#aes: MC
megarywrites · 2 months
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wip re-introduction — the Seafoam duology by Steph Megary
started — September 2021 | genre — fantasy (adult, high) | pov — single, first, past tense | status — second draft | currently — writing Part I: Tremor | themes — grief, overcoming misogyny, revenge
blurb | Thala Galanis is coming of age and unmarried with absolutely no intention of remedying that. Which, in Grea, means that you’re a spinster and fit for nothing else but a life of silent service as a Stoli in Katania—the Haven of the Gods. When tragedy strikes her family with the untimely death of her father, she decides that there is no other choice for her but to resign herself to becoming a Stoli. Once she arrives in the capitol, however, she finds that what’s expected of the Stoli is darker than she ever dreamed it would be.
In a desperate attempt to escape, she takes matters into her own hands, only to stain them with blood. A stain that will never wash off the further along she travels down the path to vengeance.
Because what happened to her should never happen to anyone else.
And, if she gets her way, it never will.
excerpt | Blood really is the most beautiful shade of red, isn't it?
The metallic tang of it lingered in the air and on my tongue. I raised my hand to the dying sun, mesmerized by the carmine stain coating my fingers and dripping down my arm. It billowed in the sea around me, bright and sanguine and breathtaking.
I was practically bathing in it.
Sunlight glistened on my soaked hand, the blood almost sparkling in the last vestiges of day, and for the first time in a long time, I smiled.
Really, truly smiled.
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toranekooo · 1 year
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grapecaseschoices · 5 months
are we going back to the early aughts? what is with this new (ancient) trend of if wips where gender selectable is only m/f?
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asterjennifer · 2 years
Kinda wanna write a 5+1 thing of the RFA seeing the more "serious" side of Saeran and the MC's relationship. In the AE everyone seems to know that something happened in Mint Eye but not really any details, it makes me want to explore the idea more, you know? Just some small moments where the rest of the RFA realizes "oh this isn't just honeymoon phase, they've seen some SHIT together-"
🎀 Let's do it, starlight! *Roll up sleeves*
Jumin could tell by the way both your eyes looked at each other. How they're seeking not just simple confirmation or love, for that matter. He's able to tell right away they're conflicting feelings underneath from the moment your connection got cut off the messager. So there's perhaps space to discover how deep your story reaches, but it's not his business to pry, you know? He can tell just by the way you're eyeing each other.
She realizes once Saeran falls asleep at the set of the intelligence unit and saw the message that suddenly popped up to his phone. She didn't mean to supervise, it's just a nasty habit of keeping an eye on everything. You texted him »I know we're going through so much since meeting at Mint Eye... Please stay strong. I'll be here once you're home, love.« And that's enough for her to make the conclusion she already figured at the start like Jumin.
You sat down to have a little dink with him and jokingly he told you how he's kinda jealous of yours and Saeran's soft relationship and that he'd like a partner like you for himself. The way your eyes ground catch him off guard. “It's not all easy, you know... Mint Eye was a hard time for the both of us.” You tell him and Zen's face shifts to awareness. That made you both share a smile in sympathy.
Saeran and Yoosung like cooking together for the RFA! So when you give Saeran a goodbye kiss for the time being, Yoosung will whine once you're out of the door. “Man, I wish I had a relationship like you two...” Saeran gives him an emphatic look before patting his shoulder. “Let it not be based on delusions first, though.. That will hurt the both of you.” The advice takes Yoosung aback, but it finally makes klick.
Saeyoung knows as he'd been there up close when the After Ending happened. You later told him what took place when chasing after Saeran, meeting the prime minister and how you stood up for your lover after he got beaten down... It's a shock, yet not surprising to the older twin. Saeyoung admirers and respects your relationship like no other, considering he had seen it like no other person^^
Similar to Saeyoung, he'd been upfront close and couldn't help notice how much different your relationship to each other were than his to Rika. You're not just all lovey-dovey like he'd first thought. You... Both share pain and learn from each other's mistakes. As if you're sharing the pain and the healing... He cannot say he's not jealous, but he's more happy Saeran finally found someone good.
