#aerover and out
imaginedigimon · 3 years
Consider: headcanons where taichi has a v-dramon/aerov-dramon/UlforceV-dramon for a partner? - magnamon anon
MAGNAMON ANON! HOW ARE YOU, BUD???? I’m so sorry I’m responding to this late finals are impending and killing everybody in sight
Coming at us again with excellent takes, I see
Tai and Veedramon
I feel like the dynamic here is very similar to Tai and Agumon, and by technical extension Davis and Veemon, but there’s a lot more havoc-wreaking involved
By that I mean, rather than eating all the food in sight, Tai just rides Veedramon around town in the same way an obnoxious rich kid rides a convertible (not that all rich kids are obnoxious, I just mean like the ones from the TV shows--you all know the ones)
Matt and company are exhausted from having to explain that yes, they’re friends with him, yes, he does that all the time, no, we don’t need to tranquilize the giant dinosaur
With, technically, Veemon as his bud, he and Davis get to have more bonding time comparing the different Digivolution chains (and arguing over which is better), which leads to more screentime between the two, which, if we’re all being honest, was sorely lacking in Adventure 02 (AND THEY LIKE BARELY SAID A WORD IN KIZUNA WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT)
....yes, they had races. Yes, Matt and Ken had to bail them out more than once. Ten times.
Tai always wondered why his Digimon wasn’t orange because, like, didn’t that make sense? So he tried to paint Veedramon or AeroVeedramon or UlforceVeedramon orange...it didn’t end well (I will not elaborate)
He kept dressing up as UlforceVeedramon for Halloween and everyone is tired of it, Tai just put on a soccer jersey or something and stop flaunting that damn sword around
Someone once saw them strolling around town with those pixelated sunglasses on and everyone is just done with Tai and his shenanigans at this point
There you are, Magnamon Anon! Apparently all of your requests turn into memes at some point a;sldjkfa;sdjf;sadjfa; I think I’m sorry
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mairzymarzipan · 6 years
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I have done it...I have read the description of every digimon on wikimon. Do I remember them all? Hell no, but a few did stand out.
So there are these four great dragons. Though Bandai categorizes them together, they’ve never really done anything with them as a group. Just that makes them interesting...but then you realize that some of the hero digis can turn into them.
Everyone knows gatomon --> holydramon and guilmon --> megidramon. The thing is the azulongmon from the adventures universe four holy beasts has been revealed to have once been partnered with a dead kid. not that the azulongmon from the 4hb is the necessarily same as the great dragon azulongmon, but I’m just gonna say he’s pulling double shifts to make this interesting.
as for goddramon, he hasn’t made an appearance in the anime, but asaict he is most likely to evolve from V-mon via V-dramon and AeroV-dramon. So four heroes! Right there!  Three of which are in the adventure verse, while the tamers verse is linked to that via Ryo.
Holydramon and Goddramon are meant to be the good dragons, Azulongmon is neutral and Megidramon is the dragon of chaos and bad things. 
Headcanon time! Gatomon and V-mon evolve into dragons after their partners die of old age and join up with Azulongmon.  They pick up Megidramon too, to balance it out. Only Megidramon has rages and causes so much damage that they have to egg him. Unwilling to destroy his data, they opt instead to banish him...
To a whole other universe...
Into the imagination of a young boy...
Maybe, with the boy’s guidance, poor, angry Megidramon can one day become a hero instead of a villain.
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melissatsanchez01 · 3 years
10 Craziest Space Missions | Shifu Digital
In this video, we are going to talk about the 10 craziest space missions. So before starting this video, please like this video and subscribe to our channel for future updates.  
We've walked on the moon, "roved" Mars, and even launched a probe into interstellar space in the last 50 years - and those are just the successful missions. Many unusual projects have been suggested by spacefaring nations throughout the years, and the vast majority of them never make it to the launch pad. We've chosen some of the most absurd of the bunch to give you an idea of how crazy some of these projects are. So, without further ado, here are six of the most bizarre space missions ever proposed.
