#afraid to say that this is about kendall roy
nailgunstigmata · 1 year
sometimes ill see people post about a guy i dont get at all and have a haunting moment of self awareness like…thats how non dennisfuckers see my dennisposting. thats how im perceived
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eightstarr · 10 months
hi zoe :)) im here to request some general jealousy hc with ellie and abby
i personally have never been jealous a day in my life 😇😇
hi emi :)) i love you and because of that i will agree that you've never been jealous ever 😇 also because i think it's hot what who said that??? anyway i came out of retirement (momentarily) to answer this so i hope you enjoy <3
first thing that came to mind is that everyone thinks ellie will go insane and pull out the pocket knife but have you seen that girl when she saw dina talking to jesse… sorry but jealous ellie is looking at her feet and going fully non-verbal except for little annoyed huffs. perhaps has a kendall roy bathroom breakdown moment. maybe. probably just kicks something. you wouldn't know because she won't bring it up and you won't really notice a change but she's a little more quiet? that's kind of weird? but as soon as you’re alone she lights up, because she loves you and she loves your attention and she knows you love her and she's just being silly— but whatever, she's a sensitive girl! (she hates it so much she could throw up). perhaps you’ll leave the party and walk together to the car and she’ll say “oh fuck, i forgot my wallet in there” and “can you come with me?” and perhaps she’ll take your hand and pretend to be shocked when she finds said wallet safely in her jeans pocket but you’re already there! so you might as well stay for the rest of the song and yeah, she’s definitely going to kiss you where she knows whoever you were talking to will see. maybe. definitely.
abby is not afraid of confrontation, but she's highly annoyed by it. she’ll roll her eyes and it's never at you, you’ve done nothing wrong (and if she thinks about it, the person talking to you is also not doing anything wrong by simply making you laugh, but she's not thinking about it— she’s annoyed). a pout will form instantaneously and it should be cute, but have you seen her face? how does she make a pout look scary? i don't know but she does it. abby will pull you closer by wrapping an arm around your shoulders and raise her eyebrows when both you and the person talking to you give her a questioning look. “what?” she asks, and her head is turned your way but she's looking at them.
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beebeetheclown · 11 months
Here's something i came up with from the prompts🙈
15. [Slapping] Kendall on the face because either:
- he was being too cocky
- dirty talk went too far
- wont shut up about how shitty his dad is during sex💀
Hi I loved all of these ideas haha . I kinda tried to put them together all in one🤭 Hope you like it👀
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One Shot Request
Kendall Roy x reader, Kendall Roy x You, f/m
Contains: smut, Kendall Roy being cocky…😏
Working in an office job with rich narcissists wasn’t really your thing. But here you were, following Frank, your father, around Waystar. He got you the job because there was job openings available and he wanted you to be just like him someday. Your first week there was already a lot, it was crazier than you thought it would be.
“What, is it daddy daughter work day?” Was the first thing Roman Roy had said in your direction.
“No, I am just giving her some training. She starts tomorrow.”
Roman looks at you, “Right. Just promise me you aren’t as annoying as your dad. He is very annoying.”
“I’ll try my best.” You reply.
So, that’s how you met Roman. As for his brother, he was the complete opposite. While Roman was busy with his dumb little jokes towards you like he was your own little brother, Kendall stayed quiet while it was your first few weeks there. You’d see his eyes on you sometimes or even just feel them on you. You didn’t really think much of it until Roman stops you one day as you’re walking past his office.
“Hey, get over here.” You hear him say.
You turn and walk into his office, “What do you want?”
“Sit, make yourself comfortable. I have something rather pathetic to tell you.” He says with a little giggle.
“Oh god,” You really weren’t ready to hear it as you thought it was going to be something pointless.
“It’s not about me this time I promise. All though, I am quite interesting.”
“Just get on with it.”
“My brother. He wants to fuck you.”
You look at Roman and can’t tell if he’s bullshitting you or not. “What?”
“Yeah, he wants to fuck you. He can’t seem to keep it in his pants cause he’s so pathetic.”
“You’re full of shit.” You say as you get up from your chair, not believing a single word he says.
“No, I’m serious.” He laughs. “He really told me, face-to-face. He said he’d try and get you but he was afraid he’d scare you off and you’d file some assault charge. He thought it was ‘unprofessional’ to fuck an employee. I told him to not give a fuck.”
“So, you encouraged him?”
“I mean, yeah. Why wouldn’t I? I’d fuck you, you’re… fucking… hot.”
“Okay, no. I am not sleeping with you.”
“Boring.” He replies with a shrug, “Now, go away I have stuff to do.” He says and shoos you away with his hands.
As you leave his office, you can only try and think if what he had just told you was actually the truth or just some stupid prank. That was the thing about Roman, you never knew if he was really joking because he was always so childish.
Of course, out of what seems to be a coincidence, you and Kendall run into each other as you are making your way back to your desk. He stops in front of you instead of just walking past which makes you stop too, looking up from the ground and at him.
“So, Roman doesn’t keep secrets very well does he?”
“Uh, I’m sorry?”
He smiles, “It’s my fault, really. I should have known that he doesn’t keep his mouth shut.”
“You heard?”
“Yeah, I mean, how could I not? His door was wide open and he spoke loudly as he ran his mouth.”
You don’t know why you were embarrassed. It’s not like you said anything bad, it’s he who should be embarrassed.
“Right.” You reply, “Well, I guess your secret’s out.” You joke, not really taking the whole thing seriously. But Kendall was taking it very seriously. He meant what he said to Roman a few nights back. He felt as if he couldn’t handle it anymore and he needed to at least try and get at you.
“I guess so.” He replies.
“And, you’re not embarrassed by that?” You ask.
“No, not really. Why do you think I should be?” This was high on power Kendall Roy. A grin on his face while he was being so manic and cocky. This was now your third week and you already saw many different sides of Kendall.
“I don’t know. I would be if I were you.” You say with a little chuckle, “I mean, we’ve spoken what? Maybe twice?”
“Yeah, and twice is good enough for me.” He grins.
“Is it crazy to say that I think you’re more immature than your brother?” You tease.
He laughs softly with you, “Oh, very crazy. I am not immature, not as immature as him, that's for sure.”
“Prove it then.”
“Uh, I know the best answers to things, not just business related of course. I know what I want and I’m not too much of a pussy to go for it. Oh, and I actually know how to fuck without being awkward.”
“Right. You’re oh so mature but you just go and roast your younger brother just like that? Like a little boy wanting to win? Real mature.” You tease. “You know, I’ve never meant someone more cocky than you?”
“But you like it.”
“No, I don’t”
“Yeah, you do.” The same grin stays on his face. You honestly had no idea where all of this confident and flirty personality of his was coming from. But like you said before, Kendall Roy has many sides to him
“I do not. Now, is there anything else ridiculous you have to say, or can I go back to my desk?”
“Actually, there is one more thing.”
Oh great.
“And what is that?” You ask.
“There's these printed files tucked away in one of the conference rooms, I need help grabbing them.”
“You need help grabbing papers? Located in an empty conference room?”
“Uh huh, that’s right.”
You can’t help but grin a little bit. You don’t know why, but you reply with, “Okay, I’ll help you. But then, I’m going back to my desk.”
You follow him to the conference room. You knew that the whole paper thing was bullshit, you followed him anyway.
Before you know it, you are in an empty conference room with no windows that face the office, only ones that face the city.
As soon as he closes the door behind the two of you, you don’t even care to still pretend that there are papers, you just cut right to it.
“You know, my dad’s going to kill me, no actually, he’ll kill you.”
Kendall jokingly looks around the room, “I don’t see him anywhere.”
“You know what I mean. If he finds out about this, finds out that you, Kendall, are a part of it, he’d never respect you again.”
“Not a problem. He’ll have to respect me if he wants to keep his fucking job.”
“You don’t get to decide if he keeps his job, Logan does.”
“Yeah, but not for long, soon it’ll be up to me. Hey, speaking of m dad, he’d be so fucking angry about this.” He says with a laugh. His hands are now slowly travelling up your thighs. “But I don’t give a fuck on what he has to say.”
As his hands continue, you begin to back up and sit on the edge of the long conference table. He pulls your skirt up over your hips.
“Of course you don’t. You only care about yourself.”
“That’s not true. I care about you right now.”
“Do you?”
“Uh huh.” He says lowly. “Can I touch you?” He now whispers in your ear.
“Yes, just don’t make me regret this.”
“Oh, trust me, you won’t. I’ll be the best guy you’ve ever had.”
His cockiness really made you dislike him more, but it also turned you on more than anything. He pushes your panties aside and plays with your clit for a few seconds before he brings his fingers down and fucks you with them. A sound leaves your lips as you look down at his hand.
You don’t even hold back and put your hand on the back of his head as you kiss his lips. He kisses you back in need but the kiss doesn’t last long as you have to pull away to moan and gasp into his mouth. His fingers stretched you out since you hadn’t gotten laid in so long, they stretched you out because they worked you better than your own skinny little fingers.
He kisses you again and then breathes out a little chuckle as he listens to the quiet noises you make for him. “Oh, I could only imagine how much my dad would hate this.” He laughs a little at the thought of his father being angry, “And I used to care so much to please him. I’ve learned not to give a fuck anymore. I like seeing his stupid little angry face. I like doing what I want.”
“Ken, can you maybe like… not talk about your father while your fingers are inside of me? I’d like to not think about him in a situation like this.” You breathe out.
“Right, right. Sorry, it’s just that, I think it’s funny how I used to care so much. But I make up my own fucking rules now.”
You grind your hips into his fingers to give yourself more pleasure and grab onto his shoulder with your one hand. It’s almost as if you needed him to shut up in order for you to cum, but he keeps going,
“I make my own rules, I fuck whoever I want and I will win.”
“Kendall,” You say his name, meaning it as a warning that you want him to shut his mouth but it comes out as a whine. This only encourages his cockiness and boosts his ego.
“God, he’ll be so fucking jealous of me. He’ll wish he never,”
You don’t let Kendall even finish his sentence. Instead you let go of your grip that was on his suit jacket and slap him in the face. You don’t even know why you did it, it’s like you did it without thinking. His fingers freeze inside of you as he looks back at you. You can’t help but look back at him and then laugh.
“What was that for?” He asks in a serious tone.
“I don’t want to be cumming around your fingers while you continue to talk about your shitty father and your cocky little fantasies.”
He doesn’t reply, he just grins again.
“Oh, what could you possibly be smiling-“ You don’t finish your sentence. He pushes you down so that your back is on the table. He spreads your legs wider and unzips his pants.
“Kendall, what are you doing?” You ask, looking at him standing in front of you. You knew exactly what he was doing but you asked anyway, shocked at how fast it was all happening.
“Just be quiet and let me do what I need to do. I know you want this as much as I do, you being so wet gives it away.”
“Someone could walk in at any moment.”
“Unlikely. This room is only used for meetings. It’s our lucky day, none are scheduled today.”
“Well, someone could hear us.”
“You think I’ll make you feel so good that you won’t be able to keep quiet huh?”
Okay, fuck you.”
“Just be as quiet as you can. We’d hate to have someone find out that Frank’s daughter has her legs spread for me on a table wouldn’t we?” He says teasingly and then lines himself up.
“Just fuck me before I change my mind.”
He smiles and grabs your thighs, not waiting any longer to grind his hips forward. You are so tight around him that it makes him moan lowly.
You gasp before a little whimper leaves your lips. He grabs your hips now and pulls back before thrusting forward again but a little faster this time. He groans then chuckles a little at how good you feel around his cock.
“Tell me you’re not going to regret this.” He says as he continues to fuck you on the conference room table, finding and setting a pace.
“As much as I hate to say it, I won’t regret it.” You breathe out before you’re throwing your head back and moaning at the feeling of him pumping into you.
“I knew it.” He grunts out, “I fucking knew you would love having me like this. Am I the best fuck you’ve ever had?”
“Just shut up.” You whine.
“That’s not answering my question.” He looks at your eyes now as he continues his brutally slow but rough thrusts.