The RFA is quite smart, they will come around and realize eventually! 🎀
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corpo-rat · 2 years
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THE GOLDEN ROSE | romanus        ↳ calinda, of the white company.
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brighteststar707 · 1 year
An update on my progress playing Ray's after ending (spoilers under the cut)
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I know Saeran is supposed to be a pacifist but I can't do this. Let me fight them PLEASE 😭 as if forcing him to be his father's puppet wasn't enough they had to go and drug him too.
His whole speech was so upsetting to read through and I have a feeling its only going to get worse from here. Bad time to be a saeyoung MC huh.
Also, I'd like to have a word with whoever drew the CGs for this because this broke my heart
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Since I’m still excited about having unlocked polls, I am going to celebrate by doing what I always do.
Meph-posting. :Dc
Bonus points if you want to explain your choice. 😉
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betweenlands · 1 year
my favorite thing to do when someone gets into aesop rock because of us is to send them a few of their favorite songs, get them hooked, and then go "oh yeah btw you've actually heard aesop rock before. no it wasn't the toxic/coffee mashup. he's somewhere even further into your past. you were an undertale fan, right?"
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anas-tasiaa · 1 year
Thinking about Ray AE giving me a headache. As a choi twin lover, I'd give an F.
Honestly, if I can slap Saeran GE, I could. I WOULD DO IT 10 TIMES IF I CAN. That pretending jesus to be, ugh. He's not Saeran for me. Saeran wouldn't hug his murderous crazy little bastard dad, who make their life hell. Saeran wouldn't forgive his mother who starved him, beat him, choke him. Cheritz did Saeyoung dirty, really, really bad. We don't even get to see them hug? Now he forgave everyone? Where the hell is the Saeyoung's bookmark? It's gone now?
Even in BE, Saeyoung isn't having a full blown panic with Saeran's death? And RFA praised Saeran for his skills and admiring his so called "love" so much when he's the first one create all the crisis with the prime minister? Isn't that ridiculous??? He's like "omg I think I fucked up so I must save my brother now. 🥺". He's gone too far with that, honestly. Saeyoung is the only one cared and worried so much about him in Ray route while Saeran is (???) Damn bruh who the hell are you.
We don't get to see the twin's proper reunion when this is RAY AFTER ENDING. So Saeyoung isn't important anymore??? Yoosung is now forgetting Rika already and admire Saeran?? Like really, GOSH-
Why would RFA members gushing on Saeran and MC when they barely know them???? They put their 💯 trust on them like????? Even more they came from the organization that once attacked RFA messenger?? They won't shut up about the "fairy tale alike love" of Saeran and MC like it is come out from a romantic Romeo Juliet novel 💀 STOP- We, we don't have to emphasize on the romanticism so much. We have mission??? Tone it down a bit???? Ok I would stop now and
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cupideety · 2 years
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I DREW I DREW!! MI-AE BELOVEED 🍏 (uses the apple like a heart)
click me for closeups because you should look at her
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megarywrites · 26 days
OC in three images tag game
tagged by @coarsely (thanks!) this was fun trying to figure out how spoilery to be lol I present my main three characters from Seafoam
Rules: post three pictures describing your OC, however vague or specific you wish
Thala Galanis
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Solera Aurado
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Zeno Kokinos
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tagging: @thewriteflame @bebewrites @isherwoodj @flowerprose @daisywords and an open tag!
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anxietytwist · 2 years
Ae-ri: "So … are the rumours true, the ones about you & the former Knight-Commander, being lovers?"
The Harbinger:
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k0kichiimagines · 2 years
he does this thing where he
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asterjennifer · 2 years
Yknow what I just realized? I dont think anyone officially told Saeyoung that you and Saeran are together in the AE- I mean he knows you're close with 'the hacker' before he gets kidnapped, but he doesn't know in what way and from the way a lot of minor characters react to you implying/saying you and Saeran are a couple it seems like you're mostly out of the public eye during the scandal.