Number 10. A blimp on Titan. The Cassini spacecraft provided humanity its first glimpse of Titan, Saturn's largest moon. It is the only moon in our solar system that has been discovered to contain an atmosphere, and scientists believe it could even be home to life. NASA offered a range of potential designs for future flights to Titan, including the Aerover Blimp, a compact helium-filled dirigible.
Number 9. Nuking the moon. During the Cold War, hysteria and seemingly limitless military funding resulted in some of the oddest space projects. The successful launch of Sputnik in 1957 plunged the US military commanders into a frenzy.
Number 8. An orbiting battle station. As previously said, during the Cold War's zenith, the world's two superpowers were fairly trigger-happy. Both sides were devising a slew of ingenious techniques to vaporize us as a species. Needless to say, these super-advanced killing machines weren't limited to a full-fledged conflict on Earth.
Number 7. Mars Defense Force. Did you know that the United States Marine Corps spent 20 years on Mars? At least, that's what Randy Cramer, the self-proclaimed super-soldier, has declared. He was allegedly inducted into a military force known as the Mars Defense Force after completing his training (MDF). MDF was a multinational effort set up by several nations to protect five developing Mars colonies.
Number 6. Triple-planetary flybys. Both the United States and the Soviet Union were interested in manned flyby missions of Mars and Venus in the 1960s and 1970s. Such flybys were possible for the United States thanks to upgraded Apollo mission hardware. A four-man Mars flyby was proposed by NASA's Joint Action Group (JAG) in 1966, which would leave Earth in September 1975, arrive at Mars in 1976, and return to Earth in 1977.
Number 5. Solar Warden. Solar Warden is a secret space program that is tested and operated from secret military bases such as Area 51 in Nevada. It is said to be made up of U.S. aerospace Black Projects contractors. Not only is it classified by the US government, but it also operates under the authority of the United Nations.
Number 4. Massive “moon buggies”. NASA tasked General Motors with designing a series of manned lunar vehicles to better navigate the lunar landscape, and the Mobile Laboratory (MOLAB) was a 1965 prototype. The closed-cabin MOLAB was a beast of a rover, measuring 20 feet long and weighing more than four tonnes. The pressurized vehicle was intended to serve as a geological laboratory, with two astronauts able to stay aboard for up to two weeks.
Number 3. Probes to distant stars. Alpha Centauri is 4.37 light-years (26 trillion miles) away from Earth. Nonetheless, Project Longshot involved sending a probe to our nearest celestial neighbor. The vehicle was to be assembled and launched on-site at the space station.
Number 2. Project Moon Shadow. This next wacky space program sounds like something out of a sci-fi film. Project Moon Shadow was a MILAB (military abductions) program that was created to develop genetically enhanced super troops. Here's how to do it:
Number 1. Secret Pentagon Space Program Driven By Fear Of China. The Trump administration recently conducted a conference to assess the growing threat that China and Russia represent to US space systems.
What are your thoughts on our video? Which one of the above do you think was the craziest one? Please let us know in the comments section below. If you enjoyed this video and would like to hear from me again, please subscribe and turn on the notification before leaving. Please SUBSCRIBE:  https://bit.ly/3xNYPZP
Thank you for watching us.
