sleeping bag with you!" upon hearing your suggestion, he immediately blushes at the idea of the two of you sleeping together. "N-No need, I swear! I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, I can sleep on the fl-"
Before he could finish his sentence, you pull him into a hug that makes you both fall on top of your sleeping bag, which makes Tadashi let out a small sound of surprise at your sudden action.
"If I were really uncomfortable, do you think I would suggest we sleep together? Besides, at home we always sleep together!" You lift your hand to gently caress his cheek "Don't worry about it, okay?" he looks at you with a small blush on his cheeks, but soon gives in to your idea, nodding in agreement.
Soon after, you open your sleeping bag and get into it, and you moved to the side so Yamaguchi could get into the sleeping bag with you. It was a little tight, as this model was designed for use by just one person, but you have to admit, it was actually comfortable the way your body was close to his. You were so close that you could almost hear Yamaguchi's heart rate, which was racing with proximity.
Before lying down completely, you turn off the small light that illuminated the inside of the camping tent and snuggled up to Yamaguchi, who is now more relaxed. He shyly wraps his arms around you, hugging you while lightly stroking your hair.
With a slight yawn, you close your eyes and settle into the boy's arms. "Good night Yama..." you say before falling asleep, the tiredness of the day finally falling off your shoulders. "Good night [Name]." and then Tadashi allows himself to relax next to you, sleeping soundly as he dreams about the little trip you two planned with so much care.
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A/N — My exams end next week!! I'm so relieved that it's over, but I can't fully relax yet, I still need to study more, so there may not be constant updates here yet💔
— Prompt chosen for this post: Person B and Person A go on a camping trip. Person B forgets to bring a sleeping bag, so they have to squeeze into Person A's sleeping bag with them.
[Prompt Series Masterlist]
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do you know about any looong slowburn sterek fics preferably with smut? optional magic stiles👀
hehe thank you❤️
Hi anon. @kevaaronday made this list for you.
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Actions Speak Louder Than Words by isthatbloodonhisshirt (25/25 | 434,625 | Explicit | Sterek) “I apologize.” The cop finally looked back up at his face, seeming thrilled. “It’s just—it’s been so long. And we finally have you.” 
That was a bad word. Not found. 
Stiles wrenched his hand free and took a step back, but before he could even think up a gameplan, he felt a prick in his neck and jerked away, reaching up to slap one hand against it and twisting in the same moment. 
One of the others had come up behind him while he hadn’t been paying attention, and his vision began to swim even as his eyes caught sight of the half-empty syringe the guy was holding.
Put Down in Words by paintedrecs (31/31 | 203,776 | Mature | Sterek) “Oh,” Stiles said, his voice coming out low and breathy, “fuck me.”
“I don’t think that’s on the syllabus, but we can check to see if there’s a spot open in any of his classes,” Scott said, grinning.
“This isn’t an actual professor, though,” Stiles insisted, unable to resist brushing his thumb over the sharp line of the man’s bearded jaw. He was laughing at something off-camera, the shot taken in three-quarters view, his coat collar casually rumpled and opened to reveal a sliver of a simple grey t-shirt. The whole thing was deliberately calculated to lend him a more accessible feel, and god help him, Stiles was falling for it.
When Stiles signed up for Dr. Hale’s intro to history class, he had two goals: knock out the credits his advisor was bugging him to complete before he graduated, and spend a few hours a week daydreaming about his sexy professor’s salt and pepper beard.
Derek, a few months away from turning forty and not sure when his life had started feeling so damn lonely, had never encountered someone like Stiles before. Bright-eyed, sharp-tongued, determined to throw Derek’s carefully cultivated world into disarray…and absolutely the last person Derek should be falling in love with.
Most (Im)Proper Proposal by Welsh_Woman (72/72 | 200,136 | Explicit | Sterek) Stiles Stilinski has not seen his childhood friend for going on ten years when Derek Hale insists on meeting him in a barely reputable inn to make a rather startling proposal…
The Hollow Moon by thepsychicclam (10/10 | 180,079 | Explicit | Sterek) It's the summer after Stiles' first year of college, and he's working a crappy job and dealing with nightmares and anxiety - but he's okay, he swears. He makes it through most days without too much trouble. Then, a certain werewolf comes back into town. Which Stiles doesn't care about, nope, not at all. 
After two and a half years, Derek returns to Beacon Hills with his small Pack. Though he tried to move on, something just kept drawing him back to Beacon Hills, he's just not sure what. Now, he figures he can start building something like a life - but he keeps getting distracted by Stiles Stilinski of all people.