“Yes, and I fucking hate that that’s the answer.” You close your eyes and whisper his name.
You’ve never had a guy talk so much during sex. Hearing him speak like he was having a normal conversation only with grunts and moans in between makes you want to scream in pleasure.
“Because- you’re… Kendall Roy.”
“Yeah, I am. So what? You should be grateful to have me like this rather than be a stubborn little girl.”
“I am not stubborn.”
“Yes, you are.” He begins to set a faster pace now, making sure that you get it in your head that you should be “grateful”.
“No- fuck you.”
“What, are you gonna give me one of your weak little slaps again?” He chuckles, “Go ahead, you know it actually turns me on when you’re all annoyed and stubborn. I like a little challange.”
You can’t believe that his stupid degrades and his cockiness makes your orgasm arrive but they do. You don’t even warn him before you’re finishing around him. You aren’t even thinking straight as you moan out loudly, not covering your mouth at all.
It only takes him a few more seconds, with his thrusts now getting messier, he follows close behind and tiny grunts leave his lips before he’s pulling out and spilling on your thigh. You’re both catching your breaths and you look up at the ceiling, not believing what you just did. It was crazy, but you didn’t regret it.
“How was that?” He says with a chuckle, fixing himself up to make it look like he didn’t just fuck one of his employees.
“Good, but never again.”
“Sure… right.”
“You don’t believe me?”
“You’ll come back. You won’t admit it, but you'll come back.”
You shake your head and smile a little. Maybe he was right.
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hughiecampbelle · 1 year
Random Headcanons About Baby Roy:
Warning/s: addiction, addiction mention, drugs, alcohol mention
A/N: I think about Baby Roy all the time, lol. I just love them. I thought some fun headcanons would be nice :) Based on these headcanons and this fic series!
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Baby loves screamo. Anything and everything screamo. Also any alternative artist! The more raunchy, the better. Any car or room they're in, they're listening to it or humming it or playing it in their headphones. Everyone's come to expect it and ignore it as best they can. Especially Karl and Frank, they hate it. Gerri just shrugs. it's not hurting you or anyone else, leave it be
It absolutely drives Connor insane, especially when you and Roman gang up on him and recite verses. Roman doesn't love your music, but it's so worth it to watch your other siblings cringe and get all uncomfortable
"That d*ick tastes like yankee candl-" I love Ashnikko lol
"Y/n, please."
"You wanna hear a so-"
Baby unironically plays Where's My Juul?? by Lil Mariko in front of Connor who has no idea what a juul actually is lol
Baby has a wicked sweet tooth. Kendall's been sneaking them candy since they were little, but it seems like you always have something sweet. A lollipop, gumballs, gummy bears, etc.
"You'll get a cavity."
"This is my one vice, let me be."
Shiv is always holding out her hand for whatever you've got. She doesn't ask, she just expects it. You never mind, it's nice to share with her. Besides, it makes her feel like a little kid, too
Baby loves gory movies. Growing up, when all the kids were together, they'd have movie night. When it was your turn, you always chose the goriest thing you could find. Rome would sit with his hands over his eyes and Connor would hold a pillow, But you, Ken, and Shiv would be totally into it
"Just wait! His head gets ripped off!"
"This can't be appropriate."
Baby is actually very smart. Despite all the partying, their grades were perfect. Logan had no need to worry. Maybe you weren't showing up to class, but you were there for tests and that's all that mattered. You throw your intelligence in your brothers faces
"Can you even spell egotistical?"
You make endless jokes about your sobriety that none of them like except for Roman. The others shoot daggers at you with a look that says "not funny" You think it's funny though, and that's all that matters
"I'll be at the bar, you guys chat. Kidding! I was kidding, jeez."
"Does anyone else need a strong drink right about now?"
"They say the food is like crack, but I know crack and this isn't that."
"I used to take handfuls of pills to this song. Now look at me, I've become a monster."
Connor is horrified. Every time you say anything, he's speechless. Shiv gets very serious and Kendall spirals, but Rome likes it. If you can't joke about it, what good is it?
Baby has lots of tattoos and piercings. It's the only socially acceptable way to self harm that isn't drugs and alcohol. Logan hates them and Connor thinks they're unsightly, but you don't really care. Gerri always wants to see the new ones you got, though she prefers they be covered up in the office
"I like that one, that one's very cute."
"Thanks, Mommy."
She hates when you call her that. For you, your and Gerri's relationship, it's not at all sexual like it is with Roman. She is genuinely your mother figure. She is warm and caring and only wants the best from you. She can always tell when things are getting bad again
"Oh honey, you don't look so good."
"Mommy, I don't feel so good."
She really does love you. Someone has to. She knows your mother and Logan don't. Someone has to be there for you
Both Karl and Frank are afraid of you. Between the music, the addictions, the tattoos, the piercings, everything is intimidating to them. You're not competing like your siblings, that scares them the most. You want nothing to do with the company
"Think they're rabid?"
"Might be."
You love it, the way they always back away when you get too close, like you're demonic or infected
Baby, I think, would write a lot. Not just your feelings, which are so hard to put into words, but good things that happened, reasons to stay sober
You have a notebook or something that they use to write in. You've brought it to every rehab you've ever been to and constantly reread it over and over. No one knows about it, and if they notice, they don't bring it up. It's yours
Reasons To Stay Sober: Connor, Kendall, Shiv, Rome. Connor, Kendall, Shiv, Rome. Connor, Kendall, Shiv, Rome. Connor, Kendall, Shiv. . .
You have a sobriety birthday and every month you bake a cake. It always turns out shitty, lopsided, and burned and runny at the same time, but decorating it makes you feel like a kid again
You're always wearing your siblings clothes. You're always stealing someone's jacket or socks or shirt or sweater. You like it. It makes you feel close to them
They've just come to expect it
"You look better in that shirt than I do, keep it."
"I was going to anyways."
You have those moments of deep regret and embarrassment and self-consciousness that always end up in tears, but your siblings are there to pick up the pieces
Connor especially will just hold you as long as you need and listen to everything you have to get out
You feel so deeply sorry for hurting them and scaring them so much. You just wanted it to stop. You wanted not to he angry anymore
They tell you they understand, but you know they don't. Not really. They can't unless they've felt the way you have
Baby falls asleep on all the siblings. Even Roman will let them get away with it, but no one else. You snuggle into them and have the best sleep of your life
"Quit moving."
"Don't use me as a pillow, then."
You get away with (mostly) everything because you're their baby and they love you so much. They love you so much it's gross
Connor still prides himself on the way he raised you. There were bumps in the road, but you ended up perfect. Absolutely perfect
They all pride themselves on how they raised you. It wasn't always good, they weren't always there, but they're making up for all that now. Logan is gone. Slowly they're breaking the cycle, for you and for them
Things will get better. You've hit rock bottom so many times and always found a way out. This is that. This is your out
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kendallroydefender · 8 months
Somewhere only we know - Chapter 13 (Kendall Roy x Reader)
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Series summary: You met Kendall when you were six years old. You have spent every summer together and now years later you and him are still just as close. This story follows Kendall and his best friend through their lives. Will they realize their feelings for each other before it’s too late?
Chapter summary: While the Roys are at their mothers wedding you get a phone call that is turning your world upside down. Following the events he makes a decision that could change his life for the better and yours too.
Authors Notes: We’re so so close to an confession!! I hope you like this chapter! Much love to everyone who’s still keeping up with the story! 🤍
Wordcount: 3.1K
You hear you’re phone ring. The caller ID says Connor wich makes you furrow your brows. Why would Connor call you from Caroline’s wedding? You accept the call, with a weird feeling spreading in your stomach, remembering last time you got a call from a Roy family member that wasn’t Kendall while they were out of the country.
”Hello?“ You ask slightly wary. He says your name in a somber tone before telling you ”Something happened.“ You take a deep breath the dark feeling starting to grow.
”It’s about Kendall. There was an accident and he, yeah, he almost drowned.“ He says and your breathing stops
”He fell off a pool float, he was drunk. We don’t know if it was an accident or..“ Tears gather in your eyes ”Is he..?“ You ask even if you’re afraid of the answer of how bad it is. If he died you don’t know how you would cope. ”He is stable, they’re keeping him til tomorrow.“ You close your eyes and exhale a shaky breath ”Can you send me the name of the hospital? I will be there as soon as possible.“ You ask him. ”Y/n you don’t have to-“
”No. Con, I need to.“
He mumbles an okay and take care, you tell him you’ll be in contact with him and if there’s any news about Kendall he should call or text you.
While organizing a jet you get a suitcase out and throw in anything you can catch. It feels like you’re almost in some kind of trance, you’re almost too calm. In less than 15 minutes you are out of your apartment and on the way to the airport.
You board your families jet, Connor has send you the name and address of the hospital Kendall was admitted to. You have also texted with Jess and Roman. You haven’t contacted Kendall himself, maybe you’re scared he will tell you not to come and because he was still not awake when Connor called you. You aren’t even sure if he knows that you’ve been told about what happened.
You know you should use the next hours to sleep but how are you supposed to when you don’t know what happened to your best friend, the man who you are in love with. You open your phone and go to the folder with all the pictures you have of him. There are funny ones of the two of you together and others where you attended galas and dinners together. You stop when you reach one where Kendall is sleeping. He looks so peaceful and carefree. You’ve taken it a year ago when he fell asleep on your couch while watching some movie. You wonder when it all went so wrong, you remember when he carried you all the way home on his back to your parents summer house after you cut your foot at the beach. Or when he rapped along to his new favorite song on your dorm bed. The way you two danced through the night in Shanghai’s clubs. All these memories rush through your head and you can’t stop yourself from crying.
You arrive at the hospital after an exhausting 10 hour flight and a taxi ride. You had slept for about an hour before waking again, too anxious to drift off again. You knew Kendall wasn’t doing well but you hadn’t thought it was this bad. You feel like you should have noticed how bad he was doing.
You ask to see Kendall but you really haven’t thought this through because you’re met with an ”I’m sorry signora, we can’t let unauthorized people to him. Only family.“ you nod, turning around contemplating what to do. Connor told you they weren’t going to the hospital but will see him after he’s released. You see Comfry on her phone. Jackpot.
You walk over to the blonde woman who smiles at you and gives a little wave. After she hangs up, she brings you to Kendall’s room. She stops outside to tell you about what happened, when and how he was found, that he’s mostly fine now but they kept him overnight to be sure.
You open the door to his room, he is resting on the bed, awake and looking out of the window. ”Kenny.“ you get out before tears come to your eyes. His head snaps towards you fast, he’s shocked to see you here. Who told you? Why did you come? It reminds him of the press conference where you appeared seemingly out of nowhere. He knows it was Roman who told you what was going on but still it feels like you always know when he needs you most by his side.
He says you name and you walk towards his bed, crushing him in a hug. He strokes your hair and after minutes you let him go. ”Sorry, sorry.“ you say wiping your tears. ”It’s okay, please don’t cry.“ he tells you cupping the side of your face. ”You shouldn’t have come, nothing happend. I’m fine, really.“ Kendall tells you to wich you shake your head. ”Kendall. No - of course.“ you tell him. Did he really thought you wouldn’t come after you heard what happened? ”Connor called me and I knew I had to get here. I just needed to see you.“
You don’t pry him about the situation knowing he will talk to you on his own terms. You just lay with him on the hospital bed. Pressing kisses onto his shaven head. ”My Dad- Uh, he won’t let me leave.“ Kendall says to you in a low distant sounding voice. ”What?“ you ask confused, since you’ve read the birthday card where he offered it. ”We had dinner yesterday. I wanted out but he- yeah, he said no.“ Kendall answers you and you feel like you swallowed a hot stone, you’re so mad at his father. Logan’s constant psychological abuse of his children. ”God. Kenny.“ is all you get out and just from that the man knows you’re mad. ”It’s okay.“ he assures you and you turn so you face him. ”No it’s really not. God i hate him so much.“ you can’t help yourself ”I’m so sorry Kendall. You don’t deserve being treated like that. You deserve so, so much better.“ he feels tears well up and he blinks fast, tries to swallow all these feelings again.