Hashtags: ----------------- #Shifu_Digital #Space_Missions #10_Craziest_Space_Missions #Secret_Pentagon_Space_Program_Driven_By_Fear_Of_China #Project_Moon_Shadow #Probes_to_Distant_Stars #Massive_Moon_Buggies #Solar_Warden #Triple_Planetary_Flybys #Mars_Defense_Force #Nuking_the_Moon #A_Blimp_On_Titan
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aeronuzlockes · 7 years
So... It's been a while. Here's the content plan; - From Grace is on hiatus (if that wasn't obvious) and return January 20th. This weekend I will be doing little thumbnails of the rest of From Grace and figure out once and for all how many pages I need to do. My goal is to keep it under 50 (and I have cut the shit out of the plot I had to facilitate this). * If there's time I will be working on the gameplay and such for another little nuzlocke project I was inspired to do. It's a storylocke accompanied by illustrations. I will probably try to finish the whole thing before I release it. I also have a reading report to write over the weekend. Sunday is National Cat Day. Moving forward. I will continue to working on and aim to finish Issue 1 of Tell No Tales by the end of November. I want to redo The Fall's prologue and epilogue and a little special illustration to boost my creative juices in and Nuz mojo. ** While I sketch out Issue 2 of TNT, I will begin working on From Grace again (in December) and prepare a truly badass update for January. I will post some tidbits and even pages out of context as I feel motivated to do so as proof of life. Until then, be kind to one another Get yourself a nice soft blanket Pet a pet stay salty Aerover and out
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paf-korea · 7 years
Our new animation is finally coming out this month! This is the opening song! "AEROVER: Return of the space drones"
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no-sxnctuxry · 7 years
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“Cardinal Corrections. Supposively the top of the line in long-haul convict housing. The place might as well be Guantanamo where the prisoners have free roam. If that doesn’t sound good, that’s ‘cause it ain’t. Whatever laws there are that provide some safety to cons in other prisons, they don’t exist here. We’re the throwaways that society ain’t got time to care. In here for life. That might not be very long; with the daily shankings, uppity COs, and what have you.”
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Riley Normandy Cellblock F Cell 14 Serial number 18754F “Riley is a decent kid with some really bad luck. From what he told me, he was only supposed to do a month at their local county for a misdemeanour. Vandalism. Spray painting some choice things on an abandoned building. Would have only gotten community service if the judge did not dislike his dad so much. So, the kid winds up in county, and only a week into his sentence a riot breaks out. Cons going nuts, guards going nuts; the usual BS. A guard that did not like Riley from the getgo tries offing him, knowing it would be written off as another inmate, but ends up getting offed himself by the kid in self-defence. There is an investigation, no trial, and Riley is immediately on every COs shitlist and transferred here.”
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Robbie Hawthorne Cellblock D Cell 3 Serial number 29981D “Robbie is a tight-lipped one about why he is in, but I’ve managed to get a bit out of him and his big boyfriend on what their deal is. Both were former Marines and got sick of how shit was handled after Robbie was discharged for a leg injury and got no benefits for whatever reason. Next thing you know, both of them are running a gang and trying to overthrow the government. They get caught, have some friends that managed to keep them out of actual Guantanamo, and they get sent here. Got to admit, I see exactly what Robbie was trying to do. He’s a good guy, just wants things to be fair.”
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Marius Kalani Cellblock D Cell 7 Serial number 29982D “Robbie’s previously menioned big boyfriend. The man is as big as he is loyal; he had the chance to pin everything on Robbie, but refused. He could still be a free man, but did not want to betray his boss and lover. I’ve seen people claiming to be more loyal backstab people for far, far less. He’s a one in a million person.”
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Colette Clearwater Cellblock H Cell 17 Serial number 7774H “The sweetest little lady you will ever meet, and it always blew my mind how a kind young woman could end up in a place like this. Turns out she was down right sick of her boss copping a feel anytime she best over for coffee filters, or taking any order, or anytime really. Final straw was when he made her close late and tried doing more than feelin’. From my understanding, they still haven’t found all the pieces she chopped him into and scattered from Texas to Kansas.”
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Hiroshi Hatake One of the doctors of Cardinal Corrections “The doc is not very friendly. Polite. almost painfully so, but not friendly. He’s the only one around who gives a shit about inmates health though. It is in your best interest to not fuck with him though, for a whole shit ton of reasons. One being that if you get sick or hurt and the doc does not like you, he’ll pass you onto one of the people who thinks an advil will do you fine enough. If you fuck with him in person... well, let’s just say you’ll have a lot more problems going out of the medical ward then you did going in.”
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Daniel Aerov One of the COs of Cardinal Corrections Usually asigned to Celblock B “Doctor Hatake’s adoptive son, and one of the few decent officers here. It’s almost surreal talking to him; he’s just as polite as his father, and treats cons like actual human beings. It’s a lowbar to be impressed by, but you take what you can get here.”