Teenage Love Song by HaleHathNoFury (26/26 | 155,834 | Explicit | Sterek) Stiles is sick and tired of how much he fucks up. His dad is disappointed, his step-mom judges and his step-brother can do no wrong. It's not that he doesn't love them, he just gets so tired of being different. Now he's being moved lock, stock and barrel to Beacon Hills aka the town his mom grew up in so they can go live in his grandma's house and his father can get him back on the straight and narrow. 
It's going to suck.
B.E.A.C.O.N. by Mythological_Compendium (43/43 | 140,691 | Explicit | Sterek) "What better situation could there possibly be? We'll be pretty much stuck together, we can talk, drink and maybe later even…”
A scoff. “What? Have reunion sex?”
He shrugs. “It's been four years.”
Same Old Song and Dance by Halevetica (91/91 | 125,721 | Explicit | Sterek) Raised in the hunter life after his father was killed, Stiles hates werewolves. So when he lands a contract to kill the alpha of the pack that killed his father, he's elated. Until he runs into complications. The alpha is smart and strong and playing a game Stiles can't figure out. When secrets are revealed and new enemies made, Stiles must decide for himself what side he's on and who he can trust.
Bruises and Bitemarks by orphan_account (27/27 | 121,566 | Explicit | Sterek) Biologically, Stiles is weak. When he presented as an omega, he knew that to be the truth but that never stopped him from running his mouth as a defense mechanism. However, it could only save him so many times before he ended up pissing off the wrong person. After he's attacked in the parking lot outside of school, Stiles realizes he can no longer protect himself with just pure wit and sarcasm. When the attack lands him in the hospital, his dad forces him to pick between two options, report the alphas who attacked him or join a kickboxing gym run by omega rights activist and alpha, Derek Hale, a man Stiles has been in love with for many years.
Strip by Fessst (23/23 | 117,194 | Explicit | Sterek) "Singletail whip. Your favorite, isn't it?"
Red. Stiles felt nauseated as he bent over the bench. Red. The tremble only increased when his wrists and ankles were secured with leather straps. Red. He heard the Dom behind him give a sample crack of the whip in the air. Red. This would likely pierce his skin. So fucking Red.
"What's your safeword?"
"The... the stoplights, Sir."
Stiles's first introduction to the world of BDSM was a complete fiasco. You see, he had a crush on this ridiculously hot Dom and might have slightly exaggerated (ahem, lied blatantly) a few things on his questionnaire. Five years later the two meet again under a different set of circumstances.
A rare Alphahole by Fessst (27/27 | 110,538 | Mature | Sterek) Weed sale goes wrong and leaves Stiles with a dilemma of either facing prison or enrolling himself in Beta Rehabilitation Program for the next 6 months.
Anything beats prison, right?
Once he finds out that his assigned Responsible Alpha is the asshole who landed him in trouble, to begin with, Stiles is not so sure anymore. Especially since he has to fucking marry the guy! 
the trees call your name by spaceprincessem (2/2 | 107,656 | Mature | Sterek) “That was a long time ago,” Derek finally said, his face falling into its usual cool facade.
Stiles felt like he had been punched in the gut. Two worlds, right? Except, it had never really been two worlds at all. If they lived in two worlds, Stiles wouldn’t feel this unexplainable ache that ran deep in his bones. It had always been one world, with water slipping into the cracks, until there was an ocean between them. Stiles was always caught in the riptides, dragged out to sea where he was left to drown, sinking below the surface as Derek grew further and further out of his reach.
“Yeah,” Stiles agreed, forcing his lips to turn up in the corners, noting the slight crack in his voice, “long time ago."
aka the high school friends to lovers ranch au that no one asked for, but the one that i wrote anyway. This fic is finished, I will just be posting it in two parts!
Far From Any Road by doctorkaitlyn (28/28 | 103,835 | Explicit | Sterek) Stiles Stilinski is a young, chronically sleep-deprived detective who's manipulative and morally dubious at best. He's fairly certain that, in the years since he started working for the California Bureau of Investigation, he's seen most of the horrible things that the world could possibly throw at him.
But that's before a body turns up in an alley in Beacon Hills, brutally tortured, with a symbol burned into its back. It's quickly followed by a second and third, and when Stiles is unable to find any hint as to who the culprits might be, his father decides to bring in some outside help.
His name is Derek Hale, and he too has seen some truly horrible things, only some of them on the job.
Stiles hates him immediately. But Derek may be their only hope for solving the case, so Stiles reluctantly agrees to accept his help. 
As it turns out, neither of them have seen anything close to the depths of human depravity that await them in the woods and down the back roads surrounding Beacon Hills.