Instead he asks you if you’ll come with him to his mothers wedding and of course you say yes.
Comfry comes into the room a few hours later with one of the doctors, Kendall is being released. A car is already waiting outside.
You arrive at the house his family has rented. You catch Sophies eyes and give her a small wave and a smile. She smiles back, happy to see you. You eye Logan warily who sits next to the kids. Suddenly acting like a grandfather, you fight the urge to scoff. He looks at you but you avert your eyes quickly, turning toward the siblings who sit around a table playing monopoly. They make some jokes about Kendall’s accident slash attempt and you roll your eyes, wich Connor catches. But you don’t care, you’re here for Kendall. Connor sounded worried yesterday when he called you, you don’t understand how they can act like that now, not even a day later.
”Kids! Come on we’re leaving!“ Kendall shouts and you wrap your arm around Iverson. ”What are you doing here?“ Sophie asks with a mischievous grin. She’s not opposed to you and her father dating. She was old enough when her parents divorced to know it was better that way, she heard them fighting. Iverson took the break up harder and you can’t blame him. ”What? can’t I just go to the wedding of my best friend mother?“ you say to her jokingly.
”But you weren’t here yesterday?“ Iverson asks ”Y/n had a work thing she had to attend, that’s why she’s late.“ Kendall says quickly. He loves how well you get along with his kids, even if that means having Sophie asking him questions about you two later.
While Kendall is off to a meeting with his siblings, wich unbeknownst to you is an intervention, you and Comfry go to find you a dress to wear for the festivities. You have grown to like the woman even though your relationship with her is definitely not as deep as yours and Jess.
You buy a dress that fits you perfectly and is fitting for Carolines wedding.
You attend the wedding alongside Kendall. You give your congrats to Caroline and her soon to be husband, who’s name you already forgot. You’re sitting with Willa and Connor. Kendall wanted you to sit with him at the family table but you assured him you’re fine. He argued that you would be his plus one for this event but you declined. Your eyes find each other’s during the speeches multiple times, sending small smiles across the lawn.
When the eating part is over you and Kendall stay close to each other, holding hands the entire time, his arm around you. It just feels natural and you both just want to keep physical contact after everything that had happened who wouldn’t try to seek some comfort.
Maybe it’s the fact that he could have died but you just need him close to you, to feel that he’s alive. And he feels the same, he doesn’t want to get away from you. He doesn’t care about all the guest around, not really keen on striking up a conversation with anyone that isn’t his best friend.
You’re leaning into his shoulder while he smokes when Shiv and Roman come and ask to talk to him. He shrugs and tells them that he’s not interested but they are consistent and it seems like it’s urgent, so he relents and excuses himself from you for a moment. He kisses the side of your head goodbye and you hear Shiv ask ”So what? Are you together now?“ as they walk away.
The next time you’re hearing from Kendall is while you’re with Connor and he tells you about his upcoming campaign when you get an incoming call from Kendall. You excuse yourself for a moment and walk a bit away from the other guests before you answer the call. ”Y/n! We had to leave the party. We’re going to kill dad.“ he says and you furrow your brows ”Metaphorically speaking of course.“ he adds ”Wait- what? Who?“ you stammer, still confused on what is going on ”Me and the sibs.“ then he explains their plan before telling you, you can’t tell anyone about this but you wouldn’t anyway. Before hanging up he promises to call you as soon as he can and you promise him to stay with his kids until then. You stay at the ceremony, sitting with his children, you talk to Willa about her engagement and Connor reminisce about your childhood. You dance with Sophie and Iverson and briefly talk to Greg who tells you about his Comfry / Duchess dilemma and you laugh at his words. ”Nooo Greg, you can’t treat Comfry like that. She’s so nice to you“ you tell him honestly.
”How did killing Logan went?“ you ask once Kendall comes back into the house he’s staying in. It’s late and Sophie and Iverson are already in bed. You had texted Rava earlier that you had taken the kids back to the house. You knew she was feeling better if you looked after them then when Logan did, after all he had hit iverson before. She had called to talk to the kids and you had spoken to her afterwards.
You’re sitting on the couch, skipping through the tv channels when he comes back. You glance at him as he steps into the living room and you can tell it didn’t went down smoothly. ”Tom fucked us.“ he says and your eyebrows shoot up „Are you serious?“ he sits down next to you, his head leaning back against the cushion, staring at the ceiling ”Yeah he told him about our plan.“ you would have not thought Tom would go like this against his wife. ”But the sibs and me, we’re gonna do our thing. Without dad.“ he tells you before saying ”I told them about uh, Shivs wedding.“ you know instantly what he’s referring to.
”It’s funny, Roman said the same thing you did.“ he says and you turn, so that you’re facing him ”It’s the truth Ken. It was an accident.“ you say and he looks at you, nodding a little, it’s really faint and you could have easily missed it.
”Are you hungry? The chefs already left but I got some leftovers in the fridge for you.“ he thinks then that he doesn’t deserve how much you care about him. You flew here as soon as you heard about what happened to him and now you make sure he eats. He loves you. More than a friend and he has known this for some months now. Your love is the purest most unconditional kind of love he has ever been given and he knows he needs you in his life, you make him a real person. You don’t see him as an extension of his Dad, or some famous douchebag, a Roy. You don’t see him as a killer. You see him. Kenny. Kendall. And he thinks he would like to come home to you every day. He wouldn’t dread his apartment anymore. Maybe it’s the fact that he could have died that day but he feels like he needs to get better and to confess his feelings to you finally. He can’t let this chance you two have go away again. Not if it could be everything he wanted for a long time.
"Thank you.“ he says then and you know that he’s not only talking about leftovers. "No need to, Kendall.“ you scratch his buzzed head. "I appreciate it, really. It uh it means a lot.“ he says and you answer him "Well you mean a lot to me.“ and he can’t help the smile forming on his lips. While you put the food into the microwave Kendall goes to say goodnight to his Kids. He eats on the couch next to you and after you watch some tv show you go to sleep. There are like thousand rooms in this house but it’s not a question that you are sharing a bed.
You’re laying on your side and Kendall rests on his back when he starts speaking
”I know things are difficult right now, uh with me and I know im putting a lot on you too.“ Kendall admits and you know this is hard for him. ”Its okay, Kendall. I know you’re going through some things at the moment and that’s not your fault.“ you tell him before adding
”And you don’t need to apologize, its beyond your control and of course im there for you. Like you’ve been with me when I was going through hard times.“
”Yeah but I feel like its my fault with the-“ he clears his throat ”With my relapse.“ He finally says and you swallow. Its progress that he can admit that he’s struggling again instead of telling you its fine.
”I feel like, I- I- am maybe at my breaking point.“
He turns on his side, facing you now.
”I think I need to, I need to get better. For my siblings. For you.“ you take his hand in yours ”For me, uh for me too.“ he says at last
”I think that’s a good plan, Ken.“
You whisper "I love you.“ as he drifts off to sleep and he lets himself feel a shimmer of hope that everything could get better.
You flip through the papers Jess had dropped off at Kendall’s earlier. They’re rehab facilities he could go to. Its a few days later and you’re glad he’s still planning to go.
”Do you already know wich one you’re going to?“ you ask
”I think the one in Denmark sounds good. It has an eight week programm.“ he answers and you flip to the clinic he meant.
Reading over the text it does sound nice and the pictures look good too.
”When will you go?“
”They have a spot in two days open.“ you nod
”Do you want me to come with you?“
”To Denmark? You don’t have to.“
You give him a smile ”Yeah, but that’s not what I’ve asked.“
He takes a breath looking at you sincerely
”Of course I would like you to come but I, uh, I can’t let you do that. You’ve already done so much for me.“
You shrug now
”When does the jet leave?“
He takes his shirt you’ve worn the night before with him. It smells like you and he needs something that reminds him of you. He doesn’t tell you, but you’ve seen him put it in the suitcase. But you don’t care, you kept one of his too and there are still multiple ones around your apartment. And two months is a long time for you two to be apart.
”What happens to us if I go now?“ he asks when you’re in bed that night. His fingers drawing shapes onto your arm.
”We’ll have all the time in the world when you come back. But now you need to focus on yourself.“ you tell him cupping his face. It’s the truth but it’s also a promise. You are aware that whatever is going on between you isn’t purely platonic anymore and more than just a crush now. It’s seems like it’s always on the brink of spilling over. You hope that you can talk about it once he returns, but he needs to be clean for that so you can be sure it’s what he really wants.
”I’ll be right here.“ another promise, he won’t come back to find you in a relationship.
You’ve waited such a long time these few months won’t matter.
”I’ll be back soon.“ he says
”Take as much time as you need.“
There are a few photographers and you’re glad for the darkened windows of the car. You arrived In Denmark yesterday evening and spent last night in a shared hotel room.
His hand is still in yours. Since it’s a private clinic with high privacy values you’re being driven through big gates that close behind you. You give him a long hug
”I’m really proud of you.“
He holds you a little tighter.
”I love you.“ he answers
”I love you too, Kenny. So much.“
”Thank you. For, uh for everything.“
You sit for a few more minutes holding each other before he knows it’s time to leave. He releases his arms from around you
”Goodbye Kendall.“
”Goodbye Y/n.“ he tells you and you press a lingering kiss to his cheek.
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stewyhosseini-bf · 1 year
another procrastinask: who do you think knows about kendall and stewy?
Really good question. I've actually thought about this quite a bit before. I'm guessing you're asking about their families specifically, and kenstewy's college relationship - and I think that if he told any of the Roys at all during that time, it would probably be Connor. Since he could obviously never tell his parents, and Connor often took on a father-role for the siblings, I could see Ken confiding in him about it (again, if he told anyone in his family at all during that time). Like, I'm thinking about how in Dundee, when Connor shows up at his hotel room, Kendall jokes around and says the stuff about his and Jennifer's great psychosexual expedition and them being the Lewis and Clark of fucking or whatever - and to me, that scene really highlights how, as much as Kendall seems to forget he's not the eldest son sometimes, there is an annoying-younger-brother quality and an ease to him when he's talking to Connor. So I feel like he could maybe have opened up about him and Stewy's relationship to Connor at some point back then.
There's also another aspect to this, tbh. Since Connor was never taken seriously as a competitor for the Top Job by Logan (and therefore by the siblings as well), there is way less pressure to not show any 'weakness' in front of him, the way Ken and Roman for example were conditioned to think about each other, by Logan. And the way that the Roys think and operate in general, but also think/talk about relationships, they're either seen as conquests (specifically the way Roman talks about them - how he becomes interested in Tabitha after repeatedly saying Dad would totally go for her, how he congratulates Kendall on dating Naomi, or calls Tom a trophy husband, and how he desperately tries to 'achieve' that sort of relationship but fails) or a sign of weakness (specifically the way Logan sees them - saying 'you're marrying a man fathoms beneath you, because you're afraid of being betrayed' to Shiv, calling Ken 'cuntstruck' because he genuinely likes Naomi and feeling attacked when he brings up him and Rhea's relationship, asking Roman if he needs to get straightened out after learning about him liking Gerri, etc. And I do think this goes for any type of relationship, which is why he's so deathly afraid of actually getting close to or opening up to people, including his own wife - but there's obviously yet another layer to it, when it comes to his children and their possible queerness, which weaponizes in an even more specific and sinister way). Since Connor was never considered as The Heir, his relationships were never scrutinized by Logan in the same way (he was, of course, in turn neglected, so it's not like he was better off, or anything. His abuse was just different), so the siblings would probably not have felt that same need to prove something to him/not show any weakness, the way they did with each other, therefore perhaps making it possible for Kendall, to open up to him, or at least more so than to Roman for example.
Lastly though, I do also think that with the distance to Logan in the time between s3 and s4, they all became more open to talking about that stuff, based on how easily Shiv asks Ken in The Munsters whats up with him and Naomi, or how Ken references 'gerr-bear' to Roman, and how they offer to kill Tom for Shiv, ask her if she's okay when she's upset about Tom, etc. I definitely think the show is making a point about how much closer they've gotten by showing us they feel more comfortable with talking about their relationships after that time. So I could definitely see him telling them about him and Stewy during that period of time.
