#afro latino paul blofis
irishskeptic · 5 months
Hi! I'm kinda new to your account, I love your & others headcanons for pjo characters. So I wanna share some of mine!
Sally to me is Malaysian her birth name is Suleika Jusoh, her parents [Mom-Esah/Estelle Jusoh nee Tey, Dad-Bintang/Benjamin Jusoh] had gone to take care of her grandparents [Granpa-Haissam, Granma-Kasih] funeral rites in Malaysia, the plane back unfortunately crashed & they where killed in crash
From then on she was raised by her Uncle Reehab Jusoh, Ruben in America, who'd somehow gotten a house on Montauk beach, when Suleika was seventeen her Uncle Reehab died from a chronic illness [honestly I'm thinking an std], leaving everything he had in Sally's name, the house on the beach isn't fully livable, no running water & the electricity is kinda shoddy, so she moves into NYC proper
Percy is actually named after his grandfather, Perseus Benjamin Jackson [PB&J cause i think im funny like that], Percy of course is Malaysian & I wanna say his Greek side is from the region of Pylos but I can't remember why I chose it
Estelle is also named after her Grannies, Estelle Janet Blofis
Sally's always been protective of using their actual names in legal things, her parents wrote her down as Sally to give a better chance at getting bye in the US & she did the same for Percy in both the real & mythical world
Paul Blofis to me was very dad/uncle coded so he looked like the guys on the mom's side of my family, so he's Afro-Latino, he specifically trace himself to Panama & Mexico, from his mom [Janet nee Yarrow, Afro-Latina] who moved from Panama to the US, & his dad's [Oscar Sr.] side who is Mexican, he's got two older siblings [Janice & Oscar Jr.], an older cousin [Garfield], a cousin his age [Raymond], a little sister [Caroline], & a younger cousin [Lilia]
He's always been the black sheep of the family, not from their own trying & his own, things would just fall out of step & once he graduated & started working in NYC he just didn't call & talk much anymore, the advent of his marrige to Sally & Estelle's birth kinda forced him to get his shit together & actually talk about his life
[I like to think Percy's mortal cousins call him PB for short]
So those are all my Jackson-Blofis family headcanons! Hope that wasn't to many & I hope you like it!
Meant to reply to this sooner than I did, so apologies on that, but this is really good! I seem to be collecting AUs/Headcanons like mythomagic cards lmao
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