#african penpal
meliza-bee · 30 days
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Every mood board/collage I’ve made of things I love!!! I wanted to post them with some stuff about me to try and meet some more mutuals!
So hi! I’m Mal!
I’m 24
I live on the east coast
I love stardew, unpacking, and Minecraft
I’m pansexual and happily with the love of my life
Never ask me mountain or ocean, I’ll never be able to pick
I’m a huge reader but a big fan of sci-fi, fantasy, and mystery/horror books the most
Some of my most listened to artists at the moment are Chappell Roan, Hozier, Gracie Abrams, Lizzie McAlpine, and Noah Kahan
I love all animals but my fav household animal is a barn cat, my fav wild animal is an African Elephant, and my fav marine animal is a whale shark
My fav season is fall but my fav drink is tied between honey lemonade and hot cider
I’m a gardener both literally and figuratively; my top plant rn in a HUGE pot full of mint and my other top plant is anything fernway
So that’s me! Looking for some mutuals, some friends, heck I’d love penpal even 🫶🏻 thanks y’all
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airic-fenn · 11 months
Only If You Think I Am.
Sometimes I remember the temp employee at my old high school job who offered to buy me lunch since I forgot my wallet, and then asked immediately after we sat down if I was mixed. I mean, he was right, but it was a very uncomfortable first question to be asked by a complete stranger.
But it was also one of the many instances that gets me thinking about how weird it is to be mixed race and also racially ambiguous.
Whether or not I’m perceived as a person of color depends entirely upon who is doing the perceiving, and even when and where in the world they’re doing it. Am I in the southern US, or Colorado? Am I in Europe? Is it summertime and I’ve developed a tan, or is it the dead of winter?
Some people dont bat an eye, other people look at me curiously, knowing I am something but they’re just not quite sure what.
One curious man jumped to the proud assumption I must be Turkish, instead of letting me finish explaining that my mom was only born there because her dad was stationed there once.
In France at New Years, my penpal’s friend made a joke about slavery, then laughed and assumed that if I was offended, its because I’m White.
And all of my experiences like these leave me wondering, where do I put myself?
A friend once admitted to me that in middle school when we were covering slavery in class, he had watched me closely to see my reactions to it, because at the time I was just about the most diverse that school got.
The funny part is back then I was barely aware of being mixed race, other than that my Opa is Black. I was just me, and that was just how my family was.
I didn’t really have Black friends growing up (re: very un-diverse schools and neighborhood). Though, my mom would tell stories about how as a kid, she’d get teased and called an “oreo cookie” and blatant questions from her cousins like “what are you?” She’d mention how she would code switch with them, and try to act extra Black with them because otherwise she wasnt Black enough.
But she didn’t talk about race, or how any of it might apply to me. She stuck with the facts: I was mixed. And that was it.
And so I grew up with little understanding of what that meant until I reached high school. I was sheltered, oblivious, surrounded almost entirely by Whiteness and barely aware that people might, sometimes, treat me differently.
That temp worker back at that job of mine was the first time I had considered that people might.
But because I am caught in this limbo, I will never know for sure. Unless they say it out loud, I am left to wonder whether someone is just being angry and rude, or if they’re pulling a racism.
Generally, I give the benefit of the doubt. And why shouldn’t I, when I often barely know for sure how to perceive myself? I’m just me.
Race feels like a concept thrust upon me. Am I
☑️ White/Caucasian?
☑️ Black/African American?
If I’m given the option, I’ll fill in “Other.” But I’m rarely given the option to fill in both.
The problem with being asked to respond with one or the other is that singularly neither feels right. I’d be lying.
I know a lot of mixed folks identify with being Black. I’m not sure I can no, I’m not sure I’m allowed to, even if I probably, maybe could. Because I get caught up in my own questions and fears of “am I Black enough?”
“What even makes someone Black?”
“Sure, the color of your skin, but its also a culture, its experiences.”
“But isnt it reductive to reduce a person’s identity down to whether they’ve been marginalized?”