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shortkingromanroy · 2 years
i’ve seen discussion on here about how logan seems to have declined post-episode 1 stroke. he’s colder with his children after that episode (which also may have to do with having them in his pocket again) and is generally quite reckless.
(discussion of gerri and logan under the cut)
it makes me think of the thanksgiving ep where a lot of people, including gerri, witness him hitting iverson with a can. after that, gerri immediately turns on him and joins kendall's coup. when i first watched this ep i assumed that gerri had reached a moral breaking point and could no longer support a man who would hurt a member of his own family. however, having watched the series a few times now, this obviously doesn’t add up - gerri has stood by logan through countless scandals, including cruises, and watched him hit roman, who she obviously cares about. even if these things upset her, she still remains loyal to logan.
so i’m realizing now how the two are connected (logan’s mental decline in s1 and gerri’s siding with kendall during the vote of no confidence): she didn’t turn on logan because hitting a child is so terrible to her that she’d stop acting in her own self-interest; no, the fact that logan would do something so reckless, semi-publicly, showed gerri this mental decline. she was afraid that he’d do something like that in public and fuck them. she wasn’t so much appalled by child endangerment but was more nervous about her own self-interests being compromised.
i think this is an interesting nuance of gerri's character because she is shown to clearly understand right and wrong even when she does things that are wrong. yeah she commits and enables horrible actions throughout the series, but she's not like logan, who doesn't seem to give a fuck about anyone else. (and we can be pretty certain that logan has been that way for a long time, even before his stroke; he's just gotten worse at hiding it.)
gerri has a moral compass. she's just learned to ignore it because she cares more about money and power than said moral compass. on the other hand, i don't think logan really has a functional moral compass. logan's values in any given moment are the values that will serve his own interests best. on the other hand, gerri will always serve her own interests, even if they go against her values.
i think this makes an interesting dynamic between them: gerri seems well aware that logan is an abusive father (and grandfather), a bigot, and generally just a danger to every human being on earth, and she seems to understand that this is bad. however, so long as her interests are being served, she can shove it down. when logan's health declines in season 1 and he struggles to hide his wrongdoing, gerri flips on him and joins kendall's coup out of self-interest.
compare this with the rest of the series, where logan has regained his mental fortitude and his full, terrifying powers of manipulation (see: his conversation with rhea where she finally realizes she "can't see the bottom of the pool"), and gerri is as loyal to him as ever.
we as the audience don’t get much insight into the non-roy characters' personal thoughts and feelings - for example, does frank genuinely care about kendall as a son or is it 100% manipulation? 50%? 25%? do gerri, frank, karl, karolina, and the others feel like the cruises victims genuinely do not count as ‘real people’ or is it just that they’ve picked money over their loyalty to humanity?
i find logan to be a fascinating character and i don't believe he's truly 'evil' - that is to say, he's not a moustache-twirling disney villain. i think everything logan does, he can justify to himself as the right thing to do. he's so good at denial, lying, and manipulation that he's managed to fool even himself. i think this sets him apart from the other characters, even the senior Waystar execs like gerri who have been committing atrocities by his side for decades.
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stewy · 1 year
Wdym by Kendall having arrested development?
as in, all the Roy children have severe cases of arrested development because that is the position Logan cemented them on. they're all still trying to escape their trauma and upbringing by trying to Kill Dad, when the truth is they can't because what they're all so afraid of (being dominated and destroyed by Logan) already happened. so it's like they're stuck in this loop or what folks call the Cycle of Abuse because they haven't even come to terms that they were already stripped of all their 'agency' by their father. now in the post i think i was talking abt Kendall/Camille parallels? what i meant is that their sexual attraction got "stuck" (in Freudian terms) in this adolescent type of behavior, and that the fact the person closest to Kendall is his friend from kindergarten says a lot about what stage of development he is regarding interpersonal relationships; of course i think the closest he got to that was Rava, whom he met when he was still fairly young, but i don't think you can compare that (and the married structure they found themselves in) to knowing a friend from ages 7 to 40.
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kendallroygf · 1 year
your tags in every ken/stewy post always make me laugh because yes- stewy definitely calls his grandma and starts going on a lengthy rant about ken and occasionally shittalking the roys. she doesn’t know what he’s on about half the time but you’re right, the main takeaway is always ‘make dua sadegh:)’ he’s still gonna call and complain though. never beaten those down bad allegations since high school im afraid.
FOR REALLLLL HSFHJHGGGH. i just know he spent half the time of his weekly phone calls to his grandmother complaining about his best friend kendall and his fucked up family and i just know that every female relative in stewy’s life is sooo doting that they’re just like awwww he has a friend mashallah🥰 so cute. even when it’s decidedly not ‘cute’ anymore for stewy to be this obsessed with his best friend. like it doesn’t even cross their mind to think stewy might be a tad not normal about kendall. five year old stewy was like . i wish me and kendall wud be best fwends forevar and when we grow up we live together and have a kitty:) and stewy’s maman is like. awww say inshallah sadegh🥰.
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cowboyhorsegirl · 1 year
Final Suck-Session character ranking?
this is a somewhat pared down list bc i don't really care about mattson & his crew and i hope my opinion on mencken goes without saying
(list from most worst to least worst)
Roman Roy, congrats rome you finally won something! he gets promoted to number one worst roy because he was the most directly involved in getting mencken picked as the republican nominee, covered favorably by ATN, and (maybe?) elected as president. this man is a fascist, racist, and sexist and i think he's despicable. he's a little baby bitch boy. i'm putting him back in the dog cage for the next 10 elections.
Logan Roy, logan gets bumped to second place bc he died, and i'm very glad he decided to do that. but other than that he's awful
Tom Wambsgans, really good at being in the right place at the right time to further his career goals. unfortunately his career goals are reprehensible. he is this generation's logan roy: more self-aware, more careful, perhaps more sensitive, but no less cruel.
Kendall Roy, he is like a man if the poison dripped down.
Shiv Roy, i am afraid of the next chapter of her life. Not afraid for her. Afraid of her.
Frank & Karl, whatever. I feel nothing towards or against them.
Gerri Kellman, bad bitch. she left no survivors.
Karolina Novotney, unironically i just like Karolina. i hate that she works for waystar royco and that she's amazing at it, but she manages to do her job without making any major enemies (i don't count hugo because hugo is the equivalent of a fly buzzing around her, a minor inconvenience), she's direct and fair, no-nonsense. 10/10 would want PGM and/or the Jimenez camp to poach her from waystar royco.
Connor Roy, I almost forgot to rank Connor oh no!!! i wish connor would get out of politics and become a boy scout leader or something.
Stewy Hosseini, lol. lmao. my problematic (he's a venture capitalist) fave (he's a bisexual muslim)
Jess Jordan, I wish this show had been all about her :/
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beebeetheclown · 7 months
Kendall Roy x Reader - Request
Valentine Special Pt. 2/2
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word count: 5.9k - ended up being a bit longer than I thought lol.
I really wanted this to be out on Valentine’s Day but I got busy but here it is now! Hope you enjoy!!
An unknown number calls you the morning of Valentine’s Day. When you pick it up, Kendall Roy’s voice is soon heard on the other end.
“Hello?” You say into the phone.
“Hey, that cherry tart was really good. I’m not even a big fan of sweets but yours was incredible.” A quiet sigh of relief leaves you knowing that the correct container was given to Kendall, “I liked what you did there, the whole number thing, it was cheesy but it was smart.”
“It was the only way I knew how to get your contact without asking the kids for it.”
“Well hey, I guess I should say Happy Valentine’s Day.”
You giggle a little, “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“What have you got going on for such a special day, anything fun and romantic?”
“No, I’m afraid not. It is just another day for me.”
“Me too, maybe we could change that.”
You get a little nervous now, questioning if Kendall Roy is about to ask you out on a date, “How?”
“I could take you out to dinner, you know, to show you all the other drinks that you haven’t tried.”
You chuckle again, “Isn’t going out for Valentine’s Day like the cheesiest thing ever?”
“Maybe, but come on, cheesy or not, I know you want to.”
“But it’ll be so busy everywhere, we probably won’t find a table right away.”
“I’ve already got us one.”
“You what?”
“Yeah, I reserved a table about two hours ago. It’s at this super nice place, I got us a spot outside I hope that’s okay.”
“Kendall? You got us a spot before asking me?” You ask, there is a grin on your face.
“Uh huh, so if you say no, that poor table will be sitting alone and waiting for us.”
“You really want to take me out?” You ask this because you don’t really believe that Kendall is interested.
“Of course. I couldn’t stop thinking about you ever since the little party you know? So what do you say? Are you in?”
You think for a moment, “Okay, sure Kendall, I’ll go.”
“Yeah? Okay that’s great. Rava actually gave me your address at one point so I’ll be there to pick you up at around five thirty. Does that sound okay?”
“That sounds just fine Kendall.”
“Okay, see you then.”
“See you.” As soon as you hang up the phone, you smile in excitement. A dinner date on Valentine’s Day does seem a little corny to you, but it doesn’t matter because your date was Kendall Roy.
When afternoon comes, you spend your time thinking about the date for hours and hours. You think about what you will wear, what it will be like, what you will talk about, everything just keeps popping up in your mind, making you both excited and nervous. A knock on your door interrupts your thoughts. When you go and answer it, you see your neighbour at the door with a dog next to her.
The two of you weren’t friends or anything, but you trusted each other well enough to take care of each other’s houses and yards when one of you went away for a long period of time,
She smiles at you, “Hello dear, I hate to bother you and come to ask now. I meant to ask you earlier, but everything just got so crazy.”
“No, it’s no problem, what do you need?”
“Well, my husband and I are actually going out of the city for the next few days, it is my Valentine’s Day gift.” She looks down at the dog, “I was just wondering if you would be so kind and let Pluto stay with you for the next two and a half days? He is a very good boy, he doesn’t need much. He just mostly sits around. I hope it won’t be a bother?”
You look down at the dog and is panting while his tongue is out, making it look like he was smiling a little. You have never owned a dog, but you didn’t see that much of a problem with it.
The neighbour speaks again, trying hard to convince you, “I’ll give you fifty bucks for it. I’ll bring over his food and everything. You only need to feed him twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.”
“Okay, sure. I can do that for you. Only, I’m actually going out tonight, will that be a problem? Would he be alright if I left him here aline for a couple of hours?”
“Oh yeah, he’ll be okay. You’ll just have to make sure to feed him before you go.”
“That’s not a problem.”
“Oh, thank you. You really are too kind. I’ll be back in three days, and you have my number if you need anything. I’ll just go and get him his food and such. Thank you again.”
“Yeah, no problem.”
She hands you over Pluto’s leash and you lead him inside your home and your neighbour goes off to go get his things. As soon as you close the door and take his leash off, he walks over to the living room and lies down. He is quite the lazy type.
About ten minutes later, your neighbour comes back and hands you things like his food and one of his toys. She thanks you again and she soon leaves you alone with Pluto. For the first few minutes, he stayed on the floor and slept. When you are in the bedroom and changing into your outfit, you jump a little as you turn and see Pluto staring right at you as he stands in the doorway.
You finish getting changed and smile as you walk over to him. You pet his head, “At least if this goes wrong tonight, you will be here to comfort me. I guess that doesn’t make sense because you won’t even understand what I’m saying but that’s okay.”
Pluto ends up following you around everywhere and he keeps his eyes on you. You begin to think that maybe he is waiting for food or something, but you knew it was too early for him to eat. You tried to see if he wanted to be let out to go into the backyard, but he didn’t, he just kept standing next to you, looking up at your face. You gave up and just let him follow you around all afternoon.
Kendall calls you again around five o’clock and you immediately get that excited and nervous feeling again.
“Hi again.” You say as you answer.
“Hey, how are you doing? I’m actually on my way now, it’s a bit earlier than I said but I just couldn’t help it, I wanted to see you. Are you ready to go? I’ll be there in about ten minutes.”