All a Pack Needs is a Little Spark by thornconnelly (21/21 | 82,884 | Mature | Sterek) Fork in the road fix-it that basically changes everything starting... an hour before the show actually starts. idk.
Stiles has a premonition that he NEEDS to go into the forest on a random night and saves Laura before Peter can kill her. Stiles doesn't know what he's gotten himself into, but he decides to help out the stray dog he finds in the woods, and then ends up joining a werewolf pack... as their Spark... because apparently he's got magic. 
What ensues is my whole-hearted desire for the Hales to have nice things.
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noffy96 · 3 months
Okay. I haven't seen a lot of people talk about it yet. Because I have a feeling a lot of people are dropping of tsams because of what happened in the last arc.
But I really wanna talk about old moon for a second. Because I've been really liking these past few episodes.
But first. I must say i am pretty bummed that I am getting this after how nexus/new moon had been handled. I think it could have been done way better. And I am not surprised it left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouth. No matter how you look at it.
But I am not gonna hold that against what old moons character (for now)
While I would have liked a bit MORE out of a reaction from sun. I am kinda glad they are taking this more calm/detached approach.
It feels like we get a bit of calm after weeks of angst and stress that was surely needed. Also it gives old moon a few times to act on trying to do better in small ways and succeed. Before getting to get put in front of a BIG desission again. And seeing if he will fuck up big time. Small time or not at all.
Personally I would like it if he fell back, but not all the way. But we'll see how it goes.
In absolutely LOVE how awkward he was with earth
Just you could feel it dripping of every second of that conversation. And just the fact that we learned through this that he can't cook was hilarious
. And how he interacted with dazzel as well.
Just being fascinated by her. And just...at the end that sentiment of "I don't know what you are. But I want to help you find out"
I dunno it felt very sweet.
Him getting drunk with Monty was fun. Glad to see them still being friends and have a person he is not so stilled with. (Also hope sun gets to find out and tease him for it. )
And then there is how he is interacting with sun. Sun still seems distant. Sun is seemingly just trying to go through the motions and getting him up to speed. But emotionally not fully checked in.
So far, sun hasn't called moon brother again....at least I don't think so? Just moon. And I think it kinda shows that despite sun being friendly and willing to at least mend things. He ain't there yet.
But old moon seems to be trying, and legit trying. He still runs his mouth and seems to notice when he might even on accident be putting sun down. So much so he might be a bit... overcorrecting with the ' I don't mean you by that' type comments.
And he is involving sun. Telling him about the new lap. Showing him. Giving him the option to get his magic back About what he plans to do for dazzel. Not hiding that he is doing something for Monty. Wanting sun along to look for the thing ruin made.
And him talking to sun about KC and earth misconception despite saying initiallu that telling him might not be the best idea.
(also just most of the lab episode was really nice. Conversations still feeling strained...yet reaching over the smaller. Easier to talk about gaps. When the big ones feel so big)
I just.
It feels to me. That he is LEGIT trying. And while I dont love how we got to this situation. I do like these moments. They feel good.
I am excited to see more of that develop. I am still hesitant on als the stuff that is gonna have to come to pass with nexus/new moon and dark sun.
But right now i am liking this. And wanted to ramble positively about the show for a bit.
This show makes me feel crazy with how contradictory it can make me feel on certain espacts of it.
While sorry for the long rambly post.
Just needed to get it out of my system sorry about any spelling mistakes. I blame my phone. My autocorrect and the late hour.
Also just the whole family doing d and d was fun. And I wanna see more (and as i saw some people say. There is still a spot on that table for solar to join. And yes. Leg him join family game night)
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nhularin · 1 year
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PAIRING jake x reader GENRE best friends to lovers to exes, angst no comfort, highschool/college AU WARNINGS insecurities,infidelity surpriseeee WC 1.1k series masterlist
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March 3rd, 2003
leaning in close, with a melted popsicle in his hand, jakes eyes sparkled with excitement as he spoke of your future adventures. "Imagine this," jake said, a mischievous grin playing at the corners of his lips. "you get your driver's license, and we hit the open road. we drive across the country, all the way to Malibu."
your heart fluttered at the thought, a blend of anticipation and affection swelling within you. you leaned back, your eyes shining with a reflection of the dream jake had introduced. "malibu," you repeated, your voice filled with a sense of wonder and disbelief. "so you want me to waste perfect gas and go to malibu?? out of all places? sure, once we arrive, we'll find the perfect spot on the beach, lay out a blanket, and enjoy strawberry ice cream as we watch the rich rotting away with their money." you exclaimed sarcastically in which he only laughed. eyes formed into little crescents, complimenting the stars you held for him in your own.
