#aeron + seda
servtudes · 2 years
𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 for @vedritied​ ! 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 : aeron’s chambers , king’s landing — festival of matrimony
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aeron could say he was blessed to have his family. he could read his sister’s expression knowing full well that this caused her to worry. growing up, he’s caused seda all sorts of headaches with the trouble he gets himself into however this time it was different. when he first fluttered his eyes open, fresh from his jousting incident, she was the first person he saw — as expected. “hello,” aeron croaked. “who are you?” it was a bad joke and he knew better than to prank his older sister. there would be corresponding consequences to this and he was ready to accept them but he felt they needed a good laugh; a break from all this stress and worry his injury has caused them. “— i’m kidding! i wanted to see if my sense of humor was still intact.”
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tcmpest · 2 years
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╰      ┈      [  burak  özçivit  ,  40  ,  cismale  ,  he/him  ]  in  the  time  of  dragons  ,  altan  dayne  is  entering  the  game  of  thrones  .  said  to  be  levelheaded  +  calm  ,  we  can  only  hope  that  is  the  case  as  regrettably  they  are  also  well  known  to  be  withdrawn  +  stoic  .  when  asked  about  them  ,  people  are  always  reminded  of  a  valyrian  steel  blade  hung  over  the  mantle  ;  books  of  laws  and  histories  read  by  candlelight,  rain  outside  the  window  ;  the  calm  in  the  eye  of  a  tempest  .  though  they  are  the  ruling  lord  of  starfall  ,  their  true  loyalties  lie  with  the  house  dayne  /  martell  and  rumour  has  it  that  if  given  the  choice  they  would  support  their  family  above  all  else  .  those  of  us  in  the  shadows  wish  them  luck  and  can  only  hope  they  will  survive  what  is  to  come  .
FULL NAME: altan dayne TITLES: ruling lord of starfall AGE: forty GENDER: cismale, he/him. ORIENTATION: pansexual RELIGION:  faith of the seven STATUS:  married LOYALTY:  house dayne / house martell
FATHER: former ruling lord bahadir dayne of starfall, deceased MOTHER: former ruling consort vahide dayne nee sand of starfall, deceased SIBLINGS: lady seda yildiz tarly nee dayne, twin sister ( + hisham tarly, good brother ) ; ser aeron dayne, younger brother ; lady leyla dayne, younger sister NIECES/NEPHEWS: lady sirin tarly ; lord ihsan tarly ; lord adil tarly ; lady fairuza tarly CHILDREN: n/a SPOUSE: ruling consort myrielle dayne nee qorgyle 
altan dayne’s childhood was a lesson in extremes. there were expectations--for he was the heir, even if his twin, younger by minutes, had always had the better mind for politics--but there was freedom, too. that his parents adored him there could be no doubt; that his parents’ love for each other was not so simple was equally clear. emotions ran high in the palestone sword, and where seda learned to manipulate them, altan learned to shut them out--and so even the twins, alike in so many ways, were a lesson in extremes.
the first and only time altan spent extended time away from starfall was in his youth at the water gardens of sunspear. though stoic and reserved even then, altan was not unsociable; those years became a memory of idyllic youth, a sense of freedom and friendship coloring his reflections. but he was the heir, and he would never forget it, and when younger siblings came along they became his responsibility.
and this was altan’s way: his duty was his duty. there was no point in contemplating wants or dreams; they could scarcely affect his reality. and so he didn’t. he did as was expected of him, though he was quick with a sword and skilled with a lance and fond of the histories and sciences. those were not the pursuits of a lord-to-be. alongside seda, he helped to raise his younger siblings, even when still a child himself, bringing the structure that he so loved for himself and enforcing the rules that it often seemed their parents would not. never once did he complain, never once did he question.
eventually, altan became ruling lord in his own right. he mourned, as was expected, and then he ruled, as was expected. always rather by-the-book, he carried this attitude into his tenure as lord. but, despite their years apart, his twin had always been his constant companion and most trusted friend, and she had grown into someone all the more politically-savvy and brilliant. it didn’t take long for him to realize he needed to follow her lead in his style of ruling, and it didn’t take long for altan to rely on seda in this, too, relying on her advice even if it had to come by raven.
time passed. he married, he arranged betrothals, he learned to trust his own judgement. he slowly--so slowly--softened, even if only slightly. the realm became a pot gradually coming to a boil. altan, who’d scarcely left dorne in his life, began to rely on himself and his wife and those closer to home more than ever before. nothing, nothing, was more important than protecting his family, than keeping them safe from the violence that seemed to simmer just below the surface. now, brought out of starfall and into the fire, he will do what he must to ensure the daynes--and the dornish--make it out alive.
01. long-distance confidante : altan doesn’t love leaving starfall. he also doesn’t trust those outside dorne easily. that hasn’t stopped him from, somehow, forming a close friendship with this person. this would be a ruling lord/lady or maybe an heir, someone who also doesn’t like to leave their lands ( or maybe someone who doesn’t like to stay, his opposite ). they met in person somewhat by chance either when younger or as adults and maintained a friendship through letters for years.