You are half ready, but you didn’t want to make him wait, “Yeah, I’ll be ready.”
“Perfect. I’ll just give you a text when the car is out front.”
“Okay, sure. See you soon.”
“See you.” When you hang up, you rush to get ready now. Pluto has finally stopped following you around and is asleep on the living room rug. You are putting on your heels when Kendall arrives. You look in a mirror once more before you open the front door and head towards Kendall’s car.
He gets out of the car when you get closer and holds the back door open for you. When you get close enough, you can see the grin on his face, you smile back but he is the first to speak,
“Are you ready for this cheesy date?”
“Yes, I’m ready. Are you ready Kendall?”
“Uh huh, I’ve been waiting for this date all day.” You step into the car and he closes the door for you before getting in on the other side. He immediately starts a conversation as soon as the car drives off, “So, what kind of food do you like? Are you the type to try something new and fancy, or are you the type of girl that orders chicken fingers and fries?”
You laugh a little, “I don’t know, it depends on how I am feeling. I find that sometimes when I try something new, I end up not liking it all and then my money is wasted.”
“Well, your money won’t be wasted here, it’s on me, all of it. You can try anything you like and if you don’t like it, we can get you something else. We are getting a couple of drinks though too, I’m still wanting to make you try some others.”
“You know, I don’t think I’ve actually ever been out to a nice dinner on Valentine’s Day.” You admit.
“Really? How come?”
“I don’t know, I guess we never thought to go out to dinner. Then again, I haven’t actually had too many dates in my life.”
“No? But you’re pretty, I bet tons of guys would want to be in my shoes right now.”
“You think so?”
“Oh, for sure. You’re fuckin… hot.” You giggle a little at his reply, “Yeah, you’re hot. I know it’s not really smart to say that right on the first date but I say fuck the rules, I’m going to say what I want tonight.” He doesn’t let his eyes leave you, “You’re caring and sweet but also just so admirable. I could look at you all day.”
“Kendall,” you laugh, “we are not even at the restaurant yet and you are telling me all these things.”
“Yeah, so? You want me to be cheesy, I can be cheesy. What would you like me to say? You want me to ask you about your day, maybe what your favorite food is, what color you like?” He teases.
“No, well maybe that’s what people are supposed to do on first dates, but I do like you being honest more.”
“Alright, well then I’ll be honest for the rest of the night. No corny questions, just straight to the point. You know, I don’t even want to ask what your favorite color is or anything like that, I like to figure those things out on my own.”
“How do you mean?”
“Well, your favorite color would be easy to find out, I just look at what color you have the most of. As for favorite food, I could see if you get excited over certain things on menus. I like to figure these things out on my own without having to ask. I think that way, it shows you that I care and pay attention.”
You grin softly at him, “So you like to pay attention to detail? I like that. You pay attention to detail rather than asking for the answers.”
“That’s right. I’m a good guy, I’m not like the rest.”
“Ah, so you’re confident too.”
“I can be, yeah. Without confidence, I don’t get the job done. I like getting the job done, and I like getting it done properly.”
“And in what sense do you mean by ‘getting the job done’?”
He grins at this question, “Oh, it could be interpreted in many different ways, work, conversation,” he looks down at your hips before looking back at you, “sex. Any scenario, I like to get things done the proper way.”
“And what is the proper way in your eyes?”
“My way.”
Most people would probably think that his reply is so overly self confident, but it turns you on. When the two of you eventually arrive at the restaurant, you can already tell how busy it is just from the outside by how many cars are parked nearby and how many people are walking in and out. Kendall gets out of the car first then opens the door for you.
He smiles at you as soon as you step out and holds his hand out for you. You put your hand in his and the two of you are now holding hands. You can’t help but notice how perfectly your hand fits in his.
“It looks so full in there Kendall.” You say as you walk towards the door.
“I know, but like I said, I’ve got us a table outside. It’ll be quieter out there.” He looks over at you then grins, “I always think ahead.” You grin back at him then he opens the door for you both.
A waiter greets you both and Kendall tells him his name and his reservation before the two of you are being led outside. There are some other people outside but Kendall is right, it is far more quiet outside than it is inside.
“Can I get you two any drinks to start off with?” The waiter asks.
You were about to just say that you’d be fine with a glass of water, but Kendall speaks up, “Yes, I’ll get a Tequila Sunrise, make that two.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back with those.”
As soon as the waiter leaves, you can’t help but look at Kendall and laugh quietly, “First Sex on the Beach and now Tequila Sunrise?”
“Uh huh, very tropical. The only logical thing that has to happen now is for our next date to be somewhere tropical. Have you ever been to Costa Rica, Bora Bora, The Bahamas?”
You can’t tell if he’s being serious or not, you just laugh at his reply, “Kendall, our first date has only just started and now you are talking about tropical places to take me?”
He shrugs a little, “Yeah, why not? What did I tell you, I think ahead of time.” He smiles, “No but seriously, have you ever been to any of those places?”
You shake your head, “No, I don’t travel a whole lot.”
“Which one interests you most? Maybe don’t even choose one, we could go to them all.”
“Kendall, you are crazy.”
“Maybe I am, but you like it, I can tell by the way you’re smiling.”
“Okay, you caught me.”
He just looks at you for a moment as he sits back in his chair, the smile isn’t leaving his face. The waiter soon comes back with both of the drinks, “How are the menus going?”
“Right, the menus.” Kendall says, “Sorry, I got a bit distracted, we’ll need a few more minutes to look through it.”
“Sure, no problem.”
When the waiter leaves again, Kendall picks the menu up and begins to skim through it, “Okay, you need to stop looking so good otherwise I’ll be looking at this menu all night with nothing ordered. You’re very distracting, you know?”
You pick up your menu too, holding it up to tease him by hiding your face, “Well we don’t want to be here all night, you better order something.”
You only look through the menu for about a minute before his hand comes to push your menu down slowly so he can see your face again, “I know what I want.” He says quietly.
“Oh please don’t say what I think you are going to say.”
“What do you think I’m going to say?”
“Are you going to get all romantic and say ‘you’?”
He laughs softly, “No, come on, that is the most fucking cliché thing ever. I’m not that boring, trust me.”
“What are you ordering then?”
“I think we should get this pizza,” he turns his menu over and points to a picture of a fancy looking pizza, “It looks fancy.”
“Are you getting it just because it’s fancy?”
“Yeah, maybe, it’ll add to this whole vibe we got going on.”
“Fancy and tropical?”
“Yeah, sure, why not. Fancy and tropical, we can make up our own vibe.”
“Okay, fancy pizza it is.”
“Perfect, I like the way you think. Try your drink while we wait, I want to know what you think.” You put your lips on the straw and taste it for him. It is just as good as the last drink you had with him. He studies you the whole time, “And? How is it? Peachy?”
You pull your lips away and think for a moment, “No, maybe not peachy. How about citrusy?”
“First peachy and now citrusy. Cute.”
“What’s cute? Me explaining drinks.”
“Yeah, you don’t just tell me if it’s good or bad, you explain them in little fruity words.”
“And that’s cute to you? They were just the first thing that came to mind.”
Kendall already feels himself falling for you more and more. All of the past women he had on first dates always made things flirty or only asked basic questions. He likes how you think, he likes how sweet you are. The waiter soon comes back and the pizza is ordered.
“Hold on, did we even look at what toppings it had? I feel like we just looked at the picture.” You say with a smile.
“Oh yeah, we didn’t look at the toppings did we? I guess we’ll just have to be surprised. Are you the type to like surprises?”
“Yes, I love them.”
“Well good, because I have no fucking idea what toppings are all included.”
You and Kendall continue to talk as you wait for the pizza to arrive on the table. The two of you talk about so many things, there is never an awkward silence falling between you both. Kendall could say some pretty ridiculous and cringe things from time to time, but it only made you laugh and like him more. When the pizza does finally arrive, you both realize that it is shaped like a heart.
You look down at it and try not to laugh as you find it so stupidly cute and corny. You catch Kendall’s eye and can see that he wants to laugh too. The both of you thank the waiter and as soon as he walks away, you both laugh.
“A heart-shaped pizza huh?” He says.
“A heart-shaped pizza.”
“Oh, but now it’s sad because when I pull a piece out,” you watch him take a slice out, “now I am breaking the heart.”
“A pizza with a blue Valentine’s Day. Isn’t that an Elvis song? Sounds like it?”
“No, I can’t say I’ve ever heard of a song called ‘a pizza with a blue Valentine’s Day’ I’d definitely give it a listen though.” He teases.
You laugh, “No, I mean the blue Valentine Day part. That sounds like an Elvis song.”
“Blue Christmas I think it is. But the whole Valentine one sounds like something he’d sing. Blue this, blue that. Everything is so blue to him. Enough old grandpa talk, let’s try this pizza.”
You grab a piece of the tray and take a small bite, there’s so many fancy toppings on it, you don’t even know what you taste, but it is delicious.”
“How is it? I think it’s pretty good.” He says.
“Yeah, it’s really good, although, I don’t even know what's really on it.”
“Me neither. I’ll keep eating it anyways. I won’t lie, I was quite hungry.”
“Yeah, me too.” Suddenly, all this talk about food and being hungry makes you remember something. Pluto pops into your mind, you hadn’t fed him.
“Pluto!” You say out loud, “I forgot to feed Pluto.”
Kendall gives you a confused look and then laughs, “Who the fuck is Pluto?”
“My dog, well, my neighbor's dog. I’m supposed to take care of him for the next few days and it’s my first night with him. I forgot to feed him.”
“He’s a dog, he can wait.”
“Kendall, if I kill this dog with my stupidity, my neighbor will never forgive me. She’s a bit of a looney, she’ll be crying on my doorstep for days and days. I can’t have that.”
Kendall just continues to laugh a little, “Okay, well, what should we do? Do we go over there?”
“Yeah, I think we have to.”
“Let’s go then.”
“Oh, but our date Kendall.”
“Don’t worry about it, just because we leave this restaurant doesn’t mean our date is over. Let’s go feed this dog and our date can continue from there. Pluto is not going to starve on Valentine’s Day.” Kendall stops a waiter that walks by and asks for a box and then he looks at you, “We will eat this pizza at your place. Does Pluto like pizza?”
“Considering we don’t know what toppings are on this, I feel like that would be a very bad idea to give it to a dog.”
“What will you feed him? Boring old kibble?”
“I guess, dogs like it though.”
“Gross. Can I be honest with you here while we wait for our box?”
“I am not a fan of dogs. Not big ones, not small ones.”
“Nope, not one bit.”
“Well, Pluto isn’t all that bad. He mostly just sits around or follows you. He doesn’t bark or anything, at least I don’t think he does. I’ve only been with him for a few hours”
“Is he yellow like Pluto in Mickey Mouse?”
“No Kendall, this Pluto is not yellow.”
A waiter comes back and hands you a box. Kendall stacks the pizza up in the box before taking bills out of his pockets and setting them on the table, “Let’s go give this dog his nasty kibble then.”
You get up from the table with Kendall and he takes your hand again. His driver had been waiting out there for the two of you. When you both get in and his driver starts to drive down the road, you look over at Kendall, “I really am sorry for ending it so soon.”
“No, don’t be sorry. The date will continue at your place.”
“Well, it isn’t as fancy as the restaurant.”
“That’s okay. I think I would actually prefer to be at your place, it’ll be quieter there.”
As soon as you arrive back at your house, you see that Pluto is asleep, he only wakes when you close the door behind you both. He immediately stands and walks over to the two of you. First, he sniffs your clothes for a second then brings his wet little nose to the fancy dress pants Kendall has on. He runs his nose all over Kendall’s pants.
“He must really like you, unless you’ve got treats in your pockets or something.”
“Maybe he likes the pants.” Kendall replies, “Now I've got the scent of dog on my pants.”
You both take off your jackets and Pluto soon pulls his nose away and just stands there looking up at you both, wagging his tail in excitement, “Okay, I’ll feed him first and then we can continue our date.” You say before walking over to his food. You get a cup of the dog food out then dump it into his dish. He looks up at you for a couple of seconds before digging into his meal.