"come on, we need to get out of this hell of a town! get a little bit adventurous! i swear, if i see Mrs O'Conners face any longer after we graduate, i'm going to go mental" he sighed dramatically, putting his whole body weight on your chest.
days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. the promise of the open road and the taste of strawberry ice cream lingered in your mind as you tried to navigate the final year of high school. but as graduation approached, a subtle shift began to weave its way into the fabric of your dreams.
the reality of adulthood loomed, casting a shadow on your plans. responsibilities and obligations tugged at your hearts, threatening to unravel the adventures you both had envisioned. doubt crept in, trying to extinguish the flames of growing up
one evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, jake and you found yourselves back on the park bench where your dreams had first taken flight. the weight of uncertainty hung heavy in the air, a silent question lingering between you two.
he turned to you, his eyes filled with a mixture of hope and longing. "do you still believe in our dreams?" he asked, voice tinged with strange vulnerability.
you paused, your gaze meeting his with a smile plastered on your face and on that night, he thanked the lord for making you his. "of course i do," you replied, your voice filled with enthusiasm. "life may throw challenges our way, but as long as we believe in each other and the dreams we share, nothing can stand in our way. and hey, we're only a state away from each other. i believe in us"
as long as you were together, you understood that the road you had traveled had shaped you, him being accepted into his dream college in DC and you going to yours in virginia. and as you walked hand in hand, ready to face whatever laid ahead, you both knew that your dreams would continue to evolve, intertwining with the flow of life itself.
December 13, 2003
or that's what you thought.
in the quiet corners of the your room, a worn leather bound diary laid nestled among a sea of memories. its pages held a tale of roller coasters ,love and heartache, of a connection that was once unbreakable. you knew that the story of jake and you, two idiotic teenagers with little care of the future had ended not more than a month ago.
your journey began in the innocence of childhood, his scrawny self introducing himself to you in 3rd grade, which turned into an interesting friendship, where laughter echoed through the streets as you played and tormented your neighbors together. as time passed, your bond deepened, evolving into a love that topped friendship. jake became your moon, your sirius that guided you out of your lonely thoughts and into a world filled with hope
within the diary's fragile pages, your heart poured forth in ink, capturing every stolen glance, every touch that sent electric currents through your veins. you wrote of the way jakes presence made you feel alive, how his laughter echoed in your soul, and how his touch ignited a symphony of butterflies that danced within you.
but as with any fairytale, darkness eventually crept into their idyllic world. it showed up in the form of a lab class, where a new face captured your boyfriend's attention. your heart shattered when your friend informed you about his infidelity and something in you had died that night as you watched your lover gravitate towards this stranger, like a moth drawn to a flickering flame.
the diary became your safe space, your refuge in the storm called jake, trying to find shelter in the hot acidic rain of heartbreak. you poured your heartache onto its pages, expressing your confusion, your pain, and the overwhelming sense of betrayal that consumed you. every word etched into the paper was a bandaid slowly repairing the damage that he left behind in your heart
with shaky hands, you flipped to an empty page, thoughts of doubts plaguing your mind. "dear diary", the words came out messier than you have expected, in which you only cursed at yourself
"and dear jake,
i got my driver's license last week"
and as you poured your heart out once again, you felt a stone lifting from your chest. you should get over him at this point, you knew he moved on long ago, but you couldnt. you couldn't understand how a once so loving individual could break you into a million pieces. so, as you closed the notebook, a sense of peace settled within you. the memories would always be a part of you, but you had sworn to yourself that they will no longer held power over your heart. you were ready to embrace the unwritten chapters of your life, you were still young after all, to find love as great as you had with jake sim.
′Cause how could I ever love someone else?
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PERM TAGLIST @misokei @avocarua @sngvhs @essmarye @haechansbbg
SERIES' MASTERLIST @flwerfield @hyhees @mrchweeee @j1nniee @mikaluvsyouu @delulu4-life @mora134340 @beomsbeanie @leep0ems @cIphantom-hive @yla-aira @filmofhybe @nishik1 @iea-tsand
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fallenclan · 10 months
// death is a pretty big theme in this fic, so yeah.
// part 2 of my first silverbelly fic and i would super appreciate if u could link the first one because i can't for some reason LOLL
"Here," Silverbelly says, holding out a few blue berries on her paw. "There were extra."
"What do I do with them?" Flypaw stares at her, round eyes wide.
"I don't mind," she replies. Then, she walks off to go congratulate Wormshade.
The next day, she wakes up, checks on her kids, and Flypaw has the berries tucked right behind his ear. She has no doubts that Mudpaw was the one who helped him put it there.