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James Boone Cellblock F Cell 1 Serial number 56590F “And then there is me. I don’t much like talking about myself. I did some bad shit, nothing redeeming about it. I keep my nose clean in here, stay out of the way, and advise everyone else to do the same.”
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moschinoreplica · 6 years
Checkpoint Helpful Notebook Luggage
Assuming that the laptop computer bag satisfies these demands, the notebook can remain inside the bag when currently being screened. Baggage businesses are actually fervently churning out new checkpoint helpful bags to accommodate the brand new demands. Aerovation currently has seven new checkpoint pleasant laptop computer moschino earrings bags out there for obtain, ranging in price tag from &75 to $199. Their 15.4 inch Checkpoint Welcoming Notebook Bag fits all the TSA guidelines, allowing passengers to speed through airport security without worrying if their bag will make the cut. Aerovation designed their new line with the TSA and all TSA security screeners have been trained so they recognize the Aeorvation baggage and let them through the x-ray machine without any hastle. Mobile Edge has the new ScanFast collection, consisting of eight baggage that are checkpoint pleasant, and value $99 for whichever ScanFast bag you acquire. This collection includes messenger bags, backpacks, briefcases and two suede bags, one pink suede and one green suede. A nice feminine laptop computer bag is the ScanFast Onyx Checkpoint Welcoming Briefcase. This bag has some nice faux leather finishing moschino sweatshirt on the outside, giving it a stylish shimmer, plus it has the added advantage of zipping the carrier right through airport security. The storage areas inside leave a lot of room for such things like books, magazines, files, etc, plus it even comes with a removable accessories pouch. For the men, try the ScanFast Briefcase, which holds up to a 15.4 inch laptop, and still leaves plenty of space for smaller electronic devices such as an Ipod or PDA, and storage for files or magazines. The shoulder strap is padded for comfort. The ScanFast Backpack accommodates up to a 17 inch laptop, and the messenger bag holds up to a 15.4 inch notebook. Another company to check out is Skooba, who has the new Checkthrough line of checkpoint welcoming laptop luggage and sleeves. The sleeves range in price from $30 to $40, and the notebook baggage range from $130 to $190. The Checkthrough backpack holds up to a moschino iphone case 17 inch laptop computer and has lots of space for carrying all of your accessories, and is waterproof. Skooba even provides a clear zippered pouch that can hold all of the bottles of liquids for added ease at airport security.
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moschinohandbags · 6 years
Checkpoint Helpful Laptop Bags
So long as the laptop bag meets these necessities, the notebook can continue being within the bag although getting screened. Baggage corporations have been fervently churning out new checkpoint friendly luggage to support the brand new specifications. Aerovation at the moment has 7 new checkpoint welcoming notebook luggage moschino earrings readily available for obtain, ranging in value from &75 to $199. Their 15.4 inch Checkpoint Helpful Laptop Bag fits all the TSA guidelines, allowing passengers to speed through airport security without worrying if their bag will make the cut. Aerovation designed their new line with the TSA and all TSA security screeners have been trained so they recognize the Aeorvation bags and let them through the x-ray machine without any hastle. Mobile Edge has the new ScanFast collection, consisting of eight baggage that are checkpoint pleasant, and value $99 for whichever ScanFast bag you obtain. This collection includes messenger luggage, backpacks, briefcases and two suede baggage, one pink suede and one green suede. A nice feminine laptop bag is the ScanFast Onyx Checkpoint Pleasant Briefcase. This bag has some nice faux leather finishing on the outside, giving it a stylish shimmer, plus it has the added advantage of zipping the carrier right through airport security. The storage areas inside of leave a lot of room for such things like books, magazines, files, etc, plus it even comes with a removable accessories pouch. For the men, try the ScanFast Briefcase, which holds up to a 15.4 inch laptop computer, and moschino store still leaves plenty of space for smaller electronic devices such as an Ipod or PDA, and storage for files or magazines. The shoulder strap is padded for comfort. The ScanFast Backpack accommodates up to a 17 inch laptop, and the messenger bag holds up to a 15.4 inch laptop computer. Another company to check out is Skooba, who has the new Checkthrough line of checkpoint pleasant laptop bags and sleeves. The sleeves range in price from $30 to $40, and the notebook luggage range from $130 to $190. The Checkthrough backpack holds up to a 17 moschino iphone case inch laptop computer and has lots of space for carrying all of your accessories, and is waterproof. Skooba even provides a clear zippered pouch that can hold all of the bottles of liquids for added ease at airport security.