Kendall comes over to you then sets the box of pizza down on a counter, “He really enjoys that food? Wouldn’t it taste like rocks?”
“I don’t know, why don’t you try some to see how it tastes.” You tease.
“Yeah, no thanks, I’d rather eat this pizza,” he pauses for a moment, “Or there is something else.”
“What else is there?”
He grins a little, “We can skip to dessert.” You know exactly what he means. Even though the thought of it makes you a little nervous, you can’t help but smile back, “That is if you’re ready for dessert. I mean, if you don’t want to yet, it’s totally-”
“I want dessert Kendall.” You say quietly.
He’s both surprised and happy with your reply, “Yeah?”
He doesn’t even say anything more, he just leans forward and kisses your lips and holds your face in his hands. The kiss is so needy right from the start, it’s messy and his tongue is slipping into your mouth. As Pluto obliviously continues to chow down on his food, Kendall is backing you up as he continues to kiss you, “Where is your room?” He asks, only pulling his lips away by an inch.
“Just down the hall, the first door to the left.” You don’t expect it, but Kendall hoists you up and begins to carry you over to your bedroom. The both of you need each other so bad, but the both of you can’t help but let little excited chuckles leave you. When he makes it into the bedroom with you, he sets you back down on your feet and you both begin to undress.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this? I’m not going to fast for you?”
“Kendall, I wanted it from the moment you took me to get a drink with you at your job party.”
“What a coincidence, so did I. If I didn’t get interrupted back then, I probably would have taken you back to my bed. I wanted you so bad.”
“Well now you can have me.”
He only manages to take his shirt off before he leans in to give you a hungry kiss. When the kiss breaks, he only helps you take off your clothes before kissing you back again. The two of you still aren’t fully undressed but he’s the first one to sit in the bed, leaning his back against your headboard. You are left in your bra and skirt and he is only left in his pants, which are party undone. You climb on top of him then begin to kiss his lips again.
You have no panties on, so the fabric of his pants brushes against your pussy which makes you whimper softly into his lips. You begin to kiss down his neck. For the first few seconds, only his heavy breathing can be heard, but soon he speaks up, saying your name before telling you his concern, “Pluto is watching us.” You remove your face from the nape of his neck when he says this and you look over at the doorway. Pluto was sitting down and looking right at the two of you while panting.
You laugh a little, “Just ignore him.” You go back to kissing kendall’s neck,
“I can’t, his eyes are burning into me.”
You look over at the dog again, “Pluto, go away. Out Pluto, out.” You say, shooing him with your hand. He doesn’t budge, he just stays put, “You try.” You say to Kendall,
“Shoo dog, shoo. Go away.” The dog still doesn’t move an inch. “Does he not understand?” Kendall asks.
“I mean, he is a dog.”
“Yeah but he should know what ‘go away’ means.” You get off Kendall and walk over to the dog. You walk out of the room and he follows, as soon as he’s out of the room, you quickly go back into the bedroom then close the door behind you. “Awe, you’re so mean.” Kendall teases.
“Hey, I did it for you. I think you’re the bully here.”
“Kendall huffs out a small laugh, “Come back here.” Before you can get back on top of him, he grabs you and flips you over so you are now on your back. He kisses down your body and stops right above the hem of your skirt, “Can I take this off?”
“Lift your hips for me then.”
You do so and he pulls your skirt off and drops it to the floor. He begins to take the rest of his clothes off now. Although you want it so badly, you suddenly grow nervous.
“Kendall, wait.”
“What’s the matter?”
“I haven’t done anything like this in so long.”
“Do you want it?���
“Yes, but, I’m sorry, I’m just nervous I guess.”
“That’s okay to be nervous. I’ll take my time with you, I want to fuck you slow anyways, I want it to last long.”
His words put you more at ease and comfort you, it is only your first date with him, but you feel as if you can already trust him, “Okay.” You whisper, “I trust you.”
His hand comes down to spread your legs apart. Before he can even begin to make love to you, he just has to say the thing that comes to his mind, “Hey, look at this.” You look up at him and he is holding up a red condom, “A Valentine’s Day colored condom.”
This makes you laugh a little, “You are so strange Kendall Roy.”
“Hey, I bought a red one thinking you’d think it’s sweet or something.”
“You think I’d look at you in awe because you are relating a condom color to a holiday? What’s Christmas, green and red?”
“Maybe, you’ll have to wait and find out.” Christmas is so far away but Kendall already knows that he wants you for that long and even longer. He caresses the sides of your thighs with his hands as he teases you with the tip of his cock brushing against where you need him most, “You’re so fucking pretty. Will you let me fuck you now? Tell me, tell me that you want me, that’s all I need to hear.”
You lie your head back on the pillow and speak quietly, “I want you Kendall.”
“Then you can have me.” He grinds his hips forward now, “you can fucking have me.” You let out a moan as you feel him inside you now and he just lets out a groan, “Does that feel good?” He asks.
“Yes Kendall.”
“Yeah?” He continues to fuck you slow, just as he said he would. He sets a slow pace, but his hips still manage to meet yours every time pushes his hips forward, “You like this?” He asks in a teasing tone,”
You can’t even let out a worded reply, your answer is only a whimper. As he continues to make love to you, a scratch is heard at the door. You both ignore it at first, but then when two more are heard Kendall swears under his breath, “Fuck, don’t tell me that’s the dog.” His reply is shaky and quiet, almost coming out as a whisper.
“Ignore him Kendall,” you moan softly and rake your fingernails down his back, “Just ignore it.” Kendall kisses your lips before moving down to the side of your neck. The sounds of his groans and his quiet, pleasured curses in your ear makes your whole body shiver.
Pluto’s crying and whining is now heard. You can’t help but let out a breathless chuckle. Kendall grew annoyed with Pluto, his annoyance made him set a rougher pace. His change of pace immediately makes your chuckle turn into a pleasured moan, “Kendall-”
He moans with you and then more cries from the dog are heard. You moan again and then a whine from the dog is heard.
“Maybe he thinks you’re hurting me.”
“Well I’m not am I? What that dumb dog doesn’t know is just how much you’re enjoying this right now.” He continues to snap his hips forward, fucking you rough, “Maybe if he doesn’t hear us, he’ll stop.” With that, he puts his hand over your mouth.
Your sounds are now muffled into his hand, you already feel close to the edge but you can hardly warn him as he doesn’t remove his hand. He doesn’t need to hear you tell him that you’re close, he can already tell by how weak you are getting, “Are you close already baby?”
You reply with a yes and he’s able to understand it. He then decides to remove his hand, “I don’t care anymore, that dog can scratch and whine all he wants, but I want to hear you. Fuck, I need to hear your little voice call my name as you cum.” His name falls from your lips very quietly and your lips quiver, “Again, say it again. Fuck- I’m so close, say it louder for me. Say my name and let go for me.”
His name falls from your lips and it echoes through the room now and he takes you over the edge, fucking you through your orgasm. The roughness of his thrusts turns more weak and sloppy as he feels himself coming close to that edge. Hearing his own name come out of your mouth and hearing it echo through the room makes him so weak. He moans your name as well and soon he stills his cock and keeps it buried inside you as he spills into the condom.
The sweat from his forehead sticks to your own skin as he comes down to kiss the side of your face and neck. When he pulls out of you, you almost feel empty all over. You want Kendall to be close to you again. When he soon comes back into the bed, he lies beside you under the covers and wraps his arms around you,
“You were so good, you’re so good. I don’t think I can get enough of you.”
You turn to face him now, “But Kendall, what will Rava think of this? Imagine how weird it would be for Sophie and Iverson, knowing that their babysitter is with their dad.”
He only smiles a little, “They don’t have to know yet, it can be our little secret.”
You smile back at him. You like the idea of keeping a little secret. As the two of you keep looking at each other, a thought comes to your mind, “Ken, do you think I can let the dog in here now? I feel a little bad.”
“Okay, go ahead. But if I end up fucking you again, I want him out again.”
“Okay, deal.” He watches you leave the bed. When you open the door, Pluto is lying down on the floor just outside the door. He stands when he sees you and walks into the room quickly. You watch where Pluto runs to and he immediately runs and jumps onto the bed.
You just laugh and Kendall groans, “No dogs aloud up here, get.”
“Ken, we’ve been mean enough. We should at least let him sleep on the bed.”
“With us?”
“Yeah, I don’t see why not.”
Kendall sighs but then smiles a little, “Okay, but I’m only allowing it for you. After this, I am never letting a dog sleep on the same bed as me.”
“You’re such a baby.” You reply and you hop back in bed with him.
“I am not.”
“You are too.” You reply.
He grins now and leans his face closer to you, “No.”
“No.” Before you can continue the little game of back and forth, he gives you a kiss on the lips. You kiss him back and just as it gets more and more intimate, Pluto stands on the mattress and begins to put his paws all over the two of you, making the both of you pull away from each other.
You see Kendall’s annoyed little face and can’t help but laugh. He looks back at you and your laugh makes him smile and he soon begins to laugh with you.
After a little while, the two of you soon fall asleep and so does Pluto. Kendall holds you close to him and you rest your hands on his while Pluto sleeps at the edge of the bed. The three of you sleep so peacefully together. You almost want every night to be like this. You almost want Kendall to be with you every night. It has only been one date, but you already feel as if you want Kendall beside you forever.
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hughiecampbelle · 1 year
Succession Preference: Having a S/O With a Kid
A/N: I made the kids all different ages, from infancy to teenage, just to make it a little more interesting! I hope you like it, my love! Thank you for requesting! Feedback is appreciated!!! 💜💜💜
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Connor is delighted to know that you have a child. He practically raised his siblings, being their big brother is the most important job of his life. He takes care of people. He doesn't know that much about babies, but he's an eager learner. He never wants another child in the world to feel like he has ever felt, to he loved so little for doing nothing wrong, for being born. He may or may not baby proof the entire house despite the fact that all your baby can do is maybe roll on their back they're so young. Despite him being a Roy, you're not afraid to leave them with him. He loves their little baby noises, especially their laugh. He can't get enough of their overjoyed squeal. You find Connor on the couch, warning you to be quiet. The baby's been asleep on him for hours, and he'd rather let his whole body go numb than dare wake them. He loves them like he loves you.
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Kendall had two kids of his own, though you've seen from experience that he's not the most hands on father. Still, he tries to make an effort with yours, like he does his. He plays with them and their toys, whatever they're obsessed with at the moment: dinosaurs, cars, dolls, art, etc. You love to watch them bond, even if he's overthinking everything completely, like he did with his own. Kendall is so sure he's doing something wrong, that he'll ruin them the same way his father ruined him. You have to remind him a lot that he'd nothing like his father, that your child adores him. They call him Kenny and always draw pictures of him on the moon, with dinosaurs, even once as a princess. He doesn't admit it, but he's got every single one hanging on his fridge, next to his own kids old artwork. You both come with your kids, no exceptions. You wouldn't be you without them, too.
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Shiv only ever dealt with teenagers when she was a teen herself and those brats were her brothers. Despite the mask she wears of cool confidence, she is actually very worried about making a good first impression on them. She loves you so much, like she's never loved anyone. She knew you had a kid going into it, but she never expected it to be serious enough for her to meet them. She changes her outfit four times. In the end, they think she's okay. That's about the best reaction either of you were hoping for. They're going through a bit of a phase atm, but they secretly think she's cool. She makes a lot of jokes to get them to laugh and enjoy her sarcasm. You tell her time and time again that they really do like her company, they're just a teenager. They're not known for showing too much interest in anything that isn't their friends and phones.
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Roman has no idea what to do with your toddler. He doesn't understand why you cut up their grapes or why they enjoy stupid tv shows or why they can only wear one sock at a time, but he makes an effort in his own way. He watches those shows with them and plays with them, mostly questioning the practicality of their toy phone, and reads to them before bed/a nap. He really does like you, a lot. Anyone attached to you, he cares about, even if it's a tiny human who coughs in his face and licks his watch. They're growing on him, but they love him. Where's Ro-Ro? They ask constantly. He hates to see them cry, it breaks his heart, and will jokingly call you a monster for saying no them, even if it's for their own safety like putting their toy in the microwave or jumping on their bed. He definitely wants to spoil the hell out of them, just to hear them squeal in delight.