She goes about her day as normal. Rearranges her herbs, shares a rabbit with Applebranch and Maplethorn (who is exhausted of constantly third wheeling them), and shows Stormkit the herbs.
She cleared out Sunwish's nest the day after her vigil. Cleared out the scatteredly organized herbs, and tried not to stare at Scorchstar too much.
Scorchstar didn't share tongues with Sunwish before her death, and she didn't bring her body back to camp. It's not like they were close in the way Honeygleam and Dawnshine were, where their scents tended to rub off on eachother. In fact, she's fairly sure that she's only seen Scorchstar and Sunwish speaking a total of seven times in as many moons.
Scorchstar being in her pelt made no sense.
It was a mystery in the same way that Ivyleaf and Otterslip look uncannily alike. Neither of them ever addressed this, but it was obvious they were somehow related to eachother.
She recalls the vision, of the line of blood trailing from one rock to the next. The glinting of amber eyes and blood trapped between claws.
She's digging through the snow, desparate. Damp leaves stick on her paws.
"Where is he?" Wormshade wails.
"We'll find him," Honeygleam says. "He can't have gone far."
Avalanches were one of the dangers lying in wait. With the changing seasons came fluctuating warmth, resulting in the toppling snow and rock that came hurtling down the mountain moments ago.
She stares at where Goldenflare is attempting to comfort a shocked patrol. Curly and Oaktuft look shellshocked, eyes blown wide.
"What's going on?"
"The avalanche- it-" Curly's breath hitches. "We got lucky. We- we're fine. But- stars, Nick."
Wormshade stares at her. "What happened to him?"
"Oh, Wormshade," Curly breathes. "He got trapped. The snow caught him before we could get him out of the way."
Oaktuft and Curly lead the four to a ledge, where there is a pile of snow and one snow covered, gray limb sticking out of the pile. Wormshade stops breathing next to her.
Scarcely a week later, tragedy strikes again. They're still trying to go back to normal, and then Scorchstar doesn't return from her walks.
Goldenflare turns to her. "She's been so distant lately. I don't know where she is or what she might be doing."
"Send a patrol out to find her," Silverbelly says. "I have to meet Lakelily at the border, we're trading some juniper for thyme. I'll keep a look out for her there."
"Thank you," Goldenflare says.
And when she returns, a small group of cats are huddled around a bloodied brown body in the clearing, and Silverbelly knows what's just happened.
"Are you ready?" She asks.
Goldenflare stiffly nods. His tail nervously lashes from the sides.
"You'll do fine," she says.
"I'm not ready," he whispers. "I keep getting cats hurt."
"Is this about Morningbloom?"
He falls silent, and she has her answer.
"I couldn't protect Nettlestem, or Sunwish, or Scorchstar. I couldn't even protect my mate. How am I meant to protect a whole clan's worth of cats?"
"None of those events were your fault," Silverbelly briskly says. "You know exactly how they all died. Nettlestem was ambushed by a rogue on a peaceful walk. Sunwish was murdered. Scorchstar was mauled by dogs. Stop blaming yourself for things that are out of your control."
He stares at her. "When did you get so smart?"
"I think parenthood had something to do with it," she snorts. "Dip your muzzle in the water and sleep will come. You'll wake up in Silverpelt."
"How do I know they'll accept me?"
"You won't."
Morningbloom is the first. (Stars, make him a mess for the rest of the ceremony, why don't you?)
"With this life, I give you sympathy," Morningbloom chokes out. Her eyes are round with longing and grief. "Use it to understand, from the strongest warrior to the youngest kit to the oldest elder."
Goldenflare stares at her, eyes glossy with unshed tears.
"It's not your fault," she whispers. "It's never been your fault."
Silverbelly feels like she's intruding on such a moment.
She steps back into the crowd, and Goldenflare takes one step after her then stops, staring at the star speckled ground. His eyes clench shut as the next cat walks to him.
Other cats walk up to him. Nettlestem, Wildfang, Nick. Tawnyash and Rum Tum Tugger are a surprising addition. Breezeshadow approaches, her starlit eyes as kind as ever.
Finally, Scorchstar steps forward. "I've had many regrets in my leadership. Making you my deputy was not one of them."
Goldenflare stares at her, murmurs something Silverbelly can't quite make out. Scorchstar nods once, a tiny movement she would have missed if she wasn't looking closely.
"With this life, I give you leadership during the darkest times. Persist, even when tragedy strikes. Never falter, never give up. You have a duty to these cats."
Goldenstar jolts as her muzzle rests on his head.
"Your old life is no more," Scorchstar says. "It's your duty to guard Fallenclan, now. Use your new power wisely."
Morningbloom breaks the careful silence with a yowl. "Goldenstar! Goldenstar!"