“Even if I identified as Black, wouldnt that be perpetuating old racist concepts like the one drop rule?” (And if I think long and hard enough about that, I inevitably fall down the rabbit hole and start thinking about how if I couldn’t or wouldn’t consider myself indigenous despite my great-grandmother, why is it acceptable to identify as Black? Even though, technically, I understand the messed up history of why of both).
I’m never able to answer these questions.
But at the same time, identifying as White would feel like I’m rejecting an entire side of myself. Like I’m trying to hide my Opa.
So, I make myself stop thinking about it for a while, and settle back down on just being “mixed.” Its an answer no one can deny, or tell me that I’m wrong.
And as a result, I find myself approaching prying questions or opportunities reserved for BIPOC folks with varying levels of confidence.
“Do you identify as Black, Indigenous, or other Person of Color?”
Yes. Sometimes. Maybe?
Only if you think I am.
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penpalstudyblr · 6 years
I’m Rhiannon, I’m 19 years old and I am a nursing student. I’d prefer a penpal between 18 and 23 but I’m flexible. I’d also prefer them to live in the US because college students can’t afford international shipping in America.
(P.S. I hope that is enough information, if not I can submit something else)
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I'm thinking of starting like a gift exchange/penpal facebook group geared towards women. Some of the things I'm thinking would work would be like:
-gifting via cashapp/paypal/venmo etc
-buying off of amazon wishlist
-sending care packages across the country
I'll also be sharing weekly tibits of wisdoms or things we can all talk about together. I know this is a rough time with COVID-19 and people are also facing private battles. So here would be my way of bring some light into someone's life.
Give me ideas. Please. Would anyone want to join something like this?
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I am writing a book & I have a character who is a black trans female. Inclusivity is important to me. I will not be writing about the black/trans experience as its not fair because I have not lived thru it! Want to hear hear insights/opinions just to make sure I do right by the community & if you overall think I shouldn't, I'd like to hear you out as well. 🖤 BLM
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seedkeeping · 3 years
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Ewa Oloyin (Honey Bean) seeds now available at www.trueloveseeds.com! I first learned of these delicious beans when @vivianeleokojie sent me a wonderful package of seeds of important vegetables from Nigeria. I later found them in huge quantities for cooking at one of our local West African groceries in West Philly. For the past couple of years we have been growing our original seed stock with love to acclimate them to our farm and increase them in order to share them with you. Here’s the description: Known as Ewa Oloyin in Yuruba, these sweet and creamy “cowpeas” are a staple in Nigeria where they are cooked in a spicy tomato sauce, sometimes with palm oil, onion, and crawfish. They can be used to make Akara (bean fritters), Moi-Moi (bean pudding), and Gbegiri (bean soup). They are high in protein and fiber. We first learned about these and received seeds from our seed penpal Vivien Elebiyo-Okojie, a Nigerian “Entrepreneur and Food Conversationalist” living in Ohio. Also known as Oloying and Brown Bean. #seedkeeping #ewaoloyin #oloyinbeans #honeybeans https://www.instagram.com/p/CZfATp0OdhE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thepenpalhub · 3 years
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Hello everyone 😊😊😊, my name is Amelia and I am looking for longterm penpals. I'm a creative Christian girl who enjoys nature and a quiet introverted life. Looking for any type of penpal who enjoys nature, art and talking about their pets ( ie pets writing to each other). I live in Australia near the Great Barrier Reef. I love tropical life, cats, pets, plants,coffee, color and creativity.
A little about me
💐I enjoy gardening and have a wonderful indoor setup. Propagating, seeds and terrariums (underwater, moss, succulent) are always on my mind. Can't get enough orchids or African violets. Under water terrariums are also fun to create, Never underestimate duckweed and aquatic snails ability to create low maintenance terrariums. About to start learning the bonsai art.
💐Being creative is a daily need. Art, crafts, writing. I'm working on creating short stories on my sleep paralysis dreams atm- I'm a positive girl, that needs to go down dark creative paths now and then. Dark Alice in Wonderland moments. Trying to write at least 300 words a day (keyword is trying).
💐I like adding stickers, quotes and colourful extras in my letters. I don't write short letters.
💐Coffee is a necessity 'my anti zombie juice'. It keeps me going.
💐 meditation, health, fitness, gratitude and mindfulness are also passions of mine.