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waverlywoodsgreens · 6 years
Been a while....
It has been almost a year since the last update.  To me it seemed I was always sharing the same news.  So this year I will try to keep the content more concise and picture friendly.
Range Tee Update
Once again the warm season bermuda did not fair well over the winter.  I was holding out that it may make it and then the wet weather prevented us from making necessary improvements.
April 30th Photo below when tarps were pulled.
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Over the past winter the tee was tarped from the cart in the above picture back to the mats.
May 29th Photo
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Only the sprigged section form last year woke up and it was clear we had no more time to wait at this point.  On June 08th we harvested as many sprigs as possible from the back and the rest of the tee was overseeded with ryegrass. (to the right of the tractor in the picture below). The aerovator was used to crimp in the harvested sprigs.
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Next update will cover how the rain has impacted the greens heading into summer 2018.
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mysteryshelf · 7 years
Nexis (Tricksters, #1) by A.L. Davroe
Release Date: Dec. 1, 2015
Genre: YA Sci-Fi / YA Science Fiction
Published by: Entangled Teen
Goodreads Book Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21480858-nexis
Amazon Buy Link: http://www.amazon.com/Nexis-L-Davroe/dp/1633750175?tag=entangpublis-20&link_code=ur2&creative=9325&camp=211189
Barnes & Noble Buy Link: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nexis-al-davroe/1120919370?cm_mmc=AFFILIATES-_-Linkshare-_-je6NUbpObpQ-_-10:1
Entangled Page: http://www.entangledpublishing.com/nexis/
In the domed city of Evanescence, appearance is everything. A Natural Born amongst genetically-altered Aristocrats, all Ella ever wanted was to be like everyone else. Augmented, sparkling, and perfect. Then…the crash. Devastated by her father’s death and struggling with her new physical limitations, Ella is terrified to learn she is not just alone, but little more than a prisoner.
Her only escape is to lose herself in Nexis, the hugely popular virtual reality game her father created. In Nexis she meets Guster, a senior player who guides Ella through the strange and compelling new world she now inhabits. He offers Ella guidance, friendship…and something more. Something that allows her to forget about the “real” world, and makes her feel whole again.
But Nexis isn’t quite the game everyone thinks it is.
Redux (Tricksters, #2) by A.L. Davroe
Published by Entangled Teen
Published on March 21st, 2017
Genre: YA Sci-Fi / YA Science Fiction
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28220660-redux?ac=1&from_search=true
The domed city of Evanescence is in ruins. With nowhere to go, prodigy hacker Ellani “Ella” Drexel and a small band of survivors flee to the Undertunnel below their city.
To escape the wasteland she unknowingly created.
But sanctuary is hard to find. With malfunctioning androids and angry rebels at their backs, the group hopes to press on for the neighboring city of Cadence. But Ella’s chosen path is challenging…life-threatening, even. Worse, the boy she loves is acting distant, and not at all like the person she first met in Nexis.
But then Ella learns a secret…and it changes everything.
Ella knows she needs to turn back and make a stand to reclaim her home. She’s determined to bring a new—and better—life to all who’ve suffered.
Or die trying.
I sag to the floor, a shaking mess.
            Slowly, Quentin gathers the rope up once more, coiling it around his arm. Then he’s still for a long minute. I can tell he’s staring at me, waiting. “Elle?”
            I shake my head. “I-I can’t.”
            He crouches down in front of me, meets my haunted eyes. I feel him take up my hands, hold them against his chest. “You’re shaking.”
            Of course I am. I don’t want to die.
            “You can do this,” he whispers.
            Mute now, I shake my head again.
            “Hey.” Shifting both my hands to one of his, he reaches out with the other, stills my head with a palm to my cheek. “Look at me.”