Do you think he put one and two together or did he just overhear Zen and Yoosung complaining about how lovey dovey you two are and was like "hey hey REWIND THE CONVERSATION SINCE WHEN WAS THIS A THING" Honestly he's smart enough to figure it out himself, but the second option is kinda funny to imagine lol
🎀 That is a good point there, love^^
I think... Saeyoung can tell.
You can't forget that Saeran's his other half; regardless the timeline. These two brothers know the other is in pain by a simple look at their fingertips!
I'm sure Saeyoung's quick to put the puzzle pieces together. The way Saeran looks at you is filled to the brim with softness and adoration, which speaks walls for his older twin without exchanging any words about it~
And then there's you; he'd met you back in the chatrooms and if you go with Ray's Route then you talked about the opponent hacker quite a lot, remember? You worried for him openly and talked about getting this war to stop peacefully for his sake.
Saeyoung isn't in need to have someone tell him you're both a couple; he can tell the first second he has you both face to face at the apartment. The way you're worrying deeply about Saeran's responses and how his younger twin listens to you..
Then again, it would be hilarious if someone tells him, you're right! Lolol I mean, imagine he's too busy to realize and one of the RFA members points out the obvious and he just– he's jumping around like a rubber ball because wow!! How did he miss this!? He should've seen it sooner!
^^But we all know Saeyoung knows first. He always does when it comes to Saeran <3 🎀
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pyroclaststan · 2 years
Implied character death and sad times, my guys
It’s just like sunset.
The ones you loved at the end of long days, when your bones were as weary as they are now and your chest as tired and clinging to your breaths.
The ones with just the two of you sitting along the edge of the rooftop with nothing but the sky above, the city below, and endless possibility for tomorrow.
Tomorrow… will be a long ways away.
You take a deep breath and feel the breeze kick up to bring you scents long passed, long forgotten. The tainted sea breeze you never knew you missed so much ruffling your hair and even the call of those terrible gulls makes your heart sit in your throat.
You know you need to look to your left, where he sits—where he always has and will until the end of your days.
It hurts, the amount of effort to hold this together and to see him as he is: younger, healthier, happy. He smiles and it is a smile that you have loved and lost and found and loved again. Such a soft and sad and surprised smile as he takes in the world around the two of you.
Looking down at yourself you see that you’re younger, too. Healthy, whole; unmarked, unmarred, unblemished. No orange inhumanity or scars that tell a thousand tales: just… you.
The two of you.
So you scoot a little closer and pay no mind to the ache in your abdomen, the pounding in your skull, or even the darkening sunset. You lean your head onto his shoulder like you’ve wanted to do for a thousand nights and he lays his head on yours as he’s wanted in turn.
You both look down at your entangled hands and tell stories of fond memories, exchange secrets, share dreams and neither of you dare to look at the sunset again: here and now and this is what you have.
Chatting and laughter and kisses spread across the evening, the aching grows worse. And it’s not until you cough into your palm and pull back to see blood that when you look back up at him he’s aged. He’s… beautiful. So beautiful. Broken and healed and broken again, kintsugi in the sunlight.
And sad. He’s so sad.
The tremors in your hands steadily grow, the sun begins to truly fall beneath clouds, and stabbing strikes your frontal lobe. You grasp his hand and hold tight trying to wind back the sky, trying to wind back time.
The two of you move in closer and it is the longest you’ve ever held eye contact in your life, even as your vision strains and your body tires; he kisses you as if each kiss is a painkiller to stop the shredding and as if each were a campfire to chase away the encroaching cold.
His forehead settles on yours and he says I love you as night falls. Your city is no more.
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corpo-rat · 1 year
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FIELDS OF ASPHODEL | persephone        ↳ wilhelmina.
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