The rest of the star speckled cats chime in, and Silverbelly awakes in the glow cave.
She turns at the noise. Stormkit is staring at her, with his giant copper eyes.
"Yes?" She sets down her pile of poppy seeds on a leaf. "Can I help you?"
"I don't wanna be a warrior. Is that bad?"
She's taken aback by his wavering tone. "No, honey, of course not."
"It's just that-" he stiffly stops in the middle of his sentence. "Hailkit and Goosekit and Moonkit all wannna be warriors but I like plants and fixing scrapes and cuts. I like learning about the cool stuff you do. I don't wanna hurt cats, I want to help them!"
She listens sympathetically. She had her own doubts at his age. All anyone her age talked about were fighting moves or catching cool birds, and she just liked the clovers that grew in the leader's den.
"You could be my apprentice," she says. "I could teach you everything I know about herbs and plants and the stars."
"Really?" Stormkit's eyes grow round.
"Really," she purrs. "You'd be great at it, you're already such a big help."
Privately, there's another reason she goes to Goldenstar and tells him she's chosen Stormkit to be her first apprentice.
Since Stormpaw has become her apprentice, the brief flashes of the future that the stars bless her with have become more vivid. More real.
She wants to think it's a good thing, that she's becoming more in tune with her ancestors and the mystifying words they give her. In reality, she feels like she's hardly sleeping.
When she wakes up, there is moss scattered over her den. Her first instinct is to find Stormpaw, and he's one nest over, nestled under the rock that she puts lungwort on.
He's taken to his apprenticeship like eagles to the sky. He loves the herbs, the smells don't bother him, and Toro frequently has to groom leaves out of his pelt. He retains everything she tells him, and always makes sure the herbs are organized in just the way she likes them.
One day, this den will be his. He can organize the herbs however he'd like, and he can sleep under the lichen instead of under a mossy rock.
She tucks her head over her paws and drifts back to sleep.
"This is Holly," Ivyleaf says. "Her twoleg was so awful to her, and she's had a bad fright. She's flinchy, and doesn't react well to sudden noise."
Silverbelly nods. "Alright. Stormpaw, I have a job for you."
Stormpaw perks up, a little piece of mallow tumbling from his fur. "Yeah?"
"Go tell your siblings to play quietly. Holly's new and the loud noise scares her."
Stormpaw dutifully nods. "Do you want me to bring her thyme?"
"If you'd like," Silverbelly says. "Just not too much."
Stormpaw scoops up a stalk of thyme and scrambles away.
"He's so gentle," Ivyleaf muses. "You chose your apprentice well."
"I would hope so," Silverbelly laughs. "I can't quite have a reckless medicine cat. Could you imagine Flypaw in here?"
Ivyleaf shivers. "No thank you. Thanks, Silverbelly."
Silverbelly watches her leave.
"This is Moxie," Hailpaw proclaims. "Moxie, this is Oaktuft. She used to be a house cat but now she's a warrior and she's way better at running than you are."
Oaktuft scoffs. "Yeah, we'll see. Race me later?"
Moxie hums. "Sure."
(Moxie, without doubt, kicks his ass. Silverbelly watches as Oaktuft gracelessly falls in love with Moxie from that alone.)
"And, that should do it," Stormpaw says. "Tell me or Silverbelly if it starts feeling hot. We'll change out the poultice twice a day, at sunrise then sunset. Okay?"
Celia blinks at him. "Uh, okay."
Stormpaw, unfortunately, has a habit of speaking too fast for anyone to catch up with. And tends to run into tangents about this plant or the other.
When he runs off to go check on Robinkit, Silverbelly turns back to Celia. "Sorry about him. He gets excited."
"No, it's fine," he laughs. "Finch used to be like that too. Runs off into tangents about this interesting berry she found, or a shiny rock from a garden. I heard the important parts. Tell you if it's hot, change it twice a day."
"Bingo," she says.
"Lichenstripe, meet Silverbelly. Silverbelly, meet Lichenstripe."
"I remember you," Silverbelly says, to the apparent shock of Oaktuft. "You're the medicine cat of Shallowclan. Is everything alright?"
"Eh," Lichenstripe hums. "Long story short, I'm out of a home and I'm staying here now. If that's okay with you," he hastily adds.
"Yeah, sure," she hums. "Make yourself comfortable."
(Later, she learns that Lichenstripe had a vision of one of the newly born kits, Violetkit. She doesn't ask much about it, but it's clear from the twitching of his tail and the way his claws anxiously work at the moss of his nest that it wasn't a very good one.)