Please write to me about your hopes and dreams. Goals, loves, worries and PETS💚💚💚. anything really. Don't hold back. I'm looking forward to getting to know people and creating longlasting friendships. Message me at @dewberrypanic or my new tumblr i'm setting up for my writing @sweetbrambles
Ps: due to my work schedule and goals I am not always able to reply straight away. I also don't expect you to either. Life happens and I get it.
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penpalkingdom · 3 years
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Hello everyone😊😊😊, my name is Amelia. I live in Australia near the Great Barrier Reef and love tropical living.
I love gardening and terrariums. I prize my indoor garden with my orchids, African violets and small indoor crops (green onion, lettuce and soon to have strawberries and whatever else I think of, always a work in progress). Terrariums are really interesting projects- both moss, succulent and aquatic.
Christian girl who enjoys writing poetry, short stories ( my next project is writing short stories about my sleep paralysis dreams) and all arts and crafts. Mindfulness, fitness and healthy living are a necessity due to an anxiety based disorder. I'm a positive woman who loves quotes, color and animals.
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I love my pets (I'd enjoy including letters to each others pets). I have guppies, aquatic snails, turtle and a cat.
Coffee is also a necessity. My anti zombie juice.
I like including color, stickers, extras and art into my letters and write medium to long letters. Interested in long term penpals. Due to my shift work and other responsibilities I'm not always able to reply straight away and I don't expect you to either. Life happens and I get it.
I hope to create strong longlasting friendships. Thank you, xoxo
Please contact me on either @dewberrypanic or @sweetbrambles
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bluerosette23 · 5 years
Maribat MASTERLIST ~ Pg3
Third Part of the masterlist. (Updated: Dec 2, 2019)
< Page3 >    [Daminette December Masterlist]
by @kittyanonymity A Ladybug in Gotham  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 A Little Bird Told Me [Timari] Pt1 ~ ML X DC Crossover AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3
by @krispydefendorpolice The Demon’s Bride CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 TDB Drabbles Meeting The Batfam ~ The Miraculous Awaken(1 ~ 2)
by @ladylucina28 Gotham Nine Nine [Timari] (collab w/ a-marlene-s) Background ~ Ranks ~ Mari’s Thoughts CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3
by @ladysblackcat Escape To The Circus Mari VS Rayby @legendaryhumanskeletonkid Moving On Pt1 New Life, New Start Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 
by @let-me-perish We’ve Got Some Dreams Alternate Beginning AU Pt1&2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 
by @loveswifi Everything Is Nothing Without Her ~ I Only Have Eyes For You ~ Lips Are Chapped And Faded ~ Sweet Lullaby How To Survive As Daughter Of Deadpool Masterlist ~ OG Idea ~ HC1 ~ HC2 ~ HC3 ~ HC4 ~ HC5 ~ HC6 ~ HC7 ~ HC8 ~ HC9 ~ HC10 CH1 Making Do (With What Gives Us) Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 No More Second Chances Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 Rising From The Ashes  ~  AO3 Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 ~ Pt14 ~ Pt15 
by @magic-miraculous All The Time We’ve Got CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~
by @maribat-2k20 A Blind Meeting [Brucinette] CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 BatBug Kid(s?) [Brucinette] Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 ~ Pt14 ~ Pt15 
by @maribat-archive A World That Is New, That Is Free Bug And Bird Of Prey Damian VS Adrien:Sword Fight Eternal Love/Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms AU (Pt1 ~ Pt2) Royalty AU Running Home to You Umbrella at Your Side You’re My Flashlight (Soulmate AU) Of Fun, Of Love Pt1 ~ Pt2 Sincerely (Penpal AU) Marinette ~ Damian ~ Us(Against the World)
by @maxdark158 Angel of Gotham  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6   Demon of Gotham  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6   Daminette Soulmate AU Short Drabble:Sparring
by @mindfulmagics Daminette Betrothed AU History Repeats Lila Knows Best If I Could  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Keeping You Warm  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~Pt2~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 ~ Pt14 ~ Pt15 ~ Pt16 ~ Pt17