            I do, only because I don’t have a choice. He has me trapped.
            His expression is calm. Serene, like the boy who shot my uncle in the head. I wish I could turn off like that, become cool and calculated and unfeeling. “I will not let you fall. You need to trust me. You need to trust yourself. Stand up.”
            Swallowing hard, I get to shaking legs. I don’t know how I’m going to go down on such unstable things. One is injured as it is.
            “Shoes,” he prompts.
            I slip out of my heels, let the cold stone touch my synthetic skin. It feels strange being on flat feet. I’ve grown up on heels. Without them he seems like a giant as he bends and comes around to my back, putting them into my pack as I stand like an idiot. Seeing that I’m being useless and silly, he bends at my hip and I feel him tugging my skirts. I wince as I hear the tearing noise of him splitting my beautiful dress from hem to seam.
            Four times, like Violet did with hers.
            And then he’s winding the strips around my thighs, his fingers passing in and out like butterfly wings. My legs go from shaking to jelly and I have to hold the wall to keep myself upright.
            When he’s done, he stands in front of me, stares at me, and frowns. After a thought, he unbuttons his jacket and slides it off his shoulders.
            I blink at him, confused.
            “Put it on.”
            I do as I’m told. It’s big on me, stiff in the shoulder from all the dried blood. It smells like him and the weight of it makes me feel like I’m being held. My fingers fumble on the buttons and he steps into my space to help, his knuckles grazing my hitching chest. The warm certainty of his presence disappears for an instant as he bends to retrieve the rope and then he’s back, tying it under my arms.
            When he finishes with the knot, he just sort of goes still, his body close to mine and me wavering against the solid weight of him. His fingers slide from the knot, inch up, flutter along my clavicle, against my neck. One hand slips back behind my neck and into my hair, tugging just slightly, as the other tips up my jaw.
            His breath is warm and minty as he breathes something that seems like relief, and if it’s possible, something about him—his expression, his body—eases me. He stares down, his eyes clear and true, and that melts me into his body and his touch.
            And then he’s kissing me again. And I’m kissing him. It’s just like it was in the aerovator during our escape. That heat, that familiarity. That instant awakening and settling inside of me—like a flock of birds and a lazy pool of molten heat exploding through my veins and muscles at the same time. That feeling like it’s perfect and sound. It’s everything I ever wanted of a kiss from Quentin Cyr before…before…Gus.
            I shove at him, step away from him, gasping. “What are you doing?” I demand. “You can’t keep kissing me, you’re-you’re in love with someone. I heard you tell Carsai.”
            Unapologetic, he grins at me. “Hmm, that’s something to think about, isn’t it?”
            “You’re a cad.”
            He shrugs. “You’re not scared anymore, though, are you?”
            Heaving in confusion, glaring in heat, I growl as I have to admit that no, I’m not scared anymore.
            “I’m not sorry,” he says, voice quiet. “I like kissing you.”
            Gritting my teeth, I march over to the ropes and pass them around myself as I saw Violet and Bastian do before. I shore up my grip on both ends of the rope and I don’t look down. To look down would be to see where I’m going and right now, I don’t want to.
            “Hey,” Quentin calls to me from where he’s standing, lifting the security rope around him as he backs his weight against it. I feel it tug a little against my chest, like he’s drawing me back to him.
            I pause, look at him even though I don’t want to make eye contact.
            “Go easy,” he says, voice like honey. “Just breathe.”
A.L. (Amanda) Davroe writes both YA and adult speculative fiction. She prefers revisionist tales in paranormal, romance, Steampunk, and fantasy. She is the author of Salvation Station (adult psych horror), The City Steam Collection (adult psych horror), For Your Heart (YA Paranormal Romance) and her YA Sci-Fi novel, Nexis, is coming out with Entangled Publishing December 1, 2015!