"Feels good," Celia hums. "Anyway, you're smart, Silverbelly. What are the chances Goldenstar would agree to a one on one patrol with me?"
Silverbelly gawks. Stormpaw gracelessly trips over a rock. Holly snorts.
"Um," she says. "Next to nothing."
"That's still something!" Celia turns from the den and struts into the clearing. He makes a beeline for Goldenstar, and Silverbelly watches in shock as he walks out of camp with him.
"I give up," she quietly says. "You see that, Stormpaw? Don't do that. If you ever decide you want a mate, don't do what Celia just did."
"But it worked?"
Silverbelly casually observes Oaktuft's crush.
Applebranch and Honeygleam are suffocating from laughter next to her. Dawnshine is trying, and failing, to not snort.
"He's hopeless," Maplethorn mutters. "Give up while you can, Oaktuft. She's too good for you."
Silverbelly has taken Stormpaw out collecting herbs.
"Did you find those daisies yet?" Silverbelly calls.
"Yeah, they're right over here," Stormpaw replies. And then, he goes shudderingly still.
Smells of the stars waft over Silverbelly, but she doesn't interrupt Stormpaw. He could be recieving an important vision.
She carefully plucks away the daisies, and he seems to bounce back.
"Woah," he says. "Is this what getting high on catmint feels like?"
"Not really," Silverbelly winces. Why did she just tell her apprentice that she knew what getting high on catmint felt like.
"It was weird. It was like I was falling."
"Mudsplash! Flyspots!"
Flyspots rushes down to them. Mudsplash is close behind, but she stumbles and her brother pulls ahead.
"Oh, you're warriors, I'm so proud," she whispers, and makes the selective choice to embarass her kits. She dives forward to lick Flyspots' head, and he topples backwards.
"Mom, mom please!"
"Resistance is futile," Applebranch snorts. "Great job, kid."
"I'm not a kid anymore," Flyspots declares. "I'm a warrior."
"You'll always be a kid to me," Applebranch laughs.
"Yeah, because you're old," Mudsplash quips.
Silverbelly jolts, and moves to stand next to Applebranch, who is mock sniffling. "How could you?"
Flyspots looks at them, eyes wide. "No, mama, I didn't mean it. You're not old."
"Yeah, great job, Flyspots," Mudsplash mockingly scowls. "You made her cry."
"You're not old, mama, I swear."
"Swear on a moon of dawn patrols?" Applebranch slyly peeks up.
"On a moon of dawn patrols, you're not old," he says. Then he pauses, seemingly realizing what he's just said. "Fuck."
"I'm expecting, again," Applebranch says. Then she blinks. "Lichenstripe said so, at least."
Stormpaw, who was watching, promptly squeals. "Silverbelly! Silverbelly! Can I help?"
"I don't see why not," she hums. "Lichenstripe will probably deliver the kits, since my nerves got so bad last time. Sunwish had to physically send me out of the den."
"You can be my personal assistant," Applebranch says. "You can shove raspberries and borage down my throat, like this one did last time." She places a paw on Silverbelly's shoulder
She sighs. "I do it to all the queens."
"Mostly me," Applebranch replies.
(When Applebranch tells Flyspots the news, he screams into his nest, and then turns around like nothing just happened and says, "That's great mom!")
"Ivyleaf's gone," Oaktuft mumbles.
"What?" Otterslip stares. "She can't be gone. She's not gone."
"There was an eagle," Moxie tries. "Nothing could have been done."
Otterslip falls silent, then whips around and runs off. Silverbelly feels a pang of pity in her heart.
So maybe that's why she doesn't stop him, when they finally find her body and bring it back to camp. Maybe that's why she doesn't stop him as he sobs over her body, even though she really needs to prepare it for burial.
Moxie and Oaktuft are mates. Dawnshine begrudgingly takes his moon of dawn patrols and complains to Robinpaw, who complains to Stormpaw, who complains to her. And that's how she finds out.
"Maybe he shouldn't place bets he can't win," Stormpaw thoughtfully says.
"He's never been a good better," Silverbelly snorts. "Maybe this one will finally teach him his lesson."
"Thanks, Lichenstripe, I really appreciate it," she says. "Send a patrol for us if we're needed."
Lichenstripe nods, and waves them off. He's not coming for two reasons. One, because Shallowclan would probably get pissed if they knew he was still with the clans, and two, there was something Silverbelly wanted to do tonight.
She meets up with Lakelily, who smiles and asks how she's been. Then, they intersect with Sandcrash and Pearlnose, and finally bump into Sunpetal and Stonepaw, who falls into easy conversation with Stormpaw, like they always do.
"So," Sunpetal glances towards their chatting apprentices. "Stormpaw's getting his name today, right?"