by @minilittlebatbrat The Adventures of MariMaps CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5
by @miraculous-mangoes I See Your Name Everyday  ~  AO3 Not That Much  ~  AO3 More Than Survive  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4
by @miraculous786 A Miniature Meeting With Multimouse Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Gotham’s Own Ladybug Masterlist ~ Prologue ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6
by @mmemiraculous Piggyback AU Pt1 ~ Pt2
by @mochinek0 Bonus 1: Alya’s Realization ~ Bonus 2 Fairy VS Angel Maribat Halloween! Normal Shout Out To My Ex Songfic Sweetheart Ice Cream Second Chance Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4
by @monkeebratz Adult Mari Maribat AU Marionette (Harley Quinn 2.0) Bio!Dad Bruce Wayne Initial Idea ~ How It Happened ~ Addition by iggy-of-fans ~ Reply to iggy’s Addition ~ Summer Begins ~ Summer Part 2 ~ Super Meet ~ Scarecrow Interlude Gotham Seamstress Marinette Initial Idea ~ Uncle Ozzy ~ Gotham City Sirens ~ Wayne Gala ~ After The Party - Bruce ~ After The Party - Marinette ~  Clash of Heroes and Villains ~ Finding Marinette Smol Damian Maribat AU Idea ~ The Couffains ~ Ra’s Al Ghul ~ After Ra’s Al Ghul
by @moonlightstar64 Healing Pain Prologue ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11 ~ CH12 ~ CH13 
by @multifandom-imagines-things Random Fic Random NaNoWriMo Daminette Fic
by @multifandomscribette Adaptability ~ Best Business Trip Ever [TimxAdrien] ~ Bring Him Back From The Brink - The Parisian Branch Of The Family Tree ~ Damian “Helping” Marinette’s Class ~ In A Flash Of Light ~ It Started With Coffee [Timari] ~ Our Dreams Transport Us To Where We Wish To Be [Timari] ~ Seeing Red [Roynette] ~ Sisterhood ~ Soul Stealer ~ Strategic And Magical [Kaldurnette] ~ The Wedding Of The Millenium [Timari] ~ The Twins ~ Trip To YJL HQ ~ Words [Jasonette] Dame Chanceuse Conture AU [Timari] Masterpost ~ Gotham Sirens ~ Riddler/Penguin ~ Two-Face/Scarecrow ~ Mad Hatter/Baby Doll ~ Girls Night Out ~ Calendar Girl/Lex Luthor ~ Deadshot/Talia Al Ghul ~ Zatanna ~ The Devil and The Goddess of Crime Alley ~ The Angel Of Gotham Goes To The City Of Angels ~ Hufflepuff And Puffin! ~ Killer Croc/Red Hood ~  John Constantine Doesn’t Know What To Think of The Goddess In Gotham  The World Needs The Goddess But It Fears Her ~ Sanctuary  Extended Family AU  First Impressions ~ Family Reunion ~ Family Medical History  Gotham For Two Prologue ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 Zili Alqatah AU   Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7  Light In The Darkness  The Forgotten City AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 
by @musicfeedsmysoul12 Bio Dad!Bruce ~ Bio Mom!Selina  Breakdance AU ~ Little Red And Big Red Halloween   Second Chance Brucinette AU  Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3  Kitten Mari Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~
by @mysnis * African Adventure  Childhood Promises  Heroine Fashonista Rock N Roll Super Fashion To Perform With Our Minds And Hearts 2 (Dancer AU cont.) The Fashionable Heroes Clumsy Series Bruises ~ Wounds ~ Muscle Strains ~ Dislocations ~ Concussions   Lost Friends Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3  True Love Karaoke CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11 ~ CH12  We Stan A Friend Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5  Maribat Fluff Week Day1 ~ Day2 ~ Day3 ~ Day4 ~ Day5 ~ Day6 ~ Day7 Timari Week D1 ~ D2 ~ D3 ~ D4 ~ D5 ~ D6 ~ D7  500 Followers Celebration 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 ~ 10 ~ 11 ~ 12 ~ 13 ~ 14 ~ 15 ~ 16 ~ 17 ~ 18 ~ 19 
by @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog Damian’s Sister Don’t Forget To Breath Pt1 ~ Pt2
by @mystery-5-5 Daminette/Uncle Jagged Idea
by @never-neverland​ Sapphire and Moonlight CH1 ~
by @noirdots An Angel in Red  ~  AO3 Anything For You Blood And Tears ~  AO3 Flying Ladybugs and Birds at Disney World Made With Love  ~  AO3  Marie And Her Nutcracker Prince  Sick Day  ~  AO3 Slow Dancing In The Dark Thanksgiving With The Wayne’s Changes (Pt1 ) Finding You  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3
by @normal-piece-of-shit Promises [Jasonette] Revelations [Timari] Twists And Turns A Couple Of Spies Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4  Babynette Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4  Of Life and Heroes CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ Timinette Shenanigans Pt1 ~ Pt2  Maribat Fluff Week Day1 ~ Day2 ~ Day3 ~ Day4 ~ Day5 ~ Day6 ~ Day7 Timari Week D1 ~ D2 ~ D3 ~ D6 