By day, Amanda lives in Connecticut with her two feline hench-creatures and makes cheese. She’s a terrible blusher, has a weak spot for cuddly animals, loves Laffy Taffy and Cadbury MiniEggs, and she’s a huge advocate of alternative healing methods. Amanda also wears purple shoes and corsets…Though not always in the same ensemble. She’s a Capricorn, a Hufflepuff, a bit gothic, and a few nuggets short of a Happy Meal.
Author Website: www.ALDavroe.com
Author Blog: www.ALDavroe.com
Author Twitter: @ALDavroe
Author Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ALDavroeFanPage
Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5212441.A_L_Davroe
Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/RBlXP
a Rafflecopter giveaway
FRIDAY SF & FANTASY – Redux was originally published on the Wordpress version of The Pulp and Mystery Shelf
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aeronuzlockes · 7 years
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From Grace 5.20 | From Grace cover | Next Page June 20th Next page features Lenora and John and Matthias and the Dragon Skeleton Scandal
Protagonist Charlie Elias-Hawes (They/them) Total pokemon: 5 | Retired: 2 | Deaths: 1 | Badges: 3
Active Cast Cheren Markham Jenny & Henry Plasma (i forgot their last names) Ghetsis Harmonia Looker - [name redacted jk i just haven't decided] Aria Krazy-Kaitie (Please go read her nuzlocke- it's honestly amazing) Author Commentary
Eyyyy that new format. So instead of a weekly schedule, I'm gonna do two pages every month on the 20th. It will be at least 2 pages. I want to do this because I kinda write in scenes and honestly it's meant to be read in one go... But I think this set up will allow me the continuity/pacing I prefer without making you guys wait a long time for an update. It also means I probably won't have as many issues updating on time. I will no longer compile and annotate chapters because 20 pages is a lot. It's also worth mentioning that I plan on redoing the prologue of The Fall because it longer matches the direction I want to go with the story and the epilogue as well (because I ran out of steam on it and because I need it change to lead into From Grace much smoother). So you can look forward to that and... Lowkey planning some badass Nuz art to get myself in the mood for it. ewe9
Anyway, Betty was actually retired... After I beat Lenora. And I was debating what to do with her and someone suggested that she end up with Ghetsis. And I laughed and I think they were joking but you know what I liked the idea. So I gave her an eyepatch. It's perfect. And yes, Charlie will eventually take Betty back. She's just too old for this travel business. That's all I got to say for now. Hope this month has been treating you well~ Aerover and out
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no-sxnctuxry · 7 years
V;; W I L D W I L D W E S T (Additional info)
Robbie Hawthorne -Robbie’s left leg is nearly completely useless due to a rifle shot he took to the leg when he was discovered to be a Union spy. However, due to some tinkering and group effort between himself and Hasley, they made a leg device that acts like a vertical crankshaft and connecting rod found on steam trains; allowing Robbie to move with almost no problem. Usually, the device is worn outside his pants for comfort reasons but only while he is at the Copper Disciple’s camp; outside of that he wears it under his pant leg to avoid attention to it.
Lionel ‘Razorback’ Lincoln -Razorback is still a bouncer at heart, and usually without thinking will pick up and toss out people causing too much trouble no matter where he is at. Especially when he is drunk. -Extremely close with Riley.
Riley Normandy -Riley is never far from Razorback, and vice versa. Lionel often acts as the younger’s mouthpiece, due to Riley’s unease with speaking outside of The Copper Disciples camp. Their voice is relatively messed up, due to years of inhaling coal and taking up smoking from the slightly older boys at the mine. If without Razorback, they will either refuse to answer anything directed at them, or write their answers if paper and pen are available. -Riley also does not do well in enclosed spaces, and will often stay on porches or out in the street rather than entering small buildings.
Kaito ‘Takehaya’ Hatake -His wife and son, Kaito, moved back to Japan only a short while ago; his wife Kyoko wishing to raise their son in their home country. Takehaya is still unsure if he wants to return as well.
Daniel Aerov -While Daniel does take care of the small farm of his father’s, he also acts as a personal assistant and nanny to both his father and uncle in order to make sure they rest up enough.
Andrew Thorwald -Andrew prefers being relatively left alone, and it is very rare to see him in town for more than an hour more than twice a week.
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