02. childhood companions : people he grew up with in the water gardens! friends or enemies, estranged or close. maybe someone he once loved if we’re feeling spicy.
03. convince me : honestly. with how straight-laced altan is, he wouldn’t be that hard to manipulate if one went about it the right way. someone closely allied to any of the causes could be doing their best to sway him to their side--really, all it would take is convincing him it’s what’s best for his family.
more to come ! brain empty !
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perfervvidus · 2 years
last update : 07/11.
nb : things here are up to changing once i plot more.
much as every ball event, hisham did not partake in dancing, and mostly stayed by the sidelines, with his family and friends. 
the tarly children were all over the ball room, and when the chaos begin, hisham, his eldest child, seda, zahur and the daynes ( aeron and leyla ) gathered the four underage tarlys and alarra sand to get to safety. 
the joined family were already on their way to horn hill when news of the queen’s passing gotten to them. hisham had no personal affection for any of the deceased, but dispatched ravens for dragonstone ( for the king and the royal family ) and driftmark.
the dayne remained on horn hill for at least one month; aeron’s fencing injury had reopened and hisham tended to his brother in law himself. hisham’s main concern was getting up to date on horn hill after spending over three months away, and keeping his children oblivious of the mayhem happening away from them. 
once news of the arryn anihilation reached horn hill ( possibly with some delay, considering many of his and seda’s little birds were felled both on the red keep fire and the invasion of the vale ), he was horrified. he had already not been a fan of the dragons, and his anger about lucerys increased. he did reach out for aegon, secretly the prince of his choosing, concerned about his participation on the destruction, and kept correspondence for the following months, advising the prince in hopes his reputation wouldn’t be as tarnished as his twin and father.
overall, he remained in horn hill, as it was not touched by any of the disasters. leyla left soon enough with alarra, and aeron was only summoned away by the time the dornish - lannister engagement disaster happened. 
hisham was content his wife was not summoned, and there were brief dreams that seda would be dismissed and they’d be able to stay away from the dragons and their lords but after a lyseni merchant turned to be a long lost lannister plunging the westerlands into civil war, seda decided to go to the vale. hisham was not content about it, but couldn’t do much to stop it, as he, too, knew lucerys was not to be triffled with.
most likely visited summerhall now and then, claiming that the royal children and his own were friends, and he too holds fatherly affection to princess daella. if he was to be questioned about his lack of visits to dragonstone or the vale, it would easily be pinned on the longer lenght of the trips.
hisham went to highgarden himself to congratulate his liege lord upon the news of senya’s labor, but he arrived to the news of her death and the babe’s and had to offer his condolences instead. 
the tarly family were already on their way to new valyria when the news of the stark’s decision reached him. hisham most likely tried offering support during the winter, but as the warden of the north has refused, hisham has no business nor any thoughts on it ( other than the obvious: lord stark is a piece of shit ).
hisham goes to new valyria out of loyalty to his wife alone. he is not enthusiastic about any of it, and is highkey worried about seda, and most likely will try to coax her to retire. 
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vedritied · 2 years
for seda; who would you choose for your brother to marry?
❝  someone  from  the  riverlands,  the  north  or  new  valyria,  ideally  ...  it  is  a  pity  that  house  tully  has  no  unmarried  daughters  ...  i  suppose  we  might  consider  a  mallister  ─  they  had  been  in  discussions  with  house  dayne  a  while  back,  or  a  manderly  would  be  ideal.  house  redwyne  might  be  considered  ...  i  might  need  to  speak  to  lysara  about  that  but  a  seafaring  house  is  what  i  expect  for  aeron,  to  strength  trade  ties  for  house  dayne  and  our  allies  across  the  narrow  seas.  ❞
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servtudes · 2 years
𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 for seda ( @vedritied​ ! ) 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 : seda’s chambers , staerdale 
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he won’t mention it out loud but there was something comforting about embracing his sister. despite being towering over her and was notably twice her size, aeron found peace knowing seda was alright in this gods forsaken new keep the king built — or well, rebuilt; he couldn’t stay away from her for too long. aeron knew his sister to be more than capable of fending for herself however after the events that took place in king’s landing, not so far back, the lord dayne could not help but feel protective of her. “you can let go, sister. i promise i won’t be going anywhere.” he chuckled, patting her back lightly. “don’t say you’re enjoying this reunion a little too much.” 
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servtudes · 2 years
𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 : @perfervvidus​​​​​​ 𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 : balcony at the gardens, over looking blackwater bay
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the lord of starfall feared nothing — not even death. well, he thought he did and then his remembered his older sister, Seda. when she married, aeron did not think much of her husband. his only wish was for him to take care of his only sister. that, hisham did and so much more. he could only wish for a union as prosperous as theirs. aeron did not think he was grow close to his brother-in-law as well but here they were, sharing a wine by the gardens. the youngest lord valued the relationship he had with hisham, he was family — and closer to those who were blood related to him. “i hope my dearest sister doesn’t look for us,” aeron chuckled as he brought the goblet closer to his lips. “i will gladly take on her wrath for the both of us.”
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