by @pan-cakez A Strange Meeting
by @particularlygeeky Cataclysm  ~  AO3 Little Ladybird  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11
by @persephonescat Birds and Other Supernatural Phenomenons  ~  AO3 Masterpost ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~  
< Page3 >    [Daminette December Masterlist] 
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trekkienatural · 4 years
Do you have any WIPs? If you do, can you tell me something about them? (sorry for reminding you that they exist).
thank you so so so much!!!
Sounds of Someday
it’s a deancas fic. dean needs another extracurricular credit to get through 10th grade so he joins the “fucking boring letter club”, as he called it at first, or as it’s really called, the penpals club. he gets paired up with some kid on the other side of the city that he doesn’t know and they become friends. as they get closer, they both start falling in love. neither know it, both have a sexuality crisis, and things are awkward but okay for a while. eventually they accidentally run into each other. some angsty stuff that i’m not going to spoil happens but eventually get together. things are good and then really really bad and more angsty spoilers happen. it ends happily though, i promise you that
Mosaic of Shattered Glass on the Elevator Floor
it’s a book of poetry that i’m writing. tw for suicide mentions but most of it is me being lovesick and yearny. some of it is fanfiction technically. most of it is entirely unedited and the only person other than me that sees it before i post it is @need-something-to-do-world. even then, it’s not edited.
A collection of headcanons for what Supernatural would be like if they were Middle Eastern/North African. @i-wanna-be-a-rock and I are basically the sole contributors lmao
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j-mitchell15 · 5 years
Looking for a penpal!
Hi, my name is Kaya and I am looking for a new penpal around my age. It doesn’t matter what country you are from or your gender.
I am 15 years old and I live in the UK, I am south african though. I have a puppy (which you will receive pictures of in the post) and quite a big family.
I don’t have much money YET so don’t expect anythig super cool when I send letters to you but I am saving up so maybe I will...
I’m wiccan and I do practice witchcraft so I classify myself as a witch. No, I do not sacrifice animals and no, I do not put curses on people.
I would rather do snail mail (I think it’s more fun) so please message me if you would like to send letters to each other. (I can only speak english, sorry!)
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nanalikessurveys · 5 years
1- I can do Australian accents 2- I know where Madagascar is 3- Je peux parler français 4- I can’t speak French 5- I am partially Russian 6- I like Swiss cheese 7- I have lived/am living outside the States 8- I have tasted REAL Chinese food(idk what counts as real) 9- I have attempted to learn Japanese 10- I know what the South African word ‘Tskudu’ means 11- I know someone who speaks fluent Norwegian 12- I can say ‘I love you’ in more than five languages besides English 13- I have in the past fallen for the story, “Haggis is a three-legged rodent” 14- I have always been aware that Haggis is actually sheep gut
15- I can read the Cyrillic alphabet 16- I understand slang from other countries 17- I have tasted Belgian chocolate 18- I have a penpal who doesn’t speak English 19- I have songs on my iPod/MP3 that aren’t in English 20- I know what ‘croque-monsieur’ is 21- I know where Helsinki is 22- Minä puhun suomi 23- I don’t have a clue what language that’s in 24- I have been lost in a foreign country 25- French wine is the best 26- I can cuss in multiple languages 27- I understand the Greek alphabet 28- I think Swedish is a pretty language 29- I have never heard spoken Swedish 30- I can play bagpipes 31- I think Scottish accents are cute 32- I have been to Hong Kong 33- I think anime would be better if it was in Japanese with English subtitles 34- The majority of my friends are not from my home country 35- I often think it would be cool to speak Polish 36- I don’t have a clue where Thailand is 37- I understand the term, “fucking British weather” 38- People speaking in foreign languages unnerve me 39- I can speak other languages besides English fluently 40- English is not my first language
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january3693 · 6 years
International Education
Prompt: How did James, Sirius, and Peter manage to become animagi at such a young age?