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slimeypuppy · 2 years
A Circle Is Round: Duty-Bound (1/4)
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Summary: Character studies on the Roy children through their trauma.
Day: 6 | WC: 1.1k | AO3 | Prompt: Screams from Across the Hall
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Connor was already well into his teens before he has any siblings to speak of. He honestly had been assuming that he wouldn’t ever have any, either by his neurotic mother or his distant father, but he’d been reabsorbed into the family unit just in time to meet the little dark-eyed baby that represented a new line of heirs for his father’s business. Now, he’s caught in his twenties trying to figure out where and if he fits in at all to the family that has sprung up in his place.
Some of the things that Connor notices in the rearing of his new siblings are familiar from his own upbringing, while others are brand new and at times repulsive to him. His father of course disciplined him from time to time; he doesn't remember anything bad when he was extremely little, but he went to high school with a black eye more than once. He knows Logan Roy has to keep his potential heirs in line somehow. He just isn't sure this is necessary.
He stays in his room with his quilt pulled up to his chin and his eyes shut. Down the hall, his three little siblings should be safe, sound, and asleep. One of them is crying. It's not Kendall, who outgrew crying at night three years ago, but it's not shrill enough to be baby Siobhan. That leaves Roman. The only child their father has less compassion for than Connor is Roman.
Silently, he wills Roman to be quiet. Without attention, he should cry himself out soon. The longer it takes him to do so the worse it'll be when someone else comes to quiet him. Connor should go get him to settle down, certain that he'd be a better option to soothe a distraught four year old than his father might at this hour. He means to do it. It's just that his blankets feel heavy and there's some little kid inside of him that never grew up and is too afraid of what wrath he might invoke in turn. 
The decision is made for him when their father's door slams open. It only takes eight thunderous footfalls for him to get to Roman, whose cries echo louder now that his bedroom door is open. Connor covers his ears with his pillow like it'll be enough. 
"I'm sorry, Daddy! I'm sorry! I'll be good!"
Connor has cataloged his siblings' cries. Siobhan especially, since she's still too young to explain what she needs most of the time. He knows when Roman is crying just to make a sound, to call attention to himself and get someone to fix whatever perceived problem is in front of him. That cry is always high and piercing, at a decibel that Kendall always makes a face about. Then there's the way he cries when he wants something and someone made the mistake of telling him no. 
Roman doesn't cry like that when Logan Roy disciplines his sons. The first sound is more of a screech than anything, shock over pain. It's fear. Then he actually sobs, proper things heavier than whatever Roman had been upset about before, hitching as he tries to breathe between blubbered apologies. Connor can hear him, afraid, in pain, needing help, but with the knowledge that his father is in the room, he can't make himself come to help. He's a failure. 
Another door, another voice, rings out like there's no reason to be quiet at this time of night. Kendall's voice hasn't dropped yet. It, too, is high pitched and warbling, but Connor admires the bravery he himself doesn't possess as an adult when he hears Kendall snap for their dad to leave Roman the fuck alone. 
"Go back to bed, Ken," Connor pleads into his pillow.
He doesn’t catch what their father says in response, but he hears Kendall bounce off the walls from a forceful shove and another painful wail from Roman’s room. The youngest Roy son’s screaming drowns out the specifics of the shouting match Kendall and his father get into, and this combination only serves to wake up Siobhan, who starts crying in her nursery as well. 
Siobhan is what makes him swallow down his terror and get out of bed. The nanny won’t hear her over the commotion, Caroline can’t be dragged out of bed for her children once she’s shut her eyes for the night, and if Logan hears her, he certainly won’t respond with compassion. Connor gets out of bed as silently as he can manage even with the cacophony around him, and creeps out of his room and into the hallway. 
Kendall is in the doorway of Roman’s room, it looks like, with a determined grimace on his face and shaking fists by his side. “Don’t fucking touch him!” The language is too foul for a seven year old, but it is one of the only things Connor has heard him say without a stutter, and he doesn’t look up to see Connor, someone who should be able to help him, lingering a few feet away.
He lets himself into the nursery and shuts the door behind him. Siobhan’s not screaming yet, the way she does when she’s really upset, and her tiny face turns red and she lashes out with her little fists. She’s just scared. Connor reaches into her crib to pick her up, gathering soft blankets with her in the process. More so than Kendall, and even Roman, she has been a fussy baby prone to fits of irritation and colic, but she allows him to soothe her this time. As he paces her nursery, rocking her and trying to remember if he’s even holding her correctly, her whining cries soften, and eventually drift to nothing.
It is then that Connor realizes how silent the world has become. Whatever happened to his brothers, it is over now. There’s a part of him that half-expects to see remains of their father’s rage when he hesitantly cracks Siobhan’s door, but all seems to have gone back to its place. The door to the master bedroom is now shut. Roman’s door is shut. Connor’s door is shut Kendall’s is cracked. 
Like the plush carpet beneath him has been replaced with eggshells, he tip-toes to Kendall’s room. The lights are off, as is expected, though the bright nightlight over his desk bathes the room in a gentle blue glow. Kendall has propped himself up against the wall, jaw set despite his fat bottom lip and bruising eye socket, with Roman curled up against him to hide from the world. He looks at Connor. 
The accusation in his eyes could be real, or it could be a mental manifestation of Connor’s own profound guilt about what goes on in this house, but regardless, Kendall does not stop Connor from sitting with them and arranging Siobhan in one arm so that his brothers can also huddle up against him. 
He draws the blankets up around Kendall and Roman’s shoulders. He won’t be able to sleep tonight, but he can make them feel safer, and hopefully they’ll eventually rest. 
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kendallroydefender · 10 months
Somewhere only we know - Chapter 11 (Kendall Roy x Reader)
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Series summary: You met Kendall when you were six years old. You have spent every summer together and now years later you and him are still just as close.
This story follows Kendall and his best friend through their lives. Will they realize their feelings for each other before it’s too late?
Chapter summary: You get a call that Kendall is about to hold a press conference about the cruises scandal. Afterwards things get hectic but you have a good talk with Rava.
Authors Notes: i am so sorry that I have to make Honey and Naomi dislike each other I swear I love her sm! Thank you for reading 🤍
Wordcount: 3.1K
You’ve been on Paxos with Stewy for the last days and it has been really nice. It’s different with him than with Ken, starting with you and Stewy having different rooms.
But it is nice. You’re sleeping in, having great food and hanging out on the beach. You’re really thankful for Stewy to ask you to come with him. You really needed a break to deal with your feelings for Kendall.
You were meant to meet Stewy at this restaurant for lunch. He said he had to go there a bit earlier, something business related. You didn’t knew that he was meeting Kendall and his father.
Kendall starts insulting Stewy when he says no to the deal, Stewy glances at the time. Kendall’s tantrum couldn’t come at a better time.
You walk down to where the waiter told you he was sitting. You stop in your tracks when you see who’s sitting opposite of Stewy. Kendall and Logan. Kendall’s eyes snap at you, he says your name.
”Ken? What are you doing here?“ you’re really confused.
”We’re meeting for business, why are you here?“ he asks
”Nothing, just taking a little break.“
He furrows his brows as he looks between you and Stewy
”Since when, uh, since when is this a thing?“
”It’s not a thing. I just wasn’t feeling good and Stew asked if I wanted to come.“ you shrug
”It’s no big deal, Ken.“ Stewy says
”Uh-huh.“ he answers, eyeing him suspiciously before he turns towards you
”Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling good?“
”Kenny, you had so much going on..“ he nods but before he can say more Logan gets up
”Hello Y/n.“
”Hello, Sir.“ you say to the man
”Kendall, we’re leaving now.“ the older man says and Kendall throws you an apologetic look.
”I’ll call you.“ he tells you and you give him a nod and a smile.
Logan tells you goodbye wich you say back.
On the way back to the yacht, where his girlfriend is currently waiting for him, he can’t help but think about how pretty you looked. Sun kissed, relaxed, your summer dress hugging your body perfectly. It’s been too long since he had been on a vacation with you. He misses it.
Stewy notices the way you pick on you food after Kendall and his father left
”Honey, you’ve been doing so good don’t let him ruin this.“
”I’m not.“ you huff and look up to be met with Stewy looking like he’s not believing you
”Shut up, I’m really not.“ you tell him before adding ”He just looked so sad.“
”It’s Kendall, he always looks sad.“ you throw Stewy a deadly look.
”Stewy, I’m not angry at him, we’re not fighting. I’m not going to talk shit about him.“
”Come on, let’s go to the beach.“
The rest of the day is spent reading on a nice lounger and getting more tan in the sun.
It’s much later when Kendall stares into the water. Naomi’s words linger. ”He loves the broken you“. Kendall thinks about calling you. He knows you would know how to handle this. He could also call Naomi, but he’s afraid either of you two would talk him out of the plan his father has made. But you would be right, he thinks. You would tell him he doesn’t deserve this, no matter what he thinks about himself. God, he misses you at this moment. He decides to text you. He types in a message a few times before locking his phone again. What would he even tell you? Theres no need to worry you. Everything will work out fine. You’re on Paxos anyway, no need to ruin your vacation.
You sit on the couch of your hotel room, watching tv. Stewy wanted to go to some party but you weren’t in the mood. You see a message appear on your phone screen. Roman.
'Can you call me?‘.
You furrow your brows, they should still be on the yacht so why does Roman want to talk to you. You two don’t speak often anymore, sometimes there’s texts updating each other on how things are, a fucked up meme or a happy birthday message. So Roman wanting to speak to you while they’re on some weird family trip does make some alarm go off in you. You take a deep breath and press the green button to call.
”Hey, Rome what’s up?“ you ask cautiously ”Uh, hey y/n. Yeah so dad made this trip with us to find out who he can blame for Cruises.“ Roman says ”Uh-huh.“ you hum, of course Logan did. Wanting to offer someone as the scapegoat that wasn’t himself was typical. ”And- fuck- Uh, It’s- it’s Kendall.“ you feel your blood run cold. No, it can’t be. ”No, fuck. He can’t-“ you stutter and Roman takes a breath ”Yeah, I thought it would be Karl or even Tom. But- Dad he.. whatever- I’m sorry.“ he says and you shake your head even though he can’t see ”It’s not your fault, Roman. Thank you for telling me.“ you say sincerely. ”So, uh Kendall says he’s okay with it… But he can’t be… right?“ you hear the kid in Romans voice come through. ”I don’t know Roman.“ and you don’t, you know Kendall good enough to know that there’s a big possibility that Logan convinced him somehow that what he’s doing is the right thing.
”Oh how are you holding up? I heard about the hostage situation.“ you ask with a warm tone
”It must have been horrible.“
”Yeah, yeah i felt like I would shit my heart out but I’ve got to see Karl having a panic attack sooo..“
”Great to see you finding the best in every situation.“ you chuckle
”But seriously, you can call me anytime.“
After the call you sit on your couch looking out into the city. You don’t know what to do. How can you help Kendall? Should you call him? Why didn’t he call you?
You stay awake most of the night, thinking about what you can do. Around three in the morning you made up your mind. You get up and throw your clothes into a suitcase before walking over to Stewys suite. Thankfully he seems to be already back.
He answers the door looking like he had been sleeping
”I have to leave.“ You tell him as soon as the door is fully opened
”Did something happen?“ he asks worried
”No, not yet at least.“
He looks confused
”I’m not following.“
”You’ll see. Just- just follow the news.“
He opens the door a little wider
”Come in. And then tell me what is going on.“ you follow him in and sit down on the couch
”Honey, what are you talking about?“
”I just got a call from Roman. Logan is making Kendall the head of the cruises scandal, there’s a press conference scheduled for tomorrow where he is supposed to say that he’s responsible.“ you explain, Stewy is silent for some moments before taking a deep breath
”Oh wow.“
”Yeah. And I- I just want to be there for him.“
”I get that. You should go.“ he tells you.