Silverbelly nods. "I'm not sure what I'll name him quite yet. Perhaps Sunwish will offer her guidance?"
Sunpetal hums. "Maybe."
Sunpetal was young. 36 moons, and was already the senior medicine cat of her clan.
"We're having a bit of trouble in the clan," she says. "Thornstar is extremely ill and Snowviper is no better. I fear we'll be leaderless in a moon."
"So, you want Dancingfrost to give you some guidance?" Sandcrash asks. "Thornstar's been sick for moons, hasn't he?"
Sunpetal blearily nods. "Snowviper was fine before, but it came out of nowhere and it hit her hard. She can hardly get out of her nest. Her mate died last evening, that hasn't been helping."
"I'm sorry," Pearlnose says. "I lost an elder to greencough last week. She was old, but it didn't hurt any less."
Sandcrash nods. "I lost Billowkit to kittencough."
The patrol murmurs their apologies.
"How's the rest of the litter?" Pearlnose asks.
"They're alright," Sandcrash murmurs. "Firekit and Poppykit were too young to understand. Swansplash was really upset, but she knew nothing could be done."
Sandcrash had a mate and kits. Not every medicine cat took a mate, but he did. Swansplash was lovely, a long furred molly with bright purple eyes. Pearlnose also had a mate, a cat named Rosebriar. Despite her name, she was widely known as the best fighter in the clans.
Lakelily was 72 moons, but it didn't look like he'd ever take a mate. Sunpetal had offhandedly mentioned a cat named Autumn.
"And Sunpetal," Pearlnose says. "Thornstar is old. He's been leader since before most of us were born. It's probably his time."
"But Snowviper..." Sunpetal trails off. "She's getting worse by the day. I'm afraid she'll be gone soon."
Silverbelly hums. "Wasn't there a situation like that in ArchClan before?"
Sandcrash hums. "Yes, I think so. Starclan sent Whisperingleaf a sign that time, I'd have to ask him."
Before Silverbelly knows it, they're at the mouth of the cave. Stonepaw and Stormpaw's chatter abruptly stops.
"Stormpaw," she calls. "Step forward."
Stormpaw's copper eyes shine bright.
"Dip your nose in the water, and Starclan will call you," she instructs. She glances back at Lakelily to make sure she's doing this right, and he nods.
She settles down, and drifts awake, into a starry hill. Her breath leaves her when she sees Sunwish standing before her.
"Welcome, Stormpaw," she kindly says. "Silverbelly's trained you well."
She sees Wildfang and Breezeshadow standing, watching closely but not interfering.
"I do wish I could have met you," Sunwish sighs. "Maybe in another life. Now, step forward."
Stormpaw carefully steps forward.
"Stormpaw, do you promise to heal and protect your clan?"
"I do," he says. "I promise."
"Then, by the power vested in me, I name you Stormsight. We honor your vigilance and enthusiasm."
Sunwish steps away, and Silverbelly shouts, "Stormsight!"
The other medicine cats join her. Stormsight stares at her, grinning brightly, and Silverbelly grins back.
Stormsight suddenly stops. The sky, previously alight with stars, goes black.
The other medicine cats are deathly still. Stormsight himself isn't moving. Like time has stopped.
Silverbelly looks around herself, shaking as she peers into the pool of water.
A rock drops into it, knocking some water away from the rocks and onto the shore. It shines red as it lands on her paws.
She looks behind her, willing someone who is better at this to help her. Lakelily, Sandcrash, Pearlnose?
They aren't there.
Shaking, she turns back around, and jumps. Stormsight has vanished.
Those fucking rocks.
It's the same dream, of the rocks. The blood trails from one to the next in a single line, and then it abruptly stops.
She stares at the rock. One is brown, the next is a lighter shade. The final rock could barely constitue for brown, it's more orange than anything.
A scream travels behind her, followed closely by a shattering crack. She wants to turn around, but it's like her paws are frozen in place.
Silverbelly screams.
And then she wakes up.
-🍭 (society if tumblr would stop eating my asks)
(first part here)
HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT?????? LOLLIPOP MY JAW FUCKING DROPPED I AM CRYING REAL LIFE TEARS. your writing is absolutely INSANE. so vivid and i LOVE your worldbuilding and the little hints to other stuff going on??????? AHHHH THIS IS SO GOOD IM LOSING MY MIND
Lichenstripe having a vision of Violetkit holy shit. the MOXIEOAK. Silverbelly's vision. holy fuck i am losing my mind. correct me if im wrong but. the rocks. Scorchstar and Otterslip. but who is the third rock i am chewing and biting auhghghhgh
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