Sneaking into the restricted section in the library was easy with James’s cloak. So, getting to the books they needed wasn’t the problem. The problem was reading the books they found.
They were twelve—well, Sirius was thirteen now, but that was beside the point to everyone but Sirius—and all of the books that even touched on animagi were archaic and written far, far above their experience and skill level. James and Sirius were brilliant, and all three of them were determined, but this was beyond them. Hell, they weren’t even due to study the basic theory of animagi until next year.
Desperate, they even confessed what they were planning to Remus, hoping he could make more sense of the complex tomes. That alone set them back a while as Remus was reluctant to let his friends attempt the complicated process for his sake. However, even after they convinced Remus that they were going to do it with or without his help, and they’d be better off with his research assistance, they still made very little progress.
Most of their second year was wasted trying to piece together even the most basic aspects of the process. It was ten times more difficult than any of their homework, and bore almost no fruits beyond a handful of notes and even more questions. They were set to officially study animagi in third year though, so there was hope. As much as it killed them to see Remus pale and injured after every full moon spent alone, it seemed like their best bet was to wait.
Unfortunately, McGonagall’s lessons on animagi were disappointingly theoretical, though watching their teacher transform was impressive and motivating. They asked a few questions, but McGonagall’s eyes narrowed in that particular way they always did when she suspected they were up to something. Soon after, they found that several of the books on animagi had disappeared entirely from the library.
There was one piece of information that McGonagall had revealed during her lecture though that stuck with them. McGonagall had noted almost offhandedly that, while animagi were rare in Britain and most of Europe, they were quite common in other parts of the world, especially Africa. Indeed, Uagadou School of Magic was renowned for teaching the skill, and students there were usually able to complete the process by age fourteen. Sirius, who had just turned fourteen himself, felt rather indignant about that.
“Too bad we couldn’t transfer to Uagadou for a year,” James grumbled as the four of them sat in the library, trying to pull even the smallest scraps of useful information out of their transfiguration textbooks. “We could probably become animagi in a few months if someone was teaching us properly.”
“Maybe we could join one of those international penpal programs,” Peter suggested. “Get one of the students to tell us about it, send us tips and such.”
“I don’t know,” Remus said, always cautious when the animagi topic came up. “Just because someone’s learned to do something doesn’t mean they’re qualified to teach others.” They’d learned that the hard way when James had convinced a sixth year to teach him how to brew a few advanced potions. The sixth year might have been talented enough to get an O on his potions O.W.L., but he did not have a future as a teacher, and James’s potions had destroyed a cauldron and nearly caused an evacuation of the corridor where he’d been secretly brewing.
“What about textbooks?” James suggested. “Unlike these—” he closed his copy of Intermediate Transfiguration with a look of disgust. “—textbooks at Uagadou would have to have practical instructions, not just theory.”
“They’d be written for students our age too,” Peter said, eager to stop reading books written in Middle English. “Younger actually, if they’re supposed to finish the process by fourteen.”
“None of us speak Swahili or any other African languages  though, last time I checked,” Remus said dourly. “Translation spells are really advanced and even if we could learn them, they’re not foolproof. Even when performed correctly they can still misinterpret things or give the wrong translation for words with multiple meanings. It would still be dangerous.”
They lapsed into frustrated silence again, all except Sirius, who had the thread of a brilliant idea forming.