You get your bags. Stewy goes into the lobby with you giving you a hug goodbye, he will follow the pressconference tomorrow and text you.
”Thank you for this getaway. I really needed it.“
”Anytime.“ he tells you
”Love you Stewy, take care.“
”love you too and you too.“ he waits for a second before adding ”Take care of Kendall too.“
”I will.“ the two of them still caring for each other even when they aren’t talking is so typical.
You get into a car that drives you to the airport where your jet is already waiting. You sleep for a while and when you wake up you’re almost back in New York. You get ready quickly.
In the car you tell your driver the address Roman told you yesterday. It’s the place where the press conference is supposed to take place. You find Jess, Karolina and Greg at the back of the room. Jess gives you a tight lipped smile, "Hey y/n.“ Greg mutters. Your heart breaks when you see Kendall approach the table. He starts to speak and your heart drops, knowing what had been planned. You can’t believe it, you know Logan your whole life but this was too far. But then it all takes a turn, Kendall tells everyone that it was his fathers fault. You’re speechless, you felt so proud of your friend. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.“ Karolina muttered next to you while tapping on her phone rapidly but you can’t help but smile for just a second. Would it mean that a lot of things would change? Definitely. But you are just relieved that he stood up for himself, you don’t want to imagine how the press would had ripped him to shreds over something he didn’t do.
You look at Greg for a second noticing the envelope he clutches to his chest. Kendall finishes his statement with "Today his reign will end.“ and walks off the stage again. You set in motion and quickly follow him through the mass of reporters.
”Excuse me, excuse me.“ you mutter as you make your way through the bodies. He walks through a door, you a few feet behind him. You enter an empty hallway and you yell his name ”Ken!“ he turns around. A look of surprise on his face, not expecting you here. You jog up to him and stop a few feet in front of him and then you rush the last few steps, throwing your arms around his neck. ”I’m so proud of you.“ you whisper into him and you could feel him hold you a little bit tighter. You press a few chaste kisses to his cheek, you two staring into each others eyes for a moment before parting.
”What are you doing here? You- you were just in Greece?“
”I came back last night.“
”Kenny…“ you shake your head, hoping he understands, he does.
He cups your cheek
”Thank you.“
You smile at him as the others catch up with you.
Ken has locked himself into the bathroom and Greg’s threatening to break in the door to make sure he’s okay. You’re shaking your leg, getting more nervous
”Okay- Greg. Just let me.“ you gesture for the tall man to step aside
”Kenny? Hey can you open the door- or just let me in?“ it’s still silent from the other side of the door until the door opens and he walks out awfully motivated. You watch him with a worried look.
”You okay?“ you ask when it’s just the two of you, the others are already in the other room.
”Yes, of course. Come on we’re going to make history.“ he says before heading off too.
The five of you go downstairs into the waiting car. Kendall is taking your hand in his as he pulls you along with him. You sit next to him. As they plan the new strategies you just sit and listen. You are proud of him for not letting his father do something this cruel to him but you’re not stupid, you know Logan will not just let it be.
Kendall calls Naomi and you play with your fingers, when he tells her he loves her you have to take a shaky inhale. It hurts to hear it.
It was mad in Ravas flat. People rushing in and out to talk to Kendall.
You sit in the kitchen with Rava while Kendall talks to different people. She always excepted you as a part of his life, unlike some other girlfriends he had throughout time. "This is insane right?“ she asks as she hands you a mug of coffee. "Thanks, yeah absolutely batshit.“ you answer taking a sip of the hot beverage. "I just hope this won’t kill him.“ you say slowly. Rava nods "I get what you mean. Don’t let it take you with it, okay?“ she looks at you seriously "I know you love him, I do too but you need to take care of yourself too, okay?“ she says and you take in a breath. You don’t want to lie to her but you know whatever would happen you would stay next to him. He is your best friend, the most important person in your life, he had always been there and you couldn’t leave him if you’d wanted to. "Rava I-" you don’t know what you wanted to tell her "I know y/n. I know.“ she gives your hand a squeeze
Kendall comes in to ask if Naomi could come over. After he left Rava turns to you "So… what’s your take on this?“ she asks and you shrug ”I don’t know, I mean she’s nice I guess..it’s just.. I don’t know.“ you answer. "Are you worried about the drugs?“ she says with a look that tells you she is worried herself and you nod before saying "Yeah but I think I’ll always be in some way.“ she gives you an emphatic smile. "I mean she cares about him and he’s happy with her and that should be enough for me to like her but I don’t know I feel like she doesn’t really like me somehow.“ you admit to the brown haired woman. She looks at you as if she’s contemplating something. ”After our break up. Me and Kens. I’ve noticed something and I want you to know that im totally fine with it, but you two did seemed closer and it seemed like there was something there… between you.“
”It wasn’t always-" you start wanting to tell her that you weren’t jealous and in love with him the whole time they were married. The feelings just came back the last year. ”Oh, I know. Don’t worry.“ she tells you with a kind smile. ”I also know that he loved me. But I can see the way you two look each other the past months. It’s okay, I want you to be happy and him too.“ you look at her your mouth slightly agape. ”I don’t know what to say.“ you admit and she gives your hand a squeeze ”You don’t have to. I just want you to know that I’m happy for you if it happens.“
”Even if, it doesn’t matter anymore, he’s with her.“ Rava gives you a 'come on‘ look before she says ”We both know it’s not going to last forever.“
”But he doesn’t like me this way.“ you look at the table in front of you. It feels good being able to talk to someone about how you feel.
”Well he’s an idiot. But we all knew that. I think he’s just, I don’t know manic? Maybe running away from how he really feels.“ she tells you, you look at her and she gives your hand a squeeze across from the table. ”Y/n I love you, you know that. You’re my friend. The right time will come.“
”Sooo, what about you? seeing anyone?.“ you ask with a knowing look
”Well, there might be someone I’m kind of seeing, but I don’t know.“ you squeal
”Tell me all about him!“
Berry Schneider and Comfrey arrive and you watch Greg make very awkward small talk with the blonde. She catches your eyes and you shrug apologetic with a grin. Naomi comes over and that’s a whole thing after she tells Greg to open a bottle of wine that Ravas godfather gave her.
You eat dinner with Rava, Sophie and Iverson and it’s good to catch up with them. They have grown up so much. After the kids go to bed you feel like it’s time for you to leave, even though Rava offered you one of the guest rooms. You walk into the living room.
”Kenny? I don’t want to disturb but I think I’ll go home now.“ he stands up from where he’s sitting with his girlfriend. ”You don’t have to leave, there’s room for you.“ Kendall tries but you shake your head a little. ”I have work tomorrow and no stuff here. But I can come back tomorrow afternoon?“
”Yeah, that’d be great.“ he tells you and you can tell he’s sincere, that he wants you here.
You two hug goodbye and you tell him ”Call me if you need to talk.“ even though you doubt he will, he has Naomi here.
”I will. Thank you.“
You press a kiss to his cheek before you leave. You nod towards Naomi with a little "Bye“ she waves you.
Rava walks you to the door. ”It’ll all work out.“ she tells you as you hug her goodbye. A sentence that you don’t know will come true when the Roy’s are involved but you have to believe anyway.
The next day you walk into the hall when you spot Kendall and a huge horse.
”What the hell is that?“ you ask with a chuckle
”Uh, your boyfriend brought it.“ he says and you furrow your brows
”Huh? What are you talking about?“
”It’s from Stewy.“ he nods his head towards the trojan horse and you roll your eyes.
”Okay. Ken.“ you step closer to him, holding his hands.
”I never had anything with Stewy. And I was never ever in my whole life attracted to him in that way.“ you look into his eyes the whole time. You hope the message gets through to him. You never were attracted to Stewy but you were attracted to Kendall. And he should know that since you’ve slept together back in college.
”Okay?“ you ask
”Okay. Yeah, sorry.“ he says and gives your hand a squeeze.
Jess comes in and Kendall looks towards her
”Shiv is here.“ she says and you snap your head towards Kendall
”Uh, great let her up.“ he tell Jess
”I guess I’ll leave you to it then. Tell me how that worked out?“
”You don’t have to-“
”No, no it’s fine. Just wanted to see how you’re doing.“
You give him a hug and a kiss to his cheek.
You’ve read the letter Shiv published. You felt sick the whole time. You should be less surprised by everything with the Roys but you still find it unbelievable.
You’ve tried to call Ken but he didn’t pick up and didn’t answer your message.
He had a tv show scheduled for today, wich was cancelled last minute. The host was pretty rough on him afterwards.
Meanwhile Kendall’s staring at Naomi. She’s sleeping and he should feel comforted by her presence but he can’t help but wish he was with you right now. Curled up next to you, feeling your warmth and your soft skin. He takes his phone and opens your message
'Read the letter. Seriously fuck Shiv!‘
'Call me if you want to talk. Love you.'
He wipes a tear from his eye before he types a message to you
'It’s whatever. Love you too.'
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kendulls · 1 year
@thef2ll: have you ever thought that you don’t scare easily enough?
❝ you say that like it's a bad thing? ❞ kendall meets her gaze, brows lifting as voices surround them at the restaurant. it's uncomfortable, the feeling of someone looking through you as if you're transparent glass. the resemblance of an outsider peering through a window. all his life, he's felt scared — scared of being a roy, scared of never living up to the expectations set for him, scared of becoming his father. the revelation had become clear to him, though: there was never any expectations set for him. (you're spoiled, you're curdled cream, you're nothing — the sentiments echo throughout his mind, his father's voice reverberating.) he was always meant for failure. kendall's whole life, the path was aimed towards failure and losing the game. (because, after all, this was all a game at the end of the day. the prey vs the hungry beast.)
digits moving to the liquor glass resting in front of him, he brings the rim to his lips and swallows the remaining golden whiskey, grimacing as the harsh liquor trickling down his throat. ❝ it's hard to be scared when there's nothing to be afraid of. ❞ his own voice rings out in his head: pass me the fucking shotgun.
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❝ enough about my shitty life, though — what about you? is there, uh, something that scares you? ❞
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transmutationisms · 2 years
i get why people focus on roman's sex issues but legit none of his siblings are having normal sex, certainly not in logan's eyes. kendall "did you spread your legs for him on the first date" roy, whose kids are constantly subjected to logan's racism and misogyny and are not seen as legitimate roy heirs (in 'hunting' he tells tom to shut up until he'a got a grandson on the way). shiv "oh siobhan stop fucking around, maybe i should just let them come for you" roy whose political career depended on her good reputation, being implicitly threatened on those terms. connor "he rents a room, he rents a girl" roy who's childless and unmarried and funding his gf's shitty play and trying to buy a shrivelled dick on the internet.
like. all three brothers are symbolically impotent. connor as a pathetic overcompensating aging desert hippie, kendall as a submissive divorced faildad with failkids. roman and kendall both getting constant gay allegations. shiv unable to keep up the role as perfect wife (a role logan wouldn't respect even if she did manage it lol). roman and kendall choosing sexual partners based on what their father thinks (jennifer, tabitha) versus the accusation that shiv chose tom because she's afraid to be betrayed. kendall fucking rava with their clothes still on, connor asking willa to slap his face at family thanksgiving, shiv trying to set up a threesome with a yacht employee right after the cruises testimony. the way shiv sees love as a threat and kendall thinks it's inherently accompanied by scorn and connor wants it so bad he blatantly disregards willa's boundaries and roman proposes to two people but he garbles it.
i just don't think any of these people are sexually normal or seen as such by their father lol. which isn't to erase the uniqueness of roman's sex issues. but. the fact of having sex issues is not what makes him unique, relative to his siblings. i think we often hear about logan's attitude toward roman's sex issues either from logan himself, or through shiv (because she has a tendency to say certain things directly that other people skirt around). and those two chracters have different reasons to be invested in the narrative that roman is The One With Sex Issues. but it's like.... clearly something that he does share with all of his siblings, manifested in varying ways lol
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