“Did I ever tell you all that my mother made me learn French?” Sirius asked as the idea began to turn into a plan. “I’ve had lessons since I was three. I’m fluent, and I’ve had to translate a lot of stuff from one language to another as part of the lessons.”
“What does that have to do with becoming animagi?” James asked.
It was Remus who connected the dots first. “French is the official language of several African nations,” he said.
“And those countries send students to Uagadou?” Peter asked, catching on.
Remus nodded.
“So there must be books, textbooks, out there written in French about how to become an animagus!” James said, grinning as he figured out what Sirius intended. “We just have to get our hands on them and translate them!”
Importing textbooks from Africa wasn’t all that difficult in the end. It was expensive, sure, especially since they didn’t know exactly what books they would need, but between James and Sirius’s ample pocket money they were able to pay for it. Though it did mean they had to forgo restocking on dungbombs and sweets for a few months.
McGonagall looked at them suspiciously when large, tropical birds delivered several heavy packages to James over the next month, but it was a general sort of suspicion. Really, she gave them that same look at least once a week just on principle.
For once, the wretched tutors and private lessons Sirius had suffered through as a child turned out to be useful. It wasn’t difficult to translate what they needed from the books, and Peter, while not quite fluent, still knew enough French to check his work. After that, the real fun began…
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
39 of 2022
1- I can do Australian accents 2- I know where Madagascar is 3- Je peux parler français 4- I can’t speak French // the reason I checked both is because it’s one of our official languages, but I can’t hold a sentence in it, just a bunch of words and some of them are even in our dialect 5- I am partially Russian 6- I like Swiss cheese 7- I have lived/am living outside the States 8- I have tasted REAL Chinese food 9- I have attempted to learn Japanese 10- I know what the South African word ‘Tskudu’ means 11- I know someone who speaks fluent Norwegian 12- I can say ‘I love you’ in more than five languages besides English 13- I have in the past fallen for the story, “Haggis is a three-legged rodent” 14- I have always been aware that Haggis is actually sheep gut 15- I can read the Cyrillic alphabet 16- I understand slang from other countries // from the Netherlands lol 17- I have tasted Belgian chocolate // hey, I’m Belgian *waves* 18- I have a penpal who doesn’t speak English 19- I have songs on my iPod/MP3 that aren’t in English // quite a few of them are in Dutch lol, not sure if it counts 20- I know what ‘croque-monsieur’ is 21- I know where Helsinki is 22- Minä puhun suomi 23- I don’t have a clue what language that’s in 24- I have been lost in a foreign country 25- French wine is the best 26- I can cuss in multiple languages 27- I understand the Greek alphabet 28- I think Swedish is a pretty language 29- I have never heard spoken Swedish 30- I can play bagpipes 31- I think Scottish accents are cute 32- I have been to Hong Kong 33- I think anime would be better if it was in Japanese with English subtitles 34- The majority of my friends are not from my home country 35- I often think it would be cool to speak Polish 36- I don’t have a clue where Thailand is 37- I understand the term, “fucking British weather” 38- People speaking in foreign languages unnerve me 39- I can speak other languages besides English fluently // yeah Dutch, or rather “some sort of Dutch” as Dutchies say lol 40- English is not my first language
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findpenpalsover20 · 6 years
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hello everyone! my name is shannon, i’m 25, from southern california (usa). i’m half african american and half filipino! i’m taking a break from college because i'm working two jobs, but my course was music education.
i sing and i’ve been playing guitar for 13 years. I spend a lot of time watching youtube (covers, makeup tutorials and video game playthroughs), reading, making youtube covers, drinking coffee and tea, and jam sessions anywhere and everywhere with friends. My favorite shows to watch at the moment are Black Mirror, Orphan Black, and a D&D campaign called Critical Role on twitch.
i’m looking for a snail mail penpal (from anywhere really) to talk about life and adventures and get to know better. i like to send little doodles and stickers, care packages and mix cds in my mail, so get ready for that :) i’m trying my best to learn both Spanish and Tagalog, i know more Spanish (3 years high school classes) than I do Tagalog so i would also love to have a buddy to help me out if possible.
if you’d like to be penpals just send me an ask at my blog (shaymae.tumblr.com)! peace and good vibes to you